SýhawlstComin--ýg Back inîto Style VOLUME 117 16. Pages BOWMANVILLE,., ONTRI,WENEDY JN 2 91 etCo NUtTMBER'22 At te oenin cftheMuseum>s lth year last Thursdlay evenmfg.MsJe nie îchrdsn ofOree dmonstrated spînning as she did at the opening Ain1961. Shepreabl fet tat heshawl she was wearïng was ;in kee pîng with that peio wensining wbeels were in vogue, but attractive youn g Donnria Trerney showsthatshaws are actually quitemodern. Opportuitiîes for Youth Proieci hil canicel th, udoLi aue J-,nmbrcmngfo usrui 16,ws nhn planncd tu cert o-oto on vr.H .Pry rdgctiîhmmeso manaile MuscUum'stnha-woenote h aeMshcfruy swsM.A nîvcrsary on Tbursa vnf.B.Wlinsnad osberhar AETO ing, May 27, clcnred in te__ __ for tncsc to procecd witb ajIIWY Wt neeto onn ppoaî goodcrowd gatberto no tn li3eca' clîodoigifteOnai MANY'LIONS MSIO poetta îlcag h etr nrnet If yon have tried withont EwavleWe understLand that settiemen_-1tihî, success to contact any nicm- been made with most of the land owniers invlv,-il bers of Bowsnanville or so the ýway should be almost cleared for the g Newcastle Lions Clubs this aha weck, many of thenimay hed be found l inaston whcrer tlsey are attenin a con- INGENUITY Our- hats are off oitbcthe Rc b rention No doubttbcil Cross and the Lucas famuly who were able te bprsad draegin honteatprrl the w eck. wcary, but filled pesaetefdrlgernntoprtwh with fellowship andi inspir- $7,500 grant under the Opportunities for Youtýh ation, airong other thingà. prograin. Their efforts will make it possible f"re senior citurpnt anid *the dîsahl ilt.-whavnrm Bu syekn F-or Electrons Bowmanv!lle's LekeTV Electrous will be paiga re-schealcd g ai ta e neu Tuasday, juna th. at Soper Creek Park vs Oshawa Leg- lonnaîre juniors, at 6.15 pm' ItIs a busy upornîing wcekeud for the Intermed- lates, %with Kiugsteu jrs, visiting here Naturday at 2 p.în., and aunaway an- counter ou Sunda' i 2p. vs the high-tlin Port Hoepe Fidelîty Flyes. PERFORM AT FESTIVAL courtice 1Seeo1,ndnary School's 42-oacor that obtained hîgh -o-retitivë honorsataIthe recexl i .Ii an- îs Festival tin îroruh parieipaîad rtecautle, lu the MeLagiln Fetilb dor the Arts pi- cam ia Oshawa, This î the -only hig- sehool choir ta flue area, t t rviae re3sistnc For I e i ,a d c Friday, June 25th will ha - lamdArlacom-munu- 1tuniti e for Youth Summcer students. Th e eîcraont- tbe second annual Miss Bow,0_ taioÇra -edCoss, head- Employnicnt Carnpaign te ine o!fte lan i s te contact mnit11e Kiosmen. Beauty1 eureswsrceiived hy qualify for federal grant. cbderly an d banducappcd Coteit, Lait ycar's winner, Mn Pb Lua sgg'lîg Wit the encouragement ot ,peaple through c hurch, serv- Miss Syl via Katrer, wîll he that s a enio Citzen erv erso Brad, Mis. sucî b- ice club, heýalth service Con- o adt onti ev iceun pplcaton uid e mttc a equit fr ~mo e tctsand nia.ýke known the Qcn precned ndr ta ppr- mpoy-ppoxiatly 1 rTI ru PTC AGE rWO} hA 1250.00 nuodelling course] 91'_____a_ - Is. among the prizes for the! SJUST 17 SHORT 0F TARGET 'ainner aind ail girls hetwreer flic ages o! 15 ad19 are ib- Ied 5Gui-cnt memhcush-îp a the vited to enter Sponsers, w Il Bownianvibbe Cha-r of be îupplied te deiray the, Commerce stands n 8,juit cassh. 17 short ofthti 'e t Any For information prune 623 - _ _ _ _ r1970 menibers who hvenet 2612. Ertry tonms arc avaîl paîd up se far this )77 -can able at Bownuanvilla and, iG p il p Thre Hd Sield Appeal expect another )latter monum Courtîce Hîgh Seheol-s as welb! Campagur u mor thanb-eb Chani ci reqi c. ing the r ,as Brock'î B. P,1 Bwman- way toward achievîng ts goal ren edr, particîpForville. o! 11,600 for thîs area, Cap- tanLnFrost of thie Bo W At Mosport ParmtIn c avto iyR t msCorps mmîd yesterd.a,;, Ths Weee n Fà Rs ý,M undi rcceîved in thecXp- Likea ridge îa teai pe- eal wil ha tnnclicd inte the cadin theman oun'Inlun annatinal hcadquarters and go AniSJ i.wre ostnfFed avan, gocar racs wll Iha e hcpsupport the rnybgflav net e Sîdewatk anuswtormeDonsîMtung r t heldet Mspom th wccenddiffament institutions bbe ArmyhigpnndfrBwa-Tîps, onMcGregarf runs, To name a tcw - homes vil. bs uie h h a-Gog1Wht Gord Car- theweeheor- the Cao/Arn. for,-teae n nin tail Merebants Comniîttce of negie, Rac Ahernctby, Baao Accodin teBrilshEmprehornes for unwed mothers, rc- the town Chaniber'o! Comi-IStaliker, Carl InynianJc Meti lu Met ecetry habilitation homes fri alco-marce,'Houghley, Lou Lyle, Fa Byeic andte watcing te min. Baes of lily 22nd-July hGoubd arndreprescotatuves uvahini biz arond thehoscuae drao sehool 24th have been tentaîvely froni Canadian Tire, Cerna trai anbe vcy iu h as c i Concord Roie set, tien Flower Shop and B &R thiligastlbowing ic big, A donation mean tes it was moved by Cai-olc Sportst FormulaOna racers, places can sbay open and pro- Gould and saconded hy Gord The Chamber agi ccdte use A'bout 500 conipetitors, niany vide help te people who naad1 Carnegie that the tee for par- semaet the money froni tice foithe United Statas, arc ît, In bbe Army iduoni a Itîcîpatuon ha tic sanie as lait Sudewalk Sale te provida pro-J expecter' te taka, part la the donation helpb "huy-a pîcce year - 525.00 tfesionai help te loek inte tic goý.,-cart a1ve-nts. eto happinesi'. A Sidewalk Sale Couurnttee mattder o! downtown pankung. Su are Dancers Dlemonstrate Skills on -the Lawn J'ie Basiful1Bews s;quare dance group l- ed b hycier~ l aseie-heetcyprfred ,nL ie lawn1i GlnDosn wr u iefor-.-leMue oee ace y naziin rw f guesta.ý free help with jobs nround the house hi sni nmer, 'and also provide the young students wt some cash they so sorely need. BOTTLE DRIVE- This Saýturday, ýyoung people trying to taise funds forthDopI Centre wili be picking up btte around tonbtarting at 9:00 a.m, and ask for coý.-opecation from ail cîizens. From the sound of the letter on the Edîturial page, tlîev would alsýo 6e w ell-adx îsed to urge their members and others who atten.,d functions at the centre, to be especially careful not to offend nearby citizeirs wîth unnecessarv oie)r litrering while on their w7ay home. TOWN TIOLDERS§14 The Bowmnnville Indus--' trial Commîttees ifoma lionfolerbas been well- reccîved hI co-sponsor Chain- becr o! Commerce, Fîve thousand copies thave becn produced for distribu- tion by varions businesse lout town. Any company, wanting to bc a Bownîanv icl booster, can r obtaîn) a lînited supply o! the rolders k- tclephoning >23403 0n 800 VISIT ZOO IN RAIN On, cool aud rainy days, zoos tend te be deserted places. But, not the Bowuianville Zoo on this cool and rainy Wcduesday. 1 Wonld't yen know il, 800 bilîdren trom sehools lu south-westeru Outario slîowed up this usornsng for -atnn.. of *nté »ac. sFlirsi Prizeith TownjMapi Tuc'e-Year - old Hni ecnaystdnsrom aro"',hall]i i b- aJid tbeîj wiin n the rofBowaet vdeea c ý ,h ntr cdlob.caatnrCnte ulc Trent hichîvwrsîty Mapanc a rgnlmpwil oni eaeblrse standing ni the Glass A cate- Honi)e selectcd the thcnc-natmaIc adwlo ,a gory, Grade Six, and babyw. bimscit H ad. to researcli i1aec ndoreeeu, More ýthan ,t160 publiceandiintorma)tionthrougt' thetwnwrotcaleinprbm. Steam Locomotive Attracits Ail Ee One oethe features cf tle MPuseum o penîn was thi mode1coa-red"istea'C locomotive built by Harry C.Alun,.'R. R.' 4, whoI sadigancht bwi -about 500 pounds, îs eight t in Iength, n okapeimtl Q ok houî s te hiîld. Obvîously, îr dew much comn rnAte'uga d lde visitors. TOO FAST) - Bowmanville's fireinen were on the job se fast battling that blaze ou Dukie St. uit 3:00 a.m. the other morning that the flarnes had cbanged te dense srnoke bythe lime The Statesmnan phetographer got on the seene. Se, we inissed eut ou a spectacular picture. Eîthcr we are geing te have to get irneving f aster or the firemen -Àill have te slow down a bit. t tt t PARADE- Cuhs front Cartwright and Pcfrt Ferry areas took part in a big parad and Cuhorce in Port Ferry on Saturday and Scuts from the area held a Camporce at bbe CLOCA in Enniskillen. We regret that we were unahie to cover these events, but there was just toc much doing dloser'te home that day, including a Mîdland Regiment reunion in Cobourg that we aise missed. t t i Y BANQUET - This Fia evening, U'niteil Counties Warden and Mlanvers Reeve 9larvey Malceilm iili be henore!d with thetrdioa Warden's banquet at Yelverten Church Hall, h wýhen, ne doubt, those great cooks in that areaI ivili have participants adding peuuds they don't ned.Or congratulations to Wardeu Malcolm, wh saise the Yelverton c orrespondent for The State"s-ian t t ,i t t CENSUS- We heard cf cne family in toýwn whoseh Young son v'en-t te werk absoscn as the shcorb census foi-m hadhee recrvedAdfîbfled in ii stof the answers. Wc i aur un oef- cik, be was surprisd te fînd the o- iot onltd OnIy one question Was left uýnanswcicd bet ba cf the heuschcld, mether or fatbeî?bea<ke. mrb boy! t i J. t CENTENNIAL - Osýhawa Autkots Ve Museuin is planning a parade of McLaugehlia cas duriug a gala vieekend, JuniSý tia te Jane 0thteou Col. R. S. McLaugiIno during hais 100,( ea.S far, 32 cars r ,angfiug in age frein 1908 te P14 hv been entecred. Only four y cars of manufacture,;iý are mîssing, 1909, 1911, 1925- 95. I:,Anyone knewin;g of owný,aers of theseraecsisskdt contact teMsunAt 2-61 RACE - After that cxcî-iîgi bilprLdId 0 on Saturday, bbc Can-Ant rceutMcpot n un 11, 12 and 13shuld hrîng ,ojut i -etn nlr r umbers than we have ever ei u a<bya ihas 80,000. 1- wîll he reugh, tafciebtn ch tiare wi iL--ho vernight cmpn, ewe1 hp tc doî't ail 'ti,ýo reacb bbtrhe a buttcsm lm.TLc-JmUp willpoahycmelt Sna afrerneon hle rtace k ov er irdtied for Nestieton- On Saturday,! There weîe.10 f loaî, nsfo ridB1kli in pra., May 29th, the -third Fie cdiPack, aind oiex hima, Cubmastera- Ridge Cubore wasibl: i lotrepresentrng trePr erWlsu Nestîcton Jla i Port Ferry troni9-0a.na, to Ridge Seutieu rs'lb ade c tndcd tew 5 p.m. t'erarruvingarb, gicre H ad<npr) W At 10:15- be parade, led b utrlgro<und's c l it uis1 ae ev uud to cebrl the- Canadian Legion Arn-one ,cl n eJ e; O cuugL o JBand, Oshawa, started tGadHw wsaip, y ai oehr ibtect jMaster Feedi and coiudtehsAr tnPog rlouu n ude er to tic AgriculturalGrnd.anF]onghsRv- usirPAEWO PutTher (Sude s taiPacticaluse Bu, naut Chritian Hugh e:rperumcnt'ng ibis yeat 'rut pra"ti~a1 fiebds o! work achiex- Scliool whia-lr stria ci to give n new moditicd pragmani. aXa- (cd tbrough a hast et werk- its l~tudents a good academie cording ta Pr'incipal W. shaps. trahuing la a Obristuan per- Bybsma, n us an igtegratiou cf The students have particie nwated enviroament» bau boen lite academia lessous wItlrl .CUISN TO PAfl TWO>, ,y i