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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jun 1971, p. 7

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bauids, mbssi aftheMn of Dutch origin. She is trying ta ac- cumulate Canadien cigan Soc albauds, but bas't had much ('luccess ta date, if aayoae has aay Canadian ba_-nd,pleese e.7ld's Varîety Soe King St. __________________________________________ U. Mns. Madeliue Seweli of !Oshawa had a most in-,-teresting Misa KKim Seto, daughter ai Cburch, the Sacrement ai bap- eh1ibit ai hiquîd emnbraidery, Ir-. a»d Mrs. Dick Seto, Frank tism was administered ta thfe -aud Mrs W Crawford af Cees- 'm eet, is boidaying witb followiug cblîdren: Jason Cii- ae hwdhneat n celîativ %,es in San Francisco, fard Neil, son ai Mr. and MNrs.,rasoe hneat n ~alforlaMervyn L. Eaglîsb; Julie Lyn, wering apparel fram Guate- ,a 'hf c-n , ý malàa. Janeta Kobes ai Hamp- Mis Nýancy Goodwin, 8 daughten ai Mr. and Mrs. Jobhn 'l only 13-years-old, present- rehden Avenue is at home for Higginson; and Jennifer Annonoeo hreclln ok Zh um-,mer ater successfully daughter ai Mr. and Mrs, ed seaibertexcellentcook ing.Lastabu natleas, w ,ompl1etiag first year B.P.H.E elMLa. spelled Earl Hann's naieeil- et, Lak,,ehead University, Thun- Mr, endMrs. Joe Cuddahee correctly in lest week's report. dien Bey, have neturned irom a three- Miss Apha Hodginis and week vacation an a tour con- Mrs. 17usseil Best were iunclucted by Mr. Alred Allia to Toron olon June 23rd to et- Edmonton_, Calgary, Banf Jas- Trinity u tvv. tend't& laying ai the Foun- Iper, Vancouver and Victoria detion Stone t Wome's Col- Mrs. Allia flew Out ta loin the elstm tigaTrit lege Hospital. party ai 28 an an eigaht-day TUeCls, efore he fummer re Mr. and Mrs. Alan G. (Jîm) cruise on the S.S. Prince Geo-a S edo-ln 5 Williems ai Las Angeles, Cali- reUph ue asg roueswsld n ue 5 fornia, are vîsitîag Mr. and Vancquver ta AleskaMs u peiîg Mrs. Nelson E. Osborne, and The gnemîins wer eaî Ate wl o a al Mns. ber mother Mrs, Ruth Wight, working avertime lest we aepaem on Prayer as well as other area rele. The cutlines under photos o and the Lard's Prayer wes ne- tiveg uaios Ms two ladies and their handi- pee yal Congatuatios 0 wark shown t the recent Durlng the business period ta Mi Hobby Show were tnensposed. we were reminded ai the An- Madeline Merkley wbo receîv- Mrs. R. Coliacutt's nimble niversery Supper ta, be beid ed firt cless honore lu G rade fingers created tbe cute stuf- on Nov. 20, and thet we VIII Vilin t examinations ed animais and dail clothes, should not farget nylons, beld recently ln Torontoaet whîîe Mrs. A. Sul expertiy stamps, Dominion tapes, ue the Royal ConservatarST ai fashioned the Barbie Dl out- clotbîng and bring them la Muse.fits. this Feu'. Mrs, A, E. Billett, Mrs. T, r, e, n'àitî!i Wesley Cawker, Mrs., E. V. someh e holiday coming Up, MsWr e ateMs w oewîli be leavin'g tawnfor sîonary Pj^ýrar h os Hoar and Mrs. George Wýý visits witb friands and rela- Service ai hei c argeaiunit James retunned home an Set-t, v urdayeveaig aitn vistîni;tes. othens will be startin 9wscnute g r.E lest week witb Mrs. C. W. acations, while somie wil be hcetnadMs .Ml SleonNiaaraFals, nt. eatertaîalag out-of-towii visit"- y SieonNiaanaFals, nt, ors hare. Please let us hear Mr, L. B. Nichais returned fnom you whea yau neturnathe bymas endled lan prayer home on Saturday ater spend- home and we are alsa, inter- by nedg "A Evag ing a week with bis son and etd aneiigtenmsPnelYei". daughten-în-law, Mn. and Mns. of your guests. Just dial Mrs. Mlley red wo as Douglas Nichais ai Kingston 230. sages ai Scriptune, ane on te Mr. and Mre. Nichais eccom- Waman of Semaria a'nd t'he panied hlm ta Bowmauviiie Mn. and Mrs. J. H. Aber- one ai the, womaru wbo mia- and speat the weekend hene rnetby vîsited Mn. and M ster e taHlm, and Mrs.s with hlm, Reg. Sutton, Orono lest Wed- Sheeio ead the medita-t MrandMre Rssei Bstnesday. Recent visitons withtion n Fongvenesi, the sv wMr. lanPd eiphiaRons nl Mn. and Mrs. Abernethy vene ingGreea Friens l o wer inPhiade-oin onr-Mn. and Mrs. Don Meteali, R. chanîïty bu a two-wey gvu day for e dinnen given i o R. 2, Bowmaaville, Mn. and ai gr>ace. The readier we arýe ai Dr. John. Coleman, Presi- Mns, 'George Bowers and Mrs. ta forgive, the les ikeiy w dent ai Haveniord College, on M. Emerson, Nestleton, Coli- are ta need forgivenese - he bki b'tOay r. Coleman, stable Jerry- Bowers, Ontario who bates is bis own tormea- who is a wan tilime friend ai Provincial Police, Dryden, ton. Mn. àaia Betlsue abowe- an nd Mn, and Mrs, E. R. M~rs. Shackelton then ln- vile Cnaden lubabout Taylor oi Enniskillen. troduced Mrs. J. Higginson five yeans ega. Dr. Jack Langmaid ai Osh- who spoke on "Meais out Mr. and Mrs, Tom Shore, awe with bis deughter Nancy, Wheels"', the plan first span- Landau, Mn. and Mrs, Alan 15, as cnew, won the Wold soned by the Jack and Jîli Yaungmen, Toronto, M. and Aibacore Champiansbip la Club af Trnty, but now hav- Mrs. C. J. 'Wray, Oshawa, El- Toronto on Satunday and cap- ing heip from several other ler, and Larry Cryderman, Of tured the Governor General's sources and by wbich hot Sali ne, attended a lunchean in tropby. There was e fleet ai meals are taken ta sîck, needy',1 honor of Mn. and Mns. ROSe 92 starters an Wedaesday for or eldeniy people who havet Cryderman an their 20th wed- the six-race contest senies. Dr. beau reierred mostly by dac-c ding aanivareany et the home Langmaid's mother le the tons, nurses or minidsters. One l of Miss Jean Rundie on Sun- former Louise Morris, sister restaurant coopenates, by eut-e da". ai Mrs. Rass Stevens and Mn. tiag the butteir intoe mali Aî rornng srvie lest C. G. (Ted) Morris ai Bow- pets for packing. Tlhe meale a,' mrin eri'11, r peard e teospcitalt Sundey1, i Tinity United manýle r reae t8 *Rose Metcali, Hampton, well and the nest ai the wank lýe i kaown fan bis musical talent by voluntary helpe-rs. St au 's loclly and father afield, bas She aswere-d seenelr been accepted la the vocal and tions from thùe flor, aýnd wasM U itd huch opera worksbop beiug held et tbaa-ked by 'bath MShiack-f Uriît d CïurdiWaterloo-Lutheran University elton end Mne. Puk. this summner, He will be tek- Mrs. Weýrd was presented lmler: lng the raie ai Dr. Blind irom wîth a thank ýyou and Ban 1ev H.A. urnr, the opera «'Die Fledermaus" Voya-ge ýg1*tl y M Puk as B.A,, B.D. byJahann Strauss. Mr.Meteali tbe Wand Family ai-epe- le musiec 'cnsultanit ionthe ing their hlda it Bit- Ogne:western area ai the Nothum- ish eTeles. . Mr.R. eteif, berland-Dtirhama County Board The maeeting wscae y ai Educetion. siflging ane versýe oai "Blest Be AR,.T.,A.C,,M. The editon receîved e note the Tie Thet Bluds". Mrs. this week irom Mns. Doris A. Cale, a member ai Unit 9, 0 am Holroyd, Churcli St., who basi was pieniet for the aitennoon. Trinty ud S. PuVs been visiting in Stratiord sînce A very enoae half- Trniy tPars June 7tb, She enclosed e clip- ha»urwe speut ae up ai Conkgregations ,, ping'ai an item she noticed liten n unh eve y h Worhipluthe June 2lst Beacan Heraid, Uit lun change. M1ýjr&hi Inwhich neads: "N. Byron Van- St. Paul's Church stone, Bawmanville, neported HA PO Setunday morning the theit o NrryCare bis car's bettery, velued et1 DuigService $20. .The car was parked a'vený- cn uprget with niglt et the Victorienn È rs', A. L, Blanchard wereà 1____________ r. Holnoyd thouglit'it quite MissEveyn ee and Mn. P.1 ecoincidence that she, belng Crame.Ms .L lnh aiea a Bowmnaaville resident, ard ,ettea5dd the Elchuk-Weir1 REHO OTH shouid happen ta notice the weddiung on Seudey et Knox article. She goes an ta Say, "I Presbyte.'ian Church, Oshai 1 Christian, Reformed hope ,he1was not ou ahaney- wa and the reception that1 ChurchThe Stetesman ta, Mrs. Hol- Hall. SeggStreet royd whle ehe is awey,, ber Sunday spe guesis with1 mind will be set et eese ne- Mnrand Mrs. Lerry Thompeanq Miniter:gerdlug the lest quate, as we were Mn, and Mrs. Murray 8evA Vndenerg lid repoted lu the "Persan- Freyburn ad amily of BA,,B.D, .Th. ais lest week that Mn. and Oshawa. Mrs, Vanstane lied beau -In Mr. and Mrs. James Bedone phone 628-7407 Stretiord ettaudiug e millers and ifamily spent the week- annuel gen al Meeting, end viîing wth Mr. and WORSHIP SERVICES Several nemes ai those who Mns. Pet Bedoreaet Brighiton.1 10:00e.mhad displays et the recent Mr. Baen Killens wes one 7:00ý P,flL hobby show liane wene lnad- ai the menmy people whOou- vertently amitted. Mrs, Violet joyed e, rideý on the aid 6218 Back o Go Heur Skenatoa the port Perry Canadien National steam train Di! 30 aio ai aerrat ht re ourelen *Otweti peet YoramGfoodwill Dealer"T HOeLIDAY WAGONS 198 HE'V. BEL -AIR PASNE S T-ATIO)N %WNA GO0N V~8, utomtre ransissin, pwer steering, radio, white ll tirs iss. Local, one owner car in Li.X34578& 1966 FORD COUNTRY SQUIRE 10-PASSENGER WAGON V-8. automatic transmission, power steering, pwrbrakes, radio, red lined belted tires, ThIs, wagn vwas loeally owned. In 1$1499 so roo ondition. Lie. X43142. 1968 PONTIAC, LAURENTIAN 6-PASSENGER STATION WAGO.N V~,automatJctasiso, oe teig Balaceo-at Rywrranty. Don'tmis thils one.$2 9 Li.X41261.$2 9 1964'PONTIAC PARISIENNE WAGON V-3, automatie t1irnsmission, powevr steerî, powýer brakes, radio, white wall trs i.X412 Real good transpýr-ortation for on!7y - -- $499 We lsoba e ther Gocadwiili as rTrucks1ti to choose f rom CALL WýELDON BROWN 166 Kig St, . E 63-3 Mn. Doug Luxton anýd Mn. Mik WodBowmenviiie, Mn. end Ms Perey Dewel and Devid visited on Sunday eV- euïing -wth Mrs. Ida Coucb and Mner. Ada Semis ai Newcastle. Mn, and Mrs, Rlph Ballard and iemaîly and thair bouse guest Miss Donna Green irout the Bahamas enjoyed an oct- ing ta Niagara Fells an Sun- day ta show thain guelst e hitorie sites and the sur- rauding area-. TItey'aiea on- aayd ifmily pieute. Miss Green ; wîi be leeving on Irn- day ta fly beck homo. Mn. and Mrs. T, M. Chant spant- the weekend et their sumomer home et Oak Hill Lake. Other weekend guesîs iacluded thein daugWïter and famiily,M Mr.eJack Carter, Tharuhili Sunday visitons were Mn. Daug Chaýnt, Torontoanad Mn. sud Mrs. George Chant, Landauà, Mn, and MrssBon Kiai-n Niehuis and iamily enjoyed a pienie ou Sundey et Emily Park Omeeoaiea pienie- ing tiýtane wêeMi. and Ms. Les Runt and iamily. Sund&y supper guests wtb Mr. and Mss. -James Ruddy and iemily wene Mn. and Mrs. Rau Emerd and iamily, Osha- wa. Mn, and Mne. Ronald White eîtended the Moses - Cryden- man weddîng an Saturdey et Trniity UitdChuncit. Il, lies îbeau b rougllta otihe attention ai thîscorrespond- etttMRs Meteali AI frthe EBoard ai Education, wll bepleîngthe part ai Prize Shorthorn Bull Produces Two Champfions At the Central O -.ntanio, Zone Shorthorn saeeld June 5th et Markhiam fairgrounyds, John --carden son Rick of Spring Grange Farmos, ccsle nýe three head, all sired by their heri sire, titis fin-e look- ing animal shown aboya, T.,.S. Coron&,t Unlimited 9thX. In the show preceding the sale, the two-year-old heifers were first and second in their clees, with the first pnize heifer going an to ha Grand Champion female. In the bull class, fîrst prîze went to Rickard's Spning Grange Unhimited 3rd X and in turn thîs bull Strauss baing preseafad by the Workshop et Waterloo Lutheran University this sum- mer, Cangratulations, Rose. Recant visitons with Mn, and Mrs, A. W. Presctt.wene Mr. and Mrs. Jacobi Kessier, Amnyend Alfred, Biton. The thnee membans af the Pros- ctt household enjoyed a lovely drive on Sunday with Mn. and Mvre, John Cariga and Douglas ai Oshawa, Mns, Preseott releted how, she thoroughly enjoyed thîs Oct- iag. Mn, and Mrs. ThomasRo 2g - ers, Miss Joan aid' Mn, John Rogers cajoyed a1 femily pieule et'Bau Echa ou Sundïay. Lest Saturday supper gues-te: with Mr. and Mrs. R., S. Met- ealf vere Mn, en.d rs,jse Trernouth and Mr. and Ms FrnrTrenoull ai o-roao Suppar guaste lest Sundaîy withý Mn. and Mns.Meteadifi were Mn, and M Ezrry, Freemen and Mn. and Mrs, Eber Snowdan, Maple Grava, and Mn. and Mns. Gien Meteaif, Oshawa. A weekend bouse guest with Mn. and Mrs. Fred HolroydÀ and Miss Lynette Holroydi wes Mn, Larry Stoutenburg,( Barrie. Mn., and Mrs. Fredj Holrayd, Miss Lynette Hoi-( noyd, Mr, Larny Stoutenburgy attended the 25th Wedding Anuivensan*_y on Saturdey af Mr, and M. ,George Gibson Sr., bcldî at Kingston, Mis Lynette HlayMn. Lanry StouteubugBannie; Mn. Ken Mertin, Ký.ingeton, provîdad the musical entantelument far the guaste Who were present. Mn. Lerry Stoutanbung and bis brother Mn. Harold Staut- eaburg ai Barrie as wéll as Miss Lynette Holroyd af Hampton wlll ha among the guast artiste appeaeng'et the Canadien National Hikare As- sociation Convention being heId ln July thie year et Brantford. Mn. Lerry Stout- eabung and hie brother Rer- aid ware guest entartainers for the FeUl Convention which was beld in Sudbury iast September and they have beauf speîally. invited ta appean once agea. An Ail-Star soccar geme was beld on SaturdeY et Tyrone where the Darlington Soccee Leegua beat the Whit- by Royale 3-0. Soute ai aur owp area boys chosen ta lie on 'the Ail-Star teaut were John Payne, Pete Sehoonder- beek, Dan Rogers, Dave Tay- lor and -Heaod Leach. Not only in aur village O! Hemp- ton but la ther district, vil- lages, towns and cities, soccer le flourishing. But no mat- ter where it's playen it needs the support ait the people. Sa, if you 'ne e soccen feu why not came oct ta thte next game and belp supDontthe teeme. Wel,' it's thet time again. Schoolg will ha oct, I'Gradu- ation '71" le upon us. I've talked wltb many young people lately and fiid they are more awere at the prab- leme feag thees and aur se- eiety then we adulte reelize. Mast ai theut bave suificieut ability ta do whetever tbcy choose wbîle a iaw unlese they stant makiug responsibie eboices now regardîng whet they want out of! hie or where they'ra heading will most hikely fiud themeelvos iorcad lu a mnoid ta whleh they ara basieally not suited. Our yauth take a lot ai citîism but I iind there are stili corne nm'ghty fine Young people and most agree ltaIttaeis eveny likelihaod tbey themeelves will ialiow the famîlier trend ai love and merriage and e familyfaitheÎr own.e, e Sa, u ntil nextwekn- mebn Naman resO tal as when lie stoope toaepolo- gize'I, Bye, now! GET ASHTODAT FO WAPPLIANCES was Grand Champion and I show. For the female champ trophy donated by the Ca Commerce, Markham Branc ion, a tri-light lamp donat Scotia, Unionville Branch." been suitably engraved and above, ta John Rickard and Del Moore, left, of the Ne Imperial Bank of Commereý Recent Graduates Debble Reynolds daugliter ai Mn. andMs Art Reyolds, Hamnpton, gï, ute reeenlly witbhorel Rec- reetion from FuheeCol- Stuart BOYÉ Ayre loge, Landau. Dlii-as n- son i M. ad Ms, aydcepted a position in th Rec- ý,m ofMr.andMrs Bo' ratin nd Pan-,ký e D,atmcnl ýAvra, Hampton, R, R. 1, grad- ionrlthe awn eai MiîsSeugaý ied on May 27th, 1971, irom ____ Centenniel College af Applied A..rts and Tacbnology, Searbor- ougli, as an Autamnotive Tech- nicien., Ha is a graduate i Courlîce Secondary Sehooil. Gien W, Finney son ai Mn. and Mns. P. Finucy, R. R. 6, Bowmanville, gradueat- ed irom Durham Cor llage ai Applîad Arts and Technology, anîd reeeived bis diplama in Electronies lu the titrea yeer course May 28, 1971. Douglas B, Stapletoe son ai Mn. e nd Mne, Chace Staplaton, Onono, neeentiy gnaduatod from Durham Col- lege iunlte Mechanicel Tech- iques Prognaut. - BETHÂNY BnianIvap Maunjoy veasd Mrs, Robent SissoIi haereturaed fromthldy inBermuda. so)i Mr. and iMrs, IenF Mrs, Ina Palmer and îber outofai lackstoek gnad- daugliten Mns. Ed& MGln ueted fromlte Uuiversî_ty ai enjayed e trip ta _Kingýton1 Guaipl with e Bachalor1 and by baat ru theI ScInce(E ginenig).Bniu1thi-ouglithe Thouand Islnds le n cw eploya wvt h ýe lest weekend. Guepjb-_ ta tteMlA4k B~in eir sihî Çommssin, tazaIQoi lie, in ver Fra-I The Canadian Statesman, osil, June 30,19,71 Carwri tStudents njoy irpiane Flgh ra-de Eigbt studlents at plane, ihght. Cartwright Central Publie The stude nts éha tda School in Blackstack have just number of tapies in rep finished ne af the mast ex- ciîng lessons ai their achool tiOnfo the flight and er career. iflipressed with the mn The lesan, on transportation, things, drawn ta their ttn History, Geoýgraphyb and a tion - the Torontaskyine number, of atePui ects, toak the extent of thewtepol the form oi a one .,Ou.,r ý ton in Lake Ontario, thecam -plicated road netwoiîks,th Mrsý Jack NZeels presented closeness of the USA, theWe her wl b a corsage af- pink land Canal, the -sbIps witn roses, Mrs, Mary, Heaslip ta enter the canal, the sîz-e Mrs. Pat Mils, Mrs, Margae Niagara Falls' and the geag ra Beer and Mrs. Frances Jaciý- phy af the Niagara eisl son assisted ln presentîng the Haowever, It was not just rnany lovely gifts. sîghtse-iing tour as the su dents ýwere eble ta realize tr Mrs. Ross Davidson con- themselveýs .a numberof tig ducted a contest "The Pro- they had discussed in class, posai" which wes wn by For example, how meny milesý Mrs, Frank White. the Burlington Skyweysee Mrs, Jeanne MeMaboný and a motorist, and whýy i Mrs. Frances Jacksoin sang necessary ta, buildacnl two duets, "Let the Rest ai around Niagara Falîs lso. h the Warid Go By" and 'Dôwn eiosenegs'ai the USA" atNig the River af Golden Dreams" ara made it cleerwyindy with piano accompaniment by af past contliit tî a ~a Miss Marilyn Youngman. tegic location. Lunch wes served by mem-ý Teachers Mr. Welsh andM bers of the U.C.Wý Robertson wbo organrized the--- Miss Beer thanked e. -very~- tnp, endeavored ta ul a one for the glts and the gether manny ide,-asthtld memnories they wud o-been ep ide naclsb tinue ta give ber of lier home puttinig Ain a realisiesttn communîty associations. Bath teýachers and suet agree that it was a suc.essfu venture. LAST CALL71 SUMMER foOL CLA0SSE1St OSAWA USIES Iuly 5 toAust 13, 71 ACglTerNOW! on a limit- or la iber can nw 9:0 am. toe1200iJ Supreme Champion« of the pians, they received a sîlven anadian Imperial Bank of .en and lor the ui " UU I PU The feet that Hampton, ted by the Bank of Nova Junor Puble School wîll bel The Commerce trophy has gettiag carpets la the new d lest week was prasented extension lias upeet the vice- d hie son Rick byMa ge chairman o! the Couuty ~wcastl Branch Manag r ed afEducationf, Howiard ewcatleBrachCanadien Sheppard, He polnted out e. during e meeting ai, te! Board on June 24th Itbet not servilie an Wednesday nîglit a single school Iu hie erea' with the score 18-4; and egean (the eastenn part aif tecOa- an Sundey aven Millbrook, ties) bas carpetiug. score 6-4., -Mn. Sheppard said ta Mies E v eliyn MeKinnon, Perey Ceatenulal Schaal ',ad~ Montreal, Que., Mn, and Mrs. beau denied carpet for grades Ceeul MeGii, Toronto, were! 1 and 2 as weil as the kinder- weekend guesîs wîth ýMn and garent eree. Sd ton lied Rase- Mrs. Vincent Jackson, neath Sehool. Christine Jobaston an d The superintendent o! plan- Deuny Jobustan, chuîdren of ning, D. W. Petterson replied Mn., and Mrs, Allen Johuston, that cerpet le uaw belng laid' were baptized by the Rev. la ail pîmary anees It onde-r KeitIt AdamseIla St. Paul's ta facîlitete the open-area Anglican Churcli lest Suaday. concept aio teachlug. The Congatuatins t 1 isstechîg metod le tli op- on gr tu a io s ta M le 5ti nal and depend e on w he- JaeFry, daugliter ai Mn.te h rnia n tf and Mrs, Frnk Fry, and'heteprniaadsaf Ceeil Archer ai Omemee, wbo ai the echool concenned de- weemarnied an Seturday, sire il or are abla 10t utiliîe wre in luthein situtionsri. Mrs9. Manie Gilmoun and han sans Terny and Paul,Mn aud 'Mns, Creigliton Cerrad L& D DIAPN their chuîdrea einn Lynda, ail o o ,wee 77RTSOýýN RADS weekend guests witb mnn eaDapr eun Mrs, Ross Cern, The Manvers Penriel Angli- B WM VIL cau Chunci pienie was heid DLVR 1 on Suaday et the home ai Mn. CnanrsPoia and Mrs, D'Arcy Practor. -onaiELEF. Gregory Wood and bis sis- TLP ter Jili let lest Tuesday ta 9 a.m. to -5 p.m. sec Canada duning their hall- 723-1241 5 days. Travelling by bicycles, ~We they hope ta go ta, Vancouver,0-e%,èkF St, Peul s BbyNeeds A Anglican Church Wainen - __________ Mambens ai St, Peul'e ACW held thelr final meeting fat r the seeson et the home ai Mrs, Emeny Smith, with e pot Sýupper luck suppen and social even- Ing. The graup are sponsor- Ing a boy et Camp Quin-Mo- ý,ae for one week. Plans were an 1 8 t made eo sslet wlth the Mn 1î vers Penieli pic le to be beid et the home o! Mn. and Mrs, D'Ancy Proctor, Meetings wiil be nesumed In September, Shawer for O Mise Marguerite Been aiý Scarboraugh was prasentedi with a sliowcr ai miscallen-1 cous gifle by lier home ct- munlty friands in Bathaay an Fnlday niglit lu the Unlted Churcli Sunday Sehoal hall. Only daugltar ai Mn. udý MssEdger- Beer, R.R. 1 Bethli any, han marniage ta Davld T. Mosey, son o! Mn. and Mms rekMasey, will teke place onJuly 101h. The hall was geîly decoat- tel wi -t pink streamers and basketsa o pink and whitei peanies. The bride was seati ,, ,ri. - rier oa ,ah,,,' and LIBtERTY ST. S. AT «01l63337i3 APPEARING SAT.,,'l'iULY3r The Connie #Mynard T r io Doug Luxton and AI Briagg appearig Wednsday - hursda WEDNESDAY- FRIDAY - SATURDAY ONLY JUE3MtI JULY 2nd 3erd Drastic Sacvings A PLEASURE TO HROLD PACKAGEI LIPIITE» 0F15 CUF CUATI GET RiDf 0F SUMMER PESTIS BLACKFLAG ARD 0TRTRAFES ra 1 9~ WE RESERVE THE, RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES NO DE-ALERS Nuaomaie 95 KING ST. W. PHONE 623-2542 BOWMANVI LLE Miassie Uver Carpel'ing In 1Schools

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