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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 May 1971, p. 6

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S~The Can-.aian tSIatesman, Bowmanville, May 26, 1971 C.SýS1 Holds Annual "Open House' Young Modeýl Steals Show at Fasi onSo Four-year-old Andrea Kossatz stohe the show when she and her aunt, grade il student Suzanne Mackie, modelled fashions during the Courtice Sec- ondary Sehool fashion show, a featured event af the school's 'Open House' held hast Thursday. Forty-two' girls and thiree maie models participabed in the prog- ram. The girls maethi wn dresses themnselves except for Andrea, wh o needed a bit of help from Suzanne. The girls are, from lef t Dianne Hîndman., Barbara Gîbson, Alison Luck, Betty Sikora, Susan Bennett, Jennifer James, Sue MaciÀe and Andrea, Nancy His, Gail Graham, Brenda YelweeBthý Knowlton, Cathy Wallace and Karen Watson., i C.S.S. Student's Demionstrate Their Techniques Courtice Sccoýndary Scliool Herli Mackîe, wlio botb have with the school choir enter- jýrîneipaI Jame]s E. Speers wel- children attending the school. taincd the visîtors. Forty-two I 4ýomed parenits antd v.isitorsto Clled 'Mayf air Evening' the girls modelled'-fashions they thé schoo's 'Open flUouse' held Open House gave the publictesevsla crtdan 'Ëhurday Pcnînra chance to see the range and made. There were even tliree '~'busday veni;, Ma-, 1ILh. variety of courses tauglit i maie models = to escort the .(5>-the picture abvrie and a modern, well-equipped sec- girls anld show off harberdasli- 4osph cGath hstoy eac- ndary scliool. ery frorm Wilson's Men's Wear at he clool gretMsc. A welter of displays was af Oshawa. Biiedïrown, ifadMs presenbed - from physic ex- Thpuos periments ta art showsý The aI.uroe.o Mayfair, Mr. ".e,"e u ihome econamîcs class demon.. Speers, cxpi 1ained, was to have sbraed bw t bak a lmonparents familiarize tliemselves' meringue pie. The carpcntry with the education facibitie boys displayed their talenits in and meet their chldren's EBDcTO/~fPAC~ building model bouses. Two teacliers in order ta0 learn about enterpr ising would-be Chris-thtecig ehos tain Barnard's performied an Sucli an informýai exchange, A/WA/NOfl'ý open heart surgery on a -frog. lie said, belped the wbole pro- E<5>MÊC/M'CStudents in the occupationa1 cess in education.' TNE27T6~/k~! hardressing program waslied the hair of any valunteer w H fe commiended parents in cauld stand tbe waît in lune tî ae or their :nteresb in 'l for is turn., Whatever theteeuctosyemadft , I tie subject, there was an ex- thti a aove average", f -~~~ hibit... and pîenty ta im- fecnîee twa main rea- press the parents. Many were sons for thlis initerest - one ,bth exclamations of praise and was asmalei and campe- Swander that. Voutli cauld evince tentamnsrtvw teaching sncb podigai sklhls and kno- staffic lias been able ta Shaw. Amp eestimnony ta the estbbuîsIligo0d rapport wrtli value aI bbic sclioo)l systemrenrnts; the othier ns ýtlie, which szpawncd tbem. wide rngoar cIiieVhichi LU nIEI Mr. Speers estirjabeci soo the schoo7Joffer. H,1%,P.V i E. parenits visited [bbcthrec hlour NetyateOenfos ~ sow hici ws amos enire wil e lieild durinig th naro-: 55v VA iI~EK Y run by the s--tudiýent body. alPraincwi"'dOain O NO983-5111206 Thlis year a muýsie evening andWceeký,Mr Speers saiid. t fashion show were included la not li eld thien thiis yýear lieý re- UÈSO 1HE HEAT SERVICE tlie program. The junior as'marked bLecause CSS did not ______________________weil as senor bands together feel JIt had sufficrent warning to pr'esen!ýtIbbc luds of dis- plays it desired.ý à Z Few paent-wo i",ésaree1 that this year's Open Flousel ~u ~ uwas well wortl ihbli ait. I INIVEL U UVV 2' on5year termt Akbotour -"CAsHAýBLE AT ANY TIME', Frfr Wriformnation cnact' youjr fina,-nc al adviser or write STANARDTRUST 214 Bay treet, Toronto 1 AFEDERALLY ýHARTEREO COMPANY MEMBER CANADA DEPOSU fNSURANCE CO RPORATION LclRepresentative Trelpone 623-5746 MR.- JAMIES BELL, 6 Con-cession St. W., Bowmanvillei 3RD ANNUAL PORT HOPE-COBOURG leaturmng HOMAE GARDE N and OUTDPOOR LIVING '2:90 toJ10:00 >. PETER CMPB1ELL ARENA - PORT HJOPE" 1940EXHIBITORS - Erý,ýythinig '(r thei home, inside and out. Swirmming pools, mobile homes, traîned representatives to talk to. FRE! ADMISSION Free Supervised Parking R Quo Shine - Doîn'tMisIt One aofbhe gond tinsabout, a sihool 'Open iHouse' is the smudents get a chani(c1ta show off their new-learn- Ad skilabothIr parents.. or te their fellow students. Even beter perhaps is thich Jance of being be-.neficiary ta such a emntrtonDring Courtice Secondary Schooi's 'ODpcen House' held oan Thursday, May lý 130h, the boys discovcred a goodbhn could be had by dropping into the hkai-dress-îng salon. The hairdressinjg. ,class Port Hope Home Show Packs Many Features Wth ae 0exhîbibors h ______- ýready signe.d up, this yee1-- .es Dre01y ýHome Show laîr the Peter gra lCarpbeliAreainFaCrt Hope, ÂncaulnCy diin ahci bbc crmarksof _______________ W. being the 1110 sp3 tacuar M, . . CGGN fi slo adate. Apart Irom' Chartered Acun àt i hoe ndgade dsp5y, il5 Liberty St. S., Bowmranville Ho; this year-'s sh110w wîll also Poe6331 conrcetntae on bhe "living outoor'~ lie u iswîm WILIAMCom. HL pools anrd bathînig lcaubestlBCmi er set therr off, ptodesigns Clirtered Accoutat ace s licintelstni pre-fali- 361/2 King St. E.. Oshawa Ical, ricated crnent procducets, bar- Telephone 725-6539 th becue dispinys andic every- C sinihmpterstraiicrfoot fr0r Chiroprac ti c cr ile homes. - rie( In tbe home, custom-builb G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. kitchen cupboards and mod- Chiopractor beri en bath designs will le Office. Ba' shown, inot ta mention the 15 Elgin St, car. af Horscy Stý. Sta family roani and eec. rooms Phione 623-5509 pa3 that are so popular these days Office lous: By appontment un( in ither 'building a new home JOHN H. TAYLOR, or adiding an addition. There Cioratrof will le experts on ail types af Of fice: hrprctrWh heating whethcr your cbaice 1 rn tBwavle M is ail, gas or ciectrie, in facb, 14 e l p o wîn62 nv5140 fa], ail exhibits will le manned O elepli:Bane 623-5140 . witli personnel wli wil OfiebouscB apinm n aIle ta salve most/aI your 21 home oý r garden ýproblems. D entf a ih Deco)rabing is piaying an ~i-________________ pratpart and here agait DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. ily youi mi-ay bave the advanitage DR. P. MONTGOMERY aIexe1 advicc in bhc choice 75 King St. E BowmanvIlle MI aOf ai caiorîng or wall-ta - Office Houes. ,Co Wall )raQloani. 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m.n daily eni ,New ta bbth show and bbec aosed Saburday and Sunday cal fîrst tîm tir o appear in thîs Office Pone' - 623-5790 Mi area wihh le a mobile van - M( with a compicte disphay af DR. WILLIAM KENýT, D.D.S.1 argarîs and planas vwhic an- Bowmanvillc Professional Bldg. sui ather van wili le showý,ing bbc 222 King St. E.- Suite 106 o r. latesb ia tehevision. receptioti, Office Houes: foa not ta l .orget you will leale Wcckdays- 9 - 6 bc: to sec yoursehf on "ciascd except Wednesday alternoan sui circuit" television at anc of Telephane 623-7349 ani the exhibits. .lSti ibhchr yauc nitcrcst is l Iinr nc maodern fueniture or power ___________________ itols foc tbc garden you willw fînd tbiemi at ibis show which DONALD A. MaeGREGOR jgr takes lai ahi facets of home Life, Auto. Home i and garden nlecds. Tsurance wz This isbb h ir annual 67 King E., Suite 2A ai, Show ai this kind held la Bowmanviiie - Phone 623-5962 Re Port Hope anid is flot to bc canfused %wibh bbc Sportsmen f- M Show beîing held twor weeks 0 P 10M'e t r y wf in advance, said A. M. Marris, -1C pimaertl is unifortuniate KEITH A. BILLETT, O.D. M' that ithisbappened as,,,it is Optomebrist Mi coôafusi'ng ta)thle public, and 143 King St. E. - Bowmanville vi: ma-ny exhilîtars vwould blavelOffice Hours: By appintment liked ta hiave takelýn par't îin Tlephane 623-3252 an bath shows if thy cr ot MCaý - Tues. - Thurs. - FrI th Saclose, together, lib ade.' 9 ani ta 5 p.m Frece admiissilno thbbcshonw Wed, and Sat. - 9 - 12 L andfe evsd pïarkî: V.I Tursday evenirîgs P ORONO NEWS Mie. and Mes, Paul Snod-i ass aI Lîndsay were Sunda.y nner guests af Mc. and es B. Hoar. vies Kennebl arace ather and Joli ofOtaa îitcd ber auntMsWm., blason on Friday. Yies. Fraak B. Ardon aI ýfTor- la( was a luncli-con getn rousins Me, ani Ms. or tBest on Monday aadalsai led on several Iriends tarq , Orona district. - Congratulations' ta Me. randli rs, James L. Johinson aoflHill- -st Ladge wlio will le mar-ý11 ed 53 ycars on May 24bli. Me. and Mes. Lavemne Pat-' son, Mc.o and Mes. Kennebli ail and famuly, Mr. Howard, bpietan werc la Oakvilhe ta, ây their respects ta their ,ce bbc iate Mr. P. P. (Bua- e) Bawcn, age 76,'busbaad Mes. Lina Brown Bowen, ho passcd away an Friday, [y l4tb at bbc Oakviile-Tra- gar Memorial Hlospital. A luneral service was hehdi iOakville on Mandny at 11 m, follawed by a service at ie Lang Chapel, Orono at 3:001, n., Inement xvas in bbc fani- yplat, Orano Ccmetery. Mes. F. Gîllîs McKay and cs. Norman S. McNaily af olbomne wba spent bbe week- nd witb Mes. Fred Lycett, lied on tbc former's niece, Irs. Orvîlle, Chatterton on londay. Miss Susan Goade, wbo bas, accessfuliy passed witb bon- s ber first year at Sic Sand- )d Fleming College, Peter- orougli, is naw ,apendiag bbh mmee witb ber parents Me. nd Mes. Ray Goode, Churcli reet 'Southi. Me, and Mes. W. B. Hoar ent Thursday, of hast week 7ibl Me. nnd Mes. Paul Snod- rassi Lindsay. Miss Meg Inacs af Toronta 7as bbc weekend guiest af Me.' nd Mes, Horace Best and son Mes. C. A. Myhes and soný r. Alan Myles af Cohborne jere Sunday guests of Mes al Myles and vîited Me, Cal lyhes who is, a patient la bbc emoriai, Hospital, Bowmaa- Ille. Mi.. and Mes. Rick Parry id childeen'have moved into, hc Cooper bouse an' Millh'St. Mes. Boyd Woad, and Me. _awrcncc Squnie were recent i stients ln bbe Memorial lias-1 1 reeded subjects. Volunteers? Noý(- trouble ,t P11. The boys lined Uip for the- house specialty -- a hiair wash. The hardest part of -!he, ,whole. buis.iess for Bill Devries, lef t and Rob Lunnm, was bein g caughit in a raýther uncom-promising position by 'the phob.ographer. They tried ta squirm oubut grader 10 haierdresser braîineesJewel 1Hîcks, left, anid Henny,- VanLonidon hield theim captive until the job was done(-. KOWMANULLE ?Oshùwa ExplForgers Visi*t at St, Andrew s, 1St. P au1' s Presbyteriaa rend a recent truc sbory af Churcli Explorer Group af Chinese New Ycar's froni bbc Oshawa came ta Bowmnan- bis af Taiwan. The guests villye on Saturday alternoan,, froni Oshawa prcsented a skit May l5bh ta have a "get-ta- an "Explarers ', and ths wa8 geblie' 'wibl St. Andrew's enjoycd immensely by ahi Presbyterian Explorer Graup. present. Laurie McQuarrieý Janette Carlson made bbc thanked ail thase who toakc ame tags for bbe 12 Explar- part. Cynthia Bail tbbc" led crs and their twa leaders, in "round singing", a&'thiî Mes. Jean Cosens and Mes. peoved ta le a lo t ai fur. Elizabeth Bateman, and Mac- Alter bbc meeting wai avec, joric Van Heuvelen wel.comed the Explares l -enjoyed bbcguets.gamcs an bbc back iawn, andt neen Dow conducted bbc these were caaducted by Pa- Worship Service assisbed by tricia Marri son. Wc wcrc fav.- SlieIlcy Bail who playtd bbc oecd by twa piano salas,' Shel-. bymas, "Follaw Me bbc Mast- ley Baîl played "Put' Your ce(, Saiýd" and Dare ta le a Hnnd lanbbcefland", and Mac- lDaniel'. Suzanne Bail, aur gie Van Heuvelen played youngest Explorer, welcomed "La Paloma". The Bowman- everyonc as she gave hec ville Explorers blien servedi "Wclcame' speech. A par- lunch ta their guests. tion af John 6 was rend mc- The Expiorers were deliglit- sponsivehy froinibbc Good cd ta m ake ncw feiends, feom, News Translation. Karen Dow another Explorer Group la conducted the "Praycr 1Tume" Oshawa, and plans arc bcîng, with severai memes af made ta mect in tbc Fnl].. Bowmanville Expiorees tak- Franccs Tîglie, and Evehyn ing part. Waudstra presentcd felb Book, iMes. Gilchrist, Explorer Mar-ks, w,,hich bbc girls 1ad Leader from Bowmanville, rmade, It a cdiguest.__ OBIU AR5y Mrs, Charies Rutherford Ted Copping, Milton Wannanýi, Folaowîng an îîîness af Bihl Wannanr, John Mecelvey, sevn weks bb debli Sid Rutherford and James yeewearR.R , theono, ocurs red. at Memhorial Hospital, Bow- manville, on Saturday, April 24, 1971. Daugliter of the late Hugli and Emma Ard, the former Margaret Emma Ard was born in Clarke Township. OnApril O 2, 1913,, she married -Mr. Charles Rutherford who sur- vives. For 58 years Mr. and -Mr-s. Rutherford farmed on an agri'- cultural property,; a Ce nteni-l niai Farm", just ýone mile east' of Kirby. The deceased was ai member af Kirby UnitLILA BI1 Church, and as a housewïfec lier interests centred around PR7EMI: hfer f amily, home and, com The way munity. tained Ca Surviving, besides- her hus-)toothers band Charles, are bliree sansi and anc daugliter, Jim and PERSO] Bob of Orono, Bill of Lindsay Any ,mci and Mrs. A. McLaren NMarg-eeny uerîte), Orono. Also surviving ývP y are nine gr andchildren,. 1 nry, The funeral.-service was heid1 DEFE N on Tuesday, April 27th from Legal ac the Barlow Funeral Home, the' Comi Oro,an was conductcd by will pay Rc.B. Long. Interment was or not, in Orono Cemfetery. Palibearers wee Messrs, For Furt pital, Bowmanviiie. Jm Mrs. M. Sheppard of o- ester, N.Y. and ber uncie Mr. Stinson O. Martin werc Sunr- day dinner guests af Mr. andMg Mes. Roy Wintcr a;nd son 'Rol)i lin, Mrs. Sheppard returnedi 2M Ki ta ber home nlMonda,3y. Funeral service ýa',s h,!d n owa TucsdJay afternoon in xrîg for Lbc late Mr. IHoraceflc aidi Morrisan, husband o)f M7,1 Annie Tiffin Morrison and (II father of Keith of 'Orono. Ii terment Fater MemorialCe- etery north of Uxbrîdge. Miss Ellen Millson,Qun' Office University, Kingston i withl6358 lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. - T 2358 E. Milison for the summer vacation. lmzz ILITY HAZARDS NAL AT muber (,yor, arilf ùur t, my~nf .accidents do happen, ÇCE COSTS ftions cost mnonev pos ite Dwecýlrg Policyf 7whether yOu're lhable rther Îinformaýtion Cal] es Insurainc iag St. E.,Bo10 ville - Ontarlo 623-5493 SPAGHETI SAUCE MA'/01O RA U 3VARIETtLS 2 FOR PRIDE OF THE SEA sOLII. 7 OZ WVHUTE TUN-A FOR~ 88 LB ~ CREAM OF MUSHROOMC1HICKEN NOL ICA SOUS OR CF4ICKEN OR PeRK-VEAL O, 14CLFPlIEtTO K EO IOA' OW TA LERTE D ,IK LOAF, OMMA> IeCreamSofDnk NIRTNAL PINS ~ 9 MOMARCH ACMN ne PRICES E FFECTI VE WED.,THRU SAT-, MeT2h-2 7» WE RESERVE THE MRIGT TO UNMIT 0UANTYTIS I IGAOO6HGUSE I DocFo OPEN SUNDAYS for Your Conlvenilence fR g XED PAPER O Qç OUflIKI POIX ... EU EU BARRAGE RABS l'K 1", ý 1 jm

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