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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jun 1971, p. 8

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S The Canadlian Statesnman, Bimnil,~ueSÙ, ID71j § EIlecfrons~ î, rak 11L u 623-7 34 DURAM ADIS SFTBALLAf UronosPr Each year we get a l1tieolder and sol doe eerything yJn lakeKn Isrnyrih ad ele W now th1ffe league asbeean inoperation for 25 years livice V~îcrorngriodffthe atr - deiitl ti yaWhern the ,plaque goes on this 'ear it will bonsted their 1971 r1 ord tcf owirn h frttw ates b r n h e ( o h y N o h w l n g b ef î v e w î c r r r n s i r i e i t n t esa s - , I w a s m a n v e ' s f f h o ~ weýi do'tknwOnth f'ot of the trophy are te 0tes nn be ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ np' te5hpauonharpyowhwlnbfoeti Towing \W\irs 'Tp Trophy 'in Plumbers Golf Tourna-ment srpigbc fo a and e n a nfedlf NO w îh t nds orNwcastle, Orono and NexonvsueI1ee but i 194 Ceutice was n th Iea ue. he î~gve s cee-' Aie i ~~ ' ~ ~ ~ . 6- win ers, ast-edneday lsusthre strightfreeilss bratbiing tliir slennvrayof the trophy ith a d, i nr Y fIrLOse 1vnig(Jn '!3i-c) againstles tb Gerry aiPtOR5l and ig t eut on October 'n 30, et 6:30 at Memiorial FPark Ctl1O o'aJn ~s,~Bwnnil rwstidtce aewt h a hous. I ione iiterested lin goingtiktar$20prKepsTongpacdhm flanwsKned e- trimphovroendal thi erîWetc person, nd o _îy1 ickets tu be sold., On a fliret core, fiîst t,)eorg Mrtin's uoo Ca sonefuga1 t rtd bj)- adtn()Wavig1nyerl gtieot 9-1and a bem ethrwaikef h aeGeg on June l6th, while Garc fSaoin r s s c iic l og il;ME R PL3,AVGROQ NDS Kepp*s .5-1, Cebogteck tpwjhe on efecive, Ufive1in t 6i hoe olewngan l err on onay Jly5t an wllri j,_game, played jeiiiOrono, beforc that sentGrnWrgte intlThrdAuut9th. Heurs will be from 9:00 ther thrd and onee more ie thie1 agoo lc foloe5 l i h te1:4 r. e fen1:0p..t 43 m.sxt.Kap' ol u 1cm Eagles Ralph Kennedy and op Ken-nedyfrtei ia i the bottm1cf0the ixth. 4Aky locked rns in a meund twn î'uns l hesiet e Pl 'runawill be under the direction cf M - ih BTty etl, gc ping.. the dist-ý , duel that lasted 3,12i ienings. final fra meFasOeii Wrgh it sssanefrein Luanne Lavergne, Barb liamsancealloed 5 strikeouits. Il IThe Fagles, beld te a lpair of and Wrightbndeubis Cah otSue Mann, Larry 1-fdgsoe, Jean Bell, John bits anlual.i ~~ its. bh by shortstop Hon -i giîngBoavila nv A West, pounced on relief vma nwinig totl c fi . Ke d , laUhanue Na yCowle, Gary Severn, Lyn Lerimer and an h nAtnrnep' ~ rîig6 ,psenara nIeet0cm ution ocM M ttiBarney THolmes for thireei îuns ý ialig - Marie Ye, ing to many erors !ine the fourth, Abre-aking s s iigie r e i h et u Spcil vet 1 i be held every Thursdaly, concludig 1me-1t cf their ae ethv scoreless game. >kywa 'leilyssabc DnMe" be- n. ..forced to leave atlthe startLcf er-'s line showatundit wih9h7 AnulMadGasPrCeoniusay Agstlth be o rrors. II( '2i.1Kendal's fourth ieeieg, with a game end(gdul ly 1 9 7 1 .O n T u s d a y , J u n e 2ad ,a e a g i n g h r o w i g a r m b r i ig - Knapp's w nt te Coutice ondHomes je his second Aru nd T e ae yerwt rttn pec-'ilitsattendig every park. Cratti cd a betterglamne. Larry'spaanetbsyer 1So wîl nlue i-din n acreme. Sports and Marine copened thlealA sle hitFbaeralatcer lte, boing isathge scoring in the top cf the thiird A s7::igle by raer a atcea te, be eTh rov alh i -0 but Keabppa came back 'John, Shetler's two-rue double, ý.320 aftereitgas. a BACKiN E INNG wîth four ie the bottom of thraened te blow the Elec- la îb isi 5a as Th Hry eeeTVFi rosiiesic kt enc-tbe t hird and neyer looked tron's rookie beaver from, tbe includling bi ari ens d Pyîs 6-4-deisuo - ovrie Kendai Eagies, are right back imb rue ie the top cf the fourth, otl.Her uwonan toucheci fo n-day ightsameCrmb thelii swn ftig hweck, ie their LOB.A. schedui l. KeaPp's added two more each ohrru nanifelaru ds thganexeen vsi eut before the frame ended. lastetaej h ia reetysrtga5-,won-lost mark, this year's Inter- in the fifth and sixth inning-s D te soe' h oent in dpa befor Courice ot thee ~in te evn Barney ashow- Rar is the cu edr fu niedate~oua ar t velleg e Bhlevlletonght Wcdes-the seventb. Betty Thertel djstaln uea ehngctgiesR3',avrg 1 day. une Oth)for a eigt pi.,meeting. In their only pre- went the ristaece fer K napp'.ui is îtr fte rmî tbt) 'v6u lab tFElcronidcptped an 8-3 match. Betty is a strcng pitcher but! year, followieg the Electrons' itsl, niîne admsiilss Pot {oes grcutralPrk ils the settingfor tomer-Ilet's flot forget she bas pitch- embc.Bwavlete ept thir - î h ro sDoinonDa ecoetrbegien gat 2:00. The TV c vrygm tier n n hrdaalrg unoto o1îles took prthis win of last year. 7He is shojwn he(re second froTn tegm ,tkn dar lcrn aebe usne trop ~ '~ - t hocoldt ins the pîay- e Quality age c f Kennedy's wildness 50-48 and ouc t7-6b h wilface tllc for idle Kingston CKLC Seniors îsIbeplaerwit a or ar jethUtilities cfOshawapois-ored 'plumh- rghwith the beautîf ut trophy bcbng pectdby and eciting acàtctwoý- oppes iînis ia.Tng Sapr ree Prk hi Suda fo a2:0 oclok las. ifs S les et ehnd 'ucrstornnt at Bowmanvile ,Country Club. When Qalty1 Oha arnh manager Jim Cru'ckshank, ruengl by Rae Crombie, Wdedyueat)te R a y C ere bi has een Rb c 375 w a n vil e c r ' to p an des u p or ec a d er î a m h e s cn oore h d e n tall e a d t as Ie a lre t a t E ie A e f t i r A ssi ta ntM n a r T edst r n D os r i t a n a r. t S i r q i ' t y t e c se i i b r i g t re a ada clb igh nînie BB[.. Gant Wright and ïpat O'prcilly Knap'steok ce Whitby ri i r-3 a k Race, girls 6 te 9 yï,.~t800. Dcocw teln B.A. lak c t36 hndiar oun*. Janet Knowlton and Lus emeigrviibtec 20l4ý--, n Garccfy a PatT e an lireWhibn Wiby irsten1-.H tonntcred bbc 'South'K'"" 'ton-Tif le Kovacs lst, Loni Byam aindcl Port Hp1lyr n Osore ac hvetw vctrî5apic e teAikeyad-Claire eage numhîbe rsLetyersagheLeslie Taylor 2nd; Sack race, Bowman1villewlbebbin young BarneyeHool epîcked a bis frrtof jeaîastgWedboys 6-8,, Kalvin, Yeo lt tIeFyr'Arc1ua 'udrthe coacbing cf Mr, Drrli2nii-ii rkfra2prnDmno F1rank Ifenderson they won Vanyk Is, ho nesd s mc.bbthcopby twe years straigbt. bys TcfThotnls, ee Day sowdcn.Ths una TheLIetros, ho ieihedlas yeî'sreglarleue Mi, Henderson quit ceacbingiadee.Jeie c i ilsrttersuta oe playPi ieba1-- eodada21tca argecuetly them se tbc team sili playcd a ndwlon 2nd; Sack raceo1, ilbbÉpoweu l Knso eir cureitMary Cornish 2nd; 3 cgg e C eck at 2:00 are 4f;ilr swttn a idntîaligre:,it the one third point ie thisbua ttewkrwibdt race, girls, Mary Cornrisb and ~asn' 2 gineseedle wt cae hebig chnebes Bar aeylndTm-' ?4ea Dawn Vaneyk Ist; 3 Legged Mr. and Mrs. Chase boysBecauire cf B """' Like cemie Byam ,s. . P I W E N I acbîug bbc tcam, tbev i L/IUflt il juveile plaers Se are, sports or games couîdSFILS AA ki'what, they are getting beat Yiflot be fieisbed, se sipper EEA b" ~~~~other years. bow tbey ceme rtr eterhms aead sud maybe burer tbeh'Foersplaced i bc PHONE 2379 ta blcs ou tbc rest of tebbcilnni) 'l 'fi., teares. Betty Thei pitch- ln brhSnsyronn ce 4HU FVC ~~ c~d the distance, Hax'ing thce elvngmmr f c 1,Oa lerî unc gsmes je tbree-Fdayis and Betya riiamPnadnifonbs& i odtin1sal C ~ ~ ~ a r m i a s s t r n g e r j e t h c l a s tf m i y o s - C e t l & W î d than the first. addîg eslf al u- FnîyEupin mnt itb relatives in Las BugtTriAalbl . . .. . .te... Canada Good îewî fo ruffed1i grouse huntens Acco.dîng te tbc Lied say B3rncbof the On- i" tario Dcpartmint cf Lards and Forcsts, because cf a geod spel cf weatbcr durîng the first few wceks cf June, humt- crs eau expert good- chirk- isurvivai huic bbc falilseasce Th rfcdgouse in SOUtb- cru Ontafle begins egg la- ing in mid-April sboctly atter tbc start cf bc oralgce î ig season. Vry eloten grouse ...... lf eggs ' 1hiThe HamnJuniior PubliceSchool Softball teani ,few wccks cf laypeg, hwvrwecc ,decisivewinnes cf thc South Darlington 'Public chances for rcniesting decresse bbc later, bbc scaseon progress- School softball leau.a their play-off game thcy es. beat North Courtlie 26-6. But according te beani man- InlE cLîda Disýtrict, eggs ager, Greg Basoibb scores in the other four games nocall utccesomilm ~the school pa)y cd during the term were somcwhat the fîrst two weeu-ks cf June. New b-loe cbicks ar e vecy sus- dcoser. The teani playrsaIl grade fîve and six stu- v eril te ýold(, wct weatherjdents et Hampton ýpose above wî h their trophy, the CelAd raie d uring bhc ha tch-1 William L. Lycct1'rophy. They are, front. row, from' thc lefb: Greg Balsom, Murray Ruddy, Robert Bures, Frank Leach, Danny Pascal, Kevin Wilbur; back rcw, foithe lef t: Scott Jackson, Brian Baý,rry, Brent Badour, Neil Pring,- Ge rdon 'Nabý1, Raymond1 Dallas, Lorne McLean and Brian Wcsto- n i'U'eacher and softball coach Brian Ilar tris stands ],fib. behînd. The teamn captaîn- Honny Jukie î$ absent froni the picture.ý Ingpeid nefetîey eIM en's SoftbaiI Leag'ue M J, Hobs enor publc the bboa' rpo! yOucrg 1 s cheol choir sang twe nt- bid- istrict Foresten A. F. aile 'Is aLong Road teo leasefiÇ D~sIi ~ . A~("1~1~ Freedcm" h service cice M At~fIII witb fibescg Pub nt ........Hanid Inbbt h riand cf bbcMn from Gale".l The eiitirc conI gregaione n.îoyed the spîitcdý service fulfîlling iLs wender- imprvesLawn, 1fui purpose, "Making a Joyful G? G AB R 0 F RB3' B 0Av.blebis and Brian Adarus ýGIad to report Mrs. Annie' - . ~. Ie chie!reasce er mow-Ellis 1~3 405 132 139 84 10 6 20 59 .343 betdhsfst ore uec Haery i etcf epia îeg he awnu ne te im-Whytes ---- 12 337 85 105 59 8 4 25 51 l312 a tesao bc nso.adsaige ustLde pi oie bc gras but tS ~"PDetne s Bickeli bossýcd fine bal Bw avhc caane. Th eaespi- Stephens 13 401 121 123 62 7 10 22 62 .307 for Kran ps i lsi'cdiOW Hatit ypay is rix- du~ bod ' e or ls! Frnk --.12 369 107 113 62 3 5 22 41 .306 b 3 -iee eM.DydPr n bbc moe food uid rots Pro- W hhrank ie îtb anfthi aiv n - duced, and bbc stnongeî he~Fran 9 241 64 66 39 3 4-73 7 Usplc noteti mysdohrrltvso plans. utteg' emoes aîtKiampi s Il 320 -81 85 39 4 1 6 5ý3 .266 c Frak iibcstnng bybctrgrd th fh-iwe etbclodi orc.Gadn downing tbern 10-8. Mike Don-I n ohrl omei.e ingspcilitaat bcOnare ad h - 1 d Wcin le d 4 delauit l ss g e is Ellis' leader ttb1 Mcind Mi.ldan Depairtmeet cf Agîîiciiltuî i -2 eant vn larivn apifg tree i ts cd îî imly Obaa M. n ai Food ofr hse peints 1îî diio1r fv îes nude n Bh Mneladi'ldrenlu tekeF nmm re ou ~LTPI. [lic -niby taI ig be io ns i , was bi ith homn, uktnivr ud~le [oîng îurn îe1 -bbcn la itncfWtetops je the league h iecenget fM.sdMs Don' uttoccloe; beghtKtsps 3 8s o inirng.Cbuck KRilptrîc t-i BB'gave birn alau cd î cde n hlcn cf 1 te2 hrbe is pre Fiaka i 6 ~.~ d bch e cyn gh eucrding- total cf 23. Pl Fosc, be lit or uffiice fod Stplies 3 6 o 2 lis, ic ecod unthreid- îs Bnin ecb bd to bts frEMvannsraTeddid11u protio bcpat Frp- Wbytei 136 7 O 12 osSciïane, ae us.Kîtb Anderson WoyMlJoroiid iîc quent libwovw g2i',es the!W. Frank 13 6 7 0 12 WrgtDugKap ee and Johnl Kramp bc ii-n dc Sud best resuits. Ecsieclose Bihil ad;eni Boeh piece for tbbc o' bin. im cneic ,eî mhe cut ing ofen iclt iletbinK b er ae hrd Kcms bt. JcyCye (-) ossd the wîn.î cublre eeîîiwr grass, wccds, sd lesseed' apiFutueocdaisadRdyDnhuAdrsn1-)asrdteStraygstcfMsd resîstance t o pt e bc nsdtobts abfrStp oi M.TryCifb ot, E I A necila,ý,, ,ietrtd in bTe Ov, auof api !cs.- - ~ - c.Foece Sot or 'spring, se beout iben îsllatwe' ieatDveRustssdasigmnvl.wsSuayupr iii about 21/injchesbg.TeMeoiiPr. h issix iter gaes Frnk, i- YRNE uet f M n n at liglit rlippingq eauhb, îeft oniccce îi ieigsneak suuipcey ir irik ad fn-1iRa bm.r bb- lawn j in ,! ca a(' s 1tbey te four wins ini a rew. Franik',niîg 1 ecuet i hid n Suda oee Te Sîdyicic ui k ~~~~~~~wJil soon irot and dsppaVarjety slippcdbutna tc fr un je our eciionsÏKe, ii eda b ejklc Rusa De ee, R, R 4, Oshaa, bac~ uat finibed Sec hat bbc b'iadies cfj your -second place as thîey lest botbVirsuPalTissnedYthGupcfbchuh1CnrvioPrknSudy clomeriare ishar44..Duli bladesvlcfntheir games. Faniare th eaon'attack with a pair' coeduicted a Folk evc,!Jn 71, we apoi Theaningt his 44 i i ncm s ieiat W dn s a j(jer s d rie bb is iv be e nts b hn r m sclbb ab ct nesoni The m sefoc bbc service i rs l cly 6,5 wcre pnernb. Pe The tabsmai pobogaphr ar(vd o b cn t n b a aurntapes- udbaelest four in a roi. aed 1W1oody becT.,-, Franki, pcrfred by the "Combe", , , lîdren(iand seeathersi recrd is ath. r. nd n.De C4cwee1 isin-ace-iuya1oo lunmo- Knamps edgcd 1,Steplies 5-4 beit witire itseac.eitcb Deug eielMike Weed, Ai lay1,:stbl Thrce at~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ thi otg nSonyLk hnbcbî cl i n )kcp it in cigod icon- n eir hts9-6 te gaie e a fusebeltedthein îrfinit Bngg and Deug Luxtor. To ieea olu'Knegre ditio. T ,extra expese op pot.WalcnFrýaeki1doue- bemens icf bb sconforW. hnonur .3uly lit, the scnîc iisaîdrndrrcevea 0a icmp ant adig TRTTJ [em1-8o Wdeýa nt y BIs cmp eda reang Pandialousra lto avnYo ili1 t h a d d n ' w r k c c u s e f n e n d m u k î e t o e b î g c S A T S Nt b i s ; a y ' s1 - a c t i sn pW h-î s l î m , l , o e n o H e , b b nei y e u g p e p e1 1 , J r e i t n a l n hole'i 1tr evcewiliaad nr bFnaSM. cCegabech fo nbiloefecue te aevl C-âtiFI fodtebrstunsxt îee1ad0rptd fo'cf bc ogrgaie hlcCaî:Bol10f, e ! hce ha dsad ule b bar ..aiK9 ond1f1,1p4 i.ion ue fflqn ith bce ffecîis nd v en c o.Ptr Kelo~ Grs 1 j irn 63i33 I lmpgl utit,. bln ery Bae (-e.Dnesrehl y h Trs m o ticfcYeSua dya u. îgs fs i hdee cuh.1Sehn Ka p mngdMeetr ld W yes wt Co b" o cltae, Th'PesniI os12adoeý j ~Depariment i.of Rceto CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0FBWMN LE SUMMER PLAYGROUNIDS Moonday, JuIy Sth, 1971 Mfonda1y rog Frîday 9')00 a.m. teo', 12 noon an1 :3ý0 pmtOr4) pli. Playgreunds ivili he lo211onAu,,gust 2nd, -197 1 (Civie Holiday). Plyrudvil hè coný- ducted for seven weeks. Cllo.3ing- z dateL Thursday, 4:310 p.m. - August 191h, 1971. AT Lions Centre, Lord Elgin Prk Vinrent Niassey Sehool Grounds, Ontarie tretSehool G;rounci, Mýemorial Park, West Bacwad Watv- erljy Garden-, on Strike Ave. off Waàverly RÈoad, DROI-P - U ETE Every day from 1:00 te 12 mdih ,A1ge category 16 years to 20 years oýf aïe MemeoriaI Arena 1Lounge: Starts July 5t1h, 1971for si"xwek Monday throughFrida, 1-:30 p.imn.toi :30p. pid 700 p.m. te 10:099 ii Age Category - il yearsý te 1-5 yarùf age. Dirrctor ï4 Recreation 1966 METEOR MONTCALM CONVE-RTIBLE V-8, automatie transmission, power steering, pow-er brakes, radio, whîite wall tires, dise's, bueket seats, wvith floor console. Fînished in pow der blue with spotless matching inte-rior '49 Sec this one. Lie, 371-564. q>1-99 1967 BEAUMONT CONVERTIBLE 6 cyl., autoniatie transmission, powersteng rapdio, white wall tires, dises. Lic. 300"9731 1965 PONTIAC PARISIENNE CONVERTIBLE 6 c '1., automatie transmission, radio, white wall tires, dises. Lic. 489Q99A. 1963 CHEV. IMPALA CONVERTIBLE V-8, automatic tasisopower steetii,, pwrbra es, radio, whie all tires, bu ket scats, forconsoleNopli!--,, Hapndymapn spectii. Lic.8 65 We isehbave 45.o,-1GdwllCarsel:r Truck5s CALI, RAYLTANU 1 - le

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