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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 May 1971, p. 13

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The Canadian Statesmaxi, Bowmanville, May 28, 1971 GuiesScouts Receive Youth Care'Î Certificates i Thîrd Bowmanville Girl Guides received Red Cross back i uw leIt ta right: Bannie Mairs, Karen Allun, Cindy Yauith Care in the Home Certificates Thursday even- Hart, Janet Bragg, Allan Rigby, Lori Fraser, Mark jng., Miss M. Crowe, Red Cross instructar and Mrs, R. RigbyLisa Masher, Jacqueline Pigott, Miss M. Crowe; SpyP.RChIrma fteBwaveadDsrc front row, lef t ta right: IDianne Robinson, Cathy Per- Braný,ých made the presentation. Leaders of this Com- fect, Sharon Rigby, Karen Dow, Caria Phillips, Nancy panýy are Mrs. Fraser and Mrs. Rigby. Two -members Rietmullcr, Trula Ingraham, Darlene Robinson; absent: cf the First'Bowmanville Boy Scouts also completed Sandra Brooks, Karla Ingletan, Caroline Steel, Rose- this 10 week course. Those receiving certîficates were,1 mary Killeen, Sheliy Leddy. Medic - Alert Bracelets Now Avaî,lable Locally TheCaadanMeicAlrtMr. Jones said: "The Medie- problem aod ýis l n-eed of Faunatin, cbaitalenon- Alert Eoundation provides some ietfcto htwi profit rganiza i tabîhed medical 'problemn identifica- giveinomtn for prope tahepprtetmiloaf tion emblems, wallet certîfi- medîca] treatmeint in a I)elc itlh îdein medical1 cates and maintains a central emerge(ncy. prbeshs eevdtie file on its members' medical Mer. Jonc.s advised that mcj(m-ý offiiaiendosemntuf the prablems at its Turlock, Cali- bers of the communitywihn LieUnlrriesAssociation formia headquarters. further information should wvhose memý,ibers lnta con- "The vital informaini tl at E f e insuiran"Ce' lcedic -Airt nfrato these files is obtainable at a agent or write ta the Cnda proramdurng ay, moments notice on a 24-hour, Medic-Alert Fouridation, 171 In nnoîncng he ndose-collect eaul basis by physicians St. George Street, Tonto 5,( men, Asocaton resden ad ather au.thorized persan- Ontaria. sainm nes"s id Cvcryon.'e nel in an emergcncy.- Information ad aplictio sho]d ecae fmilar ith A continuai year-round cdu- forms are aviaiqt: the edi-Alct "ife-avig" ational prograi s eonduted Eowmanville-_PubùlicUii emlmand shjoufldcourge d y the Medic-Alert Founda- tics Office, 19 King St. W,;' friendeand elatvcs îthtion, dirccted towards phys- Rural' Ifydro OfcScuigog inedca pohies tainveti-icians, hospitals, law enforce- St. N.; The hrmcMeia gat th prtecionthestan-ment agencies, industry and Chie,-King St. E.; Nrhm les teiMcicAlr bac-the general public ta familiar- berlantd-DLIrbamlý HeaUlth Unrlit, let rid eciaes ffr. ize ail1 with the mcaning of Liberty St. _N., anh Memrial1 'Tie as]y rccgn7alcthe Medic-Aert emblem and Hospitail, Bowanvle Medc-Acrtcmhemshav ~ recognition of its warning Necse-D.Mki'0- grac ntehakawrigmessage. fice; Canadu ian imerial BankJ ta', phsiiý f h acdent Mr. Jones said it is estim- of Commeà(rce. or sizue vctims pohlm,"ated that one member in every Orno-Di.MKni' f saidMr. ane. "Dahctcsfamily bas a hiddenmedical ifice aýnd stuitt'sPhray bav a rre b nlodtype, o r Woth- The edi-Alct isigna oraIthe -Ontia eProvincial Pl ifu aaereports, (an"a r1e- Iriown arund the orld andice fram Ma%1y 9th, ta ,May 15li, .port of radfvecitrac 1)~ mei a l wri gs airc 1971 investigated 16 mta)r complaintsr four trespassin uni vral nc'ta ydr vehiCle Ucollisionts ila whii ch niiine comlaintliS, hree seut e tors a]thug enraedIn persanis receied peraal .la- ports and livecopatsf Enls.The udaion hias juIry, anid ana pýersan w\as kilt- rratie or dangerous drivn1g. rsiter organization;s in, the cd. lee persnis are char'g- A cottage located onLmb UniedStte , cw Zealand, cd wiltb trame coffenýes ili. cor- Roaci, nortir of owm--anivitle, Spain, the , _NetheCrlandes, the niectian i ,ýth these coisions. was entered sometime be- Phlipiesan GeawBitain Also inivestîgated wý,ere 7.5 tween April 24, 1971 and May ;qrd the , Repufl1ic 0of Ircland, generial occuirrences of . c 9, 1971. Stolen fram thýe cot- andl the mbl leI-,i- ri,-Îstered ithera were threereot of tage were a Coleman stç-ve and la 6, Enter -and Tïhef t, -tbi ee ha-Intera, and a "charmn-Glo" "Is heman, about the wi ring, ma'ams7 It's trueý, living in any aider home withoutup-Io-.datewiring just doesn'thold a Cpcni 1 to ruly modern electri cal living. The changes that electrical moclernizalion brings wiII brighten your life th roughout every room in your home - for years 10 corneYou'Ii have more outiets and swtches where you want them, better performanfce from your appliances- andi you can even add the year-rouncl comfort of electric climate contrai. Andi rewi ring an aider home neednit be complicated or expenive. The cost wil I probabiy be less than you imgnand tie Hydro Finance Plan makes iteasy for Forgreater comfort and convenience - and >nan xra marinf fptv, orv-cal[ vour quaiifieletricai Mdmiair otatr Or askyour Hydro. propane barbecue. The stolpn items were valued at $291.00, A farmer narth of Bethany reported the theft of three two monnth aid Hereford calves, valued at $100.00 Theft ocr red on May 8, 1971, A mator vehîcle was stolen fromn the parking lot at Curv- ply Wood Products on May M0, 1971, and was later recovered1 abandoned on the Fifth Coni-1 cession of Clarke Twp)., easti of Orono. Several jeites nl- ing the battery and generator were stripped from the vehi - cie. Value of stoleni itemns $ý25 On May 10, 1971,a Newcsl resident reported the thieft iaf twa batteries and carbre;n f r o m H o n d a M i n i T r a î l i n o a r cycles stored in th1r wnr' prîvate garage,. nnwnpr sons responsible for the therft [entlered the garageý, by bek ing the lock off the grg On May 15, 1971 a i et from Nýestleton abanoned h1ie home mnade trailer at, the- junction of H-wy. 7A aud'ï County Road 57,hcueof aý hreakdown. Wheýn ihe rrned, one hour later, the traiflerher ing Ontario 1971 lcneT7341,1 was stolen. DRIVING TIP : For, thepstveyath Ontario Prov,,incialicehv breen usingarcat o sle tiveý traffi awefocmet Aircraýft patrol i po ,n ta be efetvaid hasdeosr- ed lits value hy pr-acticaliy elîrninating high speed piýur- suit. Cars travel!ing btwee 90 and 130 mph have heen aýp- prehended hy use of acirrft.ý In 1969 the OPP arratobý- served 18,338 hazardciots o3 ing violations. 13e on thebý sarre side, drive with creail of ithe time , or Ille aircr-aft patl n'[ayý1 add Y01-1to their list of traffie violators, KNOW THE LAW Parents! If yr'r'e ini]'iIP ta regard your cidsbccea a toy, you ar)Je naing ase- ous error, A bicycle is a ehP ci.e under the uhry of the H-ighway Tïaffic Act, aydn must be operated safely as a vehiitc. ensuring that the rules of thei road are oheyed ata !ll imes.i An inexperiencedcyit is the l same as a new leariniig ie of a car, and shnould rnot he allowed on the rýoad, until he or she understandïs therue of the road, and is able tinp erate a bicycle with confidenice(. Take the tîmie to do this it your children, it could sv their lives. TIrOsITAL REPOUT Weck ofc May 17-23 inclusive AdiiiSsion1s - ----- - 81 Birthis-2 maie, 7.female !c 9 Discharges -------89c Major operatins 19 Minor toperations 30 Emergenecy treatmepntsk 23 3 HAYDON Mr. and MrF. Gardon !Dudr-ý ley and Neil, Buingtü!n, wýer_î Sunday callers at Mr. ai Mrs. Arthur Raad's. Mr. Jack Joncs, Peterbar- ough, visitad Mr. andi Mrs, W Jones andi family on Sunday,' MVr. Lloyd Thompson, Tor- onta, spent a few days wîth bis mother, Mrs. A. Thomp- son. Mr. Terry Thampson.ý Toronto, spent the weekend wîth bis grandmother, Mrs.1 A. Thompsnon. MrUn i îMrs, Jack Stuart and Se Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johnson, Oshawa, ware Saitucday visitais at Mr, and Mrs P. J.,aerns Joan Topple aýnd Brian Topple, BowmnanvIlle, _spenli the weekend with Mr. ancIt Mrs. D. Cameron. Mr,.lJelbert Potte, flan- frcw, spant the weakend at bis home. Mr. and Mrs. R. Clark and Mr. and Mrs. A. Clark, Baw- manville, called on Mr. and Mrs. J. Patte and family an Sunday. Mrs. J. Joncs and Tam visitad Mc. and Mrs. John Jones, Whltby, on Saturday. Mrs. Arthur Trewia re- turncd home fram the Osh.À awa Hospital on Friday. Several from Haydon ai tended the Enaiskillen Sun-' day Sehool Anniversary ser- vice on Sunday and the sup- per on Monday. Mrs. Leslie Grpa esIFi a patient in It-EBomanvihlei Memorial Hasp'tal. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashtonj and grandsonsý, Toronto, werei at theircotg on the wcek-I end.l OnIy B .210 lb. C. G. C. SUPERSEAL 1ASPH-ALT SHINGLES *96ý SAVE 1.18 BLACK ONLY *77 Foot 'w " 000 Whatboter imc to replacethat bouse or eottagiý rool Chana aw, e otSection Onb, y 8 wvixm price's are "0 10w. rails aïljust to ally stair siop, just apply pressuré ~ C VlT do-wn anti forward for anglje you wart. We carry a complete flno 1) RETE CONIL. E ,IXI o)f aceessories such as Newel Posts, Floor Flanges, Fittings sets, Sbielti Prae isec. Ths systent is very easy ta instali with S 90 LB, BAG ordtnar,)y 'Iouseliold tools nro weldi"ng requirea. prime paînted.0V black, ready for llnîislng.3 ruy on, ND SVIIIOnIy C CONCRETE PATOBLO»ýCKN ECONCfl TE SIDEWALK SLABS 24"' x 30" x 2 OnIy "5 ADD 10c FOR DELIVERY The quiek es and inenpe5n4ive answer for that iiew sidewalk you neeti. Ci NG ON MAY 31, 1971 PATIO QUEEN BENCHES seat ani baek FOlICs Up foir easy imoving anre storage. Buy twO, jobi togethier and mue as pïCpic table. Itieal for the tratier, iloine or cottag"e, camèlping and any othter area whers mltiple seatinýg is needed. OPEN MONDAY THTURS. - 8 5:'30UR- FRIDAY 'TIL ATRA 'TIL 4r B *AVMR jBWMANVILLE Phone 623-3388 E_____________ A ADJUSTÂBLE WROUGHT MRON RAILINGS 4 FOOT SECTION ýADD 10e EA. FOR DEL1VERY D Ed Integi'ally trPrçoredi concrete to eliminate efilorescence andi frost clamage, The iteai way te improve your outdoor living area. THESE SPECIALS WILL GO TO'REGULAR PRI< 'L EC7CTSI1CAL M l i lRNti zTI ON BEA__ V-ER

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