The CauaianS tatesinan. awsnanvllle. MY1v7, 1971 '11 Newinvile ublc Scools Mrchng Band Performs BefrFrerkDspy Mws. Bruce Tilison, Editor Phone 987-421 3 hoi-, h u td u cernent,-, , o, ,,,;..del1 .j '11-1z .. îver.. yoe ur1 :i ýý : " 1 . , :,' Caribea ~,uesrVists ou' '..ouriceweethathritflver L ,. -- - - - -V 1 , .y.u. -IM >a ain -u1 1 -the: heat.:.and--l'Ila-lso Ion. .bo. I!inli~~~'~ da hr l CouvI ir aw-i..ll- be, the paper-i boy these ne.-... two L"î"xýaî Guesdo trust toheyhCn'oyed their httl bitbettr. ei..rieda' "d las~~~» T eewcasthle C Jt venuesî:., b l tu goe i u o ioefý, ietnWt ly I , ,,,1 II 5-- iW l . Pbic Seol.ricpa oh wyitsbud i due ot 7-2 Pot ope114 ad el-: I1I LJ 1Y Vlduisus be'n.thm,-hethe24h o.M.',uton a. tome 6-3. u Thrsd - JuI ana,-boy p.ayd-thIl"eraou d' brh . ;Tht they agaîn rj ( p,-iroed Hi,,ý e gg;la a el an "eceîved mnyÎf.vo.a.le Mr, Majer soke.for hl .,e Brtain nder h l i19. e I V lI - ..I.ien e;Plyin sverl umbr.h. So efttat he 4t wit a c...of16-,...v i an machig - wllraeiae.ofMa wa-jut alîtie or ... ý. . ý ,-ennettthanowl ing :170 1 he fouri->.bit.. . ý ý i ', .. -ý, .: ý - 1ýý- -ý-t ming, they receîved excellent early and too danip and. co1d: . . ý> CogrtlaiostoEdmndiei I. A.If Carmnofth irwrk bvngtogt pfo sholi bail. f -f4 1arid attention.- ilEdmund ,, Many, fit htwt:yugtr M ra'eHr and bsCo mmii ttea of - 1.1 . ,;dîplayand n'cargeof-te-wa a pnish ent ot t le 1, ..ý,'ý N..atl ios lu orevnigs rora ,alo ctdthm eei bt otw rtwh their effort ,ein, .ringi.1g fo. 1h Iecle n Cnaasbcd w t.t. wsa eeo bbî f h ow avl, hnthywnt'5o col an..itug..y.., and'sMr .rnk Stplto istc l4h îrhd Ne tc udhap 'e.andanLeio adpr eteaî alepA t wy;h S.- tPublic ehoo ory paî'ty an Let Tbursdey Mr, -Jlm', numbe-ý1i - i a ut Hi idMe 4bi asi edsuiom ortî aen-ee a.An toswloko .rr adbul1bn wr Wlbrde f Tooto le dy.rr e ul Pieteîpssbe e do eytîg bu d onggou.îtît clbrt Qen i. real.reatfor...ryne. Ad diner wth M. edMriylepade r orwrîute ac te Ileoksutl ut iutsltewthtetoi..itdamny wr the display1,1 as u S uel, a5 .Hll H wa . e o t., holiay, o h'in aoteriy atr ae ,î sa notbNwcste iefgltes an a. 1-thweethec, b t weWhope m othe , ,ca. Les li ec . ll , th1:US l a ad arur d wo ks we e ed.a-on'ou:wt.le eeàco-.n c ul"e plî t'e ot e .1 Y.ýý,>'... Liescanadthenbet a rIaad+mon-..Weare p.le1ased to reportý ', , fwhen thae crped et*E...y-Satqrday inriar gucats'witi . .rvica.Pr.Mr r d- r . W. Paedcu, wera ý ; W-nn-s o thi yer's , ,oronto,,. Mca ý--ý - o .przes etNwc..le Pulic.L Spier, Toruto, ad Mis ... . .-ý SeIlol fer bigbcst standingS Marie Col.linzToconte. A.n and:Mie elle'Dion; Grade te , c.e. . .Lane,ý 12-.jnic uno ed oui M..nd Mr C M. Jncs an -11. as.-a G rdst4 Way Lae ud- orinwhî.ar Sai ý. ý, ei 1ý --V -, ýý-:ýý:ý.- ýý:,,--. Il, :ý sud ir o rlnWîbut Gade 7-i1 Scott and Mrs. S. Gordor.,ýý. ý ýl, Withith assisance o host rincipl Mc. ally-Pît, r-gt, Mc.Ro-ect' stayand Lle Steevl les. Miss Cacoil Hendar, ou la. OntarlIl..oý . ,tFrês Dail .-dprceure a wll s- pIlatetourof Gnera Moo- Ohawaplan, aitleCamp Quiu-Mn-Lac.ý 1 ., ...ý . ý.ýý, t - .. WTON VI.LLE. Vis.itors 1 Wl h Mr. . . ..and ace, ad ii atedth - n.pls1ouseetQue ' Unrecsty a Ku..ton. :ý!1et : ýduat . ._ .wîu.Rose.rry H.. ent a,>. -G.-,m-,uc. e .s. o. 49.< lue lugow- ed mota, Mr Towend.:Nw:Yck, Waa I..t e, ana.a.. iGr1, wet.R ",eçMichael Tait.. ", peu,. so- boad..Tue invocaion.wa St r e ur ff e ndcu dntelith--vn iyc- ucgrv Jn..i, .Mrs. Alice Rnwa-:i nerries.59 Fcllowshîp- Club;. Lucky Dr.w,':v ; îcme, oono, an..c Car- dictorian, spoke " on bac firat and Mrs. Alfred. 1., -,Redknp :of donec .Os -w., .N ' A ... G.O.N.. eGET.LS.OW. .OO liy Mc. Sdî...-n.ol.-..jMr .R. ra. . R,arro.v, t.d U.. AF . ..G FESH AIL setjMat.i-, Bowmuville, -heir Mr .i Farow on Stur... and-Mc.,-Spink;.C. ld'a.bicb Muic- . Coý1 h , n sultýanan spk, M.ed r. . Lncs - t:t:u e, Ca h-a. Cu: umbera, :,trftnw r,.P.t, H vebal ontc b te y opla dmed.Th.ah-tec -r dnur u.ts on.,sWaIo.Ge. Ban, .e, adsh-,G..t Fellowship C lu b: L . ,-, . .ýý. . ady'et-il cubwas were presne Sna wt ca lcc ronHthueToaosSrwbr Newcastlc. -S-uiidey June- tors-----d---,--t - --ed-th- eddr'd b rthday cio-se---tte Juna - - by-Mc.- -i. Mcfionald-- end the -B-irstow-,- O--u-. - ,,-ut-iful... .ý, ý", . ,ý, 5 .a1woudecful cover whoswesgbcind lare; donatad1hyeJe knd DaJneg;Khprelentedato Master Bd HoI fun e% gthe ey"ud epin wec oua patîclar iust 'Jne ntbDoulas bannd- aaeictolan of 171,Caro Lo ui troni,'- . This i.. c .te.o.. o w..the p-eecer'ethem, ai trc donaad li ', .c bp..o l..ý. ý ...... a tte n d e d the, . .t'e m' 1 0u2 mo nI - 1 avec1 -n gr cduat e s ý auid,,ý ý.;ýýI: .-i. .1 e, m i-bt add y aîn.riuig ap cia..treasurus -att, disIdouicted by c. aud M c.ncdpMca. M ucce Acm- pii il takuig avauiagc f tI aboa sub asfeetersplui cens Mc AItGarcd: Mat ltter cecivedthai dipomeafcom sud emilMîllli ELT PWD4, EEE ý. - - o r t y q u s t i o n s e l e n"?t e C h i ; . - ý .... .. . C ar' l ic-i n g I uth e P o , t ey l v l e .i. ; s ud' -1< 1,Ia rZ ,: . . % .-E- ý i , , ;i . . .. -ý-,j 1 V j b ii u t e i i1te r i.i j1( i , l i Schneideref mîly VERCHU,, ,1HORSEMAT-C..JNKS CRY-TL Prompt -y -,i.2 ru:m. ccc--.:route.;players, Chacles ,Gcay, fb. we.F(o hn E 16 d3, ny, Mikea. G uIerdIayd tIÎ jeýý,-,(,jý.r , i Ceco- St-plato-,.,ud M astr:et.F 3 l ii. 7..,.79: Tg Oraege;pIliC, --3 q$b r -tte alh1alan tanea ti a saaucnemn o ed ly dHe.AdeHonegf M, lc Hge, rws ~~rspcmtywecsn o cual hs antto.ift-Jhso cg. iIBifai TmMDuil.Dn bm-vilwîsa vangtgu CIKE OTN-.XLRG WE meccy way by île. CO1 ..i -cueth oc' 1 atocude.HaprKl,,sn n a od M.H ih M.Dai edcn' - eur people, > by . the w.-,a, d. :,.St I'. rbyming dues .-. Aiy-. , elui asespk ad nrt- .LUlI.1A L sevea ert -vt o .tIks If you beppencd te bac your k! s] cd , Brteaainints e R oom 4 forýse t.h ofgades6, .nd8. .ceu>McF.:, SP-R-IGH QUAITY YOJR C'IOIE -STOC UP .... ,.. ý .. ýdancing1 ý witb Ishehelp of M.-A-exand,, Bowmeni-le, w0te. iberpepcte - rr- a upo : e ae, r . aubust-Sndy etVnonàle. fMc t.iu: p- cced, lke ock.yo-to.penwhic .gaa yu Necaslc .Frans, 1P.. Mc ad Ma, Tremn Rbet im .wock aud except :foc a few iv Hud e.nt ro spant i the, holiday Mc.> and Mca, Wu: n, Joli , ..son...PORK LOIN Q11,,TERS CUTiiINTO' miermicu- logth wy-hedetnaio.o.te c-dGay ".;ayo,aldeat son, a i weekend campingA lu Basteru Jenatrille, were Ssturdey' , âli ail .-. ý, ý > , pariciant ariede t fc apae M andiM. A- et eio' -eco.eenugviier1wt M, n destnaton l. jg ure. ou f-tctcd il hancs o wnin-cl hu", SretNe1ati, il-M . .d Mc. , Jb.on T1 s c- c eatfu-div a ay prz .1 lic teicar thallie baI.1 'I.n sud-,femily, Port%,.Hope, Mc. Mc. F. G.M . eSlmitb and Missfe .kaep lum d -hsws e pn ea ialiCpusc idtar LITILE M ORl.race, ,ut ,the t1 1 . , -Gecmc. ntîmai7' inuser leug eahor:da. oan'fmiy-Orgrle tresurs1athce anoue .GanasadHaodCod e-,n Tucdayernu,-Jl'SrTyune>wth ca Muph 'l' x,.raies came, ta.setup aump- andfiramen and.wi>l deisieus face ,a d-a- Nov u pro' c ----d te che"k- ..'l,,th1. 1r:t-.,M.. su:M i-uc - - Contet Saturday evleix1g'at.oCîe ioidays w-ti;h4re lb.0 9 RJLL 8 rNCIt24-07. SIZ IlTb<ceaur..,.ý -...1t;a or- . f11 f--iiall Sevecal menibers ôf f of thedaiw wltli ber relatives un lat Ca, N17,M..sud Mcac.oed -'ai doca oc note,...0,sd theefr i rni bu andst oropta,,ý Evcitsaenad îhilw tuteuoedeptuk uc-- cW 1uy ad M Mca Pet ,Blaker .&iSe.s, ceai r ucca d apped ther foucth de ruait-their brother sud lis fans Ne.-114,,Mc . ,. nd Mca J f:ýý. te - ' r' t -S-w, tl.Cmm n' is-2 o 2, JueKibslla, %ruk W by lt-U IlN II -, i . ~ ~ity Bowling Larc, es, be tcuie fecieis n wak7OTC Stor, Necaal-; u todli~dlîtl'eStea nugaina but the PBoadru-nners McrsdMacatr anzous4te eet ioiM v, ret umehe Poînis' tetal us thet h1-i- unsa fielders wee unabe tacor, sd ÜMc sd McîWraa VI 'h* 1lagt oeeeteaý ?0c~A eopeA!s a - - .~ .. - Car No11, PHarper Kalacîr ceasident ef the SnstLcdgel wîth ithe Port Hope batýýting, atteuded 11eVauy k fm'y~,Ut .~~Ww! oes r h os RNI rFamly, upasd saucer dors Niursiun omgowavil Hsornel hefrt uiu scs aiiunresklthCn ue --UpI ColA~~ eaw~' tss oe -Hd hi Glanrilia's Vacia+y sud bopas bis cayfid whenthie Elms scared twelra sec e1 tion Parlk rSundey aftec ioooee 6, 9ie'oedee ets 1tee .e 9' rSoeWili cmFa andria:it wsth himi runa, eleven aftec h o ýwera nonui, ann.eeto Oldest lady uceseni, MiP or drop P cardantîm. out. Kîs Harris sud mre Mc. sud Ma. J O0.SrinskPtifreoe5e e We F, .., LGresliay, aaap denetediM u c rc slauVglbt ctfour .foriBaov îl ec nrdy1w bthîe Fellewshsp Club, Fa- - etnddtI .erdv - Bisko fv îhactil ev r-ieuing -litossdMs E~uAO ~<4625.O +hier wtii, the niost Zrar 1 wddng n amîlton on Set- tourille play-, the Fort Hope Mca J, C. Cook ware Setu STE I ~ TRUSTS ebsdren, 1rvtiCculinugli, urdei, r, gog ou from hc tFiess ort Hope cail Mcn-day e rentng visitaiof Ir ii â ~ etctv caudy donated by, tle Pelle e- i e cotta ge ePt Buckboru. This day, July 12, aud returu ho-meiSmillakrt as. sy 5 9l~ 1,17 precsaut, Jim Stephienson, carIcu auml uews ducactlv mb ano Wednesday, July 14th. wock as a "Caudy Stcsper' Isu -e- x dauated by NewcastleithcSttsuc office agai". Ibis Mcr and Mcar- ugI Stanla-'Mensarial Hosptal Mondair Garage; Younigest chîld pre-« wee-k WýUth£Lonald also on. ton an.d Cuax1and 1&. andlafteropn,