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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 May 1971, p. 11

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JA. Q9ZLCÂU,, Mrs. Bruce Tilison, Edttor Wins Main Award and SeIIer's Prize it wsanone ast week liat Bert Melvor of Newcastle had won the Legion's Monthly 50-50 draw for May, recet-iving $2,225 for fris shart anrd also$2 becaue he sold himnself thewinning ticket. He is shown bere ai left, receivixug a chieque froni Legionnaire Ed ,Majer. on tht weekend, so they weren't totally, disappolnttd, There -have been no reports 72ewcasU'e to any mishapi with the use of these. We trust everyone used common sense in light- ing them, they can be dan- gerouis. Bugden will ,bc sorcy to realize that he was the vie- Necate:.Tht weekend,J urday night's attendance "s tira in the bike-car, accident fo anwaîs resîfUl andicomparatîvely s malle r in at the atart of the holiday quiet1, while others busied number, but equal in fun and weekend traffie on No.2 thmevsin their garden or good music. -The next dance Iigîiway, F r i d a y evening epening their cottage. Whilel will be 1, the fali, Jeff Is in Sick Chihdrenâ's Mos- the sun, shone most of thel The weathecman proved pilai, Toronto. holidaJyil was fac from an1y again to be unco-operative Cnu ersnaie a sunan eahertha yo nayMonday. Firewocks displays been calling ro n buse to have oped for. lhwy were cancelled in most actasý, us rougr«hout Newcaýstir wer cngstdwih rafi Newcastle being no exceptin hi- ek les.D NO' aacomplete 10 t rav- hywil nlow lhold itheirs on I L ak yu e ing, making drilighar- the next holiday, July lt om h essrpeet üui. A grea.t mnýy eve~r j' mwas disappointing 10 thetivs cý! frtir made lb bto heir destination, yonjjgen onies in patticularive ilclibc o h with others rechngtheirs whbo had'looked foc thîs tra- Cub aigpr nt but flot getting home. Po-lice, ditional display, and to setnnalPiný Wood Derbý ambulance and bospitals were tht Newtonille Public SchoolRae to beconui this Saturday !.kept busy. We hoDpe, however B3and who were also to pu morning, are ceminded Ic you s.pent y ýourholiday, that on a display just ahead of the, meet at tbe hall at 9:30 anm It w"a's a quiet ont, fireworks. For many of thbe with their completed car, ané Tht hofliday *weekend saw childnen, they had purchased their parent, or parents.The the L1oins' dances corne b an~ a few bangers that went on race begins aI 10:30, end ror, a.nothe(r season. Sat- sale aI the local varîety store cars and Cubs enterinig mus ____________________________________________be there ont haif bouc befoîE the race in order to ba,ýv NEWCASTLE RECREATION cars weigbtd anld cek out. Mrs. Innis is th ie1 leader fnom ist rNewcastE R ED cCO, s attendng the race, and shc ville marking scores foc IlE pk racing ahiead of New, caitle. Therefore, the, othi REGSTATONwîîhI- other parents and wil not wrant to %bc late. For anyl 4 ,ntehvîn f0go directly. I Thurs. June 3 Fr1i. June4 tht race, il is hbeing hehda the Lions; Centre, 26 Beecl 7-9Par, Ave, Bownvlhle. LIONS ROOM - COMMUNITY HALL FEE $2,50 each additio-nal schild in same faml NoixResîent- $5.00 foýr first child $3.00 each additional chîid in sia-me family Tadpoles 4-G - years- $2.25 per child MEMORIAL- FUND Ce.-ARILLOÔN of BELLS TO THE GLORY 0F GOD GIVEN IN LOVING MEMORY 0F FORMER -ORGANIST of Ste George's Anglican Church' Newcastle, Ontario Donations reqaested to: ST. GEORGE'S MEMORIAL FUNJD BOX 248 NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO T h ethe house they purchased that apptears esweedidi noi, ifrom Mr. and Mrs. Orville arrive-_ he e untilThrdy Mrand Mr.s, Garry In- day Of last weeký, to!visît the iNusing Assistant fiollowing Challice on Main Street South. Mjiay 2th, althoaugh it; waa z ,id e id dof ,B C were 1formier s cdaughter Muiýe! it)cjsevrai mothstraining at Iast week's, Orono new, mailed on May l8thi. ry Phone 987-4213 of fhîs am-nt, Mrs. Marshi rnrdadtersnt2ryLnsy She, along u ith a _____:213__________e____ St. Cloud, Mirnnesota, U.S.A. friend. appeared in a photo in Mts.Perc. Cooper Mr and Ms.Ch as. Tayl Or the Lindsay 'Daily Post re- they returner oeio 0 iied Mr. nd ttened nnnkilln Snda cently when they came in :S h rm p B os a'af ac-i w Cliff onr on 4tnddEni-kiae Sii Mrs.A lla Sowdn rs. CifCooper enSunday. Sc1hool Anniversary on Sunr-1first o alk-a-thon from t oMps, lan yhrsse, M nr and Mrs. Len Pe-ar's dayý afternoon and were amo(ng1Fenelon Falls to Lindsay, cand rs. eg. Taylor, Osh: visited Mr. and Mrs. Hwr h dinner guests Of Mr. and Aýbout 12 Nursing Assistant an rs eg fDlr,0h-ýM Vrs. Elgin Taylor. Trainees and three from__ awa, visited their mother Bo n tPr op nSnnonrtltos oM.adSctt's Nursing Home par- n,ï a on Sunday. Mýr. and Mirs. Vernon John- '25th wýýedding Anniversary ;the Ross Memori al Hospital Cm n Mr. and Mrs. C. Burt'on anidi soo and ciled bren fPtr-1 last week. expansion fund.T0 7HE daughtervisited hîsfparents,: Mr. and Mr.Sid BarrahýaîlMr. Bill Carimanhas been daugif heer s Don av urtonr andMsJ . hso nwere recent vsior f M.apatient in the Oshawa Gen- Penk th71e e endhav eavapr Sndy and Mfrs. Ruisseli Gimnblett at eral Hospital. M ýr. lawvrence Parkn where thev Sqair Mhave thelhpm trailer alsýo Mr.and Mrs. MI.' Mýr. and Mrs. 0. M. Jý .-gnMpe rv.SirM.Sa hp Godupyand sons D,)-Flou f Markham visited her par-: Mr. and Mrs, Adain Shaure and Mr. Hari-y Mercer are in, and Steve have thr ier ents Mr, and Mrs. F. 0. Coop- 'of Ennisilen,Mr and Dd'rs. the MeriialHoptl Bow- at Beaver Park. 'er On Saturday evening. Francis Hall of Aginicourt, -Mr. manville. Mrs. Roy VanCampii, , Mrj Mrs. George Morton mwith and Mrs. Kenneth Syýer of Mr. and Mrs. enneth Syer and Mrs. Sam VanCamp ani hesister Mirs. Ida Plumb of Cav-an visitedt Mrs. Cecil Rob- of Cavan, Mr. and Mrs. Ed, JUST OFTH0 THE STOLIGHITS family, Mr, and Mrs. Ne-il il lowdale left thec TorOnto insOn. Hogg of Baîieboro visitcd WASL Brownell and f amiiy sP,,ntlinternational Airport, Thjurs- Postmnastei' Mr. Ch a rlies Mrs. Wm. Robinson'.E CSL the lng wekendaI teiriGray and Mrs. Gray attend- Mr. and Mrs. Jin ono cottages ai Mink Lake. it might have beeni if Mr.i ed thie Rural Postmnasters' and cblidren of Peterhorough Crandaîl had wvon thiat nom- Convention atl MýcMaster i- w recent visitors with -his and Mrs. Ronî Rogers and nain InnisfoiâVesi ie hlds 3 ýtuay a 2 Mr.AlnS dn arly ite vie ith him, Mr uweekend. Shelley and JheL. Johnson. a u ry, M y 2 daughters were Sunday s u- Crandail said he was in Al- Gray spent the wveekend ,vJth MiVîs. J. Hiekerson of Balti-j per guesîs wýith the for-mer s'berta in 1935 wýhen fthe f-irstIMr. and Ms Rae Stewýart in'imore and Mis. Carl Rowden son and wife, Mr. and Mr. Sca Cei oürmntw'Trot.0 Port Hope visîted their Harry Snowden and famlily, elected. lk-e had been a fol- Mrs. D. Ný. lels is a paitien-tisister Mis. Ciff Coopcr.- Osaw.n r.C .Sal lower of the Social Credit in the MemorialHspta, Mi.' and Mci. Chas. Taylor SH RIM P n H P Mr n r.C.Pwlo philosophy until he switched Bowmanville. were Saturday evening, dinnc'r attended the anniversary sec- party ranks in 1968. Congratulations to Mr. O. gue ts of Mc. and Mrs. Ross vice at Enniskillen on Sun- Mr. Crandail obtained his W, "Bud" Rolph who re(cent- Taylor anid family at Scar-1 day afternoon and were suP- diploma, from the School of ly celebrated his 83rd hirth- borough. per guesîs with Mr. Russeil'Agriculture in Olds, Alberta. day. M'r. Ceeu 'iByr'on Bowen, ag,, Ormiston, sister Mrs. Vero bis B.A. degree from the Uni- Mr. and Mrs. Archie Lunn 68,' son of the late Mr. and Forsyth. versity of Manitoba, bis dîplo- attended the Hoy - Geroux Mci. George Bowen, passediý SPECIAL Mc. and Mrs. Don Foley, ma in theology from the Unit- wedding in the Presbyterian away on Monday, May 17th. Base Line, were Sunday sup- ed College in Winnipeg and Cburcb, Ballyduff. Funeral was on Wednesday per guests with berparents,1 a diploma in higber account- Vr on anhsa- rm teBarlow. Funeral F s ~ ~ v P c Mr. and Mrs. Darcy Smilh,. îng fromn the International ol Mrs. Edith AinPye and Home. Interment Ceme- U~U7 Oshawa. Accountants Society of Chi- brother of Mri. Freeman Eddy tery. Mr. en oo-'cago. bl of Orono passed away after Congratulationis f0 Mr. anid o d r3 0 .Mrphyand daughers ac- teahe pecali igh achool a lengtby illness. Funeral Mis. Neil Laverne Ho, th(, compaiýiýýd b fist s' commer- was on Saturday afternoon former Miss Barba:ra A ýnnt copaid y e sstrMcvial certificate from thE O -nroi the United Churcbh, Geroux on theirma,rrige o and Mný. Bill aido and taroDprîeto Eua ontypool. Internt waývs 3n ISaturday, May 22nd inai y PHONE 987486 boys spent thie lonig 1weekendatre o aI her cttgenea B'ation and had corpetdisPontypool ctey.duff, Preshyterian Curh atterctaercrB-ýintreit xmntos0-Cnrtltost is Mc. and Mcs. Leoýnarl ~ .F I O n A IU crft heGe-al counitants As- Julie Schmid wograduated l Downey and child en of R R wTH ,Mr. and Mcr, C Edric Rus- sociation of Canlada. on Mvay 2lst as a Registered 3, Port Hoe, i C.are ceidî li. _______ sel] and famlly spet! thi weekend 'at 'Beaiver Pr where they have Iheir traiher! parked. Rev. aiid Mrî W. C. Sm)ltlih Oshawa, were Suinday ve ing viiors wîh Mr. am Mrs, H. G. Freemar . Mr. and Mr%. L C._ htA ~ Cnd h~e1 io sWoeW~ Mrs. Irmnie Halowel, -B owi- y manville, attened fthe fj ri- P 1eral of Iheir aunt, Mrsý. Le W- A DCndaCi e 4f z sWoi e t ýs ela Dacra, Canning'ton. ThtýA aidCoc'1 -ziseet sympathy of this commu«ityý eis extended toi them Iln their je A&P Caýnada Fancy 12 fi oz t ns ýKeri-n el corn The relatives or M . 0and n Mns. Ross Le, Kedron, aev Io aCnaaSadad1 i ztQGre rWa e S Svery serry f0 hear of iac Ocident'which happenied juil recently.h t ___________ ________ c 2 to i. cd 1h ie e le se il y- .0 MAPLE GROVE Maple Gove unday Sebool Annver-sa3ry'vwlll be held on Sun ayJne 6th., at 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 )pm. More paýrticu- lacs later. Note change ot' Sundayl._7 Tht Parents Comnmittet cf Brownies,ý and Guides held their meeting on May 18tnh, deciding to bold a stcawberry supper on June 29th. Their card parîy was very slimly attended. Hope f0 set a larger attendance another fi me, Their nextmeeting is 10 be beld on June 151h. Mc, and Mrs. Mick Dowson, Paul and Nancy, Windsor, Mc .and Mn., Kit Hutchinson, St. Catharines, Mc. and Mcs. John Clark and son Steven, Kitchener, Mr. and Mn, Mîke Johnson and daughters, Ma- ple Grave, spent tht long weekend at home, On Sun- day they aIl spent tht day with their parents, Mr. and Mci. Harold Cooney, and Ron- 1 ney, aI Beaver Park. Miss Mary Ann Doyle, Guelph Unîve.rsity, Guelph, spent tht wecikend at home wîth hec, parents Mr. a-id Mci. Steve Doyle, brothens, and grandmother ,Mns. Cecil Jeffery. Mc. and Mns. Roy Toppini and sons -Mn. Ted and Mr. Glenn Topping, Peterborough, were luncheon guesîs at ber parents, Mc. and Mci. Fred R. Stevens, and enjoyed a visît. Mr. and Mci. Wmn. Tonkin, Mci. Fred Davidion, Oshawa, accompanted by Mn., L. C. Snowden and Mc. Bob Snow- den. visited Mr. and Mci. Grant Siater on Sunday af- ternoon at their summer home between Newcastîle and Orono. They wece all treatec, Lo their supper at the Flying Dutchman by Mci. F. David- son, afler which Ihey retuco- ed hýome b )Mn., L. C. Snow- d n'sanrnjoyed a visîtt, af- ter whLihi;rs. Snowden secv- ed a lovely 'upil tea before OBITUARY TROMAS PHILLIPS Tht death ofntThomnas Phil- li-ps, aged 60 yeacs, occurred atOs1 w Genecal Haspital on w Monda 'y, May 101th, 1971, afler an ilinesi of four years. iSon of the 1,te Joint and VYiolet Phillîpi hie waai born in England where bee received bis educatton, nl9-i M, be macried the former Annie Gardiner who survives. The decoased came tn Can- ada from England in 1e2g and bas resided in tht vilnity of Tyrone since then. Ele was, an employet aI the Bowman- ville plant 0f the Goodyar Tire & Rubber Company. A member of tht Anglican Churcb, be was also, a memn- ber of tht Royal Gianadian Legion, serving wfth. the armed forces m, !taly during World War Il. Surviving, besides i; s wife, are three daughtecs and two sons, Mci. G, Byamn (Carole), Tyrone, _Mns. G. Roberts (Betty), Tennessee, Mci. G. Taylor (Barbara), Mns. John Vivian (Marjorie), Tycone, 1Louis, of Bowmnanivilice, and Randy at home. The funeralsevc wa held from thte oLct l loît FuneralHoe Bowmp1-ý ville, on WdeiaMay 12th, and was. conducted by Rev. R. C. Hopkins. Inter-, ment was in Betheida Cerne- tecy. Among the many lovtly floral tributes, evidence of the esteem In whiicb the de- ceased was held, were those fromn Tht Royal Canadian Legion, and Tyrone L.O.B.A. Palîbeaners wece Mesrs. Dick. Patfiehd, Bob Hayes, L. Burton, Jim Kane, Rosi Wright and John Gibson. Min iser 'Wa"s Active 'In poIitics By James Cutting Tht death of Rev. Wilb Ur Crandaîl on Aurîl 29 at Co- bourg District Genenal Hos- ,pital ended a colorfui page in ithe history of fédéral politici in Durham County. 1 In 1965, Mc.OCrandalcan as the Social Credif Association 1candidate in tht federal elec- lion against Russell Honey. In fact, he was the finît Presi- cent - f tht Durham Social Credit Association wbich was rfocmed about two months be- fore that election. Coun. Arthur Brooker was, vice- president of tht>- Social Credif organîzation at the time. In tht 1968 fedecal election Mc. Crandaîl jeined bis Social Credit Party Leader, Robert Thompson in joining canki wth tht Progressive Conser- r vative Party. Mc. Crandal oppoîed John Pratof Mont- ceal for, tht Tory nomination, 9 but oit 'out in this bid on -that auîpicioas night, It waî, former, Port Hope Mayor -Robent Evei"on who second- ed Mn. Cnandals nomination -ducing that meeting. What = an luEL élection H anaian R.d 4841-oz tins PunkCh Del Monlte Stewv,- 191-oz tins ,Tomatoes 0 Red Brand Steer Bee "1GREAT ON A GRILL", Excellent For Braiing Blad-e Steaks Freehly M--ced G round Chuck Wieners 1b 7W (b 7%e) 1-lb vacun pkg 59< New, Ze-aiamd, lmported, Frozeri, Siioulcler Lamb hohps [b 6 9 é 5 VariefieS, Burns MMX, NMATCH Meats & Stews 4ý/f-ri 3 Ail Fiavours Deliesie Yogurt -oz ctn Pere 0 If's Ail Pure Caftec - Flavouir Cvrwna A&P Instant Coffee 10 oz ý"ar3 Garbage Bags pgoi3 9Y AV! piceap 'onhiti&d jaase. ,ffctv.thrug Stonay cy29. Apple 1Pi Jane Parker, ld (24-om loafY Sanw7c Blad Remved, Sem'i-onels P() FAT ADDED TO BEEF ROASTS NOT AT A&P! Onturlo liothouse 6~'own Bone In Beef Brisket plate Town Club ,or SprRgi rnSit SX rdSoePkd sx Branimly- Pack, Slîced yX Ba !,s Piece, Any Weight Cut 1b19< mpkg62~ I 1b53< lb pkg69< 1b39# MATES (un udu No. I Crude Lurge' Sue SHRTC O RuROAIe

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