OThe Camadian Statesznan, Bowmanvllle, 3une 30, 1971 J Dura',Ium Ac ri'c -News I by Rod Stork IAssý.istanit Agricultural Reýprese HaýVé Tou Planned This is an excellent oppor- Tour Holiday? tunity ta obtain the lateit in- Syuthînk you are too formation in the areas ta bytatake a vacation this which you would be interested. summer, or are just uiiable to Further information can be ob- ^et aY. IuppDose the ques- taîned fromi the Departmirent of tiorn yoiu EIould ask yourself Agriculture & Food, Bowman- and your family is,, "Do we ville Office - Phonle 623-3341& de-servea, f amily boidayr" Fîre Danger In Wet Hay HaI robably worked every Every sunrirrier, wc hear of diay for the Iast year or more, barns being burnt, due ta wet a- horliday is -most likely in hay being stored. inj many ordler.1 other cases the qu ality of the Available now are Farm hay is probably lowered. Hal R-'elief Services that will take Wright, who is the Farm Safle- over management of yo* ffarm ty SPeciâlist, with the Ontario while you are away. Also, Department of Agriculture and neghbors or their sons could Food, suggests a simple, inex- possîbly help you out. Prob- pensive probe can be made ta ablyi you, ln turn,- could help be used to measure the tem- them ont aiso. Try ta take a perature of the hay. break as the rext 51 weeks The probe consi ils of 10 feet wll be a 1:111emore enijoyable of one-haif inch electrîcal tub- for, you if you have donc so. îng; a sharpcn1ed hardwood Gueipli Agricultural point is rivetted to the end Field Days and about six anc-quarter inch Vie have receîvcd word thatlholes are drîlled just above tbis year tlhe field days wiill the point. The probe is then be held at the Elora Research drîven eîght or nine feet into Station on July 13, 14 and 15 the hay, Anornaycd r from- 10 a.m ý-ta tbrce pan. The avenl thermometer tîed ta aa rormfor each day is as cord is lowercd ta the hottom follows'of the tube; after approxîmate- JUlyý 13 - Morniing ly five minutes, the thermome- Daîry, Engineering ter is removed, and the tem- andr Cereals nýerature read. The procedure Afternon - should be repeated in different Swî,ne and Forages areas of the hay mow. Jly 14 - Mornîng - Mr. Wright gîves the follow- Beef, Corn and Feeding îng temperature signposts: WholIe Soybeans 150'F - entcring the danger Afteroon -zone. Make temperature ob- Dair-y, Ce-reals, Beef Carcass servatians daîly. EvlainClinie 160'F - DANGER! Inspect jT1ýîy 15 -- Mornn'ig --, evcry four hours ta sec if the Swînire, Foragïes and jtemperature is rising. Enginering175'F - Fire pockets n'ay be AftenoonanticiDated. Cail the fire de- Ee, Coînritanid eedling partment puimper and wct Wholýe Soybeaes down the hay. BEA VE R JULY lst HOLIDAY WHITE OUTSIDE PA iN TGalon$199 LIMITED SUPPLY THURS", JULY lst ONLY~ BOWM ANVI LLE OPEN :30 NTIL 60 MUFFLER S LOWOF-UT- STANDRD SRVIC maOTOR CIU Adpu1 ny înueo 9 VVurc. SuBIr DEleSn cy Sifnen gepo :VOKR~UY~ 54 A gr[VI eS 1W 0, 01'4 -EMMM FZ Al vin Boyd LImited, 83 RUING ST, W., PHONE 623-3124t BOWMAILLE' -. Service Depi. and Store Houre 11MN,1 TUES., WED., TEllES.'1 RAT- 8AM. b 68 PJ.- FRIDAY - S A,3. tô 9 P,Mý. ntativej numper should lie avaîleble sicce flam1es mwîll dvlnw air COames ie contiact lh îhe! lay. 210-F - CRITICAL! TIncbe les almaî1-t certain ta gite S l se anImportntn01lIaI are1 lie teke-n eround îise Ihay ow as lit mey ho--quitedngru n hîgh temperaturesbulos -Por-k ProducNers Battlîng With Their Own Board Prsd i Lcal 3M1 1, cNa-,11 tionial Fron noný, li heuaio see"n localprsdn, camd lIfhanmrare q~ucin îng juelwoeiteeîls Ontanio Palrk Prad ucen rk tîeg Board usm rig He wes rnefelni-îg l-Ire Board's refusai ta lny ccd meet the dem.-and ai écevoral locale in Western Onlania taa set' the pnice ai bogs et 28g cents per pound on June 711.h This pnîce was declened au a beginning, citer croc ferm- ers, n desperetion, foucd il necossary ta pîcket two af thib owe cssembiy yards during the week of Jane lîb. Mn. Flacb said that folow- îng a telegrem ta bbe Board, î mkiec for thec-28 cent onu ce.. Hyros nqu Mcine Moves, Trees Far tmers Relieved Af erBenson Budget IEgar Benson s Budget do-1 dations made bv FAandi elvered la Pcarlîcmenb necont- 'CFA regardmng lax refonm me ly, will lie rtceived liv Cac- Can1ada have boon iupl aduan fermons v7ilI a sîgh ai lmecbed. relief " seîd Gardon Hill,' "Benson lues really paîd Presîident-ai lIe Onlania Fed- attentiontl areros', ideas enabon a Agncullre. tîi ie, fanmare lIen we I 1a-nI read le >fine expedbed," scîd Hîi.L iPnmlyî saîid IHîl, "buI aur Major recommPendied u-jn :fîi aný -aly ,ss zl-jnws lIat staiaebenînll--' ý51- o te rcoime- d are 'the placîng aoflis bardenonfaioroof mn lex dt- Dp n r * , Tvolean mnusic- paies on Ithe gaenmo-nt 1 li m qe m cd Scottish dancers. 'sîead ai the laxpayen, lhre ro A c1 d t a b p r o v i d e c m o s p h o n ez , m o v a a i o s î t e t a x e s , a n i - ' 10ans1,and colanful cabcnHs ngocd mannîod baxpoayens, lai fo41- rr tlechidren. île elîmîceting ai tle ovasioni Asif ihtîcIwerect' onofax aes on Canadie;n mcomez tb e' i a grand supis b y living aulcide Canada ccdï refrecîhmenis. îhe impiig ofai e neaýlti Thtprorac, wichbogesCapital Gaine Tex, Th-prora. viiri i-ýJn "T-hese reforms will dIis- a-i .11:00 le île mr1engiitue tle ba, cd more lic , andwichod arondi îaîfîy1 " seid Hill. "ccd giv offic iai flag-raîsînrcneonesthose on law incar)nesepei acd ei 21-gun caale sup lîed îîy eros, acc a io liýy îlie Royal Canaien Anîi'ti ign eity wh lley ,co)ný lery, wilb a battery naIo.05- lee ilb raiina c guei lawîivzere uplo a eoigîl a Of-)ficiels albenidingbhoevýe-n blocr. Thse hanes in, m- wîll include Lieabe-nnn-Gov- prove the chalncesaisuvîa encan Ross Macdonald ced ir6 ibeFc lyFm" 11fe Han. John Yareika, Po ývincial Secrolany a ecd MTii inON f". iclor of Citizpeeshîn, wbo wînll represent tle Govorcimonl ai Ontario, PROTECT OR0 OET To date there have becu 28: AIlSHarrîson, drîvîng the Vermeer Tru-c Spade, tu Toronto foi replanting at anc1r-af Ontaia Hyldro s; forest and bush fires in the' positions the vehîclo according to directions from lus power stations in Metro. Pete J-n-kîns, a trainfingc Lindsay Frorest District. An assitan, PterLews, afirt yar oretryordîato wih Hdro fies u th cae cvercan ain rea of 183 acres bas beený su.mmerasitnPtrLwsa is ercrlr riao ihHdo ic- ptece cvrcti- burned. Accordîng ta A. E. sýtudent at the University of Toronto, The spade calrries îng a white birch. The program, involves the trans- Walralh, District Foroster' an 18-foot Austrian Pine whîch wîli be înscrbed inta plantation of about 300 Irees taken from this farm at with the Provincial Dopart- a mebal cane, strapped and secured, and then trucked1 Burketon and anoîher at Uxbridge. ment af Lands and, Foresîs, about 50 per cent of the fires another was received n re Tbhe Vermeer Troe Spade in possible. 1fs ijobi-toL dig ilp as much as 60 mà'n-hours ofitensile band. turn freim the Board requesl- just tic tbîng for dîggîng up white bîrch and Ausitrian pîne labnor ta transplant anc fret'. Or-how ta lut îthe pack- ing a meeting in Mitcll.11 and nioving trocs. Especially in the rich Irefamn aes ot would have been pro-, agcd Iree wîthout îjri it, "At no lime dîd NFU local trots 15 fa 20 foot î i gîl of Burkolton and Uxbrîi(-dge-. 1hîîtîve. at truck. The unit weîghs ropresontalîves decline la andl with girths of six or' The Hydro Forsrc reý,1 w e Tht problem ann-e, ami two tons. The answer mccl ropresentatives af the sevenr inches. jwill thon treat the r e3 ;iand last fmIl when thc Vermeelrwa providodwe nier Board, but they did insist ilbe )0f course the spade i prepare them for tht hîke ýCormpany af Pella, !owa, eold drev'eloped an ingoniaus band- meeting bc held ai Mitchell, prety pclpec e Quip- imb flic city,Tc y theiHydro ils largoît manufactur- îng device. as a central location. Furîl- ment. For aineceting il caste engînoore have Si i ci d troc spade, anc wlth a 66 O ermare the Board was ad- $15,000 tabu, Franthrwîll bc a fait o rfancti nchm dianieter bail. Now il O b- ow ta kecep the viscd that we were available îî Aeedajtle ,mornotat hery fiietaoation. 1bocame possible fia dig up a Teftlyte.;-imu. for a meeting any finie dur- tuk rtrco ntd itto ý Tho eseto, wh halier?15 a20fo-higlitrocand Teanswer, sr t he troc iling thisweekwitrpan anti-desi,--atîng euh- in Ii wek (une 141h wîth a higly ophisticatfed Wby not juil plant sceee? prpare if for chipping nn one week) but apparontly thatsl s ystem aof pncumnatic linosis nwee wt nohrsat trk(lretd stance and, on bot days, caver beeni ree tedfo." otte ot1iouîa osvbychui ehae t w i takenot longer ilie anc f il with atarp. Hoý saîd tIc Board's relucti- gnrdenern could afford. for a ecreen ta gowWoc cn hbour's work. Hydro Forestrv personnel aànce ta corne down baird on noeîegrnr have aonc naw! s poneers in thcb-re are by no means finished with a price becausrofai is far oai taHdo Tni ecl Hdoegnesblla rnat, Hydenir e 8their wark a hepoo.I U.S. *importe in1dicates c ame- go Te i s iil c ,t any 7tangible bneifbae ad ta ovPrcaroe2a ,n- iMopen lae tudy and further anc is dictating the pr-ce ta only asilcte caneidor buy- froni a sre nîn pralinbeïr 0fproblesand some- reSearc. the board, raîblerfLhan vice ngoebt ses tia oa trocs15taf20 footin hii lmshave ladfa deývelop But, il le sale ta gay, mn versa, if botter econamies are laeho muit ,be P racrfed. thoir owc lochcaülogy as otlcy Ibis cge af tbe instant break- Mr, Fiach sî h lI-abee.TWc roblem wc- ho tcgoalong, fait, instant re-play and ita- nient ai Mr. Snobelenr, Hog Ontario Hydro - a gardon . gel trocs ofleSUd("s] elt tl Scs-hwtcacae1emtclaIacwisatwl Bor C'ira, bl h odesired location. Tlic n- l dug-up troc for sbipping, enter the lexicon oi thc ad Union bas belalely eogi- Yauid btter believe il. Tht previaus metbod wae 'ta Simiple. T1he arîs,,wor, pflacre it mac and consumer - "Instant cd that anariar price set Commission ban seen thc light physically dig t11cm ip, Iranis- iint a burlap-lined metal- Troc Screen" ,, and Ontario would recultitleseriýons lassos and bas undertaken a major pDort 11cm tota bbcnewv 3 s 1itn banded cane, covere wiitb Hydro is again finIt in its tota e île rduceprs , le nt trucenv netl ipoeetreplanl 11crm. lcoi fako boards7 t 1op1?-tensîoneilld ly a iel1d. and unio imer aeno pari hc ilIas intentiîon i bcîgdwnm onF-lisTrnt ntla Tm anond and Therese Dopa. theýir eane Ifh have lý(- ifiian M - j lOIS fcJ o a duca-ted in Branlf iord been comîng mb anCanada, or . . . ail aminutP.hit hOm'és aandat JrvîsCoEeiae d il fie tbyhould, thonMn. Sno- Inst.allationsi'I' T bie pu.blie __ oronLo wbenc he won th,- belon should îrmmedlaboly ad- won t ho able ta soc1fi for il Ëe U5-e 1915, plaque ae athîcbe of the] vise. farmens, pibiiy, sa thc e tosV~~J I year. Aftcr aIl7, Mn. obelen and Thtp i'Og-rm e 7 r;tapnireýOe ,0 al eeiPic E r;Iaol oh- O In 4122 mn Bcw- t4 Board are upposedhtale iroui'i tIc instalations t wirkinfoýr a.i-lnid inbfa.rmproucea cec, in il fdirmeride roamed3 tht'ca, Carleton Pinicc, es n-t0 r Greta Balîrol. The famîly, mrokin fo ;ïd wth.farn-purdl , vii,,ewA ich wlaideofgrounde ýand uidigsaLIll- o-idnator, Mrs. Rase Camp- resided mn Toronto and Brook- As for hog8 tram allier tbcPow,ýer plants and stations fa mr-owned GleOtc, entrserho i tht g hir ke o duhecn-li provinces, Mr. Flach said, and ,givo tIc public îthe 1th Sn Onmet,on s e sumensm b r pouî ~0wcc anrienplaye 0ifbbc "Surely we bavie pssod îehpyilso îtOtnacret e thtabt.Koak Company for two yoars day when weare goîng apyrilsion tîic alrobulle, or live semein on clos Tht ligcatie mon dîscussed ada odcrTr n cd televîsion,, or compute-r'terpae ad polm aRulborf od5years wire aho aliw ndsly mniulli nAid flic Venmer Troc facîlîtîiswbîle othors nmade a wiIhl E.Bfor.4personnel, sire ai anc produc'-er'i production Spad le agoing t ainnifaîy a;eg;ibnemg îh eleclian eronelîvsicdrveebahtI o - __________________bours bavmng chîcken B3ar-B-Q 1r îd pecýaJists, Garry Buck, villeý and New Toronta Plants, wîth ice croari ch-ece-ad Ir'lry Kowaichuk and Bob Hoe corved as ed lIon ai the ailler deîry prdcs£ho Murriiay. Dr. C. Reede, Gen- plant nowspapcn. Ho retiredj OBITUARY lalnds & Forests raetrrlir fBed r 91 groateil nunibr ai v~sît',s ralManager ai UnitedBre-n16. camne frarni E l Ontanrs, Guelph, Ontario, was an Mn, Dopp was a member ai Ml-S. JOHIN A. MONAMAN Repor and Quebec, bu.t 'anc gîouLliJhand for spocial beef s;ire in- St. John's Evangelit Romani di eoibaccrurred Frîday, aior o 20 Holîlomn broders ,flrn formation, Catholmc Chunch, .Whitbv. HP Jine 18, 1971, aif Mr,. John Germany crrîved as well. _ -Mol 'Thomas, Deca i fwasa 50-yocr memnber ai thc Manahlan, ;;i bbc awaGen Prk lAttendniicc A local County Mîlk Coini- 'Promotion, Esîtere Breeders the' Keighls of Columbus orlHîpblfollawILng a Provincial Parks mn fhe rmilIce served Ions aifdiry-ne. holding tbe fourîl degrot. 1Ht lenth iînes belîodetLindiay Forest District opened producle lai the big crw, ________ was c prosîdent afiSt.Vin- RFR, 1, Hamnpton as usuel an bhe second Frmday e nar DiyPucî, cent Do Paul Societyce anii Barn August 1928, a Gls. i May. Ablendence figuresiMiss Dianne Gunnîng ai nD TTff active member for 40 yoars. gaw, Nova Scolie le frme r fan three ai île busieit parkc we mloa.o îglaher Mr.JJ. .LUtaS.±L.Lesi _Peeni Elsie Lumedon wee il., nanely Presqu'île, Emily andi Counly Dary Prinesses and EGNEMPPdn fDh app a anpae rou- djiaughler o a-i Glhrnt cd B Lcaiake indicate thl dlvrdadlglulades EG PdenAsotiIo nadiore Lecrse- laie Mns. Lmdr.Sc sfnom openîng fa bbcerid ai in hall Fr'ench and Englîsh. Foillwîng a short ilînesi sscarytionasue formerOnecnc- marrîed n 10u)i in trbn May ltre wcs anl avonal m The Princesses were. Lnda Eugenc Danp af 85 Baldwin Lacrosce Association, memrbor ough Sh we a ocîdni i ceas înuse vorles yer Perguson. Stonmont; Marilyn St., Brookime, dicetOlw aiue ord ai Oshcaoswa Harnnton!or 1ilir pasl 18Thîs yeer these l hree parks Pitt, Gron.1villo; D eboa eh Generel Hospital, Tbunsday, teBnaoklin Lecrosse Associa- year.-e a- ine a î.ld43,945 vslr in May ai Blaâne, Dundeî Wendy Nix- Juco 24, .1971 in h 791 £ nie; a momben ai the La- ancd603wcecmpr aPesot Susan Spence, yeer. crosse Hall afiFaame; playcd Gregor-y's Churcb hc ,2 ý-eces 1, Lanresct Thec1deceasedir vvd l e May ai 1970 île figures ark Doroîhy Pl a r k s, Mn, Doan waî bore mn New fooball wîîî tle Torornto by~~~~~ be1ubnJI ce3,5 e ,8 e bell was aiae mn allendielance la Han-burg, Ont., the ionl of Argonauls mn 1915; a member Momiamhan, ion rfathr, -Gliblertsprîv1y ay use ai Enuly af an OHA Clampmonsbîp Lumsýden; anc agîe, e- oetIen doubled wbiie tle toani; a member af the Box- so;tw onJohn dovrîgi use weî about the~f~;I;~ ing Commission; a mombon ai Mihal I om; ncsîte, aneAI Presqu'île overnîght New Ou"-Idi'q ? tbe AAU-OFC; c paît presîdent Mn. uneGibs, i Log ue imait doubled and dcy aof. Toranto Focal Forum ced Brancb. use droppoasd nollceebly. Day ~A dto an lanarary lufe member, cnd Mn. onhn escda te tBalsam but a memben ai thc Separete Armsran Faera Ho e ewas a corrospandlng imn- , Scbool Board. Osac A Requim -Hîgicreaso mn île numberoai overing o IfBu e le survived liiihie wie, Mes asîadhy Monsî-,gnor campers. B idn Greïa; lhrecons, Gene Jr,, Paual Dwo1Mnava 1 FiofadSoc iAylmer; Paul ai Beaconis- a.m.Inlrmet ws etResn- Tc fr Slefield, Quoboc, and Mike ai roctian Ccebery. ,r heProvecial Fîl HelcI- jp' \Gananoque; lhree daugîbers Praenswor reito ai îeeye Wesîponb in the Kompi- > Therese, Walsh, Ajacx; Mary Faeri om S n t -7:30. ville Forest District bas r rI&DraSeoly'c Bey and Bar- ______________i_-,aboul 3,000 brood golden clin-~ -.- acSen îdîlOIH ens aveilable on a cale basis is aiesan7uvived by Iwo iters, OBIT AHY ta interested bail fiel oper- Li Minneble Dopp and Mns. Bei- OBT A Y alors. csie Cbambens, bath ai Toron- WATR l oLiGILN These ficI lave be de- Caonsýpan býuldings is *teancd 32 grendchildron. FALTowEgPan linoisaU ianc veloped frmtawild OntarioMnDoprsdaItcW Foluli--ýiilpsso boesock and wauld ho very, an Armico Building r . Ton Fuerdai ChaelW, Year, 'Waller oujglas Mc- suilable for damosiccted hait teC olrsîi h . Tow c fnera i rie lenuglmn iidîd aIt tb Oshawa production Sys i eaerap"Wit . he Mcd:f Jnt21 Genieral opîa Jupe l4bh, Bait fuIsbaperalans licensed' organmzed tiofranwshl ody ue28h 19)71. ýHo lîved e 1 arou or17 nîl mdeyDs aafe i 10 a.m. ai St. John's Evan-1 112 Carnegie el I9Chuiic LwîLindsay Dev- Av.,Ocaw.trict who mey bliterîesled coreplebe building sen- gFait hr us ti icthn. e- p Banc Seb.ï5, 1891aetTynone me bmddmerg on1these fîsb ae ancteenAus teoly Cross, n- ant , ho we f i o aeieînvîted ta wnmle on belephonle vice ta clients, encarn- cmcerToono laie WilliAnam ad Ellen Mc- the Depantesent ai Lands and entrTot. Laghm, o e narîd nForesîs, 322 Kent Sti., W asnalpasso Palibeaners were his grand-' Osbewe, Junle 7,1. Lîndscy, ý'phono 705-324-6121. construction frons the sone' Grog Walsh, Ajex: Pal A residenit ai Oshàvancd Flying", Fiel L. Dapp, Aylmer; Paul Do-op, districtl milfai b ile e Receltly 50,00 swim-up, initial concepti ced planning through to final Becanstueld, Qaohec; Tom woredetGeenl ace masinange fry were 'sont ta 1'i eîi, Wildiield, Onfý Pal retir(cd un 1960. Anl adbehrenb aI le Doparmnenti Lande and occupamîcy 1-, the ownen. This means the awnler Denyaw, See-ly's Bey andl NotbmîfnsterriUibed Ch-urch,lForesti, of the Morrroccan Stoeph en Dopp, Aylmor. lie waî sports nnnded, -iesec Govcrnmnt for penîrmenieli has only oýne souirce- of responsibilily for his entire ___ îaliy basobaltiiicd wce a mcmi- cbackîngpupf. construction, proj oct. ber ai the UAWA. Tht- fis co risd i The deceasýed me surîved yDýeer LaIe P.ravýncýal Fmsbl JuIy lst picf niÎ ilie wsrfe, theý formrer Gerînulde halcl eny, CraeMeOn--Autho(.;rlzd Dealer Lîllian 1-Pascocë, tîre du-trifroni sawn eonir (c;-Maderý; iarîi;me 1-eLone lq, d i i un île Kcwer- A M OAM OAt Quecen's Parki Godmn(Lraie) îh, TIoy were -flown inme ocialBULDIG YSTEMS hePa ca nam Mrs.~~~~T_ Jams1uclLMaip, anamerNtam TTacase hirawî-ng an ald-feshîoc CfAL Pr lwn u ral i l OshEawc; Afour snail r a ii -.breatlinal Airvant by com.B IL I GSfmîypmcnîc an île Quoen aVernie, Dean, Ted ced mendiai flîghIta oParis, France Zr PAniiemor,ýn Biin la colo Ge;13 granidcildne andendhence laateia n Mon- m W! U, tîncoa1- -rctgrndNîdrn o oco.IcIad nsleio wrebaie July lai and mark th i ata u aîy sdl amtm l ae eee otatr and a divisiou of Canada's 10411bth dy Mn.Mcauhln esedetcaîcnmg lefn e 6~F A TrippConstruction, 465fBl7 rSt. West Oeshw Tîmnc e hour iebenl-amn- le Arm-stiLrng Funue-raf1l ane, hemcfihfransponî buffer 'a etwl ouebasbn O0sbcwc, where îleserice as dded intahtecwalta SIA A . . H MSO,36-00 muuDiiland ztIc On-1 ýwas hld ilefle chaniJue16 1 isn île effeciaie laArHo poXmo ý0ý)Place Sagn cdj at 1:45 p. Inilrmet we c aduous iournnei. I'3ETROOU H1 .MRRISON, 743-3697 Cliidnen'u h ii swela Mount LcwnCmeny v.A E. Walrolh, bnef -ae bm r- W. C. Smiho iibeDistrict Boreele. , _______________________ itain âte Don Coss-ackîl1 werc started by people us- ing the forcît for recreationali purpases. I FIRE îd UTOMOBel, INStIRANCE Contact: HARRY VOERMAN 6213111 or 6335 33 KING SïT. E.ý 'BOWMANVILLF ýu MONEY ON /0 DX PREMIUM QUALITY FUEL OIL BOWMANVILLE CUSTOMERS CALL COLLECT A sk Operator for 668-3341 or Dial 1-668-3341 D'X F UEL OIL CAIL US TO-DAY FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE The EporitosAtt,1967-61 OAPPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TO EXPROPRIATE LA ND IIN THE ATER f n pplicatiinbytheMîiser0 I Hghwysfor, nýP!pOVal ta exproprinîte laIintelo ic'," p f Boiwmaaivile, County of Durham, ine the Province of Ontario for the ,p-rose of ncquiring sufficient land for thoidenngand reconstruction am Highway Number Z, I NOICE15 ErEBY GIVEN that application bas bee-n Imade for app ova expropriate the land descrîbed ln the sehedufle h ereto. Any ownier o4f lnndsiii respect of wfficli notice i5 g-iven Iwho desires ae inqniry int whether the tnkimg of sucli lancd is fair, s-oued1 and reasonably nf,eessary iii the I~~~~ aheeet he oibjectives of the 7exprop)riating 1, 9,hoit sahs notifyitleapprov ng anuthority ie <a) i lite case of a rcgîstevrd accerved iersopally or by registered mail itin thIirty days aiter lie le served wîth the notice, or, wen hli eArv-ed by publication, withln thlrty days after the- firet pub- ication of the notice; <b> in thie case o an owner who is net a fegi-stered of the notice. THE APPROVING ATTHOIRITY 18 Minister of Highways,,Onrloxi Parliament Buildings, Toronto 5, Ontario. Minister of Highways, Ontarlo W. G. Wigle,< NOTES: J,1 The Eý.xpropriations A, 196-69providee that, (a) where an inquLiry is requested, il shah bF conducted by an inquiry' officer appointed by the Minister of Ju1stiýe and Attorney General; <b) the inquiry officer, (i tsall give every party 10 fic inquiry an opportuýnity ta present evidence and argument and to examine and cros- examine witnesses, either personally or by bis coansel or agent, and (ii) may recommend to tbe approving authority that a party ta the inqiry bce paid 1afixed amaunlt for hisencste of thc inqfuiry col la exceed $200 and the nnpraeg r- autlrity may in ils discreclion o-rder thc expropriating alithevity ite pay sud teosts forthwilti. 2. "ýowner" and "registered owner" arc defined ln the Att as f o1lows: "wfner' îurenee mortgagee, tenant, execution r crediter a. person entitled 10 a lbnited estate or interest inlanmd, a commibîce of the estate af a nientally itecompetent persan or af a persan ,in- capable of managing bis affairs, and a guardian, executor, administrator or trustee le wlam land le vested; 96regîstered owiner" means ni, owner ofrland wbosc interest inettecland le defsncýd and whosc came le spcified le an instrument ini thc proper registry, land tilles or heiff1,« office. ind includes n persan shown ns a tenjant o f land on tic as revised asseesment rail; 3. Thc expropriatieganuthorîty, ectIowner wh cai fies lhe approvirg nnthority fIaI lie desires n bear- îeg le respect of thc lands intended ta ho expirop- rîated and nny owner added as n party by thceqir officer art parties ta the îniquîry. SCHEDULE Ail right, titie and initerest in the following lands- In ti4 Ton o f Bowmnanville, County of Durham, let tle Province af Ontario being part of. 0 (a> Lot 14, Concession 1, ai the Twp. ai Darlinglon, d'esignabed ns Parta 1 and 2 on flepartmert ai Ilighways Plan P-1680-40, dcposîted as T,19 25, in flic Registry Offie for thc Reglstry Divîi~or al Durham 'West.