2î~id FacliflesatFire Hall Reviewed b onilr Newcaistla--Al memba(,rs of cdveriîe,îî oneaor both ie ten ta saifîh nd chipa Council were present et the newspapars depecded on costifronhir wagon. A prmit ragular meeting held Monday and accuracy. The secon)dl(coting 3 wsta haj issued nigbt. They were Reeve meeting, Juna let, with Coun hsubecito authoUizetin1fromi Douglas Cunningham a nd ciller Hoar absent, deait wîtb the eathDet.Mis.Brn Counillors Margaret Brare- the authorizieg of the issue nîicg staited the Hltb Dept. ton, Fred Couch, Aif Gray and sale of debentures for had inspected 0th truk rk n and Frank Hoar. Mrs. Jean P.U.C. thtevrthn ,as okeyed, McCuïllough, Clark, read the, Petitions and Deputetionýsiý dont h baeprmtro minutes o! the lest meeting. was the naxt ordar of bus-tem thoughsown te Two other speciel meetings iness. Mrs. Helen Branning tbe tuchas been oee~ we-re clled, the firstý on May wcs present to hear coueril's tbougbtt I wou,,ld recciva somýe- 26tlh, wvit il Umembars pres- answac to the raquest made thiiig on peper he I àol et, was ý,to ;Ia r navrigby ber and lber busband, ask- 1have tteckjrupgand laeon 0'vlaeafarwete t n for a Vecdor'a Permit forý display at 11l times, but tbcy scy I1 don't na ntig VVarn Youngfers to Conc~lcen gat intoc W arn Y%Êýqun sl-e s t( ;ýpaned theat sone from tlie Hlelth Drept bed beenint the offC1c 1 sititby were Stay O f A ena Roo (the Clark>, was înstructad Necel-Complaints from preeks, but as wllsemý to ta get in toucb witb th em, neîgbbora and fireenc have have forgotten the danger a Council explained that a reacd the Newcastle Coun- f ail fnom thet heigbt might request, pnior ta the Breneing cil. wbo are prepared to prose- prove. . requcat, bcd been turnad cute any-one they find climb- As tbey are on town prop- down as the people ware flot me- the Arana Roof, as the arty, the town cen take legel cesidants of the village. Feel-t youngstcrsa\ be ac doieg action, It le their hope that ings amang coma ftemm late1ly. They hý ave' ealrecdy it won't corne to this ced that bers on the Brenning request (ý ,sorrna danaga te the tbis right serve as e warriing bowaver were thet thcy should arena with thieir foolish to them. get it, Pointing out that the restaurent on the corner, (Garrod's Coffee Sbop) ced the Fish and Chlp store were bth closed et seven p:.n lie wca st/e deily (except the fisb ced chip) shop wbicb tbey pointcd oE[tý wa Pen Fridey until nine), than nitheýr wera open Suin- Socil a a' ers naldays. Woo's; Restaurent open- Socia and 9)eronal'èc'a ced ciosed ta suit thern- slves and with Honey Hol- low subject ta close October Newcastle - Making pick- 'busy wekeedr this comlieg îst, there wcsq no place ie ups lest wack througbout the Fidey, Saturday and Sun- tawn ta uchs a coffea or east ed o! Newcastle durîng day when thay leave for Camp snacks anid if theý truck hep- the Census, the Editoir made Semec, Oshawa. Boys laaving pened ta heaeraunid it juet al cci t tha "Village Gift for Cube mnuet have camp might ha alrîigbt. It wes ?ug- ,'-'hop" ownedand mancged by ýducs ,paid before Frîday and gested howevan, thet tha Mre, B. Hey. This is quite ateiir foni-s signed aead baed- truck shouldn't he a pk uinique sbop, witb gifts fSored in. Cars will leeve the Iwhere traffic would ha (con-ý avery mambar of the family biailuet 6:00 p.m. Cars ced gested and that wbile sc for almost every occasion, drivers are naaded bath ging business places were apen ccd- Mrs, Hcy la qite rnpreeeed toanad from the camp site. A doing business they sholdn'-t vWîth the village aed the drew was made et the lest ha parked just outsida ta,k people hare ccd we were meeting on a bced-mede table- awey any businesse. Subct quifita- impressed with han aed clotb, donctad by Mirs. Tom ta their instruction o! baing i han absop. Located on King Spencer, for which the Cube teucjh with the Health Dept. StetEast, ccross from the expires their sincere thenke. tha Btraneinga will' racaîva Commu-Lnity Bal] Peck, sha Oven $20 warcised on the theiÀr permit. bsbusied herse]! rnekîng this draw witb the pnocaeds going' copy of the latter recciv- r0-om as attractive as possible. toward the camp. The win- cd frorn the United Counties She axpleinad thet another cen xvas twa-yeac aid Maurice iet' emtfo he-a room, juet ta the east is aiso Cbarlaed, yaungast son o! aaefrWlimSok avilable for expansion if she Scouter George _Charland, gasra forhillaia trk fînds in time she neacis ta Orono. farm of advice aned suggestion. ocnit. If yeu havant a- On Saturdcy, June 19th, The garage, hoever-, hed cl- ïrecdy acqucinted yourself to 10 arn,, there will ha a cera- recdy b acc pessd cndjuiit, the gîft shop, you'll ha greet- mae+ hocorng Coi. R. S. paseîcg inspection. The epace1 cd wanmly acd will ha glati McLaughiin, witb Chic! Scout- providad bcd bacci used safe-î thatý1 you went in. ian Rolanid Michener, held On ly for a numbar of yecrs as i haoys o! let Newcastle Cube the grouede o!' Camp Sarncc, a parking eirea, whiere caw it1 Pît few Scouts gthered Osbawa. a aae with apl et the Cornmmunity Hall quike Mothler'Daightar Banquet rnoom for gctninn cd off ccdl boede Stira usay mrterad On Wedeesday, Juna gjýthe a treet. ab te ortewbus ckieeg lst Newcastle Brownies beld Council recc1eicd an answer ahbo Llnchr Oteyat ig teirFly-Up, combined witb ta their latter, iregarding wat-i unby parki , close ta thea Mothen and Daugbtan ban- an over 401, ai-d wene cdvis-ý PaniaentBuldigs aftirquet, The guest speaker, ed ta act immedietely with which iithey went to tr Captain Margaret Breceton o! their consuling engineena ta ýbCilet1ildievce wheî-i h ,-1e cacstle Guide Compcn, cýpply for a cartificate cf ap-1 were met by[ Russaîl Honcygave e highly imprassiveanad proal.Any action ta speed i.2.'s sacratary, anti îati"iformetive talk on Guiding. up fthet lprolem le being donce fqîred thebuidg. ter She nlated ber own ex- by mmbes o this couecil, eah acivd ie o! hyperiecces ced ec_Iined how v At thi tmm, four membersj c oýna lgte bc baccmnch she enjoyed ber yoiuth o! t1he Fine pt, Chie! Fred l'f~ foi th by n. Hoey as a Browcîeancd than a 8Glanville, Sam Brereton, A]- "'ih i~ egetso!hcvngtoGuide, ced now a:s a leader, hrtNalo Vnd Dick lBier- iaway fnem Ottcwc ,' that The Mothers wn wrny tk rie-re resent te hear Lnalearning that the wlcomned by Trawny OwI, tha reicport fram itha Fine Mer- Naaiowl usaum waent Mns. Gloria ýNcihols. shah . A new fine hall as1 "nonSetrdythery tour- Following thaeir delicions necsi the report, point-1 adýr the arMueu ncd pur- dinnar, a Theeiks Badge waSs ing puOLt that the members of! r--ýmednot nidscd other preseted te Mrs. JeaceWagarNwctl Fine Dept, have no sveis. Sill qite1 excite~d by Mre. Hildai Cal on bebaif wsromfecilitias, net aven btprtvtirnei, thiey stil bcd o! the Browieýs ced Leaders a basin ta wesb up in. Not1 a eryepaieas th-ey, prov- for baer help the peet four aven outeiÏde feclities are1 ,cd teýjp thawitressee as they yeara. available, wîth oneao! the1 oJ'eiaeiybn romn sev- A Browni e spoon was pre- mambers rcmarking that thea ccc hmbrg1t steak die- sected ta Mra LeBlenc b floor in 'the hall is newaw.o ar.Planniiing Lta h orneCommissionen Pauline Stks bcd aitossibleksopulteta b, l0 p.r-n.. paranlte wévrc sur- fer thre help sha bcd bacc wth neetrca t ofrukthe pall tnre prised ta find thair beys bcd the Peck ail yeeir. with firetruck on a~ttaebailOie retjrnad borne mejut cfter Earlier in Mey,-tha BrownieseoranchaThi e'pattedcoa 9:30.Atedg the trip wera bcd pledgcd 10 cents c mile recmeey. bave phocasina leaders, Mrs. Don Ines, Mra, te Peekie Hawes, on bar 20- eomedd, h ae baa-t VeldaiCnvier, Mre. Bruce mile, ike te raise rnaey fer stellad, cdtarnar Cp riîsncld Messe o ar.ge astace frtaies for eacciro! the twoç Georgeews hakd o trucks. Now the biggest prab-i Ccrleed, George Gray, Non- hbar effort ced ber help by 1mcdact adatwt mcc, Tî'lîson cend Donald Till- Glorýia Nichais. ile n ne ftira n daw fine son Sous eiinAlin Rc- Tie Guidas acting as host- hall.1 a-dCuve.Germain Lcendry, essec wcre Kim Nichols, Daeiny ýAllie ccid Gordon Mcyaa ajir ce Bth Couecil is ta miake an in- Biki.Cuba were Bian Courwbvo warc warking for vastigation ccd read the Pire All, tewart aeid Je!! Mycrs, thein 2nd Clasa Service. Tek- Marsbal's report thnougb. Gar sd la Scmi, tO- ng' part ]n the fly-up wae M. ayor .c oicted eut a-jlenJe Werheid, Den- Susan Pi oster, Susan Wegcn ta couecil that the childiren nis Rogerson, Tom Dwyen, Weedy, Lakeancd Wendy are climbieg the Newcastle No1-ie lk,- he- crod Kll O-bba-_! heAcea rof, 1ed aked about Byte,;()ution of the Village Council, I herebyr proclaim the week of JUNE 2th to JUNE 26th Iii recognition of the contribution of Senior Cîtizens to the Community, DJ.J. Cunningham, grant was recaived frorn the Newcastle Horticultural So- ciety and thîs was granted. The arcounts and buls were deait with. The accounts and bis ware deaît with. The Fira Dept'a, reports for April and May were reaàd Ona garbege fine attendad in Apnîl, twa prafctices e nd e Mutuel Aid metn Pttended, In May, a ffire et the lake was attended, a garbahgu fre up- town and ai hydro pole burnt, ,Practicea were held and ini May the Newcastle Dapt. hosted the Mutuepl Aid meeting wîtb soma 49 menm- bers attendheg. The building repiort lîistadl several dwellîngs beîng buiît, tool sheds end ae patio roof. Consîderable discussion wes held with E. R. Lavekîn aed Eoce ý'r-uçmlke-,aM, meim-, Phone 987-4213 bers of council under Official Planning.c A requast for .ntalig Head Cemetery wasprent ed by CouniorCucli anid the suiggestion of a pUY lu ned- ed for aýn (lectrie organ to bha usdthroughout the se(rvieS bield thlere.. He was taectý eccor dingly. a Buiesadjournedl. FokLift Truck At Bl&kPlant' Newasle -.The local fired dlepar,]tmient was kept busv answering tha alarm last VWed. 2 naesdey n iproperty just eas of th Dý-ryden home in ,the b subdivisin 'hen rubish cagtfire and a trae wsas On Saturday anm., approxl- mteyat 10:40, the alarjm was givan for the firemen to put ouit a fire at the New- castle Block on King Streetc East. This time a fork lift truck was burning and daml-a ages were reported by Dirkh Biersteker as having been C estimated at $3,000. I SOLINA Congratulations to Mr. Glenn b Millson wbo recaived bis dip-d lomna ir n Mechanical Designing f from Duic!ýrhamCollage. Glennh bas accapctad a position with Iý Genenei lQMtors. Mr. and Mrs, Norman Broorne, Oshawa-, Mr. John Broome, Tyrone; Mr. and Mrs. HowardBroorna, Concord; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Broone, Tor- onto; Mn. Pand Mrs, Clarence Redman end Barbara of Ham- ilton wr audydinnar guasts w It Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bom and sons. Mrs. Tomn Baker and Kath- erine ettended a sbower for Miss Elizabeth Johnson Of Maple, Grove at the home of Mrs. J. Smales, Oshawa. Sunday tee guests with Mr. and Mrs, Tom Baker were Mni. and Mrs. Walter Ormiston and Jack; Mr. and Mrs. Ron Baker, all of Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Barry Cowling an-d sons, Mrs. Larry Welsh of Bowrnanville. Miss Hele-n Baker of Toronto was a ,,eekend guest with the Bakers. Mr. aýnd Mrs. Harvey Met- caif e, Donna and Linda of Bowrnanvlle were Saturday eveoing guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees and famîlv. SundaY evenîng cellers weïea Mn dMrs. Ralphr- mern, David and Paul of Blackstock. 1Mr. eod Mrs. Keith Cryderr- Mrs. Everett Cryderman. Mr. and Mrs. John Knoxat- tended Erskine Cemetery Dec- oration Service on Sunday and were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Malcolm, Brougham, Mr. and Mrs. J. Knox'and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Knox visited wth Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pescoe and Mr. and Mrs, Ross Knox of Brougham. Mr.. and Mrs. Wesley Yel- lowlees'ettendad a farnily get- togetiier at the home of Missi Nan Allia, Toronto, on Satu- day evening. Mr. and Mcc. Bruce Tink at- tended Decocation Service at Hampton Cemetery a'nd were tea guests witb Mr. and Mrs, Percy Dewell and f amily. The Solina W.I. are charter- ing a bus tnip to Ontario Place on July 20th. Anyone wishing to go may contacet Mca, R. Vice, 263-8857 or Mrs. R. Best at 263-2216ý The Eldad C.G.I.T. will hold their lest meeting for this sea- son on Jurie 23rd at 7:00 p.rm in the ehurch basement. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Vice ettended Decoration Service at Hampton aed iwera tea gueste with Mrs. Hilton Tink, Ebenez- er. Mr. and Mirs. Harry Knox and f amily attended Erskine Cemetery Decoretion Service and were tea guests also with Mrs. H. Tink. MIN/, cedMrs Rose C(ryde-r- gary. Mr. and NMrs. Colin Soutteri and two children have re- tureed homne after their trip to tho West Coast, Thay als viîted bar brother, Don Pearson, wif e and family, ati Calgary.i S Miss Apha Hodgies, Bow- ianville, was a visitor on Wadnesday afterroon, June 9th, with Mrs. L.C. Snnwden. We welcome back to Mapici Gèrove Mr. and Mrs, Ken Brocki anl thi-es au&htçrs Mrs. Bruce Tilison, Edtor 4 White & Colourq, Pko f :2 roils' Delsey Toilet Tissue White &. Colours, Boxeýs of 200 - 2 pi>' Pure, 48-fi-ez tinsý Margti.ns Âpple idezr 4 Vr Dti r; 12 - n7 1jars Ca naqda loe,4f-zti ns Canda hoîe,114-f-oz tins ,A& PPeas Canada Choir,, 14-fi.-ox tins &PCream Style Com Canada tda, 19-fi-oz tins, lona Brad BeanS Green or Wax Canada Choîice, 19-fI.-cz tins A&P Potatoes 1 nce ". 4m 4îtenai, momavîe Jn__ 110 Ail prîGosa in this ad guaranteed effective througb saturdayp June 19, we cure t'ix or Match These Many Dollar IValues MIhU Moiey la you, Pcket SEMI- GRETO A RIL' NO FAT ADED TO BEEF ROASTS -"NOT A A&PS Gr3n lîck vs &overIL, 6 ew Zealand euie Frozen Excellent for Braising BdeSeks ~9 SPRING LAM PorkSpae R7b S 8 W.ieners V vacuum pkg 59HLEO Supr-Rgh Qulît',FroenBUTT HALF OeNtw" Jars Prkep QuaUity Pou4 ~~~ ~~Jane parker, SlicedExr p îs Buttennilk Bread 2-zla 9 F lPaky, JuinyPilad hîgh I wth Appile eSuces, AUMaisVae*sSrnd Jae arer.. Heionz Baby Food d¾/-Ozjar14e ApPPie3 Varietis, WolDili* 8"2-Isz BsPickle 322 l~i 9 LiquFd (100 Off Deal), Javex Beah 4-fl-oz pIesiC ht 9c Bravo Egramd (With M-e torMslron,2fixtn ) Spaighetti Sauceç'an, 8f-z r 9 jane Parker 2 =ZCAK Fatheres Day Cake 9 alter SpendIng the rAst, year n the S'tates, i Mr. and Mr,_ ELwvovrd Bate_= nan and sron Glenn,Strng wPere <Siinday supper eguasts uvith bssseM.adMs )oi Býrooks ýandfmly Church ýIIservice at the u1ua Âm nSundlay, 9:45 a day evening ýin 1the C E. Habl at 8 p.m. Our guest, speýaker aiLI' be Mrs. (Carl Do-wn.- Cubs ani jScoutsgatere 11p a nice lot (if, papers n Saturdiay, also bottIes. ThisF, ,veeken-d will be Cubs andI Scot S weekend camrping at DamrIp Samac. Quite a nmbeII)T r frmthis ;"rea atterded the- anniver- sary service-s at Ebenezer.ý Mrs. Roy Toppîng, Peter- borough, ile hrdyo last wee-k witb bermohr MVrs, Fred-Rý. *Stevýýens-, as visited ber faýther in Oshawa Miss Susan Lanird,Ohaa spent a le w day Flat week with Mrs, Fred R. ?ýStevens. Mr. and Ms alsCy derman and daug-htr Suan Guelph, were Sundiay vstr with bis pareilis, Mr and, klrs. Howard Crydei(rman and brothers and sister. Mr. and Mrs. eronVeal vnd two boys, S cott and Ste- phen were Sndyvisitors avith ber mothier, MIrs;.Do- asLcard, sister Carol Leýrdj, ~lvislted ber father, Mr. Douglas Leard, Peterborough Civic HospitaL. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Barr and son Danny Barr, Mark- ham, former residents of this communîty, recently visited Mir. and Mrýs, Cedric Russell and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence White, Mr. 'and Mrs. Ted White and family, Mr. and Virs. Elwin White and daugb- ter, Maple Groev, were Sun- :lay supper guestà with the !ormer's daughter, Mr. and MIrs. Arthur Burgess and family, Ebenezer, Mr. -and Mrs. H. G. Free- CAAASFINESI QUALITY RED BRAD T. 1BE 1 Jane Parker 'Nrewu Ful8-in 24 oz tire Lemon MeringuePie ech 5 9ec Ja-ne Parker Angel Cake large size Cake 49 c IV, Store on Hîghway 2 near the Tbis mornmng the fire TH R N E S Oshawa town line when fire alarm systmi e iehl was diseavered In an elecstmlthlieRI rriand rs. HerFooriai oapial , Bnwrnanville. trical box in the ceiîing 01 was tripped when worktmen nf Port Hlope spent, Saturdlay'v Mr. and Mrs, Michael Fa- the store. A rafter and brace unloading skids of building, evenîng wîtb Mr, and Mzr. an, Mr. and Mrs. MelIlveen, were burned but otberwise blocks at 81 Ontarlo Sreet Len Pears. orf Kingston visited Mr., and' damage was min or. The store acceidcntiy yanked out a. fire Mr. and Mrs. Wll!frid SnMs.F1 Coe1o uda sowned b- Leo )Choloniuk .alarm wceir,!trung on tl, derson of Columbus visýited after. attending the Can-Aw"!ofR.R, 4, Oshawa, elctialples. Mrs. Cecil Robinson and Mr3. Races et Mosport, Wm. Roinson.Mir., Peter Chrisoinalis was Go Mir. and Mrs. Charles LaDng- maid nd Fye ofSaun wer recent patient in the Osb- mai an Fae o So'0iý wreawa General Hospital and Mr. recent visitors of Mr. ant)d Mrs,OsaAd s nte emra Aleck Moffat and famly. OspaiAta nte eor Congratulations tn Mrs. R. i.adMs odnLa birtbday., men of London were week- A Mrs. ýRobt. S;heffield of end bouse guests of her sis- O sbawa calledi on ber aun-,t ter Mrs. Fred Lycett anid Mrs. Geo. Morton, on 'I rs visited -other relatives andý day evening of last ek friends in Orono, Oronio Cemetery Deco,,ration Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jhs Day will be'Snday, hine 27. 'nd cbildren of Peterboroug Mr. and Ms. Wmi. B. Hoar visited bis parents,, Mir. and1e spent several dïays, last ,week Mrs. J. L. Johinson, and also vAth Mr .and -Vrs, Paul nod- vîsîted ber mother, Mrs. D,::: grass at Lindsay. N. Myles, ln the Memnorial' Mrs. Helen Wjinter, mio Hospital, Bowmanvîlle, on spent last week wvith M.andi Sunday. M rs. Gordon Lae n Mr. Ron Best and Mr, David ;a3l t Lonrdon, returned Cross of Toronto visited Mr.: home on Saturday. and Mrs. Horace Best and at- Mr. Rih Wauh of ich nded the Cen-Arn Races at, mondHillspet te weeendMosport, witb Mr W.RoIbinsýon andI visiting in Toronto thisweek, ie e t Mrs.,nRoy Barrabali spent a BSHOIL AK R > racent weekend with Mir. and s ,ept U Sy C10 ILîtD Mrs. Russell Gimblatt at Ma- Lrîe pie Grove. K t etJh Mrs. Ciiff Cooper, Mrs, (Intended for last we)30 KigSt eI Bruce Tennant, Mrs. * Bob The Bowmanville - Darling- Bownianville Morton and Mr. Eber Skel- ton Fira Departmant answer- ding are patients in the Mam- ed thrae calîs during the past Phone 623-4403 week. None was serious. One man were Sunday supper was a faise aîarm.e. Phone 623-7752 guests of thair co usins, Mr. A fin wich broke out ý.n and Mrs. Ebar Snowden, Ebe- a second floor electrical panel nezer. in the Goodyear plant onF- Miss Ginger Vaugbn, Yuma, day evening was quickly ex- ,~aezn Colorado, visitad with tbe tinguished. It was the second! VanCamp family and attend- time in the past year that a Lumbermnens Mutuai CasuaitY ComrPanY IToono 1 ed the McDonald - VaniCamp fire had occurred in the wadding anrouta ta ber sum- panel. Damage was low. mer job witb resort missions Last nîght, firemen werAý, in lirginia Bepach. called tn the Valen Clothirie,