Th 2 m!cCnadian Stateaua, flowmanvAIllcMay 26, 1971ý Eort H enry ûOpened May'15 Gunfire w-,ll hrpplealong At thi-e westrn end of fLic of the t'me realized, the thý rampIIarta orf 01d Fo",rt!system stands thec grey walÏltown of lKingston, Ontario qdhry at Kîngseton caCbI Sa;t-!guns and museum at Old Fort' commandeda strategîcpos3ition urday -veniing thîs: summrer:, I-Henry. along thec St. Lawrence River. bcgïinning lVtayit. It was the War of 1812, bc-e And whoever held Kingston, l'ortouist an reîde ts, ýtween the U.-ited States and i held the counrtry. wil. man n xtr oportn-Britaîn, which gave birth to Thie original fort was start- it t sc heFot' itenathe Fort. cd ii 1812; the present fort ti eýa11yfamousunsetcre rFor as ilic irlitary leaders was completed in 1832. Prcvious1y, the 105 manV ~dperformed onîy oncePrvn eE d ss w~lon Wednesday -iîghts li Eut Liflzens vveef ,lis for ttendcIance appd dcmand r -eC î-, eflg , W e th~ program ihas been douýtbled i: 1971. 'r I Therrom iunev rt O '61J tson a announced by Te- Stm"1l LarePrk oms Toronto- The Honourable to other members of the coin- wijlî, admnîstrators of Old Tiiomas -L. Wells, Mînister of munîty, That's why the On- Fort Hny Social and Famîly Services, tario Department of Social n Thertre ,one of the fin- announced today the first Family Services is officiall1y' ce41 historic site.r-s in North provînce-wide Senior Citizens' recognizing Ontario Seniorl A,_MrIca, ine of three majorW1 Week, in Ontario, June 20 to Citizens' Week, June 20 to 26, Icreeatîonal rojctsinEast June 26, 1971. 11 1971".1 ýr~IIOtro n.h Seawiay- "Primary planning for this "I hope that ecd commun- Va11c mnaedby the Comi special week would bce at the îty will fulfili the aims of On- mi ssion, 1. local communîty level where tario Senior Ctizens' Week by Tb(,c othei,rcs a re:Upr Cana- uiia governments and recognizing tic contributions da~ ~ ip Vilg, erMornîsburgý, vluntary associations are most over the years of eldcrly men loný' StheL,, prawng, 170-ieinvolved wîth Senior Citizens' and women to thc ife of groups and elderly people in Ontario ýand by encouraging ------ -the area," said Mr. Wells. "I and expressing appreciation of encourage ail organizations past and present services and individuals to get involv- rendcrcd by outstanding senior ed in the planning and carry- citîzens ither individually or îing out of this fîrst province- in associations." '-ide Senior Citizens' Week. "As a result of -this special 6 2,o, 3 3 03 iDuring this week we want to week, 1 sec the dcvelopment niiake as many people as pos- of special programs and pro- s4ble aware of thec contribu- jccts by and with senior citiz- tions of the elderly, the serv- ens in communities flirough- ices for thc elderly, and what out Ontario and flot just it mneans to grow older." services for senior citizens. "'Lot to Live; Lot f0 Gîve' - Wc xat to 'stimfulate gencral that's the way 1 see Senior interest in and knowledge of Cîtîzens' Week," s aid Mr. aging, the elderly, and al ex- Wells. "Ontario's Senior Cit- Îsting programs for senior izens have a lot to live for. cizens in Ontario." They also have a lot to give Although the promotion of BENJAMIN MOORE HOUSE PAINT S ALE re' s I-bue Paint hý that proiects while it L to Sun, fumnes -and milde S keep that "just painte( eKnown for ts easy1 g *Availalle in White,j sparkling, fresh colc ~ABERNETYS Reg, frorn $12.05 to $15.55 gai. NOW ONLY Qîs. - Reg. $3.95 ONLY $2.99 ias a durable gloss finish beautifies. Its resiÈtance lw means your house wil! cd" look year after year. brushing. plus fuill une of [rs. Benjamin Moore pit PAINTS and, WALLPAPERS PIIONE 623-5431 a province-wîde- Senior Cit- izens Weck is new, flic idea of suci a weck is- not. Many groups of senior ctiz ens' clubs across Ontario have been en- donsing fhe week beginstîng with flic third Sunday in June cd year as Senior Citîzens' Week. Mn. Alex Carruthers, MP.P. for Durham, bas in prevîous ycars introduced in fhe Ontario Legisiature a bill f0 proclaîm such a week, and the idea w s endorsed by members of aill political par- tics in flic Legislature. Mn, Wells bias set up an advisory comîîttee for Ontario Senior Citizeîis' Wcek. If will bc chaired by Mn. Carruthers and wîll include nepresenfatîves of senior cîfîzens' associations. "The Cifies of Kit chener, London and Nort h Bayr have alrcady planned Senior Cîtîz- ens' Wceks for thein communi- tics',"'Mr. Wells noted. The Ontario Departient of social and Faîîly Services will pooe active participa- tion of ndpendent grnupo or asoitinqf rctircd pensons; for the agcd, flic eldcnly inI housîîg projccts for senior citizens or nrm homes; mnibers of ldenly pensons' centres, ýpublic heaill unit s, local social service and ,plan- ning councîls, service clubs, publicelibranies, specialists in adulf educat ion; recreafion centres working wi tictheld- crly; churches of, al fait is and ahl other infcncsted org- anîzat ions throughou fth e province. Piano Concert On Friday, May 281 at 7:'30 pIn, ini fie Robent McLaugh- in Art Gallery, Oshawa, Ed- ward Philip Oscapella prcseints Tîtu Haamcr, pianist, and Ed- ward-Philip Oscapella, pîanist, in a programme of works coin- posed by Mîos Haamcr. Also, flic lange reperfoire of Classi- cal piano duets sceldom pcr- formed, wîll be explored, arnd tic programme will end witli free improvisation at tic key- board by both. atisfs. Miss Haamer was a'student of Mona- Bates and Reginald Godden, Toronto, and is cur- renfly studyîng wîth Cli iford Poole in Toronto. Mn. Osca- Della is a student of Josephine Parrott, Oshawa' and Anfon Kuerti, Toronto, Bofl i panists arn th fe Bachelor of Music Dcgree Course in Performancs, at fie Unversity of Toronto. This promises to be a most iiiteresting recital. Admission is FREE! Take Hîghway 401 f0 Oshawa, North to King St. on Park Road and f0 the City Hall Complex. ConIe>and Bow*nîle Museum's HeIp Celebrate B wSnv TENTI A NNI VER SAR Y Thursday, May I17th 7.30 pm > B-ALLOON SIR THDAY CAKE SQUARE DANCING BY BASHFUL BOWS PRECISIONl MODEL STEAM, LOCOMOTIVE VINTAGE AUTOMOBILES CRAFT DEMONSTRATIONS Spinniing - Ms .Rcado RugBraiding - Mis. W. Rahmn Macrme -Three high school students Fe a turye Qi5P! ay : TON' TRAINS froin HaryCÇ. Allun collection Other Attractionis: O)LD TIMEKTCE WHEN THIE MORSE WAS KING TOOLS AIND ARIAS GENERAL STORE PERIOD ROOMS COSTUMES Admission t Museum Chlidren loc Persnin iCostumle Frac Favoursn for First,50 Liadies Entering imuseuim - t., ,Members Attend Theatre in The De!! .Threc, Bowmanville Higi School grade 12 students, from lef t, Peggy Clark, Dclbic Coty and Suzanne Lucas, look over some of tic art projects displaycd lasf Wednesday and Thursday in the school's Festival of Arts. Tic festival, hcld during fie cvenings of bofi days, was tie students' opportunity fo show-off Wiat tiey'have learncd to do in their art, industnial art s, I ~On May 3rd, nineteen mcm-1 ~"'~ bers of the Bowmanvîllej Drama Workshop attended lie Theatre In Thc Dell fo see "Oh Coward!"1 Tom Kneebone, Pafricia t i'5Collîns and Gordon Thoînson were a wonderful cast andj thfe group 1left fie Delli weakz undenstanid why fils showj ~ has haýd isuch a long run, (.n' 13ti fie membeîý V " ~B.F).W. attended two one-1 hact plays, by fihe B.H.S. 4 "~' ~ ~iDramia Group, very well donc roý)y 1 addmayfor a very1 worfiy cause, cystic fibrosis.1 SAffie conclusion o i i". Y pla~ys lcB...members al wenf to fie home of the 1 pres-ide-nt, Jean Sheridan,, for1 % j1ýý:.rý1:.ýý. tice final meeting of the 1970- Reports on the ycar's work wce r ad by tic officers, kiatd i was, a very good year. t. ýyb f a way could be fie microphone. home cconomnics and music studies. Every student in There were a number of fie school pnrticipated. In fthc lowcr photo, Industnial races for ail ages before thc Arts feacher Lloyd Johnston points ouf features of flic nain came down to cancel fie new Bowmanvîllc Secondary Sehool to Cafthy Patter- scheduled bail gaies. son, Frazer Lonimer, David Anderson and Margo Harvey Malcolm, Reeve of McTaish Themodl ws cosfrctc by rad 12Manvers township and War- -Nil-Uý,vih. he ode wascontrutedby rad 12den of fthc United Counties of Industrial Arts students in their spare time. Northumberland an d Duham .~ ~ spoke bniefly congratulating g- the Athletic Association on Stheir w,eekend pogram.' Fnîday night an estimated ~ ..~, 4î~îhitsa crwdof' over 600 attenrided ~i's'ica or L'me Fireworks dîsplay at Safrda nilita dancews heldin Sri Paul Parishhialli wîfh msîcby raye Adans: unathere was a spc-ý cia yothservice In Sf5.i Pauli's Church, Mondlay niglit a concert wa,4-z ~ ~ lield in the Township Hall. ~ featuring Peterborough Lîft Lock Chorus of ýsoie 2?5 membens wlfh their barber- sliop style music whici wasý mucli enjoyed. Otior artists were Mrs. Dora Harris ofý S Bewdley with Liberace im- v, .n~îk.' 'k..~ ~ pensonati ons assisted by Missi ~. ~~'~ 'tCarol Finn in several mousical' numiers. Hector Bradley of Cavan won fhe 50-50 draw in .~~t amount of $259.50. v, '~~' Jim Kloepfer, president cf. . tic Befhany Athietie Asso- ,', ~ , cation, i.îas chainman for tie concert and thankeè1ail thosel M, wio had -made flic weekend sucli a success and thankpd ail commiffee members for x flicir efforts, W 's $2 0 for0 0 o dPis Brigade and mon Wll- URaml; antique cars, Dav'id --Mitchell, Bruce Masi, Dr. G M. Longficld- lieust ddle loeMiss Rutli Brown, Mrs, Earl cQuaîd: lic. fhorsc un- der harness, borne Mîddleton, Of Omernice; children's pony, -'U Piillîps Finney and Bob Pal- 2" ~ ...........~.~."mer; best float "Old Womnan ,,~, lu TicýSice",; famuly ff, lir'h~I<5. Te Fshion ru sports .mefoaf Men' Hockey Team;, ,...,,, float, Bethany Woîcn's In t tu ; special prizes fo r ..~....~. ,,,.floaf s, Janetille Fine Bn - ve~ ,...,~gade and "Tic Ski Roule", M(B0b Reynolds). Vincen JTackson acfed as Parade Mac- Special award WC-nt to Mci. Harry Prest on, fle icd- 4'~est adIy et tic park; Sihawn, Hionîlin, thc youngcst bebv;~ Mn. sud Mns. Gordon Al churcli, flicmotfrceil niarried uple, Mn. and Mc PrY Preston, tfli ongeIstý arid couple; May 24thl birtidays, Kiimy Wod K v'in Ncsbîtt, Donald Scofi;, fa1 y liv in g f icntihm i e aaMr, andMn . luticvilae Mnr nd, M 0 J a c k B ra g g ; l r g e i f f e mly-n i , prsoMr. and Mns Pet,, Tax and flicir ffine cildrcn,, Terry Staples was MC. etI It wns announced recently that attrac(tive Miss Marilyn Ryain, 18, dauglifer of Mr. and Mrs. Clîfford Ryan, R. R. 3, Bowmranville, had bec-n awarded flic top prize of $200 for an essay on the Credif Union Movement. The competition was open to grade 12 and 13 students whoseý parents belonged to a Credif Union. Miss Ryan is sbown here being congrtulated by Principal James E. Speers of Courtice SeFcordary Scliool wherce is a tudent, Mr., and MrsBd 1:avanac, withi Mr. andt Mn, Nra Teewre ûver 70 entries And. son Curtis of Dryden, Neals. ili Monday's paradewic mm.Olive Englîs;hand Donna youth b vc a headed hy the Peferbor- Walkcr, Janetvîlle, have been A special Yot 8erv,(, ice ou Kinsmran KresceFndo's guests with Mr, and Mrs, was held in St. Paul's Churchi Ban'd, and who later gave an Wxn. JIordan. - on Sunday morning wthM & M. competîtion display. Mrs. Marie Gilmour and members of fhe joint United! Prizes were awarded as fol- sons Terry and Pau! of Pic- Churcli and Anglican Church lo,)wsý: Decorafed doil carniage, ton spent ti-c wýeekend- with Young People's group prii la Williams; d e c o r a t e d Mr. and Mdrs. Ross Carr. patîng.' wagon, Stepien Rice; decr- Sympathy is extended to Rev. Keith Adamis ledth ated girl's tricycle, Vivian tie relatives of R. John serivce assisted by Rev, j-Pair decorated boy's tri - Payne, who died lu Civic vid Nortiey. cycl[e, Amanda Worthington; Hospital, Peterborough, on The Anglican Young Pen- decorated ginl's bicycle, Dor- Thursday, May 20th. ple's choir sang "O God of othy Armstrong; decorated Mr. and Mrs. Kennefli Youth". The United Ciurch boy's bicycle, Paul Smith and Wakeý and family, George Junior choir sang "Joy Is Jîm Bragg; junior girls' Wake, ail of Welland, Mr. Like flic Rain", comic, Penny Montgomery and Mrs. Hally McMahon, Gregory Wood, June Mas- and Patti Stinson; junior Peterborough, h a ve been ters, Jill Wood, Ann White, boys' comic, Stephen Rice,, guests with Mns. Ina Palmer. Marlene Smith and Debbie Sherry Reid, KennethCae Mrs. William Phillips his n Gummer gave readinigs.- Wel-,ig ng; ens comic csue Civic IHospital, Peterborough, lington Capeling showed ai Ron Willîams and Allan 'W11- ufening from- a broken knee film "Our World". lims enior ladies' -oiicý, cap. I{erý many- frîends are Gala Weekend Mr. Rei1McQuaid and Mr-s, wishing her a speedy recov-, The Athletic Ascainlýevi MGil; bst decorated ery. ýsponsored a galawekn a ar elvertoný girls' Mr-. Rubena Jacksonn iii Bethany to kickl off their teaiadCvnMtn;hi lMvale Ibis welk Visîtingleuxnmer spoita rora icommercial VgbEcle, Bethany 5- TUESDAY and FRIDAY ONLY Via Taunton Road EFFECTIVE JUNE hit, 1971 P.M. 4:30 4:40 4:45 4:48 5:00 A.M. 11:25 11:30 11:33 11:45 Bowma nvilIle Hampton (at Taunton Road) Mitchell's Corners Taunton Oshawa P.M. 1:30 1:20 1.10 1:00 P. M. 6:30 6&20 6:15 6:10 6:00 F. Buses Depart ftom Old Bus Terminal In Bowmanville Via New Scugog Rond, West on Taunton Road ta Simcoe Street South on Simcoe ta Grey Coachi Terminal, Prince Street BHS 'Holds Annuýal Arts Festival BURLEY BUS LUNE Aduits 25e found to transfuse sorie c~ niembers in our group??9' we coul.d hope for an eýven beffe- r year in 1971-7?. ,A\fewsil bits of busziness wvýEe cleared uip concerning tfie fwd 00e acf pisys"nvaeErad Back omedy".Th met ing, wasthntre oerf fie nominafîngcommftee The chaîrnman of fic nm1 ýnatîng cil îitFee vpes 'ented ý STienîdn; i c c Preienti El izab - he th I roer rograi;, Af the concion w o! fia buies u dlcoslunc h, ýprepared by Iris Hellim,wa served aind flic memrbens e- joyed a social evening, as isý their wonf, on fie last meet- ing of flic season. IFYOUWANTA LITTLE MORE FOR YOUR MONEY 1-BUY OUR-. s 9 r r it r fi