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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 May 1971, p. 11

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Phone 1987-4213 1 -'*1 Set Miii1 Rate for Ciarke, Newcastie This. year-'s miii rates for Newcastle Vslage atsire; taxpayers in Clarke and New- 1108.7 mîlis for, residential an;ud castle have been set by theirlfarm property owner-s ;and respective councils in meet- 1122.5 milis for commercial ings' held the past week. land industrilal. Clarke: Township levies are Temjrim on te; 135.282 milis for residential budgets is school costs thiati and farm ratepayers and account for about 60 per centi 149.901 for commercial and in- 0-ýf the taxleis dustrisal. Orono taxpayers bwill e Newtonv.ille anid Kendaýl aÏssessed 139.«371 milis forlwill pay an extra miiii rate residential and farmi, and charge -1.460 and 3.144 re- 153.991 milis for, commercial spectivelv -. for street' light- and industrial. ing service in their Rreas. Gi Guide ,News Jhe al phi b ai lb3 Cl Newcaîle TheGuid jec tbooughly and well, - - . year is quickly -comiflg t10 e We dion't went you ta think sor -~ -. close and oistelme for Ihat Guiding is ail work, al- ( ' the girls, 10 complete meny of tbougb il does prepare a girl a their badge requiremenîs. 'lhe for' any challenge sh may Re Guides in Newcastle Second. meet in leter years, but, Ibisc Co. are energetically trying 10 season soon 10 come 10 a close o lie up all the loose ends; foi- lias been an enjoyable one for C exemple, one group 's ffiisn eveîyone. We most certeinly ais îng up their second class work had a wonderful lime On o-IrLa while enother group bas almost weekenid n Niagara Fells and wa completed ils ici cless re- what about oui taking part in an, quirements, and yet another the Bowmenvilie Santa Claus Q group of girls are working on Parade? Our float even got we specific badges necessery for honorable mention! We have of certain ewards in Guiding. been on hikes and cookouts, t You cen see therefore, il bas even had e winter weekend been and continues 10 be, a camp et Camp Samac, thanks he busy year for all these girls to Mis, Joan Rewes. We took R. and their leaders. In Second i the Sing-Out et Courtice Ur Co. the Ceptein, Mrs. Merg- Righ School and from the re- un aidt Brereton, bhas been most ports the girls enjoyed it veîy Fr foîtunate in baving excellent mouch. Right now we are In Ih and wîlling belp tbroughout trie throes of planning a week te the year. She did bave somne of summer camping et Camp - anxious moments when her Adelaide, Reliburton! This is Lieutenant, Mis. Rita Cherd, an expensive venture and tbe ~ bad 10 leave, but with the cep- the girls bave dclided 10 meake able assistance of Mrs. Valerie il a Company project so that - *~*~ -Rudmen, Mrs. Anita Jessup, each and every girl will be Mrs. Tine Vandersloop and able 10, go. The girls are go- Donaldi Tilîson, 14-yearil-oldi son of Newcastle Editor Mrs, June Jenkins tbe Com- ing 10 have e 20 mile Wlka- pany bas b-enrîunning like a thon on May 29th'and if any- ~Jr.Bruce Tilîsoni, was the lucky winnier of the new well-gîeesed machine. 'one reeding Ibis write-up -bicycleý, during the recent Becker contest. It1 was pie- You mey rot know il, but should lîke tcbelp (il will only -ented by store manager Vic Stewart, who is shown Guiding le cbanging - charîg- lake e phone call) gel in louch here c-ongr-a!tiiating the winner. îng 10 fit itself 10 the cbenging with a Girl Guide 10 sev you _________ ___ ______-woîld. The girls, et least, 'i will sponsor ber on Ibis walk. the Newcastle Company are Camping is e wonderful ex- enjoying the change because perierce and afler ah Ibhis is j.~ance ow they cen woîk on meny really wbat Guiding is ail ~badges on their own with the about - leaching the girls ta hel ofparntsor friendg. Soilive in and enjoy the great mary girls have earned s0 ouldoors. meny badges, il is keeping the As you cen cee, the New- Nlets $ 204frT P ber aptir busyeeig rcko csleGrlGidsare îln N ewcaîe_ - The Claîrkeiara Ploeger of Oshawa andrd hrahl. I iIbis o o okfo hs detr OineengClub held a high-1partner Neil Webster of.I0 belp ber witb orne badge- WON'T YOU PLEASE SUP-1 ly aucsfldance on Satur-iDownsview, Mis. Marilyn Wal- woîk, don't besitate 10 do so, PORT TREM? dà,y eveniing. While the t- Ion anid ber pertneî Roy Hop- t'utlrether remember Ihese tendance wesn't as good as kins, botb of Newcastle, ard badges are not given away, but tibey hed boped for, the club Mr. and Mis. Kennedy or that girl mustkrow ber- sub L br ry N ews Was weli bahcked by persons Couilice. The, beautîful door oL care ouI ae urge puicbasing,. tickets in their prize was won by Mis. Rendy boxes o ad u r re su1ppoit, but unable té attend McLeod, Bowmanville. 10 cli them quickly, lhey Newcastle: For your sure 4ecauise of previous commt The Club is pleased 10 re- bave been paid for in full mer enjoyment, the following rneents. port Iiat veý:S-$250 w'as renhiz- through Cub expenses and books have been added to the WeicmedaI he door by ed fro Sedysprojec, cnrol be returned now 10 Newcastle Library: Mr-. and i s. Fred Lweyand and wýisb 10 sncereîy îliank the cerd company. So, please Fiflb Business, Robertson' their daughter in lda, ýcouples1 Ihe mary învolved in making seli the cerds as the momey Devies; Fergus, Biler Moore; ivr esore i i r a]ote poe îth aised ie added 10 the imdi- Slrewberries Ail Year Round, weeesote tertals bs r alohe roeîsIeviduel Cub or Scout se'îgBe st; Man Ir A! Panama RHat, and sincerely lhanked for, Ibeir suýcce ss thalthtey bave been,Iemabispnngm eyK bl; Wnfoi, oy '~e~p n tendîng. Thýe "Aly ithisecil anks 10thent he lrp. Soe icar ki a- Ry was, 'ere etL their bcd, and local firemienwbovoluinteeredo h. tris. SWallopDvresF; Anid 4ircoloiful blue or red fiheir serviýcet 11)e darnce, The were pîickedl up onSeudy The Tigerpi Leeps, Beatle; ýi sor dr-esses added miuenCli Clae Orie-nleeiigu Club aref-Cabs not yet having Iheir i etr fCrmCrpel and an , in- fLýo-,n a n i[ose r, ra gehou- ma k the e r t 1 i -Laugn BBay La uigh, Henry;- at testg. leig vry1 nwtosovr ailin1Iearernefo:ikrgte p, Lagsislcr',s Folly, Benicbley; I cairnglie azTezdiywllh u wallzes oî~ryproud of thiem ard ex- Tecrdeb- î ernaGentlemen Players and Poli- polkas, moidem -nand squarel tend Ibeirbesl wislies 10 them week fîomi Satuidey.- ticians, Daller Camp; Public danrcing was enjoyedi the enire la tbeir mccl in Sweder. Mi. Edmurd Majei of the Enemny No. 1, Kerpis; Dcn't Cals" ar mbr o de Janan RrL-ly ors eNoth)e riLorysNewcastle Lions Club reports Move, E. Nicol; White Niggers evenrg, mbr s n o be"Lowy L(Edios ante) TheLoFrean added, Ireat 10 teke place of America, Veiliers; Gcner-F ry, Nwate Jim Lowry, difier by their rames by an just before the Fireworks Dis- e's Lady (Julie Grant), Flere- Os wa onsle ,Ohw e play on May 241h. The New- ing; The Mark of Cain, M. Osbaa; ohnDisey, shaa ""aed are rot ieieted, but lonville Public School Bard WlimBcle:Vnovr and Dorcen and James Lowery, both bave the equal inlerest - oW ipaycatgBici ol; Q. E. Vancouveon Kîrby, wilb Mec. Rensbcrry i h Oine<igCubwtiwill putonadslytrigEicNo; . VILei callirg tb the fiddlîn' of James Mr.nthear Mî's red lowcrit t3 p.m. Foi Ihose of you Urns; The Passions of bbc! Loer.having a daugbîeî, Georgira, wbo b aeneaad brd Ibf is Md, Iving Stone; Childien,j During the evening, severalard Mi. and Mrs. Ror Lowry bigleaeld gop o Wies and Other Wldlîfe, R' xpot darces weîe beld, wiîhlhaving a so o r sct youngsteis,. you wiii b Thomas Allen; Row People1 the winners being Mrs. Barb- rants 10 the Swedisb mccl. arxious10ealem gin Die, Aller Fry; The Thiorel and those of you who laven't of Seturn, Aller Drury; Thel scen or heard them before are Oi Barons, RîcherdO'Conner; i for a real treat. Corne Allantis, Robert, Ferro; Peg-ý early and choose a good place gy, Lois Duncar. 10 watcb the entire everfîng's _____ ewcastcelebratior. in your mail, Ibis week, sA E and ncwc broaceste, you will S oci'l and 9 )ers nal bave reaiizcd thal the 1971 ' "Hands" was the theme ofi Cersus is about te be taken oui UCW unit meeting bcld througboul Canada. TRerry et the church lest Wedresdey Newcaslle--Congraluiations find lots bo do wilb bis wir- Wade of Newcastle oeted the nigbl. Mis. Bob Craig opened to the Newcastle, Canadien rings. Congratulations,' mner and women on a pie- the worsbîp with a poem Sletesmar. Carrier, Donald Sîncere symnpalhy lsecx- Questionnaire lest for Cersus "Rends are funny thîngs", The Tilîson, wbo on Salurdey won presscd 10 the Clark family représentatives, and school for scripture was the story of the the boy's bikein the Becker's in bbe bs of their sister, these Census represenatlves Good Sameritan. The medita-j Milk Contest. The NNewcastle Mis. Myrîle Alice Little, who got underway Tucsday of Ibis lion was a lalk given by Rev. store is merage-d by Vie was buried Saturday in Shar- week, In Newcastle, 1Ibis Chuis Dugan bo a Kîwanîs Stewart, whio reports three nonville. year the aiea bas been di-,Cluib afewyeers ago. Severel other winners in Saburday's Simeere sympalby id also vided int thîce areas ïni- hymne were curg and bbe wor- conlest, Mis. Junie WlOf expresscd 10 Mis. Keilh (Mer- slead of the usuel two. Mis. sbip closed with prayer. Newcastle wbo wn a loaf 0f, hpe) Rogerson and ber fam- David Adams wiil be bbc ýMis. J. Ral gave a readirg1 bread a day for a miontbi, Gord iy for, tbc double tra'gedv C.R. in the aiea South of 401, about two air stewardesses on Gabriel, also of Newýcastie, suffered in their family lest witfl Mi. Howard Quînney Ibeir firet flighl. Mis, W, Craig wbo Won a brick of iceý creamn week. An aunl, Mis. Olive covering the aiea wcst Of sliowed us how 10 do bbe deef1 a day for e mnortb, and Jeff Alun, wes buîîcd in Oshawa Mill Street and the cadI sîde anid dumb alphabet on ber Troy, formerly of Newcastle, on saîurday and an uncle, of Mill Street beirg covered bards, Mrs. Farewell Black- row of Bowmanville, winning Ted Wright, wac buried in by Mis. Bruce Tillson. Jure burn gave e îeeadirg "The the quart of miik a day for a Toron to on Morday. isI is Cersuls Day-Court Your- World le Mine!" A- reading on moath. The Cancer Cempaiga beid self Ia. '*Prayirg Rends" was given by And a biggcr winner on recently wes succeseful, wilh isI Newcvastle Cube and Mrs. Gerald Shackleton. Mis. Saturday when the lucky 50- the people gcricrously con- their leaders, assisîed by Mi. Alan Stepher gave a short blk 50 ticket wee dîawn t e bc îibuîing 10 the 1971 drive foi Tory Ton, ejoyed e trip on on "Rumen Rends"' using bbc Bowmanvile Légion, wae Burt furds for bbeccontinuing figbl Monday te, the Bowmenville painting of the Lord'is Supper Mlvor wbo rot only- won againsl, cancer. $448.00 was Zoo. Teking aiong a box as ber theme. fuelt prize of $2,225 but was collectcd lesI mnoath, an ini- lunch, thcy scemcd 10 cnjoy Mis. John Coombes,' unit also bbc seller- of bis owr creese of $5300 over lest swapping goodie almosî asileader, corducted the business. ticket, wînning a fuither $222. year's cempaigm. The volun- much as lhey did feeding pop- The rofl call was 10 bring and The- father, of five childien, te, canvaseere fbr Newcastle coin tb bbc animale. There display something made witli we requie ertinBur wllwere Rta Chard, Betty Chard, wiii be NO CUBS rext Mon- oui bards and pîoved 10 be Doreur Cherd, Jean Rickerd, day, due 10bbch olda.veyinterestirg. CLB Neli Vates, Joan Aiison, Mer- Special thanks bo Myrs. Vin Tbe general meeting of St. LIONS CU gery Pallerson, Viekie Gray, Kent wbo drove ard Mi,. Ton Peul'sq for Jure -wîll lie beld S Nerda Hoogkemp, Mabs Barr, for bis assîclanc(-e. eat Sehlem cburcb on Jure 15. mn~ItD I Judy Hope, An Visser, Remember thab this Sabur- You are esked 10 cave your F IRELVV RU Dapline St. Amnand, Yvonîne day is the final dance of the good used ciothing as we will Pee.1l Mry Keapn, Madlcîmie scasn.Th,- Lions mmrs pibe 1packing e bale in July. OBJTUARY Mis. Mrl Alice Lilte of R. 2 SI-noniledied lai e Ajax ad PiCcering Ros- tel, Wdddy a 2h 71. Born in ecsleih a e a(ibr f tbbclaiIMi. i e ife nof Germet Franklini 111le. Shie lesurvwived 1by-ber -obblers 1Lewis and Aîhu lerk of Newcasle, and sist-i eq Mis. Cliaton(My Bur- y, Newcastle; Ms.Johni Raye) De!lvin, Bellevill1e; is.ý Lloy' d (e sie teph1en- nr, N'ewcastle:; Mis. C .Ccii nd Mie, »Raymnond i(Eilen) aid ofShnnvie She was ani active meiber * -te Holy Trinity Anglican 'hurch, Shanjnonville, and so a member of bbe Anglican ,adies' Guild. The deceesed as active in thie communily id was e metnber 0f the ýuinle Womnen's Iristitute as; el as the Ladies' Division bbcth Sharnonville Agricul- irai Society. Tise fumerai service was ild in the Chapel of the John ýBush Funeral Homne, Set- irday, May 151h aI 2:00 p.m. rider bbc direction of Rev. ýrank Bell and Rev. Devis. ntermnent Rîverview Ceme- ,ry, Sharnonville. a, Mis. Glen Blackburn, Mrs.f Gerald Sheekieton, Mies Ruibi Shackleton attended e shower-P for Miss Norma Rover, bride- to-be of Mi. DouiglasBlk- buin net fibehome of Ms Wayne Blckuin Oon. A riumber .fom bbc -i mnily a otbcnded Suniday ho Pau's iBwriic er sehol njocda bus trnp bt tbbc (,cics lin rrtols Saturdayl, Ma>'2,171 CASH REGISTER TAPE l C0UPONS SAVE EXTRA ,MOýNEY (ON OUr WEEKLY FOOD BILL. CWýzc th Bonus Coupons on the back of yourrw ae tapeL Added B nus -One wW'nk-'ipy Of groceriEs FrEe a2à Luoky Wner.(¾ c" more ,f nach coupon ncsayfor- re, demptton. Trhese couponPs wl eavlb in i4-tr~ store-, for A 2 week pç,-iod4 MARY MILES WUENERS 2-lb Vacuum Pkg A%41I Swift Premium Gradle "A",' Eviscerated, Vacuum r'ýu~~APSOwiSprRgtRAnSicýd Paký,De-atn,5 t. 10 Iba. average 'Lf 'K.K AI id oo lvcupg2 Buttrbal Trkeys lb 49< Shankless Skoulder Lean Butt Roast MaýpleL6f Super-Rght Qualty, Ready to Eat, Pienic Style, v, c n I n ~n 9 Pork Shoulders i49< 3 % ' Il rand Mapie LeafEulk, Beef &Pork l wBQ- kld lîe 6c k Sauisages lb653< (Boneless Ilb 49c) (Boneless lb 59c)C otag oU Halves r lb51-9c-Y It's Ail Pure Coffee Flavour Crowns Special! A& P Instant Coffee iC481ortins 4 Flavours rik 10 OZ. JAR >j* ede,.odeLa-eFlIC Del Mionte 19 fi;1 is Stewed jTomatoes Tuipl,2 cz tins b Yo M a ukon ClubPlsB. eo4 Ginger Aie 5 30-fi-orz btl599 Sok up At thîs klw pricel Plus btl.dpn"it FRPepsi-Cola ctn of 6 104-0z-e btls59f k Fresh Butked Tre uts ___ BONUS COUPON Cherry Pie fulI8-nch 24-oz pie59 Cl F:r 7Gon-SetRp DECORATOR SCOTTOWELS PahPe -k 9 fulI 24-or i eprgFl îtBs" P G0 9 REG 59C Jane Parker ý 2 ROLLS j7' Bran IYUTTiDS 3 pkgs of .UJ Sunnyfield Large Eggs 39c doZ.y Mrs. Bruce Tillson, Ectitor j -< A&P Canada Choice 19-l-oz tins Whole Whîte Potatoes A& P Canada Cholce 14-fl-or tins Whole Beets A&P Canada Fancy 12-fl-or tins Kernel Corn lona Canada Standard 19 f-oz tins Green Beans lona Canada Standard 19-fl-or lins Wax Beans FOMR R AT~ A&P Canaal: iChloice 14O-lor ffns Cream Style Corn A&P Canada Choice 1-4-fl-or tins Peas FORI 1 coupon per, family. Valid through May 22, 1971, with a iinimumr purh ase cf $5.00. Gcod only at A&P Food Stores. The Canadian Statesman, Bomanville, MaY 19, 1971iI Waltr Frnk eaI stae Zion (Hope Township _oý and ro Ms. Donaldf Gerow Tor 0tospetlaSI o n atiýurday afternoon with hie-ý Sa rts ast in 7 I Season mother, rsReph Gerow STVIG S OF 'THUlRSDAYi, MAY 13, 1971 Itr down Whyte'3 for thiri Hope and District Hospital. i W l T F A Pts. CGBl,[fit win of the season. DOugý Mr. Harry Raby, Stîrlingý.; Wi 0hes 222 1 5 43 iBickell struck the fatal biow - ndMr-sGeorge Rabr là i 3 1and famîly, Cornwall, spent- Freniks Vear. - 2 1 0 1 13 12 3 114 with e two run single in the last Sunday with relatives al, K iem1ps Fulý,ri, 2 1i 1I 0 15 12 2 1li sixth. Biekel and Ted Sel- Roseberry Hili. WhiyteBrs 2 O 2 O 10 15 O 2ý lowýs paced Kramp's with Mr. and Mrs, C. Menieilley>. Stephen Fuels 2 0 2 0 15 28 0 2 two bits each. Steve Parker bld heur famîly with them Dave Rfuse wo scaterdtssed a fine steedy game for for Moàtber's Day. by ery Bke the win. Terry Baker and Mrs. Lreo Titterington en/i1 WatrFrenk ileai Estate f Jive bits and fanned nine Up-!Dick Mcbean led the loserssorn Raymond spent several; roerd of t a aststet i hosteers witb two bits. MeLean rapped days lest week et their cot-. Men's Tn Leguesoftba,ýl 'John Kremp s- ý«ingird in the bis second, home run in as tage at .ack's Lake. action at emriiParkt- lestof the seve(nith innîngi meny.g e o ht'. Ms il em apair 0fconvincing w iii'. and c[score'd on George Angames o Wstae Ms. iozlanerm ond and, TheReltrsedged Wyesdes ground out to give e-, Frank s lied tosae M.IrzLnerofOhi. Upoltey -5en cub e feding champion Frank,'sicomeback to tie Bulis in thcir spent Wednesday wîtb Mi,. Ste'p'hen Fu1els 16-!1). 10 open Vaïiety the wîn over e garne batlle for second place. The a beýif geme(lea aead _of Krmap's; crew bya,7-6 mer- Varie ty crew was îraiîing 5-0 M\i. and Mrs. Cherlie eb Frn' Vrey and Elis gin. Ris blow was the only but erupted for ýfour runs * wereý in Fenwick, Sndy Shoes. ~~~bit off losing pitcher Cbuck trie fifîli and forced the bard iin ieavstre Ini other act1îin lest week,' Kilpalrick who pitcbed 42/.3 hi ttîg Shoumen to setîle for ,i deetSehns 12-5 innings of fine bail. Kremp tebi on.Rre c and tied Frank*s'sVeriety 6-6. peced Frank's wilb twobiste and Bilan Bradley hnad rmpsFurniture p, downed Kremp's outhil the winncîs two hbits eecb for Frank', Whfyte's 9-6 efler losingto18bu couidn't solve Her- wiie Euis' bits were- divided Fran's ariey 76. ey Webster's clulch pitching, among five bitters. Kelb An MieDon o g hupe, DeveHarvey lossed e fine gaiedronphd regm 9 /#fEi/, S;no,,wden anld I'aUl F[orsýey welking onîy îwo men in th for Frenk's while Dave So-~ p ~ ~ 4 paced Bulis to thuir win over seven innings lie workeci den end Paul Forsey w ýre!, Stephýen's wiLh two bIits eacb. Steve Parker ledl Kramp's equally Impressive on t.c Dave Snowden t(ossed a five- with three bits whIie Dave mo'und for Blis. hitter for thie win. Randy Wright and Laîry R-ollister Lest week's unusuelly coid ' Donoghue was Stepben's best, had two eacb. weatber et niglit quite po. collecting 3 bits in 4 et bais. Rot hîtling Curt Varistone sibly wes a determining feu Donogbue driiled bis fuelt continued. his hot billing for '1er in the hîgb scores and iow ~- bomer of the season in the lst Walter Frank as lhey siaughi ettend-ance et the bail park. inning. tered Stepben's. Venstone had The players and executive ci Curt Vanstone's ,ingle in four Mits in five trips to the 'the Men's Town Leegue are [tbe lest of Ibe 2nd inning plate and drove ecroas five iooking forward to the plees- drove in the tying and wi- runners to increase bis lead ure of your comoany et the Étt1_Y ring runs against 'Wbyte's in the RBI department to bell park every Tuesday. ,I~ and losing pileher Terry seven. Ron McLean bad lwo Wednesday a n-d Thursday ,L _ Baker. Venstone's bit wes the bits for the winners.. Denis niglit, ad will put forth 1r only base kr'ock off Baiker in Sullivan took the win for tbe ail out effort 10 provide yo the 4 1/3 innings be pitcbed. Reallors. Bob Abbott and with some fine enterlaii- H R E Mike Gilbooley and Lyle Nel- Jerry Feulie hd two bits eacb ment. Admission is free 1 1IP RTN son benged ouI other bits 10 for Stephen's. Lyle Nelson e silver collection taken dur belp pace tbem their opening elso connected' for bis firsi ing the evening. The fir-t OOO9350 gamne viclory., Dick McLean home run.0f the year. game starts et 6:30 p.m. and repped a, home' run forl Kramp's erupted for five the second game sterîs et ESSO HOME HEAT SER11i'3 Whyte's off winning__hurler runs in the lest of the sixîli 8:30 p.m. v

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