Nursine -gHomes May -Applrilly for Exemption From, Fire, Cali Costs Nuzring hornes wth tire . larim systems directly con-i nocted te the Fire Departn'ent il ho allowed file oppor- unt t apply te counicîl for1 eýxempOt:o iÎo rm eîng assees- 4-d CoGts if a false alarm is triuped acdîdentally. T4, decsion was n-adg inu Monday evening's regular ses- sioni of counicîl. LThe -reciuest for exemption -wan contaîned in a letter from the Strathaven Nursing Home -Lited. it read in part: 5"While (T) thoroughly en, dorse thie ruling that any i wilful interference wvith any Bank-,of Montreal The Flrst Canadian Bank How toge yourmonew ifrth At the Bank of Montreal.. we're flexible about granting loans. Eaoh application is judged on ats individ- ual merts. J0. G., a TV repairman: "I always wanted amobile carnier. My Bank of Montreal manager flot only loaned me $4,000 to buy the camper, he showed me how to dove- tail the loan with a savrngs program. 1 now take my family on camp-outs, and my savings account îs growing moonth by month. No doubt about t, 1 aot mv mone's worth." '95 MING ST. W. b3 a I PII ai Put Back thQ Couor Wner Took RWi At OUTSIDE HOUSE PAINTS s SHERWIN-WILLIAMS QUART Kemn- 1l- Coat 3.50 (Oul or Lcatex Base) Super - One - Coat 3129 Oul Base A 100 Latex 3.13 Bealuti Tone OiBase 2,78 Beauti To-neLatex Base 2.78 M*c--bil e Berry Tone 1.8 5 (oil or Latex) Wise OwI "Economy" INSIDE FINISHES, Kem - Gbo 3.50 Super Kema Tone 2.79 Berry Tonie - 1.85 Wise OwI Ec-onom Y Semi-losCr Fa REZ STAINS id-if0: Cedar' Exterior Sidings, 2.69 Fî-neý-Etc. GALLON 10.19 9.38 4.19 11.63 ii, 9.78 7.98 5,95 4.19 8.95 BOWMANVI LLE PHONE 623-2542 i Ontai'ïa St. Students Form Pyramids fine alarni should penalze the nerson responsîbic (T) arn-of the opinion that nursing home eperators siol not ho hel financîally responsible for an accidentai faise alarm wîthiri their buildings earsed by any person not cpblof; full comprehension cl'ftirý act!.1 Ï1 The penalty for tu tng In: a false eno mlly th de cost of the fine cail (thie ren and equîpment called eut), Fire Chief Jin Hayman saîd yesterday. OBITUARY. GYSBERT (GUS) KOESE The deatb el Gyshert (Gus) Koese, a ged 25 years, IR. R. 2, Bowrn-manvile, occurred on Thursday, May 27, 1971, at the Toronto General Hospital, the result cf.a car accidentwest cf the Junction of Highwayý 115 and Hîghway 2. Son cf Mrs, Elizabeth Koese of Holland and the late John 'Koese he was hemn on October 23, 1945 at Stellendam, Holland. He received bis education in Canada. The deueazed liad resîded at R. R. 2, Bowxnanviiie,; for six. months and before moviàngý there lîved at 25 King St. Est. He was a .member cf the Christian Refornied Çhurch, and was an employee cf Gen- eral Motors, Foliowing the accident he was in hospîtal for twe and a haif weeks and on May 16 S his mother 'and sisten, Mrs. S Duîker, flew from Holland te ho with hîm, Mr. Koese is survived by bis mother, Mrs. E. Koese, bis sis- ton, Mrs. Mary Duiker, and, hîs flancee, Miss Joan Rogers, as well as many fnÈi"ds. The deceased rsted Af, the Northcutt, Ellîottfunra Home, Bowmanvtille, wlth er vice in1 RebobothChstnRe formed Church on Saturjdayl May 29tb, conducted by Rev J. Nutma. Durîng the serviceý music was played by H. Groot. Interment was in Bowmfan-' ville Cemetery. Among the nneosivl floral trîbutes, ev;ideuýcocf osteem in wbrch t4.1ceae was beld, wereoe fromi the Compact Auto Hor-ckey League, Genoral MotoYs;# tbe Boys cf', Zone 44, Generl, D Motors; and I a Bible frem the UAWU. Pallboarers wero Messrsý James Rogers, Donald Rogers, Randy Mulder, Sebastianl Sweep, Ernie Reid and Roger Moffatt. STARK VILLE Y',4s. Cha.rlie TrnIm, Bow- manvîlle, -spent Saturday wîth ý her parents, Mr. and Mrs- Orme Falls. Mrs. rFails re- turned -home last week after - hospitaliz;ation'. MnU. and3 Mrs. AllanRed Osaw, r. andMs.Cilif- ford Reîýd and 1famiy, Bw n1an1vîlle', ýsîted tir par ents, M. and rHrbRid WihMr. and Mrs. Berýte: Trîm renently Wcre Mn. and fi Mrs, Bill Coulson, Mr. and - MrBhTrim and Debbîc, T, Oshaw,;a; M1rs. Ti L. Trim r Newtenvïilie and Mn, and Mrs, Chal- Trîi, Bowmnanvîlleb Mr. Jjm Halcwell onjoyEd ý P a wcekend tnLrp eaward with n nMichaelr Brewneý and Mr. Gerald H4alloweii, Toronte. PF Last S"aturday; Beveniey ., Caswcll wîtb ber ciasstesný spent. the- day at Niaga-ra r9 Falls. s Mrs. Morrow and Kathy nc weno in Ottawa recently. Wednesday evoning cf last week the ladies cf Shîlob L.C.W. met at Mrs, Carl if Grade .7 Student Writes and Dîrects Play Ontanjo Street Public Sohool grae svn tdet ards,, Calý 1led 0T',he G real f Pool cf Truîb"-, il isaou h exploits cf Radisn and Gnnsseilleurs an1 d iheînlt Lrefpîd fun trademse dealings wîtIh the French gvno in Que- bec The laywas wrte orte iool's ,Spnsng Progam wich as bre-onMy 6t nd 27t. Su- detBbMlod, see, la1s1th part cf tht gev- ernor;others in the presentaion verre, fmn renlfI Barny Brunt, ah Drake, Dennis Tripp, David Howarth, -Patti Brock, Karen Howartb and Shelly Fry. rodahm.TePresîdent,~ T J VsJm-Stark, was in charge 0 ;cîq he i e ýy ail repeatîng the Lord*à sM 'rayver. Mns. Todd read nnceont s s7alin and followed witijon es ne mnessage pertaîning tl;,rnoVuhTear rn YuhTetri h ahreDay and closed with le rnThar rn otTetei!, ýrayer. Sevenal reports were ha, anocd a co t t titie, Peter Pan, iii. the titlie, iven and a few nlans mende design a motif vbi i,i canl The Tarming cf the Shbe regardîng the annîveîsaîy used lu 1ts advertising and:Te ed-nefr ubn irvîce, Aise a tbank you publicity material for the siens Is Juno 24tb, 1971, andý ioefenMis. Falls was rend coming season. ail entnies sheuld be sont teý etc frin ivtto rmthe Orono "Youth Theatre,! âe Knda U.CW. rs. odd A Iîrîce cf $25.00 xviii helBox 105, Orono, Ontario. ,rvd unh nd orevryneawardcd te the wînnîng en-! Additîonal information ne- twae a levely eveniig tr garding the contest may beý NextSunay Silo Aiii-1The des.ign mnust Includel obtained by wmîting te, the Nex Sndy bîohAm'-the ftloling. e naine1 above address. îersary wili ho at 2:30 pni - 'itb special rmusic hy t4i wilibrook Choir cf the Pres-2 ,ýd -c iyterîan Cburch and Mr ooesA chtc ritcheil fieni the sanie church eguet speaker.,de c Laest Saturday evenîing tblefrI' tkvlepeople Wîth otherFoci - 'leids feted Mr. ,rid Mirs. The Oshawa s nd Di tri t there and be givon the oppor- 7vin SFouch by a p,rnatien Associatiofor Retarded Chil- tunity te denate furnîture for, lb Newtonlviile. With anai ad- dren bave ceiiîsiened Mr ýindîvidual reeme, iee rend by Mis; John John J. Farru,gia, Archîteoti For further information tý1ank, the coupie weîe pre- and Town Plainner as the please caîl Gond Smith at rnted with a taàble and chairs archîtect for the first retard- 723-1341. et and moncy. A pleasant ed chîldnen's resîdence in _________ me of dancing was enjoyed Oshawa. Severai archîtects 'îith Mis. Liew 1-alleweii were intenviewed by the As-N YP O idMn. Brenton Farrow as- socinttion Resiidence Censtruc- P N Y O L âsting others with. the Mnusic, tien Conrmittee încludîng two Mme, Bill Reid, Orono, Mr. local companies but Mn. Fan- Mr. and Mme. Deibert Bow-1 id Mre. Austin Turner, New- rugia wae eelected because of ins have nctumncd home atter setie, were Satumday even- expemience in thîs type of spending two weeks in Osha- ng dînner guets at Mm, Llew buildingQ particular dsg- wa wîth their son'Roy and Uallowell's and aise attend- nîfîcance to ibis pr oiectîis the fami -ly. Mrs. Roy Bowins Wae ýd the cvenîng at Newton- experience Mm. Fanruiai bas a patient in Oshawa Genemal ice had witb the Circle R. Boys' Hospital but is now recuper- Miss Norma Hallowell, New-, Ranch at Cookstown, the Sac- atîng at home. istie, spont Saturday with mcd Heart Children's Village Sonry te report that, Earl Ume. Bnian Caswcil. at Scarberough and the Good Argue is a patient in Civie Shepherd Manor at Orange- 'Hospital, Peterborough. We (Hope ville. a e cre fail wish hum a speedy ic- u7ln lop Township) TheRe,,sidence whîch is te coni1BadesncMn Mns, Fred Latondresse, cf Wellington and Nelson Streete and Mme. Larry Bradley was shawýa, wbo was visitîng will. provid'e'a home for 10 me_ hospîtalized for sevemal daye Ur, and Mme, C. Meneilley for tarded, eblîdren andý adulte mest week. îe past week meturnod home, and thene wii] ho two bede., Mn and Mre. Wm. Brooks \onday. for emergencies . celehmated their silver wed- ding annîversary recetlyý, Mr. Donald Gei ew, Toron I Mr, Ron Jnoo~n i3 Chiîr- l -atives and friends gathecred n, visited bis, mother Misz nian et the Residence 1Coni togethor at Sharon te, crc-i %alph Genow on Satfurday struction Comn'îttee oIS bat te pp1ocaion 'ho as ecetiy ~ t hae te RsidnceFriendg frein thîs anea attend-i ronm h otHp optl cmltdadocaîgb ing weme Fred and Marilynl Mn, and Mme Chanhihe RaySpring of 1972, The Ass-ocia- Yoengman. Lm,. and Mre, Chanlie Meneil t ien bas set n, budget of $100,- Mies Dale Hyland lias juitt e-and Mie. Latondresseha-1 000 for buiilding, the land is meceived word- that- she basl fnncn laet Saturday evnîgaledyenedl by the Associ- hen accepted at Kingetoni vitb Mn., Fred and Mies Hilda at'ien., Hospitai. Dale will commence ahy, the occasion being WhnI;atne the cesi ci hemnurse'e training there lu )rother Chai-les hiîthday. - denlc w;il av a staff cf fîvelSptemnber. Congratulations, Mr. Raymond Titterington and at lenet one part tinoDae ~id bis mother were vieîtîng assistant. Mr. Gordon Smith, Ther sympathy of the cm- ieude in Apsley last Thure- the Association's Executîve Di- mu ni ty1le extended to Mr. and lay. rector, wiil be mesponsible for Mme. Cumberland and family Mr. and Mme. John Meneiliev the total operation. of Port Hope, on the sudden nid sons, Belleville, visiîed Mr. Andy Van Lîthi, Presi- pnseing of their infant son ,ilativee in Port Hope and at dent et the Osbawa aýnd Dist- last week. Mm. Cumnberland ýion,- Sunday, baving dinner rict Association forý Retnrdod is qthe present principal cf vith Mr. and Mme, Fred Tuf- Chîldren sys that, this resi- GrandView Scbeol but bas urd, Pott Hope, and supper dence, is the firet cf several neeigned te acccpt a position vîth John's parente et Zion. local nesidences for ictaided on the staff in Port Hope, Mies Heather Beet ile et ebildien that wîll be built in, The community waesbsock- )eent takîng a summer cen aiea. ed te bear that Alex MoCabe, miuse aI Waterloo. Prelîmînaîy designs will be son cf Mm. and Mme. Stanley Master Douglas Meneîlley îeady by the end cf this ýMeCahe was killed in a car id frîend David Menteith, montb and oncre thi- plane accident on Sunday, 0ur 3ot Hope, visîted hie grand- have been finalîzed;A10 pei heaitteit e ymnatby in extend- maente Mm. and Mme. C fientionrs drmawn unii) local scrv-',ed tn the grieving parents, Veieoiley aI Zion, Sundny îic' ciulo' r-111 li1ý1 1 s--tf-s and brothers, and te tcrnoen, Igroups will be invited to cee 1the gmandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Y1ELVERTON Yelverton's annual Garden Party was deemed a succese on Fnîday, June i lth. The Barbeishop Choir froni Osha- wa, the Horseles Carnîage- mcei, prcvided excellent on- tertaininent following the supper. The Vlverton Junior girls sheilacked the Janetvîlle girls on the came evenîng. Alec on Frîday cvcnîng sev- oral from the communîty al- tcnded the presentation and dance beld in honor of Mr, and Mme., Clark (nee Viola Stephenson) aI the Ops School Auditorium. Mr. and Mme. Rolpb Pfoh returned home alter a tnpD to Western Canada where Raipb visited bis family thero. Mr. Biliy Steele was scheduled te return te Australia via 'plane on Satuiday. A number tien, ths coin-t munity attended the Can-Amn racesý at Mospont Park thiei weekend. The Labatt'e Bluýe Trophy was won by Dennîs Ruine of New Zcaland. driv- ing a McLaren car. Second IWilmot HRamer and Mr. Wm. MeCabe« 1The Pontypool inin's bal teani lest te Bethany 5-2 on Wednesday ,evening, Tbey won ovor Frasorvilie 9-3 on Suniday.' Mn, and Mrs. Maurice White- sido and famiiy of Peter- borough were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Neals. Rev. Northey and Mr. Barrie Stewart supervised the Tyros at their campout over the weekend, They spent frorn Fmiday evening until Sunday afterneon at Emiiy Park. Mrs. Jeyce Ford of Toron- te spent the past week witb Mr, and Mrs. Percy Beggs. The Junior Girls' bail tearn held a -successfui hake sale and bazaar on Saturday afi er- neon in the Chamnber of Com- merce Hall. vvas Peter 'Revgon, of. the United States, alse drivïng a McLaren car. The'attendanceý was estmated at 60,000 people,, Deepest synipathy le extend- ed to Mr. and Mrs. Stanieyý McCabe and faniily of Lotu-i in the sudden deatb ef their eldest son Alex, age 17, ini an automobile accident on Suný day evening, Miss Nancy Moore has ac- cepted employnient with the Canadian Life Insurance Co. of Toronto, Mi. Dougigas Hamîiton'cm mtencers empioyment iwith tlle Toront'o-Domînion Bank n Mconday, June 14 'n Lindsav,. Wcare grateful to the Canadian Statesman and re- porter Derek Sîdenius for the generous news coverage giv- en the VYe]verton Banquet. Obviously Derek has not had much municipal politicse x- perience or he would have acquired a hide tough enough to ignore the effects of both linset and climate as suffered on that occasion. BYAM PLUMBING & HEATING î1Tyrone, Ontario PHONE 263-2650 mi I Qthlap er cService How Much is'Your Ti-me Worth? Chances are yrn> actually work for less than minimum wages! Our prices, are so low that you cannot afford to do without our service! ($2.75 wilI gîve you an average supply delitered twice %weekly>. P.S. We do deliver in Blowmanvîlle, Newcastle and Orono areas-as well, Whitby t668-4671 BLAIR PARK PLAZA BE.LL E * * 0 W11throw in a tree guard fo proteeýt your tres ~GLOBE SIBERIAN PEASHRUR 9 É6 Yellow flowers, globe form _ *GLOBE CATALPA 9 9 5 Dense deep,,green fohîage - SGLOBE MAPLE169 Round dark green globe *GOLDEN NINEBARE 79 Lovely yellow foliage----7,9 -Z EOVONYMUS TREEFORM139 Evergreen, green foliage ------- --- 3 9 ~~ . WEEPING SIBERIAN PEASURUR 6 Arching green branches ------------- 1 6 *RED S-HA')DE WEEPING CRAR %e White-scarlet berrnes 9,95------------- *WEEPING MOUNTAIN ASH 12e9 Weeping form, bernies----------------12 Y *FRAGRANT VIBURNUM Fragrant flowers, white - 39 *FORSYTHIA TREEFORM 'YelIow flowers, treeforrn ------------7 9 *HYDRANGEA PG. TREEFORM 79 Pink cone shaped bioomos ------------ FOUNTAIN KIT, Special A REAL LIVE FOUNTAIN IN YOUR OWN BACK YARD, OnIy AT A NEW LOW PRICE! Pumpoperates comnpletely under water $2Y9 NO PLUMBING - NO DRAIN IFULL WARRANTY Fathrs Day ONE-STOP 'PAINT and WALLPAPER SUPPLY EVRDYLOW PrICEiS - USE VYOUR CHîAGEX- McGreor~ ~Hardware Nearly evcry student cf Ontario Street Public a pynamîd for the photographer. They are> from left, School teck part in the schoel's Spning Prograrn pre- Wendy Cook, Jim Sarginson, Tîm Buttonshaw, Karen sented on May 26th and 27th. One group, consisting cf -Piper, Leeanne Parker, Barry Hooper, Steve Maynard, studenits drawn frein grades four te eight put on a dis- Cindy Hughes, Sharon Lunney, Dale Piper, Wayne play cf gymnastios. The group, pictured above, formed Branigan, Bill Cox and Bonnie Mains, . 1