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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 May 1971, p. 4

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jTue Canadian Statesmian, towrnanville, May 26, 1971 EDITORIAL COMMENT 'Twas a Costly Weekend Celebration The late lamented Queen Victoria cer-tainl'y started something when bier birtbay wa declared a day for cele- Frating ý. - , complete witb fireworks. This edijto)ial is be,)cing written Mon- day nighit as the weekclendl draws to a clos(è. 1Is riing outside, tbe Rotary fireuoriks dîisplay ba been postponed, btn ti-if"crackle and banging of'explo- >iesis rattli'ng windows as the young- tesrisk lirnb and properrty, in a joyous (jrgy. - It's beeu oin onsince Friday i n firworks wnton sale in local stresad were- gobbled up as rapidly acildren andsonode adolescents tôuld CISqueèze 7funYds froIm tbeir parents pr part with itheir ownv earnings, It's heen fuin for, themi, ve su.ppose, but not LFr Bomnvle' oluniteer fire brig- -ade who ave been ru-n off their feet, answering fie ails from ail over the Sre. Sarting Tuesday rnorning, tbey'li jýFe figurîng out tbe costs of tbis boliday ~in terms of firemen's pay, use of ex- pensive equipment and property dam- àtige and it will be surprising if tbe total do1cesn't reach several tbousands of dol- larsAd for wbhat? So, cbildren and othèý-rs coulId bave- fun celebrating a, holiday tbat at thîs3 tirne bas absolutely ta ignificance for tbem as they watch A Tribute to 1a LatTUrsy, RK John Payne, Jieut-Reveof Manvers and Ponty- pcoe's foremost advocate and unofficial mnayor, passed to bis rest, after an iii- ness ofsera montbs. We, among rnnyoterm ou.rn bis loss because frr many years be bad kept Pontypool iand the area ar-ioumd it in tbe news witb fl-4s wcek!.Y- writîngs ini The Statesman, Butl,1>ý, ack Payne wa7s much more than a correspondent, be was a vibrant tbeir money go up in smoke, to furtber pollute tbe atmosphere. We believe 'the tirne bas corne for more rigîd enforcement and a compléte ban on the sale of fireworks to anyone other tban an organization planning a community display under expert super- vision. Such a ban is already in effect in many parts of the United States and would certainly be anytbing but a bard- sh ip bere . . . we feelit would indeÊd be quite a blessing. .Frankly, affer tbeir experience this year, witb the inclement weatber and the costs zooming skyward, we would not be surprised if theservice clubs and other organizations wbo 'n the past bave sponsored tbe community displays might take, a good look at the proposai next, year and forget if- It does séem a dreadful waste of funds to spend airer $1,000 a year for what amounts at niost ta about an bour's entertaînmént. That is a great deal of money wben tbèrê are many otber places where it could be used to better advantage. Now tbat we've establisbed ourseif as a real spoilsport, we wauld be most interested in bearing comments an this subject from our readers, including the volunteer firemen wbo, lîke the rest of us, were ~1-5o entitléd to enjoy the boliday. iGood Citizen and cheerful voice who brougbt zest to any gatbering, be it a meeting of Orangemen, a Conservative gathering, a veterans' bull session or wbatever. . hie was tbere and -actively participating in tbe discussions. and, takîng, on tbe cbores connected with any praject. Mr. Payne will be missed througb- out the entire county wbere be was weil known and bad fmany friends. Our sincere sy-mpatby is extended to members of thE, family. ýVHel Waned" cohurnns these days ieven7Al that, even in office work, many èmphoyerre lookîng for someone who isý "a!ggrûss.ive." Students seeking sum- iieir jobs may be mnisled by tbis ernpba- ais on aggr]ession. The world aready bsmore- aggr-ession than it needs. It would welcorne a ittie more service for ~ chnge.Too oflten in department trsyou ithefi(r serýve yourself or are Jgt-or-edJwile cler-ks busily discuss per- oalaffair-s, Il i> rare ta find a clerk realyintretedingivngthe Custorner s~vc.The -sainie attiude rnaîsin i~iny ffiesFew seem willing ta <erve any mores if"srean"e- vile" wee .sYnonymaus. Job-seekîng students can maike up T ;-Par 42 Canadian newspapcr, radio and TVreots accompanying Prim ini ste Trudeaui ta Russia this werk. The Russian mneia, as w,ýehl as the, reports sent back byý Caniýlais bave ~rphasizeded iisLcussionis leld witb a tiw o creating ai better rapport lie- twepn East, and Weýst andc paticularly with respect to pro)posced troop reduc- tions in Central Europe. c Until Mr. Trudenu becamnePrime Min r iste ur foreign policy was gen- erally described as tMai of a middle ~power creaing a "brndge" bctween the 'United Stateýs ad the United Kingdorn. \vwas Teeai considemed by other ÇOntries howevPer, chat aur foceîgn policy was not an-indee oetrme, and bha ive werc. under the shado(w of cither ý,r bath Ibe Unîtcdi States and the in the Wite Paper on Foreign n'ouiy issud about a yeam ago by Prime 1','inister Trudeau's owernment aur foreign polîcy was stated, in efeto be that Canada is no! a "middle pawec" ind certainly we aýrc nul a mlilitary power and ibiat we shoufld take anm in- dependient hne of Our own. Canada stttat 'e could cffec- tively show,,, a lecd in armnament reduc- for lack of exper-ience by beîng very willing ta -serve and thus make a weh- corne addition ta aur wr-adyworld. Il rnay be that onh.y meniial work is axrailable regardiess of the applicant's educational qualifications. Work sucb as, sweeping floors;, cut- ting lawns, deliverinig groceries or put- tîng out Ihe garbage of saune business conceru may secun awat of one's tal- ents. But floors nieed ta bie swept and garbage needis fo be puit out and t1his is parjt of the world's work. There is satis- factJ]ion in fulfilhjing a Useful Service to soiŽy- àsatîsfaction tho'e oex ploit society aggress.ivehy neyer know. The greatest men in bistory bave been those wbo wcre the most humble and willing ta serve mankind. t lion, and we did this by witbidrawal of pat ofur NATO military stmcrngth from Europe. Tho Cornruniist newspaper Praîda, in ani editorial mnariniig the arrivai of PrimýeMnstrTrudeau drew attentior fa thie eent pronouncernent ah Soviet CommuniaI arl Lader Leonid irezh- neir caihing for a dismnantiing oh foreign miîtar'y bases and for the reduction of armed forces and armiarnents in areas wbere miilitary, confr-ontation is espec- ialiy dangerous. In this connitection imeMinister Trudeau wviil hav-e an opportunîty to gel fcheactofohthe Soviet leaider: bo the suggestedi prograni o.' NATÏO har a muktuaIi balance'd forces redutctiont and whetber or not commnon ground ie: possible bentwecn the suggestion put for- ward by fthc NATO bloc and flie one advaniced on behif ohffthe Warsawv Pact countries by the Soviet Communist Leader, Canada is not a great power asth P rime Minister bas sttdqib fe Hlowevem if, flicougli Mr. Tucusin- tercession or advocacy wc cani bring the great powers dloser togýethier on the question of armamnents reduiction, he Canada wili, tmul 'y, be per'forrning a use- fui service ta b1umanlityý. H ;j~ k I ~ la D)urhorin Countyz re! cnLi ournal 40pmbE.stalished 117 yeare cga in 1854 Alsao Incorpor<xting The Bo)wnianvîiiie News The Newccslie Independent Tiie Orono News Se--cond d as iai! registration number 1581 Phone 623-3303 Produced every Wednesday liy THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED, S 62 -.66 Kinq St. W,. Bowmanvilie, Ontario Phone 623-3303 ,"ONE... T..... TWO-AND-kI-IÂLF... THREE ... FOUR" A MacDuff Qttawa Report The Crunch Nears OTTAWA, - Roar of the chiickýen anjd egg war ap- pears ta"qlie build-inýg upt aa crescendco asý the eiitr of Onitaia andi tne national assjemhly 0f Que(bec pro- duce laws imniing ýthe move- ment of agiulua ro- duce across their borders. The Quebec legisiation it is suLggeSIted, vwou- ld eJven permit the construction of check points at access routes where seizture of "imnported eggs could lie effe,ýcled. Manitobia which la serious'- ly affecled bi y thefah-ou fromn these restiîctions vwIh hiave ifs Cday i Sprm Court Lat th!le nIonth end whIentihec oIstitutiO!Ialityv of thlese provin)cial mrores wihi lie ruled (uPon11 The rhing ilh have far reachng efectuponthe zgriCLtrl -1, i rn d ulat r Y. Should il lie faund Ie re- strictions 0f itrpoica mavemnents of produce l iliegal some seriaus prob- lems will lie posed to the' farm products marketing 25 YEARS AGO (May 30, 1946) Congratulations ta lier- lient Cale, son of Mc. and Mca. Jack Cale, on passing r bis 411 year exams in ardhi- lecture aI flic University of Toronto. Miss Helen Joncs, St. r .Ioscph's Academy, bnay 1, and Miss Patricia Gannon, s Peterboroughi, speat tflic weckend wifh fthc focmer's fallier, Mr. Gilbert Joncs. Mca. Peggy MacPherson, t Kingston Genecal Hospit al, t visitcd lier sister, Mca. Don- aid H. Williams, Scugog e St., avec blie weekend. Mca. K. Davies, niece of 'Mca, J. Living, cecentiy ar- rived froom bondon, Eng- e land, is visîting relatives e In Oagvle x Mr. Jim Southiey, Hiamil- ton, visited bis parents, Mr. and Mca. E. C. Soutliey, avec the holiday weckend. - Mc. and Mca. Fred Hughes and Jixnmie, Toronto, werc rweeke-nd gursts wibh Mca, Geo. E. Pritchard. Mc. eena Lee is'riait- ing lier dullr Miss Alice L. ee, and allier frienda in Toronto, Mc. -and Mca Ken Nicha spent the holiday and wcekend in Niagara and Buffalo, N.Y. Mr. and Mca. Wm, M. Paf- erson,, Toronto, wece holi- day risitoca with lier pan- enta, Mc. and Mca. Thos. Bennett. Mca.' Jack Montgomery and, Miss Helen Montgom- ery, Peterbioroughi, spent fhe holiday wifh cous.,ina, Mrs. E. W. Foley and Mca, Bruce Coiweli. P.O. Bill Raymond, DEC., of Woodstock, NB., spent the weekend with Murray Grant who was a member of bis crew for 37 opera- ions over flic Continent. Mr. Edgar Cator met with a painful accident wbcn a buliet wcnt Ibrougli bis foot, causing medic-al at- Stackvihie: Ruschil Sar- e,'and Frank Stone at- ten-ded flic races ini Toron- boaqrds now in oeain They deend pon quotas or producetion contronl for Ihat proxiscilagencs cýame mil lieinig Mwen n eff'or 0f theferagvcn ment ta set up nionl marketig bardsback il th~ 30'swasfound Ultra Su1ýpreme1 Court i j ,ruled at that time m,1arkefting was witin 11 juidcIin(o talie sdleor h u do natin facistop egs and sochihbcbg soosbord- e-ra - teyonly cnrlsale' ,when they get ithee That Seemsa abitsius. The fedecral gvrnnn adamAntjýLy cotenldl ha ihC-176 11 hi salve i-the whole proli mý intat whle it provides for national marketing scheme lb itdoca so only by and wilh consent 49 YEARS AGO (June 1, 1922ý) Mr. F. H. Bounsil, Misa Evelyn and Mr. Berjt, anid Misses Murphy n md Arm- srang motor-ed ta L-àidsay on Sunday. Mr. Bera Pinib, Rosa- wchi, New Mexica(., ,S isiit- ing lis brothers, Messrs. Alpha and W. B. Pindli. Mrs. Mcbeod, Wosok is visibing lier brother, MUr, Doniald McDonald and allier relativeýs hece. Mca. Rager Fishleigh, of Taronto, has been rîsitiog lier niecef, Mra. R. H-. Westa- way. Mi.Jss Gladys Weese, Ra- chseN.Y., is visiting lier' sister, Ms. arold Paa Mi. Dr.) Telford and soli Donald.Vancouv er, B.C.;M .j. Vehueý, RcitrN.Y.; Mc4r. W.A. hcd sPaît Hope; Mr. and, MrCha3s, IMoa and daugliter Heleni, Little Bri- bain; Mrs. Helen Moase, New- tonviile; Mc. G. Mitchell and Mr.1i aind McNs. M. J. Tarn-biyný;, Ooo eeguesta over flirýc ecend0of Mr, and Mrs. T. Wcsl.,ey Cawk- er, "Noriwayý Cottage". Mrs. J, E. L. Cale, Mca. (Rex'.> S. C. Moore, Mca. F. R. Fohey wilh represent the Methodiat W.M.S. at thec brandi meeting in Belle- ville. Mrs. J, b. 1Briooks la delegate for bbc Mission .Band, Mrs. J. Lake Marden and Mrs. (Dr.) John Spencer sail on Saturday from Mont- ceaI by the "Mebagama" for a blirce montha' trip ta Europe., Mr. and Mr.4. A. N. Me- Milian abbended flic abllet- ic exercises at Bishop Be- thune College on Victoria Day. Miss M. bogan, Niagara Falls, lias licen visiting Mc. and Mca. D. Morrisan Sr, Mc. Bill Knowles,_ of Toronto, spent flic wcekcnd ab homne. .Miss Greta Behîman, of Toronto, la liolidaying at hone. Pollock, Boxvniie. spenit fice wrcend uwIth M, A J. G.a.-9 of the provincial govern- ment.1 It i,, now known that the fdrlgovernnient will intervene in the Supremre Couýrt hearing which lias Ibeenfîorecedbythe govern- ment of Manitoba. Tiie position it wil ltake ia not too clear even thougýh ,Justice MnstrJohn Turn- er [lissaid he has inastruc- ed(1 counsel tea uphold the -onstitutiod. His exactwords gvnin the Hlouse of Com- muns- were "I hveinstruct- ed counseif to defvred the constitutîin insofýar astoe areas relalting ta iter-pr)o- vincial trade and] the -Brit- ïhl Norii AmeiaAt are WVhîch ide f ira awy- rawilt support \vas nat lartifi'ed by thiat remnark. Whc ide la upholdinýg ltle constitution is the point ta li ecdd Bill C176 which the gov,- ernmen('jt Says wilil a leh probl]cm is only now at thie report stag-e in the Hlouse 0f C mnaand tempers are becomning frayed.- Re- potstage meana it has gone throughý second readin, ge-neraly conceded ta lie consent in principhe and through committee which examined it clause liy clause. Committee stage took a long time, and at one juncture an ail nigfit session in an effort ta reacli con- sensus. Some concessions were made ta the Oppo- sition at that tinie, but not enougli. Some U0 amend- ments are ta be debated oni the floor of the House. Most of thcm are a repe- tition of Comnmittee clebates. After a year of considera- lion, and in thia lie was referring to thep fact that the Bill nriginated at a former session 0f parhIiameýnt and dlied on) the order paper at adjornmntit is timne for head couniting, said Priune ,Minister Trudeau when he was heleagured by questions on the subjecl. 1 "We are in this mess (le- fore- the Supreme Court) because the government was too cowardly ta do -%omne- thing about it some time ago" snapped Gerald BalId- win (PC Peace River) the Tory House Leader, at one j un( i oi. Teopposition is niot iý htagive up easily whena dIebaýte is resumed oni, he BSil, reÏardiesa of what the Supremne Court finda witlh respect ta provincial legia;la- tion whîch it; can lie aid ta, 1paralici. Robert Stanfield, the Con- servative ladrreports havin recived30,001 cou- pansý as resit of advertiSe- menta piaced in nwppr a.crasa col-n try opposiflg Bilh C-176. Some private mem- b)ers count their coupons in the low thousands and othi- eris in the hunidreda. That seeýms support enougli for their position. They've hunÏg tougli on lesser grounds. Western Canada op- position ta the bill was Put perliaps as succinctly as any by Jack Mcîntosh. Hie was rcading from an editorial of the Maple Creek (Sask.) News. "'The ranchers have been given assurance liy Premier Thatcher of Saskatchewan thal as long as lie was the poicial' premier there woldle no marketing bill la affect the cattiemen una- less lhey specifically asked for sucli a Bilh. "And while this was a noble gesturr on the part of the provinial premier, it gives ittie coônsolation ta the ranchers. Forexample even wîthout the mark-eting bill in SaskatrchewýAn, if the Province of( UebeC. or anY Sugar By His CONSCIENCE CAUSES CONFLICI. One of tbe most annoying qualities witb which man bas been afflicted is the conscience. How mucb more simple and pleasant if e would be were it not for that small, niggling voice tbat can- not be drowned out no matter bow loudly one's otber voices sbout., .Constantly shouting are tbe voices of our sensual nature,,urging us on to venial sins. "Go ahead, bave anotiier piece aof ebocolate cake with wbipped creamn. It won't burt to get off tbe diet fo(r oeilp day. Lîf e isn't worth this torture. And lil swear tbose scales are wrongy." "Liar", And you bear it. "Corne on, one more drink won't hurt you, You've always been able to bandle your booze. So you'll bave a lit- tle bangover in' the morning. Se wbat" And the littie voice wbispers, "do. And you hear it. Tben there is the voice of rtoa lization, not so noisy, but resonanit and insidious. We've al beard it. Mother bas. "I'd feel far mnore like getting a good dinner ready if I just lay down and watched tbat afternoon Moine?" Father bas, "I don't get enough exercise. It would do me a lot more good, and I'd probably be 'a better Christian if I got out golfing in God's wonderful world, instead of sitting around in a stuffy aid cburcb witb a buncb of stuffy people." Student bas. "If I study ahl even- ing for my exarn, Mh only tire my mind and get ail up-tigbt and probably -,tudry the wrong tbingsý. I'd be far better off (o go to a,,niovj i and have a-fresb, open mimd tomorrow,." Kid bs,"Wel,1if al H tbe other kids are saing thî at word, thecre can't lie m-uch 'wron-g witbi it. Wby shouldn't B3ut lu,.rkinig inivry oe of tbem is tbat nasty littie voice wbicb neyer shouts, -but always cornes tbrougb loud and clear. It takes haîf tbe fun out of lif e. and ' Spîce BiHl Smýiley May is a terrible mon,-jtb for, iman with a conscience, Ail tbe voices se to be shouting at once. IFmaflot mucbh for astrohogy, but surely Satan was born in May. Every- May I go tbrough a terrible inner conflict tbat would psycbological- ly devastate tbe average man. Opening weekend of tbe trout ea- son, in this benighted cimate, inecvitab- ly coîncides wvith tbe final disaippear. anice- of the last ieberg on tbe proper. ty. Tbiere you are. Ail those lvelyf ish) waiting to match wits wv1iiityo, Anid ail1 that accumulated, filhby muck lymng -around waiting to be raked up, There lies the golf course, green.i ing, beckn iýing£, sbouting that youir zganr is goinig ta improve irnmeasurabh'y 1this year, if you'd just get an earlystrt And tee even dloser, smack in thec middile of your wife's favorite, flower-, bcd, lies tbe neigbbors! fence, felled by tb'e ýwintds of winter, wbhining to be prop- ped upý for, the tentb annual season,. As ,,theý montb. progresses, tbie coni- flict deepens. There lies an invitationu for a fisbing-and-poker weekend up. north witb the boys, on thehoia weekend. And there, in arnbush, as is ber wont, lies your wife, pointinig At things. Women b ave a certainobesn witb things; a certain blindn.ess bou the true essenice of life. In this cs sespoinitinig ata1ceda lawncbair,lig on its back, bopelessly crippled after twehve feet of snow. Sbe's, pointing at the wooden, back stoop, wbich resembles a snggetotedhg, witb its broken and rotngtmbers. Sbe's point ing at the peiony bed,wic looks like a hog wallow,. I 1arn proud and happy to state ta once again, 1 bave corne tbrougb the confhict of May unscatbed and pure' of heart. The-trick? Put iin a pair of spirit, ual ear-plugs-for your- conscience, qinc a pair of physical ear-plugs for youir wife. Tbe property looks exactly as ji did- on May 1sf. MIE SATISFYING LIFE I, is înter-esting b1otoice bhe verse wvithih tbe 2r psalm cornes ta ils close, It bas beeni a "b nin f tbanks- gl\iîng for the blessings of God, wbýo lbas led the singer bbro-(ugbi green paisLtures, beside stîil waters, ini paths of rigbit- ounstbirougb vahîcys of shadow, We migbhL expect the psang bo, end in Ille sarne strain of gaiuefor bless- ing reeivdor fil-n orne payýerfor their contlinuance. Neither f[ these is the psalmist's hast petition. He dloes not ask that blessings shahl continue ta lead birn, but thaï; "goodness and mnercy sh-al follow" bîhm., Tbey are nofta be the guides of bis life. but tbe consequences of bis life, He_ is bt go bis way as well as -le can, tbrough the pastures and valîcys of ex- perience, and after-bim there are to fol- low more goodness and more mercy. Perbaps he is stihi tbinking of tbe Orien), tal Shepherd in wbose name tber psalm, began. "The Lord," be bas said, "is niy shepherd.*" In bbc Ensf bbc shepherd goes b)efore and the sbep blear bis výoice and follow birn. IAkewîse thie rman wb bas been biessed by' God is ta go sbead- ihy on, and bebind bim, like a Hock of sbeep, wihl follow bbe good tbougbtsý and merciful deeds of a better worhd. Sucb las the psalmist's picture of hr satisfying ife, The man wha tbusgos, bis way upand down the bis of cx,- perience does not bave ta look bhind.r imrr ta atbfor goodnless and rcy. Tbey kpw bis vý,oice and follow bim). He mneets bis obstaclesan ves es, anid asIbelooks Dabead, fle l-aynot appear good o,-rr merciful. But. wbat bel is concernedi about is thecosuee of bis hf e, and be goes bis way«,-brav.ely to clear the patb for goodness and tiiercy ta follow. Ib was a figure wbicb Jesus býimseh! liked ta use. He did not e-xpetta get niucb mercy frcm tbie worhd,, He prayed that after Hlm migbt follow a worhd of mercy. "For their sakes," be said, "I sanctify myscîf; that tbey also mighbt be sanctif ied tbrougb the trutb," "I arïn Ilie goad shepherd, I lay down my 1hjf e fo the sbecp." Here is the scf-respecting, rýa!Àonal climnax of' any modern bymn of praise4, "You bave led me, Divine Sbepble-d~, tbrougb many blessings, am-oni,,g green pastures, and by still waters.I do natý ask for more of thîs quiet peaice,.1I aSk for strengtb ta go my way bravelJyaog the path of duty, so' that ah ter mer it shaîl be casier ta do rigbt P a n ta b ruerciful, And goodness and reryshahi foliow me al bbe days of my, life." I £etttters tb 't1e (>lo R.R. 6, Bowmanvihle, May 17, 1971 Dean Mr. James: on liebaif of the Maple Grave Wrnnpn's Institube I wou]d ike ta convey aur appreciation la you for ce- pocting-aur meetings ecdl mnonfli and any special meetings in your paper for thie past year. Tlianking yau again. Youcs lculy, Maple Grave WlI., M. Bradley. Bowmanvillc, Ont.. May 25, 1971 Jusb looking ever flie licadhînes of hast week's is- sue of The Slatesman, May l9th, and then reading the story, I have came ta flic conclusion Ihat even thougli il may lie difficult aI limes ba find a suitable beadiine, I think you are reaily scraping flic barrel Ibis lime. "Woman HunIer Baga Two Bears" - well, big_ othner provinice dacas have sucli a blli and rsrcathe movýement of caIlle into Iliat province (unheas at a prîce set by Ibat govecnmcnt), Saskatchewan cattle wîll nat find a market in fliat prov- incc." Thece-in lies thb, most cvi- dent weakness of the na- tional farm producta mark- eting agency idea, Il needà flic conscnt of evecy prov- jmcc on ecd product ta civecamplete s'ucc(so,37 Thaýt apparentiy la nol fortbcominz. deal. I wonder if there was any doulit in the mînd of April liy b. A.lasigiec Mca. Keast wvlo xvould lie toc of sales, Genecial Mtotors the victor. Fromn fli phot o0f Canada Lmtd of tlie leavy calibre and flic GM dealen sazle(s of North scope, (and I assume this isz Amecican psegr asi the saine weapon slie used), April, 1971, weie up b1)2,v those po bears had about per- cent comrparedwil Apti1, as, mu-Lcli chance'of survival 90 and GM deale1rtuk as an ,eacaping fugitiveý sales wcrc up by 20.2 per uentt, cauglit in a spotight wibli Mc. H-astingasaszid. Sales in a machine- gun tcained on April amounted -ta 28',729 him. passenger ccars;ajinat2,5 Reatnfrom1 atilhasýt Aprii and 6,0l28 mu Mca. Keast sya he waitcd againaýt 5,014 t ear. TIlr foc a xvhile aftc-r siglibîngwre2seindasnApl tlie bean. ThIe bear didn"t nolica. fell hec liow sial lihe was ' GM elcNlIaht or she wouhdn'tl have abat accoFsaCndreotli u- him. un thf anc b ber of people vistin sow-. him.- Ru that on byrooma t(c)sece innew ca111!, rsad me again? customier buying nferal;a I miglit add bliat I îke flct githrh a t1rhe have guna fato, but onfly for tac- seen in y'earaý," Mcr. FHasýtinga gel sliooting. I get, fac moreAasid. enjoyment out of widlif e Calendar yeca-o-datc sales3 looking flicougli hiinoculars If orlan-tI ecican passenger than in flic siglit of fice- cas were 7ïîý7,5 unjLs campai- arma. And I think ithat Fi cd ta 6i8,968 unita hast ycar; lot of truc sportsmien will salet 1(,s for Nantoji AmenricaJn agceecwhime that it's timie trdcfi(ks - 15,955 unîfs compar- wc put aur guns away. cd ta 1P7,412 unils for the same In riew of bhc fact thjat periodJ in 1970i and sales for'ý many species of wihdife G asne asiMported have alceady becomt-e ex- fi'rm Britain aând German linict, and s50 muchli,h he 2-33.5 nuits flirouigli Apïconservation, 1I feel Iam i1971, compaD,-rcd 10 4, 08 not ahane la ths, but 1 t1irougli April 1970. wouid like Lta hear allier opinions, an-d 1 I am surec aur A'PPOINT CORONER Editor would 1weIcomc n-(-any,, Alex Carruthers, Mý,PP, Dur- letters tota lua e -,olun. liam, la a newa release fromýn Youns- bruýly, Queen,'a Park adviscd that liy ,Robert W. Cameron. Order-In-Councih,t datcd flie l2tli day of May, 19171, Dr. STRONG GM SALES William Gardon Beer, R. A\. 2, Oshawa. May 5 .- Excep- Blackstock, was appoinifed a ý tionaily alcong GM passenger coroner in and fan lie United car anýd truck sales weîe re- Counties of Nortliumrnl.rîan ýýPorted today folr flic moniÎc f and Durham. Let Them Serve Report from O0ttawa By Russell C. Honey,' M.P. Re/igion, for Toay by Rev. Gordon Smyth and Distant Past From the Statesman Fies JOHN M,. JAMES PATRICK GOULD -GEO. P. MORRIS Ens'o-PsLîlaaiADVTG,. MANAGER BUswsss 5MGR. de orqlte/Er preperty rihte su injth 1e image eippeaijg on Iis proiai. PermIssicn te reprediuac e iwhole or inpart eed a ny form whatsoever, patrtîcumriy by piitcgra-phie or offset proces M 1 publUcatian, mnut )e ebtejaed tram 15te publîsher and the printer. Any unoýcuthor-,zed r»produoctien wil e aubhectt recourie, in law.- $GA00 a yeafr - 6Gnionthe $3.50 $8.00 a Year in the United States strîctiy lainadvance AihltlîegS vrpreceutien wl'Pe tekea tea void errer The Canaiena aese ccpeadvertis- ïar, la its clumner, on the undereteadiaq Ihet it wiII net be fiable for arty errer ir. any advertisement pub,,ehled tereuade, alea epred of sucb edvprismenî ï-e requeeýted tn writinq by 15e edvertiser crd returnd te Th. Caniadian bsn office cduly eigred by the dvrtsr rid wtb gucS * r 'lor arctesplaialy neted n wyitinq Cthereen ed tin tbt ceif lanv err nte'd le mot crrected Sty The Crrnndieg tetteemnn ts Ulhility coirfot eîced ueS el potion t tbe eýntireecest et gc>, nctvtisement os 1the apece occuppi 4by fhe nMeeriwrre Sean oth 1. whoeiatspeos eeopied SIDM sucS detiee ç1mor A A

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