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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jun 1971, p. 3

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Ken Witherden, mianager of Bell Canada in Oshawa appear- ed before Bow.manville town council on May 17th tai explain, the reasons behind the pro- posed rate increases. He reiterated whatBell had written to council two weeks ago on the matter - that the number of telephones which Bowmanville subseribers can call toîl free bas/ increased ta a point which. puts the local exchange into the next bigher rate schedule. Present rates are set at a Group Seven level, whichap- plims ta an area where the number of telephones in a tol free calling pattern is between 20.000 and 50,000. However, in a Bell count on February 28, 1971, there were 53,044 phones in Bowmanville's toîl free calling area - and thus the exebange, according ta Bell, should be paying rates at the next highest rate - Group Eight - effective for those areas witb betWieen ~, 001 and 100,000 phones. Bell Canada has applied ta the Canadian Transport Com- mission for the rate increases. "The C.T.C., requires we zhow that, consistently over a six month perîod, the number of phones in Bowmanville's toll-free area bas been more than five per cent the maxi- mum figure permissible for its group rate," Mr. Witherdenl don't tie-up ypur working capital! lnstead of tying-up your work- ilg capital with large advance Insurance payments, free it by insuring your business through st Kemper Insurance company -where premiums can bo budgeted. John MMlIan SCHOFIELD-AKER Limited 30 King St. West Bowmanville Phone 623-4403 Res. Phone 623-77512 Lumbermens Mutuat Caiualty Compan a dvi5n o Kep~rInsurance $5,589.14, and an NSF' cheque The balance brought for- in the amount of 85 cents!, ward from April 1970 was and adding bank interest, in $20,020.51. Expendîtures dur- memoriam donations and gifts ing the year amounted to totalling $3,408.64,,the associ- $22,656.51. ation -realized a net Income of The 1970 campaign resuits, $23,630.22 for the fiscal year. 4.9 per cent greater f han the The amount represents a previous years, was an ail- per capita return of 28.1 timne high for the local associ- cents, thehighest of any areaiation. in the province.__________ told the counicillors. Commission but said that, if "'And aven the last five they did turn it down it would mionths th e number bas ex- be setting a precedent. ceeded tbis figure (52,500)," lie Council voted ta table the added. matter until they learn the Councllors asked some ques- C.T.C.'s decision on the appli- tions which related ta the Bell cation. application but spent more of The proposed rate increases their time registering corn- (per month) are: plaints about the telephone ser- Residential vice they bad experienced. - Individual- $5.15, uo $.35 SCouncil asked Mn. Wither- - 2 Party - $4,00,. up $.20 den if there was any chance - Mýulti-Party - $3.60, up $.25 the C.T.C. would tunn down Business the application. - Individual - $12.50, up $1.60 Mr. Witherden replied thatý[ Multi-Party - $5.80, uip $.50 hie could flot answer for the î- Trunk - $18.80, up $2.45. SOLINA Carole White (nece Elston) returned to ber native )3owmaniville recently with a troup 'of gymnasts, age eight to 15, ail studeots sn Deep River public schools where Carol and her husband Ford have been teachîng for the past three years. The group, 14 strong, is pic- tured above at the start of an exhibition pnesented before the students of M. J. Hobbs Senior Public Sehool. The event was arranged and, planted by Ars White in conjunction with long-time friend Mary-Ruth Osborne wbo is the girl's physical education teacher at ,the Darlington sehool. I There was a good attend- lin, Mrs. Endicott, Mr. Isaac ance at bath, afternoon and Hardy and Stanley of Liocl- S n a !% n g M u î le eenganvrayservices say, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom ru d y tA rii u iae of Eldad Sunday School, held Pleasance and family of Ty-7. in the Community Hall. The rafle. ... Sunday Sho hissn Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ho- fitting 'selections under the croft and Andrea of London .... . . leaersip f Ms.Wesley were weekend guests wlt Yellowlees, Mrs. Donald Tay- Mn. and Mrs. Everett Spires. lon, Mrs. Murray Vice and1 r.n r.E alr Miss Canal Hilîs. Mr. Stanley1 Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs., Milison thanked ail wbo hadBrc Mntmeyo a - helped to, make It a success ton wene tea guests with Mn. and Rev. Harry Mellow gavean Mr.BueTyo ed two inspîring serinons, "Wind1 Youn Cbock" and "Who Are fâamilyonAnvrayS- You". ,dy Mr. and Mrs, A. F. Aber- Saun fnend an negh-nethy and Mn. and Mrs. San- bars extend sympathy ta Mn. dy Abennetby and'family oh J. Cruickshank and faroily oni Oakwood were Sunday tea s the passing of a beloved wife guests with Mn. and Mrs. and mother. Sympathy is also Donald Taylor and family, extended ta Mn. and Mrs. Frank Heimstna and familyi Sunday guests with Mn. and on the passing of Mrs. Heim-Mn.BueTn adfmiy"h ' stna's father, in Holland. were Mn. and Mrs. Percy ... .... . Ànniersay gusts Dewell and family, Hampton, Annvesay uets with Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Boyd, Mn. and Mns. Ralph Davis BowmanvilleMsW.A -a were Mn. and Mns. Ross Kos- 1 mison, Brooklin, Mr. and satz, Shelly and Kevin oh BayMr.OalJconOsa, . Ridges; Mn. and Mns. Fochuck, M00MrgrtHaitn,.y Burington; Mrs., E. Kossatz, rafle, Mn. and Mrs. Doug Fer- Kington Mns Edtb Dvisguson and Christine, of New- and Valerie of Kedron, andcastle, Mn. and Mns. Clarenc-e Mrs. Gladys Shott of Cour-1 Tink, Hampton, and Mr nedld<~ tice.Mrs. Lorne Tink. Mns. Thomas Flett, Colum-1 eetvisitai'5 witb n U busandMr. nd rs.Jimand Mrs. Frank Westlake and Woods, Taunton, were Sun- ýfamily were Mrs. Editb Mit- day guests *ith Mn. and Mrs. cheil, Bowmanville, Mn. Nel- Bcliaving tiîat the church r is one of ihe only reîan institutions, where Doug Flett. sou Fice, Port Penry, Mrs. people eau be i egularly cxposed to fine nmusic, the First United Methodist Church Mn. and Mns. Grant Down Evelyn Element, Oshawa, and of Tampa, Florida, is sponsoring chamber music recitals to be held on each and Mls iSndeKn, Mn. ev. and Mrs. J. Gîlcbnîst,1 Suuday through May at the 10:.50 arn. wonship Services. The recitals will be snd ns.Bnin Knx, sb-Bowmanville. Sunday visitors1 udntedrcino h brhsogna n himseMrobL etn awa, and Miss Suzanne'Mac- were Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd1 nethd toofte hrhsôg îtadcoim tr M dchLBao, kie of Ebenezer wene Sunday Parker, Vern, Mee and Devid formerly of -Bowmanv ic, pictured above in nehearsal with bis daughter Wendy, guests with Mn. aud Mrsq. of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Roui 15. John Knox and Nancy. Broome and Kelly, Mn. and.-_ __ Mn. and Mrs. Walter Tink Mrs. F.E. Cook, ail oh Bow- ri l' Ayi blue spnug lowers. and family, Mr. and Mns. KenI manville, 'and Ms iVan- hebrde.,L. i mr TikadfmlMs 'tndwleCourtie, and, rR c n .M rîd A hs riage by, ber father, wore Pa Tink, Mes. William Bickle, and Mns. Bob Blackburn, long gowu of white ciffo,,n Mns. Cecil Forund, ail of Ebe.ýwt bt atntanar nezen, Mr. and Mns. Keitb Mn. and Mrs. Harold Yel- wt ht ai ri Shackleton and family of lowlees,. Orono, Miss Jane finger-tip veil. She cannied a Bawmanville were Anniver- Shulga, Ajax. wene Sundey .. cascade oh pink roses, baby's sary tea guests with Mn. and tea guests with Mn. sud Mes, breath and white daisiles. Ms arKnxadaml.Wesley Yeilowlees and Mur- .. The mair] oh honor was Sunday guests with M. ray.Jae hran bid. and Mns. Russell Vice wene Me. and Mrs. Bruce Henni- maids were Linda Stinson. Mr .aud Mrs. Harold Jebson son, -Lois, Ralph aud Gary oh sister oh the bide. sud and Dorothy of Beaverton,1 Oshawa vîsited last Monday iiishP Maureen Pitt, sister ohfthe Mes. Florence' Yellowiees cfi witb Mn sud Mr. Harvey groom. Th ey worc floor iength Taunton, Mes. Greta McCor-Il Yellowlees aud family pn bwrdchfo rse mick, Columbus, and Mn. and I Mes. Lizzie Wilbur, Mr. aud ,vewhc wee onpln Mes. Clarence Vice. Mes. Gond Wiibur- and hamily, Pink vesti oh peau de charme. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Vice, Mn. sud Mes. Ray Couroux Flower girl was Connie Boyu- attended a bithday party inl and Scott. ail oh Hamptontncosnhegrm, who bonor of Mes. Greta MeCor- were Sunday guests with Mr. wore s gown similar toh mick at the home oh Mn. and! and Mes. William Ashton. brîdesmaids, Ail attendants Mes. Levi Ellins, Columbus,ý Suuday guests with Mn.and carried baskets oh pink 'mumsý necently. !Mr. Lloyd Broome Were Mr.. and wtemais was.Rnl en Miss lennifen Best accora- sud Mrs. C. Johns, Ms'. audr s ahcs wreRob ioy, panied by a nursing c1asý- Mes. Rau Broome sud Kelly.,tondcusin ohter ob o, su mate bas returned bhome fram al of Bow'mauville, Mr. sud tonosin onfbther ohthe two weeks' vacation spent in Mers. Wallace Munday aud Jhbride, bote o te Mexico sud' Acapulco cities. Janice, Oshawa, sud Mrn. brude Mes. Joe Snowden sund Mes. Larry Broome, Guelph.A rer-nptiun w er t patieryt vin id Ms.y otr.amn ~sd Mrs.Roy McGill' the Legion Hall, Chu iey, paietluLnca HsitlMe. sud Mes. Keith MeGili For travelling, the brický recently. Sunday guests withl th Soweu wveMnsuiDale sud Bian oh Enuiskil- donned a peut dress of rose teSodn eeM.adlen Mes. Lloyd Prestun,, Kil- . nylon jersey, The bride i5 a IMes. Foster Snawden,__Brook-Ile udJntwreAnvr graduate of the Toronto Gen- Mn. suderal Hospital Sehool oh Nues. syguests wthan d the groom is attend. Mrs. Charles Langmaid and n M family. lug Guelph University. The [EMO TO e_________ young couple wiii reside ir, The Canadian Statesman, Eowrnanville, June 2, 1971 Dies fromt Inj"uries Recevdin LCrash Collections 1Total $25,811,57 Christmas Seail Campaign Refturns'Set New Record Ernest Reid of Oshawa, -wae also mnjurecl in the mishap, though flot seriously, 24 Ho ur Approvals 2nd and 3rd Mortgages Arranged in the Convenience, 0f Your Home LOW c-* ,Yon can call tc 10 p.m. today for heiplul courteous service. Prompt Investment *Corp. Ltd., 334 Bay Street, Toronto. Cali coileet, 366-9586, Evgs. 231-8146 ÇIiry Oleaners6iîu c/ze A hardware merchant biecame curious when, week alter week, a certain fariner cameïii and bought several hamimers Fînally he asked why. "Oh", said the fariner, "I seil them te folks in my neighborhood for a dollar apiece." "But, man," protested the dealer, "Ithat doesa't make sease. You're paying me $1,25 each 'for the hair-ners." 1"1 know, 1 know," conceded the fariner, "but It beats farming." CLOTHES CAeE HINTS- Proteet Vourseif. Always insist that your retaîl store guar an- tees garments sold to yon to be dry-cleanable. RECREATION -DEPT. SWIMMING CLASSES REGISTRATION STARTS MONDAY, JUNE 7th. oes~fo Ai u' COS8 IGCLEANERS Gos l Ot .wzeno 8 INST. W.',1 623-5529 Fo-etena CfL EAN ER l"We Specialize Ini Shirt Launderiing" Piano Concert To Bm% e P res e nte0daAuthnti In OtshawaEnlh r O'! Friday, Jun il af 8 00) P-111 in the McLaughlin Publie Library Concert Hall, Oslia- wa, Edward Philip oscapella V presents Hllar Lîitoja, pianist, perforing the Liszt piano yod n C isp FsKhp concerto Noe. 1 In E fiat major e- IlFi&- He will be accompanied at the DVSO second piano by Charlee2 r\IÀ k\Ii Biggs playing the reductonof 22DIISONSII AN ILE the orchestral score. Also, on VIL LBE the sanie programi, Mr. Liltoja ~ . . ~.~..V.DRN will play the Betovn.....IN. .. . .. . . Sonata No. 7, op. 10, No. ý3 MadMr.Rnl lePts ni h in D major and Schumann's M*Pan Mrs.RonaldLesli Pittshownin th Aufsschwank. above photo, 'xere marrîed on Saturday evening, May Mr., Liitoja is a student of 15, 1971 ln St. Jlohn's UJnîted Church, Chesley, Ont, TheFR M 3pm to 7pm Clifford Poole, Toronto, and bride is the former Miss iVarlyn Jane Stintson, daugh- winner of the $500 Mason &l ter of Mr. and iVrs. Orval St-inson of Chesley, and theSECA SUDYJNE THLS AALBL Risclh Scholarship. Miss Biggs groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Pitt. RK R. 3, PCA SUDYJNE6HLOAVI BE is a student of Boris BerlinCely 'tSui University of Toronto. Hil Ccse Photo by SiegristSui ONE ORDER concert career began at age PI¶ SION rRiîdLsePtsoohr 14 when she performed the I and CHIP CHICKEN CHIPS Shostakovîch Piano Concerta i . joh slote jurhand MrsLeslie, Pitt, RR, 1, F No. 2 with the Toronto 1Syni- Chesley, Ont wis the si-ene, Chesley. Rev. H. R. Stevensoni phiony at, Massey H~all under ofh an ee'.ng eieddn1,May officîate t the double ringl Conductor Niklauss Wys î 1, 1971, Mrilnane cere-mor1ny M Da e id wasg free, vas unitedlu marn)iï*agL"e wA.11abr-a ?A wht5pk, d - ~ ~.,' Gilbert Koese, age 25, cf West Beach, Bowmanville, died eariy last Thursday mnorning in the Torontb Gen- eral Hospital from injuries sustained in an automobile accident near Shaw's an May Sth. It was the third traffie fatality this year in the area. Mr. Koese was the driver of the car whîch apparently went out of contrai arid car- eened off three trees on High- way 2 about a mile east of town. A passenger in the car, Port Perry; 4.00 p.m. - Inter- denominational Church Ser- vice, Park area. For Outdoar Events- Bring your own lawn chair. The resuits of the 1970 ý Chi*.stmas S e a Campaignj were made public last Wed-; nesday during a >meeting ofi thè Northumber]and-Durhamt 17B and Re'spiratory, Disease Associationat the Greenwood Towers, Port Hope. A total of $25,811.57 was collected. After deducting expenses,i Dep River Gymna*sis Perforrn ai Hobbs Bsell Manager ý Ex plins Reasons Why Increases In Rates Beîng Pro posed UTo'NUJ(URL Ciii UsMe WIl be glad to help yotjý

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