PAGE FOUR SUFFLEMENT 0F THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE WEDNESDAY A 9t,17 Any camper who bas ever nursed a burned lhp from driinking hot coffee or.soup out of an alummnum or tin > cup, even after the drink has coole down, wih be happy to î hear that hazard has been ý'î e] minated, Ther~mos, world famos for creating superior p oduets that keep foods and driks hot and cold, bas added the first insulated ware with the ookA, feel and style of n~ / cbina to their Une. Mnve up fa with the all-new KODAK INSTAMATIC X-15 Camera that takes flash pictures without flash batteries! The KODAK INSTAMATIC X-15 . a truly fuss-free camera. Easy flash with the self-powered Mliagicube, Type X. Drop-în loadîng. KODA INSTMATIC "X Rexali Store KJING ST. E. BOWMANVILLË Short or long, bot or cold, drinks retain their tempera- ture and foods, too, stay at the desîred temperature, makir g these virtually unbreakable produets ideal for camping, boatîng and pienîckirg as well as informai dining at home. Cof!ee, for instance, wil retain heat rather than losing it to the chilly morning air, wbîle cold drinks will keep their cool and use less !ce- wîtbout any "sweat». With this new Thermos brand insulated ware, it's almost like havîng two or three extra burners on your camp toveStartîng dinner placeit intheisuated bey- plcit inupthe ataedband erage server until the famîly sîts down to eat, The main dish cau even be prepared ahead and placed la an ln- sulated Servail to stay hot. Seconds will be just as bot as the first servîngs. The products are highlY ne- sistant to scratches and stains and boast a thinner hip than other- inulated ware, for a sleek 'modemn appearance. Home users will be interested in the fact that the new in- sulted servîng ware is dish- wasber safe,. OAS GRILL EASY TO USE AND KEEF CLEAN One of the best things about a modemn gas grill is that it practically takes care o! itself. To keep your grill dlean and sparkling, after each use leave the top open and turn the otrlto "bigh" for about 15 minutes to hurn the grease drippings from the briquettes. Clean the grîd or rack wîth bot. sudsy water and rnse it Iwhile it is stili warm from use. After several uses, tura the briquettes over, and dlean the inside of the grill as need- ed. SAD TARN Probably more fish are loat while trying to land them than at any other tinie E ON DISPLAY IN OUR SHOWROOM BEAVER PORCH-PATIO DECK A simple ta build post and beami wood deck in big 8 x 12 size. Buildit againit the rear wall of your home with the oteps leading ta the servieing sidewalk. If you have ne rear enraeeit's net difficuît te replace a rear wîndow wlth a'door for con- venlent accuss te your poreh- COMPLETE MATERIALS PACK- DELIVERED AGE la SPRUCE with EASY'TO-FOLLOW BLUE- PEINT PLANS inluded. Cedar an optional extra PICK A PORCH-PATIO "PARTN ER" FOR YOUR HOMEI NOW1 ... "A CHOICE 0F 48 SIZES OF WOOD DECKS AT BEAVER talmost" CUJSTOM DEUR SYSTEM that wifl suît any home! Choose !rom widths of 12 ta 42' parallel te your edu-y home wth 8', 12' on 16' lengths ont trom your home! ALL WITH DO-IT-YOURSELF PLANS! May 24 ALL WITH COMPLETE MATERIALS PACKAGE! ALL EASY TO BUILD ...AND ALL AT BEA VER! Make Vacation Last Longer- in Backyard This family bas discovered how to stretch their vacation time and their dol- dars, They haàve created a private vacationland right in their own backyard and equipped it with a modemn grill, patio heaters and hights. Now their vacation fun in the great outdoors lasts most of the year. 4 e, cameras in 1965, outdoor, movie-making was a 'i r M Ovies t duction, Super 8 equipment changed that. The new Ko- dak Instamatie M24 movie O t ~ camera, designated the "sure-1 sbot outdoorsman's camera", "Take nothîng- but pictures, in gtrip better than a well_ is the lowest-priced, fully leave nothing but footprnts,' made movÎe. automatic Kodak Super 81 la the National Park Service's Ia this bigbly kinetie world movie camera, sellîng for advice to the millions of an- of ours, nearly everything under $50. 'With such auto-1 nual visitors at America's 34 moyes - that's why movies matie cameras, wbîch use national parks. are called "'movies". With drop la film cartridges, movie- The words are approprîate them. you can preserve your making bas become child'sa especially in view o! our camping tnp, unfrozen and play; just insert the cartridge growing concera with the na.] ontinuous, exa tly as'it bap- and shoot, Adjustments are inAPniomn.Pcue.pened. automatic, and wîth imr.prov- -1UVAuuw¶. r f. im- i. and particularly mnovies, en- Memorable Footage t able visîtors to shame Of course, not every camp- camping memonies with fam- îng scene you shoot will be ily and friends, and icave the brimming with motion; the parks unmarked for the mil- mountains simply won't co- llons wh o llow in their foot- operate. But there is enough stcps, action on a camping trip tot Movies especially cau bri ig fi the screen wîth memorablef the beauty o! the great out and excîtîng footage. doors înto your living roon,1 Before Kodak introduced Notbîng recalîs the color, fuîn the Super & concept and the and excîtement o! your cap nstamatic line of movie Answer Mani QUers Advice OnuUtdoor Photography- by Frank Pallo Eastman Kodak, Photo Information Chief Many an owner of an automatie camera ofienf tires from the hip.' Not having to concema himself 3 with proper lens opening or shutter speed, he simply walks up to an interesting scene and snaps the shutter. His pîcture wîhl be sharp, so why bother with anything else? Do bother! Perhaps the main advantage of auto- matie cameras is the creatîve {reedom they allow.a Pictures of your camping trip more îluminating than t a simple memory bank requîre more than a click of thec shutter. They require a personal touch, your personial o touch. Before snappîng away, slow down, Why are you taking thîs picture? What do you want to convey? t tt1 t t Fast shooters take a minute to walk around anrd select the best angle to shoot from. If ît's a scene you really want to capture, try shooting it fnom different angles and distances. Experîment. Creatîve photog- raphy is as easy as that± It's almost as if some people are afmaid to be seen with a camera. They'll look at a seene for a long time, then jerk the camera to eye level and snatch a shot, They don't hold the camera steady or take time to look at the scene through the viewfinder, Besides blurrîng photos, thîs results ia tîltîsg horizons and lakes drain- îng off the sîde of the pîcture. Some other intercsting observations, Shyness Brîngç No Reward- "People pictures" are one of the most commonly missed photo oppor- tunities. People seem to be quît e shy about taking other people's photographs. They return from a camping trip and show a picture of a forest ranger station- thon proceed to talk for 20 -minutes about th~e fascinatîng forest ranger whose pîcture they didn't take, Most people are flattered if someone asks to taire their pîcture. t t t 't Don't Turn Your Youngsters Into Caterpilars - If you're camping out in the woods, don't dress youî kids la green. They'l1 look about as distinctive as cater- pillars hiding la the grass. Sirnce you have to dress the kids aayway, you might as well put some bight clothes on them and add color to your pictures. t t t t t Save The Ice Cream Bags - Quite often, I see people on the highway who have their cameras and film tucked away on the rear deck of the car. That's an absolute no-no. The heat can damage both film and camera. Film should be placed on the floor in the back seat behînd the driver- on the opposite sîde fnom the exhaust. Before I go on a trip, I save up the insulated grocery bags they put ice cream la, They're ideal for keeping film cool. And if you are goîng to a beach, but don't have a camera case, slip the camera into a plastic bag; ifs the same priaciple. tt t t t Familiarîty Breeds Content - Do some research on the camping arep, youre visîtîng before you get there. If you wait, you'll be so dama busy tryîng to catch up, you'hl miss lots of prictume opportunities. A camping vacation isn't the time to try somiething new. I won't promise that the pointens above wîll make a photo expert out of a camera-carrying camper. But I-contend they wihl insure yow'r riitures will be better than the thumb-on-the-lens variety. tyro, may feel assured o! ex- cellent mes ults. Let the movie tell the story of your trip. It is much more interesting and meaningful to watch youn "«feature" un- fold on scneea than to see a jumble of ill-assorted shots, pre-planning important The quality of your resuits wîll depead on how well you've done your "bhomework" and la your camping destin- ation, Pre-plaaning is im- portant. Acquaint yourself with the place you plan to visit; know wbat you want to photognaph, such as the historical land- marks you will pass en route, and the pank's outstanding features. Other sequences you will want to include are the family pitcbing camp, the cbldrea dloing chores, mom cookîng. lents Pop Into Shape Setting up camp is easy if you have a Thermios Pop- Tent, one of the wonderfully convenient tents that's ready to occupy wîthin two or tbree minutes alter arrivai at the campsite, It literally pops into shape and cornes la two sîzes, The smaller tent is seven leet in diameter and sleeps two. The larger 9- foot model accommodates four. Large families and campers who like spacious living quarters will findthe Prairie Schoorner very appea]ing. Shaped like the top of a coveî ed wagon from whîch it got its name, this handsome tent also comes in two sires While ît's possible te take good pictures from in- side the car, it's better to get outside the vehicle, especially in a scenie spot. Even in the sunshine, using a flash bulb will heîghten the effect of the photo as it eliminates shadows. ________ IN THE BACK YARD *ON THE PATIO * * OR AT THE COTTAGE OUR INVENTORY 0F ITEMS FOROUTDOOR ENJOYMENT INCLUDES EVERYTHING FROM ACTIVE SPORTS TO SUN BATHING iirs BALL GLOVES GOLF CLUBS -~GOLF BAGS COMPLETE UNE OP FISHING SUPPLIES JTHIS WEEK'S SPECIAL G LF Lt 0 3fr77 from $5.19 te $15.44 CHARCOAL 20 Ibs. $2,10 LIGHTER FLUID 48 oz. 49e WE NOW CARRY SWIMMING POOL CHEMICALS Available in: 100 lb. Cont. jTorch Fuel 77c INSTANT BREAKFAST Mix your pancakes at home $ U' and take them along in plas- tic storage containers. At the EW TMTAIH TD campsite, simply pour them your breakfast is ready in an, There's s o Litteime nowaday,-I, -s ta relax anCMwththe aiy Make the most of those precious moments. YoR are just a couple of weeks away tram your awn laster Pool. Get ready ta enjoy your tamily more than you thought possible. Von ena savea tew "bucks" if you eut corners' but if you ehoose a tnusted, naionally knowa Master Pool, ail that's left for yen te do le sît baek and enjoy lie. A Master Pool costs a littie more because it's built a littie better. . CORAL BUIIT UP TO A STANDARD NOT DOWN TO APRICE A MEMBER 0F MASTER7 POOLS GUILD PHONE728-0935 843 -KING ST. W. - OSHAWA Ummn62-3Ç 71 :77' OP uâ ÎA V 1 L L E