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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jul 1971, p. 3

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Lov ableLttie One-Year-OId "nud he eouildn't even pay me hack that waLy," sait the Donna Mae Si &em-ployer, "thie amount is tee large anti his wages too amail." a summen course at Waterloo thein six cbildrE The atviseor thcught a moment. "Well, tlien,"' he sait, University. Leslie 19, Debor, 117wy dn'tyokxrâje hý'saary'1-Mnrs. Richard Anderson anti Andrea 12 anti, ~'wy dn'tyenraie bs slar."Mns. W. Blackburn, wene Fni- Tbe tbnee oldesi CLTHSCAEHINTS: day afterncon tea guests ciý attendiag Bigha ?Vurpesealappearance is greatly improveti in freshly MstAhbopoaies t, ocg al t elae lteMrs. Lyons, CiEaniskillen,' thi omng faI spent last Tuesday, with Mns. sneia îh BO MA YILELIONS CARNIVALThmsn ston First Ward Mn. anti Mrs. J. Potts at- presitient cf the Saiurday, July 24th - Memorial Park tendeti the Potts famnily ne- wbiie activelyp unioný at Collingwooti on the ail the cburcb ai weekenti. Spackman bas1 0 W D~ U DU U Mn. anti Mis. L. Ashton, la- Relief Soci] ~~V Y A U ~ ILL Ronald anti Ray anti Mn. Rus- Gnoup), MIA. M A N "VILLwseil Ormiston were dinnen provement Ass ~ guests, cf Mns. Walter Murray Suntiay Scçhocl E *UTL E. PAW UN ERS a week ago Suiay.,ý yeans. Sympathy cf the commuaity S84 KING ST. W. 623-5520 is exteniedtiteMn. anti Mrs. C LEANER 'We Specialize lit Shirt Laundering"> Lloyd Ashton anti famiiy antiGodt Mn, Russell Ormiston la tb-eG(Dest0 ___________________________________________passiag cf Mns. Aston's __________________________________________ iother, the late Gordon- Wer-i CHARDWARE 36 yIGS.E - PHONE 623-5409 WEEKEND SPECIAL, Inglis Was-her SPinmDryer *EIGHT LB, TUB LOAD AGITATOR WASH REGULAR IPRICE$298 $189,88 Spackman, anti ren: Wentiy, 20; wa 17, James 15, 1Chnistine nine. ýt girls will be a'la Young Uni- in Pnovo, Utahi, pamckman bas op cf the-Carti- rd anti as stake ,Alberta Stake participating in auxiliaries. Me's. been a teacher Lety (Women's (Mutual Im- iociation.), anti ,o for rnany Trentonj home froOs hawa hospital ~ ThiurSdayi, havînlg hAd aotfp- SALEM Mn .and Mm Ken Fe~he i'eturned from a moitoiý r tp t - the east coast whre they visited their son, Mr. Donald ~ ' Fletch er at S t. Francis- Xavier University ait Antigon- ish, Nova Scotia. TeyaL-O . enjoyed a boat tnp aroun? Port IPeekerton anidvste other places of interest. 'Mr. and Mrs. A. Ga rson have moved from -theîr far-mý on the Manvers ll-oad to their new home nc Man vne Bowmanvilir. Mr. nd rs Sm uto took Ms oet rî h had spen te vked t irbr Dennis cFters home to Haliburton.O ter o'o)ilhrlsLoi waay home he cledonMnMFete\, mavile bo andi Mr. en Bu!Ittery a!ils a graduaýteCof both the U (IWî Peterbormugh. versity of -Western Onao Mr. and n tnAais a eebrog ece Toronto cr atn, îî olee a rcepted (a1_os_ tors wfîth Mn, andiiMný. F. ion w ith M' ryCetnpa Blackbun. Schol in rnto Robert Bulrley son of Mn. iantiMrs. Ronald Bunley, Newcastle, recently graduateti fromn the tlinee- yean Business Administration Course at Durhiam Coliege, Oshawa. He is pnesentiy cm-1 ployeti in the Management Training Brandi witb the Bank cf Montreal in Toronto, Gra duate Edwart D. (Ted> Browa e0 f Mr. aiCMnsj. .ai Bnrowr,, 73 EgnSt. ecîe his B.A Degree al, nol T[nîvensity, St. Ctaîeon iMay 25th. TheCanar-ian ttranSwavll. uy74 1 3 ""E LISTEN T 'I Wvvonîn ar yJLna.JI L~ ntsomne harmonica music~~~...2.5~,4 lolk are givna caýrd bearing e *~ whiclisrve asan Radmission1 there was oo satngac- comodaion a ib>onutf thel Mn ndMn. nturTewin, '" groudspletyof tfailitiesWiliam anti Pau, andi Mrs.~- -'" for picic, a nti on 1this pn ilieiAnderson attentieti l roo ~da forv the opening cf the i» Q and museum cof , In the " here" h Î'e te Reach, Port Penny antid Scugog area, asa inemorial te bail-.hapedbuildng s oneerscf these districts, 800 pop, two finie flILep. .. wereshon. ne c thseThe guest mînister wàr, nin- "Four Seaso-nsz" depicted yean duceti by Mns. Bert Gray, Rev... rondc living nOte m Barry Pogue, solos by Mc.iii" Gecond, "Noth cf Supensonrobr Hrn portrayeti oun ruiggeti country . The tiedication cof furnish -"-' farther afielti, These, too, îngs fnom Haytion anti Pros- hanketi back te t he excîting pect churches to the memoniall "Bell Teýlephon e" s c r e e ni chunch.Th presentation cf s owng f "Expo '67'. More gifts from Haydoîi church wasi than one coldster was beard matie by Mn. Arthur, Trewi. te sa "vou1lt like to visit The gifts froni Pnospect church i "Ontarn iq lae"~ again," Mn. Les Smith matie the pne Tha ths ~ aplae or hesentation. A sing-song was idth yonatthsinhelti anti a social hour. Lunch . ....... ae-weenwas evien-eti by was served. thepreenc cffou thusaclMr. anti Mis. Henry Smit seýhool c-hiltire-n, anti hundneds Gravenhurst, visited Mns. W. - Martin anti Mn. anti Mrs. J. Potts. WEDDIN'C Mn.Delbert Potts, Renfrew,. PENEDICT, - YOUNGMAN endi at bis home. hylsYcungmani, taugh- Mrs. Marguerite Treval cf . . . . ......... tern!c Mrs. .Joyce Youngmnan Oshawa calleti on Mn. anti cf ethnyant Brce e- Mrs. L. Ashoaniamy. The sweet littie girl in the above photo, who seemns to be )tbbblng overwt ct. s enon f Mn. anti Mns. Mrs. Nivens, Bowmanville, happiness, is Kimberly Ann, daugliter of Mr. and Mrs, George Mý,,oore Kîmnlyr Clive Bneicof Lucerne, visiteti Mn. anti Mrs. J. D, Anin celebratmned her first birthday on ulyS h stegadagtro n ~ wee maniei lat St- Cmero onSuntay.and Mrs. Ted Hutton and Mn, ýand Mrs, Harold Moore, andgrtgan agtr ndyini St. Giles. Chunch, Mn. anti Mis. Bernard Peýtenrbcrough. The bride was Ilouseman, Wayne, Sandra anti cf Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stervens, Mn. andi Mrs, F. Hu tton, Mrs. Robt Stphlens anrd g iven in mfiag by Don Debbie, Calgary, are holiday- Mrs. Frank Moore. Kîmïbenýly Ann's gre at-great-grandmnother, is M1rs. _R. R. Thomrpson. iag with ber 'parents, Mn. anti Stevens. ,Judy Thornton wsmaiti cf Mns. Chanlie Garrard.___-__ -- lionoir. Louise Hemr, Linda 'Mn. anti Mrs. Alfred -Gar- nenredict, Karen Youngman nanti, Barry anti Lori Ann, at ent iBeverily Post- wene brides- tentiet a farnily. gatliening at rie ad OnI. - Que, M issioni Graduate ras'its. the C. Garrard's home on Sua- Antre Cote w7as best man. day evening. '""" 4'i4 4,"'" " '4 liahens -were Entaýn Mallocli, Mrs. Miltireti Ander son antid 3 ~ ' ' Dale Younrgman Jim O'Dcna-'M. and Mns. Arthur Trewin jY gbuie aidWVayne McHale. attenieti the Littieford-Antier- 1' A it outh1iïera Ontario son weiing ia St. John's An- 'A followet.i a reception at the glican Church, Port Hope, last « Ernpress Hjotel'. The couple Saturtiay. wi ln Quebec. ____ Mn. anti Mrs. Russell Ander- son, Pcrt Hope, werë Satunday . Announce Nes oe. at the A. Trewîa IelgSus ne: mrsGeorge Piper, Bow-............... SrnS Piles Tbompsoa on Tuestiay. Mn, anti Mns. E. R. Thomp- ~~ son anti Cindy, Bowmanvili e. Olive Pellow anti fientis, cf .... .... ~ renwnedreserch inistitute bias Toronto, wene callens at Mns.* < cund e unique healing- substance Thompson's on the boliays ~ ".4 with the abihty te shrink hemor- Mn. Rolanti Tbompsonc rh<ids painlesaly. t relieves itching H'ampton, Mn'. D, J. Thompsn end discomrfrt iimintsandiBow-mahville, 'reSaturtia ~e,-fe, iup heling cdf the ijrei, %visitons at Mns:. Thompson's. Presidet and ns.Ro RnadSpaýckma)n wîlbe Eii? lanietitiasue.Mn. anti Mns. Water Briti- assumîng the oepnr lte f the Ontanîo-Qukebec 'iIS ] Tan ae after cswhfle genltly gett, East Beach, cilled for MÉissionn upon thïeir arrivai in ]ranpton, headquar:ters Q... yelivin pain, actju31 reduction Mrs. Thompsca anti took heroftemsin (lùkg)teck plaýce. tc, their bore ne l Bowmanville Miary Bradley Moi.t mprtant cfr ailnti for Suntiay dinnen. Inl thé A chang,,e in the piresideotcy Followîog the successful ceai- daugliter cf Mn. anti Mns. Carl eesthoroughthatt;hisimprove- evening they ail calleti on the cf the Ontaiio - Qee Mis- pletion of a vanîety cf chunch Bradley, R. R. 1, Hampton, a -nent wamaî,,ntained over a perioti Roy Thompson f amiy, Les- sica bas been announceti by positions, anti upon bis retire- recent graduate cf Peterbon- *f meY "r months. kard. the First Presitiency c f The ment fnom the Granite School cugh Teacliens' College, lias Thî1Y wa accomnplisheti with a Mns. Richard Andierson re,- Churcli of Jesus Christ cf District, be was caileti to serve accepteti a position witb tbe mw bealioe sbetaoi-Dyne) tumneti to brhm aMamiL. atter.-day Saints, with beati- as the mission presitient for Muskoka Board cf Education, owhiel quickly helpa h,,] ijjed Flonida, iast Saturday - after quaters in Sait Lake City, tbe Ontario-Quebec Mission. tmils ný Mand atilte growth cf ne, visiting ber sisten anti famiiy, Utah.reiinSacmn iias kiesue. Mn. anti Mns. W. Blackbura for PeidnoyRnldSak Pueresn pnsibiîities cfth Nc 4-Bic- Dyne?,ig ffered in oint- 10. day s. Douglas Black- man cf Cariýstoni, Abv ias Ocne.,ii - Quebec Missionýa u t ter ýri npoc1,ov ,)r- aldhurn, Whitby, wene Satuîtiay been caileti to succceeti Presi- uo i arrivalinl Brampton, 0rpaaso ~ on a ildrgsuppen guests cf Mn. anti Mrs tino.LlniDvy b etqatr f the mission ."~~'" eticu W. Blackburnnanti famiiy a ieceiteafar fte on .i"iy"l. Ho was hem in Miss Shenyl Asbton is takn nai Quebec Mission since Letbbritige, Alberta, anti gnati ---- aigJly 1, 1968., uate i 1in medicine fnom the IPrcsitient C. Lelai d Tavey, University cf Alberta. Atten t,!witl1, bis 'ife, ÀAntieli1a A. nreceivîng bf1is J37se. MD. degnee, 'Davey, who baýýsc sev as fnom th University cf Ai- \,,4.(~tLrs \ ItL~C.ItU mission "mothen', will b b erta licnipleteti bis specîal turningte thein bore ne aSalt stutyiynluanestbesiologyi ial ~ A emloyr ws tlkig t a riet aoutwha tedcLake City on Juiy 3. 1960. His latest capacity was with a yeung saem nho hati embezzled a lange a-Mount of President Davey,pio tehtofaaeslsiogse- -- - moneýy Aand lest it ail n the market. icoming te Canada, liat been cialist at the Cartiston Chinîi "Kee hl onthejob ntitak iteut f bs py,"theassociateti witl iithe Granite in Cartiston, Alberta. "UP,,Phi 0e ohan tkeitOu O bs aY" heScbooi District as, the direc- Family To Corne Aise .4 friend ativised. ton cf the buildinyg prognam. With him 'iliI be bis wifeI J"~---'~ *1967 *1967 *1967 *1967 *1966 *1966 *1966 *1965 *1965 *1963 *1961 AND SERVICE, THATý' KEEPS YoU THERE L.T.D. HARDTOP PONTIAC, LAURENTIA METEOR 9-PASS. WA4 MONTEGO, CONVERTIBI DOOGE DART COUGAR HARDTOP AUSTIN CAMBRIDGE VOLKS V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, Broughamrr intenior, radio, tape. Lic. 48339A. 4-door, autoýmatic transmission, customn ~Nradio, new, tires. Lic. 46891A. V-8 engine, autornatic, radio, power ONsteening, power brakes, -radio, roof CIO ack. Lic. X41900. Byv Meteor, V-8, automatîc, power steer- LE îg, pwerbrakes, radio. "Beauty"'. L,Console and buckets. Lic. 8134A. 4-dooone owner, automatic, 6 cylinder, radio. i.,c. 34107A. V-8, 4-speed floor shift, radio, tach, buckets. Lic. 31801A.' -do,6 cylînider, automnatic, vînyl in~- ior, radio. Lic. 16416A. 2-doo -r, beautiful condition, custom radio, ncewA tires. Lic. 489115. CARLOVîny roo, buckets, V-8, automatic, .1.. IMONTE AL powr rîng, power brakes, tinted 197U H ARDTOP glaýsswdoas rally sport 7wheel 1s, 15000 mil, Li 452A lgV USTER Valiant, 6cyndr radio,4-pd floor * 1970 2-DR. HARDTOPL~247.atraip rse ~~*-1969 MUSTANG GRANDE îLir, 49941, ~ 969 AMARO V3 uoai,-,power stèering, vînyl roof. '096 HRDTOPLi. H28699. ..,L ILÔ VOLKS Floor slhift, automatîc, , radio, 4-cylinder, 1 -9J65J9 COACH 4"nicey". Lic N85433. GT.O. 2-door hardtop,-V-8, automatic, power steer- in* 19 9poTwC nenn a . di, aepo 1 6, PN I ngpe baes, r3aditpe oe 969 PALA V-8, automati 1cl power steer1iling, power * 969, HARDTOP brakes, radio, Lich660393. 968 AIRLANE V-8, automratic, "almost -brand new", * % i STATION WAGON Lic. X38386. 96S USTANG V-8 engine, radio, vinyl roof, buck ets. ,*- iHARDTOP Lic.-A0894. 96S OVMPTAL raesprdo. Lic. 1494A powe h 15CVVET B , automat ic pwersterin, pwe BUICK 2-door, automîn1c ransmissî-on, radlio,lo 1968 SPECIAL mîleage. Lic. 34124',JA. 968 ~At AXIE 500 ~ atmtc oe teîg oe 1-968 CONVERTIBLE brakesý, rdio. Li. 11ý*356A. B-IRD 4-door, V-8, autonatic, powerserng power windows, power brakes, radio, vinyl! 968 ERCURY 2-door hardtop, 4-speed floor-shift, radio, !COMET V-8 engine. Lic. 3'7911A. PARISIENNE V-8, automatîc, power steerinig, power HARDTOP brakes, radio. Lic. 6544K. PARISIENNE V,-8, automatic, radio, power steering, HARDTOP power brakes, Lic. 31144A. AUSTIN 4 cyJîldr engine, go runner. SEDAN Lic. -53106A. FORD Custoni,itoatic, 6 clneradio. SEDN Lic.N96664ý FAIRLANE \V-B ergine, automatec transmission. 500 Lic. 10450A. LINCOLN Ail power equippedý, radio. SEDAN iLic. 38964A. Mac 815 KING ST. WEST (at Thornton Rcod) OSHAWA S.,Citiezen s Enj3oyI f~ntrioPlace Visif vîsî t "ntano Plce" cf moLer" zand daids . Ebih 'by' wo buionts et owma - io type "trains' take sight- vill Seior itiensCluib eers anounti,anti boat t.ipS, membes ba evokti p aiae available. fer us ew ntiintresingFor the Bowmnanvilie gnoup. scn trecreation nticul-1wise -planning bat guandeti lune.naainsit he day's ýouting being Bondleing theý grunis c e lng or tinesome, whule He Canaian lNtional Ex,-2hi- ,on our cnrespondent's bus at bto."OntIario Placep" Is1last, the homecoming was remicetof -Man anti HIs ýbighýtenct with a sing-song $21r s2 $1i $1i $1éc $1is 2X

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