TYRONE T~CndaiSae~n omiiI,~yI~17 T ,rone Chuchse-war-is clogl 1the armLualcava and discuszs the otomg sale, The tai (to date) for the calivasis ver thirtneen hun- &u red dollars. Plaýns er made k )1 r thie rumma.ge and h akeL K wvith i Ciff Pethnick as aur>- Ilner.i s hoped that mem- bers a h omuiywill go RIllotmake this sale ,a suicee The mooitly meeting of t e -;waFIhld (at the hiome of Mrs. RP Laimbert with 17 ladie2S and 0onegenýtlem-an pr- set r.A,.1. Ro9 a - penied the mneetingP with thoughts I of "ýHome -and Fmi" iue of lAst m ee t jng were r ea1d andt'O rrespond (en ce. Mrs. Aà Knwto ave !thctreasur- er's report andreee th coffering.MR, R Davey re- rorted on tle foster child we are to sponsor. We are to helpe wi'th the aucýtion sale Jupe ; %M l2tb In the church yard. it was oved that we have no bale this year, but ta leave articles at churchvs!u~ suuh as me's boots end cloth- mrg for Men's Hostel, Oshawa; ï' Tuck Shop, stuch a;s books, fançy wde -bats, purses, cas- tuame jeweliery , ribbons and pretty handkerchiefs. Whitby Hospital and Ontario Hospi- Ç tai, Whitby, also books or 3aga Zie for Bowmanville -" j IÏ H-opital. For further inf or- mation cail Mrs. A. J. Hoar 963-2582, or Mrs. W. Park 263-2309~. The worshi-ip service wivs taken by Mrs. A. Rich- r ards, followed by a skit by IVrs. G. Brent, Mrs. J.,'C. ~ Cook, Mrl. Edna Woodan Mrs, Richards, "'St. Pet'er Look at Me". The guest r ml n sipeaker was Rev. R, C. Rp kins, H-e spoke on LaScie in e ar Newfou._ndland1, one of b~ise>X first charges over 40 years cT ago. Trefailles are re- iddthat the annual sub- scription ta The Unlted 1eqrin ,o Ç-hurch Observer is now due.Al'e New members are urged ta 4 take this church paper. Please -n î contact Mrs. J. C. Cook who Thl e gadto receive your V The,0 Julne meeting will Polt r b yr l'e held at Mrs. Henry Stain- ton's, June 9th. Meeting clos- ýNY ed wîth _Benedictionan i a- e and soc-1 nnta ial hour Tyro, Sigma C nd leaders Dwayne Taylor, Mr, A. Knowlton and Glenn Rundle held their Father and Son banquet in Tryrone Commun- i yHall on Suniday evening4"4 wýhen around 50 attended.Poo Mr. Walter Pitt, principal of Sauth Couritice School and also a Tyro leader, was guest c e n spDeaker. Ail enjoyed 2 car naclng films, making an ev- ening of feliowship together. lyr Conigratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Clifford eou]d who-cele- 'ahbewr ntroYs brte heir 25th wedding ecouri4. ,pivesry May l5th. M.and Mrs. Gene Roberts an.td chldren, of Chattanooga, lenn_ msent a few days wvithp A rmother Mrs, Tom Pil- lips. Her sister Mrs. Johnte Vivian and chidren returned C t o - homewith tberafor a holiday.ï,PANlr Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Watson,1?Ç Orangev1lie. spent the week- Fnid with ber sister, Mr. and PITD Mrs. J. C. Cook. Mrs. Annie Hatberiy bas i-eturned to ber home after rpending t.he winter wlth her 17 tsgsvdsldýhre sons and wives. C Mr. and Mrs. E. Hardy,,'A E3owmianvilie, were Saturday ;upper guestg of Mr. and Mrs. Ç. .Alldread. Mrs. Eva McCoy' returned e r K tc -e 1 hiomie on Sunday after spend- Ing two weeks wîtb her ' granddauighter and husband and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Roy jo ferd rne o Atcheson, Weston. desiïns and colours. Apro.1"x2 . Mýr. Doýg Dewell, Hampton, Mr, and Mrs. J.oe Snowden anid famlly, Slina, Mrs. Mar- ion Davey, Elaine and Garth, ý Enfield, Mrs. B. Pleasance, g Alilsto.n, Mr. and Mrs. John Pleasance, Pontypool, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. e and Mrs. T. Pleasance and ebiren. Mrs. Merton Mavin and ic 'n Q d sons, Oshlawa, visited ber mo- ........ ther Mrs, Edna Wood. A speedyre Lver taHMrs Mr tnCroal woi heIO~ IUIyItVUU~dl olourful printec inen tea towes-aprx teacher i the Pine Ridge the group. Sizes 10O to 18.c SChool, Bow-manville, gave a A m45Shift i'-*- ---iandSave f*'- ou 17 x very interresting chalk board oVy ~s hir ts-4:uSmo ev :, u ~ouu-3" talk. Ris pictorial story l pr SiinAK tA ~ KIVEl bis 'Viney-ýard" whîch spe!l-sprPooSîtLA G A OR botind the aId and young 1 alk.M.Doug Dewell of RS.002 91. 9s 1t i Si~rO~&CtO1i>Vs3teIl Hampton was guest pianist, Fashion-rght navy blue jeans made c 88 r1 0 widwih irnMr. acqelnestyles in âmsrted ey.crmfabrics and colourful Vaneyk ai the organ, Mrs, long-wearingi 10 oz. cotton whiite backsotlee Prarssprtbïui1ý1 ,loyd Siemon at the' piano denim. Sizes 7 to 13. Buy now and save! Short sleeve, Perman thePress sport shirts InBEACas- for the, choir, and Mrs, Wal- sre atrsadclus nte oosît ing of the chiidren. Many Net illustrated: Colourful srtd aters n clors Kitedploshrt L "' ieSaLinhrup akacvnt thans hoail ho cntriut- OPS n asorte prited ANThave short sleeves and crew neck. Plain ribbed of this specIal v1eueyu Walker's Option cd thir talents ta making 12t 8 pca ucae4~9ecsye nd assorted chest stripe patterns. Charge 1I.4 our anniversary service one ta remember. GET CASH TODAY THROtJG» $TTEMAN m5,h,0 -uNaALUILUL 2 -5 5 CLA SS F JEOS 5tKING STI.C.P WA YU M ]Phone 623-3303