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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 May 1971, p. 2

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2The Canadian Statesmnai, Bowmanville, May 26, 1971 Town Employees eceive Increase of 2c-n rHour (From page o)t-c school, aud organized suid eçted by. school principal pitL x The gr ade one's presente acrostie about CANAD A, inig'important facts aboul country and its developu The grade tuwo's went cl, undcer to reveal the ani: and products uni1que to Zealand and Australia, The grade three', we colorful costumes, illust: the part Hong Kong plaý the world today- Grade four pupils expia what the Comimoniwealtl and how it hlas develi They told about the expi( aud colonizers whon had dh ered and settled in the di eut counitries. The grade five's theme India, They talked about country's overpopulatio-n great ueed for more food, pupils suggested some of w7ays the commonwiealthc tries could help Indiao corne its heavy problemas. -The grade -cim's dispi the if e-style and, proc £rom several of the -comr wealth countries inu the1 Indies. 1 - Even .heip iarents got the act, Mrs. Allin Tamil representiug the parents,: an article entitied 'A rat for Good Citizeniship'. Several of the grade students read their ownc .ýositïons about being a.1 citizen. The progran closed the cbjîdren siuging 'Lor( îhe World, Make AIl the Lý Thine Own', and -with ev ûue joining in for '0 Can Ir the picture above,s o~f the îtuideuits re-crc their raies for the photo Sher, In the back row, SI ames, with hier citizen story; Penny ,7Morton, Sh Morton, Jeffrey Canfield Denny Ken1nedy. In the 1 i7ow, are:ý Pamela Robi Ëpter 1Herron, Diane Browý janice Coverly, Eddy Osbc Bobbie-Jo Kunkel, Dý trutt and Jimnmy Meikie. PICKS RIGHT GOAL TE Frank Wolner, 15 Ji %treet, Bownmville, was1 wlinner of the Legion CG Club's Stanley Cup WlIn Goal Draw thlat aetted 1 $500. Th,-- timec of the w nlng goal was 2-34. CHURCIE PARADE, 0. POLICE, OVERTIME, 1S Bowmanville, town roi elh bas- approved an am cation from tue pýLo Orange Lodge tn hold ehurch parade Itowvn June 20th . with oee Viso, ne extra police eau called out for nivert duty to look, after this. -Theseûrvice wLill be i on sunlday morniung at Il a.m. in Trinity -Uni Church, WILL ATTEND CONVENTION Bowninvle Twn Cis AdiinitraorJosçep]h J Ilroy receiveF eris frein the f\vowa counicil Y. 17th tfi attend tii. 73rd Anual convention q)ff ie tarinoj1Mui4ciral Associait which wllbcbe held in71 eýnto between ilAquguat 2 and August 25th, APPROVELOTR Another lcttery 1-a;5 bi given the -green light saein the tovn of Bn nianville. This onie is Junior Clianber of Ce ierce Astrc Turf Lotte Ssies 'Pd, be. condueted local pmuntgrgea tn, with profits golng Wad oniunitY improe Conuncil exprefssed rnil, feelings oergrantlnizg prova1, One factiou oýpp ed the ,,sale s~igit uwc detract freom local ;ap effortsý. Ttie.ohrmit fed they a-hould be Peril ted as ,n'si on.wouild -Cotract negotiations have, The result - a one-yearT been completed between thelcontract rsising the base ratse Scorporation of the town ef:20 cents to $3.20. The gain BowanvlleandtheNaton-represents an increase of Bowmnvile ud he atin-1about 6.8 pet cent. d ir ai Union of Public Servicel The contract wss signed V,îafl employees,. local 74, whIchi and sealed under by-law 71-17 Srepresents the town's hourlyl by counicil in its regular canrated personnel. __ meeting on Maýy l7th. it the nent. EN NISKILLEîcN [w- Siucerest sympathy cf the iug baby Peter's first bi rthday. iascommuuîty le expressed to theý Mr. aud Mrs. Chariey Lang- New relatives in the death cf the maid sud family, Solîna, were arglate Mr. Allen Stainton, Sunday visitors at Mr. and, rartnd MrIwîn Bragg, Mr. and Mrs. R. McGill's. sinMrs. W. J. Bragg, Mr. Barry Mr. sud Mrs. B. Wonnamak- YInBragg, Bowmauvilie, R. R. 4; er, Mr. and Mrs, Short, Mrs. ained Mr. and Mrs. Harry Worden, Bowe, Seagrave, were Sunday h is Bowmanviile, R. R. 2; Mr. sud evening callers at Mr. sud Mrs. ,îped. Mrs. Gordon Beech,- Bowman- Adam Sharp's. ýorers ville; Mrs. S, Rodman, Mrs. I. Mr. sud Mss. Grant Herron, scov- Traveil, Mr. sud Mrs. Keith Courtice; Mrss, Douglas Cole, iffer- Worden sud 'Richard, Oshawa, Bowmanville, were Sunday were guests cf Mr. sud Mrs. supper guests at Mr. sud Mrs.ý O. C. Ashton.1 Grant Werry's. Lthe Our Suuday school aniver- Mr. 'and Mrs. Reg Weaving, suyd sary, service ou Sunday sud Aucaster, speut the weekendý The Monday supper was very suc- with Mr. sud Mrs. _F. Beckett fthe cessful. Proceeds amounted te sud Marie, sud aloug with Mr. :oun- $600. Thanking ail who heiped sud Mrs. Ros Page, Solina; over- te make everything se nice, Miss Audrey Goyne, Courtice; 1. even the weather was net tee Mr. sud Mss. Wayne Beckett layed bad. sud Penny, Mr. Russell Tabb, lucts Mr, sud Mrs. W. E. Sander- were Sunday aniversary moen- son, Columbus; Mrs. Norma guests at F. Beckett's, West Bradford, Mr. N. E. Wright, Dr.,aud Mss. Clark Werry, Oshawa, Mrs. Ron Clemeus, John, Elizabeth sud Peter,' into Brent sud Brad, Mr, sud Mrs. Etobîcoke; Mr. sud Mss. Gary blyn, Murray Axtord sud Melanie, Hauewich, -Oshawa; Mr. sud read Hampton, were Sunday sup- Mrs. Ailan' Werry, Sandra, tteru per guests at Mr. sud Mrs. E. Sharon sud James, were Sun-i S Wright's. day guests cf Mr. sud Mrs. E., four Mr. sud Mrs. F. W. Werry A. Werry. Coi were Sun day evening guests Mr. sud Mrs. Stanley Tutu- good at Mr. sud Mrs. Jim Mcor- et, Oshawa, were Sunday1 wihcraft's, Bowvmanvîlle, celebrat- ývisitors cf Mr. sud Mrs. withFrank Dorlaud. ýdof f Mr. sud Mrs. Bill Begley, sund s fmI i l la Oshawa, were visiters with ery-~ UI M r. sud Mrs. Harold Ashton. ,ada Mrs. Grace Barloudale, St. some (tIf<im f Thomas,. was a Wednesday ated ConI catffl visiter cf Ms, sud Mrs. H. )gra- ~ uMcGill. Lela Ins rr Nv Mr. Norman Howe sud ysi Normie, Wht by, had Sunday1 laron tes, with Mr, sud Mrs, R. Howe sud Guest speaker at Durham sud famiiy. front College's May 28 convocation Fieased te report Mr. S!. R. )rts, at 7:30 p.m. in Civic Audi- Pethick is home from hospîtai, neil, torium, Oshawa, will be Dr. feeling mnuch better. orne, Richard D., Jones, presideut Mr. sad Mrs, F. Pethick, cf 'avid cf the Canadian Council cf Scasborough, were Saturday Chsistian5sud Jews, and r.- visiters with bis parents. cipient cf the 1968 Centenniai Mr. sud Mss. E. R. Taylor [ME Medal for his work lu Inter- attended the funeral on Fri- negroup Relations, day cf the late Mss. Harold thne 'Dr. Joues has been aSSO- Hockenis, port Ferry, teclated with the National Con- Mr. sud Mrs. Charley Tay- uîng ferecef cf Christians sud lor, Oronio; Mr. sud Mrs. Lloyd '14 Jews o the United States Sieen suad family, Haydon; him since its luception. He organ- Rev. sud Mrs. Robert Sher- vi-îzed th. New Jersey Round win> sud family, Picton; Mr. Table of th. National Councîl sud Mrs. Bruce Taylor sud cf Christians sud Jews. Ap- famil1y, Mr. -sud Mss.' Don X. poiuted director cf the Cana- Taylor sud fsmily, Solinia; ~odian Council cf Chistiaus Mis. G. McLean, Mrs. R. Gil- sud Jews iu 1947,, he wa5 bert, Mr,. sud Mss. Jim Aber- u-elected president of lb.etor nethy, Bowmanvîlile, Were pyl ganIzation iu 1967. Sunday gujests cf Mr. sud Ms E.,R. Taylor. ai Ms, sud Mss, G-asth McvGills on an- ~h sd family, Picton, were roi- Il I Y South weekend visitors cf Ms. sud tbc Mrs. H. McGill. ân ec1rations at Mr.msudDMcs. beld ecor tion , atson, Bewdiey, were Mouday 1:00 , visitors wilh Mrs. R. itdLeglo ns D.ance Mr, C. E.'HrOhw; Ms. sud Mrs. E. Tsewîn, were A touch cf th. Suuuy Monday visitera cf Mr. sud South greeted the guestes t Mrs. E. R. Taylor. the May dance lu 'th, Royal Ms. sud Mrs. Jo. McGl sud Canadian Legion Hall* on Sfe- family, Mississauga; Mr. sud ii- rday eveniug, May 22nd. Mrs. Gartb McGill sud f amiiy, W0One's Imagination was put Picton; Mr. sud Mrs. H. McGili onte work as a bijrdseyer view were Sunday supper guests cf ofY cfhe.troplc3 was providedMr. sud Mss. R. Vîrtue, t aifroni an iron fençe oes Sorry te repart Mrs. John Onston an.Wli. Sien le sa patiernt inWelles- ~in Guests wers pseservttrm eyHospital, Tarante, We I'pr- local 'are, Tarônte and Lau-! wîsh her a speedy ,,rcaOvery. dot dO0f spec-ial note 1weýre M.Mr. sud M-, EtiMasters, Brian Thomas sud Mr , RayCindy sud Trent, Bowmianvîlie, Mstthews who were visitors were Sunday evening, cailers framn Wales. at MIr. sud 10rï. R. Virtue's. Durîng lb. evenhng the 1fol- Cindyaud Trent remaiued beenl lowing ,draws ,vere m-ade: ever the, holiday. for Door, prizes - X.L. loungeý Mrs. N. Calacutti, Bowman- VW- chlair (don ated- by Nesting ville, was a, visiter 0on Menday the! Furuiture, Orono) xas wou at Mi', sud Mss. WY. Griffin's. Cm- bhy Mss. Ernile. Roberts- twvo ery. teak, stackiug tables, Mms. by Marty Byerfon-, Mrs, G-.Ar I-bouime alsô o two teak 1 u ltip leM t- tacking table, Sotda glIasses , wan by Mr, sudMn C rashes j sed Day., Maire; Spot dance No. a-2, floral arrageen iad (From page eue) a lases, -won by.,Ms. sud Ms uO.P.P. spokesn aid. pirit1 ndjack Cbapman.,i forý,cd drivers te edc speeds n'al Thraugheut tii. d a nil c e sud this cut dawn tie nuun- aln- mnauy suaniversaries isud hitb_' ber cf accidents eccurrîng e iti days were ceiebratedthfreeayte. a reiatively be Our next monfbly dian£e le ov, Il cf seveni, n oue iuvolv- CARNEGIE flpiRï HARDWARE 36 King St, E, 623-5408 Bowm anville 'If (1FREEÀ 525 lb. CAPACITY ONLY $199.98 [ER - ZENITVI 7-lCu. Ft. 905 lb. capaity, b-Yr. Food Spoilage Wa;4rrau'ty ZENIT 18 Cu. Pt. 630 lb. capacity 5-Yr. Fond Spoilage Warranty ONLY $219.98 Public Tours Newcastle O.P.P. Office Constable Keu Ruttan et Newcastle detachmient office, Staff Sergeaut L. Swiughammner, centre, looksi cf the Ontario Provincial Police demojitratc-s, ad on. M\ore than 541 visitors, many et thern students-from explains lhe use et scuba gear equiprnent te a group local sehools, touired the OPP offices sud got a first- of iuterested vîsitors duriug hast week's 'Open Hou,,se' haud appreciation ef what- police work is ail about. observiug Police Week. The hea-d cf the detacliment __ __ ___ S.Ci"tizen,, Summer Ag In lb. absence cf Presi- dent Mrs. Walter Woolley lhe May meeting of Bowmanville Senior Citizeus Club aI lb. iÂons Centre was couvened by lb. Vice-President Mss. George Young. With ifs growing memnbership the club bas had an interesling sud enjoyable series of wiuter age 77 of North Orono sud Mesviii Ough, age 44, cf To- route, The Wice car sustain- ed heaviest damage - estim - sted at $1,900. Damages te, Rienstra sud Ough vehicles were est imated at $400 sud $900 reepectiveiy. Il, le almeet becomiug a weekly occurrence. Another youug cyclist was in collision wifh b scar during th. pasl week. Jeffery Ernest Budgen, age 12, ef Newtonville, was knocked tram1 his bike affer colliding witb s cas driven by Joseph Hawsyszko. age 18 cf' Cobourg. The accident accurred on Fsiday at about 7:05 p.m. on Highway 2 est cf Meràan's Corners Road. The youugster was faken le bospital in Bowmauville witb Isceralions ta hie face, sud laIes tsausferred, le Sick Children's, in Toronto, L hee'came location ,wasr1h.ý sce2ne of anoîber accident Tat-i et thal eveuing - at 10 p.m. A truck driven by Jack Hïug- gins, age 50, of Orono, ap- parer'tly weut out of control sud crshed mb s adilch. Mr. Huggins had ne reported, in- juries. Damage te bis veh-, id.e was estimated by O.F.P. at $700. Fiually a two-car collision on Highway'2 at the junctien of Higbways 35 sud 115 on Tuesday at about 5:20 p.m. caused $600 damage le a car driven by Delmar Ruman, age 19 cf Newcastle sud $500 te eue operatcd by William Wilkinson, age 70, cf Ilundas. No injurieq wire reporîed. Coud W5II Apply sPlan for cti*vifies gathesinge. Plans are now beiug made for the summer with sug- gestions as te possible visits te some of the fine parksansd gardeus, wilhin reasonable visitiug distance. A trip te Ontarie Place was smoug the prejects tavered. Followiug s short pregram et enterlainment, progressive euchre wss piayed witb some 20 tables iu use. The tables wese lates utilized iii the serviug cf a tasty suid ample lunch. APPROVE GRANTS Alex Cassuthers, M.P, Durham, lu s newvs release: from Queen's Park, states thiat appreval bas been gsanrted 1for provincial grants te 'Hie Gana- raska R1egion Conservationu Autherity totalliiu $750, Five bundred of Ibis amlountI is desîcuated fer improve-i mente lu the Port Hope Con-i servation Asea aud $250 forl fusîher developmenit iii thee Sylvan Glen Coniservation Parkç. Domîinion 'Stores EarnngsLower a 64.3 pet cent decliner in prefit while sales increased -by 17.9 pet cent durîng tLhe year ended Match 20. The compauy reparle, net profit fer the year cf $3,322,- 000 as 41 cents a share cer- pared with $9,318,000 or $1.15, s shase the previaus year. Dominion started a price war in majes market areas last talsud sales for the lbree menthe ta Match 20 wese up 32.6 pet cent ta $226,236,000 compared witb $170,572,000 in the same quarter a 'year esler. Sales fer the yeas tetalled $768,557,000 agaînst $65i,650,- 000 during the sîrevieus yeas. 1A statement te sharehoid-, ers said the greatest expense item was employee wages sud benefits. the Deparîrnent of Municipal Affairesuad the Ontario Mu- q nicipal Board, bas a term et f ive years at, an interest rate net te exceed seven pet cent Th money will go toard twa capital prajecîs - fhe (Frampage aue) construction of lhe uew Scu- cîaîmned, "It îe a drasîîc Slep, gog 'street fopath (froni but, people wîll net abide by Fourbi streel norh-5.480lbhe by-law ceverîug the use tect); sud certain repairs, te cf fireworks in town."1 lie asena roof.. He refessed te by-law 67-12 CecI et lb. formes under- which prescribes when, where taking is expected te ruuiand bow fireworks m ray be about $12.925; cost af lhe lati1 fer,$ll,00,for totl p sosld sud used in the town, Fer ter $1,00, or ttalpln- example, they canuet be sold ned expendilure of, $23'925.ý1 until tige. days before eitber The difference between Ibis Vîntria Dt-a r DnTmr,.inîn..r ..... Themes seîcu colison ud b. meunt eo tht'a" holidays; fhey cannot be sold occurred on Monday aflernocu will be absorbed by current te a person under 18 yearsset aI about 3:30 on Hîghiway 35 revenue in 'either 1971 or age; they cannt e put on dis- at Kisby wbhen- tht.. cars 1972. The commlttee remark- play by the vede; lbey muet shatitered, mIe each other ed fbey had estimated caste be used only on s petson's cwu caue-,ing injuries lethe brfive 'of bolb prajecte on the high property; îhey must net be aoccupants. The rivers were side sud that It may nof be used on any public streel or Allan Aifreýd Rîckzetts, age 28 neceeseary te charge anything rcadway, c)f Peta,,Wwa; Michael-- J. la the fax rate. Violation cf lb, by-law Loch, age, 17 )f P-7rbDough Councîllars Prso ut sud cauld bring a fine cf 1up te $50. sund Margarete Fiecher, age IHooper apposed the. motIe'l No chargeweeliudr 47 cfLnEeach. Admit ted ta apprave lb, corurittee's t b-h wIbsyer sdt tù bospitai wecre Joyce Rîck- repart, the knewledge cf the States- elle, age 28, iwith a crusbed Ceun. Heoper feit that the man noue bas ever been laid vertebrae in bet lcwer back faatpath construction sheuld iu pasî years. sund MIvichael1 Loch sud a pas- be financed under local im Extrade 5fram th. Fit. senger lu tb. Lock vebî,i, provement and wasned thst Chief's weekend dîary felaow: Gary Pattersen,. botl li with cauncîl weuld b. "opeuîng May 2lst,- 5:10 pxm - fis, m.ultiple ceuluàsiuasd abra- lhe doar wlde-opeu" for other lu an old elm tsee wveet cf Scu- sions. steas cf lowu requestîng side- gag near King; cause .firecrack- MeinorialHopîa liste Iheir walks.' er; lime te exlinguish - aif conditions Iaday as fair, Allan Reeve Dykstra peinted .eut heur. Rîncketta sundMagrt Fiscb- thlat lu councîl's meeting of 1 May 22nd - 1:50 arn, fise et received ýi-riee in- February, 151h helb.castruc- discovered in a double garage emnergency asud were dis- lion cf lhe foopalih ad been behînd fthe McDonald Smoke -charged. The total praperty appreved, Ail the report pur- Shop on King Street; contents, damage wss estimated by 1h. perted le de, h. said, was owued by Brian Martin sud O.P.P. aI about $3,350 show a way council iutended valued aI sbout $1100 destrey- Anathes multiple-car acci- ta fina-nce the project. ed, damage te lie building dent happened ou FridayaI He added that as 75 pet owuied by Ted BarîleIt esti- about 5 -p.rn. wheu Iree cars cent cf lb. land botdering mated at about $1500, lime ta celiided on Highway 115-35 aI tb. prcposed foalpati is owu- exlinguish - two bouse; preb- Taunten Riad. Ina Harburn ed by *ne man il was net aile cause, fisecrackes throwu cf T)ranite, a passeuger in feasible te put tbe maltes lhrough open wiudow. eue cff lb. cars, receîved un- under a local Improvemeul May 22nd - 6:15 a.m. - fire detcermined ýnjuries sud was plan. spotted in s pine grove on adlmîtted ta Memorial Hos- Deputy Reeve Stephen said prcperty owned by Neil New- pitli Margaret Wice, the lhe treel wass narrew sud tan ou the Seveulh Concession driver et eue ef lb. cars sud dangescue te pedestriaus. He cf Darlinglon easel et County passenger Edward Wîce, bath rallauallzed couucil's decision Road 57; lime ta exîluguisi - cf Tarante were alsc injused by sayîng that tb. prcposed lbree heurs; probable cause, !u the rnisbap. Tbey received construction is net a side- cildren pla yin1g wîth fise- trealmeut ilu emergeucy sud walk. bu4 a tootpati. crackers. 'were laI2es dîeecharged, Th- * "i tà a must," h. said de-I May 22nd - 1:05 p.rn. - rire d7rivers cf lb. ether two veh- 1cisively. - - broke cul lu tinder dry bush idles ýwere Robert Rieustra, Ceuncil concurred,. on property owned by A. Seuyk Lot 35, Concession Four charred tire iu the collecter cf Darlinglon; time te extin- ýwbich suppesedly had been guish - fhree heurs; probable tossed lu te feed the fiames; cause - children playing with time f0 extinguish - twe bouts; firecrackers. ýprobable cause - vandale plsy-ý May 22nd - 5:06 p.m. - fis. il"' with firecrackers sud discovered behind the arens matches; damage about $1500. in th. municipal park's dum.p; The Ontario Provincial Police itime te extiuguish - seven wer'e called lu te netîae heurs; cause, cbildren playiug May 24th - twice during wi0th firecrackers sud matches. the day, caîls to extinguisb May 23rd - 8:30 s.m. - se- lires iii litter barrels on King tutui cali te fise behind arena; Street. timre te exfiuguisb - feur heurs'. ChiHayman1 bas nef deter- May 23rd - 2:29 p.m. - fise mined the total ceet yet but erupts in s gsassy grove cf wh)eu hle dees il lsekepecled teý scrub trees on property cwned sun inito miauy thousaude c by Frank Cus, just wesf cf dollars. Mosport; extensive damage te ý, le tere any wonder be Mhe grove; time te extiuguish - oujld lîke te se. s ban on lbree heurs; probable cause- firewosks in the community! May 23rd - 10:45 p.m. - fise broke eut in a storage shed behiind the Walker Apartmeuts,, Po rtPe r rv 63 King Street West; lime te, extiuguish - eue heur; cause- firecrackers thtcwn throughi Ceebrating lýMay 24th - 1:15 p.m. - fir lu brush bebind buildings on~its Cent e nn ia the uerth-west cerner oe t:u- geg sud King Streets; lime te The Village cf Port Ferry ýextinguish - hait heur; prob- ts ceiebrating lils lOth Ann.-ý aiblf cause - fir%rackers. v~ersary as an incerporatedj May 24th - 2:20 .. i al Village lu June 1971. Throughý ito a home on 14 Cenr Sre the cembined efforts of the' owued by Mss. Summerscales; Port Ferry Chamber cf Cern- smoke discovesed coming fromImerce sud the- Centenniali ýunder a corner cf the house.; Committe., varlous activities firemen find firecrackers had are. planned fer s fous-dayl ,been wedged int a crack in pet-led, cemmeucing June 9th,l ithe boards; young lad ape 1971, hc is th. actual An-ý hieuded but denied any repn ieSaryda.te, te sud lI nciud-' sibîlity ing Junie 121h, 1971. Thece- MVa* 21hi -t4:55 p-D.--- fiieý bration Will commence with :broke eut in a sawdust col- an Official Opening.Ceremouy, leclos ai Courtice Secendary sud unveiiing cf eur medelý coo;firemen discavered si CenternnIa Project. 4*d1971 41971 41971 41971 41971 41971 41971 MAVERICKAtaoi trainsmnission, 200 eu, in., 6 cylinider erigine, 4 00CR radia, Brand new. MontiIy FORD PIC KU P Custarn V2 iTan Style-side 2.40 C.I.D. engine, 3300# rear axle, twin 1 bearm front axie, G78 x 15 tires, Brand new. Monthi y TORI NO 2 Door, Sportsreaf, 302-V-8, autcrmitic powýver steering, 500 power brakes, wheel covors. 'Brend new. Monthly PQNTIAC PARISI ENNE CH EV. IMPALA 2 Door Hardtop, V-4, ato Pîc ower steerîng, poasu' brakes, whitewalis, whfeel covers, radia, grand new. Manithly 2 Door Hordito5, V-8,amt, powmer ste.erîn,ipowe brokes, whitewolls,, wheel ýcovers, radio. Brond ne, Monthly 2 Door Hardtop, V-8-351, autcnatic, pcwer stýe;rin,power GALAXI E dise brakes, wh~itewalls, wheel cavers, radia. Brand new, 500 Monthly T. BIRD LANDAU DELOITTE,- HASKIlNS I& SELLS Chartered Accountahis OFFICES IN MAJOR CANADAN CTE OSHAWA CENTRE - OàAW PARTNERS: GORDON W. RIEH;L,FCAR.A BURT R, WATERS, CA PHONE 728-7527g W89 $97 $99 $99- $99 2 Door Hqrdtop, 429-V-8, pawer steeýrîn, pawr brakes, tiutomatic, power windows, whitewali s, radio. Brand $+' new, Monthly,1 4 36 MONTH, 60,000 MILE NET LEASE YOU MUST BRING THIS AD TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE MONTHLY PRICES 1~ ..Very'In terestin;!** FOR 168 A MONTH "Hie Lecase Better UacDI MacDOýNALD 815 KING ST. W. Leasing Division OSHAWA *576-.1800 (nt Thornton Rd.) 71 Police Receive (Frem page eue) an additional $13,475 Ibis yesr, whicb, accerdiug le tcwn treas- user/tax collecter Joe Descent is the appreximate equivaleut cf oeeasd a quarter mille cf assessmeut. Some contsoverey aroe when Mr. Overy ruled liat a police request for a suppl,- menfary pension wae oulside bis jurisdiction sud should be negolisled separately. Council- lot Ken Hooper, a meinier of the lown's lwe-man commit- te. (James Bell is the other member), slrongly opposed Ihis decision. Neither party ta lie arbitra-, tien was pleased wibb lhe eut- corne. Cpl. Ren Parker, president cf the Bowmanville Police As- sociatien, said Ihal lhe awards bail fallen short on beti sal- aries sud benefits.' Mr. Heeper on lie other baud cousidered the salary in- creases "unteasouable" sud "excessive". He guessed the total package 10 be wcrth "about 95 cents an bous", Mr. Hooper said liatinlutle Iown's brief, an increase cf 30 cents an heur based upen 2080 bous per yeas, had been sec- ommeuded. Il weuld have cf- fer.d s $624 acrose-Ihe-board sais. The Police Association had requested au across lie board increase of 27 pet cent. Mr. Overy seîtled for an amount lu betweeu I bese two po ints, "We ssked for a comparable desi le Oshawa - Whitby, - Ajax sud Pickering," CpI. Pas- ker said, "but we dou't feel we gel il." The dussent salaries for a First Class Constable (gener- slly s man witi between thtee sund four years experîeuce) lu lie four munidipalities mn lionied are, respedtively, $10,- 340, slo,100. $10.280 sud$0- 100. The Outarie Prcviuicial> ,Police rate is $10,5(0,. Bowrnanvihle's Firet Cla-se' Constables will earu $9>9-751 Ibis year.11 Mr. Hooper said lhiItien.l was ne justification ilu compan.-:I ing Bowmauville police salar- ies wiîi lioe.of members of lhe Aj ax, Wiitby sud Pichet- ing forces, "Tbey (lie Bowrnviiie police officers) are nef enter- ,ing tie same field," Ms. Hoop- et said. "The work is net com- parable." He would net explain wbat he niesunt by this statement.1 Bowmauville *Police Chiet Bernard R.- Kituey deciined any comment, The" Police Association vvaps disappoiuted there had net been an increase te their ac- cumulative maximum shlow- able sick leave, which currenit. iy is 150 days. They had r'e- quested 180 days. They were disappointedi when Mr. Overy chose t(~ ject a drug prescription and when he declared that the police officers would b. r ponsible for 25 per cent of thieir hospital snd health insurance cestsý The, Corporatýôn payi 100 per cent of the 'latter ca-sts for both its office workers and works employees. Cpi. Parker saîd that her hsd reviewed 130 police coutract agreements from around 1the province in drawiug up bis As- sociation's submissiou to Mr. Overy. The Associatien's request for a two per cent bupplementâry pension was deferred to an- other arbitration study. Cpi. Parker said they had asked'for two per cent but likely wouild have settled for a figure ap- proximsting the one aed as quarter per cent figure Oshawa Police were awarded. The pen- sion wouid have been supple- mnlTtary to the O.M.E.R.S. plan which ail the municipal em- ployees subscribe to. Mr. Hooper decried the te- quest. He said the, supplemnen- tary pension w,,ouid increase police pensions by 70 petr cent, He added that, sccording te an estimate made by O.M.E.R.- S., if the concession was grant- ed, $92,000 would b. required to pay for back service. This would b. equal to about nine mills on the town's tax load. He was aise criticai of the sepme sayîng that unlike O.M.E.R.S. the suppiementary pension pl2a wuld net b. guaranteed. Mr. Hooper and Mr. Bel formed the negotiating ccon- mittee frem the town. The Police Associationi'q go- sition was represeuter' by local mnembers Ronald Parker, Ian Sýmithl, John MGuyand by Denuis Latten, anadist- ter of f he Police Association of Ontario. Mr. Over «y wae ueinated by the Bowmsinville Police Asso- ciation. It was is i. rst arbi- tration case. GET CASH TODVAT THROUGH STATESMAN CLAS.IIFIEDS Phione 623-3303 -4u Uli ouIlu lu, loil.

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