Her Living Room's an Animal Kingdo'm Some Up Sigbýtly - Some Downil Al ter. weeks of discus---sion, the inguishied by a tendency to 'hold 1971 Bowmanvîlle town budget the lîne' on'expenditures. was passed,,in -council Monday Bowmanville ratepayers cani night without murmur or peep expect ar modest încrease- if they before an audience of two citizens. are public school suppotes n Like most municipalities in the a modest decrearse if they are- sup- United Counties,.Bowmanville this 'porters of the separate sho year has presented a budget dis, system. The figures: Total Public School - 138.8 rnils for residential and f arm, up 1.2,5 mils from last year; 15.1.64 milîs for commercial and indus- trial, up A42 milîs f rom 1970,. MTRN TO PAGE TWO) VOLUME 117 24 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WED-NESDAY, -MAY 19, 197,1 150b Per ,Copy ".1MBER Il Orono's M rs. Marshall Keast, Expert Marksrnan The Children Will NeyerSnickçer Again_ Lack o ovnil nenie î StMdas ajo raFato rehid ov ;Io'Abandon RegpionailGovte td Th ift1 mn which xvaslilles Mayor Ivan Hobbs dur-!com-mjittcee himnWi to lea-d the(u, iplte in ing a meeting of the execu- Beath-. this, airea rito regional !gev- tive sub-committee last month. Thre e povncialî govern-1 eraen, th Oshawa Area Those opposed to termnina- ienti emnployece and Joh'ný Planni ng an'd DE"veloPmen-tition were the two representa-ISton'e, Reeve of Clarke, ab- Study, has- been terminated. tives from, Whitby, the repre- 1 staineçi. ni " mto resentedl last sentatives from Ajax and ý The.apparent major reason Wensday te he OAASPcern ilg and the TRN TO PAG!E TWO) éx cutie mmittee byOsa waMao Ed McNeely, the f group, after 34/2 ours of de- Stud'y. The rsultwai l1 for ionst nor btnAcquires Service The mnotion had (ibein ong 0uf Prouction fVlqr. Post OHfice Servî;'ie for This Weekend post Office Service dur.- I O'g th oliday weekend will beý as foilows: Sundfay,' May 23rd-Street' Letter iBox Collection nil, Receipt an d Despatch of MnaMay 24th - StretLeterBox Collec- tion 5:00 m. Despafch of MIail: Eas f:01 pm, East 7:00 qmWesf 6 -00 P.m., Oil ther services are Sàquare Dé -W()MI Editors %note: WhenThe StatesM.an arrived o11 Tuesday at the home of Orono's big gaine hunier Mrs. Marshall Keast, she was ini the backyard skin- ning the 250pound black bear she had shot on the weekend. We didn't stay long, but learned quickly that' bears, af ter a couple of days in -the heat, tend to give -off an aroma that is quite pungent. Next f ail, when Mrs. Keast bags lier f irst moose, we'll try to be on the scene more rapidiy for pictures. In the meantime, we've taken the liberty of borrowing a photo and story of her exploits from The Oshawa Times. by Agatha Bardoel of The Turnes Staff When she was 'a- lîttie ,girl she used to bag jack, rabbits on her way to school. Tben, when she grew up, the new Mrs. Marshall Keast hunted and trapped with her husband in the northlands of Ontario. It's always been like that. Mrs, Keast can't rem- ember exactly when she got interested in hanting and! trapping and f ishn g: as a hobby., (TURN TO PAGE TWO)o Legion 's 50-50KDruw for Totul of 5,4 ears Six students from a high school in b'rankli-n, the 'Rot Penýnsyivania, and six, from Ceurtice Seconidary Schoel "Chucli exchanged places last week in a program sponsored-ý standin, by the Bowmanville Retary Club to- foster greater, Bor-'gia unc-4-tac-ln oeîeen aac __aA i-Tne u. -1-e i>uv),Ai -Branch 178 Canadian Legion1 that the total increased ain- their stay here, the Aeicnstuidenits vere hosted bý7 Ellis( monthl tWelfae Fund drw other $1 o'te ot osxCourtice students selected by thesholssitudenit(FS, was made a h othly the hîghest total <nf $4650.o dance in the, Legion Hall '~ r.EneRbrshdwn oy. -he 12 att endied 1 he ltr luiicheoxt last Thurs- Cattwr This mo)nthly drawv is "-e-__ coming very popular and uy H Basri Fr President Stan Dunn § _______________________am BAISE MONEY WITH - RECORDBIS v ILJ DvIo r ROwmanville,,Hieh N SchooI«'s 60-piece band re- cently eu( a record of ei wide vpriety of anumbers, from marpches le modem'ý, ineluding vocal selectfins by a quartet, and now have them available fo~r the pub-~ lie. Anyone who would like to purchase one of these recordings may do so by contactlng the school. They are selling for $3.75, with the proceeds to help pay for- the colorful jackets they bave purchased. If plans go, the band maY One of- Canada's leaýdingaiea 50 miles surroundrngi present a concert on the Yung production stage man- Oo' grounds behmd the Lons agers has hneen appointed tech- Auditions for interest ed pec> - Centre ini the near future. nical direct.or of the 1971 Oronoý More information should lie Youth Theatr-e. ple be-tweeni the ages of 16 andl available on this 'next week. 24 wîll1 be h-eld in the Orone _________ Ross Hlili bas been lighting United Churchi on SaturdIay. and set designer in theatres May 22 and Saturday, June 5 Â hasm Hadlpa tilnipeg n re or fu:00theriforton:0 rite Fa her mv an fromha H atia te perind fur 00 rn.ormti5:00p.m. fn ord, Manistoae atren tre, Box105, Orono, Ontario or L ind antobackTeaftse CnStrate oxnH r the ýC.N.E . Grandstand showtelephone_416-623-2473.______ avin e e and the National Arts Centre, OJDOS SPLMN Otaw. UTORSSUPLMETFor D ur Kost Mr, Hill joins ce-artistîc1 The Statesman lese directors, Mr. David Schatzky to present a speial Ont- Effective June 18, 1971,, and Mr. Jack Messinger, in doors Supplfjeet in this Most Rev. F. A. Marcroc,-(, presenting. a well rounded edition that will provide Bishop of Peterborough Do-1 sunimer, programme of actingý readers with valuable in- cese, has made the followrng workshops, theatre arts semîn_ formation on products and appointments: Rev. F. K. ars and performances foi 45 practices for enjoying life Malane will be pastor of St Young people drawn froni theî in the great outdoors. (TURN TO PIAGE TWO) ancers Coming for Museum',S Birthday- o eaiioon birthday a),,ke-, square dancing byth .Bashful Bows, shown aborie dancing during their an- nual dinner-dance, antique cars, and -Mr. Harry Alin's zoodel loootv ill give people lots te see and enjey outsiçe on th eveigof My27 when Bowýmanville Mduseum velebratesits 10th anniversary. Inside the museurni, some ýcraiftîs wiie demon- sfaesuch as acam work, by t hree high school1 id[ent, and thleiniakînig ef braidied lrugs, by mr- Walter Rahm eof Tyrone, whose beautiful rugs are knoûwn f ar and wide. In addition, several local person- alities will be in. costume in va,ýrious reoms in tLhe mnuseum. MuemBoard members hope te weicome ali crowd te'o enijey the special att ractions both outdoors and Inmthe muiseum. Bette-r Iet outfthose Centennil yea cotums nw, ead tewea onm Vay 27, Admisý- siiree te those in idfhindres FORTUNE*- Whiie -rewïiig the îhouse at1P,3i Church St. Jim Colliss' electrical stadff niembers came across a fortune in loose bJils of varying amounts. It was in the attic, at the end of a crawl space and they even found a note signed by an S. Cody, telling theni about it, and warning them also to, watch their step in a certain spot in the attic. The note said thera was $30,0 ,00 (in goid) but* it 'turned out to be only $18,100 . .ail in Monopoly money. Some joker, that Cody! t tt i t.- t VICTORIA - Just in case anyone hasn't heard about it, there's a holiday next Monday, Victoria Day and it falîs on May 24th for a change, in- stead of the nearest Monday prior to that date. You probably don't remember, but it was an M.P. named Jack MacDloigall, frein Vancouver - Burrard, B.C., wha was, responsihle for having the holiday changed, to the nearest Monday instead of it always coming on May 24th, ne inatter what dayof the week if fell on. He was a denist who later suffered a heart, atta.ck in one of the parliamentary washrooms and dieçi. but left an everlasting, mark because of the private blIhe had spensored onthe holiday change. t t t, t t OPENING- On the holiday afterneon at 2:00 o'clock Locke's TV Electrons wili open their bail season at IRotry'-s Soper Creek Park against Port Hope's Fideiity Flyers, the team that squeezed themout of the piayoff s iastyear. The Electrons have acquired some new talent and are ail set for a good season. They only require f an support and we know that will be ferthcoming. SWINGERS, -' On Wednesday, June, 2nd, thore will lie many aching muscles and creaking joints as the annual CharnIer of Commerce Golf Tour- nament takes place, starting at 1:00 p.M. at Bownianville Country Club. Tickets may be obtained froin tho, Bank of Montreal, Ken's Mon's Wear, Carnegie Hardware and ethor mon-. bers of the C. of C. t t TAKE IT ALL- Many, inciuding this writer, are sleepy this morning -after watching the Canadiens squeak eut a 3-2 win over Chicago last night to win the Stanley Cup. It was a great gamne for a finisher, but we had te feel sorry for Esposite on that outside the biueline shot that beat hlm te revivethe Habs. He'd played such great goal throughout' the series, it didn't seem right te lese on that one. No doubt Ken Dryden will corne up with a f air contract next year. The big Canadien goalie certainly kept the 'Ment- realers i the series. with ne let down. Every net- minder from Ateni up wiil new be resting on the end of his stick every time lie has an oppertunity, -after Dryden set that pattern.'. t t t t t FIREWORKS - Banging firoworks will put in an appearanco this weekoend, with the big climiax on MNonday niglit whén livre will liedisplays liere, in Newcastle and Oreno. Theso are spon- sored by public-spirited groups within each coinmunity.and deserve your >financial-sutp port. We urge you to contribute the niodest aon cbarged rather than taking avnaeof some- body else's generosify, ywfcigfor1fr for free. b acigfoi fr )tary Youth Services ComittLIeechran r k" Cattran. The group, from lt to right, ae ig in front of the table, JryKingý (CSS), Sýrn- (FHIS) Fred Payne (CSS), Tixn Wilsoni (FIS) w-g behind. and around th tabl4pk)e, ae M arioil CSS), Verànicça Lighît(FS)Rihr a DaleGrifin (SS), Cildy 1-lunier (FH'jS), Dr. iPala orde (C$)2 ~ck Irwn ( I$ nd IEyman (CSS). Considering Building Shopping Centre On 20 Acres in, Darlington A Toronto developer is 'dent ef the company said in RWADBU ATrOlrS eonsidiering buildfing a Sho0P-!an interview Friday that the TeUntdCuteBo4 png center on the site of thýe proposed shopping center cf Educatin isj',golng t ~e old Balson farm on Highway would contain a department, ward stu4dents whoparici. 2 and Tooley's Road. ýstore but declined te name the The developer, GreaterYork store or give any other detail11s patd lin schoolý bus saf4et. patrols this yearvwith a hux Dý7evelopments, bas an agree- about the, project. He said trip te thie1 Shriner's Cir'cul mniot te pur,.chase 20.36 acresthat he would be issuing a in Peterbýorouigh i Jne ri ofthe fermer Balson prop- ýtatement on the development Box lunnch-es will be provieer ertyý now owvned by John Riz- proposal in about a months T l us comnpanles aýre mD-ak< nek of Dalrngton. time. inig their bhuses aalbefe Marvin Dryer, thie presi- (TURN TO PAGE !IO> of chairgýe for thýeutinig. Fingerprinting Fascinates Youngsters 'A big hit with children tLOurIin-g the Newcastle ,detachmnent o>ffice- of the Ontario Provincial Police during thbe Police Week1 'Openi louse' hbeld n Frid'ay was te chance et getting thieir fingerprints taken. Some, suich as svnya-1 einRuttant, abov-e, appeared suspicieus ef the mrotive behind it. But thon agaýin Kevin h-1as an1 edge On most boyýs his age - he kno-ws someiting aboutl police work. uis fatlher, Ke'n RuttLan, is an ecfficer with the detachmnent. C7p], Fred G ood f thle Whedquarters staffPtebruh on hand for the cday, alashîc apparent fpeligs oif apprehension and in one sMoth eperation starps KWvn t humb pint on a rouveinr card AboutL 540 pernons, includîpg 10 classraoom grouys ro. NewcaLe ýPublic Sehool toured thaio-LnL, J,- ami- %W w %W a %r j4mff