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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 May 1971, p. 9

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C WL' SpakrLx pains Present' Trophies tb Legion Ladies Bowling Chaps CommunicationsToi Meals onWheels ro gramAtTrinityUCW etg m e lso W eesPr gr mThe May meeting of the ages, hackeovda rn -Hot dinners, attractively Charland, Orono. The church Mrs. Rundie for her addreSa, afternoon of May Igth was îng, pic(eswt ~î ând nutritionally prepared are bazaar wili be Friday even- suggestiflg that members ofpuk dby the sdngîng ofM.For dmsrpsa ictîîyt greatly appreciated by the ing, November 26. For more the League who wished to Pkb h ign f"o rmp mnany recîpients of the 'Meals inomaincali 623-2604. volunteer should give their th. . ne Beauty of the Earth' and graph, t(lpoerdo ee on Wheels' program", pointed League member, Mrs. R. J. names to Mrs. Guisian. k.* epaigothLrdsPyvsonothtiwinl~ out egust speaker Mrs. John Guisian, an enthusiastie vol- Dinners up-coming a re: ~~ er. that tan a scn ecnha Rundieul in her address to the unteer of the Meals on May 22, Mrs. M. Kidd and Mis. It was fo anywrevn n Catholic Women's League, Wheeis program, introduced M. Wlks; May 29, Mrs. B~ $180 had been raised- at the moon. TueÊday, Mýay lth. Mivrs. Rundie. In her informa- Payne; June 12, Mrs. Payne. . FostiTa,$0ofhch neoor bgetrube Presîdent MNrs. George Char- tive talk, Mrs. Rundie outlin- Following the meeting re-caermthbkesl natwhveotcmui. land openied the meeting wth led 'the program from its in- freshments were provided by Mr.CTewnpkerefctowîhehohrad the League Prayer. She also tintotseaîainnd r.A.TeaMr J ly on "Friendship" and .Vis- with God presented Mr.A rikogrowth in the community.iBrown and Mrs. M. Heenan.~" tnsgetn umr T hsedw eedvd retiring secretary, with a giftl"Meals on Wheels" i -_______ 'n,-'&kT riesfo sutms sored bMr thG.Jaciotanrevieweedd in grop ffue from the C.W.L. sored by the ack and Jili Tone havingaprnr olse Plans were di..cussed for a Club (the Couples Club of ïTYRiNE three new booksin hetndrpttooert Sympthylibrr.ardy. .find wantanamionad secialEve Mning thonorithe rntyUee Cuc).h Mrs. R. Coombes, social con Rev.F. . Maane theParsh'Initially, when the club was Sma oM.adMs Pretfor 2 years, who soon"itth esiltofGogAfredntepasÀ. x vener, expressed thanks tJ aepiat ryr beîng transerred to St.'this program, it studied sini n ftermteMs ay<*.. alwokr n aeotaSesme tu ysy ben rnseGsinofoctne..,olalwporkners, anndhagweneedouth ra Joseph's in Duoro. It will be ilar programs in neighboring Gaskn opMoitoneNBso held Sunday, June 13 from lmunîcipalities. Mrs. Rundle Monday evening. Mrs. Ail-ý Mrs. C. Allun announced lationshipswtloec 7-9 p.m. on behaîf of his par- mae p ecialenton0fth rea fwt Moncton oning During the annual banquet recently at The Flying trophies. They areA, from if to rîght, Rena Bathgate, that 'six cartons of used other, ourevsrepcou. ishioners and bis many friendshep ecid fronim rs odyeei Dutchmnan Motor Inn, the top teamn from the Legion Alice Gîbson, Joan Sutclif fe, Jean Burton, Grace clothing had been sent away, selves a'n hs aon s in' the community. Irene Nester,, dietitian at Me- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ail-anthtabl ispceescilyorfmle n morial Hospital, Bowmanville, dread and Maxine accompani- Ladies' league was presented with individual and team Downey and Karen Campbell,____ ane arly evi ckdserymoth astl ihtewrltlre Mrs. Jack Brown, chairman WOhdwre ihalree is Arvilla Beckett and . "Pennies for Pae oe hc stegets ak ofvi the Soieoneoc -ndscale program in Hamilîton. spent the weekend with Mr. H i/ ~ 0fBv~In were given out. Mrs. Ba, aeadMs Cii ieComteRecipients of the program and Mrs. Henry Beckett,l H nor W n es o M ixed vM ajor Bowin Leag ue Another remînder to save Puk eachthneMr.rai edc flwn the fumu hd ervedofreceive a pping hot meal de- Stratford. cards, nylons, stamps, Do- and the meigwscoe lunh fllwînltevfnerl df lveed ahtei dordustbe- MrjansMs LbAhwo hr. and' 'a"..................îiîf i .ion ... ..tnin etorsttpe.ebsi.petînyte Mzph Bne 1{ery W.Kidestnut ecrthavt Mrs. C. Trewin led in the diction. Mrs M Kddreortd ha frenoon hour on Tuesday of Reading, England, spent ai M : I, cars 0 thnkswer reeivand Thursday of each week. few days with her aunt and ., i tX ;.;jk. . ' " ". isonyPre. ed froni Gregory Coopr ïEchper soie elisuce r n Mrs TCliiii \.a , 4 .~.~.\ Unit 12, in charge for the The TriiyanulFr J. Brown and Mark and Mar- ptepared at under Dodd, k~..~?~~i'. day, conducted the Worship sti e nMy1 a cel Chariand. It was . thde spriin0 tehsia Belated birthday wîshes ta , ,îo:.:*~ ,~.4ly Service. Mrs. Billett an- favouredwihbutflea dcdddietitian in consultation witlî Mrs. MkneMHl ot - ~ ,. ,,,,*,. nounced the hymn and led in ther. 0u1d hedo a to renew the Canripturenassage-ad mndi- emindingailoto cMe:in5O ister for St. Joseph's School ssts0f suanmea wit grvyTaedter Sth irtthy for a three-year period. it isu, etwt rv sctat psagondn.i rmnd C(,ieos'o h hrhMr. ad Ms .Hisot Mrs'ato. Bahat nteringeahasgetdb Covnosfo hecurhorat ie, vege wtabuerand an .',....,a, introducedMr,(v.G.Wr an supper, Sept.,26, are Mrs . Mpttos'.o..Nh utr Ms . anwrt .. Hleenan, Courtice; Mrs. B desir, ndoftn ooie . and o G rdon, Trn. CY . 't~ the speaker, Mrs. (11ev.) Thos. Mrs. M. utePeie Payne, Bowmanvil]c i.M ouner h or na-vsie r n Mrs.T C10' Gracie, froni St. John's Angli-Thelftwshebk Kid Nwatl;Mr.Gerage of an hour and a haîf Dd. -i' w, a Church. Her theme was table boutîflyldn bc onmce a month, have receîved Last Friday Mr. and Mrs. T . d~ ~5ix communications whîch, frornpoe rwigcri h man coplient fo teir C. Dodd along with theirWM ~\~~" evcmnadsatoaye et0 h on a rse efforts. They are home b daughter Mrs. F. Genereaux " , gnerbsprin-lie asin th 12 in time for their own fam- and family motored tu Malton serforsythiandtakîng fîrst- iniace, Airpor to met MrsDodd s~ i~~i .. a.The month of April revealed The gardec ntepafr WM4TMA« T/M C00 ~ In hebginig the cub sster, Mrs. H. Pound fromi ...tht201miwrkradxas spcay atatve as orloadcorstoBristol, England, who will be r, 158fmlewres were g estruhtegnrs Mfty,.'IgÂ,4 1 ~JurAu'recommend ptet (iigspendîng three weeks wt ii#withithutempoyent îy a Bletrdn "V5Wwithin the town limita), who her sister and brother-in-law. ~,~M.Cro lît h a 4WPDAMQ, ould benefit fronisuch a Mr. and Mrs. James Park, Mr. ' "C"~' ixlarlnsç uriueai pro)gram., As the communîty Peterborough, were Sundayi E ARTDY rîîilgas has accepted "Meais on visitors of bis brother, Mr.!)TRUHPuigtatruhu h Wheels", friends and neigh- and Mrs. Walter Park. iaftrno mnse bours bave also recommended Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Cas- teno 1 those who they feel would lîke kmn and iamnuy, WeitesilhroMgNout town. 4 . -~ to join and benefit froni the were Saturday guests of Mr.i ST~ 4~~iC ATSFE Techndalwoad Sprograni. There is a charge and Mrs. George Alldread LSIID it a c'es-i a kd of 50 cents per meal. Foer lce n au ae63-33prvde rjutcrn **The cost of "Meals on church Sunday morning w,ýere Pharm 23Thank You".e Wheels", încluding a bulletin in loving memory of Mr. AI- _________________________"T _______ *which keeps the volunteers up lan Stainton, a former mcm- CLIGALDRYCR 12 to date, runs fram $30 ta $35 ber of Haydon and Enniskil- 4Mx i\ ilkiii~ per person per year over and len ehurch. INA above the amount received. Mr. and Mrs. K. Hensley,, Hall Sat trda eveningt,hOd Feilows Cnena The wîing- team is shown above with theirtrhe, This amount is borne byth Rochester, were viioswstelcto ofthe annual MixedMýrfo eI orgt .Renls .SeeaM îoa LMJNG& EANGJack and JilI Club with the their aunt and uncle, Mr. and League- Bowling banquet, with a large crowd present. G. ChrIand and J._Fowl'rer; H. Ballaintinie was absent. help of donations froni in- Mrs. Henry Staintan. _ Tyon, 10trj terested individuals and org- Mr. and Mrs. W. Rabrhnmh eMx eeI ~ I ~ ~ '?Itr oske r maid, sous GSLN TyrPONE 263-2659 nizations inciuding the 'C.G. were Sunday dinner guesta ai Mnay c1 idîrner guesa a rocX, po iini fOIIf chef, barber, hair syîsfarm.FILL-UP LT. group at Trinity. Miss Mary Nbiddeîry, Hampton. anir mRh. ad aus-ag mkeat aPresident Charland thanked Mr. ind M.vrs. Clern Rahmîn m iechanic, moitorcycie repair- ___________________________________________________________ Mr. and MS. SGable vis!t Ther a aprecibl prsnswe otd ini te - mnofe ahie evie ed Mr. and Mrs. Keith Goble,Ucange in layoffs froni the'lowirîg occupatiano ontucmahidcyworker, offet USE VC Blackstock, on Sunday evei-:pev S'month ini the auto-tin ngee, mcncapsmaatraaksht ing. mo iidustry, feeder plaats draftsn, mdclehoo etlwre, auto body re Mr, John Nash, Miss Mavis and the iran castIng iiidustry. gspyia teait di aramida patcHGHWAY 401 AND L1BRT1T.S NL1ashi, Detroit, werc recentl Most other industries mn niacolecto, mnae iin u-otsba pthr sryPone 623-2651 ekedguests of Mr. and tained rglr pouto meslsatlpo~sl anealhmrîs&to IMrs. . Glbbh, also visitedsceue.- -- -___ ____________________________________ Plough Cobaîrg, ad WE4iliteir ]labor disputes,;with tir "' supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. e.e ,a JackGibb. ~~emyployees' barglining 2agent3. or Sdiaddo Mr. and Mrs. R. Gibbs visit- The requirements for tobaýcco and hood.bem aggurlgae cdher sister, Mr. adM rwr iigasse Fred Ferguson, Enniskillen,!cariy in thec month of May,. w1 Monday evcning. ,Wholesal1e and retail trad, iiSix or Va engine. Bdyb Fser I . *' ~~~~~~~The di.strict Cancer canvasrpre uiesa ar od ~tii~~<-Y.was over $200, bilin atril, arw î________ tools, gard1ening eupes nrbtey rerainitemns moved i«celY. SOLNAThe dem-1anýd for iandscapiag SOLINAplants was slow due te, the pre 'ailing coin weather. *..., Th@ Senior and Junior Construction activity is stili, ch airs are reminded of prac- consieed t e Nrnc , i py LLWT RGR tic e on Friday, May 28th, ation the slo sid. o bea JIKIS.~ IT A- the Cammunity Hall. Thpre tbrough as yet. ~V OIOPALER LiO TE wllbe a Pot Luck Supe orne shotages of quafi cd X_ PLMER SEN ViE Monday evening at 7:00 p.m., IDTOSAM STET. and a Sunday School meeting LIAETTTT HAVE DINNER FOR TWO following. Everyone is wel- ELZlET VIbL WITHRNGI.BER NUMER- corne. WIHEGLETHME-Baloncedî wheels RsbrisItd Fuhmddy Quit iheine. FOI COU susensips F1 'aw ;e, WNCK. SPENO AN EVENING Miss Helen Baker spent the! Mr, Ken .Sumons, Wclcomc, m ie.egn oni okrpes ytn ofe rrglrfes I ARR SRISN. weeke.n.d with Mr. and Mrs. was our speaker on Sunday."t TamBaeadfmîy He brougbt us an excellent Il cniviitra wîth Mr, mes sage. Tbe chair sang, Nc'mt Who knows whe you'iI meot, and Mrs. elverett Cryderman Sunday there ' 111 be "o Thore's mre of whot you're wcme Mrs. V. Smith, Mrs. L. church as it la Wçlcome An- Io.Idnqfer in BEAUTIFUL Luke, and Mr. and Mrs. Raoss niversary and we 'have been OWNOWNCAIEVILE. VanHoar of Wb.tby, Mr, and invited ta attend. DOWNOWNCABEVILE. Mrs. Harry Jase, Newcastle,, On Tuesday the ladiesd- and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mont- brated sixty years, a9F 2ou SPED HESUME 0 ALIFTIE. . MOS POTS. more ofte. In gomery of Hampton Women's la titute. Charterý 5PENlTHEaloME OF LIestME.. >n of aea- Mr. and MrsI DonaIdld nembers ta attend were , GIV T~EWHOE AMLY TEA . .~eîngmîras oe . I. upr- lett and Tcrry, Bowmanvillc,j T. G. Sowden 'Who tsa ur 111)U Ail ew ubseibes, jinig beore BLE LLE. Brisig the whole J. Knight of Oshawa ~visited .onors, He cxpcctstornove has buiît-in taillights. And theres a restyled front grille maney. And your Chevy dealer 15int goialog g June l2th are eligible. Offers alsoex- move~ costs nothing there's nlo Spires recently. lmmediately. ta îi jb aadbumper, too. towards giving you the deal you want. Go e lébu t f"enlt" until September and r.adMsRuslVie MsH.Tisrtred Sanie of the holdovers from last year bear repeating, And take Chevelle out for a drive. You'l scwhtemen tend to existing subscribers adding youm "guide" is provided fcee! accompanied by IMr. and Mrs. home on Saturday evcning! too. Rubber bushings on the engine maunts cut down on Chevrolet, Puti;ng y fjrt e îms CABLEVILLE, just the kind Clarecec Vice and Mms. Flac- from Toronto. 2ndTV etsor M oties drin ths oa place you've always wanted caYlowes fTunoi M.ndMsJhn Quart- vibration and noise, The Full Coil suspension systeni feaý for yourself and youc family. îie hM. and Mcs. 1triii and family, St. Theresa. turcs computer selected springs tha~t are matcheid ta the period. o qualIf you ms ie fyure getting tired ai the Harold Jabson ai Beavertonj are spanding the long wcnk-1 weight and cquipmcnt of the car. Flush-and-dry rocker sanie aid places and the sanie on Sunday. cnd wýith friands and relatives pnlle arfowtouhoceadi ndorso- aid faces.- coma on aven ta con m.Bl ok Mr. and Mrs. R. Westheuser pnesetwerfotrugtaeaditadcrso- streets presently served by cable. CABLEVILLE. If you do it Scaborough, and Mn. and saw Mr. E. Wasthcusec and; causing saît out, then air cornes through ta dry the water now, you'll'ha money ahcadi Mrs. Carmen Westlakc of Miss Linda Wcstheuser off ta! Oshawa visitad Mr. and Mrs. Eagland by air on Satumday Former subscribers wilI also ha extended a FREE Cable TV Installation Frank Wcstlake on Sunday. at Toronto. fhegapse l,ïrtdi ploacexars, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lang- Several ai the ladies amei m ia d and family attandad E4 - pulliog tobacca plants, get- Yucu owBnuitoluioto. cil h ieas hîgh n asy 9i,5,i%.,Yrdh I niskillcn annivcrsamy servic ting Ia the crop for anotheri About a deca ago, we mada a promiiise lao <laves thsi muzzie sari lraburn e4xhausi fume, ceaa ar and wcme super guastswith ycar.reaoaur cars tram the air pluiîproblam. Oei'ics ihat check weyw5ird gases arounçl ihe Ctimaas the l i 1NorhAecriidsr TChaîerlse mgi 0%leashrbos îra ha At pain ie sap i awgsoie oa odymre msincnraldlt h Mm. and Mrs. Roy MeGill. The, Ski-doo Club had theïr! 197<18 Chevroais mskit goad. Wara loat ihera cranth8t e vet. - 7p1r A large crowcl gathamad at'cvcning out ta finish foa, thîsI mss typical cars ai rouihiy icny, iyeraga. asonrs. hracswc<h baig190i, C athe SolinaTPaLrk 'to see the year. They had suppar tin And about t las cartn nanl.We've ted lan iantrmactaaphatote miqht aiia re iphowr 26 KING ST, VW, BO'.MANVILLE 623-2506 vecy 0colrfildispuy ai tir'ý-j Peterborough and weat ta srof i[.Irc l gdsci himnrsh enau9h a eeur It fetîenasa hiaf4 tbre g A ea ev enaodt ae works on llIanday evening, I the Lakehead.

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