Chqoose ueen of Local Tops Group, Hydro to Takce Up Options Buys 70 ArsFr Power Stati on, Options to purchctse 700 acres George Qathercole said today., ion of the future statin, of land in Darlington Township At a meeting last Friday, Dar. The site, immediatel1y west of two miles west of Bowmanville', lington Township coundil gave the St. Mary's Cernenit Co. plant which were. negotiated six mionths approval in princÏie to location and south of Highway 401, is part of Hydro's long-term planning. 'In ago, will be taken up by Ontario of the power plant. During the six- areas of rapid expansion )'t is Hydro. wnonth option period, Hydro receiv- -psavtootci ro, -tv well 'Ï "Discussions with planning ctgencies and tests at the site indi- cate it is sitable for constructionl of a power station ctt some time in the 'future," H y d r o Chairman, VOLUME 117 ed approval oýf its plans f rom prov- incial and dis trict planning bodlies, Tests of the soil and base rockr as well as the lake-bed indicated the site was feasible for construc; în advance of when th~eplan2t itself is needed,""-Mr. Gathercole said. No decision has been miade as to the size or type of plant that would be built. 16 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1971 150 Per Copy, & g NUMBER 12-1 Thursday was an enjo3 fng of ladies dedicated to r( vumbrs ,who hadâtibeen m Mawv, chosen aS TOPS QUeE is Jean MLeriwh1o graduw rnain130edCher owefr weigl WIII Construct Scugc ~For Two This Sundffay eeigat 8:30 o'cloekte60piere Bowmanvle High School band moilpreset a free concert on the grounds at the reaýr of the Lions Centre, The concee0baS ben ar- ranged ithro-ug h, -e Lions that ppardin reent ,-tatesmanitios.Under the Rotary StuenEx- changepee , oneofthe Dnmes should hvebeeni Fred ERa, nrt Fred Payne. limer the Kinsmen Club's cysti Fbrsspcure iwe listed Dona rtas-îoem of the walkcrs an that shudhave rend Donna Brock., Our apologiesý. yable nlight at the Lions Centre where a large gather- W N UW W --- ,emoving excess poundage paid trihute to two of thei N e lg n iost successful in their endeavors. At riglit is Lynd a j gg ,f en because she had reached lier reclucing goal. At lef t ice-III5 ated in the Keep Off Pounds category because she had ai nY1 î 1ý È ýht foýr si months. usdHmD m gs" )9 F o p t _oTh1e Municipal Corporation the sidewalk along Quee........... ofth Town o Bowmanvîlle Street entcring lhe intersec Ab1 1 as been issued a writ ta tian af Brown Street in the appear in court to answer said town of Bowmianviile A p p l'ycharges laid by Bowmanviile and in failing ta warn the resident Stuart McLean Car- public of such disrepair Last Frîday waTs Cammon- Thie pupils afÈ Soth Cour-lthe da:.y really signifies, Theýir E ascl ataok pa,ýrt lm thî son0fl ? 2 Jane Street. Issuer af the summonsw ) eV e i iii e t Lo a w~a~Ï~~' datd May tte County Court of th( Uitwealth and CiItizenishîp Day. tîce Public School didni't forget audience- the entire studen progamwic a ~rîte4 Dd o. mss t? eilif u toug. Tey venputOn a bodly and !between 40-.50 par-unde the -rontcpy h~ p egua landa 0sf Northumnber U.yiiqitW'show ta teil evey 'r'ne whlât ents. M TPAGE TWO) conclmetigoff Mlay l7th, nJRd Duham an Cabourg. did th i eas lw'ays next year. ON eerd atetwnsi- Nete a tFappy p r fc cident Ca., withoutcm- DI Bamavll-ouci yI eee tphnan lk-Mr, Carson's daim kii"for à%4 e or bot he3r dy f Mrc, Aritaton Report Give taike advanta1ge of benefits ïAdmiMcllroy and applyodaageo utie dd y ofm ,ýan accruing -under the Federal- for itýs an allaw.ance under 1971, resuiting from the iegli- BREEZY- Let's hope those hîgh i wnds calm down Provincial - Municipal Special the scheme. gence and breach af statutory a littie this.weekend'or participants in the Grand Uevelapment Loan Program., The amount - $21,572-50, duty af the defendant (the Prix of Canada motarcycle races at Masport will IJ' 17th, Couýncil voted ta accept population. pledý1 lfthe defauit of the defend- times ae ei t10 ..o audy ayo a rirfqýnýrhs h eot er,ýé y aa rpoteportom teerhelaacppiedthiughee Theilng a eepinre- esaRaesbein t :00p.. o Stiray Mny f l abîratonreprtba Th rpar, elese b ritn,-,ýsf7nm.ï3elDepty (TUN O PGETWO pirand free of iceansnw the top international riders will be an hand for this been handed docwr giving Bow-iarbatrator Williaam Overy af LUMBFRLAND) OPENS ___ ______ manvilie Tawit-Pa-lace-,a one-l Oshawa- on May 3rd, is flac ïV-ultiple Car C'ras OPP Busy During 1 Theý Newcastle etchen rachled eteeproportlis 0f th3e Onitarjo>()Pro(vincial oy, Highway 401 during Mon- PoJlice- investiîgated 27 motor dlay afternoon. According to veh ci ccns over the the O.P.P. there were times holiday weekenid. Three in-! it was stop and go as far back voivedl personal injury, twolas Newtonville. of thlem seýrious. The heavy traffic on the Thiere w a high flow 0 0 was good in one respect, Liraffic ni l major roads. Il (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Elzabethyjîile Wl Hîolds 6Oth 0hes Keep W'eekend DISPLAYS PAINTINGS Mrs. Eîleen Van Nest, 3well known local artist, bas' several of ber paintings on display with the Osbawa and District Artists la the Mail at Oshawa Shopping Centre. Anniversary one. IMPROVEMENTS -Northumberland-Durham: Member of Parliament Russell C. Honey, Q.C., advises that lie is stili battling with the post office over -their proposed consolidation of mail processing for this area at Oshawa instead of Bowmanville. He suggests that bis consituents cannot stand any more "improvements" such as those that have been made in the past few years introducing two te -five day service înstead of one day as it used to be, when lie was first elected in 1962., t t t t t 96TH BIRTHDAY - Congratulations ta that active. young lady, Mrs. P. F. LeGresley, R. R. 3, Newcastle, who celebrated her 96th birthday on May l9th and invited mnembers of lier family ta lier home for a delîciaus buffet. Her grandson's wîf e Mrs. Farncombe LeGresley made a special cake for the occasion, but otherwîse the hostless did Most of the work herself, She's great! t t t t t RED SHIELD - Don't forget ncxt Monday, the Salvation Army canvassers will be touring the town, trying to boister their Red Shield Annual Appeal campaigts funds. They do sucli wonder- fui work with that money that we know you'Il want to help with your contribution. t tt t HAIRCUTS - Remember the Miles for Millions marchers? Already, they've turned in over $17, 000 in this, area, but May be running îiito opposition from a new movement launched thîs week in ane of the, Toronto dailies. It propos~es ta set asîde June l2th as "Haîrcuts for Hundreds Day" when those with dangling locks will obtain sponsors who will pay money ta sec themn get thear haîr cut down ta reason- able length, and, keep it that way. Parents will prob- ably be the biggest supporters of this campaign, t t t t t ACTION- The Hon, Paul Hcllyer, former Liberal cabinet minister, lias quit, the party caucus and on Monday announccd formation of a new political group cnlled Action Canada that should be most interesting te watch. Mr. Hellyer is a capable administrator and energetie politi- clan who may make saine progress with his program, aithough hle certainly will have an up- blli figlit against the established parties. There's certainly room for impiovement an'd we wish hlm welI, if onIy te awaken the aid uine parties to the pressing need for saine positive action in solving Canada's problems. % t t t t t BAD YEAR -. The.death of Canada's top woman stunt pilot Sally Wagner on the weekend addcd another tragedy for this area that was Most unusual. It will be recalled -that carlier, instructor Ross Wannamaker died in a farmer's f ield west of Burke- ton and there was another small plane crash in the Oshawa area as well. Sally Wagner performed here some years ago during a celebration at Pine Ridge: School. year wage conttract wbich lai-resuit af an arbïtration hear- cludes a $12ý25 across-the-board ing held] on Apral 24th between pay increasýethe Bowmranville Police Asso- ciation and the Police Negatiat- FrREWOR1VS POSTPONED ing Committee af the Bow- The Rotary Firewerks dis- manville Town Council. play planned 'for Monday The awards and decisions evening was cancelled due te are mandatory under the Police poor weather. According te Act and binding upon bath a Rotary spokesman, tihe, parties, show bas been put off la- The raases will cost the townI definitely. <TURN TO PAGE TWO) un znTurnelay eVening at 7:30, 1Oshawa Weod jProp- duets' new Warehouse Luim- bcîlanid will1 hOoffieially, openied hi City of Oshma Cô,ntroller Grahamu Coulter, Locate at MeMiLlan DrUive and Bond Street in~ Osbawa it is the first self-t serve warebouse for build- ing materials to be opened in this area. -Museum Opens Thursday Evening These three attractive young ladies, Anthea Francis, Jante Wilfliams ar Nancy Heavysege, will demonstrate their skill at mnacrame (thireads 1nte decorative patterns) following the lOth annuaL openîng of BwavleMusci, on Thursday at 7:30 Their denstý,-4ration is-onlyanc ofth atrcton mark the museum's lOth bîirthday, Members of the square dnigBash-Ful B3o' will perform on the lawni, Harry C. Allun will have anecdfbis lcmtvsthe. and there ,vill also be a, balloon birthday cýake,