2 The Canadien Statesmnan, Bowmnanville, JUne '2, 1971 Sa Far, No Ma-il Missing Two4Group Letter .Stole nDu ringTU One Found Today c Two grDlup leterboes no ail abeen reported 1 l were stolen somectime lastlstolen.àl ight The Post Office discovered ,p One, normoally ta3tioned at later in the morning that a v thecorer f Nsh nd an-second group box situated et'c cock Road, wVasl found miînus Nash and Preston itoadshad padlocks early this nihorning lso been tak 1en during th et the Bom vldump. night. -d+ i r Mr. Vice remarked hat thet postmi-aster (George Vice tolId The Statesnmnlhe had , rontactled seven of the 10 Ieople who u-se th-îs, grouP IS U s box nd taf- so arevery- body had picked up bis mail yesterdey evening and thapt - - - ll INCRF ATN To inrperete ov s't ote ïincorporaete. That tus ebb quetin bc. owmenlaiville Chamber of Commiieruce latiF- iug te answei., President Bill Luke report- cd te Chember members dur- iug bbc last regular meeting on Meyl8bh thet he had nre- cived information on bbc s;ubi cci fnom the Canadien Chamban of Commerce. He stated a basic cot of $5.00 was invelved and that 30 signa- tures would ha necossaiy af- firmiing bbc Chamber's desîre to incorperebe. The chambar agîecd le have arepo)rt prcparad f or scb- miîssin to bbe ccxi 4ne Meeting, Home 6à 5chc Pracîdent Mys. Lionel. Hart D prasidcd aven bbc business of 1er Michll's Cornais Home sud Sf Sehool Accu. ai their raceut N, meeting. Prasentations wcne vE made te Mn. M. Griffith, qi Principal for h0 ycars sud te vf Mis. W. Robeluck, who ara yc both lcaving bbc achool this gi ycsr. 1 h R ev. J. Lecgheed of Dur-.fc hem Colege was Modea(ai for a panal cousising ei: fc R»-d Cross1 Deals With For àSeniori Scarborough t More-ta 201wmnI Â ÀL, I~1. cèntly, at St. John's Church, 0 sponsored by the Red Cross upder the convenorshîp of ;J ria theloca Sr. Citizens' di.re- ~Hut Sturaytor Mrs. L. Luca,. The topic, Friendly Visît'- A young SLcarboroug-h man ing, covered the needs, ce- presumably on hie way,ý to sponsibilities aýnd goals ýeni- M1osport on Saturday atftr-itailed In a commnuflitY visita-1 m~on, app)Iarenitly7 lost cntrol tion, program.i ~~~of~~~~ th-ooccl eja rd h eaders fr'om jToron-ito ing and cras1hed On CoUntýY Telaesfrom Toront, Roadth abottw mleswet IIvrs. H, Parsons and Mrs. C. ofth rcerak.Kennedy ex.,plained the mary Gary MaIcLeaýn, age 20, -as services1 availlable through iaken to hos3pital îin Btow- Red Cross and how ,,they ,vere nianvi.1le -'th lcrtos being încreasingly con c e r neP abr-,asions a.nd a fractured nb. ýwlth need to stress tlhe value !ewas tranisferred to O0sha- of communicatiflg wilhte wia General atrthe sarnte aged. rda. Hie cond!itiontoday i The ultimate, ideal in ec listed as -goord, comminunity would be a Seri- Investigatin ntno r-ior Çtizens ,Counjjcil W,7,7h vincial Police aý-,ssesedthe, would co-orinate ali the cldamage to Mlr. lfcen5lclservices ndbe avail- bike at $1u0 able as an information ad We are pleas3ýed to announce that GORDON F. SEDGCEWICK, C.A., Oshawa lias been admitted to partriership L)DELOI1T TEI HASKINS & SELLS Chartered Accountants OSHAWA CENTRE, OSHAWA SUM MER FORE TUE CONVENTENCE 0F THEIR STAFF, PARTTCIPATING MERCHANTS WILL CLOSE AT THE FOLLOWING6 HOUES. WEDNESDAY -12 NOOrý SATURIDAY- 5 P.M. Other Days - Hours as usual EFFECTIVE FROM SAL U±6t aST, U.2t *COLORS THAT ARE REALLY SUNFAST * REISTS BLISTERING e DRIES IN 30 MINUTES *SOAPY WATER CLEANS TOOLS gai, Quarts$38 ABERNETHY'S 55 KING ST. W, WALLFAPERS PHONE 623-5431 - g i i 1 s A ' a - Q- a a a Oshawa Wood Opens Lumberland iUaKIlWmnPdsr Cuboes ns Frctued I-hp (FROM P AGE ýONE) i a ýcc r in Poýrt Perr'y.- . . We psy Boxes , , ,. this town .. . Bu hAfrCa Cols n e past ~~isl tor y . . . There i thenew You are A Bowmanville woman Pped-bump to litr head and a frac tenwgeneration - for youesrnws ncliinwttre hp.Se esaknt Night ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~is the future. , Through al tinws ncliin1ýihtrdhp h atknt this 60 years of Scoutîng In' a car yesterday morning shorýt- laneorandHptransesedtot ~ ~s. N ig h t boys g~~ ethas Mem n erosîal.drierby b- brea thr ugh to t e va uesw a lked across the intersection tion w as listed as good, ~tD u m pofgo iiesî,srtgaKigadTmeae.Tedieoftecr character and physical fit,-Mrs. Gertrude Stapleton of Johàn MacD)onald of 79 Duke ness. Let's try by growing [i1l Little__Avenue, recivd sSiret >oxe wee havy objetsto beat the 60's In the 701s.î - ,veighlng in ecs of 100 .. These are'boys with stars A ounds, and speculated i in their eyes, with aspirationsIII# . ~ne manto hif the.Our ids isnt eals n heIciki g n e r C ar vould havetaen more thaný and hopes and dreams The Newcastle dtahen ife, of every boy ideals of 9 ~fthe ontarlo0 Provincial h onour, truth, loyalty andPr v s D n g r u Police is lnvestig.eting Ithe!srie-sriet oer M r vl5% J l' het.vice tii his faiyto bis com munlty and to bis country mmeoforgreat organi-' a i b s C r e szation and every Peck under- nepairîiga crih early Saturday eýit 1 a. take tii do an extra "goodi hours of the morning can b'e akD Stevenso-n, a ger9 turn" In 1971. a dangerous pursuit, t w and Donald riA.Janczyn, ege, Cumstr etste~ Y ou ng Bowmanville menï 20. apparenitly were undces- >ol M eetïngtroduced the guest speaker, found out to their discomfort neath their perked car. onr oIM e i g How do you officially open thought of timing hlm. But it1îng, wbîch bas 9000 square feet Norman Cafik, M.P., whosrtigs- igagh l o erty Stree t worth, m kg >oinna Ping1p, Waterloo Luth- a building supply store. Cut e must bave been sa record of of space, was formerly, ceeu- said in bis eddress that the srtn pnîgaana e earwe twssrc ,ran; ere Dent, Durham; ribbon? Tbst's a bit tite. How some kînd. On a re-run Mr. pied by Oshawa Wbolesale future of Canada ia in' the wheeî and drew manyoy n a stng c.ant, dier)e I9 tani Found, Guelph,, and about sawing througb a board? Coulter restrained bis zest oCmay "meln il babnds" of tbe Cubs snd lookers. WntnC atnar )q ýefissaq Head, York Uni- Mucb more înteresting. So, ashow a group shot. t opny.rom b:30anunill:01ecbtsack formg edircie f Trne, Mwa5 in theod h beesaandij ersity. They ans we r ed wben Osbawa Wood Producta ahPc omdacrlo yoe a i h l- h he utiE nii- uestions cencerning "Uni- opened their new warebouse Pictured from tbe left are p.m. Monday to Wednesday, with the Akela in tlic centre time kitchen demnonstrating les, Stevenson witb lacer~a- ersity Life', such as; "Did Lumberland on Bond Street company President William witb late nigbt opening until, and the Grand Howl was re- rug-braiding san d howing tioiis te bis rigbt tbumb, Jali- Tou think you had adequate sud MacMilieuan O 1aa Henry; Lumberland store mau-19 :00 pm. on Thursday and ceived.. Following wbieb the some of ber lovely work. ez yn wîtb multiple laceratîdns udence counselling durîug tbey handed s saw to officiai ager, Eric Gomme; Mr. Coul-* Friday and 5:00 p.m. closîng boys bad lunch and changed Mra. Rabm bas won mnany to bis body, r-nd Van atdne îib choltoprepere you opener, Grahamn Coulter, cn-ter;, aud Sales Manager Don on Stras Tecopytbi ofmaoratcpt-rzsatars and at the Can- withaniurd igt rit o~ ~~~~n nirst? ed"What trouler of h iyo saa Haacke. The store is eue of its, uow bas two convenient inca- ing in the sports events. adaatoa E-btfloiSeesoca tetd ths ne the requirement standings and asked hlm to ýo to i. ekiud le tbis ares. t is the firaitionst serve its custemers. Tbe judging was donc or bher braided rg.Bt r h n ees~ b te or dmisi ntoUiversity?" weut se fast the photographerIaud ol self-service lumber,ITbe main store is located soutb tbe point system nwltb a total ý Richardson and Mrs. Rshm two Were admitted. hd tie tim t adjusi his buildingsupplies and decorat-lof Highway Two etf Courtice of 1000 points., and marked1 wore preity old-fasbiouedj Charges are pndinig, Bow-_ lens. t was over. No one ling store in Oshawa. The build- ,Road. _____he________o-'ress.__vll ow olcerpo' »% 90% sistd f sack race, bail i Laurie Jane Ford, il, in a W orksh ~~P race (one boy from eacb ing a doil, made an attractive L N À L M J ~~pck), standing brad jump. picture as sesat in a small L N A L Serv cesP r v n i crIoaur A were (1) 2ud Seu- rockiug chair outside tbe!I P tg k 111ý 1Mrs George Betey, Hntsi,- R4" O1gog (Island); (2) 1lst Scugog ToY Room. ville, speut several deys wîtih (,Manchster); Group B: Port At tbe end of te hall, three ber brother ad famîily, Mr, erryA Port Perry B, Port prettify gwned young ladies,lsud Mrs. G. Baker andvste C itîien 5%- 1d in B wm n l1', ,lt Anthea Francis, Jane Williarns!Mr. and Mrs. K. Gbe lck assacceteTuesdsy, Jîrne Imt.1971 1 ide of the mired car f rom cannot leave Mr. Campbell Cnigol1Baeti:adNnyHaysgsoeýtcj;M.adMs,.ïaýr assistanbebind the wbeel. ONeil ad- alone you are te come back Croup C: Cartwright A, Isi bow macrame, an cld art bey- Osbawa and Mr. anid lMrs. C. The rapîd increase ln the Judge R. B. Baxter presud- miited, be bad been drivirg te the court and surrenderý Manvers. avaget eiai du.Bon proportion of' the over 65 ed wlth Assistant Crown At- tbe veblicle. He was e sked ti yourseif back te court and Ail Packs formed e circie All te craft demonstrations Mr. sud Mrs. B. Baker su group In the population de- torney K.- Stubîngton and1corne for a test and refuscd, your father will be relcased. around the campfire wîth drcw fascinated watchers. Pamela, Oshawa, were Wed- manda- that a new image cf Duty Counsel D. Barber. 1 saying the apparatus was in It la net asking too mucb tii Cubmaster Larry Kendall, lat The Curator and members nesday guesis and Mr. an(1 Mrs. the value snd potentiel Of Durham Transport, Colifavor of the police. He refus- Cet let your father down for Scugeg, in chargeofte oadnd rsP.DiH.BkrndglOswa this -group be developed. Ac- Borne, througb counsel asked cd te go tce Newcastle as the the next 12 montha. Cubmaster Welis aunoune-fteBadadMs ,D H ae n il,0hàýa cording te those who attend- for an adjournmnent on two offence took place in Bw ed the winncrs ln the floats sihgwpeoloed aronc.i blied t wre Wfdnesdsy vening vî. 'is- cd, there is a erosiconcern by charges cnrry t thei avle ewaten takeni and in the *sports events. Mu men goup sd ndiidel P..V lcne aid y. o ibe O n e.wcste byosts o-c uEacb boy and leaders were I uday in charge ocf re-* Mrs. G. Baker. rnaný-group and ndiviuals .ë.V.licene lai by te On- o Newastleby Costs. prandtefrethhmenis.nd Mrs.meRubvMrSpRicery Sherer -ashra motorcycle v e c- in thîs town, especialîy tarie Departmcnt cf Trans- zak, Parker sud D. Srith p!sntd ih ret looked after ticket sales. cident on the Long Sault rdad ,smong the chuirches, howor. t- espu ver te Sep-1,Conat. Kozak did some physi- wîtb the letters. Gîco Dowson, Oshawa, for- s>prýI a u ýouf b cf Peter Ercegôvac gâte ever, mucbl more is needed, tember l4ih next. cal testa and O'Neil's facei Mr. W. H. IRsbb, Bowmali-mrvof ow nile wa tud ftneuNoept aud meny more reacbed bye Bin Tryow awsa slightly flusbed, ameil of vle rsne h ra coyncerted organized plan. vle h a ise o alcohol on bis breatb, lhe wau Rabb trophy, in memory of tbe caller for dancing, aud the-Iou the driver. Twe (romvpgeleu) bisson rian ho let bislifemembers of the Bashful Bows: Mr. sud Mrs. Cccii Laugles' Tw excellent filmns wer guilt eacag toea-cooeaie Igec lgt-l u~acdn h s~ who danced werc: Carolyn sund daughter, Bowmauville shown with the belp of MN.1 ing a car csrelesaly lu Febru- ly on way to waîî. Ho aaid avaîîabiîity nf a free saor n aby acd uee ck iswlth the Dowsou, Oshawa,, and Art sud Mrs. Sophie Koveca s n FretDillîng and au ex- ary, had the(ý charge dismissed. the breathalizer test violated1 force. hb n est gP ac heinsEtcher, Bowmsuvilie: Fred Suuday supper guesta, of Mvir tensive seletion of haudi- After re-aing s atranscription i s ights. The students could haudie Tihe succeinse h thdjan Gouey. ou soBuced yl- Mr . ud Mrs . a crafis sud home-aida for the, of evideuce at the formnerl Mr. ONeil, giviug evideuceindoor sud outdoor painting TPie idge Cubofcebathe il alarraesdDnHe-vstd M. dWr. Aibent, haudîcapuied wasi on display. t 1rial, Juge axier faileid teon bis own behaîf, stated the and îepaira, gardeniug, ahop- cdthaoSeutig as trutyni, Floyd Jobustnd on d ed- Vsutdkradr,-u Sunday The day closed with ea, d sfîcet nification boita whicb held the tic nod pijg, seiltransportation rwigtbette6sinîndy FoydwelHelnsoan e-Vd1,Pdir nSiipy mutuel belief thaï, ibis iht hae ceused wsdigbroke sud lhawent im sa sud et bbc samne time, lhope- the 76's. Ëtwel ee n o-Mr. sud Mis. IP.Ereo the, cai. snowban1k. Ha feu t he Conl- fully, make pleasani mutuial r odn i fBwa-au uaaîne h HI needa much more tmeurn ý r Ëensu ofltom n ear" op leue6 attenition sud that thiere is H ar no1 i dK euatistbesol aetodhmcmuiain ewe b il, u i u vu already a strong ba.qse of co- Bellevilie., ChsrgedApril 3th hi licies wsnt stake an 'gener'aLton7. Hcy, Kendal. inivtsay uTorouito Str ceýrn Wh ch ouly needs direc- unTwnhp fDalugo Ig havetken t et . Tp he oistwsauoe S U f wesc niu assdd tien. witb diving while 1having H Ie lad Ltwo drinks thqai af- _sud action la undewayCteset, us u m Ileirvbllewrre: arl c- MndMisF. L. tick(ey âau ______consumed, cotra--ry to eutio erno1on. up heaquarters iii bbc form- 9p ~laugbin Buick:W. B M19,2ori7Hlioyd, Bowauv ie 224 Crimninel Codie, pedd Judge Baxter iu summiniu ci BRed Cross ronmou Teým- @M agl! uc;V-B ïlod ovo-ile M APLE GOVE obsnve Muphy, ~up the evideue, said you did perance Street. Lu lina witb o enBownviîîe, 1921 Chev TourI were Satuida fterroon c411- M R R V bevda vehlicle eaastbGond refuse the test, the officers tbc objectives ù!f the federal iFO AEOE ng; Stewart McTavuab, Bow- ers su an.sd Mrs. Ron Rowe on,401, veering over the ceci- are net obliged L teil yon al program, the project will cmFCr OMPG-OE menville, 1929 Cbev pick-up sud farniiy, Bowmauviile, er Ebenezer sud Maple Grive tré oftelneietne.terig ht ilhpeLlYmil olg u ni- Cruthers, M.P.P., accom- truck-_ Fred Tremeer, Claie- Sunday 'afterneon visitons of e xte nd congratulations te Whau stopped, bis eyes ware if you don't. I think you have versity studants sud will ýbe paidb i artesmnfrnrly .cf Bowmau- Mr, sud Mrs. H. Murpy their minisier, Rev. David J. bloodahoôt. Consi. Kozak did be iiestbonaaaniitrdirel yte.sd ber mothen,, MiS. R. W., ville, 96Cr: odWo, i u rsBi Jouo Hars.B.Th., ou his racent two breaibalizer testsansd was fouud guilty as cagd]h finances sud evaluating Gardiner 0f Garden HRll. Oreno, 1930 Ford Sedan; Law- sud Lînda, Janctvillc; Mis. Renvia, cbangd wTlbe hThe hîveMrlyndmusic and celer- reuce Sberwin, Orono, 1930FietharsdMn. Jack Johun- degee wichhereeivd i otbredigawere .13. He sud fiued $100, costa $3, sdwl ohnde yM.sdfui dancing of 16 mambers Of Ford coupe;, Donald J. Mac- sou, Oshawa, were -Sunday SKingston an Friday, May 2lst. was found guilty sud the fine lu defeuit 10 days, sud hicense Mrs. L. Lucas.th Bom vil BafuDnld Bwavie, 13vstrafMsdMs.Br Thee ilbenochuchws $50 csis$3 l dfa~tsurreuder for thrce montha. t ha hoped that ibosa ed-Bw with Ge Dowson' caîl- Bel i, occ sevc ,or Sunday School 15 days,- sud the automatue Ha waa given two weeks te ing help will beain of hi!s g Gf la e pn n P.e Johnson.___ next Suudey becausa of Sun- license suspension cf three ýpsy I service as quickly as possible. white birihday cake decorat- cu l day Sehool Annivensery. montha. He waa given 28 days Jon os KlRR , Posters wili ho circuieted lu ed wîth balcons wbich ast -Maple Grove Cuba held te psy. ýJh o.Kly ..1 h erftr ulnn h ntevrnamd a their Pinewood Derby on Set- James Tuinhull, charg'di Warkwortb, pleadcd guiity t e te snea ftre otlnig hon tavrnamd a w- 1 pertimbaeell DELOITTE, sene urday, May 29th, lu the Liens May 6th, Derlington Tew- ocaîn. eicei xcs atis sd aphou c eeue. CenreBoweuvlle Wi- sipdîdunîwfuly tea a~of 13,800 overweîght sud anmbrto use. ra ucs i rry C. Aluin bad bis -nn enre: lu dve, Lin-Bih mtervic ule excyeedin aibcfuither charge of cver-iangth aeceptiug applications from eiîght foot modal locomotive,ý~IIL P n rrtr ýnes wreýIn esin, st illmotr vhice eceeingthewîbhout a braka light sud ne interested students wbo ba- on the lawn sud both old and 1IIN Wright, 2nd Todd Russell, value of $50 sud aise e fur-I lampa Inspecter Holliaber of lieve lu the worth cf this Young fans wene drawn te it.ý 'S'91NS Cý S É 3rd Brent Thompsen, 4th Han- ther charge that ha did breaki the Depaniment bof Transport projeit.Chre dA t vey Beckett; Iu spacd, li sud enter a garage. asked for1 Calle ypse hewih.Thswoepojc ol e d thisa 14Cguete-40ncal o. 4,e ccunafi Mark Vauson, 2, Deug Hooge- au adjouruiment Ici June 22udsttdhbypsdthweg Thswoarjcicldelbaa71"gg,4-Oca- boo, -3rdRonHooeborn togeta lwye an coelsceles. Ou aach charge he waa 0f benefit te the commuity'fired steem locomotive, a pie- OFFICES IN MAJOR CANADIAN CTE 4th Robert Davey. Ahl the baek for pies. fined $20, coats $3, ici falin future plans for a Senior cision modal imilai te bc- OSHAWA CENTRE - OSHAWA winuers wcut to the District Jaes aCacaguette, R.R.ithîca daya.IiieiCucl. fre Aurore te tornse Final sud ibrea bîought home Port Hope, cbairgad lun îhei Wm, Geo. ONeil, chaîgedi- te me uof Cenfedoron . ATNRGORDON . ED EIC, FC.A., AA trophica. Mark Van~son was Township cf Carke, dîd a luTonsi-c D0inio This la a wcîkiug modal, a BURT R. WATERS, CA firat in spead for the Lions sasait Bruce Lloyd, plasded with haulhng lumber contrani 0 W matipC.Afprcsi.wok trohy an Rn oogbornnot guilty. Ha had bis trial t te clicence whlch ha hoid, IDmasnsip i opch toe 1500 third us spacd sud bis bre- set for Junae 29tb su1 d te da tated ha was ouly helpîng a n O uild. _______________1500___PHONE______________ the Dug fut used, visa his lawyer in Port Hope friand oui for that oua trpiil .es ourstvbintgl atmoie Wc bad ne winner lu design. of that date. whiie thefnieud'aàruek wa S tfSad- The Cuba hava bbc followiug William H. O'Neii, 1l Duke beîng repairad. The fine wasi FROM PAGE ONE, logtec acod0 d setivitias comicig up: Athîctie St., Bowmsnville, appeared $50, cosis $3, lu defauli fuve mirera as antique cars always- d a , un 5 h t ap e G r vedayo t ou se ,m achanica, sew iug, am aîl m ot-I A t 7:30, F orrest i n , o bell field: Pepen drive lcdcagdMnc Obta aors, alectreuica, music, typiug, ýthe Bowrnanville M u s e ru.mn r's daLighter sud laticr's sis- Lawrecec thauking us for, local high acheol beacher, Mn, s litile knowledgeceau be a whose underpinqinga were tanc, Mrs. Barbare Brockmen, cci bitter cocecrning nuui g Camp 1, appeared agein te- dangerous thiug! well disguised snow fence, was P T E II I Chealey. oe oefg. h rasn-dy.M.Jehuston, bbc boy's1 tbe concoctien of MVr. sudU*, Mn. suad Mra. Laci Good- er's report wss resd, colle-fathr, saâid ha was sethsfîed 1Mis. William Cobban sud INDOOR-OUTD)OORe murphy sud daughters Jeu- tien necelved, and thîce lad- bis son will neirset himselfF DMrs. Pcggy HornîOold, and- nifer sud Jo-Ans, also Aina- las bad birthdays. The wor- lha sacs thinga diffaîast)y an dire Uar ages wa s ames attractive featune byOt iey- and Adnian Suidar, Mr. ship was preccnted by Eliza1w-enta te g'd s job. Msuistsnti f tbe evenisg. Six olote cos e sud Mra. Bob Goodmcnpby, 1bath White, Elva Jeffaîy sund Crewu Attorney Stubingtou unside bbc Museum, s large Sxclr ocos rm$ . 9 q d Oronio, wera Suudey cupp)erIma Morion, bbc theme being' had ne comment. Mr. John- naa i l u e 1rowd ehjoyed seeiug bc _____the__________________ guesia wih their daiter, Mn. "Peuh Fiding", than Kareni ato la willing to put up a à, à i beautiful nooms sud many dis- - sud Mrs. Hon -Rogers sud White, Elizabeth Whitce nd 5 1,000 bond that iehawil keep}I-arIx, M o ar1vJplsys. As bbc finat 50 ladies' Professional Applicato3rs Available famiiy. Afien cuppar cahiers Merle Hoitby put on a skit the peace wlth Mn. Campbll.L - eJ d'-7Jeubered, tbey wenc givon werc Mn. sud Mrs. Robent on fauli findîng. Marjoryý Judga BeBxter toid Bernard, prebty faveurs by Heather Ano eus 1Rogers of Eewmauviiha, Mn, Brooks introdueed oui gucat, Johuston you need belip toi Bowrnanvilia - Darlingbon and Bounie Ford, waaing sund Mrs. Ted Rogers, Bow- speaker, Mis. Wilson. Bow-, solva your problem. 1 havel firoînen wcreareoused from attractive old-fashhonad drasa- manvihie, were Susday evon- manviile, who spoka ou sup- sympat4y for boy your a Ieislumber ai 3 o'clockas iig cahiers on their sou, Mn, ply sud welfare, She aise Yocicel yeur parents are liîv- Moday monnîng te auswcr a Inlutbb Victorien Parleur, UEY U H R E ent] Mis. Hou Rogers sud îead e sto i'Tle of a Baie" . ing in the pat, You must ne- fine cail te e bouse at 71 Duke Mrs. J, O'Neill and Mna. E. daghen. Eva Jefay hsuked tha mamben you will learu s 'lot Stre.et, s vacant single family V. R osi, wearng vary bea- M MisMrgrtPc se akrfrbr eyeti-foixeree erfather dwelling owued by Harryiu eromcsuemd Susat r Loýdgar Bwmnv1h, tiningbak We heard e tape'bas accu fit te corne te your1 Farrow of 66 Duka Street e wonderful, pîctu e as thay o wsss ýScn-dsy v,ýiîon wîthl of bbc Loid's Prayeu sung by rescue. He anisnt i elp ."ou !A shedd a near wall 'to sc a e bcperlour table. ,95KNGST. , VBOW1NIANVILLE Mn sud Mi, C7P. Sw1, ihow tbrchîdran at the Woild's Thoera la ctilii srode cf ehua he kîtchen un the bouse weîe, Mrs. Janie Richardson cf jMr. and Ms Lu renaay 0f Prayr Meeting cdos- sdhoue o u ani rcph1uor qtroyeri 'Orono, who spcn ntheopHO E 2-22 'Whii ceSra ~cc wt itepab Benedlcý,:i'tion. 1bound to kep v part e VFice f-.iymn asscssýed-ing nîght 0cfh. bbcPHOMùse7325m clrson thr t ousian ,, unhwas sevved. 'the bargain.I , yu fe o ae a bot$10, October, 1961, wýv açw