GT-hê Cânaeinn SîstÊ!smnai, Bowrruanville, ,uue 9,1!971 Speaks To FeIIw Rotarians Balloon Cake Pour' Out' Gifts for Youngsters Mtveaning of eia laership A dealersirp? Why ut <s onue - liuer cnuld like a tiree--leégged stool.niuffled. Thére 15s ales, bien parts sud Dealeras, such as firaly seMvîe-. Eaci works M. Shid rem-arked, togeIier,, cnuplerntiug theutc b bthe communîty other. ways. ..They, povide ry C'ci Don Shieli des'rîbed bsIl nceaeIhep id Interpretaltion. of wbat a lie ares. They proi denlemsbup sbouid be fo an oullel for used machii audience of lie liey provide;lie niair Bownianvîlle ciub's luneheon and epir on equip. hsld lasI TIi.ums;day ai bie Fiy- Mauy agencies arc îrng luc anMotor Inn. dollar busînessea in -ie bud io -e is the;jj. j(w H selves, hie sbted. Not maagr fj Mair Equipmelfigure. A combine cosi the Ineuîinilarvester range of $20,000. ageii ii% aes-fon Hlessi d tint tflic Bowmnvibe a Kogaon. farmiug loday was' "A denier toda7ýy hbas to bebigr sd ige su s position 1n expîsîn bic wbîcb meant bîgger as uise of uachinery 1o tic sophIsticaied pieces of ýariýr esecillynewmaýment. 1Unfless lie ~anmm, spccall new mn-kee-os abreasaI of th( cbîneny,"he, tld -bbc o- taiaýns " equally velopnients he could knowedgcbleabout operat- liielly ui lu ed f îug ns wcll as servicing lie hIlkuetd macbînry. He bas been in tic Mm. ,,Siielli related bmw bis business al biîs life, agnyfuncîioncd. Il, was wha . Roaamans call a classu-A, hication addmess, whcnl a new inueriber aîka bu lie 'club ebout lie type. of work -bc Quoting bhe Rotary wyatch- by Kathy Morro phrase "service s my bus- There always secîrý mes" e said tint Ibis mhd a certain pattern in th real application -tohie lins of of, a Higi Scinol endeavnr. .Sone may ual wonik ~'cservice cquipment ., lite finsl fali terni a we provîde service iu tic coin-"pick uip" during bbc rnniîiy." kecping na teady avei :-estand bhind cvcry- lie Ihird. Oliers, a thin.g we seli," he- said, -"ex- ily, w5ink bard ahl year sept of .courss tic mnure( nalurally,. deservea spener.Tic iiakee ~tr n educatî UIABILITY HAZARDS The ýway yoilr honime"1 a tlaiieýd, can c ause bodly ïinjur taothers. PERSONAL ACTS Anýiy membriCre f your um y even youir Pets, mn-ay mifit ýijuy . accidents do happe. LegÏal actiorsns cost onèy thep Composte., Dwelling Policy will pay whether yqu're liable or ,lot. 1,01-Fu.rther' Information Calli James Insurance Agency Limited 241 Kinz St. E., Bo x 100 ýeOwsaDnviIIe - Ontarlo ni be tic family dairy fanm Thomas, tien when lie J-Mar, Omies provcd sucb lba contmîî- was ablÎged ta leave, uin tirc fertilizen salesman wiib macines da Pnckers sud as a sale uction iu sud denionsimator wiii Ovide an national Farn Maciner, tes, sud caIme 10 Bowmanvihle ib ontenauce 10 manage lie 1H I )ment, agency, J-Mar Equipier *million "Of six of us fPromni; * them- commuuity w b o fin )t ihmd ta scioll sud snierd fa:. ,ts un bic only two are .stili left on fanm. Tie reat af us trend ln taken other occupations. loward a bad ratio," fanra, Not bad. wnuld and more a loi of couvincîng 10 of eqip- tuni DonShielI bas cvi denler or wauld really ever wa hese de- leave bie farmmî'ng hife bh [end up was homo loto. feld, Mr. Mr. Shicîl was .iutmc( by bus sponsorng Rlt c speais. Bob Stevenis wba kuows farming tbing about lie farniing- first ou lbusiness hiniseif. the wnrk sludenl. kduring and lieu esecond, ,enge lu aminor- ar. Tiese a good Àn sud .vil altain lie level of leamo- iug they desime. 0f course some students neyer work, bus lie majoity are plugged loté s pattern thcy don'l wanl, ort doul btry tbgel out of, Teaci-3 ens dfisus tui attern, coni-t plain sud iay gel discounag-s cd.c Wbal tus bi atemo? Tiec "sîneker", siicci 10 Ibis pst-î cru, wnnks fornite final lerm., deterinecl 10 kecp up biss grades, bo please bis parentsv sud salisfy bimaclf. Heie le surprised at lie amounl ofc wAo-k lbe docs sud su are bisg classaiabe. liowcver, afierc lie Cbitias boiidaya, be i sV luggcd ilu, lie studies less,s ilis marks decrease - bhia becoie a "sîneken". Is Tic- second report la notice- ably lowcr - bis parents niav or may ni nag but bist conscience ceriaiuiy la a boli- er. During thc Ibird lerm he will do a bit better, lHe fîgib between "lacking" and work-c The. Tinuteonie? lia final marks are a-vema2ge, heba gotten by) for anolier year. - Souuid like s famniiar pattern?, Student Couneil Executive El ections Stu dent' Council ExecutiveP elections weme bcld lalt week. i Only. 86 per cent of the slu-s dents votcd. I askcd a few sludenis wby bhey didn't vote. Answers were along tie sanie lins of rcasoning-they, cnuldn'tbheC bocthcred or tbey fecl bie council didn'b do a gondb enougi job. Some said tint ibey wcee neyer involved enoughinluSiudcnt Council affairs. Are Ibese peniapa our future aven 21 voters? f Resuits wene as follows:E President, 'Carol Lovekini;v Viceý-Pre--sideol, Chii Hughies; ýSccLeary,. Jackuc Boule; Tre-i suarer, Daâle Powell; Publîcity,' Leslie Mikios sud Beuuy Van dem Wemf, Il seema tuiswouldbhe a iIow much jdid Voui 17 BOND ST. EA ST HOURS. Trues,, Thurs., Fr1. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon. 9 n.un. la 9 s.M. 'Sal. 9 n.m. te 12 Noon Ciosed Wedr!esdayý BrnceslaMan-y Principal Cîies cf01Ganada Fonnded 1904 ' good lime bu congratulal execuive nf 1970-71. I don'I extsnd the coi ulsiions for lic meresaS tradition. M'any siudenl culs have icen very apa "giving up" wili bic tint biey weme pois under tie aubbnnty ily administration. But,i lie direction ofi hein dent, Glefida Tennaunt, ycan'a council bas resul rip s gond effortl b pr "soniebbing beltie" for sludent body. WiaI did do besidea sponsor dance tic faîl, iicy supportc yeam book staff; aI Cri: tiey ont auly provîdcd students wili a free rock cent' but lhey also cal? canned gnods for needy Mies. Tiey "put down' Imadilional c o ni ni e n ci supper hecause tbey fi was an uunecessary Iran Though lie- Curtis Mai campaigu didn'l hning gond resuits, lie student cil gave ht their heato wben lbey knew ticy sinkiog, Sevenal groupa wii semai bhave hencfibied f chally fram thc councîl's f Tenehen-studeol counicil lions have impmoved ti ticir efforts. Tic formai was aiways a failure wa aliy abolisbed. Tic council wss lie ouly une liad tic nrerve to do it. aire tbrey bavîng "insiesd bl's callcd "sometbing air because Ait l. Doug Lu At Bragg sud Company provide tihenmusic for supper sud dance nitich ing Duteiman ou Jpne 1ý stants aI 8:00 - eve: ha wclcome aud rdress is Tickuets for sludenl co ýcoal $5.00; aduit couples IContact Eva Panta, Ai ,Ciard, Icatier boar or self 10 buy tickes-ynui lie sorry if you come!. sports C.O.S.S.A. resuits: E 'Wiuier came lu third ix ýfinal 200 mebre race wii B3renusu came fiflhinlui vision. Ail conipelitons serve special praise.for ri iýng CO.SS.A.-Timcs. PONTYPOOL (Inteuded for hast we Jini Bcggscoineu lasi week, bis had.qua "Western Stress"' - a fir Mississauga. Visitora wlvti Mm. sd Dais Stinson aver lic end wcre Karen., Mike Amy Sinianni, Sue sud Warner, al 4f 1?bagara Pontypanl meu's ha team played its final gar tic season Sunday af te: lu Omenice versus Onr Supertest. Our teani woi Lavemne Brown had a 1 tao bis credit. 1> Sevemal froni lie P pool and Belhany arcae cd as atrip ta Niagara ou Sunday. Those frmn typooi wene -Mn, and Mn Powema, Mms. Alice SuE Mme. lerman Webb Carole, hirs. Leone Sti sud Sandra, Mrs. Ruth ardson, Karen sud Joar 'Visitors wiib Mm. sud Lloyd Faqllis sud Mr. aond Clifi Fallas on Saturda; coing wenc Mr. sud uaeiFallis, f Rocl sud Misa ý,WilynaFali Woodstock, Mn. sud Mrs. Alex J attcnded a Legion reuiiii Teeterville (ocam Trilson1 on tic weckeud. A fammer an lie teuli cession of Clarke' Twp ports tint Ihen e i t lengtiy stretci of, suow standing In anc of bis fields. lHe wauders if ir overhookcd or ninyhe ronýd supernnendeot la bcbng prepared for an snowy winter, On Sunday bis Park1 1usd a "Cleau-up Campý Several don atcd Ibeiri ens sud Ibeir lime tbg park neady for a husy acason, wluicb open We 7 p.m., wbeu lie MUEi mneu'a leani paya us a Wben al echedules fo lu SI. econ- ia hé as a cana- Lesmn bnter- y. Hie n 1969 brancls ut. ly uwn nisied ýring, on tie Shave 1.ýNet 1d take show en lefi rant ta hat he ha s Hppen ing At Clarke Mluseumfi? Throughout May, several ges, woboden maul, logging ladies speut eveny Wednes- itackle, chaîna, ec., nid records day morniog aI lic Clarke or accounîs or pîclures per- Museuni. Annied wili mops, lainiog lu logging. brusies and paila ni bot, Tie Museum' is operatiug soapy wsler ticy "atiacked" on, à "Sioestring" budget sud, lie noorns sud sent 'apiders volunîcer ielp is desperaiely'11 fleeiug for their livca. needed., Anyone wio cao use Now lic rooma are eady a hammer, saw, paint- iruid for dispîsys. Enniier, it was etc., etc., please Phone.-Mn. D, decided ho use "Eanly Days iu Tsnsley, 983-5479, Clarke"- as tuis ycar's lieme. Articles for tiheu~u Keepiog ibhis in mmnd, Museumi can bc leit aI Mrs. E. Scimiris,-ý manibera chose "Lumbeming" Churci St. S., Orono, or Mn. for one of lie dispîsys, as it D. Tansley's, East aide if was une of lie enrly -indus- lRowe St., corner nulf Station tries in tuis, arcs. Workcrs Si., Orono. If dcsired, articles are busy dning esarci sud cmuid ha picked up by Museun - uumeirous otier jobs to set up members - Phone 983-5479. tic lumberng exhibit , but - HELP la ucedcd. Cao anynne eilier give orn\Çe1i-Ie ion lo tie Clarke Museum, un I "' J III IIIt hITh Omono lie following articles. frow-wedgie.adzc, ehinîgle- i.A, o'nt e horsepitisappoi nts, eNew BROWN'S Business- Mgr. (Intended for Iast week) The (Irono Xouith Theatre duced ~ .Tihe Scoutmzster of Brown's flOirsheapntnto tarian , I First Scouts reports an exciï.iFHerschel Rosen a- Businesm4 some- $h &ii ing and beneficial weeda Manager for thle 19171 season,. -daîry '~~~~~ the District Camporee held at M.Rsc wa a mbi Enniskillen. A number of our of the acting companly last No soonier had H i orship Ivan Hîobbs declared Mrls. Wý. Cobban and Mis;. Peggy Hoinigold, Mrs. Cob- boys with their, leaders aithe saar' nd s ell knwn in the Museumn open for the 1971 season than Mrs. -Roy b anr, Mrs. 1. Munday and Forrest Dilling ini top hat,' tended. teaches History andTetr NLunney ctit the-f irst stïinig of balloons off this nMagni- whiskers and tails are shown in this photo, along with Brown's First Cubs and Arts at R. S, McLaughlin Col- fietbllo aetodSr-uete a hlrn ayegr hlrn Scouts Croup Committee met legiale. He has produced and. attendit he fuo n cketio dîTh cak e smde by Mre n n ae cidatthe bhbie of Mr. and Mrs. directed manv shows, and is te thee_______i____ Thecake___ ______e____Mr._andPhil ilsyman on Sunday even- the resident 'film a nd, theatre 1 -- - , -- ng with a good attendance. critic for Oshawa Cable TV. Il i. I the endal Brownies with A new siate of officers was Teaching fencing this u ake of l L E~ E D5 & E D EIE hfir leadrsr in the parade.' drawn Up. Chairman, Kirk En- mer will' be Charles Ewert,- coiin V IV'D(L UIIUUUI I U~IU~II( ~ Special Annuiversr er itle; Vice-chairman, Fred wodrce atyaspo theti cc ývice re held at Kirby sand Sneed; Treasurer, Fran Page; durtion of, Antigone. belier Wecme Somne of our peopie Secretary, Jean Mieke. Plans are now well upder, erlesE g~~g g g ,p w ,to in these services also, Mr. Keith Adams will be way for the season. The )f the Fâ-7I, UUll, On qiunday morning, Junea responsible for Paper Drives members of the Company will, under Cf14f6th ai, 11:15-', m., Kendal held and Mr. Fred Hawes wil be be billeted with faýmîiis in Presi- terSudySehýool Anniver- t7esponsible for Apple Day. The Orono. Everyooe will -have" this Roland Si. Withersý, piesidn iz omn mterest rather sumier camnt trust his iln sary service wjthý Rev. R. C.IPublic Relation Officer will be the opportunity unot only to' Su adgeealmnae f Gen- tha. conffict between the corn. frile choice strikes at'the very White as guesi speaker.* Prî,zes 1Andiew Hoornweg. participate In the fârmal ovilde eral Motors ofCnaasipoke pany and the uni on. heart of the free competitive and pins for regular attend- Mr. Stan Page will be Liai- theatre activities, but also to rthe ta the Rotary Cluib ofOhw And the need to develop system," Mr. WitberR said. ance were given te, the boys son Officer for the Venturers, develop skills in suci areas 1they on May 3lst. ýsound pollution abatement "Th-e system is founded on and girls of the Sundayireporting back to the Group asyoa publicity, box office es? In ,bI a message preflacýed w\j ihprograins. theýo-n victioný that in the long 1 Schl. We oeed Your sup- Committee. The Executi ve mnag1emýent, and cooking for ,d the words of Prairsefor, the in- And the ueed to have dia- run -the co-nsumer is the best port for the work of our Sun- would like a gond attendance thei' lo actors!> istmas domitable Centenrian, o, logue where criticism is con- judgeý, of his, own welfare," day School in the Village ofiat Newtonville Hall on Junie theSa MLaghin fu erofstructive rather tian denigrat- Mr. Wvithers went on, 'quoting Ked. 5th when they are sponsoring cOn- GM. Canada, Mr. Withiers out- ing and destroying. fa r ob' drs. '-----~- dance in support of tiea lected lined some of, l-ie challenges iBeind At ail - the fervidv "The entire success of frece organization. fam- facing the iudustry todsy. deretpesvehereen enterprîsýe can be traced to tie Mran Tt'TobT1iý te Such as the need ta empha- terprise systemn and ail it lu- vitaIbty it gains iy conipetitiveMran Mr.Bb tie ement tiîît asytedsrm were in Toronto on Saturday fk//dgfT ýeiî A herentîy implies, tiin ostif h9dsrm (Intended for last week) eveuiug 10 a cribbage banquet # T!4LiIt dition. OBT A YThe challenges of the 197's, înatSngrcustomer. daln e usad gazine BIU R he warned, could well tireat-1 'To destroy the concept of Mrs Sirin Bit and mglihs.Sils'site veryROBRT fl1L~~ en tbe survival of conpanýly consumer supremscyistde-GoaS.Chrnswe Mrs Marjorie Cowland bas W OT/ coun JME and union.'to fe enterprise. If the visitors ai Mr. Tom Beckim'simoved to bier brotber's, Mr. V2FN$ effort Robert James Fowler died "Our industry is facing a utmrca ecuine ht Mr. Nelson Lavender, Osi- Aa lre TAPS were suddeuly at bis cottage at View tough competitive challenge hie reshly does not know wbat aw, stayed s few days at Miss Linda Couch spent thel fTS Lae My30 97.He liv- from outside North America" iý gond for hlmi - and this is Mr. George Lavender's. weekend witb ber parents, Mr. i te d t 'rstn~leRodDa-ie said. "Producers from over- wbst tbe critics try to do - Mr.± and Mrs. Wallace la.-snd Mrs. Stan Couci. inu ln T rsonsbip. a, a seas witb labor costs only one- tien freedomn leaves free en- eadMrsu MnWird Mrs. Stery, Tavistock, speut funds. Born May 27, 1914, in Man- quartier to one-half of ours, are trrs.Bnwman were among thetewekdwtihrdu- rela- vers Township, he was the son making imotn irod bgessa adoera le ter and family, Mr. 'and Mrs. lrough of the late Isabella and Thom- Northi America markets and in gu'TN~ oeofM.a ndMr. are Paul Collison. t that ns Fowler. He was marriert North American jobs. .IEiNIJAI Smith, Oshawa, when MVr. Ms ueRbno e fln Fe 2, 136at arwrihtwith au unfortunate and pain-> "tCrwrgt A collective agreement in sud Mrs. Godfrey Bowmau u cietonTusa vn '70-'71 Township. A resident of one ares of the ecouomy can Mrs, A. Swarbrick bas been.celebrated their fortieti wed- ingaccient nshe ws tuca y H AenIE ewio Darlington Township for. more indirectly set wage and salary forced to, move to an spart- ding auoiversary. ail. brhen haking br lu yVE Wbat tiano 35yers, be wored ilevels. luin any other sre ai ent In Oshawa as her bealti Miss Lillian Lavender W w o lcsai eundfo of'? si nWod rdccucîlo[ rWies 1, akeis nI gond cenotgi bo be>'aloie an weekend guest of Miss LSu- Oshawa bospital on Sunday. N npi' 30 years. 1lie was a member Wa odrsut, ifnm-b er Kendal hme. rie Kozak, Courtice. sud we do hope that il will ~ OOO9350 axton, Of Culc Uie h rI msurte gains in produmcti-ý willUnte Asahbyb a qaevity are fo civd sids Mr. Ken Cooper's new home Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pas- progress *.eIl so ber discom-1 ibis dance elier, He was pe tries iaving to absorb fie lu-i ¶5 now goiug ahead rapidty. coe, Kedron, visited ai lie fort wilI be ni as great as P stj ESSO OME HEAT SERVICEC SFly- deceased by one son, Kari, creased costs liai bigierwa-W understand tiare is 10 be Pasene home, lite present time, ______________ 2. Il June 22, 1969; tiree brotiers, es would cause. a snack bar buili at lhe east Mr. sud Mrs. Elmer Lee ai ALNtL DRYCR- tryone Roy, Lewis sud Carl; two sis "This, of course, spelîs low- end of lie 'Village by Mr. and leoded lie annual Spring C LOGA ýé,,T open. ters, Tressa sud Violette. er profits. And profits in turn Mis. E. J. Wilkin. horse sale at Oweo Sound and~ are needed to, stimulate lie Mrs. Fred Samis accompanied~ ,upes Thedeeasds srvvedbySuuday, May 301h, wass a e upls iedeeaedissuviedbyeconomy, tb justify uew l ine ayfr ihle pcil nas far as Leili wber $&.0, bs wfelie ormr Anievesimneut sud support exisiîug events. The moruing ser sie vstd M sd Ms ugela Wbite; nue son. Floyd, Osha- jobs" visitwîerYMr.TerrySmith my-i wà, a daughter-in-law, Mrs. lie said be wassbappy tint wo elatne hnte Mr.WlrdBwa oniGorgius Fowler, Whitb;recenlt stalemenîs by several ga. rÉd m e pflie dstct rsoWlfldBoaanW with 10 gai. tbeesitesMr.Lorne Pot- U.A.W. leaders acknowledge gndered ai lie pbl h icscino a er igsiteiwTh bern ter (Adla), Bnwm7-auville; Mrs. au, awareness sud an under- sdacmaid yleFf iseMs yil aby, GSLINE FLf fin Ella Wslker, Lindsay; Mrs. standing of the big sînke each and Drum Baud marched up Toronto. DTH A n hi Rea RgeronNewaste; as n le obers ftur, tle Main street 10 lie churçh. Mr. and Mrs. Don Lee aI- le Ian four broliers, Richard, Brook- Mr Wtiers saidinat Gen-Teewr ufbro lne h uea fM. Às di- lin, Wlfned. Hampton; George, eral Motors ils eoncepredabout Orange Ladies, memb'ers oORsn Fwe I i r- GULF SERVICE114 sde- Bowmanville; Leord, Bow- lie effect on lie envioumaÏ ithe L.O.B.A. from Kirby, Or- slrong Funeral Home, Osi- . IH A 40AN ,ERYS.. esci- manvîlle, sud oue grand- ofispateuli roîcsoa Tyrone sud Bewdley. Wei swa, We sympaîhize withHGIA 0 NDLBRYS.S daugiler, Kania-Anoo.lspat n hepoiit ee pleased 10 sec tic Ken- Mrs. Lee ln lie loss .of ber Phone 623-2651 il produces. Hie said thai a e$6.2 ~_______________________________ Mn. Fowler rested ai lie 1 Tr 'oop of Girl Gides suad uncle. ___ Armsnon Fuera ,Hmemillion prognamn for pure air Armsr 'ong Funeal omesuad waler .at tie Canadian Oshawa, wiere tbe service was plants is weil underway. HieC beld June 2 aIt 1.p.m. Ien- felI liaI lhe noie of the auto- i U D ' S f r y u o v ei- c k) meut was allihe Yeiverton mobile as number one nationalOP N S D YS fr y u co en n e ek) emelry. ev, . Ancotipoîluten bas been oxerplayed work officialed. an___sd poinled out thal wberess artes i motor vehicle contributes .mi uiesDrcoy 38.7 per cent by weighî i (lu 1968) li te air pollution pmob- 2. 1 Mrs, lem, itl onryaccounts for'aboui s wee- c colUn awc y 10 Peu' ceut of the proilemn B 0 andfrom lie sîandpoînt of bealtb, John WM. J. H. COGGINS bazard. Falls. Cbartered Accountani Over bic past il yeams, lie schal 115 Liberty Si S., Bowman-vilie nolcd, biene bas been, Ibrougi 84. yH SAAWLSA~UfT r i i k mue of Phone 623-3612 terbuological imipmovp-eents q""d io, ,~.,. E~1?VT!1I!LITI~TTE mnon the leaultomilemotor', n re- nemee WILLIAM C. HALL duclion of 80'per cent f ewcr! ln 4-. B.nm.ydrocambons sud 65 per cent boner Chnce ccutn ess >canhon monoxide i heib 361/2King St. E., Oshawa car emissions. îP nny Telephone 725-6539 Hie unged. for atîoualit. ~njy- ollulion-fnee cars sud piannsý ~ ro pr ac fi c csîuobe achieved overnigit.1 G.EWNMN,- ernn ts anud ment tbu heir Oheeî ,wart, Chiropracton .. CenArrc u17 ic sud ffie~ as forccd lhe can mlanlsea- ewam isElgn co. 0 ~ urens in speed up ticir worký Rii-S., Hosy u eradîcale' tie pollutiony n. Office linurs: By appointimeni "Generai Molors sud somee; 1Mrs. t Mme.of tic olier manufacturers h'e-- iJ n ave tlinthe iLS. governient DUO M-rs ouI ucew breakîbroughsisnu~Iih e .m hesien- DRl. W. M. RUDELL,D D.. n psil 0vI~~ ls of 75 King St. E. Bowmanvilll chass prnicecs tplieincl: Office H-ours: lie extremne standards o thec oncns 9 i.l pm siy uw reguisiions iu the lm on~Closed Saturday sud Suuday aîwr, r iir e ug) Office Phone - 623-5790 maed DR. WILLIAM KENT, D.D.8. "But il wili come,» e am- co-Bowmanvîlle ProfessionalBldg. sured tic Rotarians. FOEN00SPCASfl men- ORAO RN F)O 222 King St. E. Suite 106 Hie decried against those "]GA SPECIALS' fU I il a Office Hours: who crusade for radical ciao- ROYAIL GOLO 3 GALLON C ARiONAW KE92! $ fence Wedy 9-6 ges lu tic syslemn of corporabe e BIRDSEYE AIN$w yxep 623-7349 teroo owoersbîp sud agaiist thase LY ORIKFANCYS twas Teleponue 63739 wio would ail but destroy free ASOTR 74UR the nepnsa North Amemcans LIMA BEANS OAG 1jusi t know il. IGA24. LVRRBO roilierti ______________ uoigroaeen pecRICHR YPIRBON 1. , .. ...