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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 May 1971, p. 8

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8 The Canadian Statesrnan, lgôwmanvMfe, May 26, 17 SPORTOPicsý SBy Frank Mobun 623-7234§ CELEBRITIES DINNER - MONDAY The annual Sports Celebrities, Dinner will bce held as sulat the Cîvîc Auditorium ln Oshawa, on Monday evenîng, starting at 7.15. The guest of honor at thîs year's big affaîr will bc the inoparable Gordie Howe, who unfortunately due ta his arth-ritîc wrist, may have completed his N.H.L. career, Marty and Mr Howe will accompany their famous father, alông with his wif e Coleen, to make it a truly Howe evening. It is possible that some surprise guests might be in attend- ance - but we'1l have more to say about that in next week's In addition ta Howe, the prize catch for the Celebrities ,get together has to bc Ken Dryden, Montreal Canadiens' splendid goal-tender, and the recent winner af the Conn Smythe trophy, as top performer in the Stanley Cup play- off s. Anthe r Hab, defenceman Terry Harper will join bis team-mate at theheaci table, Ive Richards, who bas once agan been turning ln yeoman service as co-ordînator of the big bash was hopeful as we wvýent ta presaf landing Toronto Argonauts' two new quartêr- backs, Coach Lea Cailil will deflnitely bc here and hie prom- îsed ta bring Jae Theisman and Greg Bartan along, if passible. A couple of thér fotballers - Fréd Hoagalin and Bob Matheson af the Cleveland Browris will repreet the N.F.L. Hamilton Ti-Càts will be represented by quarterback Jae Zuger, scorîng leader Tommy Jae Caffee and new coach AI Dorow. Wbtby's outstandiing jockey, Sandy Hawley, will pay a return visit, while Otto Jelinek will represent figure-skating and Rau Piche basebali. Of interest ta some ai aur older baseball fans- the battery oi catcher AI Tysan and pîtcher "Duke" Daînty along with Reg Pair aud Charlie Hall, wîll bce head-table guests. These four gentlemen were outstanding plâyers in the COBA., back in the 1920's. Prebably the mailst caurageous athiete nt the Dinner will b. Galt's Bob Leîgh -- a prauhîsing yaung skier wha lost both legs lu a car accident. Wth artîficial, limbs, lhe wââ, back ski- lng durîng the past winter. Gus Ryder, veteran swimming coach, whose îwost famaus gwimrs iý; nclude Marilyn Bell and Clif Lumgden is aniother -çell-knûwn. sparts p ersonality, who will be here. Lloyd Pe,-rcival, head ai sparts college, master ai cere- InoeBrian McFaxlane and guest speaker' "Red", Starey are among the other guests, who will lie at Monday's Celebri- Uies Dînner. -. Once agvan nother capacity crowd ls expected. Tickets tort 17 bcs but we don't imagine t hat there will be taa niaiy avallable, with anly five days leit. t t t t , i. ELECTROINS WIN OPENER Ujnfartunateýly the weatherman dîdn't cooperate for the : itermeidiate basebaIl opener here, Mond;ty aiterneon, a3sôw nsianvlle Electronc asud Port Hope playéd under cold, rainy tcnditions. The lcrupse a5-3 victory in their initial start run-, tw0o aut home rua over the centre field fence in the * The locals oee thé scorng ini the third, with the visit- frzs pickîing uip apair of runs lu the f-fth, and a single marker in thp seventh, aiter' Bowmanville had tieci the score ane trami e fcler CrornKie aie ad a single, while catcher Larry Piper Usa ic cllceted two bits -a double and single. Leit-hander Gary Aksca c1ttipred seven safeties over the nine inuings ta ua&rn the decîs3ion. Dave. Beinma went the flrst six inings, with John Smth itartnig the revntrsd taking the loss, The lecton are in action tonight (Wedlnesclay) when Oshaw's Ju ,or Lgianairés visît Rotary Park. The Locke TrV erew,, will play theîir third successive home gamne on Sun. qaY atron when into' senior entry will be here for ~ta. -aO'clack encunter. The first ra'ad game is slated for next Wedesdywll the El etrons meecting the Junior Legion- Sarc iresluOoh,%a Foundry1 Bowlers HoId Annual Banquet On Saturday, May 15th, theowvle Foundry Adams1 (High Triple), Jack Bridger (High Single); held their annual banquet at the Mernorial Park Clu-b- absent ar'e (meîmnbers of the winning team), Non bouse. From lait ta right (mnembers ai the winningc Cowle, Donald Piper, Barb Glîkes (also High Single), team), Oliver Knapp, Ron Good(ap. High Average), Bernice Partner (Hîgh Average). John Woolner (Skunk, Best Sport,ýnan Trnphy), Linida Upton (Skunk), John Luffman (High Triple), Linda______ ______ photo by Rehder Electrons Lend a Hand Trailning Me morial Park Tykes Menibers of the Interniediate Loçke TV Ele wee n a *d55' t 4t uq..taJ 4> A V V541V tutîu Ll t i t t t Tykes valuable advice on various aspects af ha: VARIETY UNDEFEATE» Ilà the above photo, Terry Black is soigthe r Wtll tw,,ýo eeks ai the Men's Town Soitbail Leagute stance for laiia own a bunt, whiil( eq lea r gchedule com.plet.ed, Fr;ank's Variety are, the only undefE,«ted coaches aud ather Electrous look an. Theyae club, ith three wins snd ie l tineir flxýst four gme. right, (Coa-ch Larry Dewel1, Grant WihMike Wslt;er 'rnkR aEst atesd Krar&p Furniture hiave nolds, Tim Buttonshaw, AI Brunt, Da1le Cary, 1svcb won wicp-e,1ile cdrop)ping A pair. Whiyte Uphlstery Henni g, Erad Godfrey, Gerrard Moirri soii Pau end( Stýfephen Fulbave mauaged eue wia lu four outiugs to__ Appretl seerl sewplyes hveben dded ta the E.O.B.A. Intermediate 'A' Bca-ebail teains, bcun it he tact that mlny veteran pe-rfo)rmersý hnvntbeen turning out. The resuit bas meant that gaines ru A suppo brt the9,P ea,g u 1ndetscbcatoryUn . ieCron Cor e fr hav suprten lae sart isu aicorsetyouns' xetfn Playerswb1-o bave nisdail four gaines have been uaw dirpped fron the leaguei - sud that includIes the ;spot JJf ged-o woil e str ou ime. b n ad n imOn penerA -,ainst edîto. Hpfhytenw lyr ille nbu u h TIelegue bas ýurvîvel for many adi yeeia v arýrsadt oîrri waould llike ta sce It cotinuin g ta aperate successufully. Ramesm aRre schiedlti for 6:30 sud 9:15 aI the Memarial Park, eveîy a C r m eis 3 Tuesday, Weduesday suad Tbursday. To)night (We-PdnesdCaY) Ellis Shoes play Stephen Fuels in Ra ît opener ui(J Wàlter Frank Real Estate meets Whyte'$ tray-i Upholstery un)crthe lights. afierio OnThrsiy it vill be Krampi Furnîture vs. Walter aý,bledt Franik, andi Frak's Vaiety going against Whyte's in the night- to(,deli ra 0 1visiti NetTuesday, the Realtors face lramp's in the: 6:15 Flyers. openîer i, wit the Fuels playîng 'Frank's in the second game,a The astou Gary" intics Tipsfor Motoist fanunnf lan eigl 1907 Style jtraileci TiM5 ForMTUT 190 stleic hll belp vcryne maage hat imucblicteFr in gtiigccuai- tomed te ',tha e ag'di in- vention, fthe autom-obile. ilere ,they are: *,ouur engine loi averbeat- edi îf sîearn riscs when you spit onil. R, etier check yaur raniator, dr u ae from Ps strain il through a chiamois, *Dump ls few rosîmeal flakes imb a'leakiug radiator. They wîll awell and lliithe hale iuen îg~ee died, hanse manure wîll alsa work sud is uiiually avaîlaýble. C Ce,71 1g gUm iwill meud a eakug 1fueý!l ue. * Pumrpqa ixture ni chopped feaibers sund bot nmolasses .ie a worn tire ta extend ils lue, Messy lun case ai a blowout. . 1* Guns are no longer ne- quired excepi in certain west- ern states. * Clluloid windows arc best cleaned wiîh vinegar. * A windsbîeld rubbed wiib Idroppe ly relia FEATIURING Akey,é trol ail ZENITH a one into th and ADMIRAL of th( RENTALS SALES & SERVICE kok 723-0011 ram, then th Falcon TV O2SHAWA s ta)kenj ectrons proprr Irilberýs left ta c R iy- Biari'y ganete, Randy Henning, Paul Fiee, Mark Charland; kelgJi Murphy, Perry Jehnston, Joey Nolan,. Donnie Fýarrow, Larry Pipcr and Gary Akey. The' TkswilI play a 2-an series with teains froin PeItrboroug-h, Cobourg, Port Hope, Oshawa, Lindsay, and BeilleVille, with their sponsors, the Memorial Park Asociation providîng equipinent for the players duringT the season. P1lort Hope 5n3 by Jim Clarke lected two runs sud the lead, ning clout. Cronîbie"s cales sai1 wîth Bemma and Paul Wake-1 Akey was lu command dur- lun borner in MoudayllY pumnping out the damag- ing port l-ope's final two ion's home epener *rn-1inng RB! biows. frames, allowing only a harm- the Locke TV Electronsi The TV oulfît had their less single by Wayne Hegg lu liver a 5-3 defeat toithe beit outing againsi l3cmmaý the eighib. ig Port Hope Fidelity and companuy in the sixili, as Araund tbe Bases: theycouted lue ru on Crombie, whe led the Elc- Elecron aIe rceivd to htifor 2- ti. .trous with a 400. playofi av- ut piicbing chore fromi One, ufý two Little BiÂtuinrage lu 1970, sparked Mon- "Hawk" Akey lu lirait- additions te ibis year's squad, day's victary, but Piper sud he Flyers te eigbt -safe- shortstop O'Reilly opencd the Bg zne il were other offensive ll af them iugles, whlle frame on a catcber's interfer- g seven, ece rail by plate umnpire mannvîhle, perfarrning ln Rallie Spencer, Crombie i the hiteam, 24i game loup, banged oui the Elctro -2 in the ýseventh bc- fourth bit ot the game,ru Crombie whaled oua off îng the rue uer te acreuM r Johin Smîth's effer- Falls' bard hit ground rwa beyoud the centerfield, nabbed by fir istbasemnan Rc Lea Kelly, safe on au! Austin, wbo2;e throw mniped co erra , asud Pat O'Reilly O'Reilly heading for thîrd, CONIT nt had sîn1gle[after two Ptper's routine double piayý eut. gcarad ahead of grounider was rnuffed, by FEATURES sbortstoy D en n s O'Brien,! vrmanville, wbo won lait wîth Crorubie scornug. Akey, ON1YOUR 'S epener ai Saper wiib twa away, dtiiled ý YU park 9-7 againsi Port single to eftlaiteld, but an ex~-I )f the hid Hurler Dave temptîng bo score from second" a, wba wss replaced by with the go-ahead run. suiler six effectiveý Port Hope rcercd Vte ssaw Dan "Butch". lead, .3-2, lu thc top of 1he il lasb a double to~ seveuth, with Bemma con- piating Akey, who was, urciing for bis third bit of when his routine fly wasl the afternoon, scening Bi]lY >d by Port Hope's usual- Smitb wbo opcned the înning airble Bob Trew in rîght, with a single and stole sec- d!.,splaying flawlc. s con-, lodi Ray Symous, inscnied ll the way, was, nursug! as a pinch runner for Bemma, hit I-0Oledg eaigwas tossed eut trying taoii . hei viîitors' fiftb. Four stcal,'witli Akey wbiffing the ne lasers' eight base nexi man. , took place as tbey coi- Aller Johin Srmith relircd b h aesoJh» the finît lwo Electron bitters; Mvuutado~ onion will stay clear on iu the seventh. replacing iy d ay. Bemma, Kelly was safe on, ,ou drove a car lu 1907 shortstop O'Bricn's second ai RO K' B [is infarmatioï- is proli- three errons. Aller O'FteiIlyj SALES & SERVICE Id bat, The bnswcre dumoped out a wroulg fieidi,, from an açtual liaI single, Crombie cneated lu-, We Service What Wc Sell" antîiue car expert Rau slaut sunsbine ln a drah.ý Phone 623-5487 It ai Wbitby bad. pre- drizzlv day, puilxr izug a twe 2 King St. E., Bwawnville' troughýi& the yeare, oui drive for the gamne wîn -______________ NI t t i e mee issomnîLin1fl5 iuuîy wrong at Queen'si Par k. Why is 1.6 million dollars s insiguificant new when twai lyears ago aur outboard gasl rcbate bad ta be cut off be- cause they weuld save a mucb iueeedC 1.5 million dollars af ,revenuiLe. He said we demand reisponsibILe flshiery resqource, management ilu Ontaiad neo ma're oai thispoliticail manage- ment. We stro(-ngly advoé-ate stars. While baoth teams cal- th,, reinstateýment or the I$3.00 iected eight hIts, Bawman- resi dent augling licence. ville made just two. miscues ta four by the visîtars. BemT- ma sud Bill Smith with five B.H.S. Band bits between themn were Part Sooebasldtabg Hap e's top, swatters. Smýn a adta i bauds are an the swing back The Electrons are seeîugj ta greater popularlty. action at home this Weekend. It may be sa. with Kingston CKLC Seniors! The musicians lu ibe Bow-1 the opposition. Garnp tima is manville High Scbeol Baud1 2 p.m. ai Saper Crcek park are hoping it is sa. on Sunday. The Electrous are You sac they bave produc- looking forward te grccling cd Ibis long-play record withý many af their aid fans aud selections from a concert] welcoming any new ones, thisl they gave. an April 1stý-aud season, _as they strive, te pro- uew they hope they can findj vide crawd plcasing basebaîl,la ready market. in addition te improviug their! Theý LP gaca ou sale tbis 1970, 15 wins, 6 loss, i tirl week ai a casi ai $3.75. record.j Ouly a lmited editian ai 1 500 have been produced. Accýording ta achool muslc HIRE A STUDENT teacher Elliot Tremeer theý Several business estali- proceecls willi-go towardi lishuwuts hn Ibis ares were equîpmeut for the -baud. visited by Manpawer re- Mr. Tremeer said yeslerdayl presentatives t h îir weck , be bopes the record wîll be', tryiug to find Job openîagS avaîlable for sale lu mome afi for the hundreds af nuiver- the stores lu town1 laler Ibis siiy and bigli school stuW-i week. dents lookiug for situmer wark. How sueeessful Ibey were la their quesi ranias to a 1971 BASEBA1LL SCHEDULE] FOR MEMORTAL PARK TYKES appears fairli' obvions Ibat 1May' manii'Young people, wiîîing 125-Whitby at .Bawmauville, ta wark, are havîng con 6:30 p T, siderable dlfficulty fludiu.; 29-Bawmauvîlla ait Peter- esnployment. 1Juebonough, 1. 00 p.m. It bas been suggested by 1-P-ort Hope ai Bowman-I several businessmen tbat ville, 6:30 pm. the uew mpinimum wage 3-Cobourg aI B'ville, 6:30 rate of $1.65 anl heur, tg 5-B'viîîe ai Lîndsay, 1:30 blndering rather than helP-- 6-B'ville at Belleville, 1:00 mng the situation. 8-Wihitby ai B'viîle, 6:30 10-Oshswa ai B'villc, 6:30 NEW TECHINICAL 1ll-B'ville at Port Hope, 6:30 DIRECTOR 19-B'ville ai Lindsay, 1:30 20-ÉLudsay ai B'ville, 1:00 Frank R. Varga bas been 30-B'ville ai Whitby, 6;30 appoiuied te the position afiJl 1 Techuical Directar af the '7-B'ville at Cobourg, 6:30 newBwmavill Hih Scool10 Petes ai B'vîlle, 1:00 no ndrconstruction. 13-Port Hope ai B'vilc, 6:30 uow nder17-Belleville ai B'ville, 1:00 The appoinimeni, anueunc- 20-B'vllle ai Oshawa, 6:30 cd May 12t'h during the regu- 24-Liudsay ai B'ville, 1:00 lar bi-mouibly meeting Of 28-B 'ville ai Whitby, 6:30 bbc Utiîted Counties Board ai 30-B'vîlle ai Part Hope, 6:30. Educatijon, will be effective _______ Sepiember lst,, 1971. Mr. Varga, is prcseuîîy s VOUTH BOWLEUS techuical ins'ý'ructor a st- Attention ail Yeuth Bowl- dale' Colleglate aud Vaca- ers. The Youth Bowling tional Institute in Oshawa. banquet will be held at the About 35 persans epplied' Legîon Hall Saturdai', May for the positi on.tZbi., aI 6:30 Sharp. QUALITY CARS F.1 C OWAN Pontiac-Buick BUY WITH CONFIDENCE! 1970 MAVERICK 2-DR. COACH Economy compact, gold. Lic. 9944A-- $1895 1969 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 2-DR. HARDTOP V-8, automatîc, power brakes sud steering, radio, forest grean with vinyl roof. Lic. 3149A ----- ------ -- -- $2595 1968 FIREBIRD 2-DR HARDTOP V-8, automatie, double power, bucket seats, iloor causale. spotlessly dlean, anc owner. Lic. 39691A --------$2595 1969 PONTIAC GRAND PARISIENNE N INE-SEAT WAGON> Pontiac's fînesi wagonini sb--ed lunddep forest green, fuil power options, roof rack, power win- dows,, air-conditiouirg. Makre an appaintmeut for demonsiration. Lic. 59376X. 1968 BUICK WILDCAT 4-DR. HARDTOP A sophisticated luxury car, popular 4-dr. hard- top modal iaaturing full power, gold finish, padded vinyl roof caver, iully reconditioned, cannies balance ai factory warrauty. Lic. 712687 --------------- $2295 1967 BEAUMONT SEDAN V-8, automaie. Lic. 285444'. $1495 1967 CHEVELLE CONVERTIBLE Lic. 300973. $1695 1965 BEAUMONT 2-DR. HARDTOP Buoket seais, Lic. 49820A ----------- $1095 SPECIAL 1970 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN SEDAN Town of Bowmanvîlle Police Car in top notch condition. V-8, automnatic, power dise brakes, power steering, etc. Lie. 47270A ----- ----------- ,-Onîy $1995 1968 INTERNATIONAL TRACTOR Fifth wheel, motor over-hauled, full air, top condition. Jic. 61844B. 1968 CHEVROLET 1-TON STAKE RACK Lic. 61749B. 1967 INTERNATIONAL 16' body, 345 engine, 5-,sp.eed- transmission, 24,000 GBW. Lic 47439B. .166 King Si. E. 623-3396 S'ýPORTOPICS DURHAM LADIES SOFTBALL The Durham Ladies Soitbaîl League got underway last uight with Bowmanville Kuapp's Tawing at Cobourg Juven- iles, and Cobourg Intermediatcs at Courtîce, On Thursday, the Caurtice ladies pay a, returu visit, fn Cobourg with Bowmanville playiug at Newcastle. The first home gamne for Knapp's Towing will be playerx_ on Monday night, 7:30 at the Memorial Park, with Whitby providing the appositian. The locals are idie until Newcastle days, 7:30 at Mernorial. came inforthene t cutr t hmtamsg o o CAMPAIGN UIÇDERWAY MIDGET BOYS SOFTBALL The Salvatian Armny's an- Harvey Webster advîses that the Kînsmen Club is span.. nual Red Shield Appeal ior saring a Midget Boys Softball team this year lu an O.M.S.A. funds last weekend passed league that should provide seine good campetition. Ail boys the $1,000 mark, acrding ta Corps Commander Capt. Len who dîd net reach their l7th birthday by Jan. lst ai 1971 are Frost. eligible ta play and there will be. a practice this Saturday These contributions have marning at 9:30 an the south diamond at Memorial Park. In corne mainly from businesses addition ta Mr. Webster, Buck Janack aud Bob Abbott who and saine rural canvassers. know their way around an any hall field, will be helping with Iu Bowmanville, the big blitz will take place May 3ist. the arganization and coaching. Rcourd Prize Mo,,ne^y Rea-.dy, Toronto:- A record $75,000 T r ac k announcers will1 In addition ta the race will be ou the hune for the broadcast times and positiansý purses, totalling $750,000 f'or Labatt's Can-Am at Mosporti as drivers mke their qualify- the 10-race Can-Am series;, June 11-12-13, sud $20,0Wofa ing bids, three at a time on drivers are racing for points It will lie gone before the flagi the trck. Qualifiers will be, sund'a share ai the$5,0 draps ta start the race, all owe a warmup lap, three Johnson Wax champianship The $20,000 will bc distri-ý time d lapst determnine their award fund. butedamoug the top 10 quali- strigpstion, aud a cool- The three drivers with the fiers for the race, insuring ofl .mast points ai the end oi the that some ai the faster drlv- "1ýThe new system," says series will share the iund ers will take home same Mospart Gencral Manager with the winner collecting mouey even if they fail te Harvey Hudes, "will definite- $25.000, the runuerup $15,000 finish the race. ly add ta the excitement aof.and the third-place driver A new' qualifying systemn, Saturday's qualifying session $10,0o00. whlch will be infroduced at aud provide s complete week-. Manufacturers' iawards are Mosport, is expected ta brIng end ai enjament for raciug1ý expectE'd ta top $200,000 ta anme i theexcîtmant i su ans."bring the total money aal Indianapolis 500 qualiiying The remnainder ai the priz-pable in the series to avr s ses.sion ta the Can-Am. pot, $55,000, willogo ta the million dollars. first 20 drivers ta cross theý The purse-aud quaýlifying Syfinish hune with the winnor: mauey for the Labatt's Can SprsmnUnder the new qualifyiug flos packeting a e taty $13000, r e distributed as F uddle Duddl6'e Sp20ts3rd Clubtet A,0OO; Automobile Sports Clubs (CAl Sth -$4.000; 6th -$3,200; 7tlh- To uovt M ove !SC), the winuer ai the pale $2.500; 8th-$2,500, 9th-$li,9ffl; Th OtaioFeertin iposition will colleet $2.600. loth-$l '500; llth-$l,300; 12th- The ntaio edertj$1.f100 3th-$900; l4thi-$800); Anglers sud Hunters strongly. lh-70 6h-60 7u supparted the introduction ai$5- Pt-50 9t-4)) a resident angling licence twa W tt I Relo cate 2 t - 50; lth- $50 ycars aga becauise (a) it would - Oth $400. wrds supply the much needed funds *0 60ua;îfng awrds lst$2 to support ane.pauded spr peciaI ScfloO14th-$2,00o; th-$l,950; 611"- flsh management program sucb 190 t-180 as batchery expansion, lake 9$1,~7;th-$1,0 th,0 0 surveys sud lake imnprovemeuprDrt;ý'F r R t r e h asetqnfirý l (b) it would supply tlie data ThgatTtqalf Dn l required on fisherm ,en aud fîsb West Durham's sehool fer aise be presented with thié isthe taahow orgoa mn-tra.inable retarded childreu* Bruce McLaren Award a n cagce e sud cfor ovidemthe will be releeated from 1Beth- 1original trophy create rJ o dema nd (c)ruite fre Cae eda ta Salins Public Sehool the Labatts Can-Am by Monl- vation Offlcers ta approaçh ail effective September, 1971, thetrascporRgrLa. fshermçn. Ta the Federatien's N-D Counties Board af Edu- satisfaction, an ambitiaus lake cation anuounced an Thurs-DU I IfA U < survey pragraîn was uuderway3 day. *UUIb W11VÎ bSI and data was being collected One-roam Bcthesda is a-- ETN PCA Now we are stuuned by the parently tee small ta accemý- IETN SECA ST cancellatiou af this licence said modate the current enrelm.ert î17Liberty St. N. he Federatien Presideut af 14 children, expcctedta Bowmanville Douglas Carbridge. The, rea_ increase ta 16 this f ail. sons for this action, as givea' Salins Public Sehol was PHONE 623-7591 by the gaveirment, are purje ofa tto -ro tr 24 HOUR SERVICE uddle Jdddle. sportsmen gen- sehls lu inthis ares whilhOu, Gas & Electric Fuarnace erally do net agree that theý the Board declded earlier1 & Air Condition Inistalla- icence was a nutisance because this year ta close dawu lun tions - Central & WindaW t last they were coutributing June. Units - Clare Heela& ta the future of their recrea- The Board's decisionre- FiudleyEquipment tloi 1shing. If the gevern- garditng the Bethcsda shol ree Estimates ment cannat colecet a $3.00 lic- buiilding bas net been mnade Bïudget Tera!m, Available- ence fee at a good profit th -en puýblic as yet. ______________ J 623-3396

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