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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 May 1971, p. 12

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12The Canadian Statesmnan, towmauviile, May 19, 1971 MAore Than 220 Take Part, in Bicycle Roadeo BRUTLDERS' MEETING Last niglit i Oshawa, the Builders' Assis, for tbis dis- trict heid a Civic Night dinner at the Genosha Uotel that was expected to be quite a eontroversièI affair, m4th eiected officiais from munlcll3aities in the dis- trict Invited. While we'have no indica- tion what 'happened, the meeting was taped and wiJI bc eabiecast on channel 8 Friday at 8:30 p.m. and Tuesday at 6:30. BROI A big "thank yoju" fromi those canvassing for the gen- erous respouse in the recent Cancer Canvass in the com-1 munity. Congratulations to the re- cent bride aud groom, Mr. and Mrs. Steven Couch (nee Georgina Sinipson). Mr. and Mrs. Couch wiil be making their home in Brown's Sec- tion, having tLaken up res- a--, 1 celebriated his sixth birthday on Saturday by entertaining smme of his young friends at ,dence lai theý bungalow at thea party. north end of Mr. Simpson's Mrs5. Bessie Rupertvisited golf course. friends at Pontypool on Sat- Lst, Brown's Cubs and Scouts urday. wiil holdl a paper drive thisi Mrs. Sheila Stiles attended Saturday. Please have your abcwling banquet on Satur- popers ready for early morn- day night at which she was ing pickup. presented with two trophies.1 Somie local residents attend- MWr-. ChrIs Canniff andr ed the NDP dance at New- daughiter fron Belleville, vis-, castie on Saturday night. lited Ilast weekend wvihberý Master J oe il Thonipsonisister, Mraýs TaIsoea. On Saturday morning, the annual Bicycle Roadeo .for puiblic school pupils in Bowmanville and Darling- ton almost overloaded facilities and staff at Courtice Secondary School. There were 221 taking part, a great inraefrom last year's 140. The event'was sponsored by Bowmanvîlle Kinsmen Club, Roy Nîchols Motors, Oshawa Wood Products and Glen Rae Dairy who sup- p lied free chocolate milk. Accident Prevention Officer llurray Joynt of the Ontario Provincial Police was ln r-hargel, assisted by Kinsmen, school teachers and par- ents. Top photo shows the winners ln the Primaryl Class, Girls» lef t to right, Patti Goodman of NotM Courtice who was not present for the picture. Her, trophy -vas accepted by Carol Baron, Connie KnightJ of Central, and Darla Reid of Central; boys, JeffU Zabudsky of Hampton who won the major school-tro- phy, Chris Robinson, Mitcheil's Corners and Eric] Dykstra of Central. Kinsmen President Kevin Chip-ý man presented the sehool trophies in severai pictures.j. Juniori-ys Scott Nicholas, and Stanley Maguire, Bunker, Mitchell's Corners, who won thse schc( North Cour:tice(, Larry Lynch, Salem, who was the for this class, Cathy Cross, Maple Grove yvinner of a three-way tie for third place; girls, Sandra Shannon 'Long, of S. Courtice. GAmRDEN TOOLS TOUGH CHROMIE PLATED BILADES WITH MOULDED GRIFS and CENTRE HOLE FOR EASY ISTORAGE 69c each FEATURE 19 SET 0F4 SPACEMAKER STEEL SHELVING IUnits lui black with avacado finish Easy t;> assemble - SPECIAL IDouble Sink Special Stainless steel with ledge back, with 3 or 4 hole. Complete with strainers and crumb catcher. -~ ~~M ------w97 * REG. LOW PRICE $4695- Il SAVE EVEN MORE V. PIL NSpecial $42.25 ' j MOSAIC TILEBOARD *FOR BATHRI'OOMlS or WITCHENS 1" squares of gold fleck 1 < IR , vvit 4-(und. 4' x K sh(eets M188s1ee. SAVE AN EXTRA 10% OFF OUR LOW EVERYDAY PRICE ON CUPBOARD BASE UNITS COMPLETE WITH ROLLED EDGE ARBORITE TOP READY TO 4' LONG ... $ 59.99 PAINT 6"'LONG ....89...00. SEOR STAIN 8' LONG ......... ........-$1 19.00 PORTABLE BARBEQUE HEAVY GAUGE STEEL, 18" grill, adjustahie heiglit, folding lelgs. Ideal for home, cottage, pienics .. TRELLISES - Clear Pine FlOR STAIN OR PAINT 8' Fan Type $>Actl9each 3.15 to 3.65each iREADY- TO -ý FIN'ISHi FUR NITU RE IDEAL FOR HOME OR COTTAGE SELECT QUALITY SOLID BIRCH AND, BIRCHî VENEER, IN ATTRACTIVE DESIGNS.' 4 DRAWER CHESI FEATURE VALUE 5 DRAWER CHEST FEATURE VALUE-- SINGLE DRESSER - 3 DRAWERS FEATURE VALUE ------- ----- -- MATCHING NIGHT TABLE FEATURE VALUE --------------------- Plus Many Other Styles BooKCASEFs - DESKS - ETC. (Avaiblie OnIy ni Warebouse Lumaberlandç) OUTSTANDING SPECIALI ARBORITE TOP TABLES Complete with 4 ready-to-finish tapered legs. Interlnedaes: Boy, Atthur Grant of Mitchell's ter of Central andi Glenn F7allis of Lordc Elgin;tir, Conr ad the Grad ,ig total for the roatco wt Tracey Kîing, Lord Elgin, withi the ROY Nichols' trophy,! e total of 195 poits out of 200. He received the Oshawa presented by Lou Phillips, Carol Forrane, Vincent ýWood Produý.cts trophy from Wally Pitt, Michael Fos- Massey and Louise Gruytersý of St. Joseph's. I , ,-r Seniors: Boys, Randy Fox, Dan Connelly and years, won the seýhool trophy; Tracy Ann_- Horrocks an id Go(rdon Kn"Ïapp, aýil of Ontarlo St.; Girls, Wendy Hoy Nancy Verbrugghe, al of Hobbs, with Mr. Chipmap ýf M J. b, whoh en a cla!ss winetr for three making the presentation. V 11 E R 7, for rd officer (bis first gold", stripe) and has reporteti foi~ duty ahoard ship at Antwerp, Mi~. andMrs. llod LV ER TBelgium. oM.Mr Sinson' dent tif this commi unîty,< vio s;anti55.2In C grtliostMM- t-a ýTi Mrad M.U Lrne Mcý- Wio passed away this, week.lthe 400 metre by iproving rinu Brown of RR. Bethanyl Kee atendet the 5th. Wed- She was predeceaseti by bus-Itise previous recorof5 byfl iniga n-Jt ni- dng Annîvrsary ceýlebrations baud Bob sud oly son John.iaimnost 3 sec. Doug aiso wonsligis at a recent draw iseld U1 of mmbr)f thie Huntîng She la surviveti by oee bro- tise broad jump anti is cur- in Lindsay. Presume snow- Clubto islh tey elog, tser Mr GergeHeaicfrently th~e leader ute ae mobiiing will be a ittIe, hieit in Ohw on Sa,ýtu1rday Nestieton, and several grand- for champion for Sr. boys'sctcyframniorw. evenlng.ciiltiren. iiv isison. Congratulations.1 On Sunday, Mýr. and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. H-arvey MalT-1Deug. Apparentiy winuing1 APPROVE ClrecePage, Mr. antiMrs. colm anti Mena atteuded isethese brief sprints with a 3-i C.S.S. EXPANSION Floyd SItin)son anti M1r. anti tap dance anti batontwirlinglieggeti deg worked wontiers Courtice Secondary Sciso) Mrs. Don Brown atteedth ie recital put ou by Mrs, Car-i in tise way of precontiitioniug. -wiil be gettiug a new atidi-, Gýrand( Opening cf "Ontario men Bell anti ber pupils i On Saturday tise Lindsay tien te its library resourcei Place." Cobourg West Collegiate on contingent wipedth ie siateý ceuter. Congruins te Mn. Gr- Saturday eveniug. clean aithtie Grif fin reiay T he addition, approveci a i eHfa tetter wherpcenly Congratulations te two cfiwith 20 higi scshools partiel-iduring a meeting cf tish .D r~uce~fli cmpctd i15 eur Manvers students attend-! pating, accumuiating t hi e Counties Board cf Educte :rd yer i Uieritof a ing L.C.V.I., who set new re- greatest aggregate ot points1 sui Cobourg on Tisursday, will fourt--ertrm equalifY cords ln tise fielti cf athletics< cf ail. Well doue, Lindsay. provîde 3900 square feetý him to e odailud as, at tise recent track meet.I Mr. anti Mrs. Terry Mai-Imore space te tise center, Unitet Churi miister Mi-ssHeather Green cf EBetis-loolmn have moveti into anl It will include space fer Mn.ani rsArt Rowan anyiý broke tise Sr. girls 400 prtment previously occupiedi about 40 more study carda M atteutieti a co'venion i 'er record witis a time of bya Terry's Aunt Ida Taylor. !for tise students, for thr-ee, Thsmer ey My 1-15. 743seconds (previeus record Mr. anti Mn. Fred, Staceyiseminar roonis, ene audio- Mn ni rRlpsPol17. seconds). Congratulations! ai girls attended tise wed-1 visual room anti for a librar- leave this week for a moter i(> Douglas Hamilton who aliding at Kingston or Fret's ian's office ant i lbrary werk- tnip teSamo0Ams B Ci5 set, new records in tise Sr,1 nephew Mr. Dvt Merrick rooni. wher Raph'sreltive lie. beys lu tise 100' metre sprintl te Miss Aune Davis on Sat- FuIJ detaila Of tise cost of, Sypah l etnd i e lu11.4 seconds (12,6 seconds urday. May IStis Pleaseti tto1-ise udertakiug are net rltvsant ifrientis cf Mrs1i. prcvîouua); iu tise 200 mette, brar tisat Jsm) Stacey hRs knowu,, thougis it is expectet ALberta Wnsht. a foLre r-i wsi 23.6 (2U, seconds pre-isucces.sfully passeti bis exams it will run tu about $150,«-0, ,;A REMINDER . MAY COU1PON ENTITLES YOU TO 5 FREE CEDAR MATERIALS. PLUS JMAY BONUS COUPON TO BUY 2 AT 1/2PRICE. * ST1ONE CHIPS FOR GARDEN LANDSCAPING $ 9 50 LB. BAG ......................... PREFABBED (EDAR FENCE 8W SECTIONS READY MADE CONSTRUCTION CEDAR, 4' H1GH WITH 2" OVERHANG. AT TOP AND 3" OVERHANG AT BOTTOM. 2" x 4" CROSSERS AND 1" x 6"* x 4' UPRIGHTS ON ONE SIDE. 8' SECTION - 15.3 9 each 4"x 4" x 9' C EDAR PQSTS $2.34 Cash and Carry I ~EXTERIOR PA INT ALLONTPREMIUM QUALITY WHITE LATEX FORMULATED TO PROTECT FOR YEARS DRIES IN 20 MINUTES SPFCIA&L Ê$4.99 gal. DOWNTOWN OSHAWA BLOGR ST. EAST+ OSHAWA WOOD ftOOUCTSI POSTS ON PURCHASE 0F $100.001 OR MORE FENCE GALLONS 0F STAIN ANDI OBTAIN A THIRD GALLON GARAGE DOORS PR1MED HEAVY GAUGE STEEL, SMOOTH NYLON ROLLERS ONE PIECE 8' wide, 7' high . - 9' wide, 7' high .. 16'wide, 7" high .. $ 65.00 $ 72.89 $149.95_ SECTIONAL 8' wide, 7' high .... $ 85.00 9' wide, 7' high ....- $ 91,00 16' wide, 7" hioh . .... $204.00 ALLONT FIBERGLASS 'PANELS Green Only 26 x 8'......... $5.95 each ECONOMY PVC PANELS Green or YeIlow 26" x8' - $1.99 ecd r ~ FIX UP WITH SAKRETE PRODUCTS Concrete Mîx 90 lb. bac ..... ......... $1.90 Mortar Mix 45 lb. bag ...............$1.35 Black Top Patch, 80 lb. bag ....,............................... $2.40 Black Top Sealer 5 gaIs. ......................... $7.98 WAREHOUSE LUMBERLAND OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY TILL 9:00 WAREHOUSE LUMBERLAND SPECIALS ON THROUGI MONDAY MAY 24TH 'Z« BOND ST. WEST I andi SHOWROOM- DOWNTOWN OSHAWA WAREHOUSE LUMBERLAND il FEATURE 59 VALUE $59 Rectangular Wall Styles each 34,60 each 41.50 each 34.60 each 18.25 I I I OPEN SMON., MAY 24 at Warehousej Lumberland ONLYE COURTICE YARD and SHOWROOM- 7811 $20,000 TRACK FOR F,111. The Bowmanville Hf i g h School now under construc- tion may be g-eting a nrew running track after al. PThe item had been taken out Af the budget a fev, mnths ago and monies placed in a 'con- tingencies fund'. The United Counties Boat-d of Education, meeting in Co- bourg, iast Thursday, agreed Io reinstate the running traCk 'In thse conittransd set fun?.., aside for it, constructioni. Tise mut-$,O.

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