I2 The Canadian 5Statesnman, Bowmanville, JÙUne 20, 1971 E D N Tus, 4:30 p.m Mi3330 Rel sat oiSleRelEsaeuorSl Forthcom~ing CrsoThms Cm gEents Aricles for Sal For Rent - W anted to- Reint Notices M4arriages I would lk to thank al 1 Rummage Sale, Knox Chrhit-5190. bicycle. TelephoneSMALTL apartmieft, 632.TREbdomh ou s e in1 Television Service Company -ny relatives, friends andlian School, Wednesday, Junel623-10 26-1 26 1- * Ham)pton area, for possession will be closed July i - T1ll-y Mr and M31rs. George 'MuIt-neighbours for their cards, !307 o'clock. Every item w] A rie îc,$0 ee ORBDOMhue1 etîtCî olc oo-3t nlsv.2 to ae apy o noucetb vsîsand get-well wishesibe sold -for .10 a piece. 261 hon 623-3200lý 26 Jf] miles froiromnii ff o2344.2- FREDERICK'S ýorthcorrLng nt,-,arriage of their whle 1 was a patient in Me- 1 La vr audyWTRfrsl n eiee.35 ,Hwy. Phonel, 519-4419-2646.,or dauglter Gloria, to Gary Tay- morial Hspta. cgtAl fi FatanIChp AI Clffr saehack, 623-2313 b 26-1 anLeu I tflif eticTW23233.PHARMACY lor, son of Mr. andI Mrs. John Eber Skelding. 26-1 oucan eat for 99c at The 3 dom aatet O ol iesme Taylo1r a of wni anvplce. Acres Restaurant. Open seven lavaîlable J1 ,rn,$4.0 O ol iesme Tharig îl a, lc Mebourne and Lida Prime days aiwrek. 20 tf CASE baler with a Wsconsin, July Lamb re$t.1.40 work.wîth animals. HatI past 67 KING ST. EAST crin Sturday, July 24, 1971 at1-wiDaily s ncApply 63. teirV4ambs. Lanek 86-A17pt(,.experience. .Phone 623-3157 v3:3W p.m. in St. John's Angl 1 sht sncrlythîk her Vacation Býible School V, 325iBaksoc 86557 familles and friends for cadfrachirngeiean26î0. 26-1 after 5 p.m. __ 52 ilb ýý-? Chrch 26l'igftsandhel ineny ay 'fo ,a] ROOMSi'eiwith kitchenndRO Oriv-h k.chO pEN holidayOEN ol hou our canChuch.26 ifl n epi i a 0p uy5- 6 rm9utlTWO new bale buncliers. reg.lileges, pension people pee-1-EAR-OLD boy, would like Trd3 Jl s make our 35th Wedding An- î-3o arn., 5t the Rqhohth 15lain t$9 ai e hn 2-216, rs umr ofnoac r SuYmer store ur Mxî. andI Mrs. Lawrenceini. ersary a very memorable Christin 3Refore PChur, ce986 5517,. 26r umerjb ntn,,co r wsh to announce fthc occasion. 26-1 tation - . i Treybal. 26-l'aryfr. hn 6335 Schedules Available Adama mrriage f îhcîr _____Scugog St. For transporýtto,1 NINE-blade M.-H. iller o N ero otg ïi after 5 p.m. 2~*6 on ONEcoedrgocacott2ge7w07. daughter jianure Margaret, to would lîke to express my cal6ý370261 st ecl excellent condition, sleeping cabin, inside con- SENIOR CîtizensAsitne-OTAJ r. tevr' arriHelamre thanks to allm 964.7 6 ine, at Caesarea. A.vail- Projcct - FREE labourfo HOSIG ORPRAIO Mr. rA ýIrs.,AIfe E endndi tve tMONSTER BINGO -C _ OUIGCRPRTO f~ ~ ~ ~~lred MrndanreMrstAveesTStH.[A .745pm th pioughsbares clearing able from July 3rd to July elderly and disabledfred amal Mf Bowmaiiville. Telaiour'sAC.W. Kendal W IýTUslII-7:5>.l' il price. Caîl Biackstobk lïth. Phone 623-7071. 26-1 For information telephionr; EVELOPMENT PROPOS'ALS 1-r1 ak le a- av-ou1sare invited for marîg wl tkepac- andI Heather Rebekah Lodgel Spoor1ed by 1986-5517. 26-1 OE bdom aate± 623-2461, 9 arn. to 5p,. urdyJuy st 171 Se. 334 Orono, fori telv1' Oshawa Minor Softball LARGE metal office desks stove, fridge and utilities. 130 FAMILY HOUSINO UVNITS p r ni iS t.__ Pau 's U ie ad ,flowers, gifta:nd isits JUBI EE PAVILlON icompete w ith sw ivc hi : r ir eplce and b r o a dlo o m WA ER w ell: b ed, and OduAts onl1y. Caada Drilling Comnpany, 33 SENIOR CITIZEN UNIT. 6 i t,(VIr. eSt .,1--1 ROVWE TOURS n good condition. Reason- '623 -3984 after 5.-- 26 ,1 presentative Harry L, Wade, "ONTARIO HOUSING"l Adm,6S, ereS.N. -TM, ë,CtaeTrî ecste hn 8 ~oravi1,wîsh to a-Ater 1cr Tak oi soîdable. Phone 623-2420. 26_---1TMndPatsCtaeTal Nwate hn 8-4531. noui ce th1e forthcomîng mat TDEAE Sric e er Park, New park on Bay of __ 5t r-ec , ereds agI-e neighbors, friendi, relatives, I WESTERN CANADA AND STUEBKE Sr-ie,-e t TOWN 0F BOWMAýNV.lLIý /~ige f hei eues dugh Drs, Mikios andI Cunningham, UTNITED STATES TOUR and used parts. Graham's Quinte. Trailers $2.50 per' NAI jDeborah* Kathleen, to Mr. nurses andI staff, Second FloorJUV2r-AG.lt Garage. 1-416-263-2233. 19-tf day, $3 with hydro. Wasfl- hitONAI Godo onthnPeck, 50ULemoral tifor AKAISR Siingmoims, flush toilets, showers, "~'m~Tethirty family housinz Hospia, ndMrs cardPek,24 Pays KISRAluminum Sdnhot, coltI water. One, 2 3 bcd- ,.JL.DIJ1 n~units and thirteen i0f ii CaI nIMsPvdPc.visits, enquîies and kindlv EFUDLN N Doors, Windows, Railings, room housekeeping cottages, CTNG - AKING senior citizen units may bc IHlfa ', .formerly of care. Very special thanks toI EFINLN N Awnings. borne Allun 623-387 1. $45, CUanT$6Iwek. ent owanv ra1,in .the arra' e.1, Fatht rs Malane and Ilef- 1 EAST COAST 26-U' I ral'flush toilets, showers, hot, BALING uderonstructiponlndor neti to akeplae i Th S5vatoniffCnail foi their vîsîts, SEPT. 4th - Z5th - 22 Pays ---LT IL OKdsg tg pnIn we Army ;Cîtadlel, BoWmanVille, Berend F. de Vries, 961 ASEN*NIEJ-ATS113' FIBERGL-ASS boat, twin coltI water, gond beawh, play- PET ILDWR by the Proponent, or under saLr_ý y2,17,a ESTR NIEISAE huli, windshield, steeringlgrouîîd. Caîl or -write 613- l'or orrtsPoe723-1308 optio hmTermang 3 Satuday Jul 246191 1- IAND ATLANTIC CITY wheel andI convertible top, 1396-2329, Box 104, Deseronto. rates o snio hiimze ntreainin o'lok 2 e wish te express our JULY 121h - 20th - 9 Pays Phon 623-5610. 26-1 25-1î.2 senorciian units arethe er 't increappecitiNIAARAFILLSAND AlT G. OSBORNE IOntario Housing Corporation. Engagement sncere preative and ai IGR A N WE tranýsferred - Sale -o-f H atd Cre poseyt~;p51fripcf __________________tde1 herlaiesadROCHESTER household1 goods, living room Hl atdto Mr nt Ma.AlenMoore, lainda floreirs nd koaioness Civie Holiday Weekend and bedroom furniture. Tele- CENNGwmnivne, rpoess-ionallteed fiosadiformat io ma .R2,Port Perr y, Ont,, wîsh at lwr nIdntostijJUIIY 31s,-,, G.2nd phone 623-3138. on CEay G ouse wnoth FREE fESTînllIATESad noraio ayb «10 iîOUce - 2 te ,engagement the Heart FuntI receîved dur-1on a aweek,h oousained frFmEEthe Toront J f her ongr auhtrIng our loss of a loving hus- For information te abeve MSeY-EGSN hlrbtrnahne9359. Pon 220 fie 0fr the oroto - elen Louisep, to Donald Rosa band andI father. Tours, Phone or write ROWE N.3 odcniin 40 LADY 10 do light house- PhoWnV6232002 opsics ofe thisCoprtin eieSvnofM. nI Eleeti Van Nest antI TRAVEL AGENCY, Port Hope1 New Idea power take-off OMNILPrpslfoth rje wl MWS., wrroe a8 ee.C 20-tf lie physically received by the Mr.febetSanof RH,. Family. 26-î* 885-25i7 - 33 Bloomsgrove mower, $80. Phone 623-2957.1bctween 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., M - . g Director, Ontario 2,~acsoc.The wedding-Av.25 26-1 !Newcastle 987-55. 2- W .Vatch Repairnng H ous i ngcorporation, 101 t(" take plaýe on 11uly 21 wouid ike 10 express ~ -B S DOMINION, Day Specials at Bloor Street West, Toronto :Lri.q lrsokUntdnyicretak om I SLUDENTS B.LH Bea'ver Lumber, Thursday, I The Corporation ff the Certified Watchmaker of 181, net later than 2:30 p.m. -hrh 1, 26ýlIlove adrletesfowtes EUEDFR u1vst Only. We're Open. Town of Bowmanville Canadian Jewellers' Assn. E.D.S.T., Monday, August _______________- -o-rlderîenet in FULL TIME FIREFIGRTER 1 s U9th, 1971. andI visita durntg niy stay in te this edition. 26-11AD ANTNNCvAN iarr 'ewellery TePwetpieprpsl Rcpion OshaiwaGeneral Hospital. Victria BeMOFF Hodver Pr -' ANuMAINENANC MAN sThlowc et iedpropsai1 MUany thanks to the doctors ofphcerocs Application forms and job' 9Kn1tetWs n rpsiwl e ee Thie falnily of! Mr antidMrs Brook ineîandI the nurs- and RETURN ý- One way eb! Hcfono e 23-tme sarily lie accepted. 26- Harwel owryinvite ai s nid staff of 4F. bus - return by air Lre eecin0fnw ho e rquirem eTavai HallI________ reaiesrre d antI neigh Mrs. Frances Smith. 26-1 TaspI ia,-telnsuites. Paddy's Mar~ket, Hamp- aCîierks Ofie tOI, al DARLINGTONAuto Sae bors te a rcpiinnor$189,ton., Phone 263-2241. 18-tf _______ ___Sale parnt' 01 Wd- o xpes m snFrdeaIi and Preference given te resi- MASONRY herIl o-xpes a snFrdeCaming Fees plcatoFIRST quality strawberrîes, dent of Bowmanville or Dal- Brck Bock Son din Anîvrary 0 e elt apliatonexcellent for canniing, reas- ingten Township. BrickESTock, SALE Iuy241h, 6>3o -, 0 p.m.ft, a ee ak red n o a t onable prices. Cali Adrian IIET C AE FloorMemoial os- Ofice263-453, anves Rd Closing date July 101h,1 and Chimneys aIDrmCunySlsre K ib e t n i l S h o . B~ rlative , u Ss a a f f S hi1,Bons 26 -4 3 a v r Rd ,t Du h m C n y S le A e a wishes onlycýi261 nîtal. Re emorî8 l ïso N eehn Cis laequarter mile south of Taun- 1971. ton RoatI. 25-2 _ofi _Clls Plas 26-1 Phone 623-2176 Oromo - Every Thurs,, 7:30 p.m __ t3afonSýc-tjto od 522 5-tf Selling Herses, Cattle, Swine nuresant saffonScvnt IJULY 30 te AUG. 17CaesSeetcCar Deahs lor Tron10Western Hos- i AUG. 17 te SEPT. 4 14 FOOT aluminum ba,2 REGISTERED FRA K RIK e, Autieer and. Phrli PARK--SudrlcnlY v saa P ý-tu0 1 ~Seiltak 0D.25-2 h,p. Evînrude electrîc moto,FRN BIK I~eneal Hopîtalon Frday, ervvi Dr.Jon,llDr .Ca ,i-ready 10 go, $949. Clearance TTîn'prietor. 23-t .1une 2,17,HlnM~D.D.K imn on 10 used Johnson outboard N.'URSEL Trenching ~ Prk Bomavilein e~ Grea ichrd. i>1 YOUTH FARES motors. Ontario S po r t s. PERMANENT, PART-TIMESPTCAN ý' 6bh yar!ev,'!) f]-___-NW AVILABLE TO., roo 93-44.2-1_ Salary commensurate with INSTALLATION .0pn bin on onaie expieriencee. Appîr te R.R. 6, BOWMANVILLE A CINBR Paris .10i . NOkiSUNDAYcp aCALl We seli consignments, estate fîargrndohe 0 fvegattue o hir mn ode nfrt ilst road cast of Newitonvi ,S RIKR 2-70 rakStpeonJuec 4igandhilren Srvie ws fiens ntIreltivs wo, and ma ther lnorth 11/ miles. ,Telephone Ilieldrin theý Mois uealtuy aI her2thAn- Eneen1ons 786-2202 Newtonvillc. 25-2 Goodyear Tire JACK BURGESS Phone 786-2244 e~ael owavil o on vesryschaveyloeyMalte yeur reservtýatiens now INWad - setI Parts for Rbe-C. t. 24-ER FRA at 2o'dck.Inbrmet1ad meoraie ccaion Sp- - t -ailmaks o Wahers Drcra& ~bbe W *A OL BRNES -FURACE i ke oCLEANED '~wavil embr.261'ia hna o hema n- nt ags Paddy's Appli- -wm vi1 PLUMBING REPAIRS PINE RIDGE Ijybl îne aryatIt1 UY& LOVEJ-dELL ance Parts LtI., 344 King St.l o mnîl PHONE HAMPTON AUCTION COMPANY $HRK 1eny-tMemoial itemmb'o ther Je- Y'W.Osa. Phone 579-1332.1~ 26-1 Sales Managers & Audtiene H!,osJpta o enda iripun 28.lbekah Lo-dge who nse aal'TAE 18-tf 1ORJBB 263-2151 We offer a Cemplete Servie 1971, Ieýnry Surko! R,RP.-lserved refre,,shmcntrs at Open- IA- FRESH-1straw.XberriEs fÎor-s-ale,1 NEXT TO GO? Mail Address: GLENN FRY Bowianvl, in bih 7t er.Hue.2-1A ECY pced, or pick your own. Before more jobs disappeàriP.0. Box 43 -Bwavle6358 OMNIL Athrouh rerst f o 30-bf TOM LOWERY eledhusýband lof Audrey t___________utmat Tikodear father olf Car- 1Iw4sh to express mv sîncere 1HigSto. owavleR.stnvill ue Oîl 86-539andI mechanization, shouldn't78-69OHW SaDoniald, Douiglas, GrlIthanks to My family, rea- 1 m _._____leR. Nwovle.Cl 8-23 s nvsiaethlDnBoos&Sn16-t nd ame. Rstng I t~ ive anI fiedsDr.SIves- Phn,2338 between 12 - 1 p.mi. or after yuat leas netgt h JnDok o NoîiutElliotFu erat er, nurses andI staff o rtdapofitei2612- îh5 an ae i' Custom Builders 'SATURDzkY, JULY 10 1pl 1-ome. Fun-eral srvice 2 cal Floor of Memorial NoV _____________ TYEWITRS, adders, scales, fcrea-tie jof hiitale pe-o ____ ______ ___ _ 1fcas-timeijobrsh dh la notade-,NEW HOUSES - ADDITIONSIAtqe, untrdse clock Wdn3dy fternoon)r. pîtal; tb Hev. Gracie, Re1 ____file- csh regi sedredes serchaespendant on bosses, strikes, Apntiqes, furtre, ld efhct Brtrret1owm-yanvýille-- Cerne- Hanes, thc Marina Groun Pets Ifils, unew, usdOrenTeservcelayoffs andI automation? Your and .REMODELLING gardeiîncet osehow i effe îery.. 26-1 St. John's Churcit, L.O.B.A.MAEctc7,oî7ÇeisDcutpîcc. pnTe- name address andI 'phone yoia Name It and We Do It etc. This will lie an c'xcelce IBowmanvllle and LOBA.,î1 1, olî,2yaýday, Wednesday, Tlrursday. numb 1 er is ahl that is needed. NLý--A 0sp-,ý en-Tyone fo flwes, rýj'good wlth children, good )B"11 Hamilton, B r o ok"" No obligation, no investment Phene sale, watch for complete lh VA NSTA Ohaa e- yrne orflwes fuiwabch dog. Phone 786-2207. 6519. 46-t n ekpir ae ~ ral ositl n huaav1crd atIvsia1hie- ws26-1 required. A ele tity723-6176 or 623-2301 Consiguments Accepted Jun 24 191, Jesse O. Van in hospital andti lilce coming --- STRAWBERRIES, rccady pick- con! dential. Telephone Don228 SigeiesorLb Nea, owanvll, eloedhoe.DOG Meat, bec!, fresh frozen,cdopikyrowdus Po]ishuk 725-8402, 1200 Bel-2-8 SigePcsorLt Nhusband o! Elleen Gibson, Hilda Hcnning, 26.1* ceut, 18c lb. Modem r, heated only At Klaa Reitsma'a, vedere St., Oshawa, Ontario. Rergrto PICKUP SERVICE "dear father o! BViria, Kinýga- ioarding. Havelberg Training turh norti at The Acres Hes- 25-3an Sale will be heltI at Re ey, Lioýnel antId ïît.Serv Teîaîyofte aeSchool, Orono. 1-983-5016,tua, second farmn. Phone SlsOpruî n Gate Stables / mile iiorth il/i ~ ~ StnlyA exander (AlI e.w'het i heMrrs one autn otIanIHi1,p i74No calis from 8-12:30 MALE OR FEMALE Applîance Service ti Concession, County Hoa Funera nox!on, Il5.not Sunday sales. 57 (new Scugog RoatI)î Fnr Chapel, Bowanvile Sae ishey expess________ n on Spaburday aI at2 ocokwbtIxrsstnrwy 1.2t 25-2 We are in need o! more Commercial and Domestie Taunton-Road, plenty o! parý trrr1wrMCac nI haka0rd- Cars for Sale --- -- sales people. If you arc in- Refrigeration cer-gaiueadtak orl- Milk Coolers ig ersmnsaalb ferment Bowanvilld Cere g f Beaish d * l n ,refrshmet aaiia litery. 26-iette, iend, egîourn d192 UTIat go cn. Draperies terese in seling Real Esae Phone BERT SYER Plan to attend. No reservi a- eatcto Ciurc1La9esfordiUon.IaN sMduntjo, NSH OAwe are prepared 10 interview, as-6357 em ah NeRYGrdnTah te mny cts o kintdî- I 9 Ian864737 'hoe AS RAsales orientated male or fe- as 61357 Temcsh On Sun day J ne 27, 197iathi ay -r,; r rlný,98 47 26-1 FOR HOME SERVICE mal-e personnel. We offer x- Nights - 6233177 Tom Lowery, Phone 728-762 ~-leToronto Wesztern Hospital, flrsatrîbtes atI ymath SELLING separately, 2 7 1 CALL cellent office facilities, unhm Sneaadwr lesnn ers Phone 623-53 ZGrdn erybeloved hua- craa h ieo u e- Hupp Roadter Mini-bikes, ited advertising, direct Toron- SalesManaers RAucione niirtIo!Hle MKînoreavement.Wodcantx-1cecletcniin 7284736 bo line, andI over 30 years o!fn LCRC2 - ., erfaier o! Mrs, press our hcrfeapr cia iiece plates andI mirrors. IFree Estimates in Yenr Home sales experience. Proa - ~~tin anITcSaiyMCh etofr 2-58 6124-3- ror personal interview calProa j.Graha.m ï,Hughes (JIune iAnn) Slion.l. ______261____________ange,___ENI Sppie-( bêr GET CASH TODAY -,-n Boyd J. AWerry, loving Mi- Belonte6MangerHYGINIC upples-(,bbe jgrandfthr fLyne onnv, IFaiy o!Lotlus. 26-I'6 HE.12tnlce- N. 1971 MODEL iSchofe-Aker Heal Estate, goods) mailed postpaid 1n FOR OLP APPLIANCS of1_ , __-_-45560C ci ith closed racksi oel o!lIr.LodonAs-oh- nM mra $9;'4Ce. 2tn i.SEWIN G_ MACHIN E,_i-Zan 623--4403; afler 6 p.m. 576-1908. plain sealed envelope wlbh -jean, Lisa antodon,95 (;'Cev broth-. îgZg'2- 5,THOG -]-r _____ Noori 58936B3, as is, $349; '63 equipped. Makes buttonholes, SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED price liat. Six samples 25e HOG r"1(Aia) o!fadoi Ont, FrivRY ucna.In-n 1o-Chv ttion wagon, X79621, mentis and damns; guarantee, »0 King Street West 124 samples $1,00. Mail Orderl STATES~MA N iaefunerai secrvice atbm eoyoforda $9.Cl Baktc 9651.Bowmanville Dept. T-28. Nov-Hubber Co., atI Pr-te r AY o ,arr49k ell ___stck$33,00. 20t Box 91, H amilton, Ont. 1-521 CLASSIFIEDS ~Turner st otier ant rnmother who ___ 26-1 Chapel, 2357 loor t.WJuyi,-9. --eaoc al hone 576-7550HepWn d__ Weneda mrnn1, Ite-passed awîay y o)6d9 hier, 2H4 p WanReatEs metservice 2 oclock Wed-I Somnewhierc)e y nd e ±oRelrst ~Ceebey. 6-1 o! --.' ~TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE,_ ------____________ours î-i-F __ 2- u HORoom lanI in sptcWiteaplaiosviibreiedn eofceotc LT C.M SO ,QC a dear mother andI gradmoti -___-e 28C1 Barite atISoîcto, er, Stella (Couci) Hîlîs wio 1967 GM..42 passenger 263-2721. LicenceatesCfor SoBox i29, passed away July 3,1967. SCHOOL BUS 1_____Opn 135 Welngo Sret prîght andI just il er Iformation is avaýilab1e Found anywortwecue Pn- 0--,fýro wysupon requcat from _ S;olictor) fori, he Loyal antI tructhirougi î h rasotto Officer FOUND-Well kept, young AVLAN N V E S T M E N T S Admniaratlx 263 er'daya, 20Slee tee mnie cal, black antI bmown A L N I botre, ctreouh ntne tahby.Wol ke lo final57-79 Sîlnty uferd, atenlyI "Pee 705-743-4861io good ho;çme. 623-7558. 26-i /2 nfSt. W., Oshawa 5B79 ACCMMoATONavalale ufer o or Tender closîng date is Evenings, weckends and hoiidaV3 -128-5623 a ,' liab Ft;iu. _ _nmor ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,_17 1 ._ _st24 -H O U R S E U V IC E craible rates Appl outi tlie !amily, GardonWsly G. B. HICKEY WHITE Spaniel PUPPY, on Xmeso h Iî orgg rkr soito < ~aeiuNurg~gHome,-Ne-w- Elizaýbeth, Rai, wve, uaý- Business Aeministator Tusa.Cali 623-2426. Mmesc i nai otaeBosr soito i at1El. Ph0ia 74A.11-tU baud andIfmie. - 2.* -26-1 -26-1l LO1T o ri 7S1,5 x10 Pe ler K ow al, Jr. i o b eg ia n-u e1 REALTOR lMrs. R. Calver R.R.4 le and GENERAL INSURANCEIton.252 52 ing S. W. - Bowmanvllle BUILDING lot in Caanrea 623-2453 witi tIrîlletI wcll andI build- ing permit. Caîl Blnektock jCOTTAGE! ! bedroom 986-5517._____ 26-1 fu rnisited cottage n ri 115 fi't.- waterfront lot. !iide plumrb- !BEAUTIFUL 18 acres wooded ing, $12,000. Trm.lob wti trout streams 1/2 3 bedroor)n miles fromn 7A. Telephone AAN! lo 6' Blacksbock 986-5517. 26-I Rce dytccorated. 0Oul heat-CAESAHAEEA - 2 bedroorn - i ng. arag. Lovely home frniiedcottage on ummit forgroin family. $21500. Dr.Cnecs. Telephone Terma Blcksock986-5517. 126-i 2 edoo>ungalow.! IVTE Harm-ony RPd. S. Lobt62' x PRîAE mdate pos- 2'.Neit ;as a pin. He,'session in Carea, 7 roomed I romu Pîce b cî. Trm. house, 2 bahaiew oil furn- j:n1rýIliice BUIeLDING!' ace andI drilll ecb, sunrooi-- CO0,MMRCIAL BantI , ,ldgarage., CallBlackstock- 23, 13,0'o! open space. Idleal 986-5517. 26-i fori furniture store or any- othorj type o! business. Ask- EXCELLENT building ot, ing ,00 3rtI Concession, Clrke. M. N. I$7900 Total Pricel !OlteÈ ewh 8-31 51 7-roornm frame home on-!large FARM for sale in Nam'ilo lot. Imnmedlate possession. Twp. Farm conistao!one huindred andIffl crsof il15 ,Ace Dairy Farm ! level (good) cay lom, good SPiced 10 seli at $600 Per acr:e. !barn andI shed but without eGootI buildings. Lots o! rond house. Sorne good pine tim- dl frontage. Sec tic possibîlibies ber. Phone 372-3980 or Wes- r her. ley Howard, Cobourg RHR. 4. e 1"ROPERTIES --- le URGENTLY REQUIRED KAWARTHîA, R- ýAfler 8 p. . - - 6 S5ý I_ 1 Gordn Beeci 63525LAKES ie P. Kowal --623-5868 o _______ 26-1 Bcautifully wooded, sandy lakeshore lots, ronds andI hy- dro, cusom buîlb cottages o reasonably prîced. T le r in s available. Excellent investment andI aî RELTO year 'round escape. Privale firm, Phone Toronto, long 'r distance 444-1937, celeet. 3,Bowmanville 623-4403 Go eat from Oshawa on SeeHonse and 49 Acres Hwy. 401 10 Hwy. 35 antI 115 20 miles casb o! Oshawa - to Peterborough, Go north on quaint, l1/2 storey Eîîg-1 Hwy. 28, 55 miles, 2 miles souti lish cottage style !armhouse of Bancroft 10 'Bentley Lake Iwiti 4 bedrooma. SituatetI on Estates". ýS high landI wti a beaubifulý ,view o! le countrysde. New Sales Personnel on Property a, barn on property wlbh ail con- Every Weekend le, veniences and two oder _ _ _ _18-t! 16 for rabbits andI presentowner O ANRA;IV .t! will rent lb back froi nter- BWAVLEAE ested purchaser for $150,00 per Ce en Bl k month. Asking $56,000.00. C m n lc lîrcome rperty -B idn 5x6 Bowmanville- Pnice inind.5xrperl Cet more than jut a home and EqipimelL esfryour invcstmeii right here Lotqiz 265 x 4( f(, we c"o inl Bowmanv.ille. Twosorypoet. rsnlyudfo tolder home eonsisbing o! 3 car ra-reia osblt apartments in park-lantI set- O! olherus.-$1,0dwn tting - minutes !rom downbown pîryment wiîhni.Cail on 1.4 acres. We would be LSHL delîgited to have yoîî inspect 6351 tuis property - priced b scl623-591 nsla$53,900.00. cNewtonville - Hwy. Ne. 2 H. KEITH LTD1 Easy access 1 Hwy. No.REL R 401 for commutera conveni-17t ence andI absoluîely nothing- ht o do but move into lis: imu-iculabe 2 bedroom brick bungalo. Even tie garden a. la planted on this well lad- ,Ë;tN F Sscaped andI beautifully trecd -lot. Asking $24,000 with 1 W e, tIown payment. CîlusIdayPY ýn and let us give you tic fin- ati ancng deals. Oshîawa 33 Ring SI.. EaaL, Bo-wma,-nVi1le Neat andI plasant tus two Phene 623-3950 or 6331 bedroom bungalow wti anu extra barge kitchen, la sibuat- ECS1,:Udrcn cd etI on a deep lot with a pav- ECSU':Udron o! cd drive - andtisl nicely landI- struction, 3 bedroomn brick ad scaped. Owner ils anxious bo back-splît. Oit healed. Two aI seil andI would like ho sce an babis. Atached garage. Lov e-. ýk- offer. Asking $17,900.00. ly home, Priced at $26,000ý, Tera. le. 25 Miles East o! Oshawa HREFR:2 ce Te. 1Contemporary 3 bedroom alecRoSE.g Ant, 20T res cd ranch style home situabed on room, i11/2 storey home. Oil i39 a winding country rond yet heated 4 pcc. bath. Stone ý8 7 o n ly m in u t e s f r o m H lw y . N o . i e .1L c . 2 a n , P n i e 3s2andI publie transportatiOn. Paved rond. Only $6,000 -2 This half acre ravine lot isdon weIl landscaped anth e beau- down. 3 ed tiful onka could be eue o! tic BOWMAVIE:3 bd many reasons you will waat room bungalow. 011 heated. 10 own Ibis country propcrty. 4 pce. bath. Prch.F1Pul Asking $26900.00. basement. Asking $ý199U00 'Melville Daie - 623-5638 cd. 3 pce. bath. Large boat- house. Workshop. Low taxes, Wm. MeFeelers - 7251726 Asking $17,900. tate for Sle EECTVESCHIE:1 % ______________ bungalow. 011 heated. 4-pce. bath. Double garage. Circle drive. Fruit tr- o! bush. OSHAWA: ~ 40 P. & L storey home, Oil iteated. 4- $Monti lpce. bath. Askîng $18>50. Low down payment. ) O M T W I l oNn,1./2 stbcd-om . U t 'ýheated. 3 pce. bath. Vry D MA E clean. Askîng $19,900. Terma. ORONO: 5bS _' 2sorcy -in - lhome. OîIt icacd. Two batha., Asking $21,900. Only $5,000 down. G ardens5- NEWCASTLE: 8 mfots oId, 3 bedroom brick1 bungalow, 011 heated. 1 pce. bath. HIolly- M'AN VILLE wood kitchen, Carport. Nice location.ý Owncr transferred. andI oM by NEAR OSHAWA- 100 Acre - - far,e t h et of landI. Four ,cùevelopmen ts5 UlI Wesekend - 26-2 bungalow. 011 heated. 4-pce, bath. Recreation roomi. AI- tacied garage. New barn. GootI water supply. Owner retirîng. After Honrs Please Cl: Bird virtue - m 623-296Q Gary nancock 993-51~ Ha.rry Voerman ' 623-152 Sld Osinga - 6323-4 Harry Conîf a 725-264-1 Ros avidaon -705-277-2321 Bill Rae - - 705-786-2185 Wesley Anderson - 349-2669