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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jun 1971, p. 13

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Ckuassified (55SS to Lose Portahie ileaiE Fstate for Sale um»,m___am' Thut Mo ves to lur e Manvers Scout Qrganîzation Receives Charter E, The prblem of movingbut could not' mOvý the sec - 9 portable clssroomS to Clarke ond portable without the Fr il's LIJTD High School appears to have Mrshall's permission andi the AfAL 7 "eE been resolved. Fire Marshall would only act .. -..Leiil» It will get the additional on the approval of the De- ~ **. »»'Yi~ Àe, two it bas requested, despite partmnent t1-e Department of Education's ., , disapproval of the plan. It However, it appears thse. * 4 »»* - 234Kin St EBowanvllewill raise the number of port- Fire -Marshall's permission for 623-339' ~ ables at the school to seven. the second portablebas been »n~ Newcatle 100 cres Tise Department agreed to granted. The extra unit will .the ouny Board's decision comne fromn Courtice Secondary 90 Acres productive lnto mnove one additional port- School where it is a Grade 1'3 Goo srins.Bar biE 9 able to the school, but did not study mre. The new ad- y eR s ago. $55,000.00. Terns. feel. Clarke's anticipated en- dition te Courtice's library ClDae oud6336. rolment for September justi- resource centre 'plauned for M fied two. ithis summer and fail will,. ~ ~ « 1? 20 Acres - Stream, Woods The Board felt differenitly make thse unitavailable. ' Located in the beautiful rolling Kendal His. Fastà roult streami with good pond m u Ganaraska iver are on th'i As A ventist Prewsi«de-ýnt M peeds hand man to put itA ini hape. Large barn. Priced i j.wBtie of Oshawa, church iu Canada, reporZed M fo qutick sle at only $42,00ýi Presîdent of the Seveuis a growth' in membersisip over er Adventist Cisurchin s Canada the last four year period of : 97Ars-Bwavlewas re-elected at te Nmnth 16.4%. Income increased by ....... Quadrennial Session iseld iu approximatl(y one-id Frnaeon Lake Ontario CaIv ary recent] y. One hun- W. E. Kuester said tisatisheN,%:fl niud 401 Service Road. 10 dred twenty-five delegstes, total mnissions giving by mem- room bikbue Excellent ceg u liy rm ail bers increased approximately sou Terifc ivesmen atprovinces lu Canada attend-Q% reachiug a total dit $15,00.0 -$35000 dlown. ed tise Session. Dr. C. Morganl $1l1,400. Fuuds for Healtis, Z17 Acres of Bowmanville was the re- Education. and Missions from O audyeeig avr onhpSotn aevlefr rgdsosr Lake Ontario - Newcastle presentative from tisis area tise Annual Ingathering Ap-, nStra -eig avr orbpSouigJntil iebiaisosr ïl1 Room 2 storey brick wiso attended thse Session. peal reach $1,348,705 duringlorganization reei;ved its charter din au mresv photo shows the charter being fece bou se. Barn 1'30 -x 35. Front- R. H. Pierson from Wash- thse past four years. ceremony, with Cartwright Cubmaster Walter Welts mitteeý Chairman Jack Raymond ageP ou thircee roads. Good i ngton, D.C., World President Seventh-day Adventiste op- acting as Master of Ceremonies. Theeen was held ment and from lef t to rîght, Peetc view 0fr lake. $70000 per of tise Adventist church at- erate 45 day schools with 135 at Grandview Public School where the Cubs, Scouts, C. Pettifer, Provincial Scout Field flcre. Teirmei. tended tise session and was teachers as well as Kingsway Bone n udshl hi etns u u-rgtDsrc cu omsin ?00Acês-Pâtypol thegust theer guestnC speaker.a, ntrio BCisaianrmane hod Collmetigsen aOshawatDitritOntuarîosine 20 Ars onvjol of the nominating committee grades 9-14, and Canadian ber of. parents and township off iciais were ou hand for Don Heard. More photos uext wi Thiree road frontageSý. Blue was Neal C. Wilson, head of Union College at Lacombe, the special occasion, iucluding representatives of _____ lpruýce, Christmas tres, 100 the Nortis American Division Aberta, with grades 9-16, re- acr-es workable. Excellent 8 of the church. ported P .Mne.TeCu;HryVnBle ot rombue2 a aae pool. Oters6re.l0cteTeeni two colleges have boardiug Service; Dave Higgou and A pp m 4l nn 7r cei 2ýl pons. 6,000 h 8-9119 -Carl Klam, Secretary-Treas- facilities. Gore ic, ar; v iu, ce Cal udqStcs 93-11 urer; W. E. Kuester, director Severtia Adventists iu Easter Seals; Dal DairympleHndr Orono.of Layme's Actîvities, Sab- Canada speut $1,292,686.00 iu Crippled C h i11id r e n DonHdr Oton0abee River ýbâth Scisools, Public Rela- 1969 to support their ed' ca- Stapïes, Rural- Urban; Art 'B 4i ~ s t ife ~q ersa -T;1mrtoa aiîis Hooper and Chuckl Cattran, Haic fronitag. Could be subdivid- son, Hillock, director of Youtis10. A. Botîmrer reported a Special Events, The Ser-Lch, Horerma-s exyer ed. $2,000 Term. Cai r Acivîtis and Temperance; 30% increase lu book aud geants-at-Arms are K e i t b of the Port Hope Chiam-! OnePofhimanutewil osa ,,'ý Such 83-119Oroo. eore E Knwle, Mniser-magazine sales. Siemnon and Tom Gracie; tise aeismi uis vi nsa 1Andy Stha93-11 o no.Buh GeorgendE KuowlesMinîster- Au evaugelistic Counicil wasfSou" Leaders, Merrîll Browu br0f Commerce bas been be to col lect material for tise year, 17ArsHrwo uhjManuel, SuDerintendent of beld inl conjunction wth tise aud Don Staples; h pitiseild HiS- ni'GPLC orit n9t7a i s yeac t.rees'oEducr Quadrennîi Session. Metho,-ds torian, George Vice, tise Great Pine Ridge Tour- guide book. ya Lesh,3ard. Large sisade te ,Euation; O .BoiP, _____H____ istC$c- r anesadtefrtyaB Very ,private. Ideal retreat, Director of Publications., for co-ordinated evangelism itCuEdi ayes amer.itio n e tii y efrs uideuevel, propertyv. $10,000 - Termes. , Carl Klein, Secretary cf Will be studied under tsho eeecutivn 0 tis, e con- eion tise presses.iseeoour Rtis Olipaw rad dlrPotyobasd erge h*. kIn LILZAnL.LnVILLLE cil, said that M r.Locke wIîî section-will be comrpleted tisis Durir Ou paveod rod na ousiis nte ttes, L T onn1 work with tise tourist organ- week and tise entirepui- peal wa acespauedt SothPie, Y LV RT N England, and Belfast, Irelsnd Mr. sud, Mrs. H. Quantrili ization for tise su m mn e r cation will be-- ready fcor dis- erator, __________tScoch_____ sERT ly! pent tise weekeud wîth Mr. moutuis. tribution by tise beginniug cf iseo p Cisisms tres Blane us rEvan Quantrîli aud family Hie job will be to promote July. and a s Oul $2,00 - 6,00dnd Mr. and Mrs arenc 3k At their cottage at Rosedale, tise work of tise tourist lu- Last year about 3,000 recelved 10 Acres - Kendal Hilles tae ad r. a.dSMrvester Ontario. dustry sud to deal directly copies of tise guide were dis- purpose. Howard Malcolm report a Mr and Mrs.'C. Beatty en- with tise members of tise tributed through tourist coun-' Trout sitream sund pond. pleasant 10-day trip to ,the A ltîud Ms.E.concl hoar1sateedailcils sud goverumeut ageucies Nicuils Woodd lnd earOsiawaSkiEse Co1tÇnd'etuaylorS Enniskillen; Mn. sud over tise negion. slover Canada sud tise C1lub. $12,500 - $3,500 dowu. On Friclay uight the Varietî Mrs, Bankowell, Osbawa. Mr. Locke' is currently tak- U.S.A. Maeoy r Central Location - Oroflo Ngst ie. uanvrouI I ssd Mrs. H. Tiickson iug au aduit education course Tisis yfear tise bok will be îast wee Churcis Hall esponsored by tise n a had a pîicuic dinuen ou Sun- at Sir Sandford Fleming Comi- ptblisised in four "seasoual"amDo 2 etore:v solidt brick 7 room Jauetville-Yelvertou Hi-C was f "' ' day wiseu ail tise girls and munîty College lu Peter- edîtions witis s total run ofmak bos.Lrg vu omi Beau- a prououuced success. This famsly excepi June sud lber boroughs sud plane ou takîng 25,000 copies. maries tliful laývrawnudsisade trees. included a isumorous skit, . Bomaval RtayPrs.iusbaud attended. A weddiug a course iu public administra- Tise director said t1hat cacis ver 8( $2,0 em.folk-einging guitar - packiug Stew McTavisis, last Thursday auuiversary was celebrated. - edition will vary slighitly witist1ecy duet, "Ian" sud "Sylvis" passed over to uew club presi- Rcv. J. A. Ramjit was with Poutypool vsr Millbrook tise liet of summer anid winter r . ansy BwaileSylvis rcsembled sud cOuld dent Ai Sylvester, tise books us on Sunday. Mrs. B. Greer Tisursday, Jul î 15- events beiug, up-dated. 3 edoo bnglo. en-have passed for a twiu sisten u apr hii-ep l (Barbara Walker) bfought Millborook vs Betisauy -iegie a upseTodk i rai location ne-an echools sud of Jerry oftetra i busy in tise position during tise prize&winnirig choir fronm Janietvile p Yevntn have beýen comipleted by no, - Buce hopg.Cornerc lot witis hilarýüi lou oe act play "Elmner tise past year. Dr. Syl vestLer, Kirby Scisool to sing. Mr. Nestîct[on výs Poritypooci but tise(GP-RTC isad difficul-wee ~nceshdetrees. $20,500 - sud tise Love Bug", Membens a 1i5 iiiiclprcitoe Morrow played sndudnie choir; Mouday, July 19-tyil obtaiîgmteilf o Mesd Eaytoe f tise cast iucluded Miss in Bowmauvillc, bas been a sang four numbers. Mucis cr-' Ylvcrton vs M\ilýlbr-ook membens and advertisers. Ipin Jeanette Vivian, Miss Lor- memben of tise local club for jydh l.1 ehn sNsltn"ti ifcl od ,so T- Bowmanville raine Sisea. Miss Jenuifer Mc- seve or eigbt years. Thjoy ed sîl. Suda bntayolvs JNteton Llý.is dift f ig icult to do t is i Tn HBateerbasyerrsdaie eerWsomiudasoonyo, s aeti l aysor ating by maýsi",, r. eud i Býrick- Income Home, very Gill, Miss Barbara Wilson,, an nigist iad tiseisydro off for Thursday, July 22 -,ye ad.~S iis s rd cenrtral. Three apartmeuts, Misses Marleais sud Darlene by tise same token, tisat for 112 isours lu tis ares. Betsiany vs Poutypool wisere Mr. Loh i play Couru, nue office. Large lot. Moth- Malcolm, Miss Caudy Mal- tise club toc, le to impreve Most elementary scisools are Nesticton vs Yelvertou an important role".Gie clougis( Iy iruconse $50000 - $45,000- colm and Miss Adele Page, tise quality cf life luritise closing with picuice or bus Jauetville vs Milîbrois tise w Terme. Messrs. Ian Page, Marti Mal- tfiwn for tise peiople Of BOW- tripearound isere. Mouday, Juîy 26- grandpa colm, Clare Robinson sud maiiville. Mr. sud Mrs. A. Hsucock Yevertou vs Betisauy WESLEYVILLIE Barrowc After l:00 P.m. eaff Paul Bowen sud Petunia tise Tise club is currnrtly In have moved te Hîghway 28 Jauetville vs Nestieten C.GIý Art relg - - 23-591 pt eknis.volvd lutisnee major pro- for tise summer menthe but Mîîîbrook vs'Poutyoo Worsisip service ln Wel-ledr Ps Yo- 63307 Master Kirk McMaisou of jecte - tise developmeut cf are back isere once s day te Tisursday, July 29- corne United Cisurcis on Sun- lig'hted Pa e 2-07Oshawa le currntly holidcay- Soper 'Creek, tise cultivation lock atter tiseir horses. Potpo sNsitn dymnigwscn uHarness Joe787rnoskl - 723-5787 Grays. sud sale cf Christmas tnees, Congratulations are extcud- Bethauy vs Millbroek b RvlJami sdtise one cf Jan oegema f;623-2318 Ou Saturday night a nepre- sud tise maintenance. sud de- cd te Mn. W. Boyko who ba~s Yeîvertou v5 Janetville supeintendent, Mrs. L, Kel-] te atter iyli ebbe 623-7ý159 sentation fnom our commun- velopment of tise Mil House graduatcd from Queeu'a Uni- Mouday, August 2- log sud members cf tise Sun- cil at1 JanOuehor -62-284ity attendcd'tise presentation Drop-iu Centre. Nqationally,, versity receutîy. He will belJntiî sBtsu a cse.Ts ui 5 wick, in P'ane Founid- - 62-96of tise Charter to tise îstlRotary supports tise Easten teaciing iu Cobourg rextl Yeiverton vs Pontpo led by tise junior choir under by traî Ka Bow - - 623-3150 Scout Troep Of Manvers Twp. Seal campaigu for cnîpp lcd yean, He le son cf Mn, sud Nestîcton vs Millbrook. iedrcin u copn- about1 accptd b M. elvll cbldeu Tie nou met Mrs. Sam Beyko, Osaca. Men's Revised Ball Schedule cd at tise orgari by Mrs, Den- past fiv Wmrn Turansky Orono 983-5420 Wright, Fine Cisief cf tise cvery Ti r ahlncis-time at ____________ RoyFote -Orno98-501Township on beisaif cf tise tise Flying Dutcisman Motor Wed., June 30- nîs Croft. Tiscir two special Wlo RflflFoTrr -Orol 183580 Lou's at Mt. Pleasant songe, were "Thse Road. te prescrt Auy uth roo 83919sponsors of tise group, tise In.cftsBw- r iî uu Bethany at Siseil Frcedom" sud "Ten Lepens". counicil AJnivle outenFieB- -Tise executiveofteBw O T P L Audrey Plain 623f-3563 gade. Tise leaders of ibis mauvilie club for tise coming SprtatPnyol Tise tiseme cf tise service was! ise Op Norm l Wethefruip 723-41809gnoup are te be congratulated ycar arc: Ai Sylvesten, presi- Tise Salad and Strawbcnny Millbrook, et' Fraservîlle "Love" sud bnightly colourcd igO rran Siipso - 25-638 oni tieir effort te initiate dent; Bill Wilson, vice-presi- Supper held in tise cisurcis Suri,, July 4, 6.45 p.m.- posters witis c hilId ne-n'" ine 26-1 sucis s greup, tcaching ne- dent; Stew McTavieb, past basemnent on Fniday was vcry (etoa e ue1)thiogiseofl ove were made Mna spousibility, respect for Quccu tany; Percy Crappen, treasur- successfuil. Afier ail expeuses Baillebero Pt Leu's by tisem sud displsyed te osgceode snd country, dlean sportsman- president; Ted Mann, secre- wcrc paid, there was a bal-, iJlesu i ehu carry eut tise tiseme, The Wuie s ui ad bealtby recreation. er. Tise fîve dîrectons cf tise auce cf $34-4.00. A great deal Shedl ai Supenteet junior boys' class read tise Robînsoe RE U TSC UN IBetwishes -te tise members, club are: Harry Coche, Jack of credit should be given te Portypolet Mîlîbrois scripturc from Cornutisiaus, cd with tise leaders sud tiseir sponsor- Lauder. Aif Alfin, Jack Lynni ail tisose wiso ielped lun e- Wed., July 7- sud tise ile tofts from km-J dunîng iÛn îg organizatien for their sud Neale McLcan. Tise uevatirg tise ciurch basemeut Fraservilie at Louls dcrganten illustrated tise leve Micisa jfuture. chairmen cf tise vaieus serv- sud kitchen, sud aIse toe ail Mt. Pleasant at Pontypeol of God for ah na1 rais by Hope c; W Yeiverton Senior girls won ices arc: Art Ribcy, Pro ram; tisese wiso assistcd with tise Bailieboro ai Supenteet sisewing dalle repreeeutirg ig gn vess1:yolsdBhTiieugr te ue supper.SiclaMibok mary lande. The pnîmary Ms week vru otpo n Keitis Jackson, Bulletin; How-~ On Saturday, a shcwer for Sun., July 11, 6:45 p.m- classes sang "Jesiis Loves MUTPE ITN SRIEMillbrook girls, ard Rundle, Membcrsisip De- bride-to-be Miss Nancy Bar- Beiisany at- Pentypei Me", thse eider girls sud tiseir fo MULTPLE ISTIG SEVICE TheHarvey Malcolms visit- vciopmcnt; Don Morris, Mag- rabsl of Orone was iseid at- Millbnoek ai Bailieboro teacher, Mrs. Wilson, expiain- again ai Oshawa & District cd witistise Aldo Nasatos at azine sud Rotary Information; tise home cf Mns. Donald Supenteet et Mt. Pîcasaut cd tise Live, Love" symbel Mrs.9 Port Credit on Surday. Mn. Bob Stevens, F'eilowsisip sud Cisailice. Mrs. Onville Cisal- Frasenvîlle ai Siscil and read tise way different eek fi Jy Malcolm returned te Club Activites; Rex Walters, lice was ce-isestess, Wed., July 14-, membens of tise ciass inter- ekf PlecI EscLte130ad spndsawcck witis Mn. Marti IClassification; George Stew- Visitons rcceutly with Mn.! Bailiebeno at Betisauy preied is mesning, ircludiug geny ti IMalcolmni art, Herse; Keitis Billeit, Inter- sud Mns. Chas. Besi wcre Mn. Fraservifle at Pentypeol tise ideas cf those who were anville sud Mis . a, Tten, upentat SatBetayetGatenMilserpece.nsu PA ta.Aspeedy recevery te yuwbere s ta00ADAILYer-fyyfîtt 4:0 p.,~ a a a DALYSr. Girls' Softbll Sehedule WRICKELUSar ost 6:15pm a a a SUN.& HOL. ONLY Tbursday, July 1- Tise oin Pontypool vs Yeiverton 987-4636 guardsi T-anetville vs Betisauy vinylis UUADA~~15 - esileten vs Mîillbrook W. b4uy iron, Rads Batteries, Metal, Cars aprn SERVICE DY "TRAVE LVYT"Mor1a,é.y -. li fr reci NOE:AI BSE MY E LAGE DWNMilibrook vs Yelverton qb' ne da Janeivilie vs Pontypoo'l We seli parts for most makes of cars, angle emergeni FRINFOR-MATION PLEASE PHONE Tisursday, July 8--rn nd[ip. fise Yclvertou vs Netieten ucsi Oshawa a a a 723-2241 Lindsay - 34531Milisrook vs JanetvilleTWNYOU HURT INcopi Pontypoo)l vs Bethany TWNeridedOR OWN - Ths seedul hyTrailwalus cf Canada Ltd. -Mna,.uv1 Ntltnvs. &til CUSTOM WELDING Icl-ai Betisany vs Yelverton metr Clarke Library Shows on) a wekly ba4sis ech (,iWed- beenchosento it a wîdte nesday eveninig duriing the raýnge 0f tast. Mos are nu summer monthe. The pro- coloýur, Fim chosce1r has b'eet, gram started June 23rc1. made n eduýcationial and re- The films will he shown creational bsc outdoors on the lawn and Dottforget the -f i r those atteniding will have to free adaretlo lbe iholvn provide their own lawn chairleveryWenedy zsn t or blanket. the laeLibrary vsu Orüow The filmi ;are uplfTms Career Expo-urvey IndcaTes Poec Was Valuable Efort Tise results er a urvey Iotehe maolyof studýent deýi - dctenmiinetise value cf tise thukabut jbs itiser î Bowmtanvilic Hli gis Scisooli cf tisir " eig 7 Cancer Exposition bave showu, isai tiseendeavor was aicent cf tise eiemeutary stuj- wcnrtiswbile sud valuabie cx- et sd6 per ceut cf tise penieuce, cced ree sndicated iiscy Tise majority cf visitons, bcd some -,ont of vocationial exisbitons, sud studeuts en- onsentation efoe e attendîng dorscd tise Cancer -Day expo- tise exposit1ion As neîto sîtion iseid ou Aprîl lst audl tise expositio1i0 evr,1 of the,.group. This indicated tiscy would like -to par cent of tise, eleïment uived by Gnoup Corn- cee otisensiseld ai îeast evcry students sud 3M per cent ',DC c f the fine depant- secoud _year, Cisuck Kennedy, tise seceudaryv studeuis - C er Kllate nd ohnscisool Guidance isead, con- conded tisai thisr intenesinl ~n allstesudJoh cuded lu hic evaluation ne- thiscr vocationai field isad cl Executives, aud ai port. been iucreased. nr for--West Durham More tha- 3000 'students Mr. Kennedy sasd thsaï a veek. and all 41 of tise exisibitors haîf-iseun T.V. tape filmed byý wene polled in tise survey. Cable 8 T.V. sud abiout- .4 - -___- - -.Tise studeuts wcnc fnom. 14 coien clides taken by tise clementary sud five arcs sec- Pisotcgnapby epaimet fe nrificates, Sandra Lord,: oudary sciseels, About 60 per tiseisigisscaoi ae bath av-ja1i- Bymnan, Janîce Heu-, cent cf tise numben ectimsted able for viewiug, u pon ne- sotiBcrEdsdwbo stteuded tise'exposition quesi t ise sc11icýoi'e u co;3rd yesr, Dlsn'were uvyd Kevin sud srvye. uc Dpaimnt McITnl; 4h yarExisibitors.unanlmousiy en- ýrMcHolm, sud Weudy 76 ced tise exposition Witi FN QULT Suis yean, Mary Sy- 7 per cent rstiug ih Succese- MONUMENTSAN D rdc Ailcen Wilson' 6tis fui sud 24 per cent as Vcry IMARTERS - Robvent Symons; ' tb Succeseful. Thiey iudicated aý Carrie Lynu Symous; stroug wllgeste parti- > tLiï', e r, Donald Nicbos; l10111paie lu future career-daysi 4K amieBesi Nes ' wtis 48 per cn hopiug STFFRT Jori h tni ï Gre edcould be made an annual STAFORLD, Cellog,. Elaine Kclleg. evn u 4prcnt prefer-' ring ît every second, ng tlise service aun55 is r'- ' as read froîr tise 1Mod-1 T e sudents werc askeuif Rev. A. B. Moore for they fe tishe exposition was 'Resk?- on~~~ ~~ Paitnrfgej worthwhile expenseunce: ee specal ffeingwiiibejmenarystudents responiUdd ýdpeiaioffniug wir hi, e84 per cent in favor; secon- I exi ua.o tisdary etudeuts replied 73"perr. cent lu favor, The otisers o. a'Olm cs cfý Mrs. Carroll, sidered h isad Utile val1ue. LM whorwnote tiscin Tise same perceu'taýges îndi- exams lunîMusic lasýt, cated tiscir désire te have thýe B 3 eýceived tiseir recuits e -xposition i eer tw 31 udsS.E,-Wtb !k wît Ciseryl Eyman' ye a rs. iald Nichais haviug 92J Tise surve.y rvidtisai PoeWhty6832 sud Andy Clarke' and _ h___________________ rwîn betis with imarksý 0. All were grade 2 id Mn., Arnold Thiri-1 isîted with Mn. sud Mrs. amec Mary Toppin, Jý Ld N E E Y A S E sud Elizabeths Topplui Mnto yisited witisfnl- ECO0NOMYU n ,the cemmuuity let W E E S 1 39 b ýaJune 24tis, IN R --- ---c ce sud David Bsjrowý SOELA of Peterborougis speut STORE SLCED 0RS E weekeud witis ,tiseîir DINNER HAMS Ground Chuck mente, Mrnd Mm. H icieugis. [T. memitsns sud 99Cn_________b______________________ ai Wclconie wer e BNLSSFEU R te, Sean tiai atiVsyfs ýbas been ciseen as ROUND STEAK i L ETTUCE U_ four girls from Ountarie - I Cishiman, New Brun-el,2 cec -in July. Sise will travel '4-AUATE an1ýr t Lun sud be away for TOSMATR1abugïrWen- two weckc. For tieB UN - - - - --nk 9 ve oui cf six yeans tise UN ki4 , ne girls bave isad a n-Sae7 ative ait tise Otanlo . sud row tisey bave , FEU poriuuiiy of nepreseni- ntarie lu auctiser pro-,STRA E anid Mns.Joh Robisc e, Mn. Elwini Hil of ALLE',-TS FANCY -9Z ýstar, and Mrs. Wmr. Àlf on cf Marveivilie vst rL DILL PI'CKLESý,ý hMrs. E, Barnowclougb1 2-3 ~l 2-s tise wceekend. r 9 ,arJ c Ja ael Jiggins cf Prtýý"1R" ë ael, ;ert tise weckend wts aelrSv O randpareuts, Mn. sud NEW rrîlNcisols. 'j,î.c-69 Wm. Eyder -je hlom e'r i'N-rTi%týES ;îuiù1-, Pont Hope bespitai and progressingei.VELVETSPRM George Tufford enter- ' t Hepe isespitai lasi FO RG rbg ag .r preparatien for sur-,L U G rae a. .e first cf ibis wcek, 5 c ' 9 f Save 1" ;. rSave 10e uthguard SMI 2 eci fr ICECRE AM -=- -7 9c ÎeORor DINETTE AthletBlnhed Saitedl aS AtitPEANUTS MARG7ARINE ion Mouthguandi e b4O au a fe Lisenie,4 9 VPkg. 4 $ 1uef1 for auinvasion non Save 10n1O% Pre t VegeHtîs il se againsi nfmy.h ly a pnojci taovieN WAVAILABILE » ;swio parti ciate u a wIe Lins o -f :WINE MAKINGACESRS fsbed isy tb, iseOnare.verythîl-ng for tis aatur rDentalAsoito, .. ject, locally, iG aiig TOjAýT1MASTER, W -ITE SLICED the direction cf Dr,2-s Wennick, Dental Healt] BREAD-- - -- - 4 lave 9 fby tie DntalAs- B E r P R

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