4 The Canadcian tatesm nowmanvîie, July 7, 1971 EDITORIAL COMMENT The Crusaders are Not Çonsistent Tt is about time sopneone .wîth common sense in that federal govern- m--ent at Ottawa poked his head up from i s desk and trîed to inj ect some reason Sinto the deliberations ... and the legis- lation. At the moment, Heaith Minister Joh(-ýn Munro, who we learn hasn't been a-ble to quit smoking, is hell bent on a (.ruisade fo prt-tect all and sundry by piacing a ban on thej advertîsing of cigarettes'. Maybe if he- cani't see or hear thei advertisîng, he won't, be temptëd to use e noxious weed. Thýere is no doubt in, our mind that he is being urged on tograe restrictive lengths by his ferescurly-haired leader Pierre El- jiott Truideau who, we understand, hbhorstIo'bacco in any form. It is not going to mnake a bit of dif- ference to this newspaper if cigarette advertising is banned because we don't receive any, but while this is being, w7ritten, the Monday morning Globe & Mai1isLittng n ouýr desk, suggesting that mariju-aa n ay be iegalized under contrai of the government. Also, on the s;ame desk is a letter and prograni from. the Research Dept. of the Canada Dept. 4)f Agricuflture giving details of 'the Annuai Flue-Curcd Tobacco Growers' Field Day at Delhi on Juiy 141h and ,15tb. We also understand the federal governmrent is stili assisting farmers to sýet upne tobacco farms in parts of Cana.da. Where is the consistency and Cigrete soking appears to be the target for Lfis, great moral crusade, whil welooen he awsgoverning the1C, sal c- f liquor', lbeeCR ad wine,.con- iÎde7r iowerînýg Ite age limait for those who din aexcess 'and al too aften 'lI aur couirt, a nd the hospitals and funeral parlors following accidents. We make abortions easy, Pat the bomosex- uals and iesbians on the hea d and wish thetn well and f ill our bookstores and movies with por-nographic viewing. Somebody bas to be nuts!, We aiso wonder i f Mr-, Munra's officiais have made any estimate of the total cost ta the already slow economy of the advertising ban. Certainly, a great many people in the advertising agencies, the artists, the packaging and printing trades, the tobacco growers and manufacturers will be bit bard. Daily newspapers, television and radio stations, the Élready faltering Canadian magazine industry and others will suf- f er a tremendous ioss of revenue ,... as wiil the federal government's tax fundg. Major sporting events, such as the Canadian Open Golf tournament will no longer be able ta aperite because tobacco sponsorghip will not be avail. able. Ail in ahl, the loss could add up ta quite a bundie of money. And wbile this destruction, is pro- ceeding, there -is absolutely no guaran- tee that tbe iack of advertisixng in Can- ada wiil be foilowed by' similar legis- lation elsewbere, so the vîewers will stili be exposed to cigarette smoking in movies, on television, on the street and in homes. Sureiy, i 't wouid be mucb better for the gavernment ta spend a considerable amnount of money on a good pragrani of information beamed at the consumer, via, TV, radia and ather media explain- ing the,ý perilis of excess smoking. The bnngof advertising and the removal of choiice Could turn out ta be a far worse pei'il than smoking, because heaven onily knows wbat product, will be bitnerxtý. .Let's Celeb-rateon 'Canada's Birthday a.n accident of nature, an idea bas sprn tp in Newcastie- that could, bav fa-rachngeffecîs upon area For asilong as anyi,; pf us can remeni- thrIe birtbdîay of the late prirn Queen Vitoia a been celebrated on or about Maiy 241h, witbi special events inciuding theannalf îreworks orgy. This year Ji raineýd on May 24th 50 many coni- mujnity firewvorks dispiays were cari- ,e)lecormpletely or in. the case of New- cate0h ionsClub postponed iA until DomiionDay CaadaDayor what- evrya wshta ,cail il, July lst, this' stogyta a great imianypeople fthat laýrge rodsof yunser ndpaet .were present, ad sareuititwould aperprobable that theNewcastle Lions m ;niftuesic oe oi pletey taJuiylst or tecebraiin, Thereare svera thins infavor cf Ie J]y sI aythechildren .are ~utouI of c, frte umr the ceather i 7 mor),e ikey o be waïrm and diry and evryod an understand why the ~ ~ i ceerain i ng heid ...it's Canada's b irt lhday as a nation. Surely, that'is a muLicb better reason for holding a celebrationý, than bonoring or even recagnizing a, former monarcb who bas long since departed Ibis world and hasn't really been missed lately. Nowa- days, abbuLt the only reference ta Queen Victori a is cýonnected with ail the taboos and restrictions that wera current dur- ing ber reigui and bave long since been replaced. Asý an example, frani ber reputationi, she would frow"-n on bot pants, mn skirts, etc. that are making tbis a mo)st interesting summer for us male girlwtces Sa, let's con'sider the possibility cf makýing Canada's bîrthday a great oc- casin trougoutthe district, witb par-ades, s-portIs events and the tradi- lioaI ireWoks isplays. It migbt not even,( be too flamnboyant if we baisted some Caniadian f lags ta show that we love a;ur coury and are proud flto be citîzenýs of Ibis great land. ýVie mi1gbt alJso be wise ta realiy lii up now becaýuse one just neyer knows baw long it wiil ho untilI hosa wbo are working' overtime la split Canada mbit pieces will succeed in their nefariaus en- deavors. Mothers, Can CHer Gift of Longer Life to Familyl T'he ,wo.aan in tba kitchan is in tha i-mpoh.tarit position ai baing abie ta meuc er family's risk of heart dis- ~esThe Onlairia oanTcit Foundation suLggests that she, lan, cari give a gif t - th-,e gif t of bttar hat and longer 1f e ta ber lov-ed oanas fhough imirproved This will rail for sm changes ini daily ma plannjiing. Tha, auasbould Pa la cul ,downi on foodis rcIh in animal (sauraed)fats and coîtrl bc increasos the leaiaicholesteroliniithe bioad. HibJwbl Aod choestaro ba;ýs hbeau lilnkerd ta d CevelopmaIpnt of teoceo ýs, Ibe ýdisease wic udelis ost To achiava Ibis im , a ousawife cai seve ima)re ma ifish, chlicken, veal antu tui-r e n asbaci, lamb, par, llh'rk ad bam. Sha crepace wbole moilk %witb skjjim mulk. and bard cheesa witcees podutsmade f rom skirn ïmI- hlk e aise criculOdown on thea use of eggyolks, wb-Iich are' very high in *~ ~ ) Irset fusing bujý,tter for a spraad, Ille bouiscwife C Li serve tire soit marg- aries hatare $inl polyunsaturatad fats. Simuarly ratar tan use lard and Othar 'soiitucaoknfats, sire cari sub- sti1' tute the poIyunsaturÈatad vagatabie oils. The latter cari hae usad, for exam- pla, to browri lean meats, -or ta fry fisb andu poultry; ini cream sauces and soups made witb skim rnilk; for rnaking bot breads, pie crust and cakes; for mraking cocktail snack.s and, lu cooking dehy- dratad patatoas and othr prepared foods wbcail for the addition cf f ats. Ta round out ber daiiy selectiori af foods for a biariced diel, 'Ihe bouse- wife also shouIltilinclude vegatables, fruit, breatus, and cereais. Ini Ibis way sie caiaian goad nutrition for ber fam ly. ndaIthfe saine ielma, help tham tai ' adptriw tighabits thiat are dasinedta relet Iaîrbearîs. tha~ýI( geerteassurIance ai m rany mr bpydaýys for il ithre faniiyu. îtmeipescaribe obaind fom thfe Ont- arlo Hlar1t;Foundatiion Ii.t2,47 Daveniport Kaap yaur car locked, aven on your own drivaway, Thal way yout are'cer- tain tiraI no children will gel iu Io play. Kids play-iug tag lu and ouI ai a car are ïiabla la muss îil up quila a bit, But. wý,hat is fan war-se, itbey cai injure Ibeir bauds in closing 4dors. Or aven set tbe car iii motio.--,inadve'tenitiy. E N i The Bowmanviile News The Newcastle Independent The Oronoa News Second clasa mail registration numbar 1561 xhon Produceti evarýy %Weduas;day by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COM,'P-ANY LIMITED 62-66 King St. W.,,Bowîuan-ville, Ontaria Phonofý 62,3-2303 JOHNM. JMESPATRIC GOLYLD GEO, P. MORRIS EDIOEPURI5ERADvTG. MANAGER BUSINEss MGRt. Capy~htaidor ~apsly igbs subsfst in the image appearinq n thisý proal. Prmssot spduein whal cr ita part (,,id tinoeiy frm whatscever, particularly by photographic or afIset prcsst apblctin iut aobined tram the publisher and iie pyrnter. Any jnuhate reproduction miLi ha sutject t tz.auïse in law.' $6A00i. ycar - 6 maths $3.5 $8.00 a Year in the Unted Sitites -tidily in cdvance -lhugieery precaution wilIhaaent, a'riderrer The (atiidman Statesman accepts cdvextis. ing ta ilcoluason the understandinig 1thot it illnt bho able for ,ry error in any cdvertisement puhished herundezUnýlesea preof cf suche advertiFment ta eQucsted in witinq y hý hoadvertiser ndreturned ta Theý Canadien Stffteemaa bussies ýoffce doyi stgned ly he odwiertrser aad wîth such ererrcrrecion painy Oted la witing t ren andta uarcaseil ae" errai so nor-ted In "nt C0rrcd hy The Canadicn Strrtesman U5 îs hdt-y shll 'it exceed s fabo airilof "bii.etisct " surqi aùrtsmet a bespace 1 uç d l u ntdere er t iwhole sp'c aculs A M acDuff Ottawa Report Action Canada A f ewv-dayi's a go, arn ad wits publishbeilirn some ()f the most important 'daily newspapers urging Cania- dian citizens unhappy with the policies of the Trtudeau Gaverament ta go alang with Paul Hllyer and joîn forces- in a new palitical movement called, Action' Caqnada. T-he former Cabinet Min- ister in the St. Laurent, Pearson eand Trudeau ad- ministration 13 naw tryintg ta suvcceed where the Lib- eralis bave failed ap ta now, that is in building a mass Party. Riïgb-ýt n ,Pauil Heilyer, wronl't di t n o say such a Ithifpng piy, Al hae says faý that ha daes not discard the possibiiity Zr, Years Age (Juiy 11, 1946) Ross -Stevens was installeti as ltae Presidant o! Bow- mauvilla Lions Club at blair lasI meeting. Pitcbing brilliantiy, Ed, Hoaper shul eut the former- ly unbeaten Part H-ope In- termediates 1-0,, in a leagua basebail game on thte Higit Scitool diamond, Wednesday eveufi ng. Hooper also d&ove iu tlewing run with a dlean Ihit. Miss Mai an Richatd' P.A, daugîiter o M. nt Shaw'ýs, bias raceivetiilite appaintîment of he'atio!fte Classirs Department, Barrie MOisses Dority Morris, and JonNewtlon have au- cepîed positions aIte sumn- ier rasant au Jaseph'S Lakýe, MVu51koka?, for, îl-e summen ninla f!tan wviidh titey intai la tenter tna«iniaii, t HaitnGenaral Hospilal, MisViolet 3McFeeters las relurneti from hnem bolidayvs spent i l amfllon ;and at Sîratîcona Lodge, Canar- von, Haliburiton. iKss Georgina Witkr Peberborcougit, spent Ithe weekend wîtl herm mthar, Mns, Gea, Wbultaken. MisEdytha Carter is speniding two waaks' vaca- tion aItha1i home o!flier ais- ter, 'MVrs. George Kreîg, Kingaton. Mr. andiMMes. Jack Cully, Marilyn ant iBily, Toronto, spant lte waekend with Mr. and Mrs. 1{ugh McDonald. Misses June Alîrhin, Bow- manville, anti Phyllis bagga, Oslawai, sper.t the weekaud at -BaisoatLake. Miss Gladys Jamieson, o! Windsor, was guest of lier mot 1er, Mrs. Mary Jamie- son. Miss Mary Southey was in Toronto over the week-, end iitMifss Elizabeth Marni. mrs. Leslie Brooks la i:zvisit- ing friands aI Bobcayýgeon. lViss Helen Gvnnm, Tarýonto, spent Ihe weekend wthhem parents, Mr matrs1 J. A. Miss Luc Lyle, orno, was ome ven itaweek- endi, of, an dayý, ctransformirtg ,Action Canda mba poli- lira paty.But for theý taie being lie prefers tn tl in tarms of a politicýal group, of a palitical mOya- ment. If we stick tao Hellyer's vocabulary, Actjin CanaBda will try for a time Vo 'je sema kind of va pressure group. a mveen iope- fiycapable of farcing the Canadlian i Gaverniat ta put an end ta the pre-sent crisis of iunetuployment. In other words, TIIellyer wants ta give a voice ta thase who have none, wants tabrlng togeither aILilltose Re nOw stil i ffaring Ief- cause of Mhr policies put forwaýrd by the presentad A9 Yeats Age (Ju i13192) 'Mn. antid s eog o. niat, ! aieuhave juast e- tunt roci an enjoyabla. trip -flar visiting Mn. anti Mrs. Whe POWle edCo- iith) a!Torauto,, atia pleasant motanoiug tn lînougit the Niagana Fruit, Bell anti WesternOntania Mn.a1d1r . Frank R. Bnawn wlo have beau amy- ingwthlemlenMr. Gea0. lanicck and tiaiter relatives han. le!ft on Tues- day for DeiuruAla Mrs, O. L. Cale, Pierson, Iowa, la visiting ber parents, Mn.Ir and Mrs. W.C. Bak humr, NewcastIe, and aiter n'evs itisVitl. fiyTononlo, aehldy ingr aI lierfaiesM.P C.Trebulrork. F aly-fouryaaai go a Mouday, Julýy 10, Mn, anti Mrs. M. A, Jamies wvith fourc Cctrn anivet in Bow- manville tb lake aenThe Setlsman andti he pinting offce tIen ocupying the second Joor oai Ibe present James Bue<kthe tranfer taking place onAuguat 15I. rude Mrris re vîitîing Sreaies in Toronla Mca (Rv.)H. MfcCorlneli, MariaciSas., a isiiJng han ~ MS tiultn iaDoris McConnell, at han ýfather'a, Bey, W'. C. 'Washington. Dr. and Ms F. TP. Tîgie anti amly, ravilsiti.g iter parants aIBallon. M issGadys 7Weese, oh aer, NMY., lahldnég~ witïh ber ssaMrs, Haroldi Pearu. Mr. NaianWihliamis vwas harne Wadnesda-y tein Mrs.iVaiOfaiGuelphi, Mrs. GevNewjcasIie, -e- eulljy vi'sitati witit Mnvi. anti Mis. , W.-H.Barrie, King St. Mrrs. J. if. Campbel anti Mi3sa-Faya Campbell lait Waduesday niglit for Vani- couver, B.C. whena e Wy wil jolu Mn, Camnpbeil ta ao their home there. MnIs, Wm, obonis visîil- mi nistratio n. 'W ha t CI n thnse -people wantat eas assern by tlhe former Liberal? First of al jobs, then a re-duction in ta xe.s and finally fair prices. In fact H-ellyar is betting exactly an the sama ithî-ngq as the Progressciv,,e Consar- vativ'es of!'Robert Stanfleld and the New Demnocrats o!L JJavId Lwi.AIl of them prociaimn that the porjula- tion in geral la fed up with 'the economic situa- tion, andthey ail denouncý the Federal Government for its arrogance and for the fact that it bas lost touch -with lte peopie. Unlike IheCoerais ni te New fem ras AcinCanad1a proposes waga ýand. prica pcontrais. Wh-ethler titis is, possible or reaIiistîc remnains ta be seani. But the fart is that lieither the Conservatives er lirthe NeIw Demacrats can adopt this pollcy simpy berause of their financial backing. Lîberats as wàeIl as Con- sarvnatives are finanred by te big rompanies wh wanl xine of Ihal and Lite INDP is fînanced -by big u!nions who aise want none of ilit. Hllyer l istaen trying-ta bypasa bath te financial asFtabulimnent andi the lab- our establishment ta rearit ail thaise wbo are not ,;D close ta the top. More sim- pIW liellyer wanls ta organ- i-e' titose wha are close ta, nothing , andi tiose wha stand la losa e tthey AcinCanada ithas beau attalîe by anyfor itz Iilackof structures, Appar- renly Hellyer a;nd 'ris friands know whepre tbey are, heading but titay are net, so sure on how they will get, thare. In fart tite mavemneol daes not offer any allier guarantea but the Chair. man himself. Paul Ilyr Ail ltaose wlio are rurnning Action Canada are palilical unknowns axcept for Raid Scott, a Toronto Aldermian and a former NDP member la thte House c! Coammons. Action Canada doesn't have, for the lima baîng any very solid s-ýtructures, Q1ile lita contrary-. This myprove Vte easerlour han1dicap intha saense that Jil iiay nyrbe abie t0e e- ordînate ispolicies anqil .ac!linn)s. If ,ibis is the caseý th- utavernent wo i e laFt. about pees Aiso thare is lb. danger, berauls'e ofttils lack io! structures, that Aceti oni Canada -miglil become lb. ve.i.e for oniy a smyall number cf persanîspursuing t.heir own objectives and ulIhase of tIplato in gan Tieral. On1 thale, t lIer aund it roulti ba an assaI aI leasIt for a short whiia, once HaeIlyer ets what ha wDnts and' Ibere 1la a numeriralj force, he couiIl t1i en zask bis, faolIawars ta state titeir opinlions andti titandraft policias ;t'hat wudnet b.e exclusively his but theirs. Oly Lim-e will tlu wlat Action Canaida is al about': about ail peopile or about a few people. CET CASH TODAY C LAS S ' IED 's Sugar YpIce] B y Bill SmiIey HERE'S A PROBLEM BILL CAN'T SOLVE We're in a terrible dilemma around our bouse these days. MVy wife is going off ber nul warrying about the situa- tion, my d caugbter is having bad dreams about il, anid 1, as usual, arn being ground between- the milîstones of two hysterical wamen who expect mie ta carne up smiling and witb tbe right in Ibis summer when there is sd little emplayment, for' students, my daugbter bas two jobs availabie. One, a s Vve mentioned, is at a, botel, waiting table in the dining-raom. It's a pleasant place,' over-loaking the water. She likes the job and the people, chef, boss, and the other waitresses. The salary is well1 below tbe minimum wage, but tbe tips are good. 1But tbere's the inevitabie fly in the soup. There is no accommodation for tbe hîred belp, and the dam tbing is ten miles out of town, in a small village. As I bave reported, tbis means tbat she must have transportation ta and from the job, or get, a room in, the vil- lage. She doesn't bave a car or driver's license. A taxi would be $2.50 eacb way and there goes a day's tips. Sa IVve been driving ber ta work in the mornings and ber mother picking ber up in the afternoons. Even the kid realizes that this is Isamewbat of an im- position, if we expect ta have any hali- days Ibis summer. ,, 1An alternative would be ta get a room in tbe village. As sheputs it, this wauld be like gaing. 1into a nunnery. Wbicb, at age twenty, unless your ten- dencies are nurnsh, and bers are not, is nat 100 appealing. -However, like mriost teapot tempests, sometihing COLd prIioba-bly be worked out. Now cames the dilemnma. She*bas been oïffereýd aniother Job as a waitress right here in tow,1n, f ive minutes walk' from home. The wages areceter the tips poor- er. The warkji, just about as bard. Il's rigbt on the mainreetand botter thaFn hades insumr She doesnt know whetber she likes the boss. 1Up'ta now sbe's been working only part time at the hotel usually week- ends, but can he on full time dtîring J'uly and August. She bas alrea,,dy ,woSk- ed two shifts at the restaurant, on a trial basîs, and they've offered a fuli time job. Isn't this a sad story? The poor Ïkid doesn't know wbat ta do. She likes the first one better, but the second bas no transportation problem, And of course a waitress biasn*t much security these days, or ever.Sh could be fired froni either job if busi- 'ness feul off or she got blisters and couldn't walk or she bad a'run-in wt the chef or dropped a tray of food on the customners (wbich I did one lime-, tbougb it wasn't food, it was beer). The whole.tbing is complicated by, the fact that her mother was a waiti es s for a couple of summers at the sarnie age, and tbinks she knows ail about, everytbing and keeps poking ber nase in. S The irony of the situation is that if she diddles around and doesn't make uý ber mmnd, ,she couid wind up with.. out any job, and knowing my daugbiter for twenty years, I bave a feeling this is exactly wbat wiil happen. This would give ber a perfect e-xcuse. ta go off bitch-hiking ta Vancouver or Calt tetown, wbich she~d much rather be- doing than working, as wbo wouldn't, As you can see, the who.le tbiiig Ui a tragedy in a teaspoon, but you've n> idea how we burn the midnigbt ail, ithe three of us, turning aver ne plaves and unturned stones, buUd-l inup ane j'Ob and then knocking it down witb thbe other, doing sunis, calcuiating tips, con- sidering the personalities of cashiers andi cooks. If sometbinig isn't settled moon, I'm afraid Kimi is going ta decide tbat the- great worid of free enterprise is toc, baffling and opt out. And if sometinig isu't done soon, I~m afraid I'm gaiing to decide that the wbole world a, f stuxnt employment is too bfinand tk off an a soiitary hiolidlay, leavînig !th two women to sort it out forlbmevs P akistanis Desperate for HeIp! Thay buddle in ltents, emptyý drain- age pipes, filimsy shtiers of straw, Mayhave filooded mbnt overcrowdecl camnps wbhere 1,1aestencb of garbage and polluted wýata.r is by '0no mans1un1ýconi- m-on. M1,any others hiv-e sbelteriless along the open roads. Wib he Ibreat of choiera lessening, tbey stiI muatst en- duire the mud and beavy rains cf the monsoon season. The less fouie e or lîve ta watcb their cbildireni die, Thora are an estimated ive and oea-hall' million Pkstns(one quar- 1er the population af Canada) facing, exile, disease and starvation. Thair um rsare expecled te grow. Urgent requests for immiediate aid bave beau alinost universal. Every plea basceay described tihe desperata pligbt af tho"sa unfortuniate peoýple. Wbere 7words bave failed Lotell thieir tragie stery, pbaotographs froni camips and roadsides have clearly shown ibeir suffering. Skelctal and b)ew,'ildered, tbey register the sbocIk af the disaster, And since the early days of 'the disaster, response bias beau world-wide. In Ca nada, fibe governmrent and many organizatians have sent, and are send, ing assistance. Appalled by the sufrnrie major organizatians hav-e now, joined farces in Canada ta form Ibile Conbýined( Appeal for PakistaniRlif(CAPR) iu orer ta 1aChiev7e a concert.ed fu.nd-rais- ing, effort ta llit Iis desperate situiation, wbile elJminatin-g duplicatiori and comrpetîtion la keêp adm-i-înistrative rosIs ta an absolute inimunim, Partici- pating members of CAPR aire: Canadian Cathollîc OrIganizaitiori for ODE TO PARKINSON Eacb marri I face miy porridge plate Anid scalter sugarIbere. Eacb morm I end as, sure as f ate Wîtb sugar lu my bair. My and 'wants up wýheni I wanit down Aýnd bare when I warit Ibare. 1 spand My days witb constnt frawi And victualsevyw ra I d,'ont go ouIt totake aPmea,q At least I'mn very lib)L. One accident Ican't conceal Is roasl beef ou the clotb, The naxi eveut iure 10corne, -IL happons more andmae 1 bear lika echoas from a tomb Peas rol]ing o'er the flo or. And Ibis is really quit. a triai, A very damp iîsbap, T1o chat and smifle, andaliltbe while Tbere's gravy lunm lap. Il seemns la ha a game af chance, Il bappens offari now, My bauds in their atsi dance Puit spuds upon mny brow., Artidl bere's ,a lbing Ihat touleie, Bu(ýt lhat's the way it gees. I smeims nd (awcrinilbe? Development and Peace Canadiari Council cf Curhe intu ils mermbar chuirches Can-riadia1Riled CrossSoit Canadiaýn UNICEF oV nte CANSAVE Chidrn und CARE of Canadla OXýFAM of Canada United Nations, Higb Commonisýsion fJor Ref ug-es Worid Visio'n of Cnd CAPR raalizcd tb11at forCaaru la, taka th(- lead in exprýiessinrg wide- spreadi caricom f or a stuatincf (thiir enarmity sis natunusu-al. Canadians bave demnonstrata-d their -willingriess la - help waeerel in tbe past andu, because of Ibýis, thie, CoYnb-ied Appeal for Pakiani Relief felronfident that Canada Cari take the eiad again.ý Tha rieed is for cash. ýit' remainiste quickest, miost efetie on rtof assist- When marine and their cbildreu rely on othar nmen for, vitally rieeded help, those tbat car i gîve are fortuniate. Withi f ive andoanc-bilI million sufer.i-ng' Pakistanis cryî,ng auit fordeprty nieeded istne eare 'the forturiate anas. We cari aff(ord b ive!TePcan naI afford la wait! Wiil you hap? You may contrîbute ta oCAPR bhi sending cash donations ori, aqestç any ai the atcpln raiain listad aboya, fta!the c chb of yu choýice, or t itan elif iBonxý 1000, Station "F', Tro.nto 5, Onltariao fr Box 2900, Station "Il", Mnra 107, Qucbec.Donatins may lso hamade, lbrughanybrachof bbc cbarterad Now Ibý'isnischance I really mmd, Il ail the rast surpasses. 1 end my dinner rather blind Witb pudding on lny glasses, Oh] givýe me pis or sunLigeon*s kile Or eW dsoayrare To case Ib!is bund3fa cf -Myvlife - -M rnNoiiymous PlYVSTANDPER, Shaud1?Or soi it Woid I be a cwward? Thnat I refu1Sa la kiHi? Suraly those ari arecnnil1iv1:et Do tbey flotfe? God said, "Thou shah trot kill!" Thari why do lhey kill?, Tbay ara deiying Goffd. 1 bave n, o anfict ,ilitb Iis mrin Parsonally uer pubLiiy, But I arn ordarad ta killm. Ordarad by wbo? Just a mari. Another person. f Carnat kiil wîtbout purpose. lu myi,ý CeyeF, hI s Jinnocent.i Hditu rt harn 1me, Nor yfins To ha called a"urer? 'a Or, to'b ha acwa -S usanL b fIq> Shaw*ý and Distant Past From th iai ttsimn Files