The Cnd nstatesmnan, Bownanivilie,My ,191 3 Q.e.tionnairesProv i ncialI Court Auction Sales iAuction Sales__'Real Estate toi Sale Real Estate for Sala e el Estate for SaleT'o-:tet HI n Bomnil ________________ __ _____________ htare youLr viewpointisrd în o m ivle PIERDE FR non-partial build- omiflation, famnil allow-,17- )1 - q-]lers ndaýo r AUCTION SALE AUCTION COMPANY ing inspctions and fuilir-- - - 'oP rbr, idpR .B,-ýtrrý11D111ecqRyn;,e tion ladaws, polution, Membedge R. ,-, axt r presit- cJ[asing ulne cesry os ~ enr uejhsn 7 SAT., MAY 29 - 10 A.M. Sales Managers & AuctioneeVrts cali 987-4436. 21_5 -slais aîwacsXa.c it sistant Con At- quealigtear ti s.Cn Nt. Andrew's Church, Oshawa We offer a Complete Service_________ tional owner.ship of resources tone-.1t1,1onlut ayod erdad ainy l-ome tdn tBw ParingLo - ELNA T. GLENN FRY LOT in Bowmanville, central, I.ý and industry, the death pen-cone D. Barber. Io' car facing West at thlemavleHhScowa luter, Myles Ring 623-5387 BOWMANVILLE 50' x 110'. Write Advertiser *UL ESTATE al'ty and thie efficiency of Mr. Hlarry Richaros,, Osýh-1stopiight in Newcastle, then chred ay îh i ucîoeeTOM LOWERY 207, c/o Canadian Statesman, -yu oa ebro ala wcagda ecsl cut in front of vehicies goingtreengJonLCap nain or Shine 728-7239 OSHAWA PmeBxnt0 owanie with striking Const. Yardy east, When stopped hie wsblatahra h.~h 21-1ý 16-tf 21-2 147 King St. E., Bownsanyille The citizens of the Riding rand another charge of ob- unsteady, e yes bloodshot, ut oune .Brbrea Homfo Northumber-land-Du-rh-am stIructing Çonst, Holdaway quite boisterous and un-co- Johnsto a slig.eke Th,- undersigned auctianeer Consgnment auction sale, Cut" 623-7461 or 623-2492 5600wl hrl emie a with intent ta resist, had bis operative. Breathalizer read- the peacan sethto will seli by public auction the Saturday, ,May 29, 1:15 p.m. at NE I en bit i e questionnaire f-rm their Mem- trial set, for July 6th and ha ings were .14 and .13. The bn eptu.B niae household effeets for Mr. Shamrock Cottages in the hE o e ngrbilt, si new63-503 ber, Russell C. Honey, Q.C., is on bail. He also has1 laid fine wss $150, casts $3, or 15 hie willg akt colI George Gaines, Beaver St. N, village of Bewdley consisting homes n e a r Bowmanville.hrge aaint he in Newcastle, right behind Esso, of dining-roarn chairs,' table $3500 Down Ideal location, for commuting. tM.P.and which que skthes.' ontalHer arg e againt thedfor the impawired chargte allohsoiamtè ServiotsS10to' xn150',rdpurchaserebOverîoakingeibeautiful yRiceotheWeewandhother!Lquestions.150onstables.r Herwaskirepresent-l andeforbdrCovinglwîthouttz, il-sem$20,gcohr $3tsitadMr.ltClie 1.- may choose interior finish Lake- 170 acre f arm with "I can't. do the job that ob onelrSatcne$2,css$,i eal e1 r. apeltsi aftnnoo, Jue 5 Roud rngete, chcaigrcairwas you hoe.h Tameyourpredean alouthirrhoic-aflotsgo, bartnwdweofadmeoidns OxectdwofmeshawtawaOshaa. hreeday. Th T necesaryJtihsto wssa pst ptst table 5' across wlth 4 leaves, ,stands, chest of drawcrs, ent house.' 1,200 sq. homes.lis available. Prices begin at 2 starcy home with new bath- unless I arn informied of the Lamne H. Sharkey, 55, Pic-' noiercarge was ithdprawng ad asexellqtOnh( square table, chest, 8-day tables, chairs, dishes, glass- Newcastle outskirts. Only 3 $23,900. Cail us today. room. 10 miles north of 401 views of myconistituents on kering, represented by Coun- voain aeu n r oWlO sheif cdock, red pine cupboard. ware, ail lamps, cracks, pic- ta pick from.Tr $150ow,4rm on Highway 45. Asking current issues," said Mr. sel Lawson, charged May 9th bevioains cae u n retisonalmetrhlmein apgrkagg buffets, bcd, dresser, wasb- turc frames, cdock,, books, CalKATHLEEN HOSKINwiTriz1e0dottag, e4ecrcall$4500m. oer 0fh os euSe 0fomos.was smpred, pwleagulity. Ashey r ue d ru, WJohn.asfhe acsd îvf hn %tand, 5 arrow-back chairs, round table, wood stave, neie otae lc62ly eo h os o onos asipiepeae u 7 sleFe egsnJh slea fridge, 2, years aid; captaîn's large 6' x 4' guit picture frame ffl-276 or 576-8345 heated. Asking $6,000. Open, Apartment Site - Liberty "That is why I am hopingiConst. Holdaway observed a Fowler, James R. Frank, his mothrhfasarg chair, some dishes, picturcs. 2 and other articles stili being M.4 angta offers as the Vendor i5 St. S., Bowmanville. Asking for their full cooperation mn car on Highway 35 turn In LeonadFotHrldH-ndsi parlaur chairs, aid books, iconsigned. Rager Bannister, Lnganxious ta sli. 1$35,000. completing an d returningth idl o heradb t ar nros, aol H: adsaher wudbswtte ar2ties. Nolrserve, oeuse ie 2-1 Real Estate Country-liîing, large 2 sto-1 Orona - very dlean 2 bcd- these questionnaires." hev'rafc tiiga-Hrl .Yas o .Mc bell wentt h oclplc arile.No___ , ose115-tf rey 4 bedroom hm ibrhome om.Lrelwititepnet mywieterother car and' doing $200kicardMrclthihsaioanreredhec- sod. Trm csh.Sleat-dou---ble garage and extras, on ror om. agnam it espannd ddsma re o bc rdamage. Breathalizer readings lcagdMrh12 Wtsatn 1 ..Lawrence Harris,[Reai l Esate for Sale AE a3areltuAkng$8 e ~ n, lots Of shrubs and were.s and .18. Mr. Law-thebeing the owner of a car dent.,. deBatrsadi Clrk lifrdPehck.uc BOWIVANVILLE A. braes.creavo.d drive$1an500é gar-_questionnaire, if they wish. est17atd bis8clirnt aw-enparked on Division St.,« was wasnr't fiaak r on tine.2-2OEltinitu ernent Block thcwîth ternis. age. Goad stre amn,('onîyThase wba do will reccîve a snsae i lethdbe found guilty and receivcd a stan Sr.tasgabodM. toer l2OEbuilding Buolding or BD 20 miles flokOshwa, e 1,. compilatinroerthemesults asriving for 39 years- and just fine of $5, costs $3, in default Johnstonid ewulk area, near Bowmanvle, an /20 X4le roo alnm sadcd s390 ompton fthe e resvaila. had ane carelcss drivng two days. Robt. Speer re- tbc boy gvnacac n Auctian sale of fumnilmre goad road, Clarke Township. . c nldsPoet unao n% ar o,1Newcastle - Nicely land- "I sh-al l ake action ta fui- charge in that lime'and ask- ceivcd bhc same fine af $5 for hie thlins e drans and ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ýcpd far imlemnîsforMroAmeng 4,00.NaIgens.ea dePrcernclde orfery bngaow n 1 ace ob.. . . oerame karkng.Ton Gl- owGal-aw ake plce.Th ,aiyd a.ea Lt 11,fon. aMes . m $,0. N623-2452. 21i anid Equipuient Large brick barn. Asking sae,2bdomhm a iIbcdsrsa atu- cd for cansideralion. Be was Di'vDaLt1Cownsi , fer6 63-42. -1 o ie25x16 twl n$850 ih$00dw 12' x 12' sundeck aI back. 80'x berland-Durham citizens," Mm. found guilty and gîven a fine, lowayIl Kingstan Rd., Pic- Assistant rwiAtre farm rthTowrensnhip,00 RGD LTSLoery. ee x 4 ty used for 1,0 ih 300dw 140' lat. Asking $15,500. Honcy pramised, "and I shall af $150, oasIs $3, in default kering, charged wilh over- said ifn eeimnBr Cartwright Bkby. reenty ' d fifenmnuerrm o-rpott1hc hoghwe-15 days, and license suspen- lm farrinort of utncl 5 'xZO' Eh LT car rust-proofing. Possibility Ffenmntsfo o-rpr otentruhwe-Intm akn nOoocn adJ7 Saturday evening, $240 -$00Dwn0 ohr ss.$0,0 dw manville, 25 acre farmn with Newcastle - 2 bedromr home îy newspaper staries and reg- so for six nianths. Afler parkig n roo ontnhdJonsonha n ies- Gaden tiller, lawn mower. 240 p 20 ow fvterues 10,0adle cîl1 eaIod 3 bedraam bunga- in norbh end on 65' x 165' lob. ular reports aver Radio Sta- lhree months, Mr. Sharkcy afn1a 5 css$, rlu vdth e idgBxtreascto wheelbarraw, 44 MB Iratra 2 înhy - ~ ~ LSHL low, broadloam lhrotighout. Asking $17,000 with terras. ltions CHUC of Part Hope-Ca-cawrttaepretfo fault îwo days 77o h rîîa oet wvilh ncw rear tires, MB bal-, Go East on 401 la Ncwlanville LSHL Asking $27500 wilh termas. bourg, CJBQ in Belleville and a restricled license for use ini Johnston.JdeBatrr- cm 2 years ald, hay elevabar, South ta Lake 63521Pontypool - Building lot, bE f eebrog. is work. Four area boys, John Bail, manded hml utd o rouler, manure spreader and a East 3 miles ta signs T Country-living, neal 5 raamn Asking $3500.,HX0 elroog. Eari Boy Howard, Bowman- Wm. George Stacey, M.Gr n ek Mr. JosonSr qunttyofsal ueft r ERNEST DALTON, BROKEit H. KEITH LTD. hungalow with ec. raom. ilchre a 7hwl an and Dale Carpenter ap- isOane lweithbt o paved driveway and garage. 1 ce frlig cnrdrîving whilc h.avigni peared for sentencing an lwo ides ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1- fa Ihbrî;iqo89-95-RR3,7OdrgcRATR 17-bf $,0 uy hsfu- un- land, ideal for your dream md laddgit.Canal, charges of sîcaîing gasolîne and lawye bu hti n bar and five aoils, ee18-44,00bysth_ uly__hmeGodaanerOrm D rin to .volved wt bn'igig pire.le beromsite n tablie, - 7r24ACEBILIG LSiahed 2 bedrooam cottage !'Aking 11000 ith 0Dar in g tn aacar fram farmers ilu Darlington Judgye BErsaeth e- firepiace, wasite nd achie, K - Bawmauvi5.0îîe. 21 Arn tme tS nstopped, Mm. Bowardi parla bad been prepared sud îgbsgIt tp lapaateramîlatileo.&.-IVl.TH Fom39.0 ow 5 rarutidacleas.ram 2-1n nes oth wsîtanlîit.uswshp Pe-enene e F-arm u ow bas beau sold. No TAE 30 minutes fram Bawmau- Cubyivigstom u ~~aaggcred. The breathalizer they appeared 10 be very reev.Terma cash, Sale L"KESville sud 1 mile fram Pigeon ouylng ot wîbu9fnDr-gbncuni ecîgtests sbawed .12 sud .12. Be good. Assistant Crowu Attor- FIN ULT imer63v 'lck ad ak nIeEil akR.galow Fltpice 19ouly l Bamtan cMay b, meetang found guilty sud the fine ney K, Stubingban suggeacd MoNUET N lu ee-Bcatifully wooenage. ul rpoonyiu atodnmMbesaf Bo a-ars a$50, coats $3, or 15 days. probation hbopefully, Be rom- iug. Clifford Pethick, Au- D4900 MheARKEvalRtS 212lakeshore lobs, raads sud hy- Dsae b aivle In1$490 one ebrofBa-7 -mtdteeaetomny toercotgsthese aceic parcels for home-1 of Management for comrmuni- Teews la b utmatir entdteeaetom. tiner. ______dro,. custom. built ctae site or invesîmeut . t ak n eneal h be muh ies upn- thefts of gasoline enld ini fu- sio. B wa gien'8,dysturc if Ibis nonseuse cou- '~~' Auclion sal&, properly of reasauably priced. T ernmi5sales-SiteiOfficeeOen T v t 2TAFFO Miss NwoAbertIt, n available. AIl Weekend Peter KoaJr. For Zion Cammuuity Park: oOF.lneajilsnec ilh New.TayorRa, St., sug t *Sa BuMa otLr Archie McNeil. B R. 1i Or- giveu or faillng that the carBRSLTl heldo aSirea'sAcinExcellent SinvesîmentMysud ForLourîber information Phonete 9874868 tvn'sAciinetetan o uthrifrmto hneRATRraine Anderson, Paul Kowal- oua, cbarged May l9th l inll e aald.Juge Bax.Ther Bal,27BilStOshawa, year 'round escape. Private 983-5427 or 98-488 ownship of Clarke did lu- aredwihIlm can.T Saudahly29a 6Pm fr. hneTrot, og17-t-sd ENRA wISUANviFl 21 Ring St. W., Bowmanville ski, Eleanor Nichais, Bernie decenlly assasuit s female par- were given suspended' aen-. 04e sharp: Antique sîdeboard, din- -13,Blet 2Kn t .6399 -uxter, Fred Anderson, Bih s-on aaked for au adjaumuimeul tePce far two years sud ta in-ro table, washslands, distance 444-13,clet BOWMANVILLE Arcs, Bigh- 6Z3-2453 SdeAa oe n rr tysprt n chesterfeda, antique love Ga casl fram Oshawa on way 2 sie 1 crs cmemanded au bail for pies ta n roain seat, vanîty sund bcuch, ward- Hwv. 401 la Bwy. 35 sud 115 mercial potenlial for automo- $1,000 Down! Cottage - Bowmanville Real Estate rue1tMs eadieBlnE- Sa radio, kitchýn ~~bile dcalcrship, service centre, 2 bedroomn brick home on Loveiy 6 room cottage oun,---,JueteEtbokwohdfed hre ihabec cupboard, ruga, sutique wrib- t eebruh onrho arm machinery, food market, nids lob near achool. Akiglarge laI with beauliful beach. eer ed alarkng wicethedfit hredownsithof ahrling-n~mn ing desk, sewiug machine, Blwy. 28, 55 miles, 2 miles souîh etc.; rau be subdivided; ask- $15,400. Burry ! Aakiug $16,500 wilh law dowu April 6th in Bowmauville, tou by-law regardiug a build- fVTE chia abnet wshugma- of Bancroft ta "Benley Lake mng $55,000, will cansider off- payment. JOHN F.hdbscs dore aîg o trgpeddgll chine, chrome suites, plana, Esîstes". crs. W. Frank Real EstaboCllg! ro, wmvilJune 22nd. bhrougb counsel McLaughlîn Bx 3 ,ntrai ahrdyr anLld., Realbor, 174 llarwood Head Lake - 3 bedrmBo anie Misa Maureen A. Colmr'r,,Mrs. Bahut bas agreed tal 318 DudaStE.Wtb auboair wsmsb er-dryer, iawn Sales Personnel au PropertY Ave. South, Ajax, 942-3776; furuisbed, inaide plumbing. Very clean, brick, 6 room Wellington St,, Bowmanville, maove tbc building ta another PheWiby6-35 coffcc tables, achoal deaka, -Every Weckend Oshawa 728-7585; eveuinga - Askmng $12,000. Terms. home, ou corner lob near the 1po war bnch atiue iaes18-tf Oshawa 576-3060. 20-2 Move Right Ii!ne ' Bigb Schoal. Aaking fll ail t a y leld ihe rigb of work benh, -antqueKîngesSt,$1,9a0t-Berwmanvllle way, l ed theuihty oaal end china. Mauy mare -elE afoSle 3 bedroom brick home $17,900 - Terma. * Cnst articles booa numerous la mený .1Real_________for__Sale centrally localed. Lot 66' x Market Garden Site 33Sn-LEsBwavlecbumacber inveaîîgsîed bbc tian. Terma cash. Myles 165', Oi heabed. Newly dec- Excellent locatian on No. 2 Poo6335 r6331 incident. The. flue waa $20, KgAucti-oneer, 7255751.LKEH RELT orabed. Aakîug $21,500. Termis. ,Bîgbway wilb large lob ad- OSHAWA' New 3 bedro ocsts $3, ln default Ibrea 21-1 LKSO EL T r ThurdayMay 71b 7:3 Accssibe Al Yer ArundDairv Farm!! ioîniflg Bowmanvillc. Bas 6 brick bungalow. Oi heated. days. Sevs e-.j AccessîbleAll Year Aound roornhome which, bas been 4 pre. bath, vaumfy. Diumug Selby Nelson tesMç Thirsay.M.y 7th 730150 Acres wilh gaod build- envated. Ouly $ 21,000 with room wmbh baoy Akn casîle, chargcd May 22ud vwith e ve i g"Herangate Rock Lake Near Bancroft inga 7 ile ot-alo o oupyet 2 0 rvn while bavîng cou- ~onty ucion", localed off $5~~Ohw.Ol 0 e ce sumed, pleadcd guilly. Be Na. 2 HgwaNorth ou AI- $ U0. iioaus, .L1dro, Bdooa! RrlBomnileBWMNILELre iaplae uilly to a ur-e toa d.atRogeBi, r XNMATHWS - 2577T Lvey ugaowwi1 ax LBarom unaowwîbunaegaloomw 2sbry he care f rcar-wth mile southl of WhVitfevale, on 18- at uibîa oebod acre of fertile soul localed1brîrk home. Threc baîhs. Ou Alaa d Atqus18d-4_______ p-lot,2 sep aabe duing roan Liberty Street North. Clase 1beated. Complctely rnvlcucl on ae u RESH LEAN PORK and cAiempomeparrY fumni-oom and cgntewpoary ui-: oany1mare exîras !! Priced toGolf Club. Oly $23,900.1e. 10caed n bbc besl part Beev Saun , o muîyCen- Bit C I-ops or Roasi c b plele ,chousehald effects of Mm. , J Harmony Rd. S. Building Lots 2.00 ACRE FA'RM witb 201eillFred Aton, WlaeBi-s -MAPLE LEAF MAPELA AieI eth, Oak Bidges: $ 2 3 ,,,4 0 uy erambugiw 6- beauliful sceui-c sites on acre pond; 8 roomcd 1½/2sîorey WlimAhaCaruc e Chesterfield -with ,malching ou61' x 200' lot. Reduced to'Tauln odsu ieryhoe ilhaedo-r, BaGndro uney, Don ay- Kobasa Sausage Huntialm chi,5 pcé, dinîug sel, caf- RI ý on uela 2,90 em. Sret rm$,0 ith good bath. Large barn. Silo. Mik ,sufrmcuiCo. lee- -tables, end tables, parlour l/ I#> Mnh POETE ATDIbra os.Akn 7,0 Ou F o r Tyrane communlb 109l,69i b /0V onh ROETIS Acm 1 rretirmng. Cntr-0a9bBoarlbioe tables, etc., three-drawer buf- "tetoHnya"Cne.RlhBwrLoe ROOM ebarupoltre Atr 8 p.m, --6356 AtetoHnya"BOWMANVILLE: 3 bcd- Byamn, John Virtue, Murray CND AKR rocker, B3oston racker. ne- ~F A HE> f Real dlean 6 raom bunga- roam bungalow. Oul healed. Yeo, Leslie Gable, Mca. Ralph IAND PCE casionalI chaire, bedroomn sel ,EE)R 0M E A H D Gro Beech 6356 low on main street f Bow- Tbree pce. bath. Asking Bowers, Mrs. Sanley Gable, Ir'aoaiytW\Ao/srig 21-i but pride la right. $11,900. 'su ad fromi coundil, 'Deputy Deontrago tý-vc-ry beds tripl dressr, BUN ALOW - Low dowu paymeut. NEAR OSBAWAý 100 Acre Reeve Rickard and Courn. eosrtn stands, diocks, 011 lampsa, UN n Lake Ontario Cottage moom, brick bungalow. Oil For Darliugbon Commuuity ____________ - aricopper ktls rokodAimosl 2 acres af lsnd witb heated, 4 pre. bath. Bermes- Canter: Wea. Yellowlees, T -ualer with "Beaver", fineI beautiful view on a seciuded lion room,. New barn. Abun- M. Chant, Orme etaberLso,, STORE SLICED I s'WEE U china, glass, ,cri-b, high chair, I1 qlf~l ~ Ç ~ ,A , pitjs abo amn dance of water. A-i1 al adnBcb rc aI RINDLESS SNIT dlresser, frdg, lav sd VlV ga, G ardenisO'Iei---r.e,-ville. 5 room cottage Plus Owner etring. gamery, OrvIlleAshton, sud Dns fram councîlandLCounERBaker.Bcn rne ny av ther knick-knacks. PATOSGond terain 0 y$250 rm ouclCu.Ia s Bcn ,Auictoneer's note: Plan toata- B\M~NuLLMTSGuondcbîn Oly 250. 10 Acres witb iage Irout and Caoun. Tiuk. ClbI - tend aur regular Thursday _______________ lrem Pod Two summer F or Tyrane Coinmunity 6 Y c lb. nîhtauion. Came where Residenlial, Bownuni-l collages. Asakîing $18,500. Park: David Johnson, Jerry the acti-an is". P.S.-Quali-tv bjtadsl yBewmanivllle 623-440«uJfIeblerbnaosTra Taylor, Al1fr ed Knowlton,, FRESU TASTY cousîguimeuls accepted. No AEYUL IGÏRwilh large Hollwod kth 2/ CEFR ih er lfoCr dal, resere. Trms csh. enry> en,-fînshed ecretîonraom. rbamned home. Oul heated, Jon Wood, snd from rouncîlG ENO Kahn, Aurlioneer (416)-668- Mîarianna evlp nt A 49 acre farm -ucar New- patio. Carport sud pavcd bath. Baru. Asking $25,000. Deputy Beeve Richard sud GREN O INS -- 3fr 9 618l9 or 294-0426. 21-1 bonville-$64,500.0O. drive. 'Only $24,900,00. 1 ,n ala.MDRN OEN A I ~ 1yer idapîtieel- ewas1eBOWMANVILLE: Nice cdean C ____Dalas. _MDERN RES LTS COU TI ,f 5 J A 1mavil dslt vl e N c adrleo_,3bun- ornbrick bungalow. p ~brwand nlew honie - Bow- gaow w'hilk pÉOmhwa ul b nse- cre tnroa wl fire la c e. niet. uîd#rtaîu"MaautAskfg$26-0.-Trm. U geFaciail T-,;j iBUILDING PERMITS ~aa.uIr pravince," haie sys af bis bih. NWBNAOS 2-CAR GARAGEuuv uvuE LOWER Famrbell me tbey run4 FEZRSPLMAD TEWeUNvaluSe of building par-, ovar these batîlc on bbc road & REERSPLYIEDQATR DINNGROM -BAEMNT AL-OT ils issued lu Bowmsnville 'suclIhicasdIato GOVERNMENT INSPECTED PIE drgth otofApril A T tires. They say that lhcy cultT (Uncter Construction) AUTOu lot u-uat up the lests sud uddcrs of BefPr tbc amaunt for March- j their cows.or$$ 510,50 v $52,00 1. 1 appreciate the supporî Arcomduug ta building lu- A~\ ItI~KV that OFA gave me an Iis SDSWIL s25,900 GOOD TERMS spectar, Bon Betheringlon, s WIUh-C'KUUR bul"HINDS or MarhL omalyabusy'98146Inl direct respanse ta, Gaunt's IP FRONTS HALF s2 ,-0 lI' achI nralYa97-66bill, Euergy Mînister George CUSTOM CUTTNGMOING mionlb for bbc Bowmanviile g Uaffice. Cr !Kerr set up a cammîllea -I QUICK FREEZING - C.BN *2.. About 80 par cent of the We buy Iron, Rads, Batterîes, Mvetai, Car tbb Litter Control Councîl - RE Ldavalopmeut bas beau in e- n ruk'frta lveslîgabe the prablem. an rcsfrwrecking. Said OFA'sviepsdel M REAr. ieahosgpretaMmHberington astimnated, ge Frank Wall racenlly, "I hope - EST A-TEwith aveu disîrïbutian ba- W. seli parts for Most miakes of cars, angl thal bbc coucrn geueratad U by bweeu multi-ui u eie-~ ~OFA aud_ Murray Gaunt 'ii REALTOR tuic dwelliigs.i ndrr iron anrppe. timulatesane govamumeul, Osa a568Twelve building perm'i;sý ~'uu fU action. Legiaai-an ta cape wit HME0 UAI