ut om ch ol's ut,0Here TeiCm BOWMNVILEONTRIOWEDESDY, UNE 0, 97115~Per CopyJý NUMBEIR 21 te Wo ~Dies frm AcdntIjre Look ouf Mom! Here they corne! School's ouLif and 'the-ise Grade Three and Four chi.ldreni. tÏro f iyBreto School are tLypical oif the thou"Isands of public school pupîls in the area wh:ýo Çare n; PO about to let you forget it. Thecy exbeane.We wonder if fhey,, will be abl)e Post Office Do iion Daiyc'I osOffice b hours -ýfo io %ay ill be a los Theofc il acoe i Threwa l a neStee eter oxcolecionat5:00 to ustinsuch glee unt il that faf teful day frn Seý-pt emober (the-- 7th)whn creeping like snails, fhey will once more hie thi.ir rel-uctant bodies baclk into the classroom-. Until then, a hpy summ.-er fo y0u -Mom. Hey, Mvomr? Where are you hiding? Young Beaufies,,Swinging Fidd4lers Plus Chance t: o Dunk Hockey Player Resuf s n Su ccess fi Kmi n ia Youngf beautiar, swinging:jThe-wo a affir iorganý, fiddler's and an, o-pportuti1y t db KnmnBbFaire dunk Tornto apleLeaf nd Knett Marlyn eer hockey layer in a tWbh Wdrw good cUowd, accodin cold wtrhghîheitiet Lod MRobbïe, club; year~S Kinaien Carnival held peident, in an inrv' at Bowîman vil1e AMemorial ese 'ay MTis, despît'e tlà Park over the weekend, oeig day absueeof can Cabl TVOpens New Office - Sui LaI edesaycvnigCable- TV -whichi serves the Oshaw,-,a anid ýBow- man 11e a e ei an Officai Opening at its new offces and studio in the Townhne Plz, igSt. E. in Oaw.Companily PresidJent Bill Leask Ja shown above being assisted b y ice-Pres. Ted Jarmain (left) ind Oshawa JMay,,or EdI Vcelyuing layrgcable cuttes to cut the heavy cabïe repflacing the famrýiliar- sîk ibbori used at roui cereînonire The new sui s wPll qipe withi TV' camras vieo-apemachines and broadeasl eqipnenl for Cheicean rg rammingof Cabecast t Phôtocourtey ofY isWe KiSmen Queen and Prinicesse-s reri, vîacious t 'atn ar-ag 1,sponso,(red by Creaýt ellers; Pms Cwnpontiac7- ma, rae9 student a -adaa o u vrfv uc.The hr tJnýjher con-1 oul rticeSecondary cL Cohercntestants, She islestants and tersosr ~vs rwnd hs ea' M. sow bove with the itwo were De'jbbi( e oin (Jury Kýinsm fýan in a iiýconi he1d onruý,nniiers-uIliiKaren Dav ipageo OVail),Lyn elteyHolroy Sd -(Gu Fid amuveniaMte ps w ih 19agrAdle tisyarfon LBan ieal Est 1,atead Kininin CinîalShe "sund Pani Brown, age 14, a1r cci7e hi cownfDm mai Grde9 studet at Bwn-jTegrswrugdb atzr f arlngon Kahy ~posur uae Hpera Jew-J ITURN T0 PAGI TWO> ival rides, eaýrly mrnitg ra 1Thugh thelid ýes eel and awetefocat hchapate wahrsyd portendced d a r Ad havy clear , and ithle mao VandaisStatFr Tha DstrysCar Saturda i py eveniginaca ice stati oronLiberty Stree owned by IRober"," nto o iSoth ws elbeatlyset, by 1Bowmanvule andpkd in' (UN -TCI PAGE TWo MAD IT iVis peoplein thisarea probabY wvcnt tu bed e-arly Or n Mond(ay ngtfto malk-e up 1for thfe lo'ss 0f slJeep Suniday whben Mot)'heî Nature show.- ed us what pigm-ies w,,-eqeaLly are, Aithougli the rais eame dowin toretsand the liJhtnfing andthn lier was more intense and lasted longer thani any sýtormn in memuiory, no auate have been rpote and there suas surprisingly ittie serious dlamage Some of those wvith exceptionally clear consciences î even Siept through the ecndstorm t 1hat ht ate Suniday and Iasted unt il nary dawn Monday. -;' î i t t FIIIEWORKS - For those wh-o didni't s4ay tp to see the flashies of lihtîn nd hear the boomis of thu'mnder, Newvcastle LionIs ilI be stag-ing a repeaitpefrae on Thursday Mvein a te parlk, when they vwill prse th firwars ispay riînalyScheduled for MWay 240h1, ey lhave to go some thouýgh tebea that Sun11day night shw.' SPECIAL -- Playgroun-(d activity ýfwil be udra n1ext week, with the first, speciievent onTurdy July 8th at SoperCrekPark, satigat Il am Trhis will be a "Hillbîilly Hppnng eating tg- of-war, feuds And juig band music. Sud neet ing. At this stage, may weîure car and mtor- cycle driv ers lu be- especially carcful now theyong slers are out of school and running aîround t he streets. t t i t t GRADUATON- Although we imee uable to attend, we unnderstand a specialgrdato ceremnony was hed at Vincent Massey Kinder- garten on lVonAy, wmhen die proud graduateos app1eared for their dîploýmas in mortarboard hats. Congratulations to the new Grade Ones and hast tvishes for next year when the going will get tougher. t t t t t MOTH Anyone interested in collecting varjous species of moths should phone iRobert Keýen-e who founIid a beautifully colored one in his gardien. Ttl had a six inich w,.ingspan, wasmost attractive and pfer- fectly formed. His phbone is 623-7577. RESUTS -Last ck an item asked (bcheoug laywho found th bfýJank book Yhand th-e endorsed $100 chaqe and tured it into the bank te phone wanted ta ecxpress thanka ,giltndou obeDebb ie lHowiard, 1-yas-l, ih teeýt whio reCeýiveýd a rear orhrxoisy G DSOR - Jim McKenneL(,y outthe Toirmot MWaple Leafs ýwas a Most popular man aIthe)pKils- men carnival[ on Friday nighî. lie, really ridlited thie youngslers and look in a greal deal ofmoe at the dunking boothi, when Whe sal on t[he lprecarlus perch and let the bhailpiLtchers ftry'ob hihe -hole thal dropped him into Ihe water tank. e jwas soak- ed but seemed to enjoy it, t t t t t TILGOTNCi - wse look ýfqrwaýrd t141Domj- inlion Day on July lstit apeas tis counytryv can stand4 many chan-ges and stil! c4oma upsm- inig. Las,'i week, the Qebcgove nImnt turned "oil n ageement that ud ae nhldu to amend our own osiuto ntado tl ongte Enlan tahave jiitencfor us, The Liberals iii Saska tclipwan 51w,,eetoog trouncIIed eI 1Vfi NP in asupierstwhc nIo doubt ill worry aIl ther artie, bat fed erI!aln p-rvin.cial9 with lecsosIlot Itoo f r o4f in Ontývýariead Mite country. tCanada]; mos on ha»v olda. e tii av great country nd Chwud be prud ipf ii. day mnorning, It kept area frmn hydro and telephone ,workmen hopJlpinig during, wt' w-tvas to 3many, a Sleepfless Inight, The Oshawa arena was !bit hardlest wt ioe attending -V) cails and resi- dents in ilow lyJing areas contendling with danigerous- ly rising waters. One lady" ,was hinjured whe-n a bOit ot iightning stck her Car asý she was getting out of the: veh icle. But Daélngon and Bow-i m0aniville had teir Sh'are ofý trouble too- 'The local fireý brigde as ept buIsy froruM Shortly after sixý p.m. tifl thlree o,'clock in themonn angwsweg calS frmm peope r(IU RN To PAGr, TWIV) Oshawa in phiy wa7;s won onSaudyb ani Oshiawa twvosýome, Erni The tunaetwas -oPe0o1 locl LwnBow'lig Assn.U wih a, lidrawon rink Hop enor Perry and lsnd- saiy, as weIl as Bowma.nv.lleý entriems. Manyfvralomet lirom tlhe siosoceng the exelnuondfitiorniofthe grewemre ecivd bytor n)ament cnvno -r r Dayhoiday on Thu'rsday, this weeýk's. C aadiîanD sttman bas been pot- lished aday2 e ".y, osot area usrieswill re- ceiv ther epiesla ed-j ian, rs. H l vfae Par, jtat0f a heavyransor. , A...... CL,..4. t., i M ~ Pl r. ar , n6nto in,. Pol~f >uthj ielu tbvvL'r. .JUý'V 11Mk ( te> i. î iU1-M trezt( m i ! ;14; ~ ~ "~ - tixose ad,-vertisers aoi cor- fniaflernoon la -ntheý sh- viating Buwmaný IPIVil!e raspondents whto sbmtt wa (General Huspital from ie a akn coa1 their ropy eai nugh te injuries Sherec ïeci hnSre rmnrbt .make lhe eiin etsitruick PbY a jmor vhceo hnsewsarc week, we sFhaR resume fonr- ling f1rcI ner Silver, aiwetonduprckii mial pulcto a. about 10:40 Ihat__morning. '21URN TO el' Ntew Locatin ext onfh, The Norhaland candnak pylce in aParly uly andl Air Sanford FlPýemî.(g C-m- i Durham Counity Board cf in lie for the nextBor, mniy Caesaeltewl Educaion i1 moving ils of meeting on July 2nd. occupy the fbrst fluor M opc fices frmsthe CobuurgDOiThe Board will lease i 3AM huilding.At.A. MacLeud ' l trct Collegiala InstituIte Es qaefeat of space in thebmuss amnit sid lu new quartera in tfn jormer grun foor of the bAbudig Wthat he oaulexpect any-P C« Canadian Forces Base bild- at a cost of 'J$U.0 prsur-bter[o alga com din I nwug. fout Pa year. The cot icldesmuity claeupstasrmiMES The moe s epetadteheatïng. h diitrto fie Spo r ty1Kinsmei cn D odge WnbyHhStre wa ahapp newcar or onSnawen hiAiot Mra Oaon' ike,21,w-rw auday -onîglit lat the KnmeiCaranal t ýG be hewne o hs r .ME117 Dye iofc th c inideran mrms ever Io Wiomla j