'Real Estate for Sal atmn, tpernt the eekndatt The canadian sttemiBwnvle ne2.17 BOWMANVILLE AREA At redt essiilonfutNor- ~ve rs eu", termnsr f.n Cernent BIock tubradadD ia T na jie hrh Nsitncnrgto B u l i g 2 0 c u t e o n i, e v a - e Utend s a s ce e 't nk y u Building 5 x 60 rnice Malcolmwa appoinjted Sunday Seýhool Anniversry aiwh asitd ndt Price includes3 Property cuty delegate ýo 'the Cen,- Was heldi on Sunday mornîng vîsitor h ttne h _____ ____alid Equipmient tral Ontario Joint Planining Vi th Il Reverend T. H. Auction Sales Auction Sales Real Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sale Real Estate Lopt iz een x 146 ft., ll lBa, vn rutspe--nt Srn1th(B. -,uest WCap . srie Thursday, June 3rd, 7:30 FOUR bedrloom two storey' car rs-roig Possibi1itý, vweekend with hler sister,MisSit chose "Spirits orio- U~r Highest Prices: pmeenn HernaIhouse, barn, L'4,O00 wVi thil AN PE ILCountry Home et other uses.. ,OOdowniJessie Pcover, in findsay, Spirit" as the heme for his, Gîý ~S O a pmeeig-Herna[LA DSE ILNEWpyetwl adeCl hre ctCobvleýisiig ak edn cs2 FARM - HOUSEHOLD Country Auction" -, locatedj$5,000 dlown. Private. Tele- iamltwl wdc alýcat- et'vle s-ii ak ecigAt - REAL ESTATE, ETC. off.No, 2 Highway, North on phone Newýcastle 987-4450 orl 75 x 200' ReIl LOTS $3,500 Down LES HALL 1who has spent the pa-st wee'I 1-17,I1 Featuring the "Mouse F WfLanae A ctoJLnSier l o u. tRoufeWHiallon -7553.221Only $1900 and Up Pc orlt ewl ul 623-5211 with his grandparns Vr Fml"a n lutain,1A pine Saýle MgrsA.uCINS1Amlt onaR.utoughievaH ilo -5513. 22u lt. e ii*il and Mrs. Ralph SadiEler, ae-i the speaker demonstratedthug Altona Rd., featuring vr DUPLEX, 1. bedroom and 2'$100 Down - $25 Monthly, 7%/ your home. Trade your pres- H KETH LITD. companied theto his home how chîldren, who do not lis- BRUCE PORTERevy bedroom apartmnents, King St., ent house. 1,200 sq. homes, . E on Monday. ten to parents' advice, can be CLASs FiEDS Blackstock 986-4673 Thursday night : antiques, Bowmanville. Name your Go East on 401 t0 Newtonville, Newcastle outskirts. Onily 3 REALTOR lt r n rEdlg ha okdo rgMs aeaPoe6330 WIVLSON AVE., NESTLETON mode 1i and contemporary Suht ae-Es ie'M.adMs Edig. hahoe ndus isPml 11-13 furniture, fine glass and china down payment, fully rented, Sol~ t ak -ES i to pick from. -.Fleetwood, visited on Sunday Stinson and Miss Jennifer appliances, old botties, crocks' 10w taxes. Very good invest- Cl AHEE OKNevening with- Mr. and,,mrs, McGî1l of Levro aoe brass and copper knick-' ment7. Pivtesae.Phn ERNE ST DALTON 623-7276 or 576-8345 Lorne McKee-. wîth two vocal numbers -and FN ULT FINE RIDGE knacks. Auctioneer's note: A62-78 21 BROKER TMiss Marilyn Jackson, Bea-1 the Rangers of Blackstock AUCTION COMPANY good selection every Thursday WILL build a heautiful 1,200 M. SLangeI A e ,vith lher spntthe r Weekend also n wo tn edA byN N SlsManagers & Auctioneers night. Come where the ac- sel. ft. ranch style bungl 893-1795 - 753-2257, R aE ke vro, mterMs .w1peito asetne y AKR " Wýe offer a Complete Service tion is. P.S.-Quality coon 100, x 150' lot haif mile JelEtt LI nIackson and brother Mr. Alani Mr, Victor Malcolm to, Mr. GLENN FRY signments accepted. Piku from Oshawa Ski Club for R.R. iJ3rksn.SWOODBRIDGEues OI withsmno Dt ieeed the Jacksons were rm. Pand to the young ladie~s forTAF~ TOM LOWERY No reserve. Temms cash, for $4,500. For information 2.*adMs George Jonso oythileclln asstn 728-7639 OSHAWA Henry Kahn, Auctioneer, cali 728-5920 or 576-3943. -623-403_____s 16-tf Phone (416)-668-6189. 22-112~2 REALTOR Oshawa On Saturday evening Mr. RES-ýULTS Vc'1u1TWT'i Keîh hoe ý!353f)Jut rgh fr y anrd Mrs. George Bowers were ~ L' " Don't miss the Celebmtv The undersigned auctioneer ORONO - 3 bedroomn country Ketfhne63500Js igy hti ora oung hosts for a, dinner, party in, Auction Sale, 1 p.m., June 5, will selI by public auction the home, attached garage, lot P ET E RS Bowmanville: .11/2½ storey bungalow is located onf ep us seer.al itnd Mrs St. Gregory's Auditorium' household effects for Mr. 110 x 150, includes pool table' RT D, recently reniovated 7 oom lot. Wîî îldcpd, Sico NOsaw.Arice GoreGaines, Beaver St. N.,bodomd aiy ro. ELYLDramne home, built in oven and cppvd Jim Abernethy, 13owmanville,! fro wel kow pesonli Necasleriht 1ehid sso 81/4 % N.H.A, mortgage, $139 72873 stove, carpet, corner lot. Ex- Lkdriey. Askng$7,0.0.Mm. and Mrs. Reg. -Sutto, iliamy of the ow s a li ecatlemo, rJun ehi:RoundOwne hols seondmomtage choos. Akindpr Siffor Broher ties presented by Ladies' Aux- Service Station on Saturday monthly, P.I.T, $8,000 down. loi King Street East, Oshawa ceJient family home close to LksoeRaNwovleOoo m n r.FejM~nei iliay of, th Osawa olic aftrnon, Jne 5 Roud Oner oldssecod mrtgae Reltorscho4s.AAcresprcwît9,50a 4panrsamic pDayesi D aesdadMrs. AAllanBea MULTIPLEe IST EG S IVIC Association. Ail proceeds to table 5' across wlth 4 leaves, if desired. $28,500. 1-983-5991.Reto Give us an offer, ,0. view - partly wooded, addrng cock of Blacksto&k. Ba ITN Crippled Children's School squame table, chest, 8-day ___ 21 BOWMANVILLE - $20,500 - mlso omn îtreqebat hogot Recent vistr ihMrQ hw isrc IIE and meamen Cetre 221 seifdoc, rd pne uphard Tmed ot 32 316mftlerghtnorth o owa-the year with frontage on lake, Vera, Mountjoy were Mr. John &B an______enr.221eel lcrdpiecporTre o 3 18f. ih ville: 8 room frame home with Asking $54,000.00. 1 i~ 1 Satrda, Jne 2,Clerin 2 uffts be, dessrwas- i ton wthfiv beroossmall apatment, 2 car gar- Garden Hill - 10 Acres May Slemon of Enniskillen JIj PWlty66-35 Sframm A ucine1fHolsteinadige,2yasod atF' ptescniin.Tyyu go celt rcdt ast, of Oshawa Ski ClubMs. imona n s othermrs i eiEtt ~fd5S.E-Wib down payment. Vedor lill seland-beautifully wooded wîth ton, Mm. Russel Gleto HTemefords, pigs, tactor im- chair, some dishes, pictures, 2 r flhold mortgage. Cutc ra w ero- alPnsadcdr.A da oMrs. RlaMonjo Hm peetcobngo;new qparltour haisol ad boks, eK our wtice re: wo doom tî ie n eas niel wavle pleent. cmbie, ood pfrle fchatool andbooks, LETTEIITOTYRONE - Top-",O"-the Hill hom ih rc om and location for that house you Mm. Lavemne Suggitt and hi baller, fmiueec qattps.peNo on ½ aresbover-extra bedmoom in basement, are planning, son Lyn of Kingston were :"e Aylmer Hood, located at Lot larticles. . hNoedpendeenve, houseis Co. , xbigeTw .~sold. Ternms cash, Sale at lokgtresad pn, double garage, on large lot. Newtonvllle cetweedvstors with I *V 17, Co.2ixrdg w"51 p.m. Lawrence HarrisGo iacng edrwl Askîng price 1$18,900. 8.5 acres - this property has Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lee andA - miles NE. of Stouffville. Farm Cek lfodPtik u-24Kn t . omnil consider holding first mort- Clold. Sale, 1Pthi p.m. At34kinnson tionowmn age. oei eetoer Orono Area: 2 years old, frontage on Hwy. No. 2. A Clîfford. Mm. and Mrs. Wal- ~ " and Wilson, Sale Mgrs. and ce.2- 623-3393 stone construction and large 1,300 sq. tt. bungalow, over- good location for market ter McGil1 of Janetville were, Acines222rooms. Cali Dorothy Vivian sized basement, large lot. gardening. Sunday evening guests wit'h Acones222 Auction sale of funitume Newcaste 723-0045 or 728-7328. Make an appointment to see Wihma Entwisle - 786-2911 the Lee family. ýt ingautin f ou tacor, aiyd amiean Lt 1,fon . î Sxya l rc uglx22-1 this beauty. Priced ait $24,500. Mike Belmonte - 576-1908 busy day for Cartwright e- P R I~£ ~ în acto o furtacorCartwrght Township, fist on large lot, with finished -___ ______- Starkville: 100 acre farm, Melville Dale 623-5638 sidents as a number of laies _ M harvester, SU, wagon, new; farm north of Buketon on ereation roomn, fireplace, with 8 room frame homne, Wm. MeFeeters 725-1726 attended and particîpated i power spreadem, fert. drill, Satumday evening, June 5th: and many extras, $25,900.00- _____________ barn, trout stream and 13 22-1 the Port Perry Hospital Aux- EXTRA LEANSWF' EMU like new; haler, 40' elevator, Garden tiller, lawn, mowem, ierms. acres bush. There are many M lary iea at the MLAZY MAFLE foaeboeJ 20disc, wheelbamrow, 44 MH tractor, Bowmianville J011 posibiliat$7,0s one this farm, ,.heCuore n or'- B K BA O new hydaulic hy. duty load- with new rear tires, MH bal- Olde r six room brick home Pmîe a 4750.frKo aattended trCuboree nd Pr er, etc., etc. Note - These cm' 2 years old, hay elevator, with garage, in central part Txvo miles north of Bow- REALTOR JrcksTe mpe aypaet a1 BA K B CO A O imiplem-ents are in excellent oller. manume speader and a of town. Exceptioîîally clean maux ille: 12 acres vacant land P EEA NSRNE Manotd r. Ga,9 c b condition, ail like new. Prop- quantity of small useful art- home, beautiful sunmoomi, Plus with pond site. Priced at adGNRLISRNE M.adMsGatCwcr99 b 5 b erty of Bunker Bros., farm Io- idles from the barn; liquor garden. $24,500. Terms, $10,900. 52 King St. W. - Bowmanvllle and famlly, Oshawa, spent th OLENeELO cated 2 miles east of Mark- bar and five stools, electrîcg3 igS.EsBomnii 2-.5 4t fMyhldý,w him or 20 miles N.E. of To-,fireplace, washing machine, 3- Bownianville 3 inPt Esopavre62-43 4hetMr.aynolda 1wi.bs, OLDN YLLO rot.Fr odfrd-hone 623-3950 or 623-3111 .$1,000 Down - 2 Bedroom Cawker, at the farmy.___________________________ velomen. Sle p.m At lapsother small articles, bungalow on Third Street, a NEWCASTLEý 8 months old,brcbuglwa$140. M.amC keenoea FEHCRS kinson and Wilson, Sale Mgrs. Farmmnow bas been sold. No very desimable residential 3 bedroom brick bungalow. $21,500 Total Price for 3 ih tpoe h ekn and Auctioneers. 21I-2 eserve. Tcrms cash. Sale area. Has finisbed recreation Oil heated. 4 pce. bath. Holly- - cro biko lrel t bis son Grant and'other 1ET C time 6:30 o'clock in the even- room, carpomt, paved drive. wood kitchen. Carport. Nice centraîîy îocated. Immediate fred nteBbagejn LTU E2fr4 c Auion sale, propety of ing. Clifford Pethick, Auc- Onîy $24,900.00. location. Owner transferred, . possession. area and reports that the MITCHELL'S FANCY E ,SII ____________________ourt_________21-_Off black flics- were biting wl Mrsha.wPgs, b hlaS ort, iner 2- Highway NO. 2, Ne'csl NEWCASTLE: 3 bdroom $17900 Ful Prîce for older but the fish were scarce. PL A C o vant's Auction Hall, 27 Hall Auction sale, 12:30 p.m., 2 acres of land, 6 year old bungalow. Oil heated. 4 pee. 7 roo home on large lot, On Wednesday, May 26th APE A C T m t C tu1 St atwam Diîngroom Jîne Tuesday, June 8. Clearing bnao with alumînumn sid- bath. Good size lot. Asking 576-8090 Terms aranged. Mrs. Mabel Cawker, Provin, 2 f 053O5% fiat6 ..:Diig ooitable famm auction including 35 ing, 4 bedrooms. Asking $15,000. Cottage at Head Lake - 3 cial Boa14 os. torJ JC £YC Botti and chairs, occasional chairs, Holstein-and Hereford cattle, $20.500.00. Temms, BUILDING LOTS: 10 acre 6320 Bedrooms fuîîy fumnished. In- York East District Annual nf Savr 8fSve10 chest of drawems, corner cup- 151 cows (8 registercd Hol- Orono parcels. Priced from $4,900 The hack-yard is fenced - side plumbing. $12,000. Ternis teom qae,5CHnstitte et VIc board, cbesterfield suite, Zen- steins), Hereford calves, 53 ero brcbuglwanuplndae fntndak.4osi. ith TV, rugs. beds complete, Hereford steers, 2 Hereford 3hdombikbnao, n p adcpdfotMn ak osi.traSqan r CHE BOY-R-D ç offec and end tables, foot- Heifers, s0w and Il pigs, 50w finished basement. Close. f0 BOWMANVILLE: L ar gec, bedroom,. 2 storey semi in $21,900 . 4 bedroom brick son, Peterborough, andi Mrs. S-paghiieu.. th M Tin stool, lamps, bcdroom suite, hog, 9 chunks, John Deeme 516 school and shopping. Askingstately, 6 roomed, 2 storey Bowmanville. Rec. room and with garage. This is a good Gladys Davidson, Bet1hanýy, Save 12o - pictumes, dcsk and chair, tractor (diesel) equipped with $23,900.00. brick home. Thrce baths. Oil carport. $23,500 with terms. older home. Termis available. were Sunday callers itM, *plaques, lawn mowers, water John Deeme No. 37 loader, Orono heated. Completcly renovat- Bowma.nville - Cosy 2 bcd- $24,900. Cozy 2, bedroom and Mrs. Bruce, Heaslip. OMO softener, bicycles, F re n ch power steering, (1400 hrs., ex- 2 bdombikbnao d oae ntebs atmo oewt r bedroombrc bungalow onHrond . Loctdi h etpr ake SeuogSotbll I ENR GEn"r T- sn doors, china cupboard, lawn cellent), pulley, tractor chains, with fnshdrecr-eation room of town. in baisement. Finished mec, Oshawa, Lot 61' x 200Q' Good L J g.1,I 9e Bo chirs Many more articles Case VA tractor and scuffler, with, filipîce,-.htwater -BOWMANVI.LE: 3 bed- room nd nlsd u ek1fra The Lake ScugogSo4b4,____S____'a_____v ____t______c_ t0omenion J- 3furow mîpbea pow baseboard heating. Ideal me- room- bungalow.O etd Beautîful lot with cedar hedige. ______________________________ ermis cash. Myles King, Auc- (like new), J-D cultivator, tirement or starter home. Three pe bath. Asking Just -listed, $20900 - Try y 300 oa riefr3,0 eau nlue ot erHEINZ IGESOL HES fioneer, 725-5751. 22-ilMH seed dm11, grain and fert- onlly $22.900,00 - Termis. $19,900. smaîl down payment. sq. ft. store in good location. Scugog Island, Burkcton ad ý\iioslpoet fbine, 8', hydraulic lift (good), Newcaistle NEA'R OSHAWA- 100 Acre Bowmanville - 4 bedroomrmne. the season was played at Mal- 'lAB Auction sale, propertyifol 4iblze-,bCocasoutvNo. 18ecom-wTerm00seA cr or10 Ncesfeo.3h2irtgmeo0Z.nl. UIL K.J Mii. F. Cochrane, 392 Masson McCormick hay haller (good), New large brick bungalow farm wt euiu c-bnaovr dawt 60PrAr o 5 cecolin Memorial Park on Sun- 3 s StOhwto be held at Bear Cat hammer mill, 30' with walkout basement in ex- room, brick bungalow. Oil large kitchen, Close f0 achooLs 1 59C am.GodbiligsJar6 c b a 'wa Seven miles from Oshawa- a îhNslto osgbY a Stirtevanf's Auction Hall, 27 endlcas Goodyear bclt (new), cellent subdivision. Ideal for hcatcd, 4 pce. bath. Recrea- OnIy $18,900. m. Port Perry 5-4. Save 10ec.av 4 Hall St., Oshawa, Thursday, New Idea manure spreadem, commuter. Only $23,900.00. tinrom NwbanAu- Newcastle - 2 bedmoom home June 6-Nestîcton vs Burke- June 3rd at 6 p.m.: Frigidaire McCormick hay mower (3 Mre adnSt dance of water. A-1 soil. în noth end. 65' x 165' lot. $23,000 - Brand new brick ton at Blackstock (6 p.m.) MAZOLA SIRM refrigerator, washing machine, point hitch), grain auger, OnrrtrnAkn i,0 ih~rs bungalow in Port Hope, Trade Port Perry vis Scugog at orAlCT hi-fi set, bedroom suite, Eureka potato planter, 2 rub- Highway No. 2 just east of 10 Acres with large frout or fermas. Perry (6 p.m.) I SI-Yj1j chom uietleiio, aio ertie wgns Frusn6 Bowmanville,, lot is 166' x sra.Pn.Tosm Pontypool - 2 storey older BAKEayAPPLEceBL4SSOlOZ beds, occasional chairs, lawn bar ake, Viking cleètric sep- 172'. Inside of bouse bas been stem. ,APo1nd. gTwotummer sdy Seric chairs, rugs, chest of draw- arator, 50 cedar posts, chain completely renovated. Ex- 'otge.Alot ng$1,0 . ome ih bd$om17 GodA9er0 623-5Z65 IntePsyeiaCurh'IL 89 er, ait, ondtal wthsw,32 ayelvtocement cellent garden, Only $20,000 termis. 6356 Sunday morning, Mr. MorlySae1epgs chairs, chesterfield suit e, mixer,,electmic motors, an- with $2500 down. 121/2 ACRE FARM with 4 Orono- Income duplex, a 2- oas5:1-0 nPu' school desks, work bench, tique cutter, pine cupboard, Cedar Crest Beach oomcd home. Ohan heatedter t bath. Barn. Asking $25,000. mîinetntad tslttro the Romans,.Thel power lawn mowcrs, wool 400 bales hiay, 150 bus. wheat, Bowmanville propcrty will pay for itself. is noue righteous, no, not, on. -ldcers, large qquantity -0f -200 bus. mixed grain. 3 tons Beautîful beach on Lake BOWMANVILLE: Nice dlean Only $16,900 wîth $3,000 down. Live by the ten c ommandý- isepots and pans, many cob corn, many ther items', Ontario with new cottage 3 bedroom brick bungalow, 0baufuRiemnHo mayc plty(OM 0FQAT) ri r;c articles too, numerous to the prope rty of Enoch Mec-w ichls quite large.Lti hhae.4pe. bath. Re- Oerlooking batflRc et.Hwmn opee cas.Mlcs h wp.4 ile wst.c%50 x 250 giving plenitv of priv- creation oom with fiemc od-10 cefr ihfret Lv th é Lrt ommd- O D A KE . OMAV godbarn, new well andmet"Lv th Lod hy IN 'ig utoer7 2 2-IHwy. 12aon on.6orile iles facy. Estate sale at $16,500 Asking $26,500. Ternis. aoidEAsLre hoe ifhn God with ail tby heart." Mrs- 22 otHcast o C.6of ri5e leson with low down payment. ORONO: Neat 5 bedroom bathroom. 10 miles north of -riVsersng"Ts so, SatrdyJun lthat1:0 Uic Wl wllseve unh. Rual Building Lt brick bungalow. Oil' heated, 401 on Hwy. 45. Asking 147 King St. E., Bowmanville p.m - leain sae 0 a- Terms cash. No reserve. Sale 6Chielt at corner ot 4-pce. bath. Garage. Asking $45,000. 6376 r6329 tiques, collectors' items and at 12:30. Lloyd Wilson, Ux- Liberty and Taunton Road $23,600.Trs Commercial Property - 40' furniture for the estate of bridge and, W. D. Atkinson, from $4,500 up. BOWMANVILLE: 3 bedroom x 60' steam heafed building' $900.00 down, 3 bedmoom K the laf e Arthur Manderson, Sale Managers and Auction- brick bungalow. Living and with large power doora, dis- cottage comipletely fumnishedWH locaf cd 1/2 mile north of cers. 22-1 Afttai 9 p.m. ea: dining room. Oul heated. 4- Play windows, single and 3 15 minute drive from Bw Mymtle Station on No. 12 Jan Oegema -62ý3-2318 pcc. bath. Garage. Deep lot, phase power. Large lot. manville. A bargain at only Higway NW. ornr ~ R al stte or al Phlli MRobio 63-759Very central. Asking $21,000. Taunton Rd. and Hwy. 115. $9,500. Easy fermas. Reýach-Whitby Town Line, O Cutnylvig84ro consîting of: Revolver bv "1C FRexpert, non-partial build- Jan ,Oudshoorn - 623-2984ouetsrywniranxiousf6 sdi Napr (ic 810, Listed sng inspections and full. re- Dane Found - -6Z3-3965 After Hours Please Cali. 3 bedroom cottage on Wash- year old bungalow on 25 acres in London Gunsmith); Seth prscî9843.-21S ayBon - - 63350 Harry Voerman - 623-7597 humn Island, Scugog. 4 pce.10f land, broadloom through- _ Toms dck~pi nn ng LT u Bwmnvllc cntaW Transy ron 293-54031 Osna- - 2-41bath, fumnace and carport. ouf. Asking $27,500 wifh T SRE LJ USOM R Thomsas c doc, spooî bed, 5'Tx in0'.WraieAdvenral 40Sdig otiser IN A Mll,+ilî OERVEATOUPR E AND PMROVD cast ron-nd1wode-"tum-127, c/ C naia Satsm n, Ro P ser Orono 983-581 H ry C ut 2 2 4 x eto a o, Asking s ro u gl w b ctd i Whitby 668-6189. 22- 28tf1, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mc- IIII~,~iuI, ~ -Laughlin, Mm. and Mms. Law- vv~av iiy JLJru ii, ~rence McLaughlîn, Lyna and: - W ave ty ard ns Brent attcnded Queen's Uni- COWAN ILLEverslty Convocation at King- (O W N V LL BOW AN ILL -~ston on Saturday afternoon- AUTO buit and sold by Blackstock recelved ber.a,- UIEV D Pariannza eveI'oprnents Andy Sutch Jr. Sunday evenîng dinnar:. OUR PHONE WRC ESMr. Walter Frank is plaasad guests wîth the Harry Mc-ýý 46 2 3 3 3 4f to announce the appointmnet ot Lauglins were M. and Mrs. NUMBERCAGE 987-636Mr. Aady Sntch Jr., to his sales Harold Larmer, Blackstock.J staff.an Mr. and MVrs. Clarenc- M1l We bijy Iron, Rads, Batteries, Metal, Cars O 41 ZMr. Suteh,being a native et Giion, Ororio, were Eranchg Ofies N * Mebr ! evenmngatede rooan CIer.OSHAWA - AJAXOTAO>CN IN and Trucks for wrecking. Open All Weekend Bowmanvilla High Schools. Sunday dinner guests with BLLVLL *A STT U1EOad NERAIOA Having eompleted ail neces- the Lawrence Malcolm f amil ORT ROEAL ESTATE rtfrmot aesf-asanl sary real astate courses ha is wcre Mr. and Mns. Stanley ROTHP IDA Wesi prsfo ot ae c as angl pip. now a competant Registerad Malcolm, Mr. and Mrs, Neil PORT FERRY BAD roadpie 0Salesman capable et advising Malcolm, Gordon, 1ý--- Mary Lou ~ 4..~yen whea bnying or selling. and James, ah ofr Blac s ce, TWENTY.FOUR HOUR TOWING To contact Mr. Sutch: Mr. and Mrs. JamesMilt NOW AT 234 KING STREET EAST, BOMANIL cusIV! 8ÉTEELDIN Call Bowmanville 623-3393, Michela and Jame,Msi- CUSTOM WELDING .or sauga, and Mrs. S. Brooks, MTqEV YO ETR Posntypool 277-2004 Bowmanville. Miss Bonnie Malcolm, Kîng-ý