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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jun 1971, p. 2

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Theecasai dien ighway P5 north of 7A ii Manvers Township on Juli 23rd at about 6 .05 p/&I done ta one of the cars, dih In by Curtisý Stnlyag ;ind mnar amorunt, frl ti1 nther twe cars, driven C Geaoa BEecledha, age 47 anc LodTimrlin, age 3.Mr Tili rported a mnor inr man, Dennis Tierneyý, of Victory Streert, apprent]ý went off Highwýay 2ý near Sm. Lina Road on June 24the 1:47 aim, and crashedl bis car causing an estîmated $2,50C in damiages Mr. Tïirney re cc-ed nurè to his back kind left ankie a-nd was5 ad- mnitted ta Mlemorial 'Hospital Bowmanville for trea3tment Me has been chaqrged by iii vestigating ecateOntario f-'rovinîcîial Police with carelem Sevcnteni -ea oîid Kea- neth Crawford of R.R. 1 Pickering., wasý charged by Newcastle O.P P. w-ith car-e less driving followîng a singie ï,ar mrishar onHiha 3 north of K.,irby o-n June 24th et 6:23 prm. Damage uns assesed at $l,600 The yolul )repartedl a inor injury, but ni'1d nat reqir hospital treat- me1Cnt, Another oingle car accideniý occurred an June ý,5th at 1f a-m. on MCunty Road 4 a'bouL ona ile northi of Tyrone. The driver, Robert BarretU, aýge 25, of 74 Simrpsani Avenueïc Bowmanville, r-eported aý m-in- or inj-ur-y. Damaige to bis car wýas estîmnated by '0.P.P. ai Two Torant men wr Î112 jred. wvhen their crcah ed on >ligÏhway 41 neair and Wlliami Wayne Mens, were -treated-. et-- Memnoria Die by Ad0 Porca, aga 22 581 Williaims Street, Oshawa. Tlhe Impact, apparently threw, Mrs. Park into the path of ani easti b-ouLnd Car dlrivený 1,y Roart Ow, age 20, of 95 Cadillai alvenue Oshawa. The Par-ca vrh1cleowe byA & B Pavig Campanyj ofj Oshbawa, swarved and col- I ided with a ca,;r ondby, Gl enP Tuï)rnrePy oaf R ý-R 6, ,onw - mar1nv1lle À/hich was; parked a the narth curb. Mrs. Pakwa reated on the spot b- the( Bowman,,,ville Amnbulanice Seri-tce erew, tk en ta eoil.Hsia and1 tranferedfo ODShawa Gien- eral , wbereý s he w ý,as a émni t ted ' wiïth mnultiplectue and Inenlinjuis Sh dida ab out 3 She was 5,5 yrars mizhap is being carried ru.t hby Constable W, S. M-illiardl ofý the Bow7manville Poluce Dep, 1 Mr.Park m'an a registered! snrsing assistant and w7as an played at th Stratfhavý- 1 !Nursing HDarne. SuIe was in-1 vovdin aoube f com-11 mu-n-nity actliities; and was ronetin the Meîniorial 'Park AssciatÏin and the Bowe- rnanville Wamnern inttue She and beýr hubnbadr- cently planned a holiday,ý visit tû E.ngland this sumric, She laves er hbl7Dand, 'David S, Park, twa) sans, Thlom-as; aid. Kerneth, anaý daughter lenia (Mrs. RAyi Kîhoand -fivegrncld Ion, dyera Marri Fnra ChapeL vmn omnville, June 3Mt,1,971 ithe pa.rk between 9 sm. and Ier 7 pnEight taispartici-J Guides FPreser;n tedW t FisCls E bIrsPoteryM n eWa Tee patdeoi dplay'ng twasstmbe arn Cl ,pp r an i ts fi rat 'I, ieDaae a Maczn's cr ourg, Ber ghtlmons, tlsay 1-:1:dA y trnoon, Cochane n3,nai waisl!- y op tad pigrok r The Hl i na248 pare t ee- Caae a tt in damge acc den cîr e~Ialernoon wîth sCiý,,fz ix con est slter S g, flatface bis uneon"ý ion reord wa e wame tre as olie o nI. h een asw down.a asa wter. It 1ere are bais a 1 l f r.sDrivers. wee Frank Marle manville, rnner-up. n.','.' *ý44 . a ~' 0f Etabicke, Guy Dou las la the\v eon i Coya frd hatatak or f Edia n ta deRardg Ecdr Nicso r y an Weter, emeedan 'arrcn , ie erso paec ltnane 7r Ajax Inetgtn ...adlm ides ots.Ry hi-i ~ ~i y he e timate daags cali s,0Slvn ILihoin eg - a th ilim ' e ile 50 d The win e n d reeva d a "iii Ile, waer. i krvengs inesethand oerYn h ia vnswr h " ri- ofTom Barrie, GuyRDo4glaow- tWlams ofr Osh~Law anismn w nbandir o nc "'~r-. Cofaena t haUnvasi ui May man foaic i dar le tihar rive r N hosod n Pattckes,ri, Cirenice O-'"""d"'atve i ar alCoaha frnase xasv ersn dlak- atemri i ornla Bwmnvli wsthea .e rco n lcrc Cub aaat h naira h Yestimate a ma500 ain damages. The absn ai I bfe cria "'d* U e. ~Ta8 - dlgtsrar eoe ansraca a 5o theilim' eice Kism n d asfonarssOtrapr ondi b a ak t Wa w laresrthe r ie ebr iia nwrsost n oh Bwavl plc atidn l arrive, Mrnd McRobb-e'o hr amnîl uie eda mlmwnnrKrnDpadLu rsr eodcuaenldrsskls and ad thetown ieDprîe e vanns nte hsi ng I e1 e the club ad iged __ ____t-i Fri ary mrin xr-ms awieof'nNass l*tet g an bc o ftbil nd raîn Balfonh 9 1 Dlg Ontaria, moret asi A ngleencatheccideron- hcontraýlcl itC obRoeîsn a a eog Gng,64PpkaysugtoioweraryweeîîhnlgVIruki dheegatosiniold4H a ie Iisaherceofvn I Cescnt in Bu anill is Meals sad fe ais onr pae fe yadsawa.vnnsilodndysidison a rmarad horses2ha t3:rna m s wn ta rant a-b ,) aga( t, ni i- Cerneaitfl pr- i, halglnn psssdonhe ee itbu adnt e- is I od rinte o a scheulether wassain mi-up nd 1 1 mrugi- th stel meh uner dmage crsbedontiIhe atairoo teo oariuClain t es . . . on ,h1 le almy aewrk-hsihmscdienbt.y- 102 in ihnigbiadohefMya si lsh"h ai,"ec9l a fo p t e yln, t s c olma n i l ingo r lc ta h e ns o in e s' a da n t - ,> . I %ig h nin : st ik e IhRa nrd . B l c k- th e stor n h d o n y t o a h er ee thi g einod ca m autograph fromasuh notable ega, Tasgaine bothe diar 1, ple Leafn ef ncmn. M(alprîzesetware wnit his yar - 6.5. t-th Enikienabot hal ile notbof na hadlleedh laget e ad is aryandds The ocke sta le thamuchcarier n th evningrasienc aI . Swet ~ MîhwayTwo cauing fie lie hacoud reembe. H com indromlisbng a Ih p acrae on Frid aseopang tnin formr ye BasR On îrc; h ir rukgosoI 'Ie"alr udr h ro;decibd drvnounilostie - îgts r pltiw tnt eaa t- Kî e te c m mn$d500, a t ha hasiont e Eî b h ii e C h aI J in M y m n î as as d pxrbl Mdsa dbhutL w s h w rs lo i stpig Ptraog r-The fah,; p (ondpries whichl Cocesonl cecorsoe rub sîmte aa$00 heeweebiasheni wsî ee îna uria scana Bnd ad acanvy a norail woid hva akanscaa. dmag boelecricl wiinginlrinig sobar hacoul no ~ TW ULD T8YU4RTHE the occasionos Clyaî. Bubr- wben tiiieye arearMr taapea fr mccd bb MRobi wexecta ty in E U I bek nMre asoatn ~nIa te tits la helf hidpwall tires, doscshlFinise- inB urnshe Slàl waslti" tariehave -A/c- l'25lý ai. Ie hoeliaIn egaa ble Bwi nanvilie Pjrnb-owitanbbc ork -oade, i wiî beige inyltop, is ii ttheathin sade Dp bcut qce cntt bu ead insl ydea raa h aroi-ClvnPtro aineRad ic blle omsin ad "asoi aaalbcr' ptdfrIe mr excigaettlah$e 00 hamne-PRMPAEON)reive een df ath ca bbc maor prob Ans o 3- pair noet Bradg gy oen- 9triiri.Oeâtn.Ite-rinigthj nvsi jobaI uda istad. Kis- ii hausd fr varIî,a Of'k i hr hi cbooi iobawarwin iigbnin strkasthc crradsoul aI ingiret-da-nigl," spoesma stieLic 70897. 219 man Pragran Chairnan Mer- Kinsmen and Kinette]coin iteeil idgn en aIg bc arge cusnga ir l te ndienIbehasonnd asio Tesny vay ~ ~ (nr Wastr îadina mnit roet. nInknBwan î iai lb;ra bc pedsoe aBahaea.TopishdThe Bowmaronviiaare Ont- 1967 BU o rIK Et SA rE SiE! aDANa t maseraIceamaia. ow duin Ie omig ea. Og Kn, pesGide s aIbbc bc bose. Cwih t aymnn eandarsagad and. Faswie ra Myd-ro offce id th e V8, noat I i e tirns mission11, apower steering man ile alk d o NAi Bragg ' Io-'v e s LlionseCubc inyoanedn, sass an g wi c ce d ba e ba ha r plce , ha sid w s "a Iir bi I cnlre ow r r ka, whte w l tie , o alaaa aw_ aed Daug Luxtot', antertaine a 0nenherA m ary o aI the ssss wýrentr oug the o hvîig o sya ungat fhnr -Sna igtanw h mnuiy(ibnn. Blen 60eaoae neir. Lc 09 A 1 9 wiej~. issKînina , preîî W ltonTheftafr'om opmnaIanmbar I Enisklla is truk; ta bownontbIba sborm. v-B, adele aut nomatic1transisso, pwr t rg Ketby We manrha bean s - r th got r reeia ytein in tha hane , r asn sidia'a bd T C N Q E o ar ba e, r do, w ia w l irsiic. F n lecte, Jin c Ke ne d nradý 11,1ow , is K ns.nwo a kn ck o t ri ks nI bb c r- rc ei cd "a co pl u d zai g od lu no l ! oliesh d n le mrg la k it s a es an~~~~~~~~ olsula cah1an-$5 oelng cns I a I bc buligen c a lli,Iran boaowelýrms - al olete a ew oty a lur-. tain as n n ilan k ff sus;ron Msïin's Shaoltae,0 racs fr aiaui it h in w a ses otn powcr In be i ures. day acjt cflenoon fr lthe toai:r)donter-r--Lc. --- -A pf endd boatn tub a nteroABowm1villa an, RinndtcaqueVran ih Bowmnyil dercd bc ubie ta tr t Mrry Ll o ga2, e au n Clu, a n ask CbifMymn ndbtravdc- had baunu reports oIfloerod- aad le -eclv inlate et ind aes ae4 ta odilCr rTuk 'Dunk tha Hocky PlMya.'.cergs onanic Pl-inaa-p iro Ia Cn-prîanlhe reiy l)e.i-or' ag oe, ha nded.Ridg Scbol wiea aliv "Tbae bros fr qurte," ce it "l~ltove $0,'amiadin Tre Th quen ndthre pcalsran eplawhoa In the ll, yeigbt fras, ie l ea f aiversîua.~ hoefo ibc enai.the calna fe ne 5l anrso w unrpRO MecOE)ed ban- tvigu ion e s i sbdbow otweesoilld ing in bbc lclnwli sureThïPs t i tita,lie C lWED N RO No RA L T A GU ta lbrow a bell S1ro1gila sbpifig hf sinA ligan-quloseaI raes chaurlasy 0f 'wben ligbining, rik in c rais bon CIcbusf o h a y ans tehies o lta vrns 66 igS.E,2-3 s thUbe yuiwbcs 1 icb aud npesimte $00wr-îlha gadsml y e nsd udnovr ia IbcBwiavl atu- i'iev eas i."ee r a-Se n, rsa 'b ak(ýen Iran -six t eeo caJ B.c- ,eson a -l w 1eie tig tewo a e thelgaph waber's c Kins en trs o a bbc past ain Fre 0 isk warnedhihum.e 9MaPtoRecord lspoefran eparia,, nca. Mn. Lloyd was taaIsinth pat appear la-ls li rondus" Y aunstrs wh alleIajw7nlaicou ths a on5 June. nnsil abu j] 1L o n ad 1)t mo etsblrahsta r nggied 291b. Mai bas a ppla rc i Qrýldne o . S et i îh a,,cuig a ietm i olIehs Pry hdjs grph owckrawrdorun bbc tuk tefr rckgc u n iie h tubýdsre in fîendih gicehe Iheai prspcto bîn aterN IC LAN VIN EFhFteEUTrivng cniiloi bbc instrumentl, aItbisofeuonoreSlihtl Pgrtitis weck, Hlite as bbc holecy shtr cbiadt-newsas empîoymaaandl Instur- athan, "sadîstie spectfebolthcre ers"imancee scitviseaswte. wrgostor T thrtafc araiglitemget letialwrnbanc-iig ohrdlecol o The n n ian d ain econ - fr1r-lits up ta $100 a ek i inuad7*0untilthaller o thi ousin.eeithg ild mandatorM.yMiohell emork cahena rw fo lw'li cycles evybocly t aylae Vtha 10:n in barshd firshe Mrofficial xioAe 1ta dBereCatdàrasaitt tliteraTO dut ,ma picigeont bb wîn 1n1%ioncil i haion among litah crerhdbenbal amgd 'as- rcevd "mn, a tcke ncns wre S They neploeadsa rlucn ti îs Cn o al rvadHgwye tefem orhe l1 Shhe n er ot. nsg a v n le t teeiroi i ad a m fateciy adhrd w r.ia n aetcncan ovrb a es o e id w, aiw ie On Saturdaye diatictn's saIt-] iaesmdosa. g lited nmiuion-odSadd bal te annrienea ad i okr, ept loyr ncMreiasn atn'a ai optcd lor tUhlamgrehe sitot as i- licel: ýRf1rG N)1t- Chartered Accounitanis QFEN MAJOR CANADIAN CITIES OSHAWA CENTRE - OSIHAWA lPATNEMSý, GORlON W.,REFCA4, R, 1AA GODNF. SEDGEWICK, C.A. BUJRT 14RWTESC.A. PHONE 728-7q.27 HUlS"H PUPPIES.. BRUSHED PIGSKIN Sizas 6 to12 hi Medium Wc S.MOOTH LEATHER Szs6te 1'2 in MdnnWide ----x-a-id - ---------$ 2 9 MEN'S GOLF SHOES Siz'es 6 te 12 i Mxand ,V W.95 .Iso IICORPFAMJE GOLF SHOES----$ ý5 Wa C'arry Liaof DAICK DRESS SHOES - Up SENIOR CTZESASSSTANCE PROJECT FREELABOR -PHONE i623-2461 Lloyd ElisShe In Collision on, yolnug bo y rcivdmi- 1 O r '13,i s when he wnîýsLsruck bhy - car ýwhi le rîding bis bicycle an Elgin Streel -neer has umber lIR lestWedç- nasFday et about Roniald Glen Visser, ega , of 29 Miltop Driva. -was Iel cd et hospitel for haad, backer ibruises and an injured loIt knee and reeaesed-. The driver oaItbbccr wes Edwerd Norinnen Duna aI 252 Kingp Streat Easl., Plan Surmmer Program for A re a Retard ed TheaOshawa,-and Dsrc Ass ociatin or bb Mntl-y Ratarded 1nï al ssociation with the Oshawa Cîvîc Rcelo ýDepertmeant will be lholdingl a summecr recreation11pragren: once eagin Ibis year at lx andr Parnlu shaWa.ý3 Tha,ç prorgranf, vwl-' ieh wlll provide arIa, craft,gane enid sp;orts fCOrL- c mntellyM redawiil start. Juiy 5,_ sud ontiua hrouMulJuly anclAugntIr, wi1 le ha opar- atedc dnqily, MndytnWre Ir n 10 'clack im~ 'n :Ing untî,fl tbrec in I nt Ac Idn aorfoganue Ms fila tan Wsaan îre summe.r pragrain. IThe Associaton Apperanly neas dives nd wndlk b orge any c volunt e.r 4 coî rvietespraQo

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