sui, wj, ton, azga'ent soi sûr Èj ses Ses nets PAGE SiX SUPPLEMENT OF TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAN VILLE WEDNESDAY) A 9I,17 under mîtie, i Ilhese iwo ea"sy Checks before amount of pollutants in the vn oe Piot Train ing Centers airis ig ficantly higher ishlsta.i1k;ýu, Make reams Corne True Accar. hapinIn f he baepeda fo rbng -ik ,Spark Plug Company', theo ae 0'r efor Ever had the yen ftpo 'plot icence. aVgja lle 1 rori e r of Orgine neglect isiofae wrdte lor -car 0fown 'irplarte to some flyiiig schools around the great in termis of air contam-, your brakes need immediate of oae ofyyourpe-CunlY iao. Champion tests show tuelidolî scia i magic carpet to a well- Loa:'niog tu ily neru o i thai even a five per cent ift Second, hefo -c Iou have: ea ned vacation in the Great sioerhuman skills. Basicall-vicidence of spark plug 'mi i-~~to 'arn on the brakes on thei COu fdoors? it's ike learnling tudiive, butl mg icrases Iarriul emi5- ghavse ha hose dreRms ean easil.Y the resuits are moue rewatd 9insb as Muei as 300 - tops Straiglit and truc at' cco rnefue with a prvateing. cenit! Primary ingredients !n- A. Uiviersity of Mich gar one side or the other because, clude good liceal-th and a Si~ n- icril oeol si f ivernight dampness can be cere desiue tu leao sosanaecaerouhinn.<, ~ your undoing, FIuid 1eakage 0fes1po1llufarits of 55 pier cent alter . lOshawa Fyn Club ltesa tu p~. can develop unexpeeýtedly,' 1mw cri yu lot if i001loi vcalpackageks il fic and this cari atch you ompletetilyenntel]packagur Large capaciiy private ait planes LvlLu"ra-1 v ýiecessities, with an abrupt grab b oone which featutît anit utegrated car is one oft hie tolluteiýspi-s a lot uýf ilings that aren'i necessîi i frarriping,. Dad's with private side, flight training sy siem, aîdi Often. nu camit. Your Car Gtreaisuai afds, pufsuoaly ma,ýrho runniig perft cf censes cail ly famrily airplaries and take- the lrt ircfJmily Ictih Great. OutdoIs IN IMI[1N fo braI{y. schooled flighf instruc1,oiîsan-d -l stca yurutl u 52 weekends a year. i tsSecngadirre! fiai ancd round traciit n i aty stili be polluting. beyond -- tn our regular ei vc a IV w rFoir a noiniiîal rosi t $5 ,;w1lai slcouid ho. for a ilf-dozen other im- 0s anngslnl in -tIciacrsogiecn li np jpiant 'pre fight' checks H-e fi oductury : i ba esi . teirt iliicaatly, c i Lstcsa, îebatteiy and cables,; 'G' iveaw ayfifcf- aIod Tîis is an exeellieiî WaY to r iýiit'ýilsta orpwer steerîng fluicI Irans-, tart. lEllcre ielmit S cgn s that y(in Deau w il3u rou d no mis-ion oct,1 wînshield washer' Yuur inscructor will begincu . filcu e hîhldren whcle i check so Venlt ailed ipor blades. bictroducing OU f0fille air- r, oiebe~o h car out? We have to a fwu place le ropinfuel lthe iih iîfs plane - tsnallv w-le ev nfv tniite. n1tricer snch as the Cessna *ecOlony Cao voit imagine youi'self Mcîdl 150 -explacccusg wilat flard f acrtiiig --we o aîîy driver --going Dependable favoritei cuakes il -ly and how fil te cou- * Ifar d incg filcougil a format check-upý prrceduwe you S. skeet or field, 1h( tri wik.*hcreased 011 consumptioiliproeueevery tfîru i Very 5001, evcrt thing lbarri - Sokn ehautyouc' car?' However, if yoc oe 20slea adiiiep ce assî üni anrd a ies in hexasigs t elilc' an0ail-plane po, you-1400 au00matide shc patfolfl. Yu %wZîbal uieîîeneaatn-pwot-ld berequiced f0 check lattrri.Yîilp il dea number of things before Illimpotat oitdiîc rl it liat 'critical egi ars fy ake-off. -you ahead of the I lie ai rplarce and unr ability i ccî.Cald a pie-flight iîîn cspeednalad K Ilw liAVI HEE tonc, tis pilot's check-up in- Socin if wtbl ho sol i vescsruficît of fuel ai-d ' pan ion for greater - ,acnd if wil iappen ic ii- To avid tdfhse conditions cit, contrcul surfaces, instru- exprtdl. ou i ni] iipl v and îeduce ai r polluionu, reg- moifs, ignitioni sysfem, car- fun and perform- Il b doîng a job wieb You have uilar attentiion I maintenance hirtoor heaf contiul. tuis, ance in the field. been cager f0 learu. - ertne. witch and f hat lever. If îs Miîitr0fTransport ce-- Evei-y six monthlsot50f)pofvcmlcae uniyoI IL quires thait )OU have a 'tiii-mi ef foilowing services know your airpiane. But mur of 35 heours fiYing lin(ýme s bouc opertirniied know if 'rua must before you kefore faking your private ftnsPect, cIe-an and 'regap laie granted a licence tu ly- cure Yon, Badi B(erig! pilot flight test. aspairk pug; check andi ad- Tiiese checks becorn ol Accoplihnie OPs0f hiese'juSt inÎillnPoints; chîeck fie f0 a piloft bocause hli 1 l(ý,,ernenS OpcS a wole ( -\v, Ilmig; ûeau ad inpect erfliclly repodibloforstail.'neah a firll rglio t fihe woed feret than anIhhsee ot lword ofplaces f0 go acd! distibutor cap and rotor; coudfifln of bis aircraff. lie glarice,, it mnfot be deep the driver who, ileraffe be thirigs f0 do for you and youui inspect ignition iiring: cannot blanue anvurie else it enough fInkIep ou ouf of forgot to hav e a light fixed, enfire famiiy. check and reset externtal he runs ouf 0f cit at 10,000 trouble on a wef, -mooth sur- hopes other drivers willI sec - arhurefor a d justfments; foot uoricose, Ofo wrfc.hi. A walk-arounid liglîf clean air filter; npetani a it ciels Iav h STEERING .. A pilot's inspection fakes only a fewx Ptluio pollution systeni. rud dirertional confrois are his seod. Four' ervice man 'Leave Polt n Evci y 'ear or 10,000O nîles,l If wculd ho inipi-actical fOrIrutider. aileron and elevafors, vvill do if for you (includfinza lb tltîiig sliould ho perla udriver f0 go thi-ouglil'a wlih lie muust check beforela oek0 iebaeIgt Be in ' he ci ore as part ut a rcajor pits complicateid pie fIight everY flight. A driver can sud lîîrn signais) if you ask LOU t î fuine up: cluec-ý every finie hie decidcd checki bis steering in seconds: hum 10. VOUR LOC L 2 ii talit uew spark piugsa: ýo drive aî-ound the corner, A hand on thle steeria wleel BRAKES ,. If our brakes1 W ILTURfl IN 11 nspoct spari pIug iiriiig but a few simple prectiutiOiis as you gel; info the car is alIlstopped us short of the rearl W1NUHESTER 95 KING lYoU're M îotorin and booets:- test -iaîking, cari save tenu ucîtoid incon- if fakes. wh hnn ult ft ie DAE stariucg anîd ope-aficug volt- veulence . . . possîb]v agony. Mvove fthc uvieel tu-o incicesigarage ]ami nighf, WC assumne! A M E As long as you i-e goîîîg tol age; mastai] uinew ignitionf Here ai-esorne pre-tlight bo sec mbat file front wheýels, they WIil top V- todtay, IDon'f 'uwIiS- be ieaving fthe rit y bchliîdi Points aîîd conîdenser: set che-cks fur youi car, as sug- responid. if your car lias pow ount oun if. inisfcd mk _____________7__ W1tch the, puichase f ne Ite - 1 o'xsîflcGea u disiributcui dwell angt- and gesfed by the American Pe- er stecrina nuake yourtet m n!Cub Cadet or cadet 60 dordo!ttkai olu ionifminîg; ccklcomipr-ssion.. froteura Instîtute, I haf aîîy -urth thie engiun n ii- t; Lawn and Garden Tractr See s -Swfi~ T'est eharging rate of gen-. driver cari and should do ite. , oo, for fila squealing foretaawhe hefic!ats~ if yours is flic typicai carl euafor ni - altfenator; lest -Tiley cover file ihings filai noise thaf warns of ipni lit is eouîfrihuting 10 fheica- colt outpiit- chleck dcs-ibîî- cari go wrong wiifliour car ing trouble lunfile power titon'apolltionui prihtemî.Evr fu- conidition; clean amad iru-ifrucun one trip 10 flic cexi sfeering puuup or belt. J-M ar icfseqipe thfiba spcdst-ibuutcir rotor and- (plus sonue lhings filai sciai LG nnea a il; est anti-pclliutîi devices Pro car). Service cauburetiur; ce- up oni ton). and fhey consUi- veliile s af et yinspectio, quIuiiui vied trflu mauulanfuui' tplcOaiutcicauîci; decil acîi- toto flic only way 10 be ceas- lihileiatithe 1sf of defecfs. xoîir car uis Sitl pullîtng morr'p, polluionî syslem. onaly sure of y our rar'S They are ibler out of locus 131 King S.E. flian il;shoîiri ifif Ais nt Chiaîpionu also says filai one condition, or just plain onf. pîopudyiuuiiuaiced.of flie besf insul-anes agaiicsf TIRiES . . . take a waik imagine a pilotayn l Phone 623-.5689 SimefuOtliiJa i epreciuituuO wcar cii irternaUrl rounti your car f0 sec If any bis passenger during a cight' 1 aîs o lte -ai uuayacecgirie parts ta to chanuge uit tires look low. Watch for fliglit. '"Imust remeniber to ai f -cgularty schcdulcd ier-1'ulges, cuis or bruises they gef; those idenfification liîs v '-- viis nd to luse fthe best grade may have suffercd ushen you fixcd one of these da s, c ilt aviliabte. Oit fîteis1it a curb or drove over a would you mind wafchîng for Ï, suld ho changed as ou com-rock, Spend a fcw minutes any 'plantes thaf ern ýto bc' V If iicecidc-d by toroîcc lmnoccasionally fakcng a close commng tort close?" nat triolook ait he frcad. Even ichen iThis pîlof s chance stl Wtuile -car mariufactuu eis ar cuctîiuiug tb mako stnides ý4 iupcoducing a vîtuaiiy potÏ1111 'rù: ution-fireoirginie, manntenil- iI auuic i]] always ho file key to keeping file car frein footing ticPail Su s ai voî vaafmlu i p Sx\o -isible SignaIs War.n utea r unbuîncd lit diucaibo with a pollution checkl in the.IDriver '.1lîcre s afiîncion lomissions by 3001 per cen fnuîî t aclen--air piodur- That Nectis Correetion fo Cnie lge C icg lune-u You'llne -uoi oniy I Kcep Air ('ican i aive or dîîty air cleaner. t bJe a gond citizen but youn l!'Where fhoee's q o -,'hseoea il bain in botter gas mteage, thein'sdfib-e gaitn pinmg owter ad c a y ing. gues the olid Poil tan ts from '1our enigine,. bottr pssig pwerandsur, syin. 1Ici addctunîî, a University of starts. Ti-sni nti uuua -ufMuclîcgacî engineoerng aclioc 'a,.,-',-b~-s uîcessarily apply to, ail- Pol- study showed fluat enuissini-is FREE LISTING GIVES lutioji. Jusf because f iere'sof ubled hrcaon no visible sîgsuuitf poluftion wcve reduced an averagceo ,n~~-,uin, A -' SOURCES FOR CAMPING coming fî-om your carfs ex- ~picn ohcigînus , - -- -- --- -- -- hausf pipe, if mayt'îi mean To iuiake certaîin youn- car isi it oftsoucs for ai i< your car- isn't potlufiuîg e ax- o tinf- sitWaINTERNATIONAL TRAVEfrALLWAGON States------a--------------------a il . iow Vsileexhanaf inoke geci- foilowicig shauld lib chu'ke Dsigned and bol ifo teitmIo stern for lowing-ip available, free. 'lu receive eratly appeaîs ichen flile eng- ai tour tavocite srvice onf-- ho, 10000 poiceda wthout compromising performance. you I w cmnt thel oesn ase-ddss, uisufunctioning. Buro- ltIItnde li'a 25% roomier than any passenger-car wagon U tacuped cenvelope f0: Camp- ing off in te ongine or an ENGINE TIJNEIF l4 u ep tcag pae ea- aut aep haw a Flying u n, co Capo p excese of unhur-ied gatsoticue ,A complcte tune tmp exerv 3. Choce of thnibiy six or hîgh-partarniance V-8osr Plug CompanY, P. Box 9"),>,ilp, create file exhaust year or 10,000 nules restoresuph23hpChoeyr Wiiyrgtcra Tobeo, hio4361. moke. efficient combustion. Iu ad- eiro neirhmoio.Pwrh nslo Inl Canada file addness 'S: These are obvîous sugnsafilai difion, an engine check silouldinsfc 0,U__g / Caponhok in nceiode 5-speed wiih overdrivc, automate Irans- tecchCampig / hminSakyouî- car is poîîuting. he performeti cvcry 5,000 À1ptug Company of Canada, Box - However, filere are fîmes miles, Tuue-up should in- mission, everm 4-wheet drive. 910, Windsor 12, Ontariu. wilcî an ox'ersupp].v 0f 011- clude lien spark plugs, points - buuîuod hydrucarbois. cartbocriu and condenser pluis otherl PHOTOINvENrORY ituocucxide aîîd nirîlugei ox ýbasie services your eumîgime cesnàides canuîit ho accu. If tilaneeds. IBefoce setting forth on yuur s fthe case, lîow crin you toit COMPRESSION TEST IIEIIE'S A MOSTý-- REVEALING 'l'EST i0Onetof the mrnt.Ii aic iÉess an experîcnccd niccianii can iiake foi ynîu is a corn pnession lest, inminhliai ýpark plugsaraie renioved aîîd osaure readiuîgs are compai- cd v itiispocitc-aîoi This procedUrlieh-Ipa )S on-j' meclaiaîc detormurie if tiltî prohicîn is in i alves ciînîgs or hotu.l Sncb aitîstla]I li part ot a major iiigiie tucîc-uîui Or' înay coat abou-t 5M.00 orl $6.00 ichen ducîîc s arc inli- vidl uocperafior) A c iuiîcsnc ' (,'i' CI 1h' i-s t stc-prî c ,irputthlîn i t-ew Lite in the olti car, Dati uses flie sumniî'tseasr- on teach isiiboyth toys cof htirting 1-loto, jocrior tises a Model,70 ) ntied with Weaver scuup to take oncg t-ange atm on a wcocci. chuck. ________ 134 King fctLs 3wraîil 2 8 L WUNSALOWl OTRSeTD s for trap andi ie Winchester ction or Model Dtguns consîstently put competition. . . or a Pick up your com- ,M edet 1400 hiledati1200 ST. W. B130 WMAN VILLE,' PIHONE 623-2542 -SEE IH 7 _7>