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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jun 1971, p. 5

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r no Horficultural. Soc. Hold Specf cular ShowfIo, Mark .5Qtlh Anniversary A aectacula.i showing of tulipsý îyrnmcdialely caught the. viewei's eye at the .501h year H-oi.tie'ultural Spîing Show on, Thuisday, May 20. The iiri- descent beauly of tbe tulips was enhanceri by the daffo- dîls and narcissi. Hous)Iieplants and thrce classes nof arrange- ments weîe also included. President Mis. Couvier wel- comned those .piesent and ask- cd that they go and see the Junior Gaîdeneis exhibîts. This gîoup had an excellent dlisplay for the short lime they have been togelher and much credit is due the leaders, Mis. Zegers and is. Atkins, as well as the chldren.. Door prizes of Dixon's Piant Fond were weon by Mis. S. AllUn. Mis. B. Long and Miss A. Watson. Mr.r and Mis. C. Tnk, Hampton, who had judged the Senior Show, each spoke on their favorite flowers, Mis. Tink on chiysanthemumns and Mi. Tink on dahlias. Man)y helpful ints weîe given re- garding the culture of these floweis. winners of 'nu.m plants, bîought by Mis. Tink weîe: Mis. O. Coathni-, Mr. W WoodM W. -Miller. Win-C ners of ala donated by Mr. Tink: Misr, F. Trull, Mrs. G.Gamsby, Mis. C. Billings,1 Mrs C. NViraen. Mr. E. James,,Mi;s. R. Chapmnan. 1 Mr. Tink extended an invi-1 talion 10th le Bowmanville Iris Show oni June 16 Iwhen a specialist in f]lower arîangingj will demonstrate this art. A brisk business was donc at ther Green Elephant table1 and the bake table. Many thanks to ahl those who don- ated 10 ither of these tables.1 A special tbank you 10 Mr. Woudstra of Valley Stream Faimo for the donation of dwarf apple rees. There are stili tickets~ avalable for these at Mis. Couvier's for $1.25.- Other donations of money1 for prizes at the summer showl were acknowledged. Judging of the window boxes and planters will be donc just previous to the August show. Mrs. B. Cowan and her lunch committce seîved tea and cookies, buffet style. Prize winners weîe as fol- lows: 1 -3 red tulips.-Rev. Long, Mis. B. Long, Mis. Zegers. 2 - 3 yellow tulipa -Mis. H. Cobbledick, Mis. R. Chapman, '>-3 ink ulps-Rev. Long, H E R IN G i. C Tayor, Mis.H. Cobble- AID LOCrono Jr.( WEARERS 1HoId Sprin Better service for I Ther Junior Gardeners put your hearing, aid meýat ilp Pa oiy good show, Thurs- better bearing for y0u 'day, MVay 20. The Junior sec- tion had 53 entries and bhe Seniors 15. Il was an excel- lient burnout- for their first Be sure how. Keep up bhe gond Our nxt LTbnnks to Mis. Holmes, Mis. Buc-kley and Mis. Touch- iaeiione ~ . hum who judged the show. ServiceTheir decisions were as fol- CenterJows:Senior Section »" Ciass 1 -Ding Table1 _9OOPER'S JEW;ELLERS Ceontr.epiece- Marian Zegers,j 1LTD.) Frank 7egers, Mary Voge]. 29 Kilmg Si. E., Class 2 - Wild Life-Mary Bowmanville Vogel, Marian Zegers, Fiank THURS., JUNE loth Zýegers. 1 P.m. tei 4 P.M. Cltass 3 - Mother's Day- Marma.n Zegers, Mary, Vogýel. Class 4 - Long Ncck Botle Arrangemyent -Marian Zegers, Lura Bridger, Frank Zegers. NILrAe14 IG > eR1 MiCf F Class 5 -Miniature Ai- DIANNE MRA rangement Frankr Zegers, 410 Grge ýýSt.N, Lura Bridger, Mary Vogel. ~eteboroghQiitîie Ciass 6 - Decorated Folder rhono 75-344 -Mary Vogel, Marian Zegers, Frank Zegers. JIunior Section Clansa1 Dining Table Bankof Montreal The First Canadian Bank y-ur moneyb v worth0 -'At the ESank of Montreat, we wish 10 be unique among banks. Unique in that we wish t0 serve flot only as a place where you can deposit and borrow money. But we also want 10 show you how 10 gel the Most for your monev. " Aiter ail, we've become one of the largest banks i the world, and who shoulId know more about money? That's why al aur efforts are ded- icated to gîing you advice that will help you in your depositing and borrowing. We want you to get you r money's worth." c c I I 1 I Il dick. 4, - Anyi othercor-Ms G. Buckley, Mis. D. Hansley, Rev. Long. 5- Lily flowered bulipa-ý Mrs. F. Vagg, Mis. G. Buck.- ey, Mis. F. Zegers. 6 - Parrot bulip- -Mis. 0. Coatham, Mis.. Gi. Buckley, Mhs. F. Vagg. 7 - DoubleTliaMi.G. Buckley, Mi. C. Bhilijngs, Mr. C. Taylor. 8 - .3 daffodils --Misr. S. H{olmes, Mis.CG. Buc-kley,,Mrs. 0. Coatham. G uk .ey, Mis, IR. Ch'Iapmnan, Mi$. E. Schmid. 10 - Single African Violet- ilis. Vagg, Mis. F. McKenzie, Vhs. 0. Coathamn. il1 - Double African Violet -Mis. W. Wood, Mis. H. Cobbledick, Mis. F. Zegers. 12 - CollectinOf 'House- plants-Mis. F. McKenzie, rs. F. Zegers. 13 - Golden ,,nniversary Ar- rangemnent-Mi s. D. Tansley,l. Mis. G. Buckley, Mis. S.1 Holmes' 14 - Natural Zegers, Mis. E. Scbmid, Cor- rie Zegers. 15 - Con versation Pieice Mis. R. Chapmnan, Mis. G. Atki ns, Mis. E. Schmid- Gardeners Centrepece- Danny Zegeis, Tim Stapleton, Earl Atkinis. Class 2- Wild Life-Heidil Schmid, Danny Zegers, Bethi Nixon.1 Class 3 - Motheî's Day- Keiry Lynn Gîady, Karen At- kinds, Michele Major. Class 4 - Long-neck Bottle Arrangement -Heidi Schmid, Karen Atkins, Keîry Lynni Gîady. Class 5 - Miniature Arrange- mýyent-Janette Tansley, Eail Abkins, Kathy Moffat. SClass f6 - Decoîated Folder -Danny Zegers, J a net;e Tansley, Lee Remington. The childien who had a gaîden were given a tomato! plant and some vegetable seeds. Some childien weîc disappointed that they didn'tj get a prize. But bîy again for the next show in August, Don't give- up. Keep up the good once agaîn ithe-.Junior Gard- eners plan bo hold their an- nual Decoration Day Flower Sale in June. Advance orders -may he made by telephoning i Mis. F. Zegeis!983-5490 or Mis. G. Atkins 983-5608. Times. ELIZABETH VILLE Maple Grave, Cu bs Win Awards Thîce happy Cubs from Ihe Maple Grove pack - al winners in the 1971 .ifewood Der by held May 291bý ,i in the L ions Centre, Bowmnanville. They are, from the lefIt, Rn Hoog-,eboo m, ageï 11, -who pl aced third in Speed Division; Mark Man-1 son, also 11, firt in l'he Sped ivisýion; and Doug H oogýeboom, age eîghb, younger brother of Ron)'s,, with the £ut place trophy inmS Pee Dvision. Mark alsco won bbe Royal Canadiýr]an Legion Annual Speed Award,h second year in a _row he bas taken th top honor. The boys carved Ûheir _race ca'rs out of a piece of pine wood, pai-nted and fixed bhem up, o(ccasionally with bthe help of their fathers. Eight Cub packs fîomn West Durham, -District cmebdin -bheraces. ,,hae anadlian ýtatewaa, BowManhll1E, Jne 2, 1971 5 Queen "s University, Hen ýBelieves Area Universit ShouldRelate., fo Durbaï-ý,. The principal of Queen'slretraining courses. R. Kennedy , ice-principal (ad-, University, Dr. John Deutsch,j The meeting lasted threelministration), has suggested that any addit-hor, From the Committee Dr. Deutsch encouraged the. jonal post-secondary facilitiesee himan Dr. C. Mell- CO.J.PB. and the Uiestr for tbis area'shoÜld be relatedýveen and members W. Beath, Founding Commitinee t con1ý to the existing Durham Col-II.Hobbs, B. Mackey, D. New- tinue its work. lege. Iman and secretary W. Me- The Committee plans 10 aeek- In a meeting with members Adams. From Queen's were Dr. a meeting with thelicMnister ofË of the Central Ontario Joint Deutsch, Dr. Geo. Harroweî. lUniversity Affairs on thbc- Planning Board's University vice-principal (academic> and malter. Founding Committee held in Kingston recently, Dr. Deutsch said that a genieral arts degree- granting institution was con- possibility for this area thaniS a specialized university off er-ý îng inter-dîsciplinary or post- graduate courses.. The University Foun dingi Commitîce had arlier suggest- ed that the proposed univer- sity for this aiea - the Uni- versity of Ontario - specialize in medicine and transportation. Dr. Deutsch however said ha~ suhspecial dcourses 9" were better located at a lare established university w erre adequate and varied f acilitiesi were available.NE Dr. Deutsch, a noted Cana- dian academician and econo- mist, and mrember of the prov- ince's Commission on Post Se,~- 1 ondary Education, said that the Commission's report, due in the fall of 1971 might beî suggesting a re-orientation of! th rovince's community col- leges. This could mean that 1KI1T Durham College would achieve degîee-grantîng status, as Rycison did enîlier Ibis year. rKODAK lNSTAMA't]C'*X-i5 with hanr~ He suggested that in consid- wrist strap ..teca-mra ý that tairas eîmng a site for the propos-d flash picturna without flash batterjea, Universty of Ontaro the Com- CX 26-12 KODACOLOR Film Gare mittee would be well advise to choose one close 10 the exis - ing coîlege. Attractve camera i'ouch case During the meeting, Dr.' SM îLE LAVER PockeeiPicture Deutsch referred;to the British Album Open Unversty system where 3 SYLVANIA BueD nvesity level instruction is available through belevision Magicue.wc ar 2fa. bîoadcasting. He feclt that sucb itue mass-media techniques mightý be concentrated on aduit and a dard (Ida) of Bowmanville Among the many beautiful floral tributes, evidence of the cilease a eldin were thee fînni tahe RlCanadians Leon, LaesRoauxihniab Bîainh 402, Townshi of Man vrschow0:2,pTonsCipîke and es TonshipAoACBakeRCad the 2deceased îested at bbc Coestoc Fuedral d t He, Mihomsok withervicHoei Pontyprool UntcdsCruich on Pabury, MayUnitd C, rev on Notrhey, and Rv.Kei. Adans conducted the service. Iriteiment was in Pontypoll Cemetery. Pallbèarers were Msrs Norman Albio, Ronald M'd- Mîllan, Oswald Whitmnee, Nor: man Eddy, Ross Davidson and Maurice Bradley. Church servi tfr he ~ whole charge were at Wel- e, corne, morning and nîght services. Rev. R. M. Freeman, Ph. P., iKingston, was the guest speak- ci. In bbc moîning bbe choir eang. alan a solo hy Mis. D. Croît. In bhe evening lb was the Junior Choir that sang. A gond crowd atended. The beachers and staff nt the Central School, Bowman-, r ille, held a baby shower for Mis. D. Tilcock and Mis. Rý I Westbeuseî in Oshawa at Mi..... . andMiD Tillcock's home onModay evening. M. On Tuesday evenmng MiM r Ken Tîew, Mis. H. MuldîeW, :: Mis. F. Wbeler and Mis. H Thîckson attendcd the Port Hope ULnited Church Women's general meeting when Mis, Minifie spoke, alsn the con- 1i~ venora, of different depait- nients beld discussions witb foui groups. Cold Springs On Saburday evening, at a reception in Maranatha Christian Reformed ladies put on a piogiam. Church, Mr. and Mis. Aibit! Ta!sma, R. P. 4, onil, celebrabed the 501h Lunch was served. 1 anniversaryof their mrigsuîrou) ndicd by iaîny f rîiends and relatives. lni Mereih and M iA f. s. c.n addition to the best wîýies off ered byv thosle Whbtený1-ded the recepion, bbey also Beatty rccently.1 received many cards and elegramsexý,,,prpssingcngatulations. On Thursday bhe 27th Ms J, Robinson, Mis. R. Beatty, el OBITUARY buill, Mis. F. Wbeeler and Mis. II. O îU D r u y H. Tbickson attcndcd bbc 70h' R. J. PAYNE East Durham Women's Insti- bute Dstrict Annual beld atL The death nf Robert John Millbîook. Reports were givý- Payne, aged 71, years, occur- en froni bhe different depart-IIe tCv HsiaPer ets by bbc convenoîs. The, Nloiough on Tbursday, May gucat speaker was Miss Cora "0 1971w oon.lles Bailey. ~'he Millbîook ladies' I 'omots served an excellent dinner. The deceased was boîn in Mi, Orley Mercer is n, St. Pointypool and waa a lifc-iong Joseph's Hospital, Peteibor- resident of the village, receiv- ough. in,,g educalion n Pontypool Mi. and Mis. Lloy.d Johr,-1 Public Scbool and at Peter- son, Oshawa, were 1lhM.b og ihScbool. On and Mis, C. Beatty on Su-October 19,, 1968, be married day.theformer Edith Albini, who M.and Ms la e-sii?.He ws predece-as-r cock and famly, Tweed, wer db î h5 ie hia wibb Mi. and Mis, V. Pea- Mi. Payne wam a memýbero cock over the long weekend. Pontypool United Churchý, andj Mu. and Mis. M. Thicrson, was a Christmas tîce gîoweî. had Beryl, Suzanne and theli During bis adulthood be took, hushands and Nancy Fowlera keen interest in the com- on Sunday. mnt and local poiitics,! Callers at Mi. and Mis, L. hoding many civic, offices in Muldrew were Mi, Gpeald the Township of Manvers over Trew,, Port Hope; Mi. Rya span of 37 yeais. At the~ Beatty, Toronto, wbo alanwa lime of bis death be wasi at Mr. and MIS. O. MeiCers, Deptity Reeve of the Town- Mi. Gen. Reid and girl frîend, si Toronto. le semved overseas with Mu/[. Ray Quantmill, Ms aned forces for foui and a, Cccil Quanrirli, Oshawa; Ms. al years and was a 25-yeaî W. Pl-Ouse and Charlcy, Port!~ nia!bei of Branch 402, The Hiope, wcre -witb Mi. and Mis. R0ir.îi Canadian Legion, Mil- H. Quantîlîl, Sunday. ý brook. As well, he was a Mi/]. and Mis. Vernon Pea- y , .meiner nf the Black Knights cock werc witb Mi. and Mis. U . and a lufe-long memboernof W. Holncy, Mlligen, on. Sun- .the.... Orange Order, No. -82, day. David 13,,thweIlSr Pontypool. For 20 yeaîs he Mis. H. Quantlil, 'Mi-s. L. celebrated his 83rd bitbayo May 4tb. To mnark the was the valued reporter of the Muldrew, Mis, O. Mrcer and' Pontypool aiea-, for The Ca",n- Mis. H. Thicirson atendcd occasion bis famnily -held a b)iîthday dinner in bis honniama tlemn jStaikville Penny sale at on May 7th aI bcLinsCetrMVr. Bothwell cm to Bsdsbi wfe dth Newtonville Hall on 7Saturday Canada ftrm Aberdeýeni, Sc ndin 11908, livui-ingL n i. Pye asuvve y h nigbb. Mis. Quantrili OlTrnoac oigt al iv i 95H a mtm i.FemnEd planta, Mia, Miercer %wntpanti- 2 trnchlrnad rEtbr) fOooMr.Abi l'ose.Mi, Tbickson rwon Ai ight 5sons, e27» gre1 grad Wbtmee(Eveln) on-]w 1îba! t' twGl and an e xtet hicrn MRbîePoocaetie an1d ùMia Latuence Go&, THROUGH STATESIWAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone 62-3303 Libert j St S. aI llwy.401 IT'S N;EW! IT'S FUN! WVS COMPLETEI. PNliÏY 'L AV O UIMETH TIME OINLY 67 King St R 623-2546 Bownianville MOTOR INN Phone 623-3373 Bowmlianville 623-254Ç Bowmainvills 1 - 67 King st. n t.,,.,eîetDraie rîîîieîn mnniversary

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