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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 May 1971, p. 5

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ing organlzatlon- It Is an1 inspiratianal university, train- îng oid and young alike. We should emphasize telar R epo Ls *~JU1 in, part mare, and have it belîcamYe a strenjgth in he ammýunity Try ta stressth Wome s In titues irportance af a Gaod Homne, LIf eLnsotutes are planning' the 75th Anniivprspry, Cele- BLCKTOCK W. 1. i Them-e af the pragra- lwas bratien t 17, Uameabt Historical Research and can- ing the founding bhy Adeýlaide1 1The MAay meeliifg of Black- enar Gladys Thmsf ed Hoodfless. Mvrs. Best told us, 1~OkW . was held in the' the motta, "An aid-timer is that the siiverware Useci by townshlp hall May 5th, withW one wha can remember when j\,M[r S. Haadless i i nw an ds avery good attendance. Fol- the village square was a place play. in theý Adelaide Hoodleýss lowi,,ng the Ode and Collect instead of a persan" She then The projeet ;if In unisonn, minutes were read intraduced tihe speakeriMr. purchasingý the Erland Lee anras_ýýurers repart given. Bill Brock, a High Schoa1 jÀHameLstead cibY -te Federalted Correspondence and business teacher of Part Perry, and Wae. nsiue c nai were djeait with as follows: Presîdent of Lake ýScugag; is plan,,ned. MIr. Lee was 'the Owing ta the death Of the 1-listorîcal Society, as wel as1 chirm-an af the frst mneetng father of aur adapted child lui a member of the board af the 1 whein Insýtîtutes farime Hong Kong, this boy must go Museum. He explained ho, wemre fouuided. The Farmner5 f0 work, sa t was agreed ta*1.the Historical Society we- 5 ardy hiadt their organiza- odopt a litile 5-year-old girllf ormed-for the purpose of set-r tioi. Wealil apprieciated Mrs. in bis place. h was decidea uing up the Museum, whlch1 Best's talk andi her effort to to quilt two quilts for ladies iloe for ifs second sea-7Igo ta the conference. who haýd requested thls scr-,son tbis summer in the Head[ Mrs,. Ashtaitor herigave finail vc.Fouir voting delegatesi School on Scugog Island. He!dtîso heDsrc were poitdfor the Dis- asa învited anyone interest- nualta be n heisrin t Aur l ticii Annual May 2th. A ed ta attend the Scugog on Mvay 21h. Each miemlber grant of $25 was voted ta the Shores Craft Centre held is asked ta bring a amaîal itemn, Agriculturai Society, Cars- through the summer monthsita be soîd a3t the noon sale,1 tatker for the Memriai Park iu the S. S. room of the HeadI, especiall-y baking. This is ta wsr-bired. Motion. carried Church located nearby. r. -addlitioin ta your share in tihe" that we continue fa hold In- Brock then shawed sAides of dinnier. Salin1 a's dielegates will stitute meetings in the Hall activities of the- Historical~ be Doris His, Rita Fras,ýç. on first Weclnesaoy' Of eacb Society as wel as surne M-Hle iîlsnad1 a- month, with the exzepiftin-o seum exhibits. Mr. Brack'51 coe. We are ta give our> Usualý June, July, and Augu st, An- address was much enjovedi 'Pennies, for FrienéishWp'daî-ý rnl Fair held by Part Perry-landw;e appreciate the trouble af ion îf$.10 Hiospitai Auxiliary was an-he f ook ta brîrng us the siidcs, A summner bus outing. la nouniced for May 29th, mcem-ý The convenor read a humor- planned by the Directors with bers ta contribute articles forý ous description of grand- Elva Vice as convenor. A few samue. Muriel Hoskin geri-1 mothers and Mrs. J. Mc- changes In aur çcaterîng erously offered ta print aurlArthur conducted a quiz on mnswr eatd swl programs for the coming1 aur Tweedsmnuir Hisiory. 0Omeas re prtd s e year. Railltêaii was ta wear Canada was sunig, foliowed by The rail cali, "Do's and Or is5play an article of y-our lunch and a frlendly visit- Dent', for Hasptial Visitors" Grandma.iýther's% wearing a-,p- was well, answered. Each pare. __________---- SOLINA WA. SE'E member collected their new I program as they respoîideid. i i DEMONSTRATION OF Ms een Werry, leader WEAVING AND SPINNING for Home Economnies and I P~On WedTnes day-, May 121h, Health, then took charge.Sh ï ~Sauna Women's Institute heid calied on Mrs. Margaret Haoeyv /#T(O P~< 4' their opening meceting for the for the mpotao, "Gather the 4M AeS4W 4A4?i year in the Hfall. Mrs. Vi crumbsof happîness and ihey Alshtan, president, iook the will make you a loaf of con- chair for the Ode, Collac teniment." Mý,argairet siressed 4//(1$P 41fJt1#OE11. and business. Mrs. Helený the importance of being Milîson, aur new secr-etar:y,ý happy and cfheerful ihrough read the minutes and gave each day. Sma-ile and be kint- - the treasurer's report. ly, speak saftLly, be agreeabl Mrs. Rita Fraser reparted[ and pleasant ta be with. This the Cancer Can -ass totalled1 way we wili be happy and $13850. Sinde-the Fireworks1 aur happiness wili spreaid toi collection is comrplet ed, we, ail around us. * ~/ naw look forward ta the Dis-J Mrs. Gail Cowling and M,,Iq li 0, play at Sauina Park on May.,"Jean Welsh, two sisters, for- * 1 *24th. moeriy Sauina girls, favorad O f rs. Pat Best, delegata ta with twa Vocal duets. They the Officers' Confarence ai' sang "Taa Marvelous for Guelph, gave an interestîug Words" and "I'd Do Anything BY A M repart. She 5aid the thame For Yeu." hi was certainly a PLUIMBING & HEATING was, Thought and Laarning treat ta hear aur own girls are worthiess unless translat- again and see their appro- PHOE 23-256 d intao Action.. We must gatl priate costumes. Joyce Taylor ulfA back ta the real purposa of, accompanied them on the Tyrone, Ontarin Women's Institutes - not let' piano. ______________________it become just a maoney-mak-i Mrs. Doraîhy Clark was OU RN4Am REGULAR-'ý PRICES ARE TROUSERS ' SKI RTS (up to 4 pleats) NOW BLOUSE, SPORT SHIRTSA SWEATERSFO A (except heavy zipper types) ...... .59 M SPORT COAT, SUIT COAT,. 69LM TE 2 pe. LADIES or MENS SUIT.1Q, 1.29TE rJRESS (plain, up to 4 pleats),.,. 9 1TIME ONLY DRESS (2 PC, plain dress & jacket) ...1.29 JACKETS (PUR TRIM .50 EXTRA) (includitig Heavy ZipperType) .98 LiGHT or HEAVY TOPCOATS 1.39 RAINCOAT ,.... ............ 1.59 MAN MADE FUR COATS ...1.98 SHORTS Z-IP IN LINIINGS. .. ....... .49 CHILDREN'S SNOW SUITS ,... .98 BLANKETS (single) ........... .98 (double>) .... . .... ....... ., ...... 1.49 BEDSPEAD ,,,,...,....,...1.198 ,KNOWMOBILE' SUITS ...~...-3.98 OFF ITHEREG7ULAR PRUCE Poliution is Malter in Wrong Place The Canadian Statesman, Rownianvîlle, Ma? 19, 1971 250 Blood Donors Attend ,,Red Cross Society Cînic Tihe Bowm)vTxanville & Di- ac itb 228 units rcleiRnadLxoMr, Rb trict Branch. of the Redi Cross Blood Donor Chairman Mrs. Wallis, Mr. D. R. Auti , Mh heid thleir Blood Donar C]inic WRudliwishes ta thank ail J. G. Aaibers. Mr. D). R. car- on Wednesday May 5th, in wbo helped with the clIinic. kar, Mrs. D, A.AnesMr the Bowmanvilie Lions Cen- Lunich was, provîded by the Deug Kemp, Mj. Verm1eu- tra. There was a goad turn- Kinette Club of BowmYanvilie,. len, Mr. Cornelius Fgn eut with 250 donors in attend- Thase beiping in th1-e after- 11h aardsj, w7-to 1ta ooon - Marg Lawrence, Carole f oiiowing d onors - Mr, .vd vilP.Q.. afier btgh scbooi ýVowleýs, Barbara Cbipman, Taylor, Mvrs. ayeTheritell1, thien RMC, Kingston, andi Kathy Harmer, Dorathy Mut- Mr. Ker, Mr. Carteni, !Mr Osgoode Hall Law, SchaLol, ion. In the evening - Lynda' Doreen Park, Ml, r. Andy ieir- Toronto. McRabbie, Elva Abbott. Mari- sima, 'Mr. L. C. flighifield, Called ta tha Baýr in 12,lnWebster, Coennie Ws-Mr. DvidCrawford, McvT. R. Mr. Fleming practised law in mn Gini Masterson, Iris Stephanrsoni, Mr. Johnu Gronil MuryRena Fisk. Ms ak avn c I MeTdical Staff - Dr. Fer go- Sidney Wbena ci'Mrili son was on cail; afternoon D. Brown. Mr, W. itcel nurses, Mrs. D. Aildread, Mrs . Fir im K. Reder, Mis. 'Z. Dilling 5ih award werit ta the foi: r.B. Downing; in the ev- lowing - Betty GarrJi , Mic- \ eingi, Miss D. Benschop, r.J aHye, Mi 1[s T. A.M S D. Stuit, Mrs. L. Buteryý-, Becker, Mr. Ron M 1WasFsey, Mcý Mrs, E. Werry, Mrs L. HughIes. E.A. Morrisý, Mn. -P. bOuw_ Registering Donors - Mrs.MrJa sT.GdeM J. Living and Mrs. E. Dod- Pt e rlihSaoos ive son. Clerical Staff - Mrs. F.weîbtsnaier w Roberts, Mis. J. Brownlee, things ,,oing oni in thIescol Mrs. W. Lawria, Mrs. J. Scoti tt anac a lw M1lrs. R. Spry, Mrs. F. Griffin, li111e - Care23, Bwa Mrs, . Matin.ville 14, Courice i9. Th'le foliowinig are ibosa Thýe spaccial blood rceuast wogaiýa spa(cial donations -ifrom iTairnte was receiveci. Mr. I. Brawley of Newcastle Flease rmark an yu ae gavahi 7st donation, and' dec he ate fonitha ex Ir. J. Brough from Bowman-ý clinic tai be beid in Bw.n 5ville gave bis 351h. ville Lions Centre onWA- 20hawards wenttMr nesday. Augusi 4th. The way Chis- Johnston claanad, scraped and collecied glass, 44¼ lIbs. of papar, 47 is. teaches il, pollution is simply litter and garbage, as Jim if miscelianeous material anld matter la the wrong place. To Brooks, Art DeWith, Mike Self 94?% Ibs. of subits cf glass Windcsor unil 1940ý, when hait prov hi pontthe 3 gadeandJohn Parker, la the aboya and icaves. for a total of 1joînaed 1the RCAF, servinig in 10 students ln the anviroumçn- picture, are doing. Their mot- 2933/jlbs. cf nmaltei. Canada ind! Labrador as sen- tai sciences class he teaches o -frash fram Pollution According ta Mý.oi abstonor admnisratieoff at B.H.S. decided ta test the4 b adaprniltecaacoîce 0prcn ihsudron leader rank' hypothesis oui an th(, schoolIst Celce D I" nt l ïidischarge in 1945. :grounds and surrounding area. of the total pollutfion around Sbeunl a oae And tbey found oui there was it took four days ta sari oi the grounds and a výacan1t lot law practice 'nambriug -plenly of malter in wrong the miecial. Whan they lad acrosa from thie schooi. Surely and received bis Queen' s places. finished they discavared thieY there is notiiing the mTalter C For twa afternoons they hpd -collected 1073/4 lbs. oef ih that accomiplishimenit! Counsel in 1952. __ Mc. Fleming moved to Ci-~ Susie Laird assïsiting.; bourg in 1967 and was araa1a director of Lagal Aid foýr1 Ce leb rate-s i st Bi rthda'y Mr E. C, Snowden agreed1 Northumberlanid and Tiiian indata letar asread ,,,~, ,.~.smnall print on directions of Ha is suuvived by bis wfe K ll .. hcusehoid needa tiat arCo ris, of Cobouug; siap-chbild- . .. . used by all. The repeatingcfen Sphn D Bagi, the "Colleci" in unison end-, auc .BsgeSao . . . . . . ed the meeting. a Cr ian n aglrMa The gîoup ln charge servedToia MNii ls ises Igi, ~,,,. fruit baves and cheesea aMs uni ernaMa .' ~ ~ ~"~' andcofeadurng he ociifPb-,ilip N. Cross cf IMontreal, ~3i~ii~.r~~'~ hur. us.Davi Wîght and Thcl- mna C. Fleing, Toronto, and Mus.Chua Cleathar of Bri- tl~TTK~ is h ColLumb)ia. There arei ~~~" Irea guandlchiiren. Rug Flmin, ~~. Funecal seri-,ces weue haldý à ethe May 3rd ai St. John's Angli 1- k ~~The area dicector fotr le can Church, Windisor, wîthi lagýal aid prgra , Hgh .ilntarmeînt ai Si. Jiohn's Flmn, Q.C., diad 0 a- Caitiy bourg Ganeral Hospital Aipuli aierr were Richardj-c 301h. 1-4e was, 67. D. Thu'ashier, Q(C., John Bro- ~.7*~-----~"~3"'Soncf ha kensihire, A. F. Stevensan, l~ll tll'~u Mus.Oscar E.,FemnghaQ.C., Gr'ant McCceady A.,F was boun in Wnsoattend- GgaQCand Georgpe. ing Mishfop's College, Lno- rlQ.C. ihen cailed on ta introducet Mus. D. Arnold who was ta puesent a, Display and De-ý monstration on Weaving andt Spinning. Mus. Clark and Mis.j Arnold have been friands fort mnany yaars and anjoyed each others inferasts.> Mus. Arnold brougbt ber' spinning wheel -and diffarantt maierials to use. She actually spun wool and sllk frem the uaw matarial. Nana of us were brave enough te try il aI hec suggestion. She brougbt1 quite a number of finishad1 articles ta dîsplaY - Wal bangings, tabla runnars, mtas, covers, and ponchos. Thesa wece very beautiful in clair and pattern, This presenta- tien made us visualile how patient aour ancestous musi have beeu ta makealal thei claihing from spbning thea wool and then weave il and finally make the gaîment ta Wear. Mrs. Arnold tald us wf- cauid purchasealal matariais from Mca. Bryant in Oshawa. Hec spinning whaai cama f rani Quabec and daled back ta the 1890's. The beautiful suit Mus. ,Arnold madalled was oea he woe and made. She belongs la a Waaver's group, and tld about dying the yarn froni bark besides dyes you boy. This hobby is fascinating as weli as relax- ing. Mus. Isobal Davis ihanked Mus. Arnold,'the vocalisis and Mus. Hoaay for the program. The meeting ciosad with "The Queen". Mus. Barbara Hooey conducted a confesi an "Oid' Sayings". We then anjoyed lunch and social tua luIn ha lower hall. T7ha business part oh the meeting was conductad by the prasidant. A latter of congratulations was raad fromn Mr. Russell Honay on Mus. S. Morion's ua-alaction as resi-1 dent and tha celebratian aho our 251h Annivarsary. Mu. S. Morion ihankad altae who had helpad wîih, the wedding cataring, aIso !the 251h anniveusauy. The "Grond Neighbaus" report was givent hjy Mis. Wm., Brown. I i. a clacidad ta again present~ puizas tfa the twa Grade VI1 classes ta, the pupil showing 1ihe mast impravemeni, witi Mus. Wm. O'Neill looking ah- tair the purchasîng cf the prizes. hi wacs decided ta re- naw aur subseripiion te the- Faderalad News. Mus. Gardon Basseïon be- haif, cf the Bcanch Direcior s stated that Mus. Wm. Bro n i 1 Announcament was made oh: The hi meeting of the the Tupparwaue demonstra-ý 1971-72 season ot tha Women's lion ta ba held on May 17th Institute was bald in the C. E. ai 8 p.m. in the C. E. Hall. Hall, ai 8 p.m. on May 10ih. Ail ladies of the communityi The meeting apenec i wth are welcOme. Mua Chaules 1 the singing of the Ode and Gîeenham, Mis. Jack Hurrie' the uepeaiing cf the Lord's and Mrs. Clifford Swallow. Frayer in unisan. Mis. Stuart1 volunlaared ta look afier thaý Moton, presideni, extandad al kiichen 'arrangements it was: welceme ta, aIL. The rol ail a, dcided ta write about eb-i I"A Remedy for Tension" wasi taining a photosialiecepy ehý answared by all prasent. lotr Tweadsmuir H iat orcy The pragram on "HealiI "ý Book.' Mus. Chaules Green- wvaýs la charge of Mrs. lie-h. ham will ha ln charge oh , r1 Fuescoit.Tweedsniolc Book wiih Mus., Mus. Howard Bradley lu- L. C Snowden and MissIJ *Pansies *Ail Festival * Viola 0s PlýantI-s * Sapraons *Ec W e Aliso Caýr ry - 50Fr ICE CREAM CI1GA RETT ES CANDIES SOFT DRINKS MILK FRES$H FRUIT VEGETABLES APPLE CIDER BREAD ETC. ETC. -i COME TO S At Corner of Tuniton cand Scugog Road O4'WPEN4 7 DAYS A WEEK PHONE 263-2,193 b- - - - - - - - - - A FULL LUNE 0F FROZEN FOODS GROCERI ES Umm o 9 ,m t'lIlO p.m !

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