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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 May 1971, p. 3

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VVRIGHT - BOTHWELL Miss Linda Bothwell, dau- ghter of Mn. and Mrs. Albert Holland Bothwell,, and Mn. Stephen Charles Wright, son of Mnr. and Mrs. Charles W ight, ahl of Bowmanville, ý,ere unilted in maniage on Fniclay evening, Apnil 16th, 1971, at 7 o'clock la Tinity United Church, Bowmanville. He. George K. Wand offi- ciated, for the candlelight service. Miss Gail Thompson, the charch organîst. played the wedding music and the soloist was Mns. K. Sumens- fond. For the ceremony a soft pink llght bathed the centre church aisle, and a lovely setting was formcd by floral arrangements of daffodils and the sft glow of candlclight Chicago, 111.-A free affen of special intenest ta those who hear but do not understand ~wrds bas been announced by B eltone. A. replica of the small- est Beltone aid ever made will be given absolutcly free ta, any- one answering this advertise- ment. Try it ta sec how it is wrnn in the privncy of yaur own horne without cst or obligation of any knd. It's yours ta keep, free. It weighs less than a third of an ounce, and it's ail at ear level, in ane unit. No wires lead fnom body ta head. These models are free, so we suggest you write for yours niow. Agýain, 'we repent, there is no cost, and certainiy no obliga- oion. Write ta Dept. 2474,ý Bel- tone Electronies Corp., 4201 W. 'Victoria, Chicago, I11. 60646. 2nd&3r8- 2 4 1îH0DU týR from white tapers in candel- abra. Given in marriage by her tfather, the bride wýore a for- mal gown of white lace over rsatin with longIlly-pointe'd ssleeves trimmed with pearis. The skirt was designeýd with five tiers of the lace and the back of the bodice was ac- Ycented by a row of peari but- tons fromn the neckline to the waistline. Pearis and rhine- tstones highlighted the 10w 1neckline, and ber shoulder- dlength veil was held by a efloral arrangement of white petals and pearls. She car- ried aný open prayer book !crested with pink sweetheart eroses, white carnations and stephanotig. Mrs. Colin Davies was matron of honor and the tbridesmaids wereMiss Debbie -Bothwell and Mrs. Fred Ho- garth. Miss Karen Hayes was flower girl.' Ail were attired in floor-length, empire waist-. ed gowns of emerald green peau de soie styled with lily- point sleeves, and matching material was entwined in their coiffeur curis. Each car- ried a white candie surround- ed by yellow roses and tied with yellow satin streamers. Mr. Kerry Dickens was best fman and the ushers were Mr. Allan Bothwell, Mr., Larry Taylor and Mr. Jim McGuire. Master John Hayes was ring bearer. The reception was held in the Church Hall and w-as fol- lowed by a dance at the Rýoyal Legion Hall. The bride's mo- ther received wearîng a two- piece mint green dress and coat of linen, with shoes and handbag tinted ta match. She was assisted in receiving by the groom's mother who wore a coral crepe dress with long sleeves and high collar, and mink stole. Both wore cor- sages of yellow' mums and orange roses. As the couple left on their wedding trip to Ottawa, the bride was wearing a powder blue crimplene pant suit with matching suede accessories and corsage of yellow 'mums. Mr. and Mrs. Wright are re- siding at 3214 St. Clair Ave. East, Toronto. A secretary, the bride at- 'IDqGRTG 0 AGE S PPR OVAL SI LOW COST. $2.000 TO f2,000, ARRANGED IN THE CONVENIENCE 0F YOUR HOME. CAIL COLLECT TO 10 P.M. TODAY FOR HELPFUL, COURTEOUS SERVICE 1-(416) 366-9586 EVEFINGS 1-(416) 231-8146 PRlOMPT INVESTMENT CORP. LTD. 330 BAY STREET, TORONTO 1, ONT, Reg, from $12.05 te $15.55 gal. NOW ONLY $9.79gal. Qts. _- Reg. $3.95 - ONLY $2,99 Mýoores House Paint has a durable glass finish that protects whi le it beautifies. Its resiMaflc8 ta Sun, fumes and mildew rneans your house will keep that "just painted" look year after year. e e Known for its easy brushing. Available in White, plus fullI une of sparkling, f resh calors. Benjamin Moore Painýs ABERNETIY>'S- 55 KiNGSW PAINTS and M7ALLPAPERS PHONE 623-5431, tended Bowmanvllle H i g hl School and Oshawa Businessl College. The groom attended Bowmanville High School and Durham College, WATSON - NIXON, Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, enhiianced with lovely arneet of pink and white cannations with white gladioli, was the set- tîng when Miss Georgina Nixon, daughten of Mn. and Mrs. Bob Nixon of Bow City, Alberta, and Mn. Ted Watson, son of Mn. and Mrs. Harold Watson of Bowmanville ex- changed marniage vows on Saturday afternoon, April 17, 1971, at 3:30 o'clock. Rev. G. K. Ward officiated and the wedding music was played by the church organ- ist, Miss Gail Thompsan, Given la marriage by her fathenr, the bride wore a for- mal length gown of white jpeau de soie with rolled collar and full lace sleeves gathcned into lily-pointed cuffs. The empire waistline was accent- ed by a white bow and the sleevelcss lace coat, wonn over tthe gawn, extend 'ed intbo a 1full-length train. She wore white satin shoes and her shoulder -length, 'three -tien veil was caught ta a floral cluster headpiece a dorned with ýseed peanîs. Rer cascade bridai-bouquet was of, pink and white carnations. Miss Jean Stuart of Cal- gary, Albenta, was maid of honon, and wane a mauve gown. The gowns worn by the bridesmaids, Miss Denise Watson and Miss Patricia Watson, sisters of the groom, were apricot and yellow ne- spectively. Miss Nancy Nixon,, sisten of the bride, was flower girl and bier dress was a lave- ly shade of green. Their for- mai length gowns of peau de soie la empire style wlth short sleeves, wene highlight- cd by a self matenial bow with floor length streamers, which was attached at the back waistiine. The gowns, »which gave a raînbow effect 1af pastel shades, wene accent- ed by cascade bouquets of rainbow tinted carnations, and they wone floral cluster >headdnesses ta, match the bouquets. Mn. David Watson, brother of the groom, was best man and the ushers wene Mn. Da- vid Crozien and Mn. Donald Rickard. The reception was held at the home of the groam's par- ents where the bnide's mother received weanlng a blue and silver sleeveless dress with matching thnee-quarter length j acket. She was assisted ln receiving by the groom's mo- ther who wore -a two-piece pink wool dress. Each wone an orchid corsage. As the couple left on thein wedding trip ta Eastern pro- vinces, the bride was wearing an azure blue dress with lace trim and lace siceves, and white_ and blue plaid coat. Rer jewellery was a peani necklace, th.e gnoom's gift, and a mauve onchid corsage complemcnted ber travelling ensemble, Mn. and Mrs. Wat- son are residing in Bowman- ville. The bride Is a graduate of Calgary- G e n e r ai1 Hospital Schoýol of Nursing, and the groom is a graduate of Guelph University, Guelph, with a Bachelar of Science, Agricul- ture, degree. MLLS - DAVIDSON Setting, Was Trinity United Church Mn. and Mns. Stephen Charles Wright, shown in the above photo, chose Friday evening, Apnil 16, 1971, at 7:00 o'clack for their marniage in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville. The bride is the former Miss Linda Bathwell, daughter of Mn. and Mrs. Albert Holland Bothwell, and the bridegnoom is the son cf Mn. and Mrs. Charles Wright, all cf Bowmanviile. McRobbie Phata Exchange Bouquets cf white 'mums, snapdragons and pink canna- 1 tions fonmed an attractive sctting la the United Chanch, Bethany, on Saturday, when Patricla Mac D av i ds, 'I yaungen daughtcr of Mrn and Mrs. Hoss Davidson, Bt~y exchanged marriage aws with Thomas Elmen Mîs,ý- 'only, son 'of Mn. and M.\rs. Howard Milîs, H.H, 2, Picton, Rev. David Narthcy was the officiating clergyman. The soloist, Robent Tompkins of Lindsay, cousin of the bride, sang "The Weddîng Prayer'; and "The Lord's Prayer" ac- companied by Morley Coombs,j Lindsay. Given la marriage by ber fathen, tee bride wore n white floan length gawn of . Italian ty slk, which was en- Ç hanced witb a wcdding band necklinc, empire waist and deep cuffed sîceves. The ho- " dice was adorned with French :- guipure lace inserts. A long detachable train of Itallan Mn. and Mrs. Ted Wats silk accented the gown. Rer vowý in Trinity United Ci four tîered veil with ,llp noon, Apil 17, 1971.' Forni ed egn a held in place by an Italian silk headdress cf Mr. and Mrs. Bob Nixor tnimmed with lace and pearls. son cf MVr. and Mrs. Haroid The bride carried a garden style English posey bouquet j- of white gardenias, stephano- - tis, pink venonica, sweetheart Mrs. Mary Lou Tompkins, 0 Lindsay, attended as matroný of honor; Miss Marguerite i e à o Beer, Scarborougb, and Miss,ý,o Barbara Jean Milîs, sister of, the groom, were bridesmaids. They, were attined la ful length gawns of candy fluff v pink crepe sheatbs ln empire styling. The bodice was ac- Allani F. Lawrence, Minister1 cented with a weskit of white of Justice and Attorney Gen- Amenican lace. The attend- cmal of the province, bas ne-i ants carried garden style Eng- jected a resolution for great- lish posey bouquets of hot cm council epresentation on piak gladioli caps, pink ver- police commissions. onica, swcetheart roses, white The resolution, drawn up byaciaths,,'white rases and by the Township cf Saltfleet royal blue cornflowers. and endorsed by Bowmanvîllc Gardn Fo of loomieldtown council, had rcquested was best man; the uslhers twa membens of councîl be were-Wayne Spence of Peter- given ýseats on tbe thnee-man borough brother-in-law cf the commission. The principal bride, and Graham Gale of reason was ta casume police Picton, brother-in-law of the saiany scbedules wouid be ticd groom.inmr lslwtmuipa For the reception at Hock l oecoeywt uiia H a v e a, Peterborough, the a white cymbidium orcbid, bride's mother recelved the witb pale yellow sweetheart guests wearing a pink silk roses and bloc cornflowcr. worsted dress and coat en- semble with matching acces- éA s the bride, and groom lef t soies. Rer corsage was cf an theiir wvedding trip, tbeý white cymbidium archid with 1'nîde was, wearing a bluei pink sweetheant roses. The.,i-,css a.d coat ensemble wlth groom' mother assisted, wea-igeacsois complemient-- ing a yellow, crepe drcss an,,icd with a corsage of sweet-. coat ensemble witb mrating heant roses, On etura they: accessonies. Hemrsae ws.whlrsidezLit Peterboroagh. Vyows In Trinity United Church bson, shown< in the above photo, exchanged manniage .unch, Bowmanville, at 3:30 o'ciock on Saturday aften- nerly Miss Georgina Nixon, the bride is the daughten an cf Bow Cîty, Aibenta, and the bridegroom is the dWatson cf Bowmanvhle, Photo by Astor Studio rnisMorwe R%,eps budget guidehines. ta consîder the pourpase of the The Mînister said that the administration of law enfonce- composition of the commission ment agencies and the acces- shoald remain as it is, nameiy, sity for presenviag an objcc- one memben of council (norm- tivity and an impartiality that ally the bcad), anc member wiil preserve for the.c people from the beach (generally of cemey municipality the best meaning a judge), and a third featumes of adequiatean persan who was neither an efficient police admrinista clectcd officiai non member of tion." the beach. Mr. Lawrence considered this composition would give SOLINA the greatest degree of objec- tivity and impartiality ta pro- Mn, aad Mns. Loran Pascoe vide for a competent and ade- and boys, Oshawa, wcre Sun- quate law enfoncement serv- day cahiers with Mn. and Mrs. iice.Lly roe t "Any system requires a7, r an d om.To Bae alysis and meassessment l n.aiMn.Tm ae cbaaging circumstances," Mn. were Thursday supper guests tLawrence wrate, in a nepîy to witb Mn. and Mrs. Barry aSaîtticet town couacîl, "anid I Cowling and sons. edo wish ta assure you t1hat the Mn, and Mrs. Lamne Hoskin, imatter of police adminiistr-a- T31ackstock, were suppen guests tian will continue ta be a sub- with Mn. and Mrs. R. B. Davis ject of study by the govern- on Saturday evening. yment. 1Mr. and Mrs, Ken Kno-.x, ¶lowever, wauhd urgeyou IPrnnetan; Mn.,,and Mrs, Bnian Knox of Oshawa,, Mr. Enie The Canadîan Statesinan, Bowmanville, May 19, 1971 jGausin, Toronto werp Sunday gKno~ t r and ncy.ohnîchool and were able ta helpMeHsptaI KoanNny.with many ailments of te e orial H sia- Mrs. Elva Moore and Keith people. Grass roofed housesWe " ' with Mr. andý Mrs. Loran Pas- pearance, Soccer is the fav- coe and sons, Oshawa. orite sport and tea their cash Week of May 10-16 inclusive MisPearl Leach attended crop. These facts and many Admissions ---- 4 Tyrone Anniversary Service more were expiained in a Births-2 male, 1 female and was a tea guest with Mr. very interesting way by Mrs. Discharges ---- - - and Mns. Art Youngman and Thompson ta acquaint us with Major operations il1) f amily. people in this land. Mrs. Minoir operations 21 Mr. and Mrs, William Moore, Best, president 0f the group, Emengency treatments 5~23 St. Catharines, were weekend expressed appreciation on be- Visiting hours 3-8 p.m. l$ guests with Mr. and Mns. haîf of the unit. Shelley Clarence Bray. Miss Lois Ger- Payne presented Mrs. Thomp- GET CASH TODAY row, Leskard, spent the week- son with a gift for her gardien, THROtIGH end with Wendy Bray. During the business plans ST ATE S MA N Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dyer, were made to assist with the CLASSIFIDS Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Donald chicken supper at Welcome- 5Colwill, Dawn and Lisa, of help arranged for the anni- Burnong Reý,cta I Guelph, were Sunday supper versary flowers for May 30tfl, guests with Mrs. Dorothy Pas- and ta attend a meeting laRlnvdI cçoe and f amily. Port Hope. A letter was read LIUL Mr. and Mrs. Joe Snowden by Berniece Best froma the Exclusive Ilealing Siibstan& Bruce and Shenyl attend~dRn ogcidtligo Relieves Pain As It Tyrone Anniversary and were bier concera lest hier school t wth an M omstanding would not be high Shxnks Hemroi. guess wt r. ai nMs. To Pleasance and family. enough ta permit her ta have If you 'want satisfaotory relier fïnýQ 'Mr.. and Mns. E. R. Taylor, a chance ta attend school in a *îtcbing Piles'-here's good ne Enniskillen; Mn. and Mrs. place whene there, are flot A renowned research labonatory hffl Bruce Montgomery, Hampton-,deough scools ta acceorw0- found aunique healing aubstaný Mr. and Mns. Donald Taylor daeeeyn.Rrrpr as that promptly relieves the buinin4 and family wene guests with ver good. Discussion was itch and pain-aétually shrinl" Mn. and Mrs, Bruce Taylor and d concerning June genenal hemorrhoids. This substance hj famly a clebateWaler' meeting and the birthday been shown ta produce a moStefea., bailthda, eert WaeÉ party ta be held at Golden tive rate of bling. is germ-. T Mrs. Donald Taylor and Pog og.praperties aise belp preveq' family visited with the Aber- On Thursday of the past infectiîon. nethy familles at Oakwood on week sasse of the children -In case aften case 'verny atrii Saturday. from George Hamilton school îffpravement" was xioted, eýýeai Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Tink enjoyed a bus trip ta Tononto., among cases of long standing. ii. were Sunday dinner guests Those fram this area were this imProVenient was mainmteïneW with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Mary Miller and David Bee. over a period of monts Jackson, Oshawa. Mr. and They were accompanied by This was accmi hy a inet' Mrs. Alex Blair, Terry and Mrs. Doug Bee. healing substance (Bio.-Dyne)-4.- Donna of Brooklîl were Sun- Mr. Honnie Howarth of ceis ad imlathe groth b ne day evening callers with Mn. Toronto spent the weekend tils dsue to ia-Dye la hof eÎ and Mrs. Bruce Tink. with the Harold Austins, ointmeat -and suppository forê Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Met- Mrs. Hector Danke spent the called Preparation -Hl". AsIc fr'à manville, were Sunday visit- Niagara Falls attending the uiioney tsaco 4 ors with Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Bowmanville. Yellowlees and f amily, Miss Karen Yeilowlees neturned fromn a student exchange trip ta Frankln, Pennsylvania. C e n r k c / l Mn. and Mns. Wesley Yellow- ,t.ry L e n r ,U P1icïz i 7 lees wene Satunday visitons with Mn. and Mns. Harold Yel--- lowlees, Onono., Junior fully expecteü. a long wait for bis food vhen h%. Mn. and Mns. Ross Cook, father asked the minister to say grace at the table. To hig fShelly and Jackie of Chatham surprise the prayer wýas brief. were recent dinnen guests with Mn. and Mrs, F. H. Westlake Looking Up at the guest with a grin, Junior said approv.i and f amily. Hecent visitons sngly, "'You don't pray so long when youre hungr, do youi'I with Mn. and Mns. Frank West- lake were Mrs. F. Blackburn,CLTE CAEHN :. Salem; Miss Leslyn Chamben- 'LTE AEHNS lain, Zion; Mn, and Mrs. Fan- Do it yourself does net apply to the removal of spots an4 roi Smith, Valenie and Rab- stains from your garments. Expert qualified attention is ee. ent, Fleetwood; Mn. and Mrs. F. E. Cook, Mrs. Edith Mitch- ed send them te Bowmanville Cleaners. ell, Donald and Clarke Smith, Mn. and Mrs. Hon Broome and SUPPORT THE RED SHIELU APPEAL Kelly ail of Bowmanville; LOCAL BLITZ MAY 3lst Mrs. L. Savoie, Oshawa; M&s. Art Willet, Toronto. On Sunday Mn. and Mrs. Frank Westlake visited withb Mr.John Westlake, and Mrs. ~ D M NV L FR.Cook who are patients nlaWA V I L Memonial Hospital, Bowman-c E ville, and laten wene tea guests ,: N K with Mn. and Mrs. F. E. Cook, aoTu84 IGSTW.6352 Mn. and Mrs. Perc Westlake 4KN .I,62552' Mn. and Mns., Robert Black- L MR "We Specialize ln Shîrt I.aîindering» bumn were Sunday evening callers at Mn. and Mrs. F. H. Westlake's. 1 WESLEY VILLE The negular meeting cf the Wesleyville Unit of Welcome United Church Women was heid at tbe home of Mn. and Mns. Murray Payne on Wed- nesday afternooa, May l2tb, After opening the meeting by reading the United Cburch Creed Mns. Harold Best asked the, group la charge ta present their programme before the business for the day. Mrs. Payne conducted the worsbîp period with Mrs. Ken Dnner reading the scripture and Mrs. Clarence Nîchols gîving the meditation, saying that la the modemn world you do not go ta a mission field, you ane ai- ncady theme. With the gospel now known la evcry country la the world, Christian teacb- ing is needcd cverywbere. Lance Payne sang anc of the sangs be sang at the festival, "The Boy's Sang" and aaotb- cm, "Buttemcups aad Daýisies". Mrs. Payne îatrodued 'the guest speaker for the dIay, Mrs. Tbosspson of Pont Hope wbose homewas la Niagara Falls, had attendcd McMast- cm University and at one tisse womked la the lab of Genemal Foods. She and ber busband had speat sasse tisse tcacbing ia Malawi, Afnica, the former Nyasaland. Rer talk was il- lustrated- with fine shîdes wbich they bad taken la thîs small landlocked c o un t r y wbicb bas a vemy lange lake at its cast side and bigb moun- tain at its southern tip. Many of ber pictures sbowed the manvelous t r a n s f ormation wbich cames ta the country with the wet season, Tbey scrved la a dispensaryr aften r- Ç~i .4 o. El IRe STARTING MAY 20th, 1971 CELEBRATE WITH US AND SAVE, SAVE 1 1O~o AVINGS ON Complete Line of Clothing SPEC;AL PRICES ON Chesterfields -Chairs -Matt1re-sses ïWALL TO WALL CARPETING SAVE ON 0 ZITyE e AKE Reg, $3.88 Sq. Yd. 6 During Sale 01l3 sq yd. M ULD ER'S ?URtNITU)'RE & CLOTHIING 23 KING ST. E. 623--5515 ~e br~5 .5 -wh Chene's firr AT CHERNEY'S FURNITURF WORLD you will find everythîng to furnish the home -beau-- tifully Complete room groups (decorator co-i' ordinated and priced for every budget), u~ and drapes to match, stereo and TV to relax with, appliances to make life easier.,, and a ecedit plan ,to fit te budget .. ail under oie. roo-f at Cherney's! Corne and see. 80 KING ST. EM OSHAWA 940Slhcp 'til 9 pm. Thuxrsday and ra 9--00llnday, Tuesday, Wednesdayan 'uray ai o. ~ ,~ - . . . . . . . . . . . .

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