LliSC1US CALIFORNIA BEAUTIES PRODUCE OF US.A.g 75 King St. E. Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m to 6p.m.dall Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone - 623-5790 DR, WILLIAM KENT, D.D.S. Bowmanville Professional Bldg. 222 King St. E.- Suite 106 Officee sours: Weekdays -9 - 6 except Wednesday afternoon Telephone 623-7349 InRS 1 Tr Rc 0 DONALD A. MacGREGOR Life, Auto. Home Insurance 67 King E. Suite 2A Bowmanville - Phone 623-5962 -1 DEAL WTH ICE CrEAM'JMO Z27, AATMPOUEF$ o1RD CANTALOUPES'"°"EO 4U*CLFRI ETC 9 KEITH A. BILLETT, O.D. SOptometrist 143 King St E, - Bowmanlville Office H'urs: By appointmentil Telephone ;23-3252 Mon.- Tues.- Thurs. - Fri 9Am.in5 P.n, Wedý and Sat. - 12 Thursday, eveminga Te Canadian Statesmn, Bowanville, May 19, 1971E Public /Sc-hool Pupils Tour IGA Foodliner LZAB I rSunday School Anniversarylpal, of NrhHp col Services were held ait Garden1 was the us peae r K €pOf f frOm Uee S Park i Hillun Sunday.. Mr. D. B3. Duchesne ui ietr n Ke o t r m u en s ra kDuchesne, Port Hope, Princ1- Choir m1 oi oepo by AeX afrüuters M.P.P. libe quilted and one to bie tied, was MrsCrliig o so for the rest of the after. Hope.Te.hirso'Grl EXANIN FTHE b) When two or more persons form aàoo the ladies of Ebenezer. Hill sangfru as h CAPITAL GRAN"TS PROGRAM partnership or incorporated farm M rapl e rowha geasenjo es er a Gdisafor FOR ONTARIO FARMERS business, the partnership will be quilted and visited. ot oePulcSho Over the past few weeks I have elgibJe for double the single grant Y Eighteen ladies met, Tues- are to beonruatdnb- reeive-d a number of mnquiries respect- or $6,000. à day, May llth. for the regu- Ing Secone ihlretrpe gcapital grants to farmers for the c) All grants will be based on 40 per, F enezeer on .Metsg ntab nth ak nSt remr.oval of dead elm trees. An outhine cent of the cost. Hlolt opened with a .readmng On WensaMorUie oýf the7 whole programi at this time, is, d) The farmer may use the capital "The most valuable thing Chrhwmn edthr therefore, perhaps in order. grant for a single project or spreadi the world". In 1689 at, her Mas meeüga radMs Assistance for the removal of dead it over a number of classes or pro- g crosnate ion, a Quee ayas G nmoers'hm.Agoy e 1rn Lfrees is part of an expansion of the lects. m t p h a ibinlierI To er attdd M n capàiital grants program for Ontario e) Maple syrup structures, fixed rel.I193ahrcon- had thedetonlprad 1fairmerg, and is designed to further as- equipment, plumbing, stabling, bulk lion, Queen- Elizabeth was Mrs. H.Wiepeie.Ms oisfrmers in the control of the Dutch milk tanks and other permanently also presented with a Bible M.Mclbte str edou el]m disease. installed facilities are now eligible erel.s rcosgf nst o te me c Under this section of the program for the grant.Thraesllaewtce were attne o eot fa;ýrmers will receive $5;00 per tree to a f) The farm pond section of the prog- for the bus trip on May 27th.were givnnfnaesth maximumn grant of $500. per farme.T ram has been extended to include Arqetwsra rmt" is n wda qualify the farmer must apply to the the cost of piping, plumbinig and Secretary .of Quin-Mo-I acfor some Plan aefo h Department of Agriculture, through the pumping. altoadsd, 60th Annvray Joral Agricultuiral office, and have the A new class,,ification and a parti uniueii. n<r. Jude effected trees marked. The wood mnust lar feature of the expanded programn Mr.Ketsrmsohgawda, I edng be disposed of or piled in a satisfactory provides for a farm vacation hostinga poem on the theme "Family Muldrew rnne.project. It has beeni demronstrated that Da"-ndte0ra1he2r Mr., adMr.JDkk, The capiagats 12-year program many urban persn r axostoe me eGn a r MTrewtM.ad savabetalfamrinO arospend vacations on farms aýnd thliis is was sung. Mrs. Carl Down n nand T includingi fur farmers, who ar e able to seen as a potentially important source Grade one and two hlnwo helped oui, for thie céstore fur a demonstration InIresponse to the new hours and eave a meditation entitlediand Missee atl s mee th maimm rle f Mibuvofnewfar inom. Cpitl rans wllfrom Central Pubbec School casioni. imeat cuýtting. commetLed that the store had 'God bless our home", and wa. w e wt radMs whih s n anul ncoe ro tle owbe valale ndr he ADAgot a practical lesson in food Mr Milligan said that almnostThe I.G.A. storelhas been Iindone twice the* business they ed in prayer, following an L. Muldre ud vI-ici i,- aninom frm he owbe valale ndr te RD marketing recently when they every week a class from one the niews in other respects ree-lhad anticipated they would. article emphasizing the dif-ý Mrs. Tiksnilsed faýrm operation of $3,000, In the case of program for the provision of certamn went on, a tour through Bow- of the area schools tours theently,. Last weekend, it opengdlAccording to Mr. Milbigan, ference between a wom-an and mý a few a ih i a lesdfarms the owvner may apply for facilities necessary to bring the farm manvile's I.G.A. Foodliner. store to see first hand what for the first time on a Sunday Sunday opeming will niow býe a a Mothier Mrs. Ormiston readlMoore, Trno hl r an anua fam mome f $,00 puposeof armvaction. Tesefacli-them around his -establishment about. This week a gr ade seven!Dave Stohlker, store manager , ion The Lord's Prayer, written nhe.lade ae enbs ýýI (f 3,00.pupoe f armvaaton. Tes fcii-andcapped the outing off with group from Central visited thelwas pleased7 with thebe. Mcibv Dale Evans Rogers, and cleamnmgpnmadapr Forsoe ftime -grants have been ties now ehigible for capital grants in- refreshments of hot chocolate closed the meeting withUig at 1h aeet etn valbefor a lunber of capital works clude plumbing installations, electrical and tar ts. The children are payer. 'ready frtenAtueta suhas faýrm structures, drainage, farm wiring, structural renovations, and th- itue boewthM.Mi-- wae upisadfedelreetprovision of fire exits. In order.to qua- .igait eache ayTl-R » TCcc n.oeo therothl' troughýfe ncerow removal. These have lifr it must be demonstrated that them nwbeeýn further expanded. prsn aiiisaeiaeut. weekend with Mrs. Ruddv s r n rs.1Dalton Dor- os s tedmeIrl i Inadiinto the elm tree assist- Other requirements include the paents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred1 Marlow entertained Mr. and for this delightful evenmng MeLrrillvnCmM ad ane lte eatures under the expan- necessity for the ,f amily ,-to maintain Fickwlhile attendmng the PRD Mrs. Carl Wright and Mr. and The Rangers opened the pro- Mrs. Don Frew, Mr. aqnd MVrs. sio pogrm ncudeth flloin: ccuat rcors ro th vntrean cn et n n Otaa. Mrs. Wallace Marlow to Mo- gram by singinig several love-1 Vernon Asselstine. Mlr, andc Inn Prar-r7ým iielude he'follwing: acurate ecordsinighthevguests aon Satur-htthertssoDaytudinner'saty thene vtsonegs MrsnsDonrGreen G Mrs.MrMererniSuggitt Mr.î rand a e mximumýr amount available to the husband and !wife team must have day eveming with Mr. and Havelock Motel operated by introduced the well-known!Mrs.Rov McLaughlin, Mr. andff af-armer hlas been increased from attended a traing course.or be consid. Mrs. L. R. Thompson were Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Starr and Mr. guest Veaker, Miss Ethel Mrs. Stanford VaniCamp andF'U N î T (" $2,500. t $3,000. red capable of hosting vacationers. and Mrs.A.W BtnadadMr Bob Bennett (nee Chapman. Miss Chapman de ýMr. and Mrs. Blake GuLnter -î . __-- - Brenda of Peterborough. Sun- Mitiam Swain). i lghted her audience by, read- Everyone, reports a most im- dav supper guests with Mr- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mahaffy mng excerpts from hier mrstý pressive new attraction ob- and Mrs. L. R. Thompson and visited Mr. Bob Mahaffy and recent book,, "Humamities in, enjoyed by all who visit it in family were Mr. and Mrs. familv at St. Marv's on Sun- Homespun". This book differs the future. Mura ravbr ad ailday and called on Mrs. Ma- from her other writmags Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mcauh Re.Longedssrmno fSmailadutoJssallweetevanejy d ite.nand Brs. da 11 haffy who is a patient m which are all novels, im that hn were Sunday guests -cf Sunda was"I and Thou" "How ,s i that Thou. being te films ,eof their recent trip Oshawa.Lno optlflom ti opsdo aytu r n r.Lsi ogn and ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ V th citr esnwsaJwakt rn fmOt oouuLsAgls turgery.imeidents on a wealth of sub- fniro ispthn Cap.4 e rsews WomJen of a mria, oformews -.onllu . Ergle t,_Mss Linda Lee Killenss Mr.y and Mrs PeevVa Jets.all of which are mosO PLTLYFRNSE " nii Chp 19 Th d ff mria fr No M. and Mrs. Steve Artym spent the weekend vasitigCm n Ms envan fam).ilar to Canadian count- E EN ZE he t rains ho av o dealings with ouriattended the double 25th An- witnh er parents. Mr. and Mrs. Camp were weekepnd giuest- folik. Mrs. Hlarry McLaugnn thi oidue maes ose ofpeope" Rv.s hednt b id, mversarv on Saturdav even- Ben Killens and had as her of MVr. and Mrs. Nrtnvan epesdthe appreciation ofl On Wednesday, May 5ý1th.FOR9 ro tethvesethiWmanres eant b be nesc"be ing at ýthe Slovaký Hallý in house guest, Mr. Wesley Gross Camp, ListoweL .ther groupý and. presented al Ebenezer U.C.W.enrtid as an "it" like'some inani Oshaw of M and MrsPe-o'oon.Mr and Mrs.E HarsgftoMChpn. The Maple Grove U.C.W. at a ptNLY t b f- r Sbi ad M ad rs Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holroyd called on.,Mr. Alx ldessert buffet which followed ýluck luncheon. Mr Alex n e oit. fryou reant ueÏ-i tl .\ nday u- and Lynelle were Sunday Fenelon Falls, durinig thefatured a fine array of th.e Mumr presented a mrusN DWNPYMN shiwifianinmmteoberevnn guests of Mr. and week. mnost delicious and varied ds monologue at the table, and whiire vou an imt e" ou di Aty w Mr. an d Mrs. Mrs. John Morrisett and fam- Mr. Dennis McLaughIin has sertsf5, brought the-eveninýg to later in the afternoon Mr.LWMONTHLY TERM bemg esn We has "ToMa' isBade. and girls, ily. Oshawa. Other 'guests returned to Umiversityate a conclusion. W ý H. Brown'gavetw read- bcng d p> so n.m a "Monderfu m anville and Pat S h a ray w ere M r. Jm M or nisette and a m onth's vacatio n HE e and m ong the local f l s w o m s n r . E n a r thigstht rebeon te and iss Pa hrow Mrs. John Bailey of London Miss Joey Rogers were week.. attended the preview openmlgIplayed two piano numbrsýý capacityhof inanimatedobjes oToronto. andMiss Cara Carr of Hamil- end guests of Mýr and1Mr1Lo Ontario Place on Sunday composed by the late Mr. - bu thre re crtan popl Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dewell ton. ýRoy McLauglini andi Debie. were Mr. and Mrs akW.Lid IN T .POE6330 1 wl o who-bpnspeakmg oftothers, erd er lngetd ih rdIstnr aeg fl1sD HmtoM.ad rDl There were__two qAmits to saiýd loveý thy neighbor, re.. in Newmarket. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Annis were Mr. andiMarlow Pattended ,- a br-i(dal0 spcthm s eisa"Thou,, Dewell also visited with Mr. Mrs. Fredl Bignell and Mar- shlower forMiàsarbar the ame s yu Hehas he nd Ms. el Shiels at Brad- lene of Toronto.,oe.bieo.eo r I g O C / saeemtonth am ro-ford. Mr., Peiev Dewell and Wekn0uet1ih1ronHoms n saao mots the same onssiss Carolyn Dewell were and Mrs. H-arold Balson and Fridav evenmg.r Re.Luhese to el storofguests on Mondav of the family were Mr. and Mrs. iss ShrnLmeaog UTO CO ERAGE: a yung by whowante~his .O.D.E. mn Toronto where Stephen Hogg and Jenna of|ti nte'nrefo s own flower garden. so be MViss Carol.vn Dewell was pre- Hamilton and Miss Tara and - awa General H oszpitalfewt DAMAG1V«'E TIo pa1dalkid flvl sented with a graduation gift wee Timmy Balson of Osha- Halifax whecre theyv visited OWNED VEHýICLEFS flower seeds. and his garden of a lovely watch for having wa. Sunday visitors with Mr.. two clsmteVhIaewr y :grw rds brwn, vllwsompMeed her chosen course and Mrs. H. Balson were Mr.:ing there. CMi do nsv 1 1iir fll nos om the s . c Anad r. oglsf 13 s aaan Grn an Mr V or O P EN SU D A Y S 10am. to spm. for your Con e Call and Upet do ou ik t, e op dhitead amily atencledSu n onsof Woodstilyar.re n f e u Compehenwe -combia~ the flowers. God put in his Civle Auditorium on Sundav mn good times and bad. peopleMr Don Genadfml eon ofSpcfe Per-ils and garden black people. red where, their daughter Laura should retain their sense of NMiss Ethel Chapman, MssBURNS% W EEK -, FREE SAMPLES Sh ud r r B1reakage Of Glass 1 people vellow and white and was, performing. Laura per- humor. No matter wvhat pro- FlIo r e n ce McLaughlm nd I.(çed Perils Yss' h o a el tooatan kfs 1a e laFev i wford wre S; ýLucky Draw on a Portable Barbeque Bld suchI as Windstorm and fall-'Fight" and the children's Mrs, Joy Klein Niehuis ac- week. remember -Oetobeof M n r.Gog ling Objects. hvmn was "Praise Him, companied hier two youngs- with being a parent is that bv Wolfe and boys, SA VE 14c Praise Him". ters Fay and Brian who were the time you're expciienced; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly^ A DALPAYMENTS: . Sudyspe etswh attending a birthayHart e 26 - 98 memployed. Bye now. and girls were Sunday guest B rn W en r bsrar -sugcal, Medi~ Mr. and Mrs., Hosken Smith -'err8an. of Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Kelly,ý dental mb an o r and Irs. Donald on Saturday.Mr. enKlineSRO$ geCon. er o 2 of injured passngei.u.sundayvisiors ith M o te vale Sand Mrs. Harold McLaughlin or urterInfrmaio Cal nd Mrs. Harold Salter were iting at the Bowmanville Zoo. E. R, T aR ad aywrenniMr eandRS Mr.Hilton Peters ýand Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Les Hunt and | alr nsiln n UN AE10ce B Ralphi Peters. Toronto- family chose Sunday to en- WM. J. H. COGGI |Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton, an105 InSUrance 'Mrs. Ken Caverly and Mrs. joy a bit of travelling around Chartered Accountant Bdbon.,Grn o a- A. L. Blanchard recently the area and had a rnost en- 115 Liberty St. S., Bowmainville don e at adPat oýbllKed PicnicS spent a few days visiting with jovable tuip. Phone 623-3612 the last caonsrd parthe Ag ny Lmtd M and Mrs. J. Revrnolds Mrs. Elen ickey, MrsLIMCHL .. the w nnerosowre Lad- READY TO EAT4 9 at Belleville and attendied the ,Viola RuddeP, and Mr1s. Jean ILA .HL .I h1inr ee a "4 fn L , on00 musicale "Elijah". Kellett. H po rmte" . BCm. ehg.MsM .Gaa"CANADA iVisitors last week with along with other area TOS7atrdAcutn eodMs ienVnap owav e -- Onitarlo Ms. .yL Blnchrd -eregrops ttededthePRD 36½/2King St. E., Oshawa men, high Mrs. F. Bailey, sec-Ti UrKp-y %e GRADE "A ýe vav meeting o vie, O.N.O. was held at the home of Norma VanCamp with 23 1h-4.B.PEAR members and two visitorsi sHAPED present. The minutes of theUN last meeting were read and!a approved and correspondence read and dealt with. PlansAr were made for a Bowlmnitomac l Party to he held en Mav 19, with hmnch afterwards atý Lotus Gardens. Alleen Vani CASEOF 24 Canmp sowedsonme of 0her-s trips. Roll call aS -oW T Beat the Blues. Norma -and her committee served .a de- A HAMBURGER licious lunch of jelbies and OR WIENER frimt bread. Mrs. Rick Thompson was hostess to a hnidalhower foro hier sister-mn-law, Miiss Elea nor Thompson of Whihb Many relatimes attended this FEEVEHRHTýMTGNm5 'r. Melin gi trend-!COLONIAL ed a Short Course on So1 LRaUTS held at the University ofi BRI UE s AC Guelph last Monday.- TuesdaY and wednesd"·IGA BOOK MATCHES ~ 2 The Recreation Cenre wr so0 vey a steuly decorid on mo2o 7 Satturday evening 5,foi r heLIGlTER FLUID Evening With Ethel Chapmanl A TROPICAL TREAT No. 1 cxÀDE OUTSIDE WH1ŸýE OIL or LATEX Manufacturer's Su g Retail M1.75 Spectal$y%9 Gal. SUPER KEM - TONE INTERIOR LATEX WALL PAINT Manufacturer's Sugo Retail $12.:35 Special $ Gal9 2 $$* H -C.Frmt n • "liks- onH PE A CHESwEs 95 KING ST, W. SPCI SA LE casANAsBanaNAS FRAIRED SUCERSRFORIDA PRODUCE OFU.S.A VIRE RIPE TOMATOES- as 87 ' I0 m e ir y STUART RiOUSE(1i2"WID "TH) ALUMINUMgF0Ot RAINBOW PACK R ITE NAPKINS C re0r n= lardWare BOWMANVILLE PHONE 623-2542