Fouirfl, Rrwmà'nviIIe Ctj1kç Aaaîn Win F~ieA Fàv ~TheCanadian ien~,Bw~ni1,June g, 1971 ICarl and M rs. White. The ceprd Ip2rty on -May 21stMem ra ropla Suanday S, rol AiweaayOlive HulMr.Ken Bragg Hamp1tton; Miradi s mE-e a pca vna r The Sundà School Anoîiver-and Mr. Alex McGregor. Need nwden, Ebenezer weB ..Loe ymwsc]baigve~ y R pr saservices vere helo onless 1 say it was excellentlyl Warren, 13, D, .DBzek.....................................................hs 76th birthrlay. He ha$ Sunday, June 6th, Tha xjeath2reodeied and much appreciat- Centre, Milton; Mr. and .Ms.. ben a faithful worker aile ~e Wk o a 1Jîc6ie cr was favorable, and gond cd by both congregations, Pro- E. L. Gîlbaoýk, Orono, With Mr. euÈe o eea ya disos9 congregations attendedt, The ceeds $21 GO0 and Mr., 1.-G Freeman Ec ayrcie enha 3rh ae enl ,ustc s,,peaker for the day w as Congratulations f0 Mr. andý Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Ashton, ndi the gents a conib. AlDc fie ey. B. A Wairen, B Th., Mis, lcîry McDonald, nefc aesarea; Mr% and Mrs. Hjos- laIrge birthday Cake was Cut.i1 hres-9 TIB . cof Bezek Centre, Milton, Susan VanCamp on their recent'ki. Smith, Hampton; Mr. Ru-Everyone sang Happy Birth- Majo oeato f te arnooni lie spoke f marriage. sel] Ormiston, Enoiiskilen; day, and then enjoy ed a lunch Minoroeaios-4 ibîrnof the Sun-day schonol Congratulations to Mr. John Mc . Veina Forsyth, Scarbor-: of ndwiches and birthdlaY!Eegnyt'etet on isciples and discipline and McGuirk on his recent gradu-ýougfl with Mr. and Mrs. C. P. aevstn ous- .di he -5 the attention of thelation from Teachers' Colliege. SwaîîoW. m1ember-s of the a.chool In tfe c ah he wîll be teaching Mr. aod Iirs, Keith Wood tlcughout. Irflic cveilîng bis at the Wm. Beatty School j imdfi enawt i subi cl w 11g,\ngsd w ork- Parcy Soundbrotder Mc. a KndaM, ick hi ing and learnîog together' ai The sympathy of this corn- Wood and family,.5 message that was vecy in un ît is extended to Mrs. Mr. and Mcs. Erinest Twist, NWA pressive. !Margaret Brooks in the loas Salem, with Mca. Wm. Laird, The music in the afterinoon of ber father, Mr. Gor.on Mca. E, W. Foley, Rev.aod ~ by t he Sunday School under Rodman, Litt le Britain, to hem rs.L MSmev5l o the leadershi p of Mca, Paul f amily and ail other relatives.Imanville, witb Mr. and Mms. McIntyre, the music director, Remember the bottie and Ted Foley, Base Line.RE I and ahl who assisted was of paper drive on Sal., Junie 121h.1 Mn and Mcas. Clarence Bell, 4 bîgh ocder, The Rev. David Anyone -wishing papers picked Ms a el cH oe ~wGet' Haris, B.Th, ouri-miniafe,as up pleese phomne J. Roogeboom Bowmanvîlle; Mr. and Mrs ." ... ...'ra Summi-er Sweptae sïstcd et bofli serices. N hat 623-7195 or D. Wood, phone Dave Crydemman, Richmond & eveing St Pal'schoir of 623-3405. An.yone thiat cao Hill, Miss Janice Moses, Bow- F Bowmanvîlle, with Mr. RoSsaplease have pepers boxed or mnville et Mr. amdMrs. How - TD AY Metcalf, a former Maple Grove tied out et bbc drivoway. edCyemna Churcli and 'Sumdey Schooll Church service ext Suniday Mc. and MrS. Arthur Bur - FLY BOAC 747 TOL N N boy their choir leader simd et the usuel bouc, 9:45 a.m. gess aînd femily, Ebemezeî, MinLS$5001 orgauist supplied flic muai c foci Anniversacy supper guest',mmed Mra. MoPLUScd ad500.0' the vcnngcnnsliting of twio'Mma. S. W. Brooks, Mca. E. V.fmi;M.mdMaMce antbemas "Lot Mount Zion Re-!Hoam, Bowmanville; Mr. mn d Buigesa, Oahea, :-Mr. and joice" send "Praîse Hîm', and Mca. Gammet Rickerd. baws; Mca. Ted Wieadfml duet"Wathma Wha ofthe!Mm. and Mca. Cccii Pascoc, Mc.-Mc.sud Mca. Elwim WbWhte end pyt dueht' y et rry Russell and'emd Mca. John, Hubamdi, M. agie.MpeGov mT ne ots sml aeyu im t Len Joncs, sud a quaclet "i awe, with Mca, L. C. Snow Dwight. Bradly papln t î~ Frederîck s Pharmacy, yourAle ht 'wamt my if e 10 tell foc Jesus" do-n.' Cetr. oo fr hecotet dvrtseen by Mesasa Jim Coombes, Ken Mr. and Mca. Albert Brown, o CrWhites.t Bmegg, 1cm Joncs samd Glon !Hamilfon; Miss Marion Snow-1Mr'.Davd MBcoW, HMcrwn,-mdL Prout, Soloîstia foc the moîboma doen, Toronto; Mc, and Mrs..PyMsAîuGbonBaeLo in~ our window. wcmre Mca. Wilson Pig, Mca, Moîcaif, Mc. Roas Metcal fted thehifnn ffi focme's gcamdsou. Robect ~: Ja son, son of Mc. simd Mci, Bob i SUNDAY, JUNE 2th 'Brown, Peterboroughin Si,. ls 5 d iio a P ie !Geocge's Anglican thurch,1 *irsi i 75aii: Eiî:diï :f:.ic N" isbiwa, were dir uesî ju a ý~~of Mca. Lillian Gray, A.Ggasom fM. u . Foc thbe second year, Fourfh Bowmanvile Wolf crs, Mca. Eleanor Dadson, righb, and Mrs. Helen Thies- SECA OFE OWO Mca. Alsi Snowden, accom1 Cub Pack were the top p oint getters in the Ws u-sn hr omavhewsscn1ib12iMpeNW KDKCM R painied by Mc. samd Mca. iRegjb am Cub Fil Day ai Maple Grove on Saturday. They Grove had 99 points and Kendal accumulabed NEW KODL AKERC iT Taylor, Oshawa, wece Sundeylscored 135 points and arc ahown hece wîfh tbeir lead- MIESA E lei u S H flecmoon visilors witb their' _________ Port Hope . Wlï, I crda, Mr. and Mrs. Clintcon mohrMa.E H i îis Bigelow, visited on Sunday MNMca. Ethel Hindmam coceot- (NI Yi '4P4de ly istd Mr. and Mca. Frankvisiteor I inh the, sialer, Mca. MayBU N'AENW P U 1 edrik, imco. iFindayUionville, Mredci, simc .e. I iand IA pleasent evening of card rmlOhwwr udywas held ici Tycune H7ll FI- Limited Time Onl visitoma with Mr. acbd Mrs. Dom rroiests 11Qi Ofwillfeda ig10hydmo failuepr 5-iBîooks and family mmd lied e-n o yr aluepi -5îcS izes 6t 2 in Medîum, Wide jbar becue supoor. 4Cuc t,'NtraitHwawmnfn of the cveming. carda wec r <1 74Cburb Sf, Nauralsta, ow a1oma1canfind played by candîlîlit. The' aniEtr i1 c.BoÂacaaiZOoo Bowmanvillo, Ont. pleasure în a hobby of kil]ingbamad preswewobyM.Jh - - --- L apent the weeke. nd with berMay 7tb, -1971. wolves la bard to undecsband! Bcoom.Vian ClM. sîstsec-In-haw M. Iemd Mcapl me t ouP te Keser, M c. W . M alley, SMOOTHLEATHER RsdI GilaSo. ate d-a',r Jms is ocmliety on, the Mca. Frank Pacoc and Mca . --'odan afýr tyeMcdth a. AlamwdenThoattn I amn wcitimg fo express appreciafion many fine picturesyuobUnf r urFrank Pascoe. hOxranti oafer0%5 les dthe iHaLiksay omat of Mr. Robect Cameron's letter in the paper, but why give FRONT page coMNhe 0ST.dawwaswo b BSleck 6nd.12oin Mdumw d dae grooLmsay n Seau issue of May 26tb protesfing the killing erage to wildlife frophies? Mr. Frank Pacoe, and the, Size 6 e 11 inMedim, sde aythe roo beig aof the Canadian wildlif e, as a sport. The and Extra Wide -----------ephew. cYours trules Mc. Fred R. Stevens, c- needless sleying of brds and anîmals Yustuy iin compmniied by hec siter-in- bas long been a hearf break fo Ontario Anna Wat son. Iaw, Mca. Ken Summecaford', SH' OL nOES Bowmamville, wece MomdeyA In flark Bown CrusheMWLeathersîster, Mr. samd Mca. H. Mycc. sAK $1 I ~ Oshiawa; iao, Ibeir cousin, 5 1 Sizes 6 ýite 12 in M andi W ýr jMca Edma Jewell, Camnington.ý Misses Virginia Black, Wasli-1Mr- sud Mca, Brysci Mounit-[Bey simd Mrs. Mccciii Feri a choice bard f0 meke PF th&r alo CO F M"inln State; Blioda Mactema,Ijoy of Guelphi spont fhlcguson of Toconto were Mon-idesserts wece ai so deiouus11 $ 5 Memitoba, wece 5sf ucday over-1 weekend witli theïr parenLs, day gueFs of Mca. O. Hili. o li gca wtl M. id Mcs.{ Mr. and Mrs. Ivan MýountjoyiSuot)day guests of Mm. mmdi1mmd vacîed. The presîideuti, ________________M. Veala. :Judy mmd Linde and 7Mc mmid Mc R ccdVanCamp mmdMc.. W. Wright ld tiu Institute meeting Monday Mc.EntS c Bob sudtam ily wece MVr. sud !Mca. sing somg after a warm wPl- WeCarry, Line of!% c jvcning et 8:00 p.m. ic iebDbie. Poy Morr0w of Hilton end'como. Mca. G. Lammer mirto- DAC C7 EIO !C.E. Hall, meeting ini charge Mc. sud Mca. Les BushlieldMc. mnd Mca. Ken Symonsý duced the' speaker, Mca, R. of -Mca. Gordon Bease, foplo London, wece weekomd guostsanad familyof Wehcome. 'Sheffield, President of the Hitorical Reseachb'.Rî!ofbrp et- u c At tlhe United Cliochi onj Oshawa U.C.W. Preabytecial., D E SSH E p cal]"Bring your oldeat bookY ,,Murray Bycra mm Sunday rnornimg, the Brow- Mca. Sheffield spoke to usý * nto, la viaitimg wîth Mr1s. Boy Mr, Ah Aston, Toronto, wc e alec g with their leaders ai- timely subj oct whlch wesý VanCapBas Lmeeekend guesta of hem par- temded in groupa. The Rang-bîl noraie m hogi Ll y1li h e enta, Mr. aud Mca Beay Brad-Jors focmed flic choir sud provoking. Mca. G.Pase GE CSHTOAY bucu, Betty amd Ronald. favored witb two delightffui tliauked Mca. Sheffield amdi 49KIG T.W.BO MAVILETCAHO At flic weokly card pacty numbeca. Bey, V. Pacsons de- pcesented a giît on bebaif of 49 LN; TWBOW ANILE TA T E S 31 A N sponsoced by flic Senior Cil-I ivered e fine sermon oun flic I.C.W. Mca. ,Harold Kyfe CLASSIFIEDS zens the folowing weme the "How f0 Love Youcself". sud'Mca. Harold McLaughlin _________________________________________________________prize winmecs: Ladies, Ist Dessert Luneheon Ilion favored uswth two fOM Mca. Hczel Ormiabon, 2nd On May 251h, mamy ladies duet sehections, "BIesa Thisý Mca, Reid Cook; Mcm, laI simd childceu of the commu- flouse" and "Little Old Lady." ýîMarwood McKee, 2ud, tle, miîty enjoyeri fli U.C.W. Des-, If was a fitling cosing to a ] Mr. Munco and Mm, B. Cook; serf Luncheon. We ail foumdl pîcasent ettemnoon. * 10w lady, M%.Bcdhy;hu mon, tic, Percy VanCamp and! Hector Shoctridge. Seerl bim hs acea at- T R OE î itcmded flic Wacden' Beuîquol The cuîmmittee, Mci. Glenn L O.L. end LO.BA, parade inl Yelvecbon ou Friday evenRundlcMc, A. Kuowltom mmdt and service wil h held lu! iug horoocing Wacden Harvey'Mca. Jim TWoodlcy beld a Tyrone United Cliurch ounu:ac h On uesayJoo la, v-ý foc the Folk Service, Suday, c m. Gueat speaker will beo eryome pecticipatod lu bbc Jue 27th, et 11:15 sm. Itis Rev. James Payfon. r t b c h i1' Hed Coumiting DRY". Local' boped the .J oiacoc M u c,5mAaî cnss f akers, Mrs. Heciwill prosont special ms, sdta yBPavMlM. c l r w n e Shoctrîdge, MThe Exploreran sud . and MaW 1h aomantilel sudo '-r wi t r sud Mr. John iVenning havej Thldc ec b doeandup acom nd1 . ilia a toknda boom busy camcying ouI thei hedchur cl Momda ndifamily, Bucketou, were Sun- du-ATdy upr u TH.Eu ca . .Hih Oa Satucdey, Mca. Bill Boy Mrs.J.Woodley and chidmen.i Eaenî m TTEed Jonathan ofRipley Miss a dMca, Carl Clark fook Mr., andiMca. Gordo~n Whit_'. Nanc Haress f osawa h iSundey achool knertaker,,Haitn Mr i wre îd-eekcalersofMc. gren clas b flice Bowman- ca. Alex Perger and Moia and Mavicl elymdle Zoo; aflerwerds tbey Soîy Cek ia Mr plomb on the Kellschooh NideHMoMn w er e', ~~JD E~ 12'~~*A D~~751i Mc. Mca.- Camecon-, Po--1 tb u 5 e a i Sundy vstos t Mc an JimBryansof ou wii, f0 hclp celebrate hec. ati Tone cddbbhegraduation cf AeE!.!moetl\csrbdynSud' Bey _ _ _ _ b o ' i c , M s o n a L eD n t f r e e g is t r ti o n : i ' n e . 8 5 - . 9 5 ftIUIP Bcyens cf Femelon Fails.!- ~ IEÇ frSimu aosJn~Sm-la or Fiat DVU Gad Dom Lee la gcadualting 241h from 6-8 p.m., aI Cedari , fcom Tocouto Western Hos- ek o urbrifra. Wise Owl tconomy 4.19 itlSehool of Nursing. tien cali Mca. M. Yeo. A ,On Sunday, Mc, and Mi,, Mc. mmd Mca. J. Boddeus Sermi.Gloo.,or Fi 'Bowmanville s Own" Chenu Grove anmd family et- sud Patîy, Sussex, NewJr REZ STAINS tendod the 126th Auiversr soy. speut a week wifh ber' Servce f Jon'shomechuhai. toc mmd bu sbsmd, Mn. sud! 7d 71 for Cedar, Exterior Sidinga A"ncarin DeHaa Sevc 95on' oecuci* .9 89 hurs. Fr. -ýîMelville United Churccl.Theev0Mm.. Theo..De6Hem euîoyed lunch sud a soia Several from the commun- ecs-Ec O ytîme aI tbe ehurcli foîîowùng B A ity took part luý the hanse' thayrveandWcicater Mc. md Mc fa., nJomu s parents. Mr. amd Mca. PLF UMBING & EATING fiel îcm boniesed N report thal Mi TyPHOn ai Lu.25 hePr-in aatuns fG egrý adw r _ VryanCarn îs ablE o b TrTOtre wuediam Luhavc md Iin cfc toe ram ihe PortPcy teed wP hvamvd INrT.POk 1 M 4 OWAVJL HosîlL __________________Mr. ad Mî-a.Arthur Ricli-______________________________________