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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1971, p. 2

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Th Cnad1ýinStatesman, 13bwffianville, June 16, 1171 1cIiin~ihacrdie y M M r'1n ota uhacn MaoHomaage 19, of Tor-~ li* er andwcee fi ol onoo audyatron~t* Sconflict wihteforsbng Iaot420 pina lîha acle atth MiiHuez I and the Eigth Concessionprovîde yuhwt lc Et. o larke Boith ,werc aditepd (FiRO.M rAGEON to0 go.u i CrttwS Itreated forlacer- ent1 t oobi F e n pai tsone rLa)habr1ee te y HL-eId in B w anile IT W' OFB WM N IL Ea ioT ndaraàsions to lier fromnthe Poice Chief11 befre -claw Was poiiie TOWN dav, JusMeN1ILhE,1971,and 7, deldurrlawfuli disreat I Jamesg LhuSmnth, TauritonW Iue P r -le At ;notre t ,a drnictlfarirgtel didtvehle iï McHbbM yoofteT wn fB wm nfore I an fianYof18hirnain Judge R. Bate1pesd-en Mrs.Wood ani u 1 soddbageMa tTwsi ed with Assistant C,>i tIa ge a't- ,hsia nS ~omyK tbnton anldiMss. Wood', lawyer was notability w"sila Ps:blopt.iTahereM.Bbr - Hmpird b ac duty counsel D . .H il nt w s 0-11cf ïd w r a,, nwtlu Wallace Ramsay and Wmn.,June 29th was Set.,I i rs.tHethedrnit ish counsehH Allan Sinclair, pl r e s e n t 1 y Wý,ood is not presentý with was also0 charged with ingih Sý,udbury, chnrged May thb, Rtsdolplh Giode, 277 Oshlawa vehicie involved in a aCcî oýi nnfo et,, où ne h ciia'C-e I e Darlington Township, cid oh- flvd. N ,Ohwcagdin dent and fafisng Vo hrematarnan erisin ie,"h ,il-,uct the courts ofjsieteTownship of Clarke, did after hitting a hydiro o 1ccleinhrb elY n bain tercrfontéPlc he o n rbe as<ked through counisel Hiumn- unlgWfully drive a movtnr Burketon Hfe plea;ýdcd gui:ilty 7n u 1o -rï1,) n rs- chaniges seemed uinnecessa,,ry. get about r;hries for adjourniment V vehicle on Highway 2 care- to this chlarge7 Tlie car had ETo the other Mi. Barber Mayor »ob eakdta July~~~~~Mu TI-ftil eslakdfranajus-be twdaa eo e on about MILE , Isaid simply that there bas counicil didnthv nul Donald Sheeharl, 6 ig ment, to get counsei for Aug- stable Mof rie. h I I J 1 ~ ai loyd Peri, g 9 iben large scale social ch"n- informationt i ar 1ý;t ,-W, Bowniavile skted ust 31sf for trial, brelathalizer readings were .22, P c4an19 1g1DaryAî-)le ic for 'a case ta b l-lset vr V Donald Morris, 37 JohnriSt., and .21 abu 1 ours: Ipluaa2,rcie1ra-mcines offered dlean and to leavethmaerwhth June (!29th for plea He wnsPort Hope, charged iniTown- after the aid(ent. Smtlnmnt atBwa nvil0,le hospi(ýt-al elhC netimn hc diitao, h ao ehaRrgeci May 3tli that ho dld ship of Clarke witli failing ta stated lie didn'V, remembar a n(iwrmeesdtP si wudapa oyuhudrconeid Lthmsalo viawfully assauît a femrale. report an ,accident, pleaded leaving tlie scene, On the îm maec daagdwe e ta te e hicPle 18 a la tothse over. cothrlncplte eiw WyeFallîsý, Pontypalguilty. The accident exceededpaireci charge ha was foui at $800 fl o hevEic eeve Rsao etDktra sp veoker m useetprosS ht thwfici-$0ýout strongly against any c v nwwa l novl -i hrcý,Tw-calleci tea arestaurant on costs -$3, in defauît 1Udy cÎWibymnThms hagsaothrb- wnaro devoeRee ~hp fMavrs ~dafu-Highway 115 on May 1 3thHe as, ivenl 21 days t py.Alan Solomron, escaped inii Teela ee atl yar adCuclosBl ilher cha-rgýe ]idha vaea1971. The Morris vehicle a-Ter sa six rmontrl un wl h arlewsdrvn ee iasn Vo arta r ykst lant off igheay 35 Iabou,\'ngt a ratiyohatold ouSni."f15aa eai si io h pouA,a 22 c(-alibre rfle, Con- legedly smashed'into the wý,all matie suspension. Judga 'Ba- în the Town of Bowmacnvlle haîVet fmietlif Prrntyp5 aolw aatecagsthe paiin ilta twsntpo Frr t the Crminl C de. of the restaurant aýnd did nioV ter Sggestd after thrrcad h ol o ili. ýy w r H-e sedfor a remnancito stop, took off by back roads monthis liemight write la ear1t)ndy or nýig and by-]a wnldhs aes cietrol isie. onilr iad -have cauinsel Cuinglm aPotHp.Morris stated the Department for a res±rîc-lcrasheci into aine ud oc.oa h ido sals-Clbn ru n ao LindSay, appear foir plea on iV dci noV look like any daýM- ecilicentse. giepssi ti i1 fetbih obn Tue29V1l. Hi s cot on hall. age lad been done. Ha was GarryM. FPhayra, 1, 43inre, wvill De no Decoration Service or. damage ttha caret- t$800. lia fait the byI-lawvwas question ptofutlte james C'hapman, Toronto, founci guilty andi recaivaci ai Elgin st., Oshawai, pleacieci Four Torontio girls, aiga 23 adequate and that if there laqva me ifran o the to fp1 ,32) , wara injured when the vas aneio eac o h atr il gedan ardli 25th las, fine of $50, cost $3, lin defaîgitaVounderagedikigorganized p ra L O tecemeterya edodcnn frthmt, T'ownship of Clarka ,di driva fiva days. Hae was givan tw>oý in Township of Darling-1ý. 1-ae arthey waTre riding in veqt Vsknio netlmn oni hrfr oeit whila ajbi[-ity waa imnpaireci weeks ta pay. On April 2nd, Conistýbe 1,ofHgwy 0 utes ftheieouind o noutaisea why havethierldiitao ~yalohl rdrg nc fr- EreStaplas, 18,R.R.2,,Mooii elecliecia car on Couir- tîs year. Morgaa Corers Rast anfitha $00 ea parne macýý,jhine eotlac onx oni ~'-a chage wtbou reaon Bthay, cargei Apil lth Vce d. Te fie wa $50crases, Theý accident, whilih would ha prohibitive. Ha al- andi askaM.Mek opo hIbe excus, of faïiîag Vo cominaTownship of Clarke with c 1tP$, ndefait fîv ns causecI $2500 damaga V o thaludec Vo ftle posicqble cdiffi- ,vIdc oedtieiifra ý1y with abetazrtest havlng liquoa hr a ni gîven Vwo weecks Vo pa .IV N M H BBJ csoccrrci a bot 1:20 ciiswih a rs o - anOi rpsc uies fncI aio t'accomplanyalis rasidence, pleadeci guilVy. Raymond pattefrsn, 44)rnSuda dmttciVoOs- toice afficr. H lealasked for The fine waa $50, celt $3, la Harcourt Dr.,.sawdar-raGeea HospiVal w-ithu àn adjouriimenV a obtain default fiva days. Udûayv4t riowsrhip f', Mayor. dtriei huhlle~ ~aas1frm aana.Jcie Stavea L. Page, 18, R.R 1,edayngt11, hig ica rg--elýe m i ri es waa nelda Baxter requastec i hm ta geV Hampton, clargaci May ifiV of a. motor .vallide anci faiiliag Raya- Juliet Andcrade,Dors In toucri vwil.hlis counsel anci Township of Darlingtoa, dici te ramairi aV the scene of atn1.Snea nitadieMr- reprt back taý court on what ulawftxly hava lqur con- accident. Ha pleadeci guilty , 1witlioutL a permlit anci îttînlg P a aS anceda . fl tedrvr a day wuould ha suitalile ,.ad trary ta the liquor contri Pattaronws riig aF-ilgV nto cato, ioIi PIMIu A sing-la car mishap ocr july 20t1 ne-xt wvaa agreeci act, pleadeci guiity. 'me fine bounl on 401 and sideswiped th minimu fine of s19 I g rng4at11:3Saa ona sipan. was $50, costes $3, la default a car andi failed ta stop. The coats, la defanî five dlaya AH r ' ' I' utartÀfNsleo ttonfI(9 *111h IIL IBI Roge-J. Graýnt Wood, Bow- five dayland liquor con-fis-!fine was $10ý0, co1ts ý$3, la Counsel A. Strîke for tha iveehlpg on the VownshR1 roailcaueci MIL VIofVVIItl VrLUStation inanville, c hrg ed June 4, 6 cai deaI l t 10 'days. ,To w ir : Îc i c ve ed an 'uncletNrmine-iVinjurias Vo pas ______________________Jas. 19, nVaT (PROM PlGENE) senga ' Marvin Enia Nesbitt, age R.R. 1, Enaîskilea, haroci being u ld o putil ont. Tom rrow NiMay 4th, Township of Dar-~ Douglas W. Hickson, R. , At the Jne meeting of Vha îîcity, Don McGregor, Gordlon as take-îtVo ospital in Port' U E 1 -~ lingtan, dci unlawfnllydrv Janeiville, ca r g ac Marcn Durham Féderations of Agri- Carnegse, Pat Goulci; Program, dervefoby lamnt.Pahekaro!ORSOE :0 .i while disqualifieci, pleaded 22n1, Townaship of Maave7,culuresomeoulie o sa- La LmoPCrlkermnoac s______uspension sinoe Tbe n Febranî1 e if the way was clear 4-o ings ta bce mace ly farmers Alex Wiseman; abas atesaea, appaently went off: OR PN50 1971 anci was given a further mnake a lef t turn, appeareci purcllasing their requireci in- Parking 1.Konceran eD roaci and struck a utilitylEEYN ECM suspnsin o si moths Th wih cun.el r. orrllputs Vo maîntain a profitable Stolîker; Prîcas, George Wels- astil Damage Vo the car was VR N W L susenson f ix onts Te ill conse M. Grriibusiness were givea by Mr. er, Doug Alernathy, Lo le, $175. Mrs.600,Panketr was literie? fine was $250, cosia $3, la Lindsay. Mýis, Norma Hil Les Armstrong. Mr. Arm- Lyle,!pl,$7.MsPakr%ýs 28dys a py.Iiioivd i a acideton tario Fadtera ian of Agicul- the initial meetings, Chair- c/1, s Vhd, K Townhl ipnoaci 35 goîag souili. The ure andcils îookiag after md- man Fred Tippias believes ï higw ay , anci fasieci o Conditions- weie gooci. vidual Service Memlar Pro- that Vhis year's sale shoulci topÏ Mavesdcidrv on The truck aheacilad no ih- gramme Devalapmant. hem al la omtinre, - iva VI properi signal on pulleci ont a pesa andi jusi 5*5 ipce whera Individuel Service A remenclous amouat of EORA'TIYE mak~~~ing a lef t tur.Hapleaci- c it hegqingH11 l omaea fVI nv-acioeaî usoe ap guiiy O mainga lfi acl a ef mm cachlg îemb an avejoineci togeth- work is bang clone again hs urn'a olw car trieci ta sida of passenger licora r anci enderaci fan gesoline yean îy the cammittea andcinl- A g n- I I\I avoiciVIe MVehei valia îlecar a1970 avenik roî of up Vo fiva cents a diviclual marchants ta mk V M I1 andi bit a guarcirail, doing1 eci aven and was a tota ai s hv enaalizMn tis avent thnee fun-filled days LK ER '--il II Iffa$300 damagaeWhaalhiaefMr.Anmstoag cmmo-genuine bran Mr. Mitchlel saici mechanicall O.P., investigateci Ve ecci-j dities that fermais cen, on adi difficultias causeci Vhe bsof dent. Ha saici thana was atift eis udhs t o-During the lest two yas signais. The fine was $25, of muc aven the sig- an c eig'onVa. p'izewies have coma from 20sts $3, in defanit thîeel'nal light. Mn. Hickson was twsaneiabl a- Ajax Vo Pont Hope andi man days. ~~Certain ha lookaci lefone alirmetngotTuhey, n~aothan suronnding' James HaIe, R. 1, Orono, uuniag.1 Judige Baxten, la June 17 et 8:30 in Vhe Agni- on anci villages Meny . represanteci by C. Eweniër, thatý summing np, siateci thet Mr., culturel Office sa that farmn-- people on hoîîclays or simply Sizzling Summier Savîngs on your Favourite Bans h e ci nlawnli asanîtHîcson a 511nequrei V as in the couniy cen discuspassing thiaugli town have JmsCascagnetVeld lskep osevainafier decici- some producs hey rmigît stappeci Vo look andi stayeci Vo -~ - case sett ue2Vhln oie e lfi mrn ta sawshViuchn.M. ir-shr athe bangains uad! Arche McNeil, R.R 1t, O ta0ncrislsia l, asîon î e re-t acarniival '-dtmoaphane.Pln F ,ý F anai, rapresenteil hy T. Kelly, Îs thenefne g uilty as dhargsci. ese usin aîiîgV have yet ta le finalizci, butL blJuly 13th set for pie- 'me responsilility is on le th,,e matiers. hs year there will leNa 'ts imînary triai as lha electe i licar befora makiag e tuin, Bill C-16 h pooe aides îlela man othen pn5.z9s Voalie tnieciby inciga andijury. Tb(-finle was $20, costs $18.50, s-176,thîle proposaci zE e ý,itI fourdes. tionel marketing législation Ha was remandeci on bail ta in defaifou-ay.Yeuwon'V want ta misa île that tinie. Ha was chargeci James Cascagnetta, R.R, len inima ud A lpies-BOMAVILESIEW May 19t1, Township ofOnono, previously chargec i 1etioîdaparta SALE this yeer!Cao e27 Clarke, with îndacently a-tecriminel coda 221, ron thî smigt snoVioco a bfre buttae stl rp,ýi i saulting a famale. cve asupndeci sentence1 ment hefora iV recassas for VhIaeorgod Gary Gardon, R.R, 1, Bow-1 for ana yeaa. If hae appeers summer months. This means T manile, 3-yer-lclhase lacut agein ha w111 have that iV will have Vo ha ne- rig yu anig traner, charged wîth fonce- Voa go Vo jeul. introduceci for VIa third time Rg 42 set abl sezue o a 18yer-oiGea-ad Cowie, c h a rg ed'di ng VIe next session. Oshawa girl an TJine 611 last,l Manch 5il, Township of Dan-I 0Dul lfadfte hlm proble s 10 S for asked for an adj ournment ta1 lingtan, witl 'driving Petai (FROM PAGE ONE)pal ucae ~ 7 ER OE IT 'N ue22nd. Ha was namandecigreatar speeci Vlan 45umiles Two passengaîs la Vhe Mc- 04"WABASSOY" SHEETS-SUBS Speau PRYOEhaseT la custady with bail set ai an boum, receiveci a fine of Cl eîl niaal iI ,k4,pt-$5000. $30, coats $3, in.dafanitthnea dsns an dmttc V *Asote ery nta.o ils prof essionat advice. 1Grn H.Sea',,ct-ado' eeamte ta7Tfl pms day. ont. hiel chckd ospi with undetarmineci Ns rus"Capi" sheel .Whte. lias pool, changeci an May 1,5Vb, hlm et 55 miles an hour apeeci aes ijuries. .and double, fat and filed. AADLNNTATWL being la charge of a matieron Highway 2.(RMPGON)Ith irfaaly,8ye- caes1;29tVi Puiebiase validle anci faîling ta remain A beach warrant Is Vota adretryad oS-ld Mary Anne Flynn of R. E. AINT andet the scane of an accidenh - neifa erg lckeo 1, Hampton, cieci thrm i- 1FORTREL" FILLED PlILLOWS Apî 1xI" BW-5 perwelutes afier beiag admit ed to1 iejlPrhs ABERNETHY'S WALLPAPERSp$100,dguts $3, in e as îo falîciVlepaeltneh eaae colBowmanville's Mémorial Hos- . Approx. size:20' x 26". White caton 59 TRIPED LINEN TEAP OW 55KING ST, W, PHONE 623-5431 defut calc. had been buit, pital followin-g e two-caî cal- j cîver wîithcord edge. Il 149 Reg. 592 e. .2o 9 Genalci C. (dîner, Bo'- Those la charge of tle ar- lision oni Taunton Roaci anci aRay C. Clark, RR. 4, l- manvilla, wloaeppeaneci in rangements wera Stevan Lip- Saline on Juna 1511 et about BOXED SHEET SETS Appris. 22"1 x 32". Gay pastlI$tri[as awarlngec, idla Towi flconi oa May 18th, chargaci tay, chairman anci James Fair, 6:55 arn. Mrs. Flynn wes id- ~Rl .10.98 -~ aningtn, lii ul.afuîy wthbreak, entny anci VlefV Bawrnanville; Mrs. B.Bunting, ing Vh ancugan ni pHidebidrdoblbe "PLESSIS" THERMALBA ET The bst fienoyourhme eer hd~ Coperteessoma' otavaao the hf ~~~hs aie rn;Mn. Anthony MaîîoY, Mn. endi Mis. James 'sistalnad msîchîog casas. sol o~~LPsrcboht nssorlad coosis. 44 Concssin 1 caîtay V tiandaciWho'lied plearuec guiity Newcastle; ai members of the McAIpine. The driver of.tise Aîîîrled colours Api 2 i" u lhgway raffic act, raceiveci ta the changes, eppearecite- Panish Council, Mis. John othen car was FrederickCln T alfneof$2, oet $,2a29Mda for sentence. A pre-sea- Murphy and acivisor Vo the as Bnaybroaf 6 a BOXED PILLOW CASES "ESMOND"1 BEDSPREASSB lerescseeor asn niMn niMs rn c MilcineciNeabiti of R. .lanSudladads.fandhe Pica Uns!AtracieprintiLdesigns. e I etec Donnehie anci daughier A nne Bethany, anci ana passei,BAHTWL Streetsville. Doreen Evans. Tbey ware akan "UII"BT OES"ADEL AHTWL S enior C itizens show a ,i PreierWiliam5Ttraatment of undeterminad i~- 44x4.jcir dsga .915 M-Aogtoewho came aI $1000 Vio the Evans car ancidRW RNE OESAsoldsye n usr. o Da i ncuasaîl one1500 juNias magts atîeVd Solid saades euh dobby border. àPOMPAE NE Mayor Ivan Hoba, Mr. Alex A 19-year-ahd molorcyciae, Appris. 221 x,211. CLUFLFAECOH le V e- ý-A(;E -NE) Canuthers, MPP, Presiclent Robert Burt of West Hill1 and!ciORU FC "Lât ta Live wa~~inanothier accident et al- Sien Dunni of Bowrnanvîlle s companion Jane CarbeIL, M LUXURY HAND TOWELS69Wdasoctnicos m o.& * jtwacothan cana weîe involved î hî acirobaiTunr ot mnsWeýsaehiak of Oshawa resanting VIe Ministenial Asso- 1 VU -~~~~~idLe othier by Ronald Jas- ciatian.Ce pa odv pbCayae of Pickering. The young people lad dec- Fr l uinvesitîng OPP estîmeteci oraieci tle hall creating ai i ûdppdlmceSBo wsI îlecarages et $250 for Wes- gerden et evening wiVI îhl Usa Your elnkL. $350 fan Coyne anci for Ielp of generaus donations of5KIGT.E Ivan M. Hobbm Mn. bannant~,p,150!i the main itemsa froni Mis. beshie Gra- STATE:MAN I akr OMNIL Macrig rnsha anc3 id $100 for VIe-,ana hem, Mn. Elliott, Joh îiplayv C L A S S 1 F 1 E D Si Option Charge B mnPbe veing lbk getiing Carnation Fioweiý Shop anci Phone 623-390 _______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ - tw fr VeBeclafoae VanBeleGaîen,

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