Mi Te Canadian Statesînan, B6*manvhh1le, June 2, 1971 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIEDI Tuesday, 4:30 p.,mr 623-3303 flith ICarcis of Thanks Ir : G-ÉIKES--Ennie and Barbi The family of the late Mrs. EN (Ec aker) are pleased ta Myrtle (Clarke) Little wîsh dearhi arnnounirce tii arrivai of their ta express sincere thanks ta Benn dagtrNicole Elizabeth, fiends and relatives for their June 5 ay2,1971, at Memorial expressions of sympathy at Thougi HositlBowanîhe. A the lime af their recent sad Memor ç siter for Terry and Daniel. bereavement. 22-1 -Ever Special thanks ta Dr. Mc- Ruth ai SKninurses and staff of 1I would like to thank friends matennity. 22-1*If0r cards, gîfts and visits JKING- ________while I wýas a patient in Me- Daniel> imorial Hia. Special tha kft osnntal1 faer -nc um4Jriv e to Dn. iSylvester, nurses 1aI ý (niec Neais) are proud ta Frst floar and Bowmanvillê, anoucete arrtivai a4 their Snowmiobile Club, so Kvn aes, 8 ibiýý, 12ozS., Lurry Maboney. 22-1 n May 26, 1971J.-A brother ___ for Patila and Steen. 22-1*' ____________________ We would like ta take this - pportunity ,ta thauk aur * Forthcomîing many friends and neigbbors Of Maple Grave for fiowers Marrîagfes andi messages af kîndacîs aad Mn. ud M. Hrold R .ympatby extended ta us in Mse andouncHeaoRh the lois of a dean mother. comîng marriae taI othir Douglas and Rose Joice. daughiter Janîce Marie, and221 Mn.ý Kenneth John Cryder, Our since- t- nkst in m, son of, Mn. and Mmi. fiendi ueîighbours and r5elu- Howxard L. Cryderman, al af tives for the many floral trib- ~Bwmnvll.The mamiage ue exxpressians af sympa- wiill take place June 26 at thy,> and sets of kînducîs fol- .130 in Trînity United Church. lowing the lais of s loving 22-1* mother, Mmi. Mabel Hacken. Mmi. Ivan Mountjoy SMn. and Mns.lya F. MVount- and family. 22-1)' _.jay, lackstock, take pleasure -ln anaouncing the fothcom- Maay thanki to fiends, in'-g1-amiage of their daugh- neîghbors and relatives for- ter, Judith Margaret, ta Mr. dards,, visîts and ther kind.- 1Robert Carl Gilhank, son af nesses shown me duÈîng my -NMr, and Mrs. Kennetb Gîl- stay ha Memorial Hospital. A ýbanik also af Biackstock. The very special thanki ta Dr. ,wedding wîll take place an Anfassi and the Nunsing Staff PJune 26 at 2:30 o'clock in af Surgicai Floor. 81Biackstock United Churcii. Sheldon Petbick. 22-i Wc would like ta tbank al- Mn. rd mi.Aibet H i ur fniendi, neighbours and Woî(odward, Bowrnanvillc, wishreais for thein good wîsb- itto, annouace the forthcomiag ei, flowers, gîlts and surprise è '*maniaeof thein daughten, parties gîven us ia honour "Doania Grace, ta Mn, Fnederick Of our 25th Weddiag Anai-I P' Hendenson, son of versury. ewi av ay1 and Mns. Frederick Rend- pleasant memonies.r ~ersor, Ncwtanvîlle. Temr Marie snd Bud 2ose.*E rniage il take place Satur-221* -'aJuly l7th, -1971 ut 33 oa'c1ock ut St. Paul's United I would like ta express My CucBowmanlvîlle, 22-1* sincere thanki toalal my Reception Mr. and Mn. Sîd Cornzsh vte1!come their friends, neigh- tousand relatives at Tyrone ~' lon, Tuesday, Jupe 8th ifrorn 7 9 p.m., occasion ai ~thei 2St Weding Anni- Zvrsýary.Best wîshes only, Oieand Ed. Millson, with ~t rda2ughters Ellen and - Catbnneý, wshta ivieheir ~re1atîlves '-nd frienida ta an !'Open Hose'" at their home, ~CohleickSt., Orono, on Sat- ýua, June l9th, 3-5, 7-10 nupon the occasion of -1 thir i7Twenty-fifth Weddîng SAn-,niversary, Best wishes .~only.22-1 -.Deaths --BROOTKI!,G - At Memorial MI onday, Ma Y3, Lloyd Brook- -ng in ims 56t,1 year. Belov- led husb n f Elsie Taylor, Waele oad, dear father ofByloi and Waren Rest- ngat the Morris- Funeral hp e 1, -r,(wrianville, for 3ervice on' Thursday at 2 Loc. Interment Bowiman- .1vleCemeery. Donations ta cii eatrh 0 111eart 'L Fouindaiti on __irou1d he appreciatedI. 22-1 J~RUICKHAN1CKristine- At Memo iHospital, Bow-1 mavheon Saturday, May 2~,1971', Kriîtine Hansen of St 485 jScug Street, beloved wfeOf Jolý n Cruickshank, dear tmther cf Mrs. H. Stin- son ( hbe) orwood and ; Iouglas ,Crulickshank. Osha- wa. Rested&J at Northcutt SEltt Funeral Home, Fun- eral-, service was held at 2 r ,'clock TIuesday afternoon. In- Stement Bawmanville Cemne- FOWVLER, Robert Jame- I~ uddnlyat is cottage at1 ViwLake onciiSunday, May 30,,1971, Robert James Fowl- e7r, beloveýd husband of Annie WhI!ite , fther of Floyd, Osha- ~~T; asosurvived by bis V dugher-n-lwMrs. Georg- v il awl 'Witby, brotheri 0f M.Lerme Patter (Ada), t Bwmavile;Mrs. Ella Walk- er, .nda; rs Rena Rag- ezrsonI, Nwasl Richard, Brooklin; WVilfred, Hampton, Gerg nd Leanrid, Baw- manîll; gandathr a Kar- la Ann; :pirdeceased. h y one SnKari; in blis 58th year. Rested a ît thie Ar-,ttrng Fun- eral oe Ohw, îhfun- eral s5ervice in th-e chapel, -Wedneýsd>a-, June 2 at1pm tery. 22-1 KESGyshert (u)A ~ 'oroto enealHosptai on Thunsdayv, May 27,1971, Gus Kocse of Bw'nil in his 26th -year,]7j, lvîg son aI MnÈlizabeth Koe e anmd the - aeJohn KEoese, dear brother f of Mrs. C. DikeCr (Mry V Holadloin fiend of1 Joan Rogers. Rea-ted a- 1he Nortcut ElhottF uer ai Ho1me. Funeral service was hield ýat 2 o'clock Saturday altmrnoop, -Rehoboth Christian Refarmed Church, Interment Bow-ý,manville Cem.etery. 22-1 WcvclRepairr Certîfîed Watchmaker of Cinaýdia~n Jewellers' Assn, Mar-r'sewelflery S39 King St. IW. friends and relaives for tWe lovely candi, lettens snd vis- its during my îtay in Peter- borough Cîvie Hospital. Manyi thanks also ta Dr. Speller asl weli as-ta nurses and staff af the 2nd Floar.1. Mns. Floi'ence Gray. 22-1*I Fpassed 1 To saý and fa KOZI of Gea awa-j C There Wheî c It was r Becai We visi Why He vvas Why s. Seven p Since 1( We knc And0 The pal And a But the Was -Cheri: daughte lad Olg WOODI mory 0f er, Glac lune 2, rreasuri nt As tii No neec sa -Clarer n, Memoriam VARD-In memýrony -aI husbund and fathen Dur rd who 'passed awuy oa 5, 1970. its today, rici forever. rremembered by wilf and family. 22-1 -In loving mcmory ci UKing, dear husband. and grandfather, whc away June 4, 1962. st a little but meansa lot y dear husband yau'ne not forgot, [y missed by wife Stell mîly. 22-1 '- la lovîag niemory rge Kozub who passed oa June 1, 1964. is a billflot far awa: re we, laid aur laved one ta reit. sGod's will, we knov not why, tse he wus anc of the best. t his grave and wondeî aur dud wus tuken away, la ithe prime of bis lhIE 1,could he not have stayed? loneiy yeuns have passed Eour loved anc us dîc leuve, ow he is looking dowr )n us tells us not ta grieve th afIif e is a struggle fniends are fniends for day, etrueit and dearest riend we had our dad for whom wc )ray. ised memanies from ns Elizabeth and Tîna ga Kozub. 22-1 LEY-Ia laving me- fa dean wife and moth- lys, who pussed away 11956. ý- md memanies keep yau ieur iue unfolds anothen ear,1 Id for words except tai ay1 loved and imisîed ha renly way. ice and family. 22 -1*ý Comina E vents My sineme thanki ta Dr. The-Midnight Ramblers wih H. B. Rîîadie, Dr. A. F. Me- be ut The Wheels, Sturday, Keazie and Dr. J. D. Rundle,I June 5, 8:30 p.m. 22-1 *O.R, Staff and nurses af the A-uction and Bake Sale,j ISurgical Floor. Many thankS Tyrone United Church, Jane ta the neîghbors,' friends far 12 6:30 p.mi. Cal carly- for cards, flowems, visits and free pîckup, 263-2121, 263-2649. gîlti during My stay ia Me- 21-2 maniai Hospital snd since My ~ fr- etuma home. ï i -- r Graee Flank. 22-1*I FATHER'S DAY _____Gift Book of CAR WASH TICKETS My sincere thanki taenMy, 5 for $3.00 - 10 for $5.00 relatives and friends for candi, FILYING DUTCHMAN vîsîts, fiowers and gîfts dur- , GULF SERVICE ing my stay la Memorial RaIs- LietS.S.a40 pital, A special thanks tae iet t .u 0 Kirhy U.C.W.,, Rev. B. Long, 2- Dri. McKenzîe, Ruadie and Plan ta attend YeiVErÏto-n Cunningham, sud ail the nurs- Garden Party Suppen, Friday es snd staff for the wondeîr- June llth commencing utl fui cane on -Medical and S' p.m. foliowed by "Hanse-1 Surgicai Floomi. lesi Carniage" Oshawa Barb- InezRarris. 22-i 'ershappens. Admission: aduits 1$1.75, students $1,00. Pre- We wish ta express aur school free. 22-2 siaceme thaki ta relatives, R V ~ M L friendi and neîgbborî fan their, E .R M L acta' of kinduess, floral tnub- Churcli of the Deaf, Toronto,1 utes, candi and expressions of sympatby, durîng aur recent GUEST SPEAKER for bereavement. Special thankuSUNDAY SýCHOOL ta Dr. Anfoisi sud Ma- temnity Staff and ta Father ANNIVERSARY Malane sud Marris Funeral Chapel, -Zo ntdC uc Mn. and Mmi. James Bedore. Zo ntdC uc 21* Sunday, june 6 Mmi. Jack Payne~ wishes t 10:10 A.M. convey ta ber many friendi Turn North off Tanuton Rd, sud-neighbours hem sinceme ut Mitchell's Corners thanki for the many sets of MA L kîndnesi, expressions of sym- M-PLE GROVE, pstby, candisud floral trib S N A S H O utes sud donations ta theSU D Y S H O Cancer Fuud uat the time af ANNIVERSARY SERVICES: the losof a dean husbaud. Su dy un 6h Special thanki ta 2nd Floar u d ylne6L Nurses ut the Civic Hospital ut 2:30 snd 7:30 P.M. and tealal who made vî.sÎt Guest Speaker Rev'. B. A. i and enquinies duning the tîmie Warren, B.Se., -B.D., IBezek I af bis ilîness, asea ta Rev. centre, Milton, ut bath serv-ý Keith Adamus fan bis comîant- ices. Special singing iu the I îng- words. 22-If 2fteon b i ,';nndqv qrhnn_____________________- ~ ~ 4~Uff~ OfUii lu 'th,'e eening the lInusie WHIl Noices lie rendered by the st. paul's -Choir of Bowmanville. Offer- Dr A.F. McKenzie willbe ing in aid of SundaqShol ,o noliays Mvay 22to unea TUR iniclusive. 20-3IROWE TUSJ Dr. C. J. Austin's office will Escorted MR be ciosed from June 4 ta JuneWSENCNAAADI NEWF 13 inclusive. 22-1 UJNITED STATES TOURI AUt JULY 23rd - AUG. lSth TOWNSHIP 0F NEWFONDiAD AND t .ULY 1811 CLAKEST COAST I QUE CLAKESEPT. 4th - 25th - 22 Days J1L N OT IC E EASTERN UNITED STATES CA To Property Owners JUIY ItiA- 2th- 9Dy Fo utI DESTROY WEEDS ivcHldyWkedu Notice lu hereby gîven ta For Inférmation ta abave av aIl persans in possession of Tours, Phone or write ROWE Trav [su l acoranc wth heTRAVEL AGENCY, Port Hope 119 Ring St. lad nacodac wt te885-2527 -393 Bloamîgrave6 Weed Coutral Act, R.S.O.1ve 225 190, Chapter 427, Sections- 3, 13 sud 19, that unless Coming Events naxIons weeds grawing a n their lundi wlthhn the Muni- cipality of Clarke aretldestroy- ed by date of lune 30, 1971, snd throughont' the seaspn, thte. Municipaliymay enter upon the said lunds and have the wVeeds destroyedc, ehairging the otuagaiît fthc land in taxes, as --et ont lu the Act. The cooperation of ail citizens lus earnestly solieited, THE COUN-CIL OF THE TOWNSIP 0p CLARKE 22-1~ Coming Events Articlesfor Sale Articles for Sale Work Wanted Wanted ta Rent a1 Special - Every Saturdav 10 ACRES standing hay. Cali HEAVY duty stove, excellent TREES ta eut or tnim. Cail WANTED immediately, one Chips -730 22-1 condition, large size. 623-2679. Slim. Free estimate. 725-5118. bedroom apartment, in Bow- On you can eat for 99c at The BOAT traîler and 9 x 12 tent. l__ 2- 1-t mile, frione an23st3ve1r Acres Restaurant. Open seven Cali 623-2052. 22-2* SINGL bed, springs, mat- YOUNG man wiîî eut lawns,qued Phn62-91 dasawe.2-ftress, w ndaw vsereens, ia gaod, do odd jobs, Phane 623-7474 - --- 2- dasa ek 2 fBOAT, 12' alumînum runa- condition. Phone 623-3708. 22-1P HIGH Sehool teacher and e Unit 7 Trinity U.CW.Cof- about.' Phone 623-5788. 22-1 22-11 wife wudlk c et2bd .1 fee Party, Antique Sîlveî' Dis_____- __- ON the spot repairs - Autos, Iro w oml e area n te play, Mns. Alan Strike's, Wed- TIENT trailer, sleeps four, WOODS Viscaunt tent ers, coutrutsy, 15 mile Bowmans, ,~ aedayJune16, 0 a.. - 2 gad codtiio. 98-438. triler truki, ractrsountmoryra 15hmelrefeablyin t B) saysittng provide.m2-12 22-1tio 97433 excellent condition. Sleeps 6, etc. Lîcensed mechanic, Tele- ville radius. Will do main- d Ayastn ta gode on- 22-' 22- - table, starage areas. Caîl phane 723-5198. 21-2* tenance work. Phone 725-1478 wisingWILON ugnew986444 afer p.. 2-1HIGH' School student willing between 6 and 10:30 evenings. Thousand Islanîds Cruise, June condition. Cali 623-7178. CIEDAR trees for hedges, etc.; ta babysit. Completed "Baby 22-1* a 27th, Suaday, also a Mystery 2- post pales, cedar lumber, ahI Sittens' Training Course". Tele-----______ Tour, Sunday, June l3th, I TEfosaeaddivn.szes. Phone Smith Tree phone 623-3726.221W n d Ce Phone 885-2527 Port Hope. or I CAîl C rsll adieieed iz2- W ne 372-527 19 Cobourg.___ 22-3 ICl lff Pethick, 623-2313. Furm, Newtonville 786-2283, -_________ la38-tf ___ 22-2 IELECTRIC Fencer Service. DEAD and Cippled Fana .1 Sale of Antique and othen -2x 1-2 METALI1bem;c-LIV--ro ie dra .pes, Factory service depot for Stock. Margwlll Fur Farni Iarticles, Home Baking Table, mn em; e IIGromhndWht, Back fnstok lte86-4818.. Licenc __ 6-t at NwtonilleUnitd Chrch ssfor patio, 50e eaçh. gney background, 9' wîde, 2 Shr-hock fencons Wa86- 26-271.8.cnce3287 l aturdatvillJUned1 pm. ro- Phone 623-2262. 22-1 yds. 20" long, also pair samne168 ____ ________ ceds for Manse Committee, SMALL Moffat ra-Ïe, suÏitableiet,4"wde 62-07 1LC Auctioneer. 22-1fo cottage, $25, Phone Orono _____WTRwlsbrd 0 u.- _____ L dîe __fr22-1 WWanted ta Buy 0" ile Anivrar1SricÀwl b 983-5268. 22-1 CARNEGIE Crest Hardware Canada Drilling Company, IMANRURE, straw, irrigation edyJun ie Patyll NE 7h-Wtnlagre Barbeque Specials - 24" elec- Oshawa, Phone 576-6004. Re- pipe, also 's2-tan truck. Cal' hneld hurOne service tructor ONE thcultatlor ihe trie rotisserie,, haod and wanm- presentative Hurry L. Wade, 263-2305 between 830 and 9 yonlited amc. O e rvicfîe at ow 623-5497. 22-1" I ing aveni, compare unywbere Newcastle. Phone 987-4531, p.m. 2- the Jt, am. erldchanget-is Wn oys' bic549, cîes >'at $23,98. 36 King St. E. 15-tf 22- .ter of teuJnetvile c , y, is24" and iPhone 623-5408. 22-1 el W aTrn*tr guest speaker. Special musie.126", alsa girl's, 24". 92 Duke PETER Lauws & Sans, Con- -1 St., Bawmunville. 22-1*SAE -Carecirs structian and Home Builder. IWAIRESSES wunted, aveî -STÎEB ER -swivel, rockers, arm chairs, iBrick - Block - Stone and1I2l. Apply in persan Noane's MONSTER BINGO6SUEAE Service, nexv 24.95 and up; hassocks, caffee Fireplaces. Phone 623-2756, I Hotel, Highway 115, 983-5536ý e THURSDAY - 7:45, p.m. and used parts. Graham's and cnd tables 12.95 and up, 18 Barbara St., Bowmanville. Senordb Garage. 1-416-263-2233. 1.-tf dinetie suite $149 for $109.11-fMN wne o atr Oshiawa Minor Softbal 19641 GMC 12-ton truck,1'Mrh a,4 igWTl.-__ ak Steady employment. e JUBILEE PAVILION IShamrack house traiher fully phone 623-3781. 22-1* AL G. OSBORNE JApply J. Anderson Smith Ca. equipped. Cati 983-5003. -HONlDA Monstorys, le ringC a TTý !-~ Ltd., Newcastle, 22-1 dO SH A W A -30-tf --ý- -22-1aldmntaaras rc. rpt>YLIseYPART-TIME Cushier requin. Die-arati-on DaywiibKAER1rim Campens $269 an-d Hardtop Professioually Cleaned edtwokTrsuFia observed ia Hampton Union' Doors, Windows, RS ing, Teat Trailers $695. Fibreglass FE STMT nights and Saturdays. Phone' Cemeteny at 2:30 p.m. an June, Awînîngs. Lamne Allia, Phonei Seu Fleas $149, Mîni-bikes Phnone 623-2002 62-38 for interview. 22-i 13. Capt. Frost of the Sai-1 623-3871,___22-1p $110 and 12 ft. aluminum BWA~IL ATTM oskee~ vatian Army will be get -bouts $189. Ontario Sparts 2-ftamn oen h a rspeaker and the Salvatianl IROQUOIS Tent Traîlers, bath Highway 115, Orona, 2Phone - genbatmeatneoon.PIus Army Band will assîst with new and used unîts. Village 983-54 -44.19-4' e o*ma tno.Pes the music. 22-2, Sales, Janetville 705-324-2050. __ Closed Sundays. 21-2 PONTYPOO - Wl Cu t Weeds Po IN 63-387or ndeto y etef rom Lotssecretanial and generul officel oOdviEw Cm BuIyNtreOLD time front d-- I ay, DISCOUNT 1 EPERIEsNewtlmun td MONSTER BINGO ~~~~construction, weli md,hvydteN cate eset NEX MNDA -7:45 P.m 'x24,6gaspns 10 H US HAROLD HOSKINiRreferred. Apply AVP Extru- KINSMEN Tel-phone 623-7264. 22-11 HOUSE'sions Ltd. Newcastle 987-4776. COMMUNITY CENTRE Ladies' Sleeveless Blouses 59e' I728-6161 __ 22-1 109 COLBORNF ST. W. FOUR 14" chroe0reverseION. OSHAXVA wheei lock nuts, hubs und RDE - - - $10 __ 22-3* D MNO OS A Aspmaners, ta fit Fard ' rCHILDREN'S SOUKS - 19ce R N BJKSOR SLD 22-4ihylr Phone 623-5997. Men's and Boys' BRIEFS 35e I - 2-1 *Girls' Cotton SLACKS $1.00 Tenhn Require TRENTWAY BENDIX electric dryer, goad SAVE ON SEPTIC TANK SR W ER workiag condition, reusan for LEATHERETTE INSTALLATION SR W ER t TOURS selling, converting to gas. NEM DBESEADS R.R. 6, BOWMANVILLE GROWERS TO Pon. 2351022-1 A3p.. NHNMD OTE ITES NO SUNDAY CALLS 221 AD__ TMS2-l 62-21623-5621 'WW A 1MBREElÇOFFAT and Simplieity Ap- -.-2-l--_ 63-20-----___22 WHEELING, WEST VIRGINIA pliances, Hoover Produets. SlsOprut Luige selection of new chrome BAR G A I N DeVIITT'S ALEs OppRtunty June 1 lth to l3th suites. Puddy's Market, Ramp- We are selîing aur supply of Small Engine We are in need of mare For further information ton. Phone 263-2241. 18-tf, CASE iRni sales people. if you are la- contact NWan se arsfo ratrs alr tenested in selling Real Estate ail makes af Washers, Dryers ec l anoesBuhec we are, prepareiz ta interview Jury & Loveli und Ranges.- Paddy's Appli- AT BARGAIN PRICES 146 LIBERTY, ST. SOUTH sales arientated maIe or le- Trve A eny nc e Parts Ltd., 344 King St.- BOWMANVILLE mule personnel. We aller ex- 19 ve Rig ge.,omnvil W., Oshawa, Phone 189-tf3 Parts. epir Bus. Phone 623-2500 22.2 cellent office facilîties, unlim- 19Kig t F, oniliile8 t and Service 1 ited. advertising, direct Toron- 62-1240 FOOT 11/4 inchi TV tower wî otne suull he A LN T N ta lîne, and aver 30 years of 21 -2 stucurewih al hunelsales experience. ROWTE TOU strantea ithall fr $4,95.future FoAO RYPr personai interview cali anten-T installed forB$ock95.Mike 'Belmonte, Manager,' RO E OU S Special on colour syste W.'<yH±. JBRON Brick, Blck tone iSchofield-Aker Real Estate, BEST OF ENGLAND, Phone Roy Andrews 623206 623-4403; after 6 p.m. 576-1908. IRELAND and SCOTLAND-- 6-tf 1 Fari m lemJ~ents and Chimneys ISCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED JUNE 18 - JULY 12 - 25 Days TYPIEWRITIERS, adders, cales, King St. W.,- Bowmanville Poe6327 30 King Street West WESTERN UNITED STATES cash regîstens, deski, chairs, ____22-?' hoe62-22 omnll and CANADA files, new, used, rentais, service. CrsfrSl - - -Bomnle 20-tf Opfional ALASKA CRUISE Discount prices, Open Tues- -ars forSale JULY 23 - AUG. 15 - 24 Days day, Wednesday, Thunsday, Bill 6 JACK BURGESS TnesW ne NEWFOUNDLAND and Hamilton, Braoklia 655-4179 1970 HONDA, CL-350, 4,370 edr vÂe EAST COAST TOUR ___ 46-tf miles. 576-8472. 92-1 OIL BURNERS - FURNACES TOWNýSHIP -0F CLARKE- SEPT. 4 - Z5 - 22 Days OK maaie;paper '65 CHEV. Biscuyne,28 auto- PUBN EAR TENDERS FOR FENCING EASTERN UNITED STATES backs and comic books bought, matie, radio. Jim Byers, PHONE HAMPTON Tenders on company stu- and ATLANTIC CITY sold and exchanged. Top Blackstack_986-4637. 22-1 inrsae ad lry .TULY I2 - 20 - 9 Days pnices paid for family libranies '71 PONTIAC-Parisienne 2- 263-215,1 tîoneaseulcoed nds, cllear For information on above and collections. Morgan Self, dr, hardtop, automatie, power Mail Address.: received by the Township' Tours Phone 84 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa, steering, radio, etc. Newton- P.O. Box 43 - BowmanvillelClerk up ta 12 noan, June 11,( Pot723-7621. 22-1 ville 786-2536. - 22-11i 30-tf 11971, fan the supply and erec-9 PotHope 885-2527 H VE Aplacs-VIsit '64 CHEV. V8, excellent con- tian of upproximutely 40 rods1 HOOVR Apliaces is DonBro '& on af fencing araund Lawrence ROWE TOUJRS, PORT HOPE aur showroom an-d inspeet theý ditian, $450; '66 Yamahu 125 DnBoosS o Cemetery, Lot 21, Concession1 33 BLOOMSGROVE AVE. O mpiete line of Hoover Pro- wilh trade as part payment 5 sflos ieee 20-4 duets. Sec the exciting Hoov- for Serambler. 623-7814. Customn uilders 5,àcas follos: wenevenh -er Wusher-Spin-Dnyer la ac-, 2-1ospaed wavenl fencar seelth COLMER TOURS tian, Oshawa Hoover Centre. ---__ NEW HO USES - ADDITIONS wad ostshrotwenad an tee We carry a complete lîne ofLivestock For Sal and REMODELLING paîts on corners. W'strnCaaa replacement parts for al - Wester Canad Hoover Produets, 344 King St 90 RIENS, mostly red ones. lYou Namne It and We Do It' Lowest or any tender not WOshawa, Phone 579-1161 Astin Wood, 623-2212. 22-1*1 necessanily acceptcd. Iuly 3 to 24 _____1-I._ 723H 1-fONIE cow with caif, one steer, 12-16o 2-31Cek "OZITIE" Indoor/Outdoon - one heifer. A. Huas, 12 mile' Townshorp6of2301aCrkrk Calif ornia $2,69 per sq. yd. "'Ozite" Rub- North-,aIfTyrone.2-1__ __- - Box 219, Orona, Otro Augst7 o 8 ber Back -$.9 persq. Yd. CHAROLAIS X sh bulhs, gaad1 ergrain-22-l'1 Augut 7 o 2 ozen of emnats, ll 8ýegconformation and ready for erg ato1 and colours. 50% Off List service. 8-48 12 n EDR For Information and Pnice. Carpets fmom Rarding, 7626. 2- n The Northumberland and1 Reservations CallI Celanese, Barrymore, Crossiey, ONE 7 year aid geldiag, colon- Appliance Service Durham Caunty Board of etc. Phone 668-8895 for fre black and white, reslly fait. omriladDmsi Educutian invites Tenders fan 623-3265 or 623-3093 home service. County Broad- 987-4378.. ___22-1 omrilan ousi the supply of General Chais- 210-3 ioom Ltd,, 1742 Brack Street, SEVEN year old regsteredà Refrigerato îkCoesro untrIqima ___'South af No. 401, Whitby. hackaey mare, broken ta Phone BERT SYER for Industrial Art Shapi (2) TRENTWAY22-4 harnes and' saddle. Phone Days- 623-5774 and Home Economnie Depart-1 1 1 83-318 22-1-y Nizhts- 623-3177 menti (2) ut the following . TOURS s~E 8-38 chools where additions are3 TWbre, nETgedn Lander Hardware being constructed: SPECIALS TO BREWER'S GRAIN yrs. aid, braken; one filly, ance _ and ELECTRIC Dr. M. S. Hawkins Public WESTRN ANAA HGH ROTIN EED year old, red roa iacolon. - Schuol, Rampton Junior Pub- WETENL AAD. G 2thI FE Phone 786-2966, Newtonville. For -Rent -lic Sebool, South Monaghaa JL 2hfor Dairy or Beef Cattle 22-3 ----- - ____ -Consolidated Public Schooi, MARITIMES -[î vlsi fr I~yuaebulg~îîîgONE iulfrihdnoEaîiln Pulic, Sohool, GASPE ULY 18th [TIMES AND 'OUNDLAN D JGUST 7th >OSONEE h, 251h sud 301h EBEC CITY 'LY 3Oth IWORNIA rOBER l6th uer information contact r& Loveli1 el Agency tE., Bowmanville 623-3182 21-3 LIBERTY STABLES SECOND ANNUTAL OPEN SCHOOLING,-, SHOW (open týalal) Sunday, lne 6, 10:30 a.mo ENGLISH and WESTERN CLASSE$ 1Viultons Welcome No Admission Chargei For further information eall 263-2303 Ruïtth or George Canfield 1. mile north oai Taunton Roadon Blauvers Road Contact SHANTZ BROS. LTD. 416-635-'7744 THE;BEST IN BLACE. -ND WiVTEr Colar cand UHF are 1!1 ,4 evy DutY R.R. 6, Baowmanville MAPLE GROVE 623-5251 or 725-1685 3-tf TVTwr iAntennas, Rotors iBlack and White Guaî'auteed Workmanship hy I 16 years service ini this areaI OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LTD. 723-8131 IvanJohaon Son, Lve: z.IîCeatennial Public 'Schaoi,ý stock Dealers and arder buy- I ROOM onraom with kitce.Brtn Public Schooi sudc ers, R.R. 1, Bailieboro, Phanelpnivileges. Phone 623-2,Î16 uric Secondany Sehool.r 705-939-6855. 4-tfl 2 2 i* Tenders wili close ut 4:00 _____ p.m.Friday, June 18, -1971. PAOIN,2yerol ed- 1Ili ACRES well fenced pasture i Spécification sheets a n d ing, beautifuliy coufarmed; ineiuding humn, lots af waten.lequipment listi may be ob-I ahso small, genthe childnen's Caîl 263-2730. 22-1 tained ut the Board Office. pony aod new condition tool- APARe a cd saddl e. Reasonable. Tele PATMENTIS, bachelor, 2 Plue aply ha writing phoîe_23-930 2- bedroomisuad 3 bedroomi. stating particulars, ta ______ ~~Adults oniy. 623-5044. 22-11A itu L~Bsns HEREFRD , nd Hlstei - ýAininstar adTreasurer, HIeREoD an d HyeolinFURNISHED naam lu new 335A King Street East stocker steens ad heifens. home close ta hospîtal, waman COBOURG, ONTARIO Sale eveny Saturduy. George pmeferned, hourd optianal. Cal 22-h A. McGowan 778-2213 Have- 623-2689. -1 lochý We deliven. 22-2* TïWO bedroo-m aa-rm-ent an Nursing 1-lme A LOT 0F BULL! Mar-Win's Lambi Lune, $140,50 includes -___________ 'heat, hydro. fridge sud stove. ACCOMMODATION avallable1 Roio X6B-ThcequrtrPhone 623-5888. 22-tf fan up an bcd patients. Reas-p Charolais. Birth wcight 106 onable rates. Appiy South c hhs., finished R.O.P. test ut HOUSIE for sale, or reat, Haven Nursîag Rame, New- r aonc yean 23 duys weighiag roomeri may have kitchen, liv-cst.Phn98-41 ilf 1340 Ibi. Sired by the Mighty ing, dîing room pnivileges. ate hn 8-41 1t Apollon FMC 27 hoider af Abitainers oîiîy pIeuse. Phone o gge fourwol records for wcun- 62?-3909. 22-1 Mortgages____ mag and yearling weights sud APPROXIMATELY 75 acres value cd t aven a quarter of a fertile land for ent with M 0RTG"ùqA CX million dollars, Also fîve me- hall la hiay, witbin Townaoa' corded Charolais cowe. Con- Bowmanville ut $8 per acre,av la eatc tact M a r - W i n Charolais, Cail 623-7538. 22-1 v la eatc 416-26 -2770 22-1 TH REE bed roam brick bun - n w o t ] Pets galowv Available now, $175y montbly. Write Adventîser FIVE week old part Cocker 209, c/o The Canadian States- V A N Spaniel puppies, free ta good Ima, P.O. Box 190, BowmanAVLAN INV lhome. Phone 623-5179. 22-1* lville__ 22-1l lO'/2 King St. W., Oîs DOG Meat, beef, fresh frazen, 17-FOOT R ieTaller withI Eveningi, weekends and eut, 18e lb. Modemn, heaftediefrîgeraton and tailet. IEquip-' hoarding. Ravelherg Tra jiiti g iped with hif ch And fender, 24-HOVR8 Sciiaal, O roan . 1-983-016'mrros. For ent bv the ebn o h !tnoM corierTanto Rad ndHîg-week only. Phone 576-2038: îýrbr f h nai o way-1 115. 2-tf lafter 1 p.m. 21-2 -1Notice to_'reditors e V-NOTICE TO CREDITORS e- and others In the estate of THOMA9 j* HENRY BROOKHAM, de-, -cea.sed. Id Ail persons having dlaima d- against the estate of Thomas 'e Henry Brookham, late of the nTown of Bowmanville in the - County of Durham, who died 78 on, or about the 27th of March 's 1971, are required to file proof Sthereof with the undersigned - on or before the Iûth of June 1971, alter which date - the estate will be distributed, mi having regard only to dlaims nof which she shall then have had notice. tf DATED at Bowmanviîle this -25th day of May 1971, APHA 1. HODGINS, -10 IJuke Street, Bowmanville, ïl Executrix. 9 21-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THIE ESTATE 0F THOMVAS HAROLD GOULD *Ail persons havîng cdaims sagainst the estate «f'Thomas Harold Gould, late of the Town of Bowmanviiie, in the yCounty of Durhiam who died ton or about the 28th Decem- * ber, 1970, are hereby notified. 1ta send partîculars of the - ame ta the undersigned at *Box 9, Newcastle, on or be- yfore the 4th day of June, 1971. 1after wbîch date the estate --will be distributed with re- rgard only to the dlaims of rwhich the undersigned shall ethen have notice, and the undersigned shall not be liable to any person of whose dlaims Ithey shallflot then have notice. DATED at Newcastle this l7thi day of May, A..D. 1971. Charles Percîval Gould, Executor of the estate, by E. R. Lovekin, Newcastle, Ont, its solicitor herein. 20-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In. the estate of MARY MAUDE MORRILL, of the City -of Peterborough, in the ICounty of _Peterborough, deý ceased. Ail persons -having déaims against the Estate of Mary Maude Morrill, late of thý3 City of Peterborough, in the County of Peterborough, who, died on or about the 2nd day rof March, 1971, 'are hereby notified ta send particulars of samne ta the undersigned. on or before the 31st day of May, '1971, after which. date the Estate will be distributecr with regard only ta the claîmý- of which the undersigned shall then have notice and th-e undersigned wîhh noî be liable ta any persan of whose dlaim they shallflot then have notice. DATED at Bowman ville thLb 14th day of May, 1971. Barber & Kelly, 28 King Street West, Bowmanville, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor3, 22-1 iLbst RING, gold band. with two opals, in box. Reward. Cal 623 -3421. 22-1 PART St. Bernard, on Friday, May 29th, answers ta name of Laddie. Reward, 983-5290. ONE ladys' gald wa tek, be- tween Elgin and King. Find: er please Phone ý623-7066. Re- ward, 22-11* Personal HYGIENIO Supplies--(Rubber goods) mailcd postpaid ln plai sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25c, 24 sampies $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28. Nov-Ruhber Ca., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 1-52 Auction Sales WEEKLY LIVESTOCK SALES at Durham County Sales Arena, Orono - Every Thurs., 7:30 p.m. Selling Horses, Cattie, Swine, Calves, Sheep, etc. Charlie Reid,' Auctioneer and Pro- prietor. 23-tf sWanted ME LOANS urrent rates for rhile cause. IESTMENTS ihawa 576-7890 1holidays - 728-5623 SERVICE Ortgage Broken Assocîation ti p ci rý 1A le