EDIT ORIAL_-CO -MM -ENT .Hockey's 'World Series Cornes to an Enid This s 15being wi ttent early Ttiesday m6ncrîng, jsta fewhours ,before the deçilding seventh gameof theNational Ictckey Legesplayoff final between Moantrea Canadiens and Chicago WBack Hawks. It could wll eu Acaled the Worp-ceieF of profe'ssional hockey bcu it bas ttace a v7iew>inig audi- ence n. ti-,eeisiontihat mtiý,St 'one vny close to, if indeed, it doesn't surpass in num~bers bat annuaibasebal f er in thr nîe States. Hockey is cr-ain.- !y Camînng into its 0own lon the Nýorth Aiewan continent. WY man dplre as mach as we Ilie, the graduiai intusion of Uniteçi States nine nd cntrlinto this professional s'port t' u nust admit that the expan.i- . onof teleague overth yas into the U.S. bas gvnmnyyugCana- diai hokey layrs pportLunities for boaîecaýreer in tlheir chosen sport that thevwuld neyeCr bav'e had i( the garne had renipd stricty Canadian, &J ofar, lthe Arneruican ei-aeoe çloestiappr to have huritlithe lPquality off thie ganr -ie to'te point w-hPre it bas JQst tono much of ilss P<yncitmet io be th1rîlling. ' in fact, the cur-rent i bas procltced somne rruagniificent hiockey that Praduced every Wednesdcîy by THE JAMES PU13LISTIING COMPANY IIMITED 62-66 King Sil. W., Bowmanville, Ontarto Phono 623.3203 -- - - cauld not be fauilted. There have beeli tremvndous tearn effort, and e Iatstan i-ng indijvidu i performnances h- for- wards, defencemf-en. and bot.hgais Now that the Sees is îabout tapihP- corne histor, many voldi records-av been shattered, the Hoke all of Fame lias new popetand wecp- orly wîsh the ýgladfiators a good 1rest ftrbattling 1Dsince last aîl'iinappi-- maey100 games. Theyve dne their job wei and we than1k 1them for samp grea( eteraimen. oighit's gan't shoulid really be pmayedo netral iceý la gve bth tamsaneqaoprtn ity ta show vwhat thpy cn do when the 1-rilen't at home u fr screaming crowdsi7 of local]upotesP, oudh(' a 1n'uch fairer contest. I-Ioevem i~omatteýr wa apos there's aiways extyor anl in the moeantirne, we hce bfscancom-is- erate with thlosers nd ificky, pgloat 0 oesoui accurato preý,diction in-,pick- ingj the winnor .. and vwondor uwhy Frank Mahovlich ddntdeke goàalie, Es,,posito instead of soo ifrom Way out. It's a great game. n ttruwhio wins and certainly mnuch better to watch on television than those reruns. Please Don't Break the Bottiewýs Wo'v jtst rtumed he comn hrom také ouf their fru-Lstrationsm ewe duspa t te orerwhreit meé- else, Eokeni glass, vboýfher froým beer ýs, affer helpîg ufthe çýtawni'sks botties or saf t drinýk, dosn do a thinig arfmenf by vswoophiin upe pieces ta improve the conditiùon of any road- rokrn popbafles fmrom the rioed in way, lot alone the main street af aur . ft of fiMce. fair communify. WhlIbis is rexcellet xociethaf .Couicj't you jusf place Ihemo on the ild fanemuslesused on thie golf ýsidewalk or in, the garbago cans. instead 'se-. ,- Ae woil ikýetesuggosf fa of hreakiug them? if would he sa much ie whýo appear ta ta ,ke pleasuro in tidier, and less likeLy fa ruin a set of king baffles niKirg St. that they tires. To Russia With: ov Parýtliamentarv n e wý s m e n have trip fa fl-e ifquite a lewv'ears ega mcde up the above slogan for Prime when he ,waF, in iParliament, s0 fhey'li istor TrLdeau's visit fa() Russia, with be able ta comnpare notes when fhoy vlywif e -,lrgaret, and if appears refurn. o ppopiaehcausýe si-te is s0 at- Af Ibis pofint, we can oniy hope Ibat tive thiat sh(-, mighf w,,ell steai the their unpmIcedenited trip wiil produce tfrom aur urrnt CuîlYlocked worthwhile resuits and a dloser relaftion- <ship with aur powerful neiglibors, for Wr sem ta ocal Iba.t ber father, the overali good of mankind. And if Eion.Jae Sinclauir, made-I a similar lave hoips, il will ho ahlsng Re por rmOttw By Russeil C, Honey, M.P. :tn lest «eksReport I referred fa 'fac! ihat part o)f r rsosblte SDeputy Sekrof IbisFHouse of _,on1nt1ons i,-,la assist in Ille inter--paýr- ~, ecbagedon probe-ms and pollicios oornto anut-r rseciecouiitries. Foilawig tIbiSAInî bRoumanie et ~sterwhor we et wîth Roumenien ~wlimonaninsce received paruea- nentary delegabions. lun Ottawa framn Ldesaand Finland iinIbis past Ibrea This weýk we bave been preparing er metn in Ottp\aa noxt woek of .'e Canada-LUS, in!ter-parliamnentary Wiyup.The meeings %illm h eween anadiano Memnbors af Pariami-euft and fenators and hir Amneican counter- )arts. Two itemns of nmutuel crnceru rau he agenda for discussion are Ihe dean- p o-Jf polluýtion in thfe Gre-at Lakes id the stops fnA ho aken ta avoid the rePto fption ýfion rprooleis in the Stp n up the polluted con- ýitîion of the la'kes and ta prevent or ýSecn cont,1inin poillution are joint espousîb-ilities aof bath c-ountries, thep orvnc f Cntaria wvhich fonms tbe oaundarýy for thie Great Lakes basin on he Canadien side, tbe caverai Stafes ardering lbbCh GreaLkes on the mernrican s.ide -,nd the mauy huindneds f.uncplte on eech sidie af the I tbink ib is Ifaîr ta say, thaýtCanada - leadiug [ice United Stetes luinanti- ollutian contrais. This is understand- ble hecaluse be don >it 'y of populationi n the Aeia sidle as compered tY âe Canadien sidep is nine la ane and Jerefone the pIrobiemi looms langer on telà sîie. RePcentioderai legisiation contrais ric eve-,nfuelly will prevent the dis- I brge of phosphates into Ibhe Great ,akes, system. As yet Ibis Amenican 'gslators bave nat enacted companian ýislaýtion but similar action is unden *+- - A phonos 62 3 -33l03I JONM. JAmriSPATRICK GOULD . .MORÊU'S EDIORPURISENArVTG, MANAGER Eunoes MR. 'Coýpziqh aa,i/ r 5eîiy ix,,t ,ttbst a ti c i paq araa nq tii:, rnat Pi:fnt pic .1% cipuliiatin.mut i-A abtainýeti fro "'shtpubllteher .Il- the . inttr. Any urauthain7êd rerdutanwll 1bý ubient tê rn5iiet k. $00a year - 6,month's $,5a8,0 Year in the United Stateas Aitaugh eveY Mpeuioamltae n tm avoed r M Thec"ndman toemun ac.uteadvurtt. puiuaiid eruneruaem a Ompin isech nd"eet0amea s euetd in wMMq h~ y tiK Aduts", a ue~ rêtwaed ta Th nnina Stateenyan bupaas.le, duyMlwaeMIiy<i M ndveîtaee n "AHi Mani ni sui arverte usent e iii, etie aupited i til, noted eýrrai bears tot h hl, sraca areuptd intensive stui.dy in Ibis United States. The questý,ion of Arcbic pollution will, of coursýe, hoea matter for inten- sive dscsio.Jycost\en wfll recali t1haf lest yeem te Feder,-al gv ormmntpassed strong eiieinf coufrol bbte ofraad' rei.T'he provisions, i l te inofaiCanadfien legisiabars, ae ocse' t revent ships of ey nt mry -despoiliuig Cn o(de's lnorthiemu oce n Thra was, baw- evýer, e stroug objection fnom Iis United SîLates on thle bass IaltbIe legisiation inten-ifered wilhtb bstaiioa reo ai navigation an Iishgb senF(-s. I arn sure the discussion on Ibisq point il bis lively. BITTER-S WEET I waken ta a peai-l-dewed momn,ý And beer Ibisbiirds salute uhe dawn, The golden flashý of obe'wus The poignant swisessc Fof theirsag 1 wetch Ibhe wreetbisofreinms, Dispel, before Ibis dewn'spuelgf As eartb eceives the sun's vwerrn 1kiss, Gone are the sbadows oýf the igb Oh! anariles calling b Iis dewn, Sa sweet, -'fis almost pain, your Song. TO A ýWOOD-THRUSii Each nigbt, et dusk, my litIle frieud unseen' Pipes liquiçi notes, from ouf the near ravine. I've Imrieçi fafiud Ihim offen, elusive, biddeu,sene But ail I faund; those silver notes as hauntîng as a dream-.1 Matching the siivyery moonligbt, dappling Ibru' the treos, Now noar, now fan, as fonder as the littie evening breeze. Sornetimes lu fer-off places,- .aithough if cannot ho, At dusk, I think I bier again thet plaintive melody. -Marj orbe Cunningham Sugar 1and Spice pipeline cani be bujît. The $5 billion wili have ta be dîre-cd sa it doesn'f over-. stimula]pte thUe economy or ove-stengbenthe Canadi- an dollar. Work on this pipeliîne is unlikely to Ftari until the Alaska ail pipe- line is completed becau-so the ail companies involved -rich as they are--can't put together the type of money it wxould take ta have work going au bath prajects at once. Far less certain than con- struction of a naturel gas pipeline is construction of an ail-pipeline in the Can- edien north. The United States must use a pipeline across Canada to move its naturel gasbecause natural gax can't ho transported in tankers, An ail pipeline in Canada would ual be as secure as one in Alaska fram the United States point of view. And an ail pipeline in Cana- da would be much more expensive than one in Alas- ka. But an ail pipeline may someday be built in the Canadien nortb if, as is ex- pected, vast quantifies af ail are found in the Cen- adian arctic. Until such ail is found, taik about an ail pipeline la the Canadiaýn north anly serves ta ect ;as a smakescreen hiding tUeý more importanit debate an wbeire a naturel ga-s pip- ine sbauld go and how it should be regulated. 1Ih the Editor's 'Mail SHOWING ETHNIC BIAS Fallowing is a stetement by Aid. Robart Moan o! Oshawa, follawing a special Preview visit on Saturdey, Mey 15, with a number of Oshawa and Bowmenvile citizens, ta Ontario Place, Toronto, which is ta bave its' formai apening this weekend. The Ontario government should give serious consid- eration ta elimîneting any possibility of Frencb-speak- ing Canadiens reading eth- ic hies ageinst them mbnt ifs- film presentations at Ontario Place. l In s present farm, I -arn certain et least saom e French-speaking Canadiens will be affended, If I were a French - speaking Cane- dian, Ihere is a passibility 1 mýight be s hocked, The highly - qaestionable AN IDLE SUIMMER FOR SNARLY STUDENTS This is going to be a long, tough summer for parents of young people ini the senior hïgh scbool andiversiy brackets. They're going to be stucký with, bored, restless childrrn. And the only thing orse thfan hv ing a bored, restless chilcf on your hands 2s serre case of the crud, with comi- Pi ýcaions. The reason it's going to be a bad summer is that there are no lobs for the majority of young, people who would nrai be working. The other day I carried out a brief poli of ore of rny senior grades. Most of, them arç bound for- uni\ersity or nursing or some suçh. 1 asked ,ho)wmn hand a job l) inecd up forthieFsu merý. Out of tit people, two. had. One -will work foý>,r hisfthron. a diry 7f ïairm. Th"qe otherPl' a gi rl, will p u nChI a cas h reitrand only got thne job because shie'd workýed at it last yýear, So 1.here we have twenIty-eýight frus- tratdedyon people. 1 have the greaptest syipat,fl rot for them so much as for their parents. Nothing will break up a good fml relationship more quickly tha hving a healtby younig animal lolling about the houise ail summi-er, Thy eat as thnh vrymai weCre thirIast onle. They get lazier and, Jazier, stay'ing U p late aind sleeping in lat. hey have no mnoney for recrea- tioni, and get surlier and surlier. They develop a feeling of being uiseless and un-wanted, and resentan advice. Too0dam ad about the spoiled bratis, you say',ï and .I agree. But that doesn't alter the. situation. I'd ýrather live for the summrrer wt a porèupine that Ihad an1,lcer it a astudlent with- outi'aRj obý. Thousands of them .wil hit the road, lieIhe -_hoboes of the Great Dep- ression, drifting' about the country, bummnTiing meals, a place to sleep, and losing t heir self-respect in the process. And 'jýust as the hoboes used to raise ernugh. for the occasion ai gallon of wirne, some of these kids wl panhandie or steal to get money in orçier to get hihon drugs. ,What's, the answer? Don't ask me, I'm a question man, not an answer man., Then let's ask sorne questions. 1 Is it partly the kids' fauit? Yes. Some of themn would rather hum al summer than clean themselves up to the minimum standards of a pretfy free socioty. Others have nover dane a dirty day's work ini their lives, and'would not stoop to meulail chores. (My first job waqs cenn ouf levatarios.) And a great man'y of fhecm sim-piy sneer et the whole pr'otestant work ethic, ItIs al righf for theoaid man, but I'm going ta do my owvn fbJing - not wark. But I fhink the majority of these kids ,vould welcone a job of any kind. Tough foe(-nails ,for fhemn. There aren't thoejbs Didustry doosn't wanf themn, for pratial reaos. They have fa ho trainedt for even the simplesf facfory worýk, and by- the t ime they're praduc- ingthe'rooff fa schoi again. Indusfry profers fa hire pceople who are'going ta, be content ta puit rouind pogs lu round halos for, ye"ars, et Iminimlum wagos. And] speaking of vwag-'es, the fouristý îndstr, wichused fa ahsorb so mruch stuentlabrcen'f afford if an" y more,ý 'Miniimuim wage lawýs in Jobs ta used ta ho suipplementfod hyf ips hav-ermade imany'\;reoat opeiratans lump their backs an stuýc-deus. Why hire an awkward girl waitreýs wthno experionco, et a buck riî"ft'y ian hour or whatever, when you can bine exýperionced, waîfresses fnam thie v'asb pool of unempioyed, for thie Iif the ýgavemnmont's faulf? Parýt- 1ly. 'Fhe $50 million the fedenai gavei-n- mnt pu,ýLt up to alieviaf e the students' stainwas fao littho and fao laf e, and h-ad s0 many strings aftached ta it thaf Mn. Berxson might just as well have thrown il mb o ftho Ottawa River. Ail if bas doue is croate another branch ou tb(- vast oak of bureaucracy. That's wb er, a good chunk of the money will go. It's like foreigu aid. iEy the firne the 'wheat or whatever if is trickles down througb Ibhe bureaucrats fa the natives (,studeu-ts), fbere's aniy a moutb- fui left. Any reader with a modicum of comprehensian' wiil have realized by Ibis lime that my daughf or is home fram univecrsity without a job. Auyone have a job for a twenty- year-oid witb big brawu eyes, a charm- ing grin and auburn heir? Qaiia tions: plays a mean piano and guitar and sings; types as quic 'kiy and accur- ateiy as ber fathr; bas a suriuy dispo- sition except wheu sbe's loafing arouind home wîthout a job; feur cook; washes dishes faster than au autamatic, Oh, yes, bas a terrifie figure. A MacDuff Ottawa Report T he My,,sterlous Pipeline Whcu 2,500 miles of ie line appears on the horizon thene is ithoe a gavera- ment cen do ta avoid a political debate about if. TUe pipeli-ne won't disap- poAn if Ibis governenf ig- ]oes i.POpie wiii keep tkigAbout the pipeline and thalessU they bhean from the goe ethebismore canvin ced4 eywill hecome tUaIthegavamnment bas made a decisinton anhbe pipeline, Thosa wbio fevaur a pipe- line wiil suspect that the goverument bas blacked ils construction hbut doesn't want the truth ta gel ouI for fear o! qrAn dverse pub- lic reactian. Those whoi appose e. pipeline wlil ho- haeve fUelt te govonnmenit bas egreed ta let if be builîf nd iggin daesu't went the public fa kniow hecausis a! a possibile adverse reac- flan. And if silenre on, a pipe- line issue cen ceausa a ga-v- rnennt t-Mrol, ting a stand en gel ,if il-ta aven warse (,troule A. ,lrn a-,stf evotybody ,vill iage wîth thes stand, cîther be- cause il go0tofa feror bis- ceuse il docs ual go fan enougb. TUe safest lhIng foi, ;a gaverriment ta do on a pipe- line issue is ta confuio il. To ho for a pipeliïne ane rday and against il Ibisnext.7T ho encouraging pipl inre companies f0 buid orna(day and discouraging fhem tUe next. TUis is the course af action tUaI bas heen edopted by the Federel governoul lun tUe case of proposais for a pipeline elong fUis Mac- kenzie Valley lu tUe North- -weslTerritoiîes. Buitthfe Federal gavetra- mrent jbasetaken t tetgy of conifusion ia stop unten Not only bas ils stanue rdit- iened fnom day ta day, but on lUe sarne day variaus Ministers have mnade, dîffer- ont stteirents. MeenWhiie, almas ,-t un- noticéd by tU-e pihublicIbi goverunmnt bbPý eion look- ing et ail the faca i muà have if if h goiing ifa mekeý the bisI sibledecision aboujt a ipeline-, orpi- linst in the Can;-iainNn GiadUaIly,- despite the amokescreen efforts ai variaus Ministers, a few soiid tacts about praposedt pipelinées have emnerged. Fîirslly, tUera almost certain- iy will ho an ail Pipeline builI across Alaska fa maya ail fron thte vary rich fielda on Alaska's Narth Slape>. This pipeline will termn- inale at Valdex wbene tank-, ers wili pick up tUa ail and take ilta the Stete af Wah- ingtoni, te Celifornie wbich needs ail desparately and fa Japan. if il proves ecanornicelly possible,, a naturel gas pipe- line will ha built ecross Canada fta ike itUe naturel ges fnom tUe Alaskae North Siope ta tUe United Staes, espcialy thbe imidwesýt, wbicb cen use ail tUa n)atur- elI gas il cen gel. Canada could bneitIra- tncdaulyfna-m fispipe- lii.It would ces', ab!out g~ illonpresen' littie daniger fa tUe envàroniTirnt and could maya pAturai ,e wbichbaUeRbeen ionund n tUe Caniiadieantb ta marko aIs. in tUe su TUera aie ny n,,préblep« ta bis overcome belore titis ON HAVING AN INFLUENCE Much questionable advice is given ta young people about having an in- fluence. Ib is said that aneis us con- duct bimself as f0 have e gaod influence aven bis companions; and of course thons is much reesonebleness in Ibis exhortation. Wben, bowever, such advice in- valves anything liko posîng as an ex- emple, or boiug consciaus of baving an influence, thon la any beeitby-minded youth if eppears bo strike a false note ai chanacter, Such a youth answersa ini Ibis finst place. that ho iîs not fit ta have an influence, that ho is an u.nimparfant poison who ýbas quite enaugh ta do fa take cane of himseif, StilI funther, such. e youth views wil h suspicion the attitude of a model or e mentor. Posîng or pretence of sup- eiorîty i-sIla the averge yaung mani on wamaýn fthemost ohuaýýxiaus of feuits. The profession of daînrg good, it bas biou said, is anceaifIbis professions thet, i full. Whopn, bowover, anis looks deeper int Ibis malter ai influence, hbis ses thal if L5il of a quesion ai chaice or consciaus desigu, but an inevitable and an inhenent relation fram wbich anis cennot escape'. A man need nat conceru bimseif ta inquire wbether ho bas an influence. All ho bas fa do is la live, and' Ibis influence of bis life wili faiiow bîm as suroly as bis sbadow. This is whef St. Paul misant when hop said qthat we wene embers anise of nte."The foot ot nofay ta the baud, "iwill ha a (oad exampi, ,an'd enriea healtby influence on the In edi -Distant Past From ~the Sittesman Files- j (May 93, 1046) 49 YEARS AGO (May i5, 1922) Tomorrow, May 74, hia; We cngr,ýatuJlate Mr. W, ben etaide as'a rmîînïcipi J.- -1 P.. oo, beîng aihoidyfor tefl iciceoce Pesc on f the becm omne ta al l w ntroFrit Çl.rowers' Asý mavfeser1viýenen ani, saciaflont wonenwhanuibe n~re W- notice that nour aid tha 40.tonsanand frind M\,Ir Itwa prcently leaîarled Thor-nas Yllwee(i To-. tha Frr~tDiligorai- mna ertr f the Dur- thlgabscaptured a am Od )tn0ýBoys' Club, b-asi swamp sprrowin0tines b be enapone aCmis nh ast foiur years. This ý siner ,to Itle Preshterian1ýà partictulai' bird wa-s firit Gener-al Assemblyý which makdin 1943 and ba,;.s n-ets in Wininipeg on June corne bck ta the same tra 7-4t h. at Bowmiaoville Beach for Rowmanville Methodîýs the ensuing years uip ta were' pleased to hear Rev, 1946, Mr. Dsllîng vrmark- A. K. Edmison, B.A.,pastaor ecd that Mtost birds when af Orona Methodist Chuircli, they are trapped fiLutter Sunday everning. Thif choir around. but this sperrmw under the direction aofr,, seenis ta be resigned ta i ts T. W. Stanley sang an an- fat(, and doesn't put up te thern, Miss Edna M. l, th lýeaqt bit of a fuss. er taking the solo. Mrq, T. Ba(waxuanville was honor- W. -Cawker also sang a solo ed leist week la i having the with gond effect. first K-ing Scouit Badige Dis. G. C. Bonnycastie aVardedI in the biistory of and J. C. Devitt ettended a Bo, awmaville Scoutiîng. Thîs joint meeting of the Can- aiward iwes won by Scot adian and Ont ario Dental Carl Boa, son of Mr. and Associations in Toronto lest Mrs. Orville Boe. week. Miss Margaret Rowe, pop- M.Aci atfýssl ular young bride-ta-be, was M.Aci atbssl honared by 40 of lber bignea str etPt frieaîds et a miscaî,laneous Bomnvll a r.h shower held at the hiome 0oPr sn Miss Patricia Dinniwell on Ms I.S. Fee a nd May 15. Ms Christine B. Freeman A rmidnighf prowler tried spent Sunday with MI.I and to break into 'the homne of Misý. . R. Freemen,. Whît-, Tom Carter, Monday night. by. He ian when Mr. Carter Dr. Mabel V.Bay Hani- fhrew open the door. Later ilfon, was guest o-flhem the same nighf a thief broke uncle, Mi. F. A. Poster, into Blake Short's bain, No0rwood Pla(c, over Sutn- stole tractor headlights and day. bettery. Mrs, W. Eý Till(.,,,whao Mr. Don Quick, Trrrnta spent the winter mn oron- University student, bas comi- fa, is visiing her sont, Dr.ý pleted his first year Arts, A. S. Tilley, course and lsaiat present Mr. Fred W. McClung, hiing'bs parents, Mr. and New York City, N.,ba Mas. Wý. F. Quick. been visifing bis mother a ýnd Miss Patricia Clarke, aid- sister. est dJaughter af Mr. and Miss Florence Carring- Mrs. Wm., Clarke, is home ton, Mr. Cecil Henderson, atter completing bar third Mr. Frank George, Smith- year1 examinatiansaiat St. -field, and Miss Catherine Michael's Collega, Toronto, Warnica, Brigbton, were Mr. John Living is in guests et Rev. W. C. Wesb- Toronto taking a course la ingtan's on Sunday. 111 modemn electroplating at Courtice: Mr, Frank Walt- The Standard Platers Coin- or left May I11h by mator pany. car on a five months' trip Miss Colleen Lese, Toron- via Chicago tbrough the ta, v isited Mrs. Selena Lee Western Provinces for John aven the we ekend. McKay Co., Bowmanville., sequence comaes duriug a film represenitatian ai the English captura af Quebec an tUie Plains oet Abrabemn. SUaIs o! English Iroops ,are thro)wn on a sertes of cen- vas] Covered habéga suspended froi m tUe foor. Sbhots of French troaps are thrown on the saei typa of bggs, about five feet bigh and anis foot wido, at the op- posite side ai the open area. Guidas Invita visitons ta Uelp tUe English "push Ibrough" the French. 1By passin g thraugh tha eavy-,,, begs in Ibis way, visitonýs reacb the othen side ta, see a similan preseutatlon ai the Canadiens fîghting the Americans in the Wer ai 1812. la fUis battla scene, the Canadliens won; and we are invifed once more ta push fbrougb the Amenican ranks, whicb we do. In ibath presýentetiansq, we ara tli the Francb and the Americens lost, and "wve won". A littie latar, visitons reachl similer presantafions af thle Second Wond War. Shaots of Nazi end Japaniese Iraops are shown on toe beg 5(creens. Once more we are inv,,ifed ta "pusb througiih." Ail fh!is may bho accepîedl witîhOUt much thloughit h Onitario residents. But least same French-speaking Canadiens mepy find the total presentetiail repulsive. 1 emn certain il will present a dlisunifyTing,_ influence, ag if stands. If Ontenaia Place wants tC dwll p onhe umiliatIin - o!fetwh doas il lot also stress tUe victorias af national Feh Caynadien leaders. 1 faund no such possi. bility af perbppaunthink- ing hies in any comparable displeys et Kxpa '67, ai which Ontario Place seems ta ha an atherwise techai- cally proficient, somatimE& thrilliog mini-version. If would not require very mach effort ta elimninats this posç;ibility. lui somq way, greter emrnphes ýis might ha glven ifa working bilingual, bicuitunal On- ferla commun ities and other ethnically unifying situa- tions which axist lu) On- tario. The Depression a! the IP30's also das not sýeem tn hiave e doent representa- lion lu fUis film loutreech heyond strictly parocil Ontario history,, past and present. Perhaps something mighit bis added emotlnfleally If we are, asked ta, "pusia through" and lhelp defeat the hags aifuemployment. hand;" for Ibis membens of 'bhe body are inavitablyv and inexînicably bound toge-thon, so thef bealtb or disease in any part necessarily affects Ibis whole, A youth, therefore, bas but ta go bis- own way, as quiotly as he may desire, and bis influence on other rnem- bers aifIbis social body of wbicbho is a part is as certain as Ibis functions ai pbysiology. The if eof e wbole cam- munity is sometimes transformed in ifs ideais and aims by e person who bhas nover U'hought of pasing as an influence or'of seffing an exemple, but bas gare bis won way, whicb othens wanf bo fol- iow. There-is au inîeresfing point an Ibis end af t ho fount b Gospel, wbere Peter and another disciple corne la the sepul- chre and besitate, Thon Peter, wilhout exhortation or discussion, simpiy doos Ibis next tbing thet is set befare bim, and goes îmb the tomb; and Ibis ather disciple, wbo hadci cme fînst to the door, takes courage and goos lu elso, and as thes passage says, "sees and helieves." The saei lesson is taugbt by - equg wben in Ibi ssei Gospel bis speaks ne-, peaîeclly of bis mission as Ibat of shepherd, wbo wben ho puts forth his-,_ sbeep, goas hefone tbem. Ib is Orientai way of sbcpbendiug. The ilo'k is not, as witb us, driven; it is led. The shepherd need. not evon look bebîrd. "The sheep follow bim: for lbey know bis voiCe." No one ever thought ofs a being an exemple than Jesus Chris-ft Ho just goas bis own wa-s. 1 F-is mthod is nat that ai compulsio n, but tt i +trac tion. He dôeisa not drive; lie draw, By Bill Smiley Religion for Today by Rev. Gardon Smytih Durham County's Great Family Journal Estacblished 117 yearsagao in 1854 Aloa Incorporating The Bowmanville News The Newcastklt Idependent The Orono Np-WB S-eco)nd iclass mail registration number 1561