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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 May 1971, p. 7

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S-Ocial & ersona/ Phone 623-3303 _'s. Ruth Taylor and Miss the holiday weekend wîfl ~. tby Plunkef t, Toronto, parents, Mn. and Mns.1 visîited Mns. Norman Taylor on McDonald, Browni Street Sunday. Monday evening she le!l Mn. and Mns. E. J. Fairey wili realtun itVanouens spent, the weekend at ther in lrtr e acue cattage , Twelve Mile Lakç, Montreal by plane. in balîbunton. 1Mn, and Mns. Murray Mr.Doula Nihol o Kig-Patricia and Debonab,1 Mtn. Dgas Nirchais o! Kning attended the grnaduat ion vstn wt s athennîMr t manies et Waterloo Lut] v. io wîCarbislefAveer, ..University wben their son B. ichis Calîse vene. brother Edwand (Ted) ne We appreciate neceivîng ed bis B.A. degree on itemsý concerning your trips on 23nd. Other weekend gi visits away from bome and O! witb Mn. and Mns. Ted your ouf -of-town guests. Please mene Miss June Ruiten, give us a caîl - juif dial and Mns. Norman Dickii .Mn. and Mns. bon Turner, Mn. and Mns. Robent bild Kingston, vîsîted their parents, town, and Mr. and Mm., bey, and Mn,. H. A, Turner aId Munray, Tononto. and Mn. and Mrs. Mansell Mn,. F. T. Tîgbe's la Stacey, aven the holiday week- ibononed bier witb a bînt] end, dînnen an Sunday et the Mn, and Mns. A. Mcraw and Peep, Oshawa, in celebn family town_, and Mn, and o! bler 80tfbîbrtbday. Al Mns. Gary Blakely and Elîse, îly menîbers were prescrit Coboung, spent the weekend încluded Mr. and Mns. Ais et tbe Meraw cottage, Skoota- Osborne (Yvonne), town. mata Lake, in the Mazinaw Frank Tîgbc, Calîfornia, district. and Mns. Harvey Wright Sunlday, lunicheori guests o1 gy), Aurora, Mn, and Mn. and Mn .A. b. 1booey Charles Cassin (Helen), were Mn. anid, Mrs . WYL ton, Mn. and Mns. Mu Hooey, Jili anid Paul, Tarent o. Tîghe and Mn..erid Mn,. Diiner gueits wîtb Mn,.aand Tigbe, town. iMns. Hooey were Mn,.arid Congratulations te Mn. Mn,. MAbert Gnose o! Barrie. Mns, Peter Sobîl, Taui Mn. end Mn,, Dsck Wright, whe, wîtb Mr, and Mni Codrigt on; Mrs. Bruce Lid- Guienchyn o! Oshawa, ster and daugbtens Suzanine brated their sîlver wed and Canal, Oshawa-, Mn.aand annîvensanies et a party Mrs. E. Sheekelteri, Tawn, necertly in the Slovak1 Fperit Sunday with their n'eth.- Oshawa, in horior o! the or, Mns. Annie Wright, Cburch event s. Mn. Peter -Sohil ýstreet' the former Miss Annie Gi Mn. and Mns. Tom barries chyn were married Jurie and Mn. and Mn,. Ray McM-ul- 1946, and the wedding day hen attended, convocation at Mn. John Gulerichyri and Queenl's Unversit y, Kingston, for-ner Miss Olga Saycl on Saturday, May 22rid., when was May 11, 1946. the former',sarin, Mr. Genaid Mn.eand Mns John Sti Harness, gredueted wîtb the end cbîldnen, Mîchelie, Vei degree of B.Sc. ini Civil Engin- ai-id beathen, Scarboroi eering. visited his parents, Mn, Liffle Mss Klly id Missn. ManseiliStacey, an I Tracy Adams, Oshawa, wene atagen a.fonthe ot weekend guests o! their grand-e ienLk.Jh h parets, n ard M . worked several yeans for4 Adams, Cburch Street. Surid a eee'innctiTr evenin guent wîtb n .d cbariged positions early in Mvn.g Adaîs wre ber. stryear ta become an engîriee M.Amdam rten-rlaw, Mn. antechnologist, Stationis Pnoji n. Gteoren-lw r.nte-Communications Designi, ta. ri, dai e rsn. en n.s gîieerîng Headquarters, toad a .anMs.Rs aria Hydro. In the Designi Adams. parfmenf a knowledge a! Miss McDonald o! puter, language (Fortran) 'Vancouver, B.C., arrived et essenfial, so John bas 1 Trante Irifernatienal Airpont fakirg a nîgbt course et R: cri Prîday evenîig tfspend son, Fartran IV for EnginE ... Mn. and Mn,. Russell Me] o! Oshawa necenfly celebr REHOBOTH their - th weddîng ani, sary with an openi bouif Chrisfiani Reformed their residence on Ken Church the former Marjory Gral ',csrogg Stret wene married May 18, 1921 Ileiter A.Newcastle, and have lîved Rev. XVendenaBere,t L. B.A., B.D., M.Th. St. Paui's I Phone 623-7407 United Churc WOPRS:HII'SERVICES minu r 10:00 Rev. M. A. Turner, 'V:00 P.M. B.A., B.D. organist: Bakto God Heur I Mr. R. Metea if, A.R.C.T., A.C.C.M. fiai 1310 Radio 9:45 a.m. - Chureh Sche Every Sunday 10:30 a.m. i1 e.m. MORNING "Everyone W',elcenme" WORSHIP Infant care during servi TRINITYnUmNITED #'CHURCH Minuster- Rev. George K. Ward, B.A., B.D. Organist Miss Gall Thampsan SUNDAY, MAY 30th, 1971 11:00 Morning Worship Rev. George K.,Ward CHURCII SCHOOL HOURS' Juniors, Intermediates and Seniors will meet et 9:45 a.m. Kindergarten, Beginners, Pnimary Departments will meet during church service. BOWMANVILLE LIONS CLUB is presenting a Admission: FREE EVERVONE WELCOME BRING YOUR OWN CHAIRS and BLANKETS COME LISTEN ENJOY Gî-;ve yaur moral support ta the youth of Bowmanvîlle area ln the event o! rein the concert will be held indoors et the Centre O hr ft foi andc Bat e town, cere- herai i and ceiv- May gueîs Bate Mn, inon, lit ch, Don- 9mily bday SBo- -ation tand n H. Mn, Mn. (Peg- Mms Bol- Irray Gary anid mt on, Jobri cele- [ding beld two and Lilen- 15,1 y for "the 'acey 'ugh, and their f age bad C.N. onto, ithe ýring jects, En- Ont- De- om )is been Lyen- eers. ýNeil -ated iver- eat dal and ýhm t1, in di Service Clubs, loin for Evening of Great Food Brownies Hunt. Some a! thase enjayîng the feast are, shown here, !ram left ta night, Don Wright, Kevîn Chipman, Doug Kemp, Art Hooper, flae Abernethy, Seth Hunt, Stan Dunn and Ron Pîngle. MeRabbie Phatography Give Thanks to Their Sewing Teacher Recently, membersaf the Second Brownies ex-. pressed their thanks ta Mns H. Prancîs wha for the paît several weeks hastaughf themn a great deal about sewing, They held the presentationl during a regular meeting when they aise had on dîsplay some of flhc dcli clothes they bad made. Taking part'were, from 1effto righf, front row, Sandra McArfhur, Lynn La5- karis, Canal, Sluf e, Leanne Willafts, -Anigela Sheehan and Stephanie Heath; back row, Margaret Ewert, Shelley MrocJulie Lynn, Mn .F ranicis, Robin Vandenberg, Mifzie Burgess and Nancy Willisan Buffalo, ArrNewcastle, TtT'TT1 IL cLÀ Lockport andBevrtn M, Mran rrA A mmt SMeNeilws an aldermnan in have returned home after ~~,~ :h Osbawa from 1967 fa Decem- svending most o! the winter - ber,1970 when he retîred. He in the Canary Islands, re- ~ ~i ~ ~ ~ î'I was presîdent of the UAW in turning by way o! Spain, 195, 156and195, henbeFrance and England, Tbey ~ 195, 156and195, henhereport a much different type became secretary treasurer o! winter than ours, untîl 1967. be is also a past Mr. rak....f..x- ~ ' no1 president of the Credît Union, bridge, was an overnîghf ' Congatultion ta M, guest at Mr, WilfrId Bow- ', ChaityPakerwhoceebrt-man s, Cbniy anerwh clera- Mr. and Mis. Gardon Tay- ed ber 90th bîrtbday taday, ion and famiiy visited at Mn. [ce Wednesday, May 26th. Among Earl Harrison's, Queensville. L rany cards and telegnams, Mrs. Dennis Moore substi- ... . -best wîsbes came fnom Prime tuted for ber husband when Minîster Pierre Elliott Tru- she showed their quarter - deau, Governor General Roi- honse "Nonden'5 Snoopy" at and Michener'and Mrs. Mich- the recent Spning Pair at ener, bon. Robert L. Stanfleld, Ricbmond Hill. The yearling leader of the Opposition, Rus- placed fourth In a dlass o! Il. sel boney, M.P. and Mrs, Can you top that Dennis? Honey, Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. Mr, and Mns. Keith Taylor and Mayor Ivan M. bohhs. and famîly, Raebono, Mr, Tai-ý Mrs. Parker enjoys good mage Taylor, Mr. Donald heaif h and lives witb ber; Taylor, Mr. and Mn. Ray L daugbter and son-in-law, Mr. Taylor and Donnie, Osbawa,, ýý and Mns. Maurice 'Conway. Mr and Mn., Walter Bridgett Members of ber f amîly plan and Lanny and Mr. and Mrs. a get-together, about the mîd- Danny Brîdgett, Bowman die o! June, to, celebrate the ville, were visitons at Mr. happy occasion.Gro alrs Mrs, Brenda Leddy, Weliing- Mr. and Mrs, Godfrey Bo w, ton St., receîved ber Regster- mnari and Mr. Eric Bowman ' ed Nursing Assistant's diploma attended the founth- Convoca- anid pin at the graduation flan of Sir Sanford Fleming ceremonies beld at Wbîtby Coilege, Lindsay, when Roi-~ -Psychiatric Hospital on May, and Bowman received bis Mr. and Mrs., Cifford Bould 2ist. Mrs. Leddy, mothen of Forest Tecbnician diploma, Ta mark the occasion o! Iers with belîs. The head table five active chidren, wasi and also called on Mn. and awarded the pnize for the Mns. Pency Preston. their 25th weddîng anniver- was centred wifh a thnee-tier traînee who bas demonstratedi Mr. and Mns. Vince Tusma, sany, a panty was beld fi anniversary cake, flanked by ta the teacbing staff the hîgh- i Wbitby, visited Mr. and Mns, honor o! Mr. and Mns. Chiff a pair of 25-year candies, est quality o! performance in Dan Griffin. Bould (nee Clarke) at thein The anniversary bride was, General Nursing Care, wbicb Mr. and Mrs, R. B. Simpson home, Hampton,- Ont., May' preserited wîth a white and prize is donated by Miss b. atterided the Mintern-Ryerson i5th, 1971, The home was sîlver orchîd by ber daugbter, .R. Stegne, As-,ociate Director wedding at Agincourt, Satur- beautîfully decorated witb Mn. Judy Taylor o! Oshawa, o! Nursing Education. Mem- day. white, pink and Nlue streanri and a white carnation bou- bers of Mns. Leddy's'f amily Weekend guesti at the R. tonniere was plared iri the wbo attended the graduation B, Simpsoniborne were Mn. that leave the correspondent anniversary grooms lapel by ceremonies inciuded ber bus- and Mrs. Morgan Kossatz and feeling fooîisb. William Lamb, bis daughter Judy. A white band Patrick and cbidren, Greg, Mn. and Mrs. Noel Mac- from the nineteentb century, and pink orcbid was also pre- Daniel, Douglas, Sbely, Gerald Intosb, Petawawa, Mrs. Earl declaned that "Neither man sented to the annîversaîy and Mîchele, ber mother Mrs. Kossatz and children, Port nor woman cari be worth grooms5 mother, Mrs. Della Iris Cooper, rootber-în-iaw Simpson, NW.T, anytbing until they' bave dis- Bould o! Oshawa, by ber Mrs. Meretta Leddy, brother Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Adams coveredi that fhey are fools. granddaughter, Mrs J u dy Gregory and bis wîfe Lorraine. and sons, Bowmanville, visit- This is tbe first steri towand Taylor. Mrs.. Leddy plans to continue ed Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Coch- becoroirg elther cstinmable or Open bouse was held be- serving as an RNA. where rare, agreeable; and until if h tak- tween two and four a'clock, she recei\ ed ber training, Wi'itirig up items of inews eri there is no hope" b ow wîtb R gef-together in the Wbithy Psychiatric bospit al., sometîmes resuits In errons about that! eevning, wîth ail the guests signing the 25tb anniversary booký Book R-vîIwGîfts o! maney, silver 25tb Boo R vie Ianniversary tray, cup and Isaucer, plate and other gîfts, with severai floral arrange- C V m tW Rcîelr ad, coule.Mr.Bauld's gift to bis bride o! 25 years was a Ontarios GO TIransit Systeri Nonth Amenica, The service agaînst the higbway mode a! wedding band wîth thnee dia- gets hg praîse in an attract- requires 52 we-a trains rvl monds and a dozen red roses. iv hîgb wcnbok o- opovd oul eeriye ravel. er gift ta the anniversary ivm neter nîclran b Pook, Comta provîde hourl serice be anda PcfeRil romwsaba n a Revîew o! the Most Travelled and 20 minute beadways dur- aiso gets favorable mention in lamp, The evening was spent Trains (George J. McLeod ing the rush bours. This re- thîs extensive book. The book reminIscing with fniendi and Ltd.). Patrick C. Donîn the duces ta 38 trains for bourly descnibes its suburban services relatives. The presentation author a! the nra!useiy illu- service on weekends and bail- out of Montreal, Toronto and speech was madle by their straf cd boak (257 photos, 37 days. The author includes 'Detroit. One o! the book's son-ln-Iaw, Mn. John Taylor route moapi,' appendîx sum- much new information on the attractive features is ifs wîde o! Oshawa, and anather mary a! suburban rainoads, GO system, Pares wene de- array o! pîctures showîng su- speech was made by tbe ain- says GO is a prime exampie veloped wîtb the idea o! being burban transit trains. Donîn nîversary brîde's uncle, Mn. o! bow nailroad suburban competîtive wîth driving costs, says the commuter raiways Jack Caley a! Peterborough. service cari imprave public incluinfg parking, This is the can't die (commuters cal] tbem A buffet lunch wvas served transportation. only way ta get the mator- the "Morning Hotshot"' - 'Cani- and the anniverîary bride and It says GO is tkie newest îst ouf o! bis car and onto the non Bail" and' "Banklens' groom served cacb one witb passenger s3ervice - in North train. Tbe resuit bas been Special". Economists cailiaiiniversary cake. Amerîca. If now carnies well spectacular and the patronage them an impossible drain on Pnlends and relatives- at- aven 16,000 passengers daily, bas surpassed the forecasted the public conscience. Tbey tended fromn Oshawa, Orano, except Sunday. GO's train trafc. GO transîit was estah- are kept runnmng by varinu, Bowmanivile, Ajax, Peter- opoeratians may exceed many lisbed as an expenimental pro- fînanciai. gymnastîcs anid fin- borougb, Hampton, Po;rtHbope, othr sburan pertios i ~et t wegh t3a -f£iciencyancial. relie! nîeaoures. whitby and Guelph. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanviile, May 26, 1971 Sf aIîs1SunaaybSc h ool Celebrates Anniversary' With Two Specia! Services On Surday, May l6th, St. mission serves the area, three Hillciest Churchez of tiïe Paul's United Church cele- Itis the size of Bowmanville, Hornby Pastoral Charge. brated their Sunday School wt Anniversary at. morning and wt a recreation centre, used Miss Adams 5poke in he? evening services wvith speciai ciothing depot, iibrary and sermanette af the ways God speakers and music. noon lunch program for 95, speaks, through the face of Sveialmusc as r 1oviedschool chiidren. This is how the flower, the touch of rain, by the Junior Choir, înclud- St olumba, Hbuse is fuifiil- the voice of wïnds. "Ibe il ing "God Make My Lîfe a ing its mission ta hein peopie aiways near, for God is Little Light", "Rejoice, Ye realize that "Jesus came that everywhere", Pure in Heart" and "Camne ail mîght have lîfe and have Yau've heard bîis voice arîj Pownri Lord". it in ail its fuiiness". - you know His namne through 1The marning message was Spesiai rnrusic by the Senior the summer rain, the siowry broghtto usby is JaetChoir încluded the anthemn lane and the lonely train. bcraugt tA. b Mssaet hoThe Lord is My She-pherd" If you have tasted death wheîn Mc agrar, BAfof St., who and a quartet number 1"1 wanit a bird has died, or taste* isrc cho a rd ate d St pauis n'y i îfe to tell..for jesus?,. tears when a chiid has crie4, Church coi san t oeumb The scrîpture lesson was read Yau have heard My voice, bouse in downtawn Montreai. hy app ,,MsCîndy Ward. You are My witnesses. There For the children's story she Far the evening . service is no other God ýbefore Me or spoke of how a mother cat music was provîded by a trioafeM. brîngs her newborn kîttens cor'sîsting of Doug Luxton on The evening service closed ta Iffe by vigorousiy hicking guitar, Mîke Wood on drums with the singing of the "Hyîxu- the backbane ta start the ac- and AI Bragg, bass guitar. af JOY, Joyful, Joyful, WJe tion af the lungs and biaod Piano accompaniment; was by Adore Thee". A receptioxi circulation, The story show- Doug Deweli and organ music foliowed in the Church HaI.1 ed Gad's law of love for is by Ross Metcaif. The guest creatures, People siicid then choir was from Courtîce Sec- Summer School be cancerned with people, andary Schooi, and sang The tapic for her sermnon "There is a imt in Gilead" Program was St. Coluimba H4ouse aý and "Let There -Be Peace on OHW mission o! the Unted Ch, ricb Eartb", B S HSAWA E E of Canlada in the P'oint- St. The evening message was BULSIN ESUGUST 13 Charles area2, mhîch l i a given by the Rev. M. E. Lynne 1971 oAU UT 3 Frnh-niîb tertory in Adams, B.A,,B.D., M'Sc7 downtown Montreal. The miniiter cf the Bethel andj Open to students frorn CrstianS Lectures in Hlow an Individuel cali turn1 to divine guidance for prac- tical bielp in contnibting to the solutison o! commrunty and other problemi wene explored in a public lecture wbich was gîven in Oshawa on Tuesday evenîng, May 25th * John I4lcbard C, Kenyon, C.S.Bý, of London. England, brougbt ouf wby intelligent guidanice is 'sa important In today's .naotdi-y cbhani-gîin g world and what the source of this guidance is. A Christian, Science trach- er, Mn. Kenyon is on tour- as a member o! The Christian Science Board o! Lecturesbip. He will speak in the cbunch auditoriumt, 64 Caîborne -St. E., at 8:15 p.m., unden the auspices of Finit Churcb o! Christ Scientist. "We cari dri nronwn tbink- Ing but. we can do it most ef!ectîvely with the guidance o! divine intelligence," the lectuner wMl state. In bis 'lecture entItled "Where Do We Look for Guilarice?" Mn. Kenyan wili emphasize that evenyone cari learn to disfînguis-h between misleading Impulses and the guidance wbIch bas its source in Infinite intelligence. To illustrate that there hs a divine law underlying In= telligen t guidance, bie will de- scribe a pensanal experlence In bringing a blazing am- munition train under contraI during World War II. A graduate o! Queen's Coi-ý Cet Cash Today For OId Appliances throughi STATE SMAN C L A SSIF1ED S Phone, 623-3303 e cienJIST lege, Cambridge Univensitýy, Mn, Xenlyon senved witb dis- tiction as a major in the Britisb Arn'y. Prior ta enter- îmg the bealing minîstry o!, Christian Science in 1950,1bel was active ln business as an A isociafe of the Instîfute e!i Cbarfered Accountants. bHe becam-e a teacher o! Christianl Science In 1958. A Grades six, seven, eight, Iigh School, University and other interested aduits. Choice of Schedule 9:00 a.m. te 12 pmn. or 9:30 a.m. te 10:30 a.m. orf 10:30 a.m. te 12:00 p.m. Choice of Subjects including Shorthaud, Typewriting, Accounting and others. Free Brochure Availabie Dial 728-0052 18, Simcoe St. N. some Fu Aheudla FOR THAT - CAREFREE HOLIDAY SEASON - AHEAD STOP AT_ XURT ENJ(URL BEAUTY SHOP FOR A PROFESSIONALLY STYLED CUT and SOFT BODY PERM or A WIG FOR THOSE LAST MINUTE INVITATIONS Cail Us - We wilî le glad te help you 71 King St. E. 623-5019 '1' 'r Prices Effective Unt We Reserve the Right tg WASHCLOTHS BEA SuenonorTale REC AI Sugg. 4- oz u g ENO flAR SPRA Susenson r Tble ReguASuper Sugg. 1% Ç Super. Mm77gg List 13 Unasicnd ist BAN «uperLYrsOLer Room Air Freshener Anti-Perspirant & Disifectant 4-oz.Spray14 oz. Spray 4-oz. say 7 7Sugg, 1.37 17 itii S 'at., May 29 [o Limit Quantities VELVETTA 9 Each 3oz. C or cake j $1.00 per doz. Dental Peps denCream Reg. or Action Mint Family Size 84 Sugg. List 0â 1.29 DO c Colleet Repleas of Authentie P!iate Coins (See details in eachi pkg,) QUICK TANNING FOAM 4 oz. d Sugg. List IL 3.50 2.9 WAMPOLE MAGNOLAÂX Regular or Mint Sugg. List 1.69, 16 z 1.09 PrESCRIPVINS .DAREMEDIES DRUGS à KING ST. W. ]MPONT 623-5792 1 On Tuesday, May lifh, Bawmanville service club mem-rbens held an înterclub fellowship meeting, span- sored by the Rloyal Canadian Legian at their hall on Queen Street where the main feature was a delîciaus smargasbordprepared by that expert Seth "Snuf fy" 1 1

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