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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 May 1971, Supplement, p. 2

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thet 1'AGE TWO SUPPLEMENT 0F THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE WEDNESDAYMYltI17 Most Tire Repairs Are Temporary Reports National Safety Counicil Careful drivers have their not exceeding 50O miles per lire pressure checked regu- hour. It is recommended that larly,, as the National Safety these temporary repairs be Côuncil advises, However, in used only in emergencies. the event of a fiat tire, do You1 For saf e and permanent re- kiin1-w how to have it repaired pair, a tire must be sealed ýroper1y1 Many of the tires from the inside. The use of llupposedly receiving "perm- ia outside plug is only a antrepair" do not meet temporary repair. Unlesa the safety tests. tire is remçqved from the The Councîl warns that wheel, it is impossible to know cexternal repairs on tubeless if the inner layer is intact and Lires are good only for up to not broken, damage which 1sa 100 miles of frayai at speeds crtical to the tire. TIME To ENJOY TIME FOR FUN TIME TO RELAX TIME TO CHECK YOUR PRESENT WATCH For fun in the Sun and Water. STAINLESS STEEL CALENDAR FULLY AUTOMATIC L~ i(oope s gewe/Iers eLL KING ST. E« - BOWMANVILLE For Indoor and O u-do r Pleasure Bottled and Distributed by:- Liîted OSHIAWA - ONTARIO Pictures Reveai:- Ouldoor Fun Accessible to Al EYES THAT DRINK IN THE GREAT VARIETY of wholesome pleasure afforded by the jealously preserved resources for outdoor recreation in thc United States and Canada, as picfured above, should find plenty of inspiration for planning a memorable season for every member of the f amily. Practically every one of the activities pictured above may be enjoyed in facilities easily accessible to ail, thanks to modemn, prîvate transportation, and to thel activities of states and provinces and national govera- ment in proviîing.for public recreational grounds. Summer-long enjoyment of the outdoors starts in the backyard that is equipped to make this possible. If is stretched by planning boatirig, swîmming parties, andi picnics over weekends. It is to bc climaxed during the longer periods afford-ý ed by vacation time, for camping out in any degrea of' ruggedness ones fastes dictite; or settlîng down in aý well located resort if it is luxury one seeks. This Speciai. Section is designed to furnish helpfulý information on' whatever one may want fo do, how foi do it Most pleasurably, what products and services are available to make your outdoor recreation perfect. Also emphasized are ways in which ail who cherish the wionders of nature and the pleastires of the great outdoors may heip to preserve, and to keep clean, and extend our natural resources- as well as how to enjoy them more. Outdoor Wome--n Leadi The Beau tif ul Lif e Outdoor recreation bas ha-1 corne as much a womaa's ar- fîvity as a man's. Fisbîng or bunting trips mean 'family 'fun, with Mom playing a key« roie. ,Wbetber it's guiding the jouroey from the noad map enrouta to the campsite or packing fresb caugbt fish on ire just befora haading home, women have become a part of the recreational world. Where womea go, so doca make-up. Ouf of doors, cos- metica fake on aew import- ance. They do much more than keep a womaa looking her best. They protact skia and face fnom prolonged ex- IfAVFT#é4BB.4//IFMWJ4J 6~X. Cre àTrue! Vacation drenams can come true easier than you think! JUst decide where you're, going . .. we']l handie the rest. Got fhe picture? Cail us for ravai and hobel arrangements. Calus, Soon . . Complete travel pl-ana arraoged. Jury&LvlirvlAec Ail Airline and Steamship Companies TOURS HOTELS - STEAMSHIP CRUISES- CAR R.ENTAL MRS. M. COTY 623-3182 19 KING ST. E. laxing, requiring liffla if any application, fhcre's :fishing for panfîsh such as bluegilis and crappies on, sf111 baffer, bank fisbing for carp or rat fish. Surb fisbîng doas oot fake mhueh akili - and about ail the fish-rman need do is dunk bis hait in the watar. The fish will corne, and chances are: they'll take the hook, 1 The fiaherman who wants axcifing angliag - lots of ac- tien, wmith higb-jumping, long- running, tough-fighting fish can find if with tarpon o saook, sailfisb or manian, bonefish, bass or muskics. 'l'li fisherman wbo, wants "con- templative" anglîng - with ao wild excitement f0 shatter bis daycjreaming - cao find i t witb whit e basa, walleyes, crappies. bluagilis, carp, rat-i fisb, blîbleada and, la sai water, bottom fish such as saa basa and porgies, anappers and grouper., to sn, ind an1 Plastic food containers serve dual purpose at idosuries campsitcs. Their food storage features keep conten[ts Beauty counselors suggest fresbî, both af home and outdoors. Their servability! that make-up nequirements, means added convenience at the campsibe kitchen. hae kept t iiu on a camping tf rip.nHowever, the v campite make-up kit should have the impor-tant basics oniT e recàauýtions Ag ins ih p band. Essanfials sbould ia- clude, a cleanser, refresher, lubricant and astringent and particular items te suifthe indîvidual woman. Plan the maka-up kif he fore beading campward. Pav y~ partîcular attention te the ' area you are beaded and take along items thaf will suif thb locale. Desert arcas, for ex 'ample, may require lubrirant s while damp areas near sea- sbores or forests wlll mean an astringent fo balance the affects of nature on skin. Storage for cosmefics is as important as the makeup if- self. Many creama and lo fions are stoned in glas s boffles or jans. The nougb and tumble of backwoods roads invites trouble in tbe form of a brokan glass container and thea bas of an important rosmetic for several days. Sfurdy plastic containers Grea adventures out of1 along with the familiar red- provide an ideal solutioo te doors vary for everyone wbo loess.7 cosmetic storage problama. jouroeys te the woods and' Dry lips and bands bava, Tbey are rugged enougb te campaitea of America. The plenty of preventatives. Lin stand up te outdoor living and advenfure can range front. a balma and sticks are veritable bave the special qualifies de_ ieaping, figbtîng basa f0 a nereasities la kaeping sun and maaded to store maka-up. giimpse of a rare bird seen wind from furning lips dry Air, fight containers corne only by a handful. land cracked. Haad lotion cao in ail ses and shapes for Or, the experience cao ha 'restore moisture te skin and sformng makc-up items. the . unburned nose, dryikeep hands ready and wiling - ~cbapped lips and achiong,lfo keep on with the tasks I ci acked banda that sm-arouind tbe campaîte. SI3MPLEI STEPS CAN HELP fîmes go wîfh ftbe punsuit ofl Plan abead on miner medi-1 PREEN THET0F ARadventure. rab needs. Take tbem wîfhý Geog outdoona means bav- you, sealed, neady for instant! Whîle waiîing for a sperial iog ftha ighit precautions to Use. fbaeft protection davîce bo ha kaep comfortable. Even with installed on your new car or imaginative planning and theS me Fsi "lold faifbful", thare ana sev- nigbt equipmenf, you may nt1o n îhn analthîga hatcaoha onccom.pletely avoid trouble aneas g te praveaf having your car ike, moscitoes, red ant bites stolen. or s0re muscles. B ut pl"n' For Ever e i Kep1u a dosbce long way toward leasing the Fishing cari be difficuif orý af ail imas. disrcomforf campera ancount- simple, if cao ha exrîtîng or Neyer keep valuables insideier. ordinary. If cao ha easy or yotir car.1 Sunhuro la always a tbneaf. igereus, aod if can be cbeap, Keep enly necessary itemns'Take alog pleoty of lotion, on expensive. in yeur especially for those wbo are For the inquisifive, studieus,l Another simple vvay te e-nef used te pnolonged expes- demandingi perfectionisf-fype fer car fbeft is te keep yeur une to the suai. The tinme f0 anglet there la fly fisbing for car parked under a light at use tbc lot loti is hefone soak- bard-to-catch brown trout in nigbt, if possible. iîng bn those sunny rays! swift fiewiog crystal clear 1 --- Almoat as important as lo-,stream5s. OLT DON'T NEED PULL tien is shade. A tent or um-j Such fishing demarda net brella is great for ah ller frorn onby that fhe fisherman heaa If your car 'jegins skidding tbc sun. skilled casf an, but hae must or pulling te the sida wban Sheuld suohurn occur, fîraf ha at least an amateur lente- you apply your brakas, if may aid in the formnef an oint- mologist knewiedgeable of the ha a sign thaf your brakîng ment or rream sbeuld be inserts. trout feed on, othar- sysfem needa attention. One available te relieve the pain. wîse bis selerfion cf artifirial brake is pnobably exarfing lesa Sprays alse are baody for tuîes will ha wreng. sfopping ferre than the other wipîng eut the bunning sen-1 For' the angler wbo waots -thus causing the skid. isation that sunburn big i ibn eh tel e Take Ioys for Kids on Vacation There's no end to the Op- Toys that have special portunities for fun in the out- meaning to your child shoukd doors, especially for youngs- 1 ertainly be included. How- fers. For them every thicket 1ever, if the plaything is very and stream presents a new fragile or small enough to ha challenge.inîîsplaced and possîbly lost, Children explorýe, discover encourage substitutes. and iearn in Americas sum- A toy .lo(jt in the outdoori mer playgrounds. means the loss of, a specîal The experience leaves them friend t(- a chîld. asking to return to the out- Rugged plastic toys are ideal dloors agaîn and again. frotorrceto.O Toy ae secal omaninsthe way to the campground, to children wherever they they pr-d' pet o n niay ~0.tertainmnt for children rid- They provide a belping hand ing in an auto's back seat. for Mom and Dad on camp- Tuhesi rdmr ing trips. While wornhe o nstos a re mare around the campsiteonteOplsi y.Th aemd cookîng and cleaning chores, to handiee icrough-'nl'-tumnble toys keep youngsters safelv treatment children gîve them, occupied, full of laughter and Drop 'em. toss 'em., dunk thern out of the working area while in a creek, and plastic toyg parents go about keepîng the will not onlv withstand the camping locale in order, punîshmcot bot be readv for~ Three important factors in even more. Plastic toys are judging the ability of a toy as durable as the outdoors is to be- useful during a journey, ruggcd- are its rompatibilîty with the Safety raniiot be overlook- youngster. the durability of led in fîlling up a, child's toy the toy and safety. chest for an outdoors trip. SEE IT NOW LIFT IT WITH ONE HAND PADDLE IT . . ROW IT,.FUT A MOTOR ON MT Sportspaf APPROX. 12' x 44" wide Perfecf for Campers (Offer expîre, May 29, 1971) - ONLY 291/z Ibs, c.Gregor kA 'Hardware 95 KING ST. W. ROWMANVILLE IPHONE 623-2542

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