The Caiiadian tateian, Bmwmanville, 3une 18, 1971 -4 4- 4- -4 4- 44 p v -4 -4 a -4 <-'s 4. 4' -4 BirhsL.eaths in Memoriam Cornîng Events 1 Articles for Sale Articles for Sale Work Wanted TendersWanted 1 Wantdtiu CLARK-Rts)arp ndydteaBCLY ent.I ii ALNI oigmmr fDecoration Day Service at BOAT tË-railer -and --,x 12 tent. STANDING hay for sale. Call QUALIFIED swimming ini- TENDERS will be recevdb ODqaiyhy eehn (ne Pata)areprod t a Hospital, Hamiltoon Mon- a dear father, Harold, who Orono Cemnetery, Sunday !Cail 623-2052. 22-2* 623-7538. 24-2 structor, will teach private the tlndersignedutlJl ,2327,2- Euigene On May 22, 1971 in Buckley of Simcoe, Ontario, He is gone but nlot forgotten, ture 9186-4257. ý24-if Cali 623-5632. 24-1* Clark 623-5278, 24-1* main body of Tyrone United ototiler,3-5h1 ~dmotan Aiert, abroherforerl ofBowanvlle inAnd as dawns another year1 Dance te Faye Adams and! for Melanie.241he7tye, dear husband of In our lonely hours of* Sis Country Hits at the Royal 1 WATER for sale and delivered, SIDE-DELIVERY rake, threWTRwel oed, 3" fleChuCorfterno-Phn72256 _ 41 _____Elizabeth Lighterness and Thoughts of him are always,!Canadian Légion, Bowman-!Caîl Cliff Pethick, 623-2313. Ipoint hitch mower. 263-2508,lCanada Drilling Company, ell Secretary, Trustee Board, axiebadoetne xe father of three daughters; aiso near, il.nSt ay ue1 8t.24-1* OhwPoe5660.Re-R 4, Bowmanfville, Phone 'Phone 72368.2- HOY-Ralph and Evelyn are survived by threr- sisters, in- --Lovingly rememibered hyll1971., Admission $3 per SCRËEENED l-oam, -del-vered.- QUANTITY of baled hay, 500 peettv ar .Wd,2327.2- -- __ _ very happy ta announce the cluding Mrs. E. Gibbs, Osha- daughter Irene and grand 1coupfle. Couples over 21 ms hn 9331.2- u.grain. iPhone 263-2675.87-451-f. rhmeln n uhmIcak.WieAietsr24 birth af their daughter Lisa wa, and one brother. Private children Bonnie, Valerie, Re- welcome, 23-2 IWPbo'hbcyle,24ead263-7. otumberBland afnduramn /oCaadianSttema, O Diane 7lbs. Il ozs., oni June service Thursday afterfloo1, at Ibecca and David. 24-1 26"- on e girls 18". 92 Duke c/L adntatr od LG.OB R E 'niain umtq o B 190 Bi fs, 1971, at Peterborough Csvic Woodbridge. Cremation. Do- 1 MONSTER BING O Steet. 24-1' condition., Phone 623-2006. toquoX ,_wae 21 Hospital. A sister for Laverne. nations f0 Cancer Fund in BEEC-In îovîng rnemory Of THURSDAY - 7:45 p.f -- b 4-1Crr t1rh1se tations are extended for work ____E 24-1 lithe following stradeu:kWANTEDlCforeexportolurer 24 iuof -flowers would be Alymer Beech Wha passed pnie y hat1al cksin kKIERAutnhSîîee lectrical rae graeul prcae.2-Spnoe ywa.Cl lc-tc ASRAuiimSdn Professionally Cleaned Eetia bred Hoîstnheerfshn grtflyapeitd 41away June 17, 1954. Oshawa Minor Softball à86-4,328. 24-1 Doors, Windows, Railing's'i FREE ESTIMATES igfo ËlKAýR Dai ad PerlïSee mmoie wlllige 1Masons (Tuckpointing) ber. Neil acl.8-26 E1CKAfl~Daid adiPeai Sw e emrie llne UIEEPVLO RM uiset, UFIP cym- A"ing Loheolen623871-0 (nee Pascoe) are happy ta COWLE-At Oshawa General forever, [, ' I j - ore Alin623-8 .Painting announce the arrivai of their Hospital an Tuesdày, Juneý Time cannot change them, ____O S HA WA 30.tfI bals, $300 or best offer, Caîl 24-1*. BOWMANVILLEPanng___ _______ lSth, 1971, William Roward ifs true, 623-3796. 24-1"'DUCNPyf alufcfe20tj Furniture Refinisher THREE bdro buscn ;c Jeffrey John Davd on i PE 1 __clle__ -f veniences,lag yrd no June 6, 19'71, at Memorial Cawle in is 66th year, 51 lYears that rnay corne cannot OENHLS RABBITS foae___Jmtalecletcndto,$51------DyCenn LamStrong, owPontypool, telephonNursig Phmoneek623-2541ontafterte5epoVV'Ponec62-e541irinr5overly $150îtanmon:th.LaTelephon15 HIospital, Bowmanville. Many LabsLaech sverljriqiuriniHoe e11Rpl i wrtig o.A.Lard thanks ta Dr. Cunningham and husband of the laie Clara Our loving remernbrance of 1Open House willI be held at 705-277-2098. 24-1 24-If g 14 Ontario Street, Bowman-MndytTusay62-15 Mternîty Staff, 24-1 Purdy, dear' father of Betty you. SUNSET LODGE B-CW-A---10-CES0 sajngAfaflCetified Watchmaker of ville, Ontario. 24-1 2- (Mr. erk evru) boter-Awas rmeheedbyhi SATURDAY, JI1NE .19 seed, $1.50 bus. Carscadden and Brome grass hay. W. G.CadanJelesAs, TENDERSVln dto et of Gordon, Norman and Fred,Iwif e Stella and family.2411 a Enga~gement Bowmanvîhle; Jack, Oshawa, 4 from 2 - 4 and 6:30- 8 lFarmes, Orono 983-5769. 24-2 ý Bow].es, Blackstock 9646.1M r' e elr Sealed Tenders will be re- Retnâ h orsFnrl23-2 r2498-68. I Marrs ewe5:e0yp.m.E.D.S.T, ONE-CAR Mr and Mrs. Rarry Snow- etn tteMri uerlFTE' A RBT SET of Crown drums, three- 241 9eve utX 00graeBwmn den are pleased to announce Chapel, Bowmanville, for FOWLER-In lovîng memory, A Salad and Strýawberrylspeed racer, lectric chord -22 -ACRES standing Timothy, I -tKi1.9Stre2t West Junea1,191 o Fueo- vll6o23-i59y1Teepon the engagement of their eld- service on Friday at 2 oclock, of a dear father, Karl, wio Supper will he beld iniorgain. Phone 983-5269. 24-*1and Aifalfa hay. G. Koa 3t 917 etn esn e- 6351.2- I~~~- Nor'th of Tyrone, 263-2330 or' tember 1, 1971 te June 30, HOUSE o umrctae es dugte DbaahYvnnIneren Bwmnvll Crn-passed away June 22, 1969 Pontypool United Church on STUDEBAKER Service, new, ta Terrence Llewllyn Row- tery. Odd Fellows Service and a dear grandpa, Robert, Fîîday, June 25th from 4:301and used parts. Graham's 26-8.,497 24-1*' \Vill Cut "Needs 197~2. The lowest or any Newcastle o omnîl lknrd, son af Mr. and Mrs. in. the Chapel, Thursday at Who passed away May 30, p.m. until ail are served.iGarage. 1-416-263-2233. 19-tf EIGRT-FOOT truck, camper trm Lt ceî ender formotneesay TWOBeDROM pCtmnt Ernest Rowland, Port Perry. 8 o'ciock, 24-1 1971, a special Father's Day Admission: Adulte $1.50; pub- N e oln ei for haif 'ton truck, fully beotandfrmte fie rde aD soe opew 'Wedding plans ta be annaunc- Trîbute. lic school children 50c, pre-ýone wrneIt-eqipdPheOooTalrS ed at a later date., 24-1 McCABE, Stanley Alexander 1 miss yaur loving, "Poppa". schoolers, Free. 24-1 mSnedalroeIne-esuidpedPhne Orono8T-ai7er HAROLD HOSKJN of: M. A. MacLeod, Busines one chîld imdae o:s -Suddenly on Sunday, June -Karla Ann. 2-* ntoa1 24 aePue ae n enas 8-94.1 Mr. nd rs.Rary L Ga, '~ hs îth ear he. FRGUON n lvîn.1sE hi B723-6Nm80.r2441cyle28ng161 Northumberland and Durham'62351:38or4-J 13'1 1971, Stanley Aofx24-1rWoodview Coninunity Centre -shwa 73-610. 4' 2-U 78-611cAmirutiatran Trarrsin2r3u-513,Teepon r. rîca r pleasedt. ayan-McCabe, i i 8hyame EGSNI othîr me- iuiNSTER BNGO CAE Me, Brady con- I$15; Inglîs 335A King Street East, Box TEACHERowithotwo feenage r1,4iaunce, the peage ee - edsnt ooftaMryMcCbe, dears. yot-yferguson, oh NE adîtioner, bale buncher. Also 2-alnelcr2---335ACKunty BoreefEdasti on,TFC 1,norie heegaemntofSlov so of , dand ohMr ay mory my dear passed NXT MONDAI - 7:45 p.m. fresh eggs daîly, 30c a dozen. water heater, new heating TOWN & COUNTRY 470, Cobourg, Ontario. 24-1 chiîdren r equiresmdm ýi-erdaughter Jayne Arlene, ISE lmn,$0 rn98-68 REC TIGFRALBYEN R the-bd taMr ams rntRuh er of Dawne, Sylvia, Beverly, away June 15, 1967. ISE No Sunday sales. John Fayer elmn,$0 rn 8-68 REC TIGFRSL YTNE home edroufunse toM.JmsGatHgeCOMMUNITV CENTRE242241hm nerteHgScoh Tootsn o h ee'r John, Gordon and Dianna, ail However long our lives may l 0 COLBORNE 'ST. W.62209_4- 1 - 8 E R V I C E Township of Cartwright Phone 705-7689. 2- at home.and SimplicîtyonAp- ONE new space beater, in-1 We trim, eut and remove large andW Ipîane, -Wehtehe al.iAllis-Chalmers WD Tractor LAKEFRNcotgreu- wedn îltk 1c uyWilliam McCabe and Mr. and Whatever joy or grief be ours cue appsad20,gl rsal-W u hmal wedigwîl ae laeJuy r WlmtHone.tank, idéal for cottage or! Also smali Clean-up Jobs with mounted mower and e yrsoel aiyhs hrc.21*at the Mackey Fûneral Rame, -. Sadly mîssed by dauhter suites. Paddy's Market, Hamp- ,1C l o 2-46fotedlae w ek Cuc.2- *Lndsay for service in' the Wilma and son-in-law Carl.1 Pre-Natal Classes for Dur- ton. Phone 263-2241. 18-tf 987-4437. 24-1 One 1945 Dodge Truck Caeareaaea Tephn Chapel an Wednesday, June 24-1 ham County on Wednesday, NWadUe at o INTERNATIONAL 37 baler 241*cab and chassie 6-33afr43, 2- ForthCOMI129 16 -t 2 p.rn. Interment af t- June 23 frorn 2-4 p.m., being aIl makes of Washers, Dxryers with bale chute extension and FA KBR K Onîy 8,400 miles on this unit. M rigs NrhNesflef on Cemefery. LUXON In laving n enory Of heid at Nurses' Residence in an RnesPdd' Ap ler hitch. good condition. R N BIK' Unîts may be seen at Town-, ForRn ___________________24-1 a dear mther Mary Luxon Bowmanviîîe. AIl interested anceRParts. Ltdd 'spKing used 3 years; Malco 32 ft. Trenching ship of Cartwright Garage. ONEbedïàroo prmet p M.and Mrs. J. Henry Wof-- who passed away June 22, please contact Halîburton, W. Oshawa. Phone 579-1332. Sheton bleelvaor Ptî onactM.AtNR tpB Eackstock, are happy ta McKEOWN - At Mémoril 1969. Kawartha, Pine Ridge Health '1-fmt, on ruhher. Tlephone j SPI AKugo u tîs 9 nnhy hn aro iic the frtont 8i INSTALLATION perintendent. Al tenders f0 623-5012. au£ hefrtcmng Hoisptal, Bowmanvile, an The world changes, year f0 Unit, 623-2511 for informa- --- -- 263-2765. 24-if - be in seaîed enîeoe and tnnsfr2- îj.arr1iage o hi daughter Tuesday, June 8, 1971, Rar- year, thon. 23-2 POWER hay mower, 3 point R.R. 6, BOWMANVILLE makdtneradw eLIJuly Carol Dianne, ta Mr. Brîan riett E, A. McKeown, wrdow And friends from day toi- hitcb, 6 fIL blade, power fake- BOOKS, magazines, paper-1 NO SUNDAY CALLS mrcied to awnship Ce 1, two bedomaatei jamecs Gray, son aI Mr. an 1 o James McKeown, Camp- day, Hampton Sunday School An- off drive; smail bouse dog, I hack and c omi c b o oks'rciedb onhi lr Call 623-763f I r . 2- jqrs. Jamie3 Gray, Janetvilîe. blîford, mother of Olive But neyer will the one we lave niversary Services, June 20, short-haired, very good wîth, bought, sold and exchanged. 623-7201 E. Fowler, Bhackstack, Up and, ____ Maraeta takeae in (Mrs Ewr icad) Frarn memory pass away. 2:30 in the affernoon and dut, full grown. Telephone Top prices paid for farnily-- - - until June 28, 12 o'cfock noonIBEDROOM vaîal i om Edar Rchrd) ibaresan cllctonMEastern Daylight Saving Tirnejing bouse, lcneines elackstack tfnited Cburch at Bowrnanville. Service was -Ever remernbered by lher o'clock in the evening. Guest aff or 5, 263-2347. '24-i1irjie n oletoS. M0- JC B R ES1"eto n ede lt$6wely hn 2-51 8:00 p.m. july l7th, 1971. hed Selforri8Funral augteStreneSodthnîyJACaKeBURntheSfferoon r '6 RAMLER hîtendeanrSlf, 4 Sicoe f. Suth 244* in teaMrivsleoFun. 24agherIen adfai.steake n rookaîl tSecial sing-A*î ÉR-talek 5 tOshawa 723-7621. 24-i OIL BURNERS - FURNACES necessryaceed 2-t Chapel, Bwavleo r- 41 ta roal pca i, toilet, odng fan, propane SL his 2 p r-CLEANED M Sgit .R ,Nsietnbdor aateto day at 2 o'clack. Interment - ng in the afternoon. 'Sunday Ifrhdge, .3-humner range, pro- SAE-Car,$4j ;am SgitRR ,NslTWO Mr. and Mrs Arhie Ray Mout Peasnt Cereery SCOTT--In îvng memory of School Chor. Evening, fere: pa a lgt 10 a d 1 vot chair, reclners, swivel, rock- PLUMBING REPAIES Road Superintendent 2 LambedL n, $450 icu e Or-iannounice the forthý Campbellford, 24-1 a dear father and tep-motber IYouth Folk Service. Speaker. lighting, sleeps four. Make ers; full size bcd $2495; space béN APONOTRO -.---hat, hydrofrdeadtoe ona, or ____________of______ Edgar and Florence Scoft Rev. J. Lougheed. Music by offer. 623-3208. ___ 24-'avr$6.5fo$40;sc 263-2151 Phone 623J88 2i ,Êaughter, Donna, Marie, te Cards of Thanks 1who passed away June 21sf, guest musicians, Everyone -e_ nd hand kifchen suife, six Mail Address: PUBLIC WORKS APART'MEN forestv Nîchola Carchdi, sonof Mr.1957. welcome. __ 24-1_ TYPEWRITERS, adders, calesi, chairs, oval table. Murphy p.O. Bo 3-Bo avleWAEMNan idbaedndhro ý'icoa acii o fii.The relatives of the late Every day in soernaîl - ___------ -cshrgîsters, desks, chairs, Furnifure, Phone 623-3781430-twavaîabue1sf 0 JulyMren a.nd Mrs. Brunma Carchudi, Mr. Allen Staintan wîsh to ex- Memaries of you came aur Calesornia Tour Discount prrice..Oe us 24-1* CO____________ ~ *NTRACTORS $5.Pae6338.2-a Jantvile.Th mariae wlIpress sincere thanks ta Iriends way, SAE EDR iIb take place Saturday, July 3, adnihasfrfoesadTog betyuaeee ~day. Wednesday, Thursday. ÈBl l12 FEET two-wheei camping Dn eceiv E NDER00pS. WOberomaprtnetse 1971,math St. atyheCahalce2ofariltnsBrokan 65-419CtrLle, snkoropne sovc Broks tSo Church, Lindsay. 2 s-1 mathy atthe time of is ne, stil ysand46-tf cuphoards, fwo folding îoam LOCA TIMy latenrne aknbl 241de--241 Sil îsesi- oedad- ruhber beds, tiled floor; al Customn Builders Wednesday, ,Iune 30, 197 conpy anr39trge 10 G a n t r. nd rs.Ricardever dear. Aug. 7 - Aug. 28 CHESTERFIELD and chair, insulaf cd and wired for elec- NFW HOUSES - DIIN for thie suppîy and installa- Apy3 AL,- and Ms n l M nd Mrs icadSmith -Aiways rernerbered b7 _____adblcted,________nd__dlghs Hm- DITOS ïn fth atraî e johsto wsh a nnauincewîsh fitathankaIl the ,friends Jessie. ,Bruce and families. CALLbontind b5;olactwedgoo ricîyanarndiiht. am- ho oEfheWaeraiR- APPROXIMAEY7Ice Jonsorthcong irigea n nibosfo h avî tecniin $5 oi hgrgmade. Good tires. A bargain. ai EODLIG placement, Stage I, Psychi- the fothonîignaM1'R TOURS eghos orte ovl 9x12, gold and brown, madeNoclsStra.Mlb 'ftiean h_- seornrpet exhibitioned $225;éseNocalis Saturday. Millbrookg m_ You NaTOeRSIfraarpeWexDobitioa$22icOKol'ohiale liiandyWOn- fertile HosandlforimentOn-ithhahall 4,rtta, tofa onald Kenneth al so much. 24-1 mary of busbaiid, father and 62L 03% ~ 63.36 1968 Encyclopedia. Britannica 932-d54N4, Phone Td Do manvilleat$peac.Cli Sutrchso Ir.a Ms- grandfather, who passed away "339 r6336 with Atlas and bookcase, $250. ON od8 rco, rc ender Documents rnay be 623-7538.,4- ,Ansdlew Stch Sr., af Ponty- 1 wisb te thank my îriends June lSth, 1966,-- 22CîWhby6-64. - 24-1 dîtioned; one Ferguson tractor, 7367 r6320 bandfo h eatnn pool g Wedn t take Place for cards nîfoes eev- The world changes year tae one .H.C. baler in warking 22-8* of Public Works, Custodian of TWO fent talroesep at 3,00 p.m. Saturday, July ed while 1 was in Memorial year, ROVVE TOURS Beamîsh Draperies condition, $295; o ne Interna- ____ -Pas&SeiiainRo or n lessx ohwt 17th, 1971 at St. Jaseph's Hospital. And friends from day ta fional side-rake, lîke new, NW-1 167, 1 ith Flaar, Fergu- dining tent ln etrCl C;hurch, 'Bowmanvihle. 24-1* Doris Greig. 24-1 day, Escorted NASH ROAD $595. J-Mar Equhpment Co., .nefigeration son Block, Parliarnent Buîld- 623-4111.Boknw ni ____ ___ But neyer will the one we WESTERN CANADA AND FOR HM SERVICE 134 King East, Bowmanville, and ings, Toronto, Ontario, (Tele- avoid disapontef. 2- thnh a el- lvdUNTDSAETORCL Phone 623-5689 or 623-7011. ~'"~'~ evc phone No.. 365-1270), or may MAPLE Groe oe w- /Mand Mrs. Roy Herbert My sincere takterl-Fov emoyps wy UNITE3D -TASU R CALL41 ppîac Srvc be viewed at the Oshawa and bedroom dulxwhatrc- k>-c6ft Orono, wîsh ta 'an- tives, neighbors and friends Frarn rmrnr ae wy. ULY2rd -AUG.th728-4736 1 OT eppyodba Commercial and Domestie District Construction Ex- ive surroudne coet 1r.,iuncethe fôrthcong mar- for cards, lowers and visiteOOTdeepndîyodreatrnernberedhanebyOhawifentri4. Daysi niage of their daugbter, Anna durîng rny stay in Memrial hlruby, cid24aidgrn- NEWFOUNDLAND AND 2e4-simts n OiC oeatwith foarodwndrb ostered RerigrPon - MERkTCoers cAnge,000shawa, onralo.60Bowmnt'i adOea Marie, ta John David Allîn, Rasptal and Oshawa General hde. 2-1ESTCA - - 24 3* seatswrprouw nshie ldPhone BE6T2SYER7A10PerfrmBideBond, a$1 onhlvinluinahat son aI Mn. and Mrs. Alfred Mr Cnor,241SEPT. 4th - 25th - 22 Dae ~ TT' 0hpmtrwt igelvDayaye197623-5774 a100% PaermnceBond wand Ava23il~ uut1 hn BawmanvMary e.n_____ 24-1THOMPSON -In mernoryof0 ~controls, gas tank, Tee-Nec Nights -623-3177'a5%Pymn odwîlb 2-380 a]fr43 pr.2- Bolaline The mar- a dean father Frank A, wba EASTERN UNITED STATES SEWING MACHINE, Zig-Zag Trailei, $100. Aiso 75 h.p. requîred as specified. TO rent t(opl nage wrill take place, Satur- Our sîncere thanks e tfhe passed away June 13, 1970 AND ATLANTIC CITY equipped. M~akes buttonholes, Scott-Atwater mofor comn- L anuer Hardware A Deposît of $25.00 MONEY bedroom aatmnhaan day, July l7tb, 1971 at 3,30 Elbenezer Community fan the Silently the angels too ak JULY l2th -20th- 9 Days!mende and darne; guarantee, plete witb controls- and gas and ELECTRIC ORDER, or CE R T IF IED hydro supid, eaobe o'cloick at O0rono Unite~d lovely mîrror. Your thougbf- daddy, CHQEIaepybl ern;nc Çhurcb, 24-1* fuinesle deeply appreciated. 1notemnhnaoe NIAGARA FALLS AND $3,0 tank, $325. Caîl 623-7655. -' HQE aepybet et ecsr o iet 1)MiýInt te mnson boeROCHESTER $3,0 24-2 He Wanted the Treasurer of Ontario, will work part o uitmbo- Sincerely, There shal be rest from Ci vie Holiday Weekend Phn 57-50b eurdprstotnerkpig1 M riage Dennis and Anne Gay. earf's toil ~ ds IL 1f-AG n hn 7~75 Decordtion Day PULL time housekeeper for documents which will -be ne- Apply by lte ny .G B4UMAý- OVENDEN-Mr. and 24-1 Sale in'the arme f ol C ' - inoraio44 a SPECIALItwme.6348. 21 funded if documents are me- Newell LubICmay love. w' h toHxpress ar -Sadlyby - 'is1 'SAT URui&xwoî-k for twa turned in goodconditioni with- Newcastle. 2 M0f JWe rnîseedof .daughT ours,Phn or write aOE ur showroom n npc h Caeh and Carry young men, good wage. Caîl in thirty days af above clos-- Bowmnanville, announcee gratitudefo kinduesses, sm Muriel, son-în-law Gordon, TRAVEL AGENCY, Port Hope cmplete line of Hoover Pro- MIXED BOUiQUET J1O623-8860, Friday at 7 p.m. ing date, otherwise farfeîted.t inarrrgeage1haI their au' a11-yjrd85-gh- -for loym-ov22-5 tsSee te exitî 24-io-NOTE: & Foratfusrt.2er24informa-ForNursin inormaHomer fer Patricia Mary, ta Mr. Jae patby and flwers received grandchildren Gardon J. 8~57-3 loerv ut.ScteecfnRo-'ue&Crain Bua r. sn f Me.during nour recent bereave- Kevin, Paula, Rosemary, Tamn- Ave. 22- er Washer-Spin-Dryci in ac- 10- hnrgrig hstneACMMDTO vîal Jup 1, aentdRchrdilean wfevîvan 24. GTE tondOhaa Rovr ente, Gldioi uls RIRRESE, ca. WG. .HillDe-fa uDorbc ptiets Ras Jake Buma of Enniekillen n Olive 24-ndOJNGAN..-.n iRincmearONdSOT We carry a complétée une o! o only need apply, at Greig'e atet fPbicWrsgaal rats pl a St Adrew's Parsonage Our U-1XBRIDGEn ovngme replacement parts for al .uu $ 7Haimstyling, 6 2 3 - 2 9 3 2 or Toronto, Ontario, (Telephone Haven Nusn omNw Rev. J. S. Gilchrîst a- fficia+- nory cf a dear father Edward RXRDG oover Producte, 344 King, St.i 623-5191. 241N.3527) atePh Recptanfoloed iner t e toYoungrnan Who passed away W., Oshawa, Phone 579-1161.1 CARNATION TRetoyuncupe-2Te1wtorayfndr the homne aI the brhde's par- friends, nehghbors and rela- Jtrne 18, 1966. 16t u Sal msedb snBaHighland Games ï;iï In-ÏÏ/Odoor- FLOVVER SHOP bedrom apartmeat, heat and nat necessarily accepted. Auctio ae 24-1 tives who helped make our -Saly mised b son ob, ydro supplied - rent reason- T. R. RILLIARDSeigFdyJn i8h ___________________25th Wedn AnîrayDoandamy. 2- ELGIN PARK $2,69 per sq. yd. "Ozîte" Ruh- Pine33-IVIS6ON 3-TREE onable; necessary for wife f0 Peputy Minister 6:30 p.m., thhusodgod such a memor-able occasion _ ber Back - $3.59 per sq. yd. hn 2-11-6357 work part or full time, book- 23-2 of Mr. AngusRnî ie Mm nde. Mel Primewth their good wîshes, carde Coming Events Saturda-y, June 26 Dozens of remnants, al sizes 1 24-1__ keeping, Rate $1.65 per haur, .NAT ato ecslt og an gfe.Seca taket and colours. 50% Off List OTROEs fN wilbe at home ta receive Long Sault Club à50L. 2384, Bowmanvile, beginnîng af 9 .nî, Prîce. Carpef e from Harding, Cars for Appîy el Lbyeter omany, G. PUBLIC WORKS an's Cornersi n ienrh friends on thé occasion aI Sîd and Nellie Cornîsb, will bold ifs Annuai Cburch____ thi 5hWdîgAn-24-1" Parade this Sunday, June 20, PiPe Band Compefitione, Tug- ICelanese, Barrymore,' Crosshey, 14OD.S, Stfe,$Ô,Necsl.2- EE TEN DES wl inoomudite alu dnn 103 ..2-etc. Phone 668-8895 for free 6SLScetfe,~ Nwcsl.2- EERAT ADES w inclro uigawht akbd teryo 35t Wediyn nn-10:09.m 2 of-War, Caber Toss, Eastern home service. County Broad- 623-7167. __ 24-.l* NrhmelndadDrareceived until 3:00 p.m. Local room table adcarcet I'rram 7-9 p.m. Best wisheS T would lîke f0 express my The Wood Faniily Picnic Oitaria Highland Dance Com- loom Ltd., 1742 Brock Street,, '62-CHEVYl,-reaâsonableÏ. Counfy Board of Education Time on enfield suitenwSletn onl', pléase. 24-1* sincere thanks 'to -ailmyWill be heid at Waitona Park, Ipefitions. Admission $1,00, South of No, 40 1, Whtby. jAfter 5, 623-5772. 24-1 requires for Newcastle Public Thureday, July 29, 1971, TV, 22"; new1'x0,lvn frîends and relatives for lovmyNate,,on____ - 1962eMERCURY F700festa2e-2choo4l TeacherEs Aideifor for the construction of Six Iroom mug, 3nwrdoVk 27h 9L o rnk 1ukPoe98-53 2- idegre.Grade Xi d-Norhorhes at the Deparretigrcr.lyr ofetbe At Hare-The family of carde and gîlte and visite dur- JIfb, 1971.rRot'drinks sup-ngîndcrrrte led- 24-2 I ANDREWS ri f orcioa rvig 3en al Mr.(h vaM.LwaI442. Rase- ing my stay in Memorial Ros- M-0_____________X____n__U.cation required. Apply .0fCretoaServices3entblmîorgde nees, carde, floral -tribut es, GAWA CANYON PUPPIES, free to good homes;! Color pîeasecrence Pdoonlnxpesions t0ftsymathy and MACKINAC ISLAND_ mother is Golden Labrador. Guaanteed Workmansliip bv DEAD and Crippled - a les1 Fopernienervewcal I all M m. G.PubieWorkl, wadrawer s aiy desr .'IVyGENC Spllsdube ation, also a special thanke AUG. 8-13 - AUG, 22-27 Phone 263-2151, 24-h16 years service in this area Stock. Margwill Fur Farm, Mike Belmonte, Manager, Tarant o, Ontario, (Telephane er what-not l;2 niu gcods> male pastpaid In ta Rev. Turner and Morris 263-271.DOGieMeat,2Cb71ef, fresh frozeReal cairs, dishes ahn a plain' secaled envelope wtb Funierai Chapel durîng the cut 18clb.Me VîoderhatdOSHAWTA 2322.Lcne3871 coil-ki e Estate, No, 365-1247).c eu,18 b.Mdrn eaej6-fW623-4403: aIt cm 6 p.m. 576-1908.1 The lowect or an y tenderj chine, garden ol n te purce liet,. SLx samrples 25c, las of a dear busband, father, COLMER TOURS boarding. Havelberg Trainîngi TV SUPPLY LTD. -WANTED-Rîde-daïly t-o-an-d CHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED not necessarily accepted. arti.cles. Sae fm :0pn ~4 smp1 L $,0 Mail Order son and brother. ~r-~ cool, Or o no.11-983-5016, 1 f o Doî nfowni Toronto -j 30 King Street West T. R. HILLIARD, Terme cash. Lwec a s ~ep. -2, ovRube C., The famîîy of the, lat e VUJCUo LUL corner Taunton Road and Hîgh-I~1 1 IBowmanville, Phane 416- Bowianivîlle Depufv Minister C'ierk; Clîfor etîkA :B 91 Hlio, Ont. 1-521 Lloyd B-rooking. 24-1 - 24-21 way 115. 2-tf 21-4 1491-2747 collect. 23-21 20-tf __ 24-2 tioneer, 43 14 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED Tuesday, 4:30 623-3303