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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 May 1971, p. 10

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The Canadise Statesman, Bowrnanville, May 26, 1971 terg, ragWeedl, P1gweed and cia-grass as oI corn. Fîve-ertssa igtw siowed poor crabb grass con-, trai reduceri coi-n yî.elds by 281 e, M ta 30 par cent in a droughty yaadby ight perceti COfNTMOL q1uarters or ragweed dry mat-, yenr with adequate raîcfll. tai. Tc ame moat a waeu Intensîficri weed control 15 INCREASES YIELD te.Tesm noI fwtro prime importance, says Mn. d'ne triri aI ail cran lasses 'couiri have praduceri aimait1 Brown, pcrhaps lai- more Vian ar-' caased by waad cmptwo pounris oflr matterar [ farmcrs i-calize. tiiMi' R. H. Brown, Headi corn- 1 tAX REBATE çI_-h Horticulture andi Bia IV takes twîcc as mach nitra- 1 NOT TAXABLE 109v Division, Ririgetowen Col- gen, tirea andi a hall Vîmes as The Department aI National olgi ,fAgrîcuiturai Tecirnol mach potash, seven andi a ial Revenue iras indicated thVinthVe og _anys recent. tets at i-he Vîmes as maich calcium, anri rebate an propcrty taxes la roli-cga show Vint 850 pon!hi-ce and a hall Vîmes as mach ofaeree edaiVopo-mgnsam V pouc1i considered as Capital andi ot ùf,ýv3te wreneepc topri iianeiu toprduc ta s icoe.This money doas pouni hmi' anm amuntof lmi -qui--noV have Va ha incladed itV !ai-m incarne for ax pur poses, noVL does Vhe amourt aI expens chargeri for taxes paîd have t * e ha reducari by thre amount - If îyau reccîvari our rebate î cheque ie December ad in- clud7eriVils rebate as incarne on -ayour 1970 retarna, then you1 - -~ - e -e -- eshaniri write ta your Di-trict iý Taxation Office naw, tellîng - hem that tuis hari bacc in- e ~- -cludedi as incare nan errir andi e e - A i 1 aîking tiat yoUri-etumn be adi fte e e- eJusteriaccordîngly. e NE WTON VILLE ENN-WKL3!N ONT. U47,7-3=29 BOWANVLLECUSTOMERS CALCOLLECT Ask pertorfor 66F-3341 oDal14668-3341 CALUS TO-DAY FOR PROMAPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE ORCI3 a%4 WESTERN I MC TO R CIL 1 MULTIGRADE 1-W-30 Adckpt Io can> tempera- îure._Supedor detergen- c>'. suiltin engin& pro- "H EAVY-D UTY" SAE grodes 10W, 20W, SO. IC 69~ I 554 qi. il,."--- -0--mn-1 - e - 7s - U .mort 1. ¶95 4.98 1.350 7 g - f l , G c y ~ . 01 U 9 4 9 8 2 9 5 g mi 2 5 S MON, TUES., WED., THURS, - 8 A.M. ta 6 F.M. - FRIDAY - S A I. te 9 PM. Co urticé S. S. Relay Team Breaks Re,ýcord Mr and Mr5, Lennox Vasev~ of Port clo w1rcn On May 15th, in Peterborough, this j unor girls' relay teamn from Courtice visitors with hier parents Mr. Secondary School took part in the Third Annual Griffin Relays and not oilly and Mrs. Wm. Stapieton, won their event, but also broke the meet record by a f antastic 9.1.7 seconds in the Our annuai U.C.W. Supper 4/440 relay. They are, from left to right, Lynne Baliski, Kathy iBudai, Arlene ,on Wednesday evening was Kai ee.Te-w ece oce tra r alMwr n the usual successful affair, - tiy an-d Sue Lgr h w ece oahý tja r alMwr n and many expressed their ap- Bob Buchanan. Courice Sr. girls and boys teams also came fourth in the hurdles preciation ofIt1 as they de- relay, and two other CSS girls' teamas were in the finals in the 4/110 and the parted. The only critîcïsm 4/220 events, Twenty sehools tookprtin the meet. heard byv those selling tickets - at the door was that the la- dies: didn't charge enough -for suh -i ejoabe ea. urToronto Lite to Cou-.ntry Inn repiy i-aâs "Now you tell us,! when ît's too laVa Vo change, Mr. Jack Elliott ente-red Toronto East Generai Hospi ýtai for treatmnent, Thursdaýy' evening. ý Mrs. Trestse of Osh.wa la visitîng her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Les Peck. Mr. and Mrs. C. 1-. Lar e attended the Post Office Con- vention in Hamilton, the end of lasV week. Whie tbere, the death of Mrs. Lane's brother- în-law, Mr. J. Cý Moore, oc-t curred in Branitford Hospital. aller a lengthy îllness. Fur- eral will be held on Monday, ,yrý and Messrs. Bill, Ted and Barry Lane willl il be at-,j " ' from this area. A i' Mrs. W, C. Robb of We t- , ý mnount is staying here at her cottage for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. F. Glmer were callers Thursday even- ing with Miss Inez and Mr. A. E. Symons, Morrish, Miss Joan Waikey. Whitby,* Iwas home over thbe weekend.l Visitors with Mrs,,A. Mil- ligan and Berneice, the pasti A Greek couple, who cane ig taentsas etrepreneurs, week, lncluded Mr. and Mrs. Von Canada six years ago, et (rs.Paar s sexperience Bud Stamp and faniily and Irzi Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Couiter, t", l Toronto, have o-penedin rea-2 tae and as people, ah I mdc. Ovr hea reýstaurant on Hîghway 15 with allaste fo)r the fine weeke nd ren aciden t sothof Orono. George adtinso Ie (Mr, Pararas Is near Buckhorn took the îîves Eiaeh Prrs itrda neirdcrto h- of Eric Coulter (son ot the above, held an official open'!Tey-ls-b-ng Voth Arnold Coulters), with his ing for their new place, thri usnesoti th pactca friend Ross Kenohan and Cnr In ayltside, one chef (who la Greek), finwhill a fourth pers-in The Inn, which was former- two cooks (Canadian), oneý inrtedr, iijue. ou y the Northway restaurant, soda fou-ntaîn man (Greek, ble the ras icurdeDuhas been completeiy renovat- also), ad svnwate~' bic fueasarebig e ed, and provides seating for drawn from the local labori There were eleven tables Ine44 l a dining area andi 52 In force. If that ia not enioughl play at the weekiy card party the cofIce shop. The menu hey have expert counse1ý in the Commninty Hall Frî- oflers a general Canadian availabie le the Iorm of an day night, with Uic Iollowing cuisine plus some Greek spe- uncie who owns and operatesî 2This is ott cl wicners: High lady, Ruth cialties 'such as Souvlaki--a a large restaurant In Mark- Yeo; iow lady, Isabel Trin tasty shishkabob, using pork ham. But they probabiy Won'ti[ who y&z are and how you hih an oyMaDnld tenderloin, charcoal - broileri need ît. The place looks andý Censtis day isa lowh ma, IR oughec; o-sd The couple bave applieri for feels like a winner. The Para-ý It's youir rîglit and privi draw, Ruth Yco; four luek a lîquor licence 'anai hope to ras exude confidence. let Canada know al abc draws, Mrs. Gordon, Geore fre".v ne"nth er It's no surprise Vo .lcarn family. How andi where BukiyE.Cawil Ms. itistei frfuv-tureas they have made provision leý secret as the ballot. Al George Buckley. tti hi îtvnuea heir re-decorations for 'pos-j statistics. Andi many org JeIl Bugdec, older son of restauranteurs; but they bringý sibie extensions Vo the builr- to plan for our future. Mr. and Mrs. D. Bugrien, tViisotebsns oelne t n. _____This is how goî village, was seriously ijureri -to spend money forthern Fia Itina collision V o04 ce en Inhospitals, schoois, hui with a car whIll riding i ng M ark t and highways, commuxv: bike near S. J. Laccaster's Fo xmpe i* er Garage-. He was rushed by J nechildren under fîve inion Hos3pital, Toronto, The Farm Products Markýet- Aleg producers are e-ý of education to the neec Vi'sitors, with Mr. and r8-î Board announceri today titieri Vo vote BUT MUST BE iIolOr i'dstictGs w1it L, DýeSmit and fa mi lythat approval has been giveni rprinof1bsaË hrough the week, were Mr. under The Farm Products REGISTERED with the Egg, popoin aI sbidetifie and Mrs. L. Frost and Iamily. Marketing Act to a request by Board to establîsh theïr elgi- ear marked for urbal rer Weekend vîsitors with Mr- the Egg and Fowi Producers' bijiity, Bailoting will be by developmnent progranis. andi Mrs, Stani Page and boys Marketing Board for an cx- mail andi is expected Vo take like that- were Mr. and Mrs. J. Burgess pression of producer opinion place the latter part of June, of Toronto. on proposeri major amnenri- The proposeri ameninents wilIles a do-il-your Mrs, Suton of Torontoments Vo the Egg andi Fowl be dîscusseci with egg produe- Any day now, spent. several daya as week Producers' Marketing Plan, ers at information meetings rcieyu essqe with Miss Allie Nesbitt. The proposed amendrients whîcb will be heiri q- s Vi' iealethat evern qelsi Mr, nriMrs Do Vinie nclde uthority for the egg province by the Egg andi Fowi in tliat fim on June 1. spent the weekec!d witb re- producers' board Vo control andi Producers' Marketing Board. neoecm il h latives at Lindsay, regulate marketing of eggs i DJ alsof the prposei om cm it tes Mr adMr.Frd ede-the province of Ontal ameadments and halloting Pro- mail iV back. If there isi son returned home Saturday îhflrough marketing quotas, cedrswl emlr yte dntmi tbthiit vaatrnon s the ritVhre wes' price, setting, and'the Poing Farm Products Marketing ia picked up by a census vac and Vo h aencritish ofIsies. -Irrs for over-quotaeggs. Board Vo ail rcgistcred pro- Thîs wil proSa deMf0i oa ihiahv.Ceog andi Mrs. Cnarnce Pae ducers prior Vo bailoting. Lists you've ever had the chai deec oI scoa Mcign av heoga Mr. and Mrs- imrwr uprget of producers who have regîs- own census form,. The a. bifeen vîsdtng Mrand Msw F ime ee upr u5V tý wt teEg niFowl census takers arounri kng Paeenandwit tere on Sunday. Producers' Marketing Board, them attenderi the Paeden- We underîtanri the various wiîî be prepareri andi all pro- an o usin e Cowle wedding le Trinîity Cubs, Scouts and Venturers ducers who have noV yet reg- in its day. But weve fou United Church, Bowmanvile, are in the process of formiflg istereri are urged tVo do eo le censuses, that people do Saturday alternoon. new Commîttee Executives order Vo qualify for a ballot. they fili their questior TwoD young couples, Mr. and details oI whieh we hope Vo _________ Mrs. Bob Kimbali andi Mr. have haer. I -w aua fir andi Mrs. Roger Peel (cee1 Our school band a hbein g T1C 'TTIf 'yon h,ý-a Irene Kimbaîl) were hrqored LsU.IU 3.ULTJ eîs~hi~W rn with a joint reception i. helkept busy these days enter- regresenttiir-wf b.alg Comn'unity Hall on Satur:dayj taîning at bath Newcastle and Mn Sohe ovc d Aru te ùra wg evenîng. Both couples were Kendai on Monday, andi prac- 1SpheRoaa n esusfat-. Tie extrai presented with a swîvei chair tîsîng ie readîness for a trip Mrs. Gabriel Kayacs were isimoran for goverm ari purse aIfrrocey,,sIterarn tÀo Kingston next Suniday guests at a ahowei' for Miss and faim organizatins eveîn o dacigmorning. Carol Johnston at the ho-me Smtn fe ue1 Mir. C. M, Joncs wîtb Rev, Tan membera of our,,New-ofMsGereVnaP - T. J. Sneigrove attenr1d e U tonlhe WomenWs i-stitute at- tpoi.Sady ltrnon 'I1 c Bay of Qinte C4onference enderi the District Annu'si Mr, anri Mra, Ted McBrdîe, tihen back. helr i a Trent Univcrsity, Convention at Solima iset Inglawood, were Tuesday Peterborough, thirec days oI Thursday, niamsely Mesdamcs rincer guests of the Smiths. Wk ppe»e -,î hast wcek, and tihe latter gave M. Wade M. Samis, T. lien- Ms ornTonopet fi~ us eeiuniaý ý, "ef? us a, bnI resume aI soeai derson, S. Lancaster, A. Mi- of isat week. Fei-.SÂie Dem its highliýghts al our Sueday ligan, C, Brown, H. WadeW. law In be cotnted i -ie morning service. lis topie Wood, M. Pascoe andi F. Fer- the weekend 'wi{h lher ince I odotohe Va was "heAwakening oI the[ guson. and famiîly, Mr, and Mrs., vI houveotote rom Sanie oritWonder", a Most im-1 The local GrL'SaftbalI qetstionnire with you portant phrfase le Christiani Team is busy preparing for Mr, andi Mie Sidney Cor- qyusi, onnai aeth n Jesus Sy." cone, ani sevealsfromPortuiy. Baiieboro Duhgiuurral aledarha Schedalie of vi.ýsita ta Toac-_Lloyd Kellogg, Weicome at t co,. arcas in 1971 by Vhe 930) arn. at Tobacco Specîalist. The Spe- Jn , Saturday - Ontario hb cialiat wil hae in Vhe area on BeRekepers ýJ-el Assoc . Annual P Monday, Tuesday or Wednes- Meeting Vo be heid at Stoine dlay oI the week of: Rond F'eIri Laboratory, Uni-e' M,,ay 24. Jane 7, Jane 21, Juiy versîty orf Guelph, Gueph, 5, July 19, August 2, Augua Ontario. 16, Auigust 30, September 13. Jane 16 sud 17 - Ontari'o Requests for farm calls Swine Breeder's Fieldi Day at shouirilbe marie Vo the Agri- the Lîvestock Pavîlion, Rîige- cultural Office, Bowmanvîlle, town Coliege of Agricuiturni by 10 arc, on Monday of tie Technoiogy, week oI the visit. Definite Jane 19, Saturday -- Mill- dates wii ble liai-ad in the brook Agrîcuiural Fair. Tobacco Newsletter. Jane 20 - 25 - Provincial SCHEDULE OF -H Conference, tUniversîVy of 4-H MEETINGS Gu elph. IN DURHAM COUN2!Y Jane 27 - 29 - 4-H Science May 26, Wedrnesday - Pony Senisoar, Univ ersity of Guelph. Club - 8.00 p.m. Agricultarai Jane 28- 30 - Regional 4-Il Office, Bownianville. Conference Trent University, May 27, Tharsday - Fid e týue29-o3roagh. an Crops Club - 8:00 p.m. Faim Jn 2 0 rpisr of Lloyd Kallogg, R. R. 1, Port Livestock Days at the Rîige- Hopoe, town Collage of Agricaltural Jane 2, Wednasday - 4-H Teccnoiogy Canîous. Býachelor Survîval Club Meet-'Jalv 13, Tuesday - Durham îngVo a biriin ic omeCoanty 4-H Judgîng Compati- I. Economîca Room, M. J. Hobis Schooi, Hampton, Club Meetingz at Raipi Green-, wood, R. R. 1, Kendai. Jane 15, Tuesday PoulVy Club Meeting. Meeting at Ag- riculturai Office, BowmanvilieG tFa t Jane 16, Wednesday - IHope! Caif Club Meeting at Vie f'arrn ofa Don Badri, R. R. 1, Port w iALLrw s a] 1Hope. Jane 21, Monday - Senior Club Meeting at Iarm aI Mi-. No miatter how tough1 anri Mis. Ralph Lai-mer, No. 1,yo'speUpou Blackstock, o'lsedu or1 Jane 22, Tuesday _ South with a Gehl Hay-King Durhami Dairy Club Meeting tions and windrowsi at Vie lai-m aI Lawrence Mal- colm, R. Rý 1, Nestieton. You'fl always be at lea IJane 23, Wednesday - Poey -... because the Hay- Club Meeting.josaoneStpi Jane 24, Tharsday - Dur- / jb toc!So hamr Potato Club Meeting at deal on a -Gehi Hay-ýihm of W li n ar w R.R 2, Newcastle, Ontario. Janie 5, Saturday - Ontario Goat Fîild Day, Animal Sci- erce Dept., University aI Guceivh. Jane 5, Saturday - Alamni Day at tie Campas, Kernpt- ville Collage aI Agrîcaltaral Tecbnology, Jaune 8 - 10 - Poaltry le- dlutry Conferenca & Exhibi- ian Vo haehairi at Western Fair -- Groundis, Londion, Ontario, Jane 10 andi11h - Afalfal . x Waevil Daya wîll ha heiri at I the foilowîng locations: Thara- day, Jane 10 - Farm of Ralpbl Larmer - 11/ miles west of GesInoy Biackstock, R. R. 1, Blackstock 1 at 9:30 s.m. Friday, Jane 1hi-Faimao- GET CASH TODAY TUROUGH W .N.2- STATESMAN PHONE 91 CLA S 1SIIE D S PhonL 623-3303 __ _____ îe 1 i newI hance to tell Caadat w'ye doing. sinost hidE voting day. 4lege. Your chance Vo xut yourself and yoir YOU live. It's as ths asbecome maiaiosue themn rerrnents know where nost necessary things: Mg projects, roads Lty centres, parks. rcetage tof ee section of d for a new ih a higis lard td and rewal and_ rself cens=a you'l Itiallnaire. h Canada mnust i If a pre-paid rtr population census ,onnaire and f Sno envelope, Y îe form until it trepresenta Vive, ably, be the first time acc Vo fI hi your Ad way of sending .ocking on doars and , ved a usefal purpose )ud, alter many trial aa better job when )maires themselves, 'm Otwda1o. at-rn the cemms g vnîthe Census of wii tIhe population iortonyon give met farta progamn i thre yemr ahead.L -the cmsz ne and money for on, More detaffs tô eome. '1 July 22, Thursday - Dur- ar and Northumberland Dairy Princess CompetÎtion, at -ie Newcastle Arena starting it 7:00 p.m. Each County wvilI have a separate contest and a princess wi11 be chosen for ach County. For further in- rmation and applications, ýntact Carlos Tamblyn, Orono, Phone 983-5134. JOHN F. FIRE and AUTOMOBILE, INSURANCE Contact: IIARRY VOERMAN 623-3111 or 623-3950 33 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE t [ATER r-Drying LfdSah the conditions .. rmowing sohedule ï. It mows, condi- in one operation. >ast two cuts ahead ~-igdoes three i bday and get our ServiceLtd. 98-43NEWCASTLE h% s yoarcans.Everyone bas tis- right te Ire couný'ted. Everynne has thse riglit to expect the hiformmtion le gives tobe treated h asuut c, nfidence.And you cat be sure tha t'tire&infmation iIemd fa- thse goco- aIil Canaian Sc, d't fre. ue1 Tee 1+BKREAU FEDERAL DE LASATTQE mle )Une£

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