The Caeadian Stateaman, Bowmanviule, May 10, 1971 R.R 8, pleaded gui.1tr of lm. m dm dfml~aa~MSara~±nteeile er - paired drWivi-g April llth, { Hf10 Adm l a, n nd fly , c% I-am rout ofhe thesnle bus ives fined $150 and cash, or Mr. nn Mrs.c Outmnd n wthe or ahil o 1days, and hls license SUS- Ai ee Sna -upn -u)m theýp e o wa he ar 'Constable Schultz, OPr-Fox, with cubs," she adrd- prreei Newcasýtle inel~' Douro (eas weekend wiiPenny NeRïznek acquired the 10s va upietoi Field in- Bowmanïville 0cupntdiokingP beer He -(ilc wqIl be corning to eS. é DolothyHl Toronto, farrh Wh aof l4-i year in tW0 the ofe a cbribtopdteveil osp ,BwmnilRe.wsasuprget nSnwepjt rnscin aoe"f1s nw o ealh ri.~'ir M.snda , ay e 11h, !9date Ail wrw treff tickets and the licne wils not encbetaîe ests taken on J, Waplsh Stuke's Downe- da Ith 'fr andi Mrs. C. f 19.36 acre f(rm F. M. Bal as 1 wýouldni't have- shoi m judge Rl B fatte, Pete reauri mo PMU fines ex- dorsd, the dive\r wvhich -showed .12 ville: Rev. J. Houflilian, ý aro, 11 oro Balson, EItIlh hm. Mar-' Campeilord Rev:,p11ýid Tledyr;ý ar 1 1 Gaarig ;Md Dosl Vrson, Afler she pulled il ta tLA Stuhc~, aT V. Kely a 1 R & . Nwciie e dl, Judge Rz. 8B3Axter preid- m a n s Caskene and Leo Coughii, Siu Ann' Mit MNi Mh a ry %Vade andand the othar of one acre uc sh Jy 1 I 1 Nm uH dwith Asitn conA a e ale we each chacg- Peterborough: Rev. Fý Fi~ GrantP Mj. and cs. Ted&, frm vi Aakko., hedd utnth LgîAid. lut.- co-unsl. pleedd uity Io hohtorney K. Stuigon, George!P udhîh aseauit, Thé latter patrick, St. ATphûrnnu , Woo- Watts of Pr'mt Hope Were M za adi nitropst eto, north overý Dueto he ecet dathof wCovicin for oparainge apollî as Legal Aid duty hed counscel but ha former er; Rev., R. Hart, St. Petrs suppar guesgtF On Suniday. viaw thecad '..d-te nceta n it f an-! for thII nurn yrrbogt Dne onJns iet id Rosh wce renci to Changes arnonig Assitans- and Reg. Fais wm\ere amongtha intentin of develpitg aH, e Ily ig- u camne ouL, çtg Ao-ooîioent "mnedi-' a fine of 20and lo , rfur Sntreet Noth pPaa gui June 1 et Rev, . 'T eîrrs, sss ant aI hose attaniding the 1iai shppn paeohionHelookd et me and tond up. and liei usesoldn, t, _EvideInIce of Conru table Beatrice Someet O ah aà w a,! Rev. H., Leahy. S.Je Peter' Camp eArena, Port e Yor opy MatLd waes c"M stoo;d u and shot, cou on ai.4 c~ I n iSith was tai. w uIe , ps aded oi guly of c ra ss Ba tîj PeY Com bel Honq P rt , , ipetro nt 2:15 acm, h b, ev- drving February 26th. !-HnWlon t. Mchepe. intacaested bf il anmd oni March Bohbars wonca h lace A1) ni. Mv, !AhI ed the accle push over a dneoCosblIa Smhbur.M . v Frow ndMis. 17, 1970, 'le antard mbt an throat. Monda they set sly p(Misoup quos, OP. 04-gayae contaier îr-, fP.fFinnoayastmatndedathea "Spmn- Pagreementenwid hhthemM.10msalintantlyheinCthou-doeitorringU heaem in terve on'm to e .s- Royal Billards and kick the la the vicinity- of Ilhe orma I t Oshawa Civicthe land, rnto a fence post e1t Mrs1, n', Ihp, i-ïifi!" i 'Nrué- roond where MthaAr grand- shaInrc-zoned oforoa.shoppinge Tha liIlte e oneon hadclalceady MEN'S~~~~~~! nra piaf~ of ete ar on Kiag Streel when thpe aenoui bnk on the -outhl daughter, Sha-on Farrow, Wm8sirenter reeomn a ensind Mc."ea"InMabnoutiyu en 0,1 leather an igskin rhigh rte of sprd w!th the crukn cstoppad. When caugh, si, o u Sra.H a n IR hve spermn, e"nd tho171 ha Daln l l tends 1el maa taoIo f os twiIpyyut ~see -loaer ffjo u, hr put Jonas shojwe theý uslsigos blitd !hat: they had beer nicues ï1r ete bohwr uprgaî onhpCuncil cluly v i.hmfo e iigro.Wa hae edcai o igwa f noxcai nan, wVI tu eslon car wîth Mc.r and Mc.Jim Fp.- e, y psigB4 44fIlnished, ha Wil l iaey ctcturgey rd- oc.honGofClb oa bcared an laed in th hia lk1 towa,,,rd the' (Frm page one) row, and family lA Bowm.aýn- amenidin tha Ofica Plnk-, ml hia îau al bothm nua t2 he aort Cocsin o police cali for the nligjlt Cn- acnean helaer chlcnfrthe acio mas a lck 0f ville 1( 0il on a nd c'ommercial. mngt a ciet animl king- fm m pe nuac W cease wettoHgha 5 ictioni brought a $20 fin wcru waln away fcom the inormation froll the roi-M.Raymond Bruice iý ac-Mc Riznk was unawace rdomowogunln a dom now crowding thePliving mayobeMebladtaisaveey à WOMENiS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!i sitreu fip'ln'lih rrse1pu rss rIirady. biligo h ohdao el genmn on wha In ciapînI o lcnrtltion On o) f ap Gaw vy dts rgrigRcuateld utri oera y ~~1 nwue or Irathr nO in lyan rmc or two lu ad, BRdae, ;vas fined $100 p wa e u. arBuems and Don 1 encourage growth in t he irîl f a, son 10m M V nipcîaerhte sopiggtows haat 0, 91E i~ I ih y and than crse on Yn coavkicion for- fot provid-, not sc he a htsrc The Toronto-ceniaeid re- grndon forRymn. 2000surfetouda iig ggiW Ch afgosi ono plan, puhîcmhed a yea Mc.iý and Mcc. T. H-endars,( bIt. H1 a sid th1 tad- A mgiietwîali e~wih ea -letiar luNecatl, ontaieon a long, wida lord on a The officar spoka 10 e Mc ago, trusstd dvopnt ompoe by de- n c.vlomn ol ig uoihc lcs ossiadw Prbgkarae lkp cuprik olga combi8nin of vahîcles on Tenr wAO adh hm ateaast of Mato ad promo- jin filmejr, Port Hope, Mlueto poe ear ad e a' wolf meandhbet sd-m $ 1a _Y % n p d b e h ri r e o f 5 c a r s e r v i a t(o>i a f o f o u yma lb u fîTud ho moto eta ule thati ie oe mas ad 0 D fnc c usa isstd ht wi liu ,, s uch ino m on RuIa a0 p()y tainep cstat w ud po ia & co- hc p ni dar w h a e l e s t o p a a n t a e a t i n h s l p ' e n i s l y t a h r et e n n 1 p . i lju d h u i e cnin u e t h e . l a . M c . n R .w a s P »oa ' A e d ! S h e ' e end to n i n e d i s a n c s i, Sj o n .j ) as h pP f o r prr e d i med foa 0 i1 ad d gren deOfde )ar and askad Ï f r dui mi St e ] 0 t on fom o ha cI d om in a n Mo d v 1 ro oi al prs n cnsiea] c T e hg her wll m k S K O E S i r ,ilk f{î e x l a o e W Býv h l v ij wh h it ed rilow ce d pa 1 e b soint W th out cahlmng M 0a n a1 nd So a f th m m - C m t r .l c li i yIlnn ]pm l na n sp c l t r lau i furl.i bac c d r ug f c I aJ n M M berr euc and Mayorn Maeay Wal undrsan that Bob,01 nooprt lorata Haw e livin roo andir bbc meetW wi î O f1) E bL cLie 1d rad Geal As-hu Glbacr ri I( Ju g Bete easarve tud hfc nsdr ar the stod or A - th Ha n eon a om oora vil Sn ps aw ands toi fe rfo r c oma SC H FI LD V Sala od Sevice, OSha r ciat dtfl Cf ci mneI -tk nin astidance. ijjýý n cn beclu- o a basic ro iii Rav T, Moinîgro -0 (0en M. M.rierne fatIat bi c.Kei Pocaml ILiia d% h a Ao m wn 1 1 1 l c " ette ps b u;,cH gIn r n soas thr nthea loato focW , t big gm ivision oII ia loa court a1, plede guîît tatve to com pli cosesu Prsytr metn et Trn crr ;tOie pointadp nu tha Acc'aioî Sba' hean as Bowm r5s)V S e h i i r a d irs in both A h rs G ia ,,i on con tro rsalt e g < p n iss es Uaiv ci. P tarb r gi, Bon a au e 0 'ne gr an bas i l or jport a ' sh w in b c p t Evidence ofý Con able hojh -ý d p ls, it S y 19- co sltns proposais waceko i do betw e t hawa and few o y acc 'îtl er M ne -IP6 3 4 0 fS 1 F u t, O ? ?,I wna d li a s y u liei m l for a c re i l a v elop a n Ar m iC l a ae, ,l j h l y an a s f . P l î elik t oras. (loupe hadtl given hr a tale * bacc wiîîhl thdt r P T I u s L h a forwc ad o o l e r i n grou s Ta l rfxe s v h l i g r nini, ý o v r t le g s , h n 6 3 7 5 man A hurng th Ce a 1f0caà ec wu b Iba pro 'ine ho ul om. Sa u d y June 5. a d e pr - I e iîbl of O b wm h r a , s e c mp a n d a o t atIgn on ; sau cig la em n r a o m n ai n nc rq ctd 1 c g a a Ie p u lcti o oih r 10 e bbc ý lict n ils a1et on h ThaY O stde oriînl schedI- articl e s l ha d ateelles f an h meand blir arm CISONIeý taE ONfl toomalhi bIc. he west or bbc d nor M ei alni as Hié noce w s n i g u br en uut auly op TOWN 0Fo BO M N I Lnt a cra has bon Id uld cont ne fo 327ti m nth s, r bbcl bekata Thn,,, a ec i r ni d m obio s s ioy. er, f rafsa b lat gai. Ththe andpir n ashcba u hr fuyit rocd for ham Ms C 11- alernte h p ad She yenul he bîg od imm mnou i H walked~~~~0-er 10 Trwig bi iîllcln ae tc drw Tars t e s b ea hor a - milIcem on op_ coup, karchiefSb and hegans of wip i.,ly iç RR f, ro e a wh dn r I e wi n r, d aw a 1h - bwaen $70o0 end $750,000, Coo- S l ismý of t_ aa ec wbohv distric roGm n m her a ' h, en P y ed ha ro a Vo t e il a N o D 2'779 fel ticti dru .c ôs nIp i wsc i i h p i i l h o p l n i h b li ru n oses bý bon u 'G) V P rF g 3 J q d k 4 q L rK Pr r r b )d a m b e r , aI ier h yr & s N 1 11r r iutM c l v o rp l p n e d-M n a Ü r ria cP 1î so ui , -I W O Ut' a e . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ crenle aom n f[ l gr h inn tike ua h l i hy t poin cia Amrv12 n" am dlng cars et thak"Pinceraith days. pnhi È OM1o n es n item Ieein aot piy kn umm hp truck "nîî sh r 8 fW ppe. y a, Bow envlh L Thn Aa ài M am hunIer foca l T H E R E W I k L E w il k e y s in i l ie x d n iro v e il I n dk A ,c w rî I r m M a y o r A H a b s a n m e s- C e ntre, MA 2 4 h, aI 3 3 0 p. n ' kv sJ n ff p e l G a nAs I po - a l e rh, r ow loto I evi c a go e n en and . - ia in b d es d ou de He w bîd a , e o n I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lak WggasbvngktMO.Lrrie rto ad rcdtr li rvic'porccus i osipe oradegitr w1,,ogllu MONDAY"S GARBAE ivlikvI li pop mhin e arn d wina c, deig tce o. 1escc htilwsin y huli hy wr bn WJL BE PIC ED P O GM pik-u beongng 538 al d b Ma . wo , M i s l an 10nu Mat 2nA. knt hec e lob abou hec beerh boI EL I TTE off ' in0 wasý t e maddca ani anpoa of, C en- i woldp habno ba hv a p Lest W cdna ay spiie ed' roglanlig ak m~a a 5t Alnccountanîshd o hd"f a1 1 f I fo r-scban r e(7prt. tii cket from Clîf Shirld whoý îil ip rai n nIll raoe j a nd Chagrrne rie redil Fom Pte __ __ _ __ __ _ __ ___i_ _ Ka nal Wila d al o mecOivaSI bbcý,, ;In r hW1 gova nne t Hc r n ce n wa e h invbil e b pr tou Iba ne bl r avwo eb r. n a I PEC IA I Y G ARBAG E I K m P I orir v iti pl whia"llp pC a vhn c t d rww l he hd u n, H Isef t 'il an u rn p lia are a iale M nyf ah all mie roo iag Uow IP R N R S G R O W R EL ... ,A N o rt h S B E O P I K i n g S t r e e C it ion he::: pi k u a f in C 5 8 ct S r cfI _____ Ragion k n voit r mu p p - eas gh h e w r n yh ol e 80 smm lir ame of acbietbC oaon l onrS or- puianth oveblia im t A' TOU ar a orbelomnoteer abnc ofit e r it wo it Sak BUK R.W TES CA $100 and cois or 15 eys. 1ýMm eqnppa andmm wel-tec Shp ina standing e a- M ay~ ~~~peso forh monlîs. airIa IIs.Kea OnApilOiostablice.NmagSM Mc. te nduâb M rd Denni Roc-eysHcdt,,k,, m haee cO BuakaOum mie, wasmar MOeîpalcliHcdn('l Agac uc brima on Son- So t i e o i g S r e ripm pnareAplî a cuspcîad, m-M P flgn Loly f ismoîuredrv Mas. o-a opalad k m o tc le nahm g w M CE NM J UC N r pEl driver mosbound g on bey, ftec i a I upnt accv-, i , faih sP hn e P d in a ce sj ý1 O1er wî0 alH m b o f bil elt ap a etc SIoo R. gicl Bu ta un vuale sudn hou op aim ,h ,w of Han 1on(lna MiiiE r on Higli HI!. oinî ao rehi idcmtiel anri BcidgchnortliIv Havec ?ofCnvro extrah tmsh etc. fai Reeboc ware soppe iodem hn wPn iruc JI A r $100cnv nc ty u n bo lv r a d ve~cns Oarkeo- li da. 70 m52.9 mill for PnHoner on20udy-i7c. adtf fo t is p îl î u u tn of bc ri ve s Prom lent yaaRfb An ans Donn 7Tnke MILR~~~~~NWTNVLL onU ondibion wasp c.A.Cen T'EN SD YOAn Adrhusrao a26 21%enio due onrc ?vmoche Iasae os ibM. n r. o On Acv Wli,,-h, 10met , . .---------- <Com act8-TackTape-PIayelrs for car &4ac SecoTae R-NetMini SeoTae C. cou rlyr uo-dsge.S(Aid Plye itb brct so unit and AN at;12-watt peak poewcr lotks Au cmr. Indiatr ba1acm mepe, lt Maniual, autiomnatic lighl; cotasfor on mti ~~54~~~ 14 wat 6 ' 4wi u ONL OLuput. 4,kP STREO T APES icreeden e Claarwatcr Uc eval - C'," 'ao~, mns Engd1bert IIui-'iprdck,MatviNiDimd aksn. "ne radýpialue n. ower. $5498 each SPEUALSALE - WhiIe Stock Lasts ARIE Many Cut Ends ourcd Yla ci ½1/14 IsiPar14pr 22./Z AIIini Cpr ýe f 1t.2/14Patc1apr a (rplce 214copppr> (Suaitbe for houseiheld usa) PAINT 75% OFF A fw itaror ta-nixd c1or -.quarts pand gali;on% e." CreditCardd' M, MIThe 1971 milI ratie mcess M.and Mrs . TCnir arc ofs ownms hby anl bel spanlles",,tweki sago seaue ionbbcprolvincr!IAl axkaaping houpe Wile 14r Andi pleit w in goas up fwrm I Nën.Raymond ilmaranry $58,8 0tr $61,21 or $2,41 PA Pd a wcek's hoidiay. hnong unit. iTaawc bcentbe1 Arcoig 10 INebudget ce- Jo piay et bc ard Party in, po ~ ~ ~ tl tbcComnyHalFridlay' I "n Iie VEAGEresdan nglil. Wjnesa flos e si es-ýe imantof $2, H9 5, bbcH I ldyJuieWoac;lo baxeLs ar iaceeed3.37 i e" ld, iltDulnlýp; -igli 11e $"2.41 credit for Ra net tol- imen, F Sapa on; w y, lý craaof $96 tri th-e Pbi~ . Mlia;50-50 drew, Dmi ý ciosppoer". fuI1 Cox; special prizýE dont- Tha s-paracs o]support-IPdby BodysHardware,Lnd ~~~~~~~~~f j";ea ble.Hc e ea cJne dcaeof$3. Bru Maconal andPele The 197ï1 budýgetLeàup $106.-Handrsn Wcre cppr goasîs 022 fbonilest yeer tia eiccord 1on Saturdaqy w Tbb ,Mc. Sd $2, 16,1ý5. 0f Ibis emounI,! Mcc, T. Hende3,rson e nd 1c- Ï1,543,824 must ha rcisad I 11., liffroul-i bbCemnicipal tàx1 Our ehucciwe ebéui lev, iereaiîdr omning i decorated wj1h Iowpring1 Iîoco contributins from obier plants, Sunday ninin , fo goermenbs ($46M,977) and 1ItaE annue l C.W. Annive- bmunicipal revenues ($131,560), cary. Guat speakar, Rey, Accocding tb Cieck/Adiniis- Rolbacrt Wag introducedi btrabori) Josapli Mcfloy aîdý by 11ev. T. Suaeigrove, aýi- î raua/a Collector Jos- 'thougi tori any ila, thagood- e phý Dacscest, bhc major causes sizad congregation ha e ed Ïln foi lieorease lu tus yar'sno introductbi, as halwase bud0get have hen emp]oyea"home bowm boy". Lic toni, ealary and maga eiaî ie "SimpifyiniReliion" îireS- igerthjan norai rosIs aný - ced tcneed fo1d: ngawey tchd in Ibi, wiinlcr'csuowce jwihimonof tbbc cuparfinoos movelM pgcm. aniicisrn iincluded luiiboday,'s IThay cibad the reesce b i hrilan living bliugli ba n llbbc bigler CL0..,ashoi', oathns l heý sOcanan as ectil rio. os fri cinir, "Ail Foc tIcELord'ar tin bicto ilorbb OAPAD "TeI'il Me t IcOd. Odj hy Wtd asrnnfroco $2,403 in, weca . aad.whuP leltl 1 11tr 92M0 Ibis yecn Thai Miss Vicki Harris sang Gai- C . as seassmnit t ies1thec's "Ha e Touched Me" inm sorai rm $3717 lest yaari Mc Walýtcc ýKeulmrran qaui d o 191eapportionment a! son Riicrd, of Delcnoiit, ce- là pcescetly u.ider ieviaw. T. Socîgrove over lie wcak- Thc exdrllr s iPdM.m adbeing mcl hlm on tour 48 cents for -genclpuristiExoi Jpnlad year Il, rentefor, bie cony lcvy, Thcy alndd our ev ic E. and 41 cents focr drain bcsonay mocning, ad 'Tia figuras foc 1970 ýwcca, 44, eccop %ni W ou mmcer toi 10 and 46 cents rmCspact e pbs oricn hage. Itha arnouns whirciýh bbc bown ï With Mc. and 1Mcz.c.c. M musi reise tliî-oughltaxclainJneRcAv. and iMrm. R. are, for le Ibrea maj-or pur- Wcag-g w&eccdinner gceson posase - $721,657 for geneaa, SondMay. $1825focýcounby, and $650,-!jMc. sud Mccý. Calirmen Cor- 950 for aducabion. The fireti nisli. Cherry], end Johinrf~ wnarnounîs ara increaeceofl Orono, and Mc. Bud îJoncs o!l $8'P0,507 and $11274 respective- Edmonton <liera over Ibel ly, ovar lest yeae. Edurabîrin, weerkand) cr dinner goaestsf - nrwacc i egnflenlydown, withMcc. ea Jnc.1 witb decrcea Ibe evy ith M, nd M '.S. J, fir 17 f 2,51,LapnsterunisAîe Mcnd Mc ceucio ldno influpre onbu, Mc. I -we ri nin drawmn ir) 171Mude of wmnlM b)udget l Hae ocdd "iadM-Jc ir n rHlnoei wecewvcry Ctco letîdugîai of Nommae, i if aoration lad béen hîier- c and Mî-. c , daïnsw îletf mîl ýt9rt oudhvabaý urenin lbbJeoff'-isy Lhghr er ro" vised LMýa, ad Ma.Dors "We Le asc Better * 1971 *'1971 *1971 *1971 *1971 *1971 MAVERICKAuonîtrnmsor,20un. 6 cylinder aogint, 4 DOOR FORD PICKUP TORINO PON T A C CH LV. iMPAýLA rcdio. Bronid 05w Mothly Custom Y2. Ton Sylslo-o4 CIt, opne 300 iro oxie, twin 1 beom fronrt oxi, G8 x 15 tires. Srnd new, monthly 2 Doo prîro,32- ,atmoipcr ieig pnwr boks, hit rvîS-Brnd neWMnthiy brcke', P- ols be rvrroe Sod s.M ibî broak i wîî' w t. Yel nvrs, rie.[- arid n-13 GALAXIÉE ds rks htcis be ae' ai.Eodnc 500Mnti T. BIRD LANDAU $97 $99 $99 D ocr Hocrdtn, 429V 8, poler irnapicrdi broGkPa, auîomo wt r , ipricidws, whitewocî , rdi.0rnd new. Mohy14 9 36 MON'TH, 60,000 MIý4LE NPET LEASE YOU MUSTBRN THES AD TO0 TAKE ADVANTAGE 0F THE-SE MQ ,(NTH-LY PrCE Mý,acDONALD 815 KING ST. 'W. Leeiig maonOSHAWA *576-1800(t Ther;3ton Rd.> M m 89-11