4 The danadian Statesmàn, Bowmanville,, June P, 1971 Hoope-r Replies to Police Arbitralor 140 Ontario Street Bowrnanville, Ontario June 4tJa, 1971 If ý -ol b reýA!y appreciated if ,you wnol print this, re-,ply in your next issuie of TeStatesrnan, in order that the edr will have iny side of the :arbtraion earngin refe-rene to the Polc epai rrien t Mr. Overy, who acted a,ýs Chaîrman, ,would do wéll fo re?.d wbat he writes prîor to making it public. He sztates, "Mr, Hooper holds a re-- portsil uniposition.» This is true, aDnd I aïm, proud o--f it . i-e alsýo states that 1 was, Chairmnan of the Corporation cornnùtïltee., This also is true, and 1 was I>el-etcd by the people Èù sit on Council, :and i n tLhis_ position, one accepts the :appoted jbs tat, arc given. thnstates thtyou can onfly *1.be oni one ie of the fence at a tirne, in 'ýorder tej fulfili ,ne's, obligation bo the 'bet f his dabilty, T11his deserves sorne ~exlaiingby VI . very. The,, Police Association suggested ~Mr, Overy-, to acf ajs a single arbitrator (j hn efore the Corporation agreed, 'a iclteephonc caîl wa mnadle to, Mr. Overy Sby myvseif, asking him if HE, IN HIS * PSITONAS A UÎNION FIELD REP- -RESENTATIVE, could honestly sit as ~anipaîaartro, and not be bias- rd ny way. I-l ,e frpied that he could, do th Corporation agreed, In the Corpioratîin Brief, which Wsprepared early in January, and pre- ~etd at te He-aring, the following statrit api)pears on behaîf of 1the Corporationi: "The issues iu disputei have not been fresolved, and it has- been agreed by both parties te submiil them to you for decision," "The Corporation bas agreed with the Police Association that you would act as a single arbitrator in b-iîs matter. The Corporation wishes to, make note at thîs time thatyour egarposition as aý Union Repre.. senttîe should nt enter or hava anybeaingon the decions reach- ed atii ern.The C"-orporationi wihsto aise inicate that the outsîde poiinheldi by the Corp- oration Coinmitee. Chiairman will no)t be uised 'n any way Ili l'espc At, the start of thec Hearing,, the Polce ssoiaton ad a Mr, Latten presentl, te prsn heïr casé, and that is wherinýIumde the objctijon. The Police Agremntclearly ýstates that a men- be o he Policeý Association of Ontario inay >attenid in an_ ad)visory capacity ny; also the Police Act of Ontario -states, that a member of the Police As- socciationï of Ontario, wbou is actively a police officer, may attend mu an advis.- ory capacity only. Mir, Latten stated he w\as the Businý1ess Adinristrator for the Police Association of Ontario and was not acieya police officer. MR.ý OVERY OVER-RULEDý MY OBJECTION. I then suggested to Mr. Overy that 1 dfid not agree with bis decision and hie Police Association then askecl for a t-ecess '0 discuiss the siftuation, Thie Corporation Corittee left the roomi -1o thiat the Police Association could discuss the matter in private. Tho IMPARTIAL Chairman, Mr. Overy staiyed with the Police Associa- tWon.; at this point if would appear to, rre ',hat1 the IMPARTIAL Chairman, Mr. Overy, had decided which side of the fence he was on. On"ri thie pension issue, if was agreed by both parties, that this would be heljl il) abeyance as stated. penision, as it ïwas a very involved sub- jeetSureInfo a man so capable as Mr. Ovey dimste he, he should re-asses liimclfon h1at ýtafermrnt. The Corporation did release, at thttime, to tbbe Association, the fact' th at if was _,stimated bliat the pension plan they were proposing in addition to the one that bhey already had, would cost $90,000 approximately, for past ser- 'vice alone, which would p3ut approxzi- Phone 623-3303 not warrantcd in tihis eone year col- tract. The Cor poration feels tJhat 'ani increase of 30 cents per hour base on 2080 hours iîn aarissufî- lent for this harn, auiwe ol submîit this tà) you as a settiemient of these issues." Mr. Overy, ln ou-r opinin goredj the Town's subrnission on this issue and ;)aaredt iuixcess of 610 cents iper bour. ($1,225.00 pryear). Inrmy opi.nion, tis uecesiefor a coutract that expires inr Decemrber of this year, The ie did (originially re- quest an increcase of $2,362.50 peýr annum. MVlost of theý items that MýJr. Ove-ryý, lias writeL-n in his report, were offered by the Corporation at the;earngs there was not muicl to write on behiaîf of MVr. Overy. Mr, Overy umifdhis ýreport datcd the thîrd day ofi Mayý, 1971, and also his cn s follows: 992 Ritson Rdc. S. Osbawa, COntario May 3d,1971 IN ACCOUNT WITÉ- WILLIAM OVERY, ES'Q. Inutite matter of the BowXmanvîlle Police Association antd TheCoprtn olf the Town of Bowmanville. ro -Aptpoîiutm-en-tas single ar-bitr ator ro -Arranging date and venue of 'hearinig To -Couduciug hearing ou April 241th, -1970 To - Prcparing draft award To -ý Fiualizin>g award for. presen- ktation bo the Association and bbe Corporation My Fee $40000 Expeuses - Hire o! room for heariug, transportation, secretarial assistance and Miacclaneous 48c.00 Moiety - Payable By The Corporation o!flice Town- of Bowmanville $p 224, 00 Bowmaurvîlle Polic(e Association $r1224.00 In concluision, I would li1ke bo say te Mný Overy that I was elected te Coun- cil by the people anid his job wvas d ignated -Io ime by Councîl, and I sulbrnit I did sit and try o lbe .fair wîtbr the As- sociation, and lI now ask youý, "Did you relyacf as an impartial Chairman? Thaukingou lu advance for bthe ,space provided te presut bbctheother ,ide, Yolirs very brl;y Ken fHooper P.S. Foror information, under the form'ula that R OVERY, THE IM- PARTIAL CHAIRMAN, handed downvi, a person w,,tih no police experience at aIl, cari start te wrork et tbherPolice De- partment at a starfing salary of $8,680 per -annum, as shown lunb11e schedule as follows: Sergeant Corporal 1sf Class Constable 2nd Class Conisfablep 3md Class Constable Probati:onairy Constable, $1(),84r, $10,425 $9,975 $9,585 $8,680 Ken Hooper A 'FRIENU IN NEED'WRITES THE EDITOR Curmenfly, The Salvafioni Army is couductiug ifs annuel RdShýicld Ap- peal in this amen and flic Editor of The Statesman la bhc General Campaigu Chairman (sort of au bouoramy posfte add dignity bo bbc campaigu, he says wifh h ouguein cheek). This morniug, flic Editor receivcd one of tbc campaigu letters witli a mes- sage wrifteu ou bbc reverse aide fmom a person who aigris "A fieud in need", The leffer reads: "Tie cdurcies are the wealfbiest organizations iu Canada, se get your money from bbem. "Tbe government looks after my moncy se weTl, I dount bave nny for donations, for anyone or bhing." Vemy sad case! Fomfunately, a great many people don't feel quife bthe same or bbc Salva- tion Army's campaigu would nef bave been se wcll received that thcy bave passed bbc halfwny mark te their objective. 1Pcraonally. we have greaf respect and admiration for bbc Saily Arn and the work bhey do and snggesf that our "Frieud lu Need" ahouid cotact Capt.* Len Frost wbo,' wc know, will lie bappy to belp, if lie cau, Phone 623-3303 b Book Review The Russo-German War When 1-itir dcidr( cd toio's book will have great in-f ully explained, Also impor eliminate t-he Soviet Uinion ini terest not, only for historiens tant is his description of pthe 1940, he exp:lected the- ca-m- a1nd stud(ents, of history, but -,ar as seen through the eyes paig to be a 10-weeck summner for the general îreader. o)f the fighting men, the Red job. lt be-came ne 'Of Ith The book sets out the caus-,Armyist and the German bloodiest and most pitiless of es of the war, political devel- Landser. Of wars in modem ntimes. It opaients leading to its outbreak Seaton has given particular rapidly developed from a and the roTe played by Hitler, attention to an exami nation of European to a wo rld war. Stalin, Churchill and Roose- the higher conduct of thei two Ilarel'y car a waý,r have been veit. The political and military dictators, and f0 <the changes waged with suhsaaeess organization of the Wehrmacht in structure in thieir highi aqnd barbarous înhumanîty. and the lied Army and the command. Air and naval op-. Albert Seaton lhas put fresh German and Soviet Hîgh Com- erations, also the economie lighit on it in his exciting and mands are set out in some de- aspects, are given careful well-documented new book, taiT, Seaton does à scholarly scrutîny. Seaton has worked The Russo-German War 1941- job in tracing the course of in co-operation- of some of 45 f(Ryerson Press-McGraw- the war at its many political Brîtaîn and Germany. He H-ili Ltd.) This is the first seri- and milîtary levels; the decis- stuidied Soviet history, Rus- ous fuul-Tength analytical study ion taken in the map roomns in sian and Germany memoirs, of the conflict that caused'tens Rastenburg and Moscow, the maps and published and un- of millions of dleaths. The sub- relationships between Hitler publishedi German files. Sea- j ect, is too vast and complex and Stalin and their respective ton bas wisely kept the text to cover in one volumie - Sea- staffs and generals are care- free of technical detail (ail of whicb is relegated to the foot- notes). The book has been T i c arefuily annotated and al .I.n Ii~e IJln sources are f ull quoted. Col. Iii t e D im Seaton, who speaks German and Russian, is an authority on the former Wehrmacht and and theRe ry The, Russo-German War D tsLan IUSL 1941-45 will be a decided as- D ist nt P lst set to those who study this From the Statesman Files historic confiict. It doesn't an- swer ail of the tough ques- tions - only time wiTl do that 25 YEARS AGO 49 YEARS AGO - but it helps to explain mnuch. The text is easy to read (Juneý 13, 1946) (June 15, 1922) - 30 maps help to keep it in proper focus. It's a book to be Congratulations to Rev. Iler many Bowmanville treasured and closely studied. John Hoskin, son of Mrs. R. friends will be pleased to __________ T. Hoskin (nec Eva Wick- etf), Bowmanvillc. who was ordaiaed ln New West- minster United Church, la Toronto, Fiday, June 7. Miss Paftricia Clarke is bo be congratulated on corn- pleting hem B.A. course af St. Michacl's College, To- ronto. Rer parents, Staff Semgt. and Mms. Wm. Clarke attendedthe graduation ex- ercises, Miss Domotby West, Ang- us, graduaf c nurse of Belle- ville General Hospital, la spending a week with Miss Ruth Stevens. Mrs, Muriel Symons aad Miss Vivian Bunner were Ta Toronto on Thursday affernoon atfendiag th e graduation exercises at Convocation Halil wben Kelvin Symons rcceived the degmee of Bachelor of Ap- plîcd Science as a Civil Englacer, Kelvin bas a position witb the Dcpt. of Health, Toronto. 1Rev. ElgieJoblin, broth- er of Miss Gladys Joblin of the local Public Sehool teaching staff,,receivcd bis Master of Arts Degmee ut the graduation exercises at Convocation Hall last Thurs- day. Reeve Sidney Liffle and Dcpufy Reeve A. W. Norfh- eut f are la Cobourg this week attending the egular session of the Unitecd Court- tics Council. Miss Frances Gallagber of Lettemkenny was a weck- end gucat of Mm. and Mrs. Newman and Ruth. Larry Chant spent the weekend with bis cousins, Tom and John Venner, New- castle. Ceam of Barley Camp re- opens shomfly under new management. Workmca arc busy repairiag cabins and gmounds. Hampt on: Misses Domeen Wood and Marlon Morris, Bowmanviiic, ut S. Wil- liams'. Blacksbock:, Miss Vivian Sadler, Toronto, at home. leamu that Miss Gladys West- away, 'Oshawa, daughf cm of Mr. and Mrs. J. Westaway, Bowmaaville, who for the past few weeks bas been a very busy candidate la the Europeaa Tours Contest held by the Toronto Sun- day World, bas beca suc- cesaful ceming first ln Dis- trict number tbree, and third in the whole conteat, She will oin a pamty, of 20 young ladies te take a trip abroad, They, sail from. Monfreal about JuTy isf ani duming the trip will visit England, Scotland, Ire- land, Francec, Belgium, Switzcrland and Spain, The duration ef the trip will be 28 days« Mrs. D., Heddon, Toronto, bas been visifiag ber'broth- er, Mr. Rd. Tmenouth and other relatives Tu this vicia- it y. Misses Margaret, Isobel and Jean Aitchison ef Clif- ford are visitiag their broth- er, Mr. A. F. Aitchison, Manager ef the Royal Bank. Mm, and Mrs, Maffhew Brown and son of Walton Cottage, Newcast le, spent Sunday wif h Mm, Wm. Gil- liam, market gardener, and other friends here. Miss M. M. Armour la again occupying ber cottage at fthe lake. Rer many Bow- manville friendà are glad f0 sec ber aff cm a long se- jouÈa in Toronto. Miss Anale Ceulfer, of Toronto, spent the weekend wifb hem parents, Mm. and Mrs. Thos. Coulter., Mm, and Mrs. L, Jilliard and cbildmen, Toront o, spent- the wcekend at Mm. Frank Jackman's. k Miss Margaret H. Sycr, Libert y Street, leff at week for a visit wlth rela- tives Ta Boston, Mass. Mr. and Mms. J. H. Nicb- olls, Wesleyville, are visif- ing bis siaf cm, Mrs. J. T. Bragg. Miss Isobel Bennett, of Toronto, speaf Sunday wif h her mother, Toronto Durham CIub's Bus Tour This Saturday This Saturday, June l2th, approximately 50 members of the Durham Couaty Club of Toronto wll set eut by bus from the TTC Barns, corner of Bathurst and Dav- enport, Toro,ýto, for their atînual tour of Duîrham Counti', TI-e buts wiIl de- part at 9:30 a.m. nd the tour is la charge o! Bert Ashton, First stop, at about -10:30, wilI be ut the Ont ario Hydrols nuclear power sta- tion at Pickering where they wiII be shown films and taken around the prem- ises. The Genosha Hotel lu Oshawa wiIl be the second stop at 12:45 for lunch. The bus will leave there for the Ontario Lands & Forests Station at Orono, arriving around 2:30 for an- other tour and films, f0 be followed by a visit to the new Clarke Public Library la Orono. They will go from there te President Aleen Aked's home north of Tyrone for a bjrief stopover, possibly driving past the famed Mosport'Park where the Can-Am races wiIl be la' pro- gresa. i-n the meaintime, the ladies of Haydon will be preparing supper for the group ia the former Hay- don Puîblic School, now con- verted to community use, where the former Durham- ites wi11 arrive ut about 5 p.m. Anyone from this amen, inferested la joininz t hein ut tbe supper, shou7d contact Miss Aked ut 263-8891, so the necessary arrngmetsmay hbme e 1Sugar By THERE'S TIJBEE CROICES AND HE LIKES NONE Boy,'show me a silver lînîng these days and MI1 show you a dark cloud. It's oniy a couple o! weeks since I was, crying the blues about beiug stuck with a jobless child for tbe summer, and wishiug my daugliter could find work iu this slim summer for studeuf a. She bas a.job and she likes if. It's waitiug on tables lu a smnart hofel din- iug-room, ovcriookiug bbc watcr, The pay's net much, but tips are fair. She bas learned the joy o! cerng home with ber apron pockcts îoaded wif b quarters, dimes and nickels, and arranging bhem iu neat littie piles, and couutlng themn over and over. Auyonc who bas ever worked as a slavey kuows the aheer, Scrooge-like delighf of count- ing tipa. B3ut there's alwaysý a catch, and iu this ca P~Im cauglit, and not,,for flic firaf fin-ie. Thie catch is that the job is about ben miles from home, and there la no transportation to and from. Bus service is sbricfly from flic stone age, and it's tee far to take a cab and take auy rnoney home. I guesa I don't have te draw a pic- bure. Good Old Dad. It's net the money I mind (about $1.00 worth of gas, and five dollars depreciation on the car - most of flic journey is on a highway under construction.) It's fthc fact that she starts work at 7:30 lu the mornîug. We are a eue-car famiiy, She doesn't have a driver's lie- ense, 50 ît's up at tbc crack of 6:00 a.m. for yours truiy. I amrnont at my beat at 6:00 arn., cxcept ou those occasions, when I haveunt got te bed yef. Good Old Mom can also drive the car, but she always seems to have the vapors at 6:00 ar. I have two alternatives. One, have Kim gef ber driving license, îi which case I'm stuck witliout a car ahl day. Two, buy a second car, let ber use it, and fork up price of bbc car, license and THE CITY GATES The new Jerusaiern, as accu lunflic vision o!flhc Book o! Revelation, chap- ber 21, wil l e a cify differiug in many respecta from cities lunflic coutempor- ary world. There is teoi e no niglif there, no curse, ne temple. It will be, nef as many modemn cities, for tlie bronbliug o! bbc nation, but for ifs healing. Sf111 more nef iceable is flic pros- pect o! ifs opcuucss, ifs accessibîity, tbe many-sideduess and hospifality o! bbe boly city o! Jcrusalcmn comiug dowri ont of beaven from God, The city is fo lie four-square; flic leugth and breadfb o! if equal, on ecd front bire gafes, neyer shut by day, and in a rcalm, of no darkncss. From wbafevcr direc- tion flic tmaveller may arrive, bliere is te bc befome hlm a wide open enfrance. If is, among other thinga, a picture o! bbc luntendcd comprelinesiveucas o! bbc Christian religion. People ask for the main road te bbe City o! God. But iu flua vision there arc cqnally good higbways fmom east as' weil as west, fmomn nortb as wcll as senti. Wberc is the main enfrance? Theme are, auawcrs bbc vision, twclvc gates. "And bbc twclvc gafes werc bwelvc pearis, each o! the gates made of a single pearl," Wberc, then, may eue enter? From By Russell C. I, thouglit you miglif li intemesfed lu reading n letf cm I wrobe te a good friend and constituent this week. "Yen, were kînd enougli te write te me and set ouf your concernas.I under- stanid how dIfficuit if la te get nieng on youir income. I know aise that flic dif- ficnlty la especially felf by btceider people wbo are trying to get nleng on fhe Oid Age Scnmity pension. I arn paticulariy grafificd bliaf yen took flice ime te wrif e te mc. 50 many people wio have cempiaints, as wcTl as constructive suggestions, do nef gef nround te writiug fo their MVember o! Parliameut and flerefore I1 caunot mc- fecet their opinions. Yen indicaf c flat yen areliccorn- ing disconmnged wifb ah flic poîitical parties. Wbcn yen say bliis yen arc sny- ing. yen are dîscournged wifb flic dernocratie preceas. Yen lave nef reaily blieugli t flua flongli. If la nef ueccasary to rcrnind yen, as omaf ors are offen wonf te do thaf mauy liuudreds o! thousanda o! Canadians have died lu the figlif for dernocmacy. Snmeiy yen wonld nef give up flic figlif se easily .. . bliey did nef! Two menflis ago I wns licbind flic Iron Curfain. While undoulitedly blese people arcelietter off mntemially . . . in the thinga yen complain you arc nef ale te afford . .. flan fbey have ever been iunblicir hîatory,. Ieau assure yen tint yen are infinitcly beffer off fian 95 per cent o! the people in flint cern- muniaf couutry. Don'f give up flic figlif for demnocracy! If yen don'ft ike the gevernumeut, vote for anoflier part y buf dontf let your country down! and j S Pice. Bill Smiley insuirauce, Th 'e latter, conaidering wbAt ffbc'll probably earn, would put us abu $500 lu the boTe for ber surnrer's work,ý How do yen like themn for alternatives-? V've scrabbled desperabely af ether solutions. I miglit le able to bure a boyv te take ber eut and pick ber up for about $4.00 a diay, plus gas. That doesni't scem tee profitable, and he'd probably rack up my tired 1967 model. I could pbysically kick ber mofhcr ouf o! bcd and make be-r drive. But I1 haveunt bbc guts to do this af, four p.rnl., let aTone six a.m. I 1couid let brhfc-hk B ut I don't like girls bitch-hiniig at seveni a.m* (Thaf is, I don't mmid the girls, býut bbc hifch-hiking,) Wbyshe mi glif li picked up by some eae and l'cl neyer sec ber again. (Tha, o fn second thouglit, wouid solve flic prolern.) Ah, it's just eue of bis rotten lîi,- tic problemns thaf will hvete sort itsell ouf. Ive got anofheir problcn toda.iy. I baven'f feit so tougl-i siince bbc Grmu beat me up about tweubffy-threc yar ago. Did you evrtai' downv a mine- shaf t? I badn't cither, unt il a couple o! niglits ago. At IeaýU I thougltif ivas a miu'e-sba)ff Drove some people homIe, Into their drLiveway. No liglifs oufaide bbc bouise. Iuvited lu for coffece. Stcp- ped meutflic drivcr's aide anid afraiglif lut o nn excavation nobody lhad men- Toeaquarte r-iucb o! akinti5sane and muscle .off rny le! t palm. Sprined the thumbs on bof b bauds. Raiscd a lump flic size of a basebaîl on my lcft thigli. Twisted my riglit kue. Hif, my Scheat on aomcthing cisc and bave a great purplc-and-goid bruise thaf bits me like a spear wbeu I cougli. Can barely manoeuvre a stairs, but apart from that, feci terrible. But good fhing I'm a bougli old nut. Scrambled ouf uuaidcd, dripping biood and bad language. It makes bbc transportation bang. Up recede a liffle. whafever direction hço cornes. Whcn may lie enter? An y bime. Who may nef enter? The unclean, and bbc unfrufliful. The ecumeuical ex-, clusions arc nef theological but ethîcal. The archives of flic holy city are nof a collection o! creeds, but a book o! ife. Witb this vision bbc Bible euds, and ta bhls ideal of flic City o! God Christian* faith bmust buru. Here is flic justification o! mligiouu tolerance. If procceda, nef from mndi!- fereuce te, trufli, but from a recoguifion of flic many-sidcdness o!f trufli. Thie- brufl ilnes as bbc moon shines at niglit. The track of liglif seema to corne straigli te you. aud te you alone. How- ever, yoDu realize biaf flic same liglit radiafes tewamds every other cye. Whilc ecd seems te receive flic direct beam, blieme is enougli for al, Se flic City of God invites flic gen- erations o! mnaukiud. By miauy ways of approaci, ecd legifimate, and ecd wclcoming, flic ronds bo tbbCcity coni verge, unt il at lafeune entera blirougli' bbc gate into bbc city. The streets merge. The tmavellers meet. There are no sep- arafe temples or churches. The Lord God Aimîghfy and flic Lambk are bbc temple thiereof. Wbocver is a f aifliful piigrim shalbave bia heritage. Honey, M.P. RerneMber fliat lunflic hast 25 years lu yonr generatien - ... Oid Age Sccurity pension bave been mnised frorn $40. te 15 on a means test liais. Rem- ember flia yeunow have free hospi- f alizafion and medical services. Suppose your Meflier or Faflier lad been, 25 yenms ugo, wifliouf other mens, fhey wouid have liecr tryiug te Tive ou $40. ecd per moubli. Iu addition te flic wor- ry about geffing enougli toecaf, and a place te live, and bow fo buy clothes, their, main worry would have licen whnt weuid bappen if tlicy became iii ..if tlcy lad te go te sec n doctor. if they had te go bo bespif ai. Think about if. Suire if la bougli! Sure bieme may lic more bliigs govcmn- rocuts could do ut aTT levels! But tiink about if . . . is flicre any country in whicli yen \ould ýsooner live?" NEWSPAPERS COME UP' ROSES Bill Fombes, edifor o! Canadian Pninfer & Publisher, cornes up Wifl is "firat genuine cempamison o! newspnp- er-radio-felevision effectivene4s" for meî tail advcrtiscrs. lu a recent manrket surt_ vey, ail four parties - retailers, ncws- papers, radio and felevision stations - cooperntcd te test flic effectivencas o! 11.6 pages o! newspaper advcrtising, 438 biirfy-secoud spot ada (261 on f ive radio statiens; 177,on f ive television stations) lu 2,176 interviews witli people iu tic survcy amen. Nemisrapems cm up r- flirce te eune or beffer: wýitb nnlly 38 per cent o! bIc advertising budget , j Religion for Todlay by Rev, Gordon- Smyth Report from Otfawa Durhamn County's Great Tam!)>' journal Established 117 years ago in 1854 AIse Incorporatiag The Bowmcrnville News The Newcastle Independeat The. Orono News Second dlass mail1 registraion numnler 1561 Produced every Wednesday by THEf JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED 62 -66 King St. W.,. Bowmanville, Ontario JOHN M. JAMES PATRICK GOULD 3ýE0, . MORRIS ErnoaPusîsnnADVTG.. MANAGER BUSINEss Mct. 'Copyrighit end/,or Prperty ights subsjst In the Image appeoring on this prool. Permission to reproduce in whl or la port ad in 'un forts whatseer.orticularly by photographie or offset process en a publication., utbe obteLined front the publisher and h, printer. Any unauthorlsed reproducton iltb.e ubjert ta recours. ta Law." $600a ear - 6 nionths $3.50 $8.00 a Year in the United States trcl aadvancs Although ej very precaution will b. tak« atô ovôid error The Conaidicon Statesman accepte aidvertis. lng hi! ihs columne on lb, understandiaq tbat it will flot b. fiable for any error i ny adveitisemeant publiýhed ,hereunder unless a proof ai euch advertisment is requested in writing by the advertiser adreturned tb The Cancidian Sttecman business office duty siqned hi' the adverttisr and with euch erroi or corrections ploili noted ln writing thereon, and in thot case ilmii' erroi so rtoted te cet corrected by The Canadian Stateemon its liabihti choit flot exceed euch a portion of the entire cost 0i Euch dvrismetas th, sPace ocQupied by lhb, noted exrox re o the whole space ocuplsd hi' suchadetset ý C.+MYNA