The Canladian Statesman, Ilowmanville, June 16, 1971 Two Million Price Tag Feels He H as icoed Answver fo Milea- e lm by Derek Sidenitns It was just like one of those gas company mileage tests one see on T.V. There was the carefulY mýe.asured container of gaso- ujne (exactly one quart and Theýre- was thie carefully pandroute on the high- W;;yV heewas the suspense hýrw frwouî-,d he travel on thi gr s mete d out? , 1 The)o- l hinig mlssing was the Cpaper arrerwhieh hy righlts we should have smash- ed throughi at the point ",Awlere the car using brand Y, had run out of gas". Art Stackaruk of Bowmar- -villecould hardly contain his excitement. ,After 28 yaars osr e Chanir! l,e 'had found ha h feýt sr was a way, to get t7wice, the efficiency out of his armator. Tit would set the car manu- 1'cueson thir c ars, he hintedj darkly, and probably ha natemate, gas cempanies Techanges,,, he said ex- eitedly, 'W e r e deceptively ,dimple. To a mchanic they were c (omypletely, inconceiv nblIy illo)giCéal. But theýy wotk- ed.ý Thry Jet the car travel tiethe) dstace sing the irame ameut of gsln.And heewais no Ioss cf power. Anid the angîný in *uld habve a lngeýcr Ide. And i i woufld use lessîil And it ;ol taýrt ther, Andit would cut ac on air polutonAnd it woiuld eiiaeoverý-heating ln hot wea>ither. Bsdsit, waýs inexpensive tmaeth cha.ng1Les -a $5 bill wouIj!ld cover the ,,parts re- ou!1ired and labýor wvould take abuLwo days. Th(- cenîe coul haresore 10Itsoriîg- inl r aeif he owner wish- ed aSaid. Oterpeo-plema-,/havýe wuse their )spare timne playing glf or gol.g ishng, but not Aýrt Stacaruk . le stuck to blis w-ork shop and drawing bioar, inkering with hun- f&eds --,of o deignsand innova- tions, ee-usig'the per- H1i rgnlchallenge --to ilak a car whîh oud ra- -Vel a liundred miles to the "Bt liT found to do that aïnd hiave power too was im- psile,"hesaid. "IT came -,-ta teconcilusion that t- herewa onya crtin amount'o ower a-i persen can get !eut lof iicn cS gaillogsThrear is dliliffluit t o ndhave Mn11ry Hasards axcia iievery bena)o netudnstme île amaeaveni a arnail fine: ormake dmga IUbroa gbeut your lame , a cosîly clean u1,p job. EXIILOSION- An infrequent happening, but uaually disastraus. Fer Funîben Information Cal James Insurance 24 King St. E., Box 100 Bowmanville - Ontariq Office 623-5681 Residence 623-5023ý 623-5493 Now Opei Ii4DOOR ani SWIM poi EÎNJOY A REF $1.00 per pi Liberty St. S. at Hwy. Phone Ha settied on a "possible"0te ed. W cickdthe range of betweaa 40 105 ooeerrada,15.3 miles. miles per gallon. Or 40.8mile pergalflonr) mile- "With certain improvemants age.1 and modifications 1 cou1ld Mri% caukwsdisap- achiave 55 miles par galion1, poaintadlHe could acheva,7 but t the expense of ioer"battar milaage witb a furtheri lie declared. "It would lieike cb,aniig rwbhi cbh h a ldi net dne C a persan net, gtting enoughfo tis itest. But 40.8 mnilesi ta eat-soonar or later some- o1n oaa gallon afgaswas -neit! thing weuld go mwrong." tee bad, he s'ggeted. i a Perhaýpsbis patience aad almost tie htlie coLdJ diligence have been rwad-ahivebfore thea changes,i ed. Ona thing is cetan ha "Thare are lc imes ,whictiI feels thay have bean. Thn hv ratda es Hie said he stumbled pon1r," li- oaîdd n tha ra- llie idea this spring. ]Il ia- traJouney tei Bowrniaavilla. volved net se much tlb oi" ae bouglit and sold fications themaselves as lid mr hn5,000 ca1rs Pand J in setting up the chanigesr wekd nlenrds l-; aach wouîd enhance t othe r. cfe yasofexe- He va-ntured tIbrcearemrar.M e! nan d tdy;t b a inly on what le did, !mihremad b Iis" First lie mondj(ifiedLd is bbenli trying ,,ta cause Iwa ie n ahia .nayuhava Iha answer tion-(,ne Mwhan tle rma-it isnelgrapebm" tIva comcprýession ratio w as H saîd h hd rîttan ta about 120 pounds par sQuar-ý Fordý of Canada t tell tham Inch and the ethahr when the o bis accomplislimants. He ratio was about 1500 pounds. dees net expert an answer. He The twa fires, were simul- has invitad American MVoters taneous and delivered, he as- le review bis teclinolegical serted, a double punch on innovations. Haelias yet te every stroka. hear from tliem. 1 Second he modified the Ha has made the changes carburetor, drilling oea"'vaîy to a six-cyliader motor and very fine bole" in the body dlaims the same aconomy a fthe carb te allow in extra could ha achievad witb an air. eigbt-cylinder, dapending on Third, be modified tlie the weight of tbe automobile. motor, the net rasult of "We bave aI our fingar lips whicb, craused the engine. to the chance 10 compte with tura over faster, the foraign import market an Ha faît if he talked tao their major sliing standpoint much about details, bis secret -economy," ha said. "Wa can would hae ut. cenvert the big cars te bava "Al 1 can tell you," ha snld as good mileag as the im- a 1Imo sIt apologetically, «'Is ports."1> that the car ruas 1much corol- If anyeae wants te know er but at the same lime îleeflie system Mr. Stackaruk sîd aren wlere the gas anters the il is for sale. The price? manifold lai botter than be- "Il is difficult to put a price fore." an il . . . but te me il la worth Wa went verte the cr, $2 ½ million. . . it is worîli a 1965 ligliL b-rown Ford Fair- ta i na,"le raeflacted. lana equippad witb a six Tod1ay, Art Stackaruk sits 200 cubic mcli stock ia bis garage naxt te bis lieuse engine.set wel la from a relntively IlieexPiliaed thal ha lhad quiet streel la Bowmanville, takah thte car on tbe sama lia hopes fer a raply te bis road test twice befora. The ltter. lia hopes someene wîill firsl lime ha achiavad 40.8 coma along and make hlm miles par gallon ; Ibe second an offer. 47.7. Before ha made tle But, if not, il rcally won't modifications te bis car, ha maltter. As far as lia is con- saîd, lie would have axpctad cerard ha met a challenge, about 22 miles per gallon and througb persistance, de- mileaga. termination and parsever- lie took a glass bottle fili- ance, came up wlth an ed with ona and a baîf quarts answer te bis satisfaction. of gas and placed il la tha If yots sea hlm sitting on bis front, passangar sida of tbe chair looking wistfully ouI car. ente necar vacant usad car lot Ha fPicked tha sw ;,cci dyeu canrest assurad ha is deep !Ihe caýr rasponded ist Ilyisihogltover bis next me- âLek i ha, ilî yu .clancalchallenge. But lie il, MI! stat't ika thýat vey skep Ag lail tehimself. ima, >evan during wvinter," h ntlha elfnds the sluýtion, :said wlth amazeat. -___ SWa drove dlown te the Mac- donald Cartier Fraeway and BURKETON i tlte junction witb Wavanr-1 lay, lia connacted. the gas in Much iympatby is extended the battIs, by ruliber tube, le Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Waston, te Ilie agin ebte e. family, friands and relations in "JstwachIle otle" he,esudden passiag of Mr. miadi. éGeorge Westoa la Bowman- We bobli wrate the _ila_ ville Memorial Hosptal lasI on tha'odometer-69160,8-ia- waak. to our scratch books. Mrs. W. Bryaa spent a faw Than wa were off mbIb th"dgys with Mr. and Mrs. Orval mainstraam of traffic crui s- Greer and f amily, Oshiawa, Ing towards Toronto at about and Mr. and Mrs. C. Cooper, 65 miles an heur. Orono. "We went te Kingston ever Several from Ibis district the Good Friday waekaad," lae attended thie Decoration Day said. "Il cosî us $3,20 for the at Hampton Cemetery on Sun- ratura trip'- 244 milas witl day. lI sopsand tars."A few from Ibis district an- The angine respondcd witb joyed the bus trip from Ennis- ne apparent less ef powver. it killen te Toronto on Wadnas- made a fairly rougli sounding day and vi.sitad Ilia Science noise - netto10e ovieusý, but Centra and ýCasa Loma, anougli te make ana weonder _______ il all was wall undar the bood, "How would you, as a 1mechianie, dascriba Ibat noise," PONT P O I asked Mr. Stackaruk. TY'O "Lake a car Ihat mîglit pontypool UCW naad a valve job,"lia said The Junemetn was held aflen a good dmeaofthIougît. lan'the home of Mrs. Zlma Eîghî miles down the rond Skuca, with an attendance of lie stopped, twelve. Mrs. Maria Van Beek «"Now is wa wana driving a presided and opened the normal car Ibis isthe pint meeting witb a poem aen- Swa would bave rua out of titled "Trust", and Ibis was gas," ha said. "Prom Ili-e foilowad by a prayer. on the miienge is oun bonusw1." Mrs. Violet, Anderson lad The gasolîne la tle bottie us la' aur devotional pariod, was about 3/Sîli gene. ra: John 14: 19-24 and John "The angine ýis worinýg 15: 10. Wa studiad discipline barder than a normal engine and services, and laarned how ewould," le said, resuming t he isciplina is essential tb ser- test drive. "The doublespk vice. lia wlio cannet control gels ail the goodness o (ut of bus imnpuls--es can ha of littia tle gas". 1balp te ottiars, and ne oaa The botîla slowly cempliad lives te hlmsalf. Chrîst's before our ayes. Would thewoîlfeneriwaoa cart maei aOshawa, -pas t srie Apryncm for ail and we're haping foi a aire cnowd. Wa wane all sorry ta liant f a.i Perny Bradley sisnlathe P terborougl Civie Hospital .....h poi,.n.oak. Tlic MU7itpah Beniediction lose iau ,meting and a venv daius lunch was setved,l toi ' omnil uPaîalthankad Mns., SIusfr îe11(7Iovely lunch as 6233 é 3 for wliendnchlospI- I ncreases Mileage to1 47.7 Miles to a Gallon Art Stackaruk of iBowm anvi]le took-Theý Statesman point a car getting 2-2 miles to the gallon would run on a road test to demonstrate the gasoline efficiency out of g.-as. In the bottom right he shows the point he be claims is the resuit of certain modifications he made reached in bis best test to date- a distance of 17.9 to bis car. In the top lef t photo, Mr,,Stackaruk shows miles from tbe startîng point - wbich works out to an the engine of bis 1965 Ford Fairlane six-cylinder car. equivalent mileage of 47.7 miles to the gallon. The The modifications are net visible to the untraîned eye. principle be bas tbougbt up and worked into bis car is In the top right corner, be f ilîs %tbe quart and a baîf up for sale to tbe hest bîdder, witb a two and a baîf container, with gas at the start of the rnad test Iln the million dollar, upset pre! bottom left, be shows how much gasoline is left at tbe__________ EductionDirect or Speaks At Kirby Home and Schoo *Kirby Home and Schooî lield their final meeting of 1970-71, on Tuesday, May 25. Mr. Frank Thom, 'the guest speaker, began by greetîng' tire audience on behaîf of 'the board, and expressing a wil- lingness te discuss and com-1 ment on any subi ect pertain- ing ta our schools, in expiaining the back- ground of the present board structure, Mr. Thom said there were 83 schools taken over by the Uiiited Counties Board in 1969. The aid boards agreed to carry on and assist ail they couId for a six nionth period, helping form. new policies. Mr. Thom's position is to direct and correlate business and educational mat- ters for the board. Under the boardthere are approximata- ly 50 administrators, 30 cler- icai employees. The 16-mem- ber board replaceýd 28 boards witbh 170 members and one "attendance councilloCr" r- placed 25 truant officers, The schools now have approxi- m.ately 24,000 students, 1150 teachers, 170 caretakers, 290 bus routes. According ta Mr. Thom, education today stresses flex- iiîity, relevance and discov- ery. However, the teachers, trained yesterday, are work- ing tod-ay to train youngsters te' live in tomerrow's world. In discussîng prierities, Mr. Thom pointed eut- this board's Busnes fireclory A'cc o un ta nc y WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty St. S., Bowmanville Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B.Comm. Chartered Accountant 361/2 King St. E., Oshawa Telaplione 725-6539 CI ro 0pr a Ctie G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 1à Elgin St., cor. of Horsey S,.. -Phone 623-5509 Office Heurs: By appeintment D entfal DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 75 King St. E. Bowmanville Office 1-ours: 9 ami. te 6 pro. dally Closed Saturday and Sue day Office Plione - 623-5790 DR. WILLIAM KENT,1 D.D.S. 1Bawmanville Professional Bldg. à222 King St. E.- Suite 106 fOffice Heurs: Weekdays-9'- 6 8 xcept Wednesday aftarnoon Talephone 623-7349 Insurance DONALD A. MaeGREGOR Life, Auto. Home Insurance 67 King EK, Suite 2A Bowmanville - Phone 623-5962 rOpto metfr y iKEITH A. BILLETT, O.D. Optometrist r143 King St. E. - BewmianvIlle yOffice Heurs: By appelalment [J .Telephone 623-3252 Mon.- Tues., - Thurs. - r SR. 10 o5 p.m. SWed ad Sat. '- 9 - 12 Thrdyeveaings final prioriiy was kindergan- Ian and Ibis lias been ac- complishad. Now It la-,libran- les and resource canInes. j <It was also sztated that uni- versity aludies are maving dowato Grade, 13, Grade 13 te Grade 11 and 12, Grade 9 and 10 subjecîs la Grade 7 nnd 8. The trend 1a definile- iy te Sn. Elamentany Scbools, 'featuring Home Ec., Crafis, Gym.,> Music, Art and othenc spacialized instruction. Mr. Thom'ýs expenience basý demonstrated that. a tuident hody et 1500 in a se.onidary achooaisl a practical number for atfering a vaniety of ce unr s a s successfuliy. The Bewmanviiie Highi School ta ha cempleted la 1972, il laI liopad, will nlieve oven- crowding aI Caunlîce and perbapa Clarke Higli Schoal. Clarke wîli not recaiveanay additions until the Bowman- villaelilgI School la complet- ed and filled. Probiems af cancarna a staff et Kinhy CealeanialL Schoel was their ndditianaI responsîbility ote e hidrea aI noon heurs. Salary conces- sions and the possiblliîy af hiring, someone for noon heur supervision wane discusssd. A point well made by Mn. Thom on the subjeci et Phys- Ed. was Ilint we are building« gyms, looking for Phys, Ed. OBITUARY Leonard Roy Goldsmlth Leonard Roy Goldsmith, 1911 Rosslaad Rd. E., Whitby, died at 'the Dr. J. O. Ruddy Hospital, Thursday, June 10, 1971.Liaelad basa in faing heanli for tle past year. ý Mr. Goldsmithi was bora la Clarksbung, Ont., Sept. 28t I 1889, the son efthîe laie Thomnas -and Mary G oldsmith. lia was educated ini Clanka- bung and, married Violet Kaibli thers on Nov. 17, 1915. They came te Oshnaa n1923. Mn. Goldsmithi wns employ- ed by Genenni Matera for 33 yenns. lie worked la the paint shop and retined la 1953. lia was formerly n membar et Centre Street United ChancI. a member of tle Rosslandi Rond Pree Maîbodiat Churci, a member et Cadar Masonic Lodge A.F. and A.M. 270, and a mamber efthîe United Auto Worksns' Retinea Club. Tue >laI Mn.Goldsmihlwas pradePicad Iby b is son Han- ,oid whio was- killed in actioni hi Germany in 1945, by a gîsster, Mrs, Dnotby Beehe ef Chicago, and by! a breller, Ellwood Goldsmîth of faIraoit. lie la survived by bis wife daughtans, Mrs. Clarence,ýý Dearbora (Evelyn), M ns.' Tbomas Speirs (Olive), Mrs.I Douglas Clamsas (Ruth), Mns. I Ken Piphen (Mary), all et Oshawa, Mrs. Donald Hagell (Elleen) et Blethany, OeaSon, Clime Geidsmitlh et Oahawa, a brother, Thomas Goldamîrllih af Clnrkslurg, aistens, Mca. Stan Gilson (tva) et Clanka- long and Mrs. Chester Tho- mias1 (Myntîs) af Duanville, 15grandchidren and Ilinee great-grandchuldran Mn, Goldsmith rested aI tle McIntosh - Anderson Fanerai Home whene service was hld la tiechcapai S-aturday, Jun 12th, at 3 p.m., witb tle Rev R. H. James officinting. ta-I termeal was ai Union Cama- teny.1 Cedai- Lodga bald a Masonici servira in tle funenal home! Friday at 7 p.m. Loweny; Second Vice Presi- dnMrs. Norma Lee; Sacra- tary, Mrs. Wm. Brandt; Treas- urer, Mrs. Jack Williams; IPublirity, Mrs. M. Sawyan; Program Convanor, Mr. D. Staples and Mrs. Betty Spry; Lunch Committea, Mns, Ka- tly Carleton. specialista. IMleanwhilp ail our chidren are busse(,d teo ol at quite an expanse, tn ta-ka LONG SAULT gym classas orenga,-ge laiex t.ra curnicular sports. Mrs. Fletcher and Mi. John Mr. Thomn believes the rmosi Joînson, Oshawa, were Sun- valuabla commodity of the day guasîs of Mr. and Mrs. United Countias is our yeullr, Bert Johinson. However, tle crux of the an- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clifford tire situation is MONEYý. and f amily, Oshawa, spant the Prionities muai ha estabI-)shed waekend wýiIh Mr. and Mrs. and "stuck te," particiarly John Baker and b 1oys. it he aewly Imposed mal- iag o)n spendi [ng. There lpad 1 Mrs. W. Vaaayk anterad haa imit aýd tIbis or Memor-ial Hospital Sunday af- aemsle ha doing the hast tferneen for ,surgary on lier wlth tle dollars avallable, Ifool. Hope fer a speady neco- The Klnby Homne and Sclool eny, aajoyed laving Mn. Thom, .Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Smith, and would like btî tank hlm Bowmnùville and Mr. Bob Si> sincerely for an interesting wera Sunday guesîs of the and informative evaning. 'Smillsannd Satundny evening ,Durîng the short businesss visitons wena Mr.. and Ms meeting tînt' followed, tîaj,.l-loyd Harmar and Bath, R. R, axecutive for 1971-72 was El, Bowmnnville. eieted and are looking for-I Mn. B. Vigniavic and friands', wand te another succesaful Toronto, wara Sunday aflar- year. 1 neen visitera witl tle fonmer'a Presidant, Mr. Wm. Forreat;I uncie and f am4ly, Mr. and Mrs. Vice Presîdant, Mr. Lloyd P. Encagavac. ______ Corn 'DrPe asO ICA FANCY c Applesauce 2T ýis 29 AEROSOL TIN Right Gad7~L5 30% MorvecBnus Pack CHASE X SANSORN COFEE 83~ WHITE SWAN PAPER TOWIELS Ou p '. 49 A risIs B ring T ears With Old Favorites On Saîunday, Jane Sili, sev- The sophisticatcd andd rn anal artisîs fnom the Pig aad iag Lynne Shaw ealertained Wlistle lalevîsion show' again witl surI al l ime favorites a", provided a w oadertul pnogram Wbite Clifis, et Doyen, New 1 te, a capacity audience in tle île Heur and always for arc auditorium efthle Legion Hall. encore, tle enclnnting Auf Alîleugli the guesta cornz Wedersehn. Lynna lias tînt prissd a vaitable Langue et magîral f airylike image tînt Nations, lo a s and avery one stands you la awe and_,keeps the slow brougit back aatld you wonshipping on and on. mamenies et an 'unforgettahie' Once agana, Anita Scott who youtli thal lad been infiuenced is an autîsatir Briish paerro- hy aWorld War, a depression, at, seemad te kaow jusî whan nlong witl rnany liandalîpa. tbcomae out witl lier "Beauti.' Charlie Kent opened the slow, fui Balioon Song", whieh only accompaaied by a trio teatur- alie mn siag te perfection, ing Lloyd Cooper aI bis plana, Tîrouglout tle aveaiag, Duning the svening, comed- maay tenasware shed ail in as Biliy Lislon and Palanthee anme of tînt big littia word Glenn provided mtidl enter- "Memorias" wlicl pinys surh talameal witb a higli rallIer a big part la our lives, Il la le et cosnady tint had the friand- ha boped that ws wiil sas île ly cnowd neaning with iaugh-IPig and Whistle soion for a ter. _i ratura engagement. Racing Pigeon l ub Haus Held Five Race--s The teliowing Is a summary' 1228,84; 1011, M, .*Goule-t 1217- et thea tirai five rares hlid Iy .84; ilti Turcoite & Blakey the Bawmnnvilie Racing Pig- 1004.50; 1211, P. Woolnan eon Club, Old Bird sanies. Sbn 945.90. The irs rae' ws fomSecond' race from Ingarsoil, Traetfinal ace s fonaiOnt.,,May 8th, 171 miles. Brnîfodi ayatnair 12 isItBrown Brea., 2nd Len linsdisanceet 02 mles Richards, 3nd M. Goulet, 4th The speads are la yardspar K. Staînton & Son, 511 R. é% minute. E. Luke, 611 G. Gray, 7t1 t. laI, G. Gray 1343.80; 2nd, Piper, 8th J. Brown, 911 Len Keilli Stainton & Son 1335.35; Kinsman, 10th Turolia & 3rd, Dave Stainion 1334.66; Blakey. Ilii P. Woelapr &7 4i1, E. & R. LaIes 1281.M'.; Son.. 121th G. Goodaîl, 1311 R. 5t1, Lan Richards 1277.20; Ferraster, 141h J. Bridger, 6th, Brown Bros. 1272.64; 7th, iSth Don Staintea, 16th Dave Lea Kinaman 1251.30, Bih, I. Stainten. Piper 1229.44; 911, G. Goodaîl Third race from Canador, Ont., iMay isili: lai 1. Piper, 2nd Lea Richards, 3rd Lan OBITUARY Kînsman,, 411 Brown B-os., 511 R. & E. Luke, 61li Dave FREDERICK W. ROENIGK Stainton, 7t1 Turmotta & Blakey, 811 K. Staînton & Fredenick W. Reenigk et 73 Son, 9t1 G. Gray, lOtl J. Bond SI. W., Oshawa, disd at Browan, lîti G. Goodali, 12th, the Oshawa General Hospital, R. Forresten, 131h M. Goulet, Mendny, June 7, 1971, follow- j4th p. Woolner & Son. îng a fiva-yeariliness. Founil rare frem Tilbury, lie was bora on Jane 19, 18t)6 Ont., May 22nd, 228, miles, la Bowmanvi]le and lis par- lis Brown Bros., 2ad G, Grny, enta were tle laie Mr. and 3nd Len Richards, 411 J. Mnrs. Julîus Roenigk. lie was Brown, Sili P. Wooiner& a 40-year resident af Oshawa Son, 611 Lan Kinsman, 711 I. and worked fan a local'service Piper, Bth G. Goodaîl, 9tli R, station for 30 yeans. & E. Luke, 101h Don Staîn.- 'A veteran et tha Final World Ion, l111 M. Gaulai, 121'h K. War ha served with the 67th Stainton & Son, 1311 Dave Battalion. lie aise piayed fan! Stainton, 141h Roy Porrester, the OHA Junior "A" lieckeyý 1511 Tuncotte & Biakay, langue. Fifîli rare from Amher.a[- lie is sunvivad by bis wife, lurg, Ont., May 2911i, 63 thea former Marial Mallat, Aise miles. lat Brown Bras., 2rl sarviving ia ana sister, Mrs. Tuncotte & Biakey, 3rd ;M. H. T. liumby (Rita) et Bar- Goulet, 4t1 Len Knmn liaglea and oe brother, Mark, 5ih'P. Woolaar & Son, 611 G. et Bowmnnville. - Goodail, 7tk Len RIchards,ý 8th 1. Piper, 911 K. Stalntoîi lie was pnedeceasad by lwo & Son, lt H. Westenink, sisters, Cannîe and Florence, 111h Don Siainton, 121li Dave and a brother, Lau. Stainton, 1311 R._ . uq The decaassd rested, at the 14th G. Gray. Armslroag- Panerai Home, -la Oshiawa and tle service wns in the chapel Wednesday, June 9t1 at il arn. Intermeal was la Union Cameteny with Rev. Williami Moore officiating. SUM MER WORK The Orono office efthîe On-taria Depanîmeal et Lands and Foresta will ine il local !stadents Ibis summen te wank on pnoj actsataithéeOrene nanar- eny. The studenîs are being hired andan a provincial "an- virnmental enhancement" ýro- gram. PHIL VWE ITEATING SPECIALIST 17 Liberty lit. N. Bowmanville, PHONE 623-7591 24 HOUR SERVICE OU, Gas & Electrie Furnac & Air Condition Installa- fions r Central- & Window Units - lare Hecla & Findley Equipment Free Estimates Budget Terms Availab1e_ TASTY FLAVORFUL, CALIFORNIAI PRODUCE OF USA.-No, 1 GRADE NEW PGTÎATOES10L CR15SP IWAArP FI«OIiC F CMl EMPEROR GRAPES 3~~~99' 0DC F U.S.A. No. 1 GRAME ieUNCIA A BYNO CHERRIES 4~ ORANGES f SNOW WHITE 69CAUFORNIA GREEN PES 2 F00D PuICES EFFECTIVE WFO., »UR1J$AT, JUNE 16, 17, 18, 19 WE RESERVE TH-E RIGHT 10O UMIT GUANTITIES OPENSUMIDAY. Bo ranvill e 1