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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 May 1971, Supplement, p. 1

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'THE GREAT -OUTDOORS -, SUPPLEMENT 0F BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WED)NE3,SDAY, MA'Y 19, 1971 Enîoy the < Great 'OutcIoors 'PAGE ONE it!s ail Yurs.. impures ime cece knoew how 1*o yen euvéthm.Ths peia T iningAbout Gît oating -Here'S.H Thr-nking about getting into hoating? Be\ýildered hyý the problem of choosing between prams,' dinghies, - runabouts, cruisers, houseboats and saiboats in a The' ohnsoil people offer the puzzling variety of sizes, shapes, coloÈs, materials and, following clues for îdentify-, of course, prices? Frîghtened by your friends and* ing qualified, reliable dealers. neighbors salty.'talk of burgees, flag codes, rules.of thie reputation 'with customers noad navigational calculations? good selectîin of top qùality Don't be. national and- negional brand tnamne products,- good parts and-. Giettîng started, ight lin boating is easy if yau -f irsi ?ervice facilities. asic yoursel f a few simple 'questions and then> seek Tdke théè answers to, your. advîce from experîenced boat owners àind a qualîfîed personal boatîng que9tions-ta, marine dealer. The Johnson Matons News Bureau sug- these> qualified marine dealN gests that bef ore you, shop for% a boat you and your ers and they will get yorj stant- famly'nsw'r týe ollwingquétin.,cd ight in boating whether famiy aswe th folowig qèstnsryou need a 12-foot, car top fish- 1. WHY DO WE WANT A BOA T? For fishing? îng boat with a 2'/2 h:p. au'- CruiingWate skingboard, a racy ski boat'wîth an, truiingWatr sking?' ~horse engine,"'or àn ocean- 2. W EREWILLWE SE OR BAT? n, a'stallgoîng cruiser or houseboat 2. WERE ILLWE UE OU BOT? O' a smaith a pair of 125's, lake? Large lake? On a river? In the ocean? Nal i' odmrn 3. WHO WILL USE OUR BOAT? The w'hofe famiiy? dealers aore enthusiastîc 1 boàt- ers themseives. .They want Guests? The children? Together? Separately? Ail at y., to get started. right in once? boating because they know' that, people who start righit' 4'. WHEN WILL WE USE OUR BOAT? On 'wek isuaily becomne loaters '(and ends? Summer vacations? For day cruises? For long,àood customers) for lî 1fe. trisDaiyTheré's a good chance thate i'youý arç reading this Yo0. .5. WHERE WILL WE STORE OUR BOAT? *I n the jwèee cof the" 44 million wha1 garage or yard? At our own waterfront slip or boat went boating in 1970. house? At a marina or yacht club?î If not, and 'you'e eein the t i ge,,read the adviýe giv - » .UO MUCH CAN WE AFFORI) TO SPEND? or e at 'the start of ti aricl the boat and mrotor? For a trailer? For fuecl,>'stora'ge-,( and in how ta oinr in 1)hqt' theý Once' you've -answered these' questions your chances Boatîn ha'- big boo5t t of getting started right in boating are greatiy the national 'economy witli impi'oved ' neariy '3. billion doilar.ý cire But before yo.u aetualiy start shoppîiîigbake a gaod culatig atrod i.ý f laok at the types af boats that 'are mast p9pular on the wa tici3.patircrentnd1970. waterways where yau wîll do. most of your boatîng. createst increase came 1ranm Talk ta friends, neighbors a'nd even strangers. the mniddle-aged group - the family groûp . What CamersCnD ToHepLav Evionen How to Set Your SîghtforAcurc Hunten sights-in hîs Winchester Model 70 rifle (centre) and makes the necessary adjustmenbs on hisi tuising a 4X Weaver scape. First, he fires at tanget ta scope. establish a point ai impact (left), checks the nesults Every big game buntcr samne for eacb. bath elevabion an'd windage. Justments, moved' by 'meansl -knows bbc value of makiflg On mosb guns, ail adjust- These are in the fonm af clicks of knobs or dials, whîcb înay1 certain bis rifle is propcnly ments are made in tbc rear that are calibrabed in terms of becicked to the quarter'- s ighted-in before ie takes ta sighb. Open iran sîghts are fractions of minutes of angle, minute or graduatcd in oe- bbc field. Hawcver, this im- adjusted for elevation by us- One minute of angle is span- minute termas. portant aspect of sbooting ap- ing a sep-cut elevabor sîide, îned by anc lnch at 100 yards -In sighting the rifle, it hs peans very complieatcd and cacb step maving point of and the sights are "cîcked" at wise ta steady it on same sort many hunters would rather impact rougbly six inches for intervals of anc-quarter ai a, of rest, such as a pile of sand- take . a chance that they Wili each 100 yards of range. Cor- minute angle. Therefare,, one bags or even the hood of your bit their quarry than take bbe reeian for windagc (righb or click would produce an ad- cr iefrtfo hr ime ta set thein sigbbs prap, left) is accomplishcd by tap- justmenb of '% inch at 100 cisane frstcfhrm athort el.But, the pnocess is quite ping the sigb's dove tail base yards and four clicks wauld ditstance ita sec n he tetl simple. sideways in its noth with a be nceded ta make a correc- and make bbc proper adjust- Rilesibt fal itothcebrssbame.tion ot anc inch at 100 yards. ments. You are now rcady ta classes: open iran sigbts, pecp These adjustments are simp- Scope mounts wofk in Pr e- Imovie hack ta 100 yards or ordpertu1re'sights and teles- Ile, bruinneir pnlisl iemcw y oothe ve' Iurther assurcd thati cpesigbts, and tbc priociples tuý e sights which are design- process is even simpler. Thèse ooiy nelatively small nefine-', i~iovdin sightng 'are the 1cd with scxew adjustmernt3 s 'ghbs contain internai ad- ,ments wil l ?p needed. Are You in As Good Shape As, Your Car Should Be? It's one thing toget your car in good condition for that vacation trip. t's equally important to make sure you are in good condition - bcth physicall1y and mentaily - for'- those long, hours behind the wheel. The foltowîing are suggestions on makiig sure your trip will be a safe aone as welI as a pleasant one, *If you are tired, stop drîing. Pace yoitiself; apply common sense. *Eat lightly to avoid s1uggishness. *Don't rely on drugs or pis to prevent dr 'owsî- ness. Keep something handy to chew. Light snacks help keep you alert. * If you are drivipg alone, talk, sing, whistle or play the radio. This also keeps you alert. . * Neyer drive more than- three- hours wi thout ,stopping for a streteli or a dup of. cof fee. * Avoid drîving at a constant speed. By varying your rate of travel slightly, you can help combat "highway hypnosis." * Keep at least one window or ventý open for a steady flow of fresh air. FOR TUE ROAD, *ReIy on reflectorized road markings for visual dlues. Use lines. to keep "to the right" of roadway, speciaily on two-way roads. * Keep glancing across the road surface between. centre and shoulder lines to keep eyes alert and functiohing properiy. Don't focus your vision on a single liglit or Ene ahead. This tires eyes. * Drive slower at night ta compensate for darkness. Mare and more famîlies are raamin g the Great. Outdoors t and. fînding' thd type of xiehicle to' match their carefree> l'iving neecis. Spec ial camper prckup. %mod= pls,- such as Intennational's 1210 (right); off er families rugged.abiity and ridin-g comf ort. The Scout Ahl Wheel Drive sponrt/uhlity' vehicle, (lef t) cantributes ta the mood of fun. pnaviding power and -easy'handiing whether' towîng a small brail-' en or exploring backraad brails." ' "Loyers of the Great Oui- states and provinces as well strewn on the ground. H0 cloors shouid recail that truc as the federal ancj provîn.cial takes his garbage'awây. in an love icouires Give as well as governments regulate 'camp- arpite cniner-and Take,' says a top afficial of ing. These rules vary, soa apporae.cnanr International Harvester Com' novice' camper's .fîrst step discards it at a refuse station, pany. should be ta acouire anc of 'Tbouglitfiainapei" Intrnaionl i a eadigseveral good campwîg' guides Inentoa salaîgavailable, The 'tlioughtful, carnPer manufacturer ot vebîcles' ton avaîds causing. soil erosion. recreational use, inciding "A camping guide. not only Open fines, for'exaniple, leàve camper pîckups, Travelail sta- lists sites -'whene recognizéd a permanent ring on thé tion wagons for trailer-tawing, campgraunds may be found.. gnou-ad, destraying the grass Scout Ail Wbeel drive sport! lb alsa iists 'régulations, any --and leave an open invitation utiliby vebicles and chassis fees, and stations fan refuci- ta further earelessnjessb h for motor hames. ipg batbled -gas containers and next camper. . sbýth Richard C. Bakkom, in disposal of wastes. "The necreational vehie i&5 charge of ligbt truck' sales,'-"Second,' when passible use iirtendcd ta be a boon' ta .famn- bases bis stabement on Inter- the listed campsitcs. Tbcy're ily contect withî bhc Great national s interesb in the prap- locabced and planned ta do the Outdoors," Bakkom "notes. er use of its vebicles. best job af providing for yotin "The dri'ver who- ,"At International Harves- family's enjoyment wibhout wheeis and leaves ruts ini the' ber, we have donc aur best 'ta adycrsciy affcctînig the ceai- soul is mishandling' bathc hi&' pravide vehicies that offer Oegr of the Great Outdoors. vebicle and bis raie i the maximum poiiutîon- contrai as "Thîrd, if you select yaur 'ecalogical cycle.' mwu weil a$ outstanding service own campsite, off any ,desig- remembçýr.that parking a truck and' reiîabîlity," be says. "We nated campground, i'emem- or- railerý in dcsignated gr av- feel that we, as weli as the ber that you autamaticalY l ion ,asphalt-coverèd grounds many ,thausands of. users af take an added respansibiiities. saves anc fnom carelesslk kill- aur recreationai vebicies, have "Be sure you're not tres- ing vegetation that other- an obligation toward the en- passing. And î:emcmber ta ' wise* wauld' be eut' off fromr vironment. icave your site. as yau wotild the Greatý Outdaorsl life-noun'- 1Do~s and Don'ts like ta find it. But there's ishing, sun rays.1 "Witb 50 many familles dis- more ta meeting your share of' "Sameone once' said that covering the Great Outdoors bbc autdaors obligabion than bbc. Great Outdoors is Mther fon tbc first bime, ib's neces- just making sure you donP't Nàture's, living raozm,"~ Bak- sary for everyone ta neview icave rashbebhind, kom caneludes., When .yau the do's and dont of camping "For instance, the thoughb- go ta visît ber, be a thougbb- eriyrE2.fui camper doent ],cave bis fui camper-taeaogou 1 "First, remember that many garbage behind ýau a pib or company manners.1' EIG-IT PAGES

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