Schola rship Outstanding MusicTeachers Coming to Camp' Director-s af the Kawartba Lakes Music Camp bave been succeseful in getting five out- standing music teachere foi-, the camp which will bc held at Lakefield College Schooî frai Augusi th h o Aug. l4hb. The fiv.e, ail menibers af Ayaramai Wind Quintet of Ottawa ai-e: Jean-Guy Brault, fiat c; Lawreace Cheracy, obae; Peter' Smith, clacinet; Michael Narner, bassoan aand Evan Philpatte, French bora. Al ai-e menibere aI the Na- tional Ache Centre Orchestra. Plans are aiea uaderway ta obtairi teachers -for piano, strings and percussion. This is a non-profit venture wîth Rcv. Canon Ciough, i-cc- Ion oh St. John's Anglican Chai-ch ah Petecborough as chai-ian. 1h wae braught into beîng ta pi-avide musiechu- dents wîth the beet teaching and ah the sanie hue give theni a vacation wlth swim- ming, boating, fishing and organized cecreation. Na charge wlll be made for heaching, but roam and meale and recceatian facilitîe wîll cash $100 foc the 10 days. Day tudente Who commute daily ta the camp will be changed $50, ,Sample application loi-ms have been maîed toa ah Dur- hami Counhy Separate, Public and Hîgh Schooie, bah studeats îoay aiea obtaîn applications by wriing ho Kawathba Masc Camp, Box 991, Peterborough. Dcadliie for acceptance s May 31 and only 100 eudents can be accoimodatcd. GET CASH TODAT S T A T'Y P MIA N CLAS$Z1FIEDS Phono 8623-3303 1 It's eý cirusa de with us! .,.Giving the best insur- ance possible ah a price that's righh. You Il find that aur experience and insur- ance know-how mean top- notch protection through a Kemper Insurance com- pany for your home, car, family or business. Phone or write: John McMillan SCHOFIELD-AKER Limited 30 King St. West Bowmanville Phone 623-4403 Res. Phone 623-7752 representing L±imbermmneMutual Casualty compan a divsioni cf Kamper 1 nsurance B A K ý TC ) C,!K HonoredaiTes ii m on ia The annual Sunday School theur nu-belrs. Debra wi Aaaivecsary Service wae heid gav a i'eadîng. The g-uestý in ihe United Churcb oni speaker was Rev. John Monicie Sunday mocning. Mr. Gaidia B.A,, B.D., S T.M., who deli Paisley, Superintrndent, con- eced a vccy l]uninating ser- ducted the service, wbile, mon on Dim Buîb or Bcîghtý Mcs. Gladvs Thompeon per-! Ligbt? Rev. Morris used ai farmed the duties oh organistbuge seleciiîon oh light bulbe-, witb Don Wright ocovidiog large and small, antique andl guitar accompaninient. The! modern as visuai aide ta hie' chair was niade up of Suadayý fine sermon. School pupils. The Pri-îi5y!Teexii ela1hîc group sang "This Little Ligixt" ici-vice or Sunday Schooi a and 'Joy is Like the Rain"', Blackshock Untrd ,Cburchi the Juniors sang 'Put Youri next Sunday as 1h le Neehie- Hand in the Hand"' and theý ton Sanda y Sehool .Aihnivpr-, Intermediates had "The Sow-j sary. ci-"and Cam on eopl" ~ Several firn here attendî and cnjoyed Nestiehon Unitedl Churcb Spriîîg Suppcc on, PassesCouirse audyenig Sympathy le exteoded hoi Mr. and Mcc. Ivan Mountjoy and f amily on the passing o)f Maîgaret's niothcr, Mcc. 1H. Hockin, la Port Peîcy o ýe Tuesday. Aiea ta Mcc. Leiîhý Bycre, Mcc. Hockin's sister,l and ta the other relatives In this ares. Tbe funecal service wac held on Fiday fi-rn Me- Denmott - Panabaken Funecai Chiapel. i- Sympathy is ai o extended ta Mr. and Mre. Murray Has- kîn on the passing af Shirley's step-moiher, Mcc, Leonard î~Blight af Brooklîn ducing the weck. Salurday ahiernoon cailere af Mcc. Cecil Hill were Mcc. Mamie Spencer (nec Mamie Beacock) snd ber daughlec, Mc. and Mcc. Roy Clarke of~ Perth, Norman Allison Wianers af the week!l On Saturday, May 8. 1971, 'the Canadian Dire ctor in Constable R. J. Sehumacher1 Wednesday cvcning card par-- appcoxiately 400 people, ce- 1949, the United Rubbcc Wock- 1h ws anouncd th e ekty wcre: Ladies, hîgh, Mce. presenting trade unions, bus c had 15 Locale; today thece Tt ws anouned his eekNora Happe, second Mcc. Elia inessansd iîîdustry gathered 80'Locale wihh composite, that Bowmanvilîe Constable Nana Happe, second, Mcc. Ells the Shenahon-Bcock Hontel, rakiag a total of 100 units. Robert J. Schuniachei, a native j Venning. 10w, Mcc. Mets Niagara Falls, Ontario, ho psy ln 1949 he was appoînhed ho af Walkerhon, had successfullyl Read; Mca, highi, Earl Pi-as- tci'ouhe ta Narman Ailison af the Canadian Cangrese af craimpglouteda the -eekriti cott, second. Ayimer Plougb-.Bowrnanvilie, reiing Can- Labour Executive Counci. tPalinc oursge athe OntaCo-ian, low, Ed Hanrle. ladian Dicector af the United ln addition ho bis union Poal, c Cailege, Ayle. Con Receat callece af Mrs. Ruth Rubbec, Cork, Linoleumn and wock, he 'was elected ho the stcablfe inahr ined9the Wilson and Mcc. McQuade Plastic Workens af Amecica. Bowmaaville Couacil in 1942 were Mr. and Mcc. Balfour Assistant District Dicector and served hwo ycace as Moore, Ylveclaa, Mc. and Wiiiam Punneti, who acted as Counciliai-, two yeacs as Dep- 1Mcc. Cecil. Archer, Brighton, Master af Cecenionies, hiic- uty Reeve and three years as Mcc. Rowena Sherry, port iy oulined .Narman Alisoa's Reeve. He aiea served on the Hope, Mr. and Mcc. Eric Cap- long and active caceci-, whîch Durhami and Naithumnber- stick, Lindsay, Mc. and Mcc. started out ase a teacher af land Caunty Cauncil foc five iHan-y McKee and girls, Osh- musicata the age af 16. This yeare. As a niber af awa, and Mr. and Mcc. Lloyd love af masca as stayed vithhCouncil, he was Chai-ian af Wilson, West Hlill. hlm through ail these yeace, Mies Lucîlle Beacock, Toc- andhle i prolicient la both onta, speat the weekcnd Wththe piano and organ. Grad uates I ber parente, Mr. and Mrs. AI-' Hie actîvity in the trade M lan Beacock and Bah Mon- union niovement began la 1935 day gueste wcre Mcc. Harol whcn be became an ernployee Beacck ad M, Erie W aI the Goodyear Tii-e & Rub- Beaockandlvi-. rni W Itber Comnpany ah omnvle Part Prcy. He was instrumental lanai-g- Mr. and Mc-. Macwood Mc- anizing that plant, Local 189, ÎY 2Oth, 1971 eec aiong wihh Mrs. Ed Law- whose charter was inslalled son af Jancivilie were Thuce- la November aI 1940. The J S day eveaing dinner gueste Ol Iollowiag year, Narman Ahli- Mc. and Mrs. Bill Wannaa asnI a lctdVcePei AND AVE SAV 1 rono. Snda viitor ofMrdent oh that Local, and became and Mrs. M. McKee werc Mc. Pi-esident la 1942, a position aand Mrs. Han-y McKee, Jane he heid until bis appointrneat and Janice of Oshawa. as Speciai Represeatative ta Il 0 NWelcome ta Blackstock isethe Uaited Rubber Warkers extended ta Mr. and Misciaff, reporting dîcectly ta the 'i~ I Pli'Tecry Malcolm, who have International President L.S. of Cothnng moved into the apart-meni Buékmaslec.i-., previously occupied by Mcc 1Il" wae elected ta the Dis-in:. Ida Taylor. hiici 6 Council Executîve . Mr. Han-y VanCamp is a Board la 1941, and forte . RICES O N patient in Port Penny 1I0spi- pash 30 years hie remaîned a .ý.. tai. We aIl hope he te soan member ase Vice-Presidenh, airs - Mattresses Mr~. and Mr. Don Fleming ecutiveSecetr4 I1 946,E and baby, Oshawa, were Sat- ducing the strike aI 12000 " urday caliers of Mr, and. Mcs. Canadian Rubber Wockers i- RPETING .., Wilbcrt Archer. Mr. Allison was the Vice-, Mc. and Mcc. Jack Kewen Chaiian af the Wage Polîcy RUBBER and daughter aI Beaconevilie, Commîtter', and was active I iT E B CE Quebec wcnc weekead guets throaghout the negatiations Miss Patricia Anderson aIheAftenKM. vrctfnil the trike was broughh Tfr fthinMr Eerta un csfu oclson edaughter of Mr. and Mcc. Clîfi Trewn. t a sccesful onclsion HeAnderson, Prince St, recentiy aadgirs wre uady dn-Cornmithee la Washington graduated frai the Depari- 3 65sq. d nd iswr'i adM.e nadly wceditatheBan îent fHat colfrRg nrgueste oI Mr. and Mcc. D.C., for negohiahione behwecmen t IHat eolfrRg j'WinotPhi, ratand aur International Unio n and îstened Nursing Assistants, Tor- Bruce aI Grcenbank. the Big Four Rubber Cor at Seisnwcmloyda Mcr. and Mcc. Richaird Van ations la 'the U.S.A. Thesc Ohaa General Hospital, >E R S Camp andfanyweeS- negoions culminated inr sha cCLOTHING dlay guesis eofh er parenegreat victory wben mai-e than 623-55 Hiltn. a nMs. Rnýoy Mrcowa illoo,oo0 rubber wockcrs came 623-515 Mcand Munder Master Agreernts, During hie long terrn la office as an International Ex- »ir . ecutive Board Member, Non- . m an Ailison stan cvery corn- mitÏtee excepi the Finance . <Cormiîttee; as District Duece- , tar, be feit il would be in- appcopîiate foc hlm ta acept aposition on this commiitee. ' x r * When le wac appointed as prcssed hie appreciation ta the _______________ International Union, its af- " ficers and departient heads for the assistance given wben ____________________ caiied upon; alsa ta Dave Ai-cher, President of the On- A birthday party in a retirement home. With a cake wîth tario Fedecahion ofLabour who was aiways available ho real icing and candies to blow out. And friendý and national and itentinaIaughter and happînessý unions. Mr. Allîson mention- cd that over the yeacs he had '(es, you can buy happiness. IPleaSe occasion tai meet evecy Presi- Ot oTh dent lan the US. starting wihh For others. Now. Toaay. givTe Pi-esident Roosevelt, and machtoTh aI the Canadian Prime Min- G ive to The Salvation Army ishers, exceph Trudeau. "How- evri d Mr' nlson,"I Red Shield Appeal. ied Shield pleasure ta cati those la the Rubbei- Woi-kei-s and othen pp trade unions my friende rath- LT O A > M Y 3 s ci- than many I haire meta-BLT the political ai-ena." Donations may be forwarded ta: Red Shield Appeel, c/o 11 have been asked what Canadiean Impeerial Bank af Commerce, Bwnnvleor 2 CnreM,,Bomir Ïwas the mach exciting mo -_________________________________________ Hans Rietmnuller Page 17, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Ritmnuller of Bowmanville, wýas presented wth a Flying Scholarship at the 29th Annual Inspection of 151 Chadburn Squadron hpId MVay l3th at the Civic Auditorium in Oshawa. MIe alsa rep resenmted the "Mess Dnr"in "Thie Cadet Year ln Hans wes pro-moted to Ser- geant on March- l4th at the Squjadron's Royal Canadian Air Cadet Annual. Mess Dmnner whbere he delivered a speech on the N.C.O. course. 1,51 Chadburn Squadran, Oshawa, won the trophy for1 the best Air Cadet Squadron1 ïa Ontario and was also vted( ~the Top Air Cadet Squadron ine Canada for 1970. 151 Chadburnf Squadron was presented with1 the National Trophy at the STAJ1TITNG MA CELEBRATE WITH L. 1O~oSAN COmPl ete Lino SPECIAL PI Chesterfields - Chî WALL TO WALL CAF SA VE ON z'x Rneg. $3.88 Sq. Yd, During Sale, Only --- FURNITURE & 21 KING ST. E. ýl CAIIO SETLE "HASE LOUNGES u MBRELLAS LIMITED FURNITURE snd HOME FURNISHINGS 37-41 King St. E. Bowmnanville met in my hIle," sald Mr. The Canadian Statesmari, Bowmanville, May 26, 1971 Alison. 1-"I muet tell you that IDin ner moment was when Edith (whoSynyOeM.adMsofLcl60Abrtchi, ,shortly before had been chacs-SynyO nM.ndMs fLcl60AbetShit theý Legislative and Laws i n Miss Bow7manviîîe) agi-ced Verle Shantz, Mr. John Fuhr- Presîdent of Local 677; Roger Comîte, mmbr l t a-b-man, Mr. Rene Caldwell, Mr. Pelletier, President of Local Propmerty Committee (County my wîf. and Mre. Andre Auger, Mr. 790, Audrey Donaher, Presi- Jail and6 Old Folks Home), Mr. Allîson. concluded his Johni Hunter, Mr. David Mac- dent aI Local 743. Roads Commîttee, Board of talk with a huniocous accourit Kînlay, Mr. Lea O'Rourke, Good Luck, Good Health Directors of the Bawman- fhs15ne ti ltrbsMr. Rager Pelletier, Mr. Dale and Contentment ln Your Re- ville Hospital, Police Com- retirernent. "A gain, I tbank Sinioson. Present from the tirenient Years! miesioner and on' the In- you ail for ail the pleasant International office were- Ina Industrial, Committee. ies and happy memories, ici-national President Peter In 1945 he was the Ca- concluded Mr. Allison,' Bommnarîta and Mrs. Bam-mar- operative Commonwealth Fed-. A prolonged standing'ova- ito; International Vice-Presi- Graduai-es eration pariiameatary candi- tion was given Mr., and Mrs. dent Kenreth Oldham and date for Durham Riding and Allison. Mcc. Oldham-,,Sccretary-Trea- polled the highest vote, ever Among those lji-c nt at thîs suer Ike Gald; International recordcd by the CCF in that testimonial dînrier were the Organiational Director R. ai-ca. foilowing: Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hill and Mrs. Hill, Publicity Ia recogaition af his valu- Hobbs, May or aoflBowman- Director George S c r i v e r, abl sevic tathenatonville; Mr. and Mrs. William Comptroller Howard Ligon, Normn Aliso hadhe Cen oCoper, Presîdent of Niagara Louis Bcliczky, Dîrechor o teaialMedl cnferedonFaIlsLabour Council; Mr. and Indu trial Hygiene, URW. % him la 1967. Mrs. Roger Lecavaier, Cam- Tme Study Engineer Steve missîoîier, Departmcnt af La- Koval aiid Mcc, Koval, Pen- Assistant District Director bouc, Quebec; Mr. and Mrs. sions & Insurance Dept., For- Puanett coacluded by ex- Reg Gîsbocn, United Steel- i-est Givens and Mrs. ivens; pressing, on behaif of the workers, Representative and Special Representative Jake Canadian members af the New Democratic Party Mem- Miller. Unied uber orers teî ber af ProvincilIParliarnent, amily rniem'bers present heartfelt appreciation for the HamiltnRdîg r.Dvd erc: Mr. and Mcc. Trevor maay years af devotcd sei-v- Archer, Presîdent af the On- Alsn c n r.Hre ice towards the betterment aI tari, Federahian af Labour; ALusn, Mrandhilren Darvey hie feliowmen, and pi-eent- Mr. Robt. Craîge, Dîrec.hor ?f Jeffcey, Sharon, Sandra, Nor- cd Mr. and Mcc. Allîson Witth Welfare Departmcnt, Ontario man and Eve. an Admiral stere set in Federation of Labour; Mr-. Staff, members present and1; Frcch rovncil sylig. and Mrs. Larry.Wagg, Director their wives were: Mr. and Mr. David Archer, Preel- af Education, Canadian La- Mrs. William Punneth, Mr. and den cf heOntri Fdea-baur Congress; Mr. and Mrs, Mrs. George Brooks, Mr. tion of Labour, expressed his John Reddick, Blue Crase; Mr. adMc iî ouM- n appreciation for being invihed and Mrs. Jc vasEice i. lindBrder, Mi-,an-d ta this testimonial dianer. Shîeld; Mc. and Mrs. James Mrs. Ray BManchette, Mr. and "The Ontario Federation I Perna, Canadian Director of Labour holde Narman AI"- Glace & Ceramie Workecs; Mcc. Philippe Duhamel, Mi-. Gerald Brian Ilarness, B.Sc. son in hîgh esteeni," saîd Mi-. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Clark, Re- ai-d Mcc. Leonard, Colline, Mi-. On Satucday, May 22nd' Archer. "And I do not know presenhatîve, Textile Workei-s; and Mrs. Loi-ne Rosekat, Mr. during Convocation ah Queen'et anynelath Lbor av- Mc. and Mie. George Barlow, aad Mcerr Se, Mr. G r- University, Kingston, Gerald ment who deserves this testi- Canadian Dîrectai-, Woe aidMMau, c ad M. Bria Harnees was among the, monal ore an onbehlf ,tal & Department Store îalFtzger-ald, Secretary ta af ail thoce affilîated with pokr; r. D Ditrich Director Betty Wood graduates, in Civil Engineer- the ~ ~okes Mnai eeain a îlnItrn ainal ExecuD-Office Secretary Kathy Gow' ing receivi ng his BSc. de-ý Lab Orowecosdert1h anf d ei- RtetnationlJack L-e-egree. Son af Mr, and 1Mre,- Laorw onie i ntîve Boar, Kansas- Mr. ande.RtrsJak Let1 Thomas Harnese, Bowmen- honar ta be invited ta honai- Mrs. Sam Hughes,1 Assistant Jullus K och and Mrs. Koch. ville, hie wîll be employed by a sincere. honeet and dedicat- Directe,, Canadien Food & In charge aI the Testimonial the~ Town of Whîtby's engin- cd trade unionist.'" Allied Workere; Mr. and MvrrS.Dinner were tic following: eering departm ent. Mr. Reg. Gisborn, New Len MacLean, Sol icitor for William Punaet Assistant-- Dcmocratic Party Member af URW. Present aiea were District Directoc, Chai-ian; Provincial Parliament for the members af the District--6 Sydney Owen, Inter-national 24 Hour Hamilton Rîdîng, and Repre- Caunicil Executive Board and Execuitive Board; Ivan Hobbs, scatative af the United Steel- their wivcs: Mr. and Mcc, Mayor of Bowmanvilie, John Ap royeacls wockers aI America, stated: Fuhi-an, Presîdent af Localp "Nanman, your Union has 67; Verle Shanti-, President af 2nd and 3rd Mortgages been in the, forcIront in batýh (rÊdl ýl Local 73-, Mike Schmidt, Preel- Arranged în the collective bai-gaining and ini raduat""; dent af Local 80; Lea ovnec pliltical action. Behind every O'Rourke, President af LocalCnviec respoasibe union there le a 113; John Hunter, President 0f Your Home rcsponsible leader. YI u r af Local 168; Kenneth Hoaper, LOW eaet. You cain callint Union bas been blessed wîth President af Local 189; Vic 10 p.m. today for helpful bath. The caucus wiehes you Coeîc, President af Local 232; courteous service. Promnpt happiacesand health la youri Andre Auger, President of Investment 'Corp. Ltd,. 380 retirement.'" Local 483; David MacKinlay, Bay Street, Toronto. Cali international President Pet- ~ ~ Presîdent af Loala 494; Dale colleet. ci- Bommai-ihp Noamanex a .l -Simpson, President af Locai 366-9586,Eg.2184 pay tribute ta Nanan Alli~ '~628; Rene Cal dwell, Secrchai-y1 ,Eg~218 son. "I neyer thought lin 1960 that I would be standing here today, appraaching the time when I and maay othersaà wouid be saying facewell ta J y Cea ersC/ c//c Narman. 1hîsle nt a happy occasion for me. I have had ~ the pleasure of knowing Nor- . - A salesmian who liait a long run of bad luck suddenil man foc many yeace, and I aim -- rusbed into his home aud began ta turs the roomupside weil aware of hie honeet, dedi- ~i'.dnwn. cated efaorts an behalfoth Wahaeyulsea"akdhswi. Canadian Rubbcc Workecer'hthv yulsdasakdhew.e There le not another dîrector I'1ve taken an ordoDr today,"1 he revealed, "and I've mis- in al a theUnied ubbe '-. -placed the address of my Ira." Workcrs Districts that bas achicved as îuch for hi . CLOTHES CARE HINTS: feiiawîen, bath la Canaa and in the U.S. I want ta Thr is nothing cheaper than the cost of havlng your gar- say ta you and yaur loveiy mente cleaned and pressed - they are reneiwed ta their art g- wif c, Ed ith: You have a wa nd-1 ci-fi fîui; yo ar a ineMal freshneàss et nfraction of their loriginal coet. union man. Our very best wisbs gowithyou oodSUPPORT THE RED SHIEL» AIPPEAL, heaith and God blese you. LOCAL BLITZ MAY 3let > international Pr es id e nt Miss Judith Vînish Boimai-iha then pcesented Mr. graduated Mai-ch 26, 19171, Allison with a plaque on be- firn the Ontario Departmeati bailaI te Uited Rubbroa Heaith Nursing Assistant ~A AA I I whih ea asfo-tien was held in St. Paul'e DO VYI AAI'V I LLE "la pprciatan aurToronto. Mise Viaish, who le ftrgesateh ervhace h esofMre. Joan RCL EA N ERS d tuecahe ervicesnthe d* OITe - îtois eshrd îh o Vnsh onesinStand the COTI 84 KING ST. W. 623-5521 .ducing the twenhy-hwa yeare iste Mr. George Viaieh, bas NL A ER W pcalz1nSir en ig" -you guided the 'United Rab- accepted a position ah Oshawa R "eSeil.eIihrtLimei tber Workere in Canad~a asud Genl Hospital._________________________________ foi- the thirty years yau serv- F cd ase an affîcer on the Dis- - trict 6 Council. [n the sainieF î peciod you helped foi-n polic foc yauc gi-est organizahion la bath Canada sud the Unit- cd States. We have acbieved much, and you have built the foundahion foc greater suc- cees in the future. Presented May 8, 1971".V To the gi-aciaus and chacin- îng lady, Mcc. Edith Allison, a bouquet af. roses was pi-e- sentcd by Mcc. Sydney Owen, wife eoa the District 6 Council President. Ia bis acceptance speech.